itu efenof naturel body- eut, so medically perfect glatare îmmiediately appropri- ý*M distributes ilta every 1 every tisse-feeding, su ad restorlng 111cm ta .Tll£MEULSION je flota t medicine, but is nature's »ourishmnt with curative, properties and without of drug ar alcohol. Il con- aumperior cod liver ail, th1e ~tes af lime andI soda alcr nesd is so dlicately 111*1 it enfers 1the sysem digestive effrt-bilds, s lsstghin Zhslh, ,cldcoughs, sore, tight chests throat troubles SCOTTS ~~Ngives the greatest relief ý av ,uuB asoasd. x.u- *m. lui.. lutenda la more ha Irving ?Wsk Ney lot. -foua, ld.aMn.ud ire. Wm. Fiels., fbliay, Apri il1,8a Dîne sud bau poant Jappa ia ill. borata lMr. sud lir. Watr Helma, jâwe, Tinraday, April17 MI. R. b. Peck eutenlalned ber liter, Ml MDoad ai Chicago, lie pasî joita Jaynar la recoveing ifront bis anosossd la expeced borne sadu. libeAldie Pinney bad tii. mifortune la àd sustaiu ver, paInful Injuries *Vw.I basbeau receiveti rminGauzais., 'a$. tai Fred W. Bush., Br.. member Stue Besit ulkTverieamercantile bomUhtsut4y kulledIn a terrible Hpc on. a iaves la mau re ile vildov sud four daugluers, via.. *.17-t 6 ylam. sd a sdster, 1111a" Saelble sud tva lrothbr, rfL F.A. Gbbse, ?IIW pinu~ Titi f unerai wva al waeavti lalermeal i COP)&y viiimove la Ioa- Mmlis entertMo a inennds rmib NorosaLad d nf iesEmina of libertylle, vislted thein lroIse Iranse'hed business lu lte ew wvsticl building liref. M.T. bain., aifBanrlnt- aillerahor Bulday. Wlem Wla 0aielartinga a@tt, ttilcb vnuld b. seirame by sud businesspeople ai bat. Cý tlp lalutending jury dalle ln ý hieeei. qP)IWmlinialuWisconsnuhoryongOa 1,2sd o ainiii covs wvikb. v iii 68 publiec auction. 'Bel Frani la iavlug bis tore r.. uoiifornthe sommer businmess. ilberI Hoeft soltI a gémoine engue ta 1M U. Rilie "las ssci ilci viiibe MM fo pumingvater au ber fartn A Nov $bt wl as apen.d lu tb. Jahn -leluo n subdivision Ibis v.ei. John Boffen, via .bai a strake ai .PeasJjsl lsweekil#. racavering ander thq e ai Dr. Wadngton. Tie base bail club wilii giv, tboir tiret 400Mei0aithie season athei.Oak Park pavilloni, baturda,, May a. -Mn. J. ati nsd sns, Robert aud IâIi~,wepe n pWClap Sgnday lu Wsr W sqte, Admfiistuators Sale. i Oc notica eibreby gleen thaI lhed euudadiinitralar of lie etate sr iera deceaced, viii parunti Kne entered ln the Lake CoulY, ,V Court ou tb. lltb day ai Apili ýxl8, on Baturday tie l7tii day I LA.. 1l918st tb. bout ail1 M. B leuede haedlute ta vu aI0 kit. n.,a lb.theslden,0a as i "b ansd RS"te'fIlilinais, mi8 ille. West ai Prairie Vies m-U esat of bake Zurich, seU Ma !e o th le bigbesl sud beet or sueued al.u s a-w ett: 0 d ou'w» m.siil. penoii rti a and oicatie. 7 ai vilci viilb. lun lie fal; 4 bead i ofgs .75 mes. tof a Ion ai millet, 80 buebel a lat crb, 1 stock ai fodd.n, 251 si aes, 1 grain bluden, 1 pain bob 5, 1 uulkey cullivaton. 1 ligil. g wagn, 1 brin truk, 1 pulvériser, lebgrata. moslug mâcil., luet carrier, rope sud pniloe; 1 ua bou 4 busiel eed crnm. 1 S l. on' buluer. I lgil road l1Q 2w sovvllaplgsand OU amani Ilse = cf09 leCash. 1Mai ib cgi Apu L- inmsitor.j The mdal, Mai 1,94 lte bon» oif el Reggio. Plaer ommd froin 6:80. 1Yq Kg À lilas Frances Bwimtdt and Misa ,loeepbine Roodm at atend the Schu. tmn-flelnk concert in C sgo8nday. *M - Tii. election ai o .1fr% , eVillageMIS of Derield beld lutl v.ek Tuedey e- sulted in tb. unsuimous elction of C. Gertrude flapk. vii1edfrIendeIniiChf- lir. sud lire. E L. NewtIon uaoved tbis w. Pettia, Jame Fritsch sud Surs K- ý BsurdgO week linto ilueir new bomne lu Lake1 as truite«, Theodore, Ksk for cleni ,Tavneeond Smith af Round Lake. spent For'et, "udg. P. Hutchioutfor police magie.Tédlwt i itr r.L . bbealac tiabeli liste. For preeldet William A. Wit. uea iibs..elr.L . b ac tIahsla ing reoived 112 and JobhnbC. Erder 7 Munri.. Tbureay evelug wu@ a decided @cnnu. vote.. Tii. vote for lb. adoption ai a lir@. Wm. Kage ie .ntertalnicg ber The vestier coýId ual bave been more4 vater systein wa 105 lu lavai of lb. daugiter lir@. Jobn ilqder, ai Ciiicago, favorable snd s large crawd turned ou$.i improvemeut sud 17 agaînat ItL tue weei. The flnusiel resuit vasail tbatcauid hb. Frank Anderson serv.d a wild duck liMe.A. l. King speut Sunday vîth deird &n'à te club bas a ic. sum ta starltb.enew oession. dinzer tt h.e connofai candidates ai the. relative. I icago The bom. e van the, ap.nicg garne1 electian and a fev oi heur frieude. NID& Roua. alttended au Informai party lutI Suaday by dfeating the, Kirk Park lils Isb.l But 0ai lmette. vas the. aI Waukegan Saturday svening. boys 15 b .ilb. egame vaual tdoer.1 week-end gue.t ai Mie Joepiiine Wood- W. A. Shav'ýitd fainiiy spent Sunday 10801 exelting for nitiier team bsd thb in. ,.itii Mis. Shaw'@ parents at Wauconda. viniericknse orked out but, It belped The April meeting ai lb. Woman', Flarence Bartholmv ai Chicago, ls lu the. limbering.up proc.«ansd gave the lieuaina socily ai the. Preserian speudlng lb.he.kat:itb ber parents. fana a lle fric amusement. The. chureb vasu held aI the. bain.of lira. Mr. and lir@. Ont and lir. and lira. vestier vas tono ioming cold anywray George C. Pettls. iesJoeepbon. Wood- William. ai palatine sera entertalned aI but, lu spite of tie tact tuer. ver. quit. mm vas tii.leader, sud the. aubet the C.A. RsHe mbomegunday. a numier prébent. W, don'ui kuov jet "Fri.drn.Yfilmr. J. A. Reiciielt, Jr-, 'NriSouday moruiug 1ev. Cari viii what viii b. dolng next Sanday but. rend extrada froinBoaker T. Wauiig. s pgak on.-The Firièt Gosel iService., liera viii b. sumethiig delng Il only a son'. "Up Frain.Blavery," reierilng ta Hieasubject for evening siii b. "Tbai. w, '" "" i boybood sud tb. etabllihment ai may vin." 'Au lthe camera sas "The IDayton bis scbool at Tuokegeo..Mmlr. ceebro Ti oya a.r ade sFioo," at ltheLyrlc Theatre, Librty- laid of the. ca.educalional acboois. for brou.tbt hrber. y from Texas for In- viile, Sslurday nigit, May 8rd. tb. ngro race, and lira. é. P. Bulbilson omta Ieb. oi tb.eacqoola for girls. "Fronta Tour. t.renî I Ivnbae Jeta Btandpoint" vas lb. mnîjeet of lire. W. A. Ray attended tbe uerai aiofU..Y sketch riad by lira. Frauk Pterion. ber aont, Miel (intileraI Northfifld, Bat- Rtobert Pollock Coudrey va born an lirs e ýEu gav, a report 0f lie urda. lb. aid Coudrey farin nesr Rockeeller, B.r~ EatouiFebruary 9, 1865. Ho remad lu tb. unua, meting beld at th# Kenvood lBer. Carr made a businefs trip ta High- borne untilb.ovasnelgbteeu. Ater Éemsgelical cburch oi tbe Waman'a lad Park Taeuday eveculng. obtaiing a buoina.. edncation b. open$ tho mant af bi. lime et vorkln Chicago. Presbytsrlal saci.ty lor Home Missions. B. R. Bramer of Joliet, &pont Bunday lueHue faji of 1910 b. veut t lbe.puman A cbarmnug aud exclusive danc, vas vîlibhis Parent. bers- reglORol Georgia, viiers b. bought a given by lb. membere aif1the Youug The C. E. sooiai at the. bornoi R. F tracS ai i-ansd engag.d lu farmiug. In the suinuer af 1912 hb. vasstnieken Mensa club la Auderson'@ ball, Baurday Rouas, Fnlday eveing vas veil at.ud.d vltb typhold lever vblcb raaalted lu eveuins. Tiie decorationa wera of r.d sud tbarangiily enjoyed. AS nesl ,um bis desti Auguat >. He vas tempar- and gren, and lb. favor. immense wite vasreallxed b, tb. socl.ty. arily inrled lu the soatb and vas and red caruationa. The grand match b. A. Mrriesvws quit. titi a few days tery ndtl7 .aved Intahe. Iania.lotm-on vas led b, William Witlug. lbe floort Iis v@eai iti quiacy but la mut-n better andlacd l u liwk.A e amll latan manager, sud lire. Oscar Beecbamn. P- st preel wriuing. g Impresir. burlal service vas ream at ir.heu.avr.seva y ieomitee tbe grave by Rer. A. 8. Newcomb, pastar freamene wre ervd bytheommt ee Te original moving piclures af "Th~e oaihlb vauboe eiuuu7b. lasut.G Pho e oms, tarlu R onlWter Dayton Flood" viii e o u S t the. He lestes a vue tand Young daugbterd setauC.r0andtbit ar] nomel, Lelser Lyrle Thithra, Lîbertyville, Saturday ta monro-e rse of aia kid busbandan St&gerandRobrt nte. Rine nigt, ay rd.Usul pion ofad-faber, ai"atbe family of brotbers aud orchstr furinhd th muie. haiters o aibbeb.won the, middle one, chaperons@ vere Méesdames Lincoln Pet-. mission. lier. being one brotiier and th ree aitera tis, Oscar Beecham aud J. A. Reicielt, Jr. Mis. 1. E. Parue underwent au Ope.ra- older sud au. bratiier sud hbreineters An ectjn fo a cboo diecto totion c't tii. Jttne licAlliter basptal yourger liaithb.. tAueIhclmo fort asol direcas liet Tbursday sud ia recovering nioely. oarred no msuy yeare an lb. board. Havlut purciia.ed a modern loom, amn Notice tooi place lu tii. grammar achool Bat- nov r.ady la do aIl kilde ai rag carpet On and aller May jet i viii grlnd urday eveniug. S. S. Love vas unani- sd ud mvavg aiea. ianey veaviug ai Tuesday, Tiiursday aud Satarday oi mausi, elftt.d by 91 vottes. Tb. otiier siefapllovi, couri covers, etc. mcii v.k outlil furtber notice. mnembersamar J. A. Blecbolet Jr., prealdeul MRSs JOHNt SOEPsaga, Rockefelr. F. B. DOu's, Hoc"eeler, 1i9. sud B. H. Krfee, cl.rk. 'p4..1 P-81-2 Mn. and .Mre.,-»Qward Duniaum ai Beullvorth, verethie guesti ai Mn. sud Mma J. A. Rieicbelt, Jr., on lSaturday. Mise Tiistlewoôd ai Cira, via iai beau apendiug the vinten lu Wasington, D. C., la visillig Miss BaileGalloway. Tus Chrnisi»aEndeavar am iety ai lie Preebterlsu cboreabild a social ah lie humome aiMiss Louie Hum Taesday avanlng. de MÙss Loraîta and Ruth Kncss sud Ruh RecisIt ver. enterteined aI a box psrty gserd*y afternoauitlu Chicago. Mies 0ud.sud Clare Bacter ai Chi. tago, vera l.teteed gueula afidrit. Emmet Knickerbocker. Kinm Iargaret Erea. and Eva Ender werse. nI itofMis... Mdargarft and Gurtrude iicbneider at Cbicago, Saturday sud Sunday. lIr. and lira F. Harenberger vere the. guesta of Wm. àeprI iniCbicago Friday. The. DaJy Circie held their montblyi Mneeting st the bomne plI Min Humir HuctoubrQC14FIlday erolasu. DLAMOTD LAKEJ Luelia Mitchell spent the. week end at borne. The. base bhail season opened Sunday vitii Tom Yonoper as captaln. Tii. boys are trylng bard to get a number bae team Mr- and Mms Herman entertained relatives fromn Chicago over Bunday. Mis. John Hodge and Peari Ray were Waukegau visitors Wednesday. Mis. Mary Johnson and daugbtar left Monday for a weeks' viuit witb relatives at Elgin. 1 Mesdames Paterson and Pauley of Chîcego, sDent a few day'i at Peter- i5. impeon ai Chicago, was out loakiug aller Lawrence cottage Sun- day. Oea. 'Mitchell bai bad a nov wtud miii retted on bis fart. tirs. Barlett sud dsugbler, lura. 9 Jahnson vore Waukogan cahiers F1- day.11 Vorne Ray, aseistant superintèndouit oi Ibm Chicago Telepiione Compauy, called on bis unele, OPINI. itay Sunday. PeaIt lRay aifLlberiyvllm waescaa viilor et lie Ray bonté Suaday. lins. G. 1M. Ray sud Esther Hodge risilefi John Rau,., Sr., su Park Rildge gaturday. Gea. Kneggo was elected schaat dl- nectar. lit, and Mre. E. Willamesepent Sunday aI lie Jaeger home. îlaveraI yoag peuple iront herèeta- tended lie dance at Long Orove Sat- urday. Ail report6I a âue tihu, Mfr. snd tira. Maaman enlertalueti relatves Imem Chicago Sunday. 'b. Damond Lake Cemeleryaso tllio"ltll nse vih ire. John osa ven*Tmnady flrnoon. May icI. uryom Côd"isl-fl asted1attend. -I ____________ IVANHOE! J. L. Ciamberlain relanud front bisj viait lu Vermionltite eariy part ai tb. kl tie echool meeting Satnrday nigbl George. Brainerd vas re-eiecled t the af- de@. of direclor siliaut appasihlon. lirs. Frank Viciery bas been quit. il] lie paît veei. lire. H. C. Payne @pont Fniday and Saturday lu Cicago. Tiers vas an anueually large cnavd aI lb. dancee giron by tiie Rockeeller Bal Club, nlghî sud ali report a gond lîne. Miseu EmnaCiamberiain vasaWauie- gan visitar liondar. Elizabeth and Emma Buebien sPeul lb.hesi eend at Orayaimbe. Eimer BeckihINil-lb. prend posseaor af a teache acertlftcte. lm eMW ePayne arriveid bome April 10tb, aller apouding tb, vînter vihbare aie., lira.Bd Hves. lu Rapala, Wasb. On tb. rituru tnip eba visited nieces In Miseoa éed Terry. Mantaua. UmsEmma <Iraibe enterlaiuedhis Alice and Tbeo Smith ai Grayalai. Bun. day. Tiie remaini of Robert Candriy via died lu GeorgielaIst tnomer vero 'braugit heri for hurlai Tuesday. -STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COUNTT GIF LÀ,E 'as., ln, the Cauuly Court of t4.ýe Couuty May lent. A. D. 1913. In ulte natter ai the estate af Car. irie C. Judge, deceased. la Cantine Doam, John Bolis, Jante. Dalan, William C. Dalan Louise ChIda, !Mélisse, BldvlJu nie liolsu Izer and Catherine Siue man, beirs et lav ai Canule C. Judge, deceased: You Iure hereby notlied that on Mionday the. ineteéath day af May,. A. D. 1913, at the hour of teu o'clock lu the iàrenàbu ai said day, lim underatinàut, John T. Jadge, execalar ai tLe tst WiII sud Testament af Canue C. Jndge, deceased, yull pre- ent ta tb. Hon. P. U. Persans, Judge af tho County Court, af bae Caunly, Ilinois, is fiuai report sud accaunt ai hi elsctesud doings as sncb Execu- Ian, ask la bave the saine spproved, ta be dicebargefi, and la have sald estale declared fully sotlled sud clos- d; aItrblcb ltime sud place you may bo Présent If you ses lit se ta do. Daled thit Sevonteentb day ai April, A. D. 1913. , JOHN T. JUDGE. Executor. wkly apr 1f B ~ EVaEV rer. H. H. Boitie and daugbters Bertba sud Hattie sers Chicago iltors Baturday. Rer. E. M. Umbach visiteà M. fatbe3. Prci. Uoebacb of Napervilie, lionday end Tuesday. Mise Laura Spiagu, wasa& viitor at Rockefelier and Lubertyviiie on Frlday. Mrs. Herman Aibrdit viitei vith ber sater at Fareet Park, Sund".. Mr. 'and Mra. 8. E. Enedler wre Nortbfield viaitors Tneeday evenlnig. B. B. Hait je mtnrned'Tuesdav moru. log tram lMontana, wlmeab. vent ln tb. lnterest of the. land syndicat. a veck &go. Mir$. BirnaY muon la quit. serloueiy III at ber horne ber. and le under tbp esre of Or. <aloa.y. Obituary Ou Tinnsday, ApnIi 12, aI St. Laie'. boW»l. Cilcago, occarred lb. deti ai Caille S. (ululer of cerebsi moningitI. folio vlng su aperallon lor'abeces. tof tb. mastoid, aaperlnduced by the grippe. Tii. dee.ased vas tfe jonugeel daugilen aitb late (George asBlan. Gateler. ffluces tb.dealt aif ber felluen ton yeas hga aie bas maie ber boome 'vîit ber Maee, lire. B. O. Fiaci of Highlandi Park, from vioeboume tb. fanerai occurred l udey, intermeni. et 14onlbielti cemeer. lie floral affenluge sera man, aud beautîful e.peciaily th. four large piece. sent by lie Chicago Examiner viti vicipaper e@vas identiled lte paat four Years. Sbe aves t tabasi ede@ ber uged niather, lita elsîers, âtr. B. O. Pritecli oI Blghilad Park, sud ies. M. W. Kuetiler af Prairis Viewsaud a boit ai relatli e. sud friende. FRMONT. Boanu la Mr, and lire. Fred Wagner a baby boy Sundai, Apnil 18111. Mire. Jar Ourin of LUbertivîlle, rilhted ber ister,MIir. F. Wsgner, t'sc.uly. Mr. and lits. Jas. Clark and ion vîsit- eti a imw days viti tb. latter'e parante, lin, antilire. Her T,kampe. Mir. Andre.. Satiner oai Mllanee, fpeut Sunddy ah Adain Bebn's. Mir. sud lire. Rd. flleZsapnt Suuday with thie laltersa paraulb Mike lem sud lady fiaind speulOnn- day at Long Grave.i Piano Work Aldon's Psao Sit acuiegsu le the plate la bave youn piano aen¶ifor repaire, reflulis i, us.. action, etc TbeyseiI th@ 9 ouueffltuano sud Semuisplana..' 114 Nouthit8erdsuload, Waukegan. 1 . c-U-if tww eai the ru a thelb.Kmogh 1 e uvueAv., viiela lé. MWle lite , B. love'il' Co., the. Ciu.go Ihlephous C., sud Max Koýse,' dr'y muodemi elorebel..msuoha"dsunsd as le vood sud oas-al.d tsud *plile afi lie. phon ple.Tif tenue «lad vbc vasblovlng fronatbqlte oulutbwhlpped tii, dame Intosararlesnga61molireai- mail completll, .veloping tii. sb.d, before the bo.. cnuld b. brougbîta plai upon il.Lucklly, bowever, lbIt fraee wera au lie ac.eevitb twer Il aring ciothes." ou sud lb. flame. veré exîluguished beloteany uvery ex- tensive damage vas done. Juil boy tie tire îtarted v. are unable la leurs, but l la lb. gênerai concenuss0aiopinion tliaI earnanWhvo va smaoking liras a cigar or cigarette stub dosoa ainug the. siaviuge sud dry grasu lb.thevicinlty aiflthe sb.d aud lhe vlnd dld lb. reet. lsedents li the Imniediate vl.lnlty wve. llsenftiexclledil asaraat aud atre nov congratulatJug !M lbe Siromcn for mauner luavw"c tlusy bandlad tlie , for bad l iad butf aifes moment.s tirt lieétihre businesi nori of tb.esmens vould probabi, bare bons déatroyed. The. commlltee appoiuî.d ta meuri lraaapartation laticte real Expoeitiou, f "Tii. World lu Chicago" bave reporled f liaI a speclal car will b. l'un ont toue Lhbrlyvhle laits on tlb. lthofb iMay to'n accommodaie lb. excurafanrs.ibo vsilif lb. clty. A cammintte. appaiuted viwil seuareiatrv.d @et ticket. for ail vWhoj visb thein sud vilii uruisb transports.~I tian aI commpuation rates. Thie,1 exposition tviil be visited lunbatherfle snoon sud lb. Pageans giron aetl . f auditorium l intb. eveulug. lle.rved f seat tickstet@ an b.eeured lu advauce by ieeviug lb. priceorai ckets vîth i»la Era DuBala st Lake Coanty Bank before Frlday evenlug ai Ibis vesi. Botb'M ezîýc>itiin sud Pageant tan b. vlslted f for 85 cents of purchase together and f lu advauce. lian, bave already made, f their deposite for tickets andi a large numier fron thle cornmuuty wili mare h.e excursion on Miay 10th and alan anT liay 2nd. Mak.eyour deposita for eitber f date sud enjoy ibe greateel exposition f of lhe kid erer iade. lie M. E.cburcbul Bibie Sebool eppoluteti Rer. W. L.1U Wippie. lira. Paul MacGuffin and & B. FfileIl a eomrnttee -to loak aller andI mecure lb. tickete and thby viilbe gladif la doit for auand ailwviaih tagn.If W, underotaud certain nimber, aof the~ board oai .ducatioa, witi h nt u.etajU tii. reeponoibillty of blring the carpâ aif, teaciiere for outr -cbaole, are lntere.ted in a more tla 'abat" Prof. V. W. Ilurris,,f lte principal. Certain bueiness mon aifl aur cily,,upan learnlng ai lb. movemeul f lrnredlateip 100k l upon tieoeselves a i circulaI.e petillon prapiug lie bourd la f reain Prut. Barris fur another jear. f The. recuits lu Ibatft.ninie business f nmen sud merciat. ignai the. petition' togetier siti numeroum pacenle ai papils, lie entire bigb scitool eura$imen t sud ueariy aaii Ifbte leaciera empioel f uù-îder Mr. Burria. Tii. reaion for sucb f a maremenî apon tb. part ai tie boardQ illioviug ane of the unost sucealifu yeara ln lhe hietory oatour bigi acioo,f sud lu lhe face ai lie tact a ver, lage maarlly ai1ulDat laiHet heparents# ii papils alleudinfi the. cbooiibore are f thorougiily aalialled viti tie progrma made b, lb. cbldren aud bave exprerped I thbirdeoira ta bave lir. Barri. remanl vs are ah e Io@e ta determine. but arei litiormed il vas a *'irarn-up" ta -shift;i lb. r.eoswisbilltyailla the nev members. j Whisteverlie cause, *auid il ual b. a, via. plan ta reeanalder the malter aud 1 doer salton lu irlog ,â princial, bear- lug lu mlud lie recordl of Prof. Charterj sien ho vas principal hors andI ame rasaiilgth lb. @ ar s Dottularu bhe i rii o! g.ttlug anotiier Cb.4vier. Tbiuk Il aver, Good Word for the Spider. Elven those l11W. veather prolpheti spideris tbat bulld tbeir neets ou theF graua aies or great value. Itls laimel liaI, If Many af snob wba are seeulo in thei mornlng on the lw>.It Wini not tain, as theasiese = kxo, enougb flot to bud thein wben itlal about to rein. Tii.,. saine spiders capture hundreds of fies, and tboy a". eapeclally veluabie in catcblng mos-1 quitoeu. The veba are banniens.asl are the spider,and shouid neyer be deslroyed. «dueated. The P'esa-And Wb Undterstand lau are a seli-taught as veil as a self- made min? The Personsge-I bain. air. At tweuty-one 'l knew nothing. The* 1 set to work, and at twenly' two I'd taught mesoîf ail 1 knewl- Sydney Bulletin. liorses and, Mares For Sale at ail times at our barn on the place known as the Chas. . Schank tann near Ilendee Milk Station. Piou. 290-R-2 Col. E. L Downes &Son. ATHRIMTYWOMANe A les years $go the ite oj à counry merchant opened a haut eodoupt. Voday ehe dons e uice ttinkîng busiueWt0aujhmia a-ed socoule for ber children. Why douu't youcom toa ae nu andI jet. us -shov joua ho.. casy kt li tu do bitunese vith un? rFIRSI NATIOAL BANKC. Llbetpgle.lin"oi 'I M I Are, You Paintî6ngf THIS SPRJNG? 1Fyou are it is high trne to get before n the hot wefther cornes. Ritl mighty poor economy to deny your bouse a coat of paint and thlnk you are êtaving as youi will flnd when you. do corne to paint. It willI fot only a take more paint to do the 'tiork, but there wîll also be the damage to the bu'ildinig be- cause you failed ta protect it froin the weather. When you inake up your mmnd that yorr o buildingd need painting litoose first, goo<l paint, even before you choose a good painter foi that is the relative order of their iinport. f anre. Good prepared paint iii mucli superior ta the old hand mixed kind becauîue it con- f tains the right proportions of lead and ail and la thoroughly mixed by in&hînery to the o prope'r consistency. We handle the Sberwin- Willisma and the Aiston-Lucas paints and varnishes, both of which are -ab*olutely re- liable be<i.use tbey are made from the best n materials and coinbined accordiug ta form.i nias thiat have been tried and pro ved. We can also supply you wlth ail that la kettle rendered and guaranteed strictly pure linseed. THE RAY FURNITURE~ AND PAINT STORE LIBETY VLLE - - - ILLNOIS - - - _- A' ,WHIY TIIROW AWAY GOOD MONEY?" Our charge» for Drafts are lois than Maney Order focs, atnd we issue drafts Firoc ta patrans wbo carry accounts St this Bank. Remittancea maiied for deposit will b. bandled promptly, receipta for saine returanig with failaw- ing mail. The Value aud-.Convenience of this metbad can only bc realized by triai. TuIE Ci TIZIENS9 BANK ROCK!ITLLER.IML., 8. L. Trlpp, Pe.uileflt. R. F. Rouse Vice Proeldent. Irving E. Payne, - Cashier. THE WILSON STORE- ]FOR B][G BAAIS Millinery, Night Dresse$ and Apronsm F o r 4 1 1 À e &s.' Children s Rompers anud fveeythisg for Babgj. NexI door W Jay Morse. 'Phono 98. Fox Niq. Ada 0 d&y ta lb. fa lu tb. oei.b blrtbday: M li. fi.Du sud Etbel $pl Mdr.'and Mi tirthday ps Lorber atCh banquet ne.a Baivi ied et RilmaI, 1 tu Ilurlingtai id the B[oaSt Lake Satur, attend the. dancethbat Ik A. Daiiey. faund food s Mr. and lie. fide avenue1 and liea, LÀK wt'i, aIea eui Mir. and Mi Grand Forba aud lire. F and Runday. John Tony boume of .1v saturday. L. C. DePrc fag fer noes s batli. OUI 1 lb. concret. Edsard Paea pro and vili $tee, front us5" th J,. J. Dalil the C. M. à Jacob Lai Paeltion vii Ca., taking t mature opern Jay im uberi Mr. etrare. On radistorti @top antiihe r Afw rrepaît acriacntatF- mlachine vai tii. pur. and frointt Nick Greut gracet, bas c tii. apprehet culprit %bat owe of lie fi eariy Tian' aet as a el euareriag the "itIthe ti îrlumpbanl prided. Sig Fire Tiere vau Tboreday il Piatakee bol Ga. The. ai dinner and t service sud Vas manneW prooooded t posubit. ' numeted by t ILI Charge 0 a t wagon alter voiunteerfil on daubi" q ian Boulde im nearb.i ha li&d tained ( 5,-ruR idan naimied Tn., illec(,vtr the have bêen o( a mnatch ini 1 pieorcilga ELECTIO? Pertinent lexunt- Veni Vidi Pro BOuc eueeel try Bad a 1 iuileate. Mataria i Dot cure Po Be Niayp lime. Beautifai giaam ai di The une: Apriil fh Brun, uWb 1907 vac Goitim Fi. Immi p- 1 Next door to JayXorm ,