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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Apr 1913, p. 5

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*Y, APRIL 25, 1913. Mis. Ad& erimceota us day ta thé. iolloslggu.tswbasslted lu thé célbratonof abus~tourteeuhh brlhda: tir. nad lire. Peter GedrL-h. lirs. B. Dueenfli Mina. Fiqusies sud Etbel dticsk aid lia Ilda Ma bm.n tir. and tirs. lea. Kaetb aiiended a blrtbda pany lu bonor oi Mrs. . Lorber Ai Clcigo, Wedaiesday iollwcei byîA iteaire party sud Cbop Suey banquet as an aftermatb. Tb@ ýrotbrs Ilouiden. dward aid Baril vnlted lie hmen, ai r parents at Wilimai, Wls . and hâter on proce.dëi tauliurlingtoi. Wl., sub-e they atieiid- ei theiR, loters bail. retriniigta Fox Late Saturdoy evuuing lu tirie fu attend ths maviug pieur ebasu tJ Kocî's thetre and remainci for tiie dance that falosuci. A. Dailey. a Chcago paInt aalopman fauni food aid shelter ai itie home of tir. andtIdr. John P. Spesi on River. eusdeavenue Frlday ,veulng, suber. Mdr. and irs. Lonard &coehen aid dacabter sucre aoa etertainei on the. same date. Mr. aid Mr. ea. Duckeufieli late ai Grand Farks. N. L, ser. gustsiftir. aud tirs, Faik Gerreten, Satinai and uday. John Toijai sunai avisItai atthea home of John William. ln Chicago, Oturday. L. C. DeProft las. finiebsi ibe excavai log fur noir addIton ta, Poit Cofort batl. u NorrilIi Lb.hecontact for tii. canerai. suait. ml Edward lecilsi haipurchad tb. Petersa propffly an Nlpperslk Lste and ili oetc a Dow buffet ou the. laits front uea tb.esasa. J. J. Dallev boas enirred the employ of lb. C. M. à t. P. ralroad. Jacobi Larsen Jr.. bai amed ia position cltbthe Comamnera (ravel Co., tsking charge of tlb. Ibm elstil cotue o porating the plant. Ja imma assiti hy Frank Pade. loup, manager af air local auto livery 1raeeded ta Llhrtyvill. Tbursdai subers tir. Iimme bid hieiauto lu s1torage. On the trip f rom LIberyvillo radistor treîble. compelcid tb.m ta @top ai the residmnceoa John Straton. Aier repaire bai Ijeen effcted tiey arrived nt Fax Lake aturdaî and the machine sas plae.d la cammiaslon for the purpose ui transporia gRueis ta and frn IboPitak t bacoiael. Nck GrenIer, air Nippsrslnk aveu@ gracer, baas brsd a recard aiof 06 for the. appreh.auion and conviction of the culpilthat prvlced a @tome bongli one of the. front Windos ofaishiestars early Tbursdai moraing. Tii.s bould &ct as a agtin. ta -incite Our local uiasusbsve"ta d..d of darlma; cavering thaînelvai sitii <Ion la ords, o ju tiS A. puchubmnt isted ont ln ~. accurde. ciii tatut. mais aid provided. BgFire Score ai PlakeLake Tiiere wona s fin msein lFox Laite ITburaday cb.u f mur. threai.m.d the Pisiabeboues ai ibe Kulekerbocter fles Ca. The fOr@ bsji rang îbartly aft.r dilner and isua teans ser presed loto service. aid the.englue, and bous truck ,Was manned by tii. l"oliremeun Who praceeded tw thieeeclhUi a ped possible. This processiowon suitu- mentei by the. créer firom the, gravel pi in charge ai Supi. Dmîiuraud sein oriered a tesan uiîaciied tu a lumber wagon mter suhich lie transpmrtei bis volunteer flgbtcrsnta thec cafagatiai arn double iluiktitme. Hawever Fore- miai Boulden oi the Mrris plant chich le.nari', liai tii, good fortune to arrive ln tnme ti eXtinguisb the, Ore Instar. lu lied guuned enough headway ta %reaten @ernînnisdamage, one ai tiihenrnitif ,nunied Toin e aiu t liiheiraita ,< discinrnthe fine snicin i. upooe.ita lhave nen mtarted by soineone nirowing iainanli nuthe sanidust ainsi lghtug a pipe ur Cigarette. ELECTION CELEBRATION TUES>AY EVENIN4i Pertinent Perapicacicus Politicai Paragraphs Exeun-J. . Browsn. V@Dni Vidii ii.Otad pro oua Publico-if t irst jon don't aeannily t un, agin -Reni, Muenn. Hall a boat is better than nop- laugleelde. Mteria Medicsauni Theurn'putin. chUl mot cure polilîcai il1-Fred C. Sebults., Hes tMypole a tIl langer vois ne t lime. Beautîful auunable sili ual disp.l glaom ai deloas. The unexpeetcd happeDed Tussdav, April lfltb, Wiho urUMIaer J. . Brusun, subo bas holà the Position aice. 1907 s uaiauted iron pocer hiDo Coiln ». Otraunder, subo sai run- phantLt eleuflsd tu, %bas xaltsd Position *fter a bard fogiât .med eo eaux- p alu slted b, biW loyal ieutenant.. uaaemed drasun ta hlm breis lrseitabie force. lebi la tbe. rat change of Mayar that sus hart bail aine icumhsued of Mir. Brown Mmd out pissent maor bai befor hlm a bsillant opportunity ta distlngulab himisif shleb sus .lncerely hope@ . ho i mbrace. lFoi Lais abogionuug ta came Ito lis osun aid wus ieed a mena theiielm Who la gfted witb rare executlv, abilil y andid pxoaasd sulîbthe courage ai bIl The celebratiou subsequent ta Mr. Ostranders vlctary san ln corne reepecis unp.c.died l in theFox Lake region. 8bortly afier the, news a ad percclatedl tbroug - the. donsn-tasun ditrit you cauid Ose. mn rusin dosun teiiibi f rom theviag hall. tbir faces@sreathed l13 amla. siontlug t th.returua ta the Robe bl.. ,campalguniaàfnaer for Ostraniler bâdau i xplnîsiin of etiusaim lun thé.rear of Koet's buffet tbat bie hm irom tii. rear door up to the. cigar casa la front carouing agaiat tha hytaidero during bisiliigbt aid [maiding ét the. gar case suer. he fel ou the. ucci of ane ar bis coleagues and ' m efo qr oy bero t iie M aor ele ci arrlved uiiorily aler aid suas hoisted tu, the, top of a table alter subit-h be made a short speech. Pions there be was earrled to botel Boeuting wiiulâan. aif bia lieutenants carrl.d a huge basiner um:aw ciesailnicrb.d the suords: "OrNcMa.ori C. H.Otraider- oaceetyUr fNsw Village." lu the. OFnlgtiiere suai aiImpromptu bail ai ochb ail, sber. Mis. Otrander arr.ed about 9:45 and reelvad ai orallon and majestilaliy mode ber entre ta' lb. dance hall tbrauwh a laue of shonilig &Bd euutbusastlc adberents oftiii.Maor el.t. Arrlvlng at tii. all aiecai greelci by John A. Boi. our aembryo ielcal police magIstrt, lfei, cia laimed the tfret dance Tbn festvltiee clasci rather carfidue.periape ta the, fact mast of the, voter@saud dandidaf.. a badabout ezbaisicd ubeir physical ciergiesni-garti- atlîg tihe long and tnenane Campaign aBd nese "inret lûatîi patlon ai affiiai aid civlc mu,ta h. fbeaken Dp sliortly. Schonl Election t Felx J, 'Ioyl, suas re-elected sciiol direcior Baurday night defcaing Burt Stanley hy a vote 01 112 ta35 &mier maiy excitlug akirmishes inh su hieti Ismale contingent playcd the leading rolai. Couver,. tiarbies aipiration@ ser. pt ta rout by tus onelsugit of femniicvnl.rssupporting lb. cancidaey ai #Ar O'Boyi.. After the, resulti ser. S02osincsdtaro Young ladies actings Iferadi uslng a nesuspaper fora trunnpet bouted tb. gai tdiug; ruen actne:througb tii.doci-towi district. Tsuo*edctln hosa eek cauli en tu firni-h a sufflciency ai ,lectlon excits- ment for nomet. ln. fasevar ce bave 10 ottrough anotb.r ou. tMay 2tb, suben *R.d" tiu@eiiagan, rups for aidermai ta fill tb. varency raunci hy the. rsemigou aiMajor eleet Ostrmider. [ZZT HU Z lira. E R. Orvis cii, sas operatei an lu a Chicago iopitai lait ceet Is getiîng &long Dilely. M1,114 Vida Jamieson ai the Libeetjlville hlgh ociaol vielisi aver Satuniuy und Suniay sith Miss Franc@@efintii. tir. anidtIrs. A. J. Bre.een vtnted Saturiay uni Suunlay selthMis Bresers glater. tir@. Fred Winllby and iamilY near Ruseli. M. and tirs. fynn NMurrie af Ruete- Ilier, vieted ut Ira Smtho Snnduy. The Aid moadety wseIl mnet allihebomne ai tir, uni tirs Joeepb Vogt, Tinrsday aftsnnoon, Miay 1. Everyhody initeni. 1ev. C. A. NIffer oft he OGn-aY8ke Cangregational church sulhi epeat ut thne Fart Hill cburch every Sunday ai 2:30 p. m. Everybady suelconne. A litle son arnivi-ni t the home etftMr. and tirs. Fred Waghen one day hat suetk. Mdr. aid tMr- John l.nuz.u hare returned frwm àMebourne, Flnrlda, w4ierp they spent lbe cînter. Murrie Brothers Ruséeli linois - kl kinde of Fecd & Grass Seçd at lowest pricesm nleke Couzity. Lot ma quote you piosu Trelopho»emaPmars iasringoe @bout me he. E 'I HOME LUMBERCo., Libertyvile, IIL NORTH CHICAGÔ COAL & LUMBER CO, North Chicago D. T. WEIM ,.Waukegà4, III. PLAGGE alo&RO., O&O uZuricIh DL Doing aud 8aynof . ÇGiayuake . .,e rom dtor ??[Z I 1 ordere Taken for Job Work Advrtising Buttes On Appicaio 1 J. B. Bizier îraumated business lu L. Y. Sik.. trausscted business lu Chi.i Chcago Tueday. e cago Monday. DeCoudfus Bron. sel nove ther resi Mrs. C. Doollte and daurhtr tMr@. state orne.mtutuehautetide of the rLouis BpÔk, ser In Chicago Monday. liums building the ffrai of the. mouth. Juel L e, sua bas been speudlug the Mmrs Louis Bouies bas opeued aui Pesix motis an hie ranch In Dakota, up-to-date restaurant in tbe biidiug, has returued to Ross Wld Cottage for r.cently vacated by the Times. A1 the summer. restaurant lu mucb needed lu thie cty Patronuze bome lndustry and get your and sue prediet a fine business for M r.. Ice cream et The Rexall Drug stre. doules. The sa. quit. a bit of ezei teruent Mirs James May and Miss Nore Bixier Monde)' when the. gasolile stove of tirs. suere Chicago viit0ai teîcofy. Johuson, sWbo ]ivs ln Mrs. lkhffidate, hecame une ontrolableaud started1 thinge J..,s, Longabangh and family and afire in the. pantry. The. tire department Leiter Shank of Bainasville, zotored to au ealled out, but th. lire nias under Lak. Bluff Suuday. Icri trol by a buekel brigade bfüre the Mri. and tirs. Chao. Felon and famiily engiune tarted oui. Boseever, the lire sucre Waukegan visitors Tnesday. iaddies ser on the job lu case tU ey were John Richards and faxiiy are moing neded. trom their home here lu tosun to a farta~ Sidney Varfleld suas in Ciijau,, on eant of town. bus)iness Tuesday. tIrs. John L.ogabaugh stient several Mr. Blïck, the. le creamu manufacturer, days lent w..k sith her ouo, Chao ie building Onta is les crean, litut. Longahauglb and wife. (). B. lloem suas st the co)untýv sent Mitchell Black, the. le. cream man- Monday. facturer hm. rsuied the. Orlando Book Simon Stafel of Melienry, transucted bouse on Weiterfleld Place receîtly business ber. Tueiday. vecated by IL. J. Wbelock and iamiiv. Wm. ab.heln recetly purchasci an automobile. loua e su ueks dii ber parente, tMr. aid tira. James Taylor, .aiu of Geaja- laite. Lou Brockcay aid famiiy ai Wauke- gai, sera gusel s of Heury Kuebker and iamily Bonday. Bememb.r ars arengentsfortb@Grayo-1 lut. les crean aid eau @el jon*il jan sant far par"ieest 81.00-a gallon. Paironize home luustry ani boy thc beuicrean lu tacu. The Bexali ta- DauccEDitao C. tre. Wmn. Eflis and irs, C. A. tMiler vistai au Lombard Mondai-. John >iarsc bas pnrcha.ed a 1913 liuitiltomobile.1 Wm. ebbelu rausacted bueiiaese inn1 Chicago Tuesday. Jame ShBierman sua. a Chicago Pas- s.igei tianday. lieveral tram bers atleided the dunce. t Round Liteaturdmy .veulng. Ai the recent'viUlage etion the voer, eied inlufavor ai a $11,000 for suater woits. Thes am Bi ustiers dance.given lu the. Round Lake apera bous, lait we.k' sai hIgbly auccesuul. both soclally and filuancialiy. Mir. and tira. B. J. Vincelette, wbo have had charge of the Drue. Drug store ii.rs for tiie pas% tbree ye.s bave moved ýo l'harr. Texas, subere they seul again go intu business. Mis. Everett Wollo, daugbt.rGeuevieve and Mr#. Croply trou, Rockefeller, viited ut eorge Rosîngs ast Thuroday. A baby girl suas born to Mir. and tirs. Ewil Wickersheinn, Tue«duy, April 15. tirs. Ed Renebaunand daughter Alice, sucre Chicago visiture fiurday. Alfred Smith bas m,red fronu Will Smith's place ta E. lichaàrdsor flat. -Bill- Rùineg unlortunately was kicted in the nose by a borst laot Mon- day, but not serionsly. Frank Flary aud wife spcn t Satnrday lu Chicago. B. E. Calaway bas moved with Earl Graham lu C. E. Cevelads hanse ea.t (f towî. Mliss Naomi Vasey ha. resigned fromn Henry Giesiees store and taken the position au cleitin Druce Dlrug store. Charle Mason ha. retnrned tramn Chicago and le sorking et Fred Flarys barber @hop. Annual May Party, Miay let ut opera boues.. Wins Honora in Writing and Spellinig Content The Siound Lakeachool, district No. 44 aid Miss Eva Doolittie, PriOCIPal; lare tu b. eongrmtnlisd in lhe recent cnltlng and spellnz consst beld ait GraYslmks9, ta deteriîne the ieprosetatlvee for Avon township. jissEveiju &lubmet canie off tb, firit place la the spelling cotsit, boloing the. blgb.t mark la tins couty an fm. UmssLos nem tmklug fres Plac for sritiug Md(dli". Aile.Jungs thbrd. Tus entltlstthèse puplie ta go tu a Wmegmu lu Ma and compote cîti ail tb. townshipe of Lake county. SOsca Whtmore, misissor for tb. bcDn ai warieu sas lu thîs viclully Saturday. Joseph Kelly ila ttendlug Busiiesa cuklegslu Waukegfau. Ur. id lis. Fred Kruger entertained rns ndiduiy. gai, speut Sunday here clth thicr sou. tixa. E. Lambrect ai Chicago, suas a vhdsituIis vlelnIty Tueduy. MinsPeari Dolttîlsle vlsltip.g ber parents boes is ceet. Do not soc jour oats orar uley suth- out firai belng stsied that îhey are free iron smut and other fouI gsi-m. You eau b sursehi Iont usiug a solutho,, af Farmaldebyde, ou. pht ta 25 gallons of caler. Put tua aon your oats uni a good cropilagaratssd. Farmaliebyi, eau b. purcbaisd fanai the. Drues Drug Coa 50 mulOc quaM t lei.slîl doctor 50 bushels at oata. Tbe@Ilezail Store- Diîucr Diro Co. Graduales Wth Hanan,. P Harold Cleveland 0aie i iiu.,grai. nated TIursday af this suet fron lhs UniversnloflUDleolfbaal ai Plianmat-y cntb an average ai 87. ic made the hnnor rail the firai year aigcehaiui and cootiDued ta hold is standing up toaa higii average ihbrouot the course, vasehng the tate board examinatlon t tii.beai ofhiaedais. Be isa menber.of an uorary ret latter saciety suiih b. saoi hutrument al organieing, a*- sstig lu wnlihng tse taistitution mni desWing tbc f aterml pin. Be sel remin clubtiiteDruce.Drug Co., ai chic Iffrib. ili bomeanisa eminer ln lbe icur future.. T. A. Simpeon vislled wSciol Mouduy. Dr. and tins. Martin ofaihibgan, vielled ai lhe Trlggs' home sevetal dayï, lait sueek. Mns. Thoma. tiogg caà lu Cblcua Sunday. Barry Boauted du a calier at the Kruemarkt beme Sunduy. , EbHBarriswsas elecîsi eehool dirertor au tie schaal ineetinîn Saturdmy ulgbî. lirs. James %Matgii senlertmliîg ber brother iran, swniel, 'C. J. Wright and) W.F. Close uttended the Farmens' rii-eig ut Liberyville Saturday. W. L. ONelli bs, r.ing on jury., tirs.Frankt.ilîiîrii ns@couined la hen bcd sith telie ansîlt Henry Edmonde le gettlng a nese telephone put lu. C. W. Rtussell of Muscatîne, Iowua, cas a Mliburnu esUer last week. A. I. fteseart retunned homeo tram Chicago Thursday. Roht. Banner af Chicago, apent tie week-end suti bIs parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edseards ai Rose- crans , aent Suuday wltii J. C. Chope and fam11Y. Mis. Wm. Cremins of Wankegau, 14.viitie wluh Mis. A. K. Bain. Mr. and Mrn. Clarence Banner of Evauston,tIl. aent Saturday and Sunday seth Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bain. Mir. uni Mrs. Wm. Meyer ani cuil- dien lef t Tbursiay for a two weeks' vsit suth frienis lu Mscatîne, fowua, and other places. Misa Plorence Andenson and tohn Andereon af Lake oFrest, spent Sun- day wlhh Mn. and Mrs W. B. Stewart. Eisuari Wells of Antloch, spent FnIday sitbh Ie son, Ernest Wells. The Nlllburu Ladies' AId Society wlll houd their regnlar monthly meet- lng Thursd4y, May let. Plcnlc supý per selbe eerved. Mr. Daniel Hayes, aged 70) yeurs. died t the home or Frank Clark near Wutlsworth Sunday. Funerai tram M. F. Schryvers uudertaking estah- lihment Tuesday suthIinterment ln Nîilluhurnucemeteny. The C. E. Boclety wilîl give thelr home talent entertainnent utthle churcb this Friiay evenlng. Apri 25. The iast ao, the course will net be given this manth. Ou accauni of lthe flooda they seruniabl, ta fIll them engagements. HICKORY The Hard Times Socia given by1 tne Ludies' AMdsuas a great success. Ennet King hai tiie great misfar- lune ta baose a very' valuahle horse lait seek. Mn. O. L. Holeniecit and family.j and Miss Smith vîlted wlth Bristol frienda Sunday. WUbur Hunier aid tamlly pI Anti- oci, ser. nisiting in Hickory Bunday. Those people seho have no klnily donaled eggs for lie Wesley hospital sili tare ihem lato rs. Wilson Kng as soan as con velent. Mn. and Mrs. C'hase MGuire of An- llach spent the week end suth Mrs. MeGuire. Mn. and Mn.. Andresu Peterson en- tetalusi ut a large dihner party inst Sunday. Amang tie guesîs present were: M. and Mn.. P. TuE aof Loon Lake, M. and Mrs. C. Poulson af An- Ilaci, Mr. ani Mc.. A. Pederson of Ljaie Villa ani others. Miss Lais Smihspenu Saturduy and Sunday ut lie home of A. T. Savage. Mr. George Chilopiersnan ad nother, and Misas Beressler of Ciii- cago, sene guesîs af Bert Edwards aven Sunday. Mn. and lIns. Gulîdgeaof Spokane, Waiii,, spent several days ai lusi 0 eek citi thein daughler, tirs. Wm. inElu Chali, Aines of illburn. wsaiseeri lu 'HIckory last 8Sunday. Mir. aid Mis. Ton Webh ai Wau- kegan, and tMr. and Mns. John Crase- fard of Wiuthrap Harbor, sere ai- tendants at Une H. L. C. I. soclety. At the achool meeting heli Satur- day nîght Mn. Christ Christensen suas eiected ta laite the place ofNirMs. An- dresu Pedensen suho bas taken great Inteneet ln the achool tan lie past three yeans. Mns- Tins. Pelernandn daugiten r nlu having been vletlng ut Roches- ter, Wl,. RUSSELL The L.adies' Aid Society mnet wi *Mrs. A Murrne on Thursduy. Mie, (ritteniden and family and lrn L.eînin niere lu Kenosha Saturday. Mir.and Ire bG.A. Iner attenici tire fueral oft'Mn. Brookus on Thurs- day. mr. titasp enent Sunday wiîh in s tirs VantW,,udif ' visitintg ber saiq iiends and reîunned to Milw-aukee in Sidney, ut WaukWei.ntlie eenin. W. are glai to hrear that Mirs. B. Litwiler of 1.ît,-rt ' ie, formerly of Gages Lake, l@îe ciii mproved. tobeit vaIse hum rt-nted the Amarine White fart and (lias. IL Rogers of Chicago, ha. reuited the, bonse, for a summer home. Birdella Flood nsited ber grand- mather, tire. James., Saturday and Sunday. SPRING TIbq is PAINT TIME We are clealring out Our stocka!f painta anti uSlUng them out at loisa than saut Note the !oflowlng. 1 gai. -Noxa11 .i..... $1.25 à gal.. Noxali Paint .---. 70 1 qt. Noxail Paint.... 40 Floor and Porch Paints 60e per 4 gallon. Druce DrugCo THE REXÂLL MO Gravaaku - Rund Lakel sient Sinuday ut theur respective ho r nes MNr, and tirs. C.Ni. Grltam'eall- ed on tire A. C. Corrne on Sundav aft- ennoon. Plein linion spelit a fesu days lu Gui- Joe tiernîlie and famlly suent Sun- dar wilîr frlends. Alvin MieIille of Kenosha epent a issu days wti iii b rtier. At lie echool meeting ou Saturduy night J. A. Reene, nias ne-etected as director. TAYLOR GROVE Furmers une husy puttilng lu hheir oa15. Mrs. Dkinuson aid N.r. Wess Scot ecelved sean of the. deati ai themr brotiner Thoma,,Cale,suh a sa killIed on hus faim olil4le repiling a sheeti bain by a cyclone suhlch came up very suddemiy aid camnled lhe noof of lie barn sehlcbie suas on top a ialf mile usuay. Ris sife and baby tolacwed hlm, and h. ianded on a pile ai rocks; suhen hie suife neaciied hlm he suas stili breatlilng, aid aie car- rled hin home, but he anly llved a tee hauns. He also ha a brother John ai Laite Bluff. Me suas suel tnosun here, having osunci a faima east ai Milwsaukee roui. ry ta hear ai her Ilînesa. -tir. ani 'Ars. Vanga Glîmare spent st..,av w,,ih relatives hbers. FIRST AID TO SAVERS1 1hisiswl a n avnge bank a conut it. It gve you a fee- S ing of @ecurit 1,h as to the safety of your money now, and Mi to ypur con t r t] tat future trne- when failing ptrength a»d IPiSenitîg încolucw wll make money saved snd working for you a great blQssing îîrdeed. If yon waiit t- live and work now with an easy mind Md, face the future with confidence, start A SAVINGS ACCOUNT at once and keep adding to it regularly. Every dollar you de- posit will incerease your re8ourccs more than an equal amount, becainse 3 per cent. intcre8t compouîîded twice a year will stesdily augment the resuIts of your own efforts. A @avingéi acvount will make you save. If yvii have neyer started oDe open it now. Lake Villa Trust & Siàvïng&- LAKE VILLA Bank ILLINOIS A 1State Bank. The anuai schol meting wuaiheld lant Saturday nlght. UmssMadelin@ Tiiommerson lh slck sutb scarlet fever. Tb@. fumerai of T. C. French suas beld Suuday ufiernoon. Ililt reported that Chai. Barustable bas. nold bu store and goado ta Kiel and Chtieuden. They take pouesion May 1. A good crowd atteuded tii. dance gîven by tbe Woodmeu Frlday eveulug. tirs. Banford and daughter of Wauke- guu, visited relatives ber. Sunday. Mr. and Mir@. C. M. Browu are ai Mudiavia, hud., for igo seks suber. Mr. Browen tats. the bath.. Sherman Sponenburg ià lu Kenosha taking a cour@@ of Intructian at the, Rambier auto works. Roy Bracher entertained thei, cc club Saturday evening. Will Patterson of Chcago, "pnt lMun- day suti bis father bers. VamuNessYouug wsaihome irOMI 9Waukegan Baturday andBuday. Re in doing the. drum actlini.e Star thestre orchestra. A aumber af aur yoîîng people plan ta attend tb. dane at Wadssuorth Frlday ulght. Tb. Gurie.l.. club gave tb.lr grand contert lait Tuesday aveilg. Farmers bave ti.sn very buiy tb. put tca wesekesuad uearly li small grain ha. h.en sosen. Mmrs M. E. Lux and san Rabert, spent b Tnesday in-.Wautegau.0 tir. H. Skinner uni son Lee, ai Kenosha, spent Sundayat W. Waidefl's. %Ir. anidtir. Oea. Herhsrgn-nof Wauke- guan, visiteni cith relatives In Waicseohb tusa ceet. FruitktSb@& ns eretig a new bhrn. Wn. McCann, subo bas been very ilI la somaswhal improved. Mir-unidtire. W. Bain of Racine, suere lu Wadssuarlh Tuesday. tir., Helo eteer.aupent Smluriay lu burines. tiany tram beatteîded lbe funeral of tir. C. Frenchu burinee Sunduy. Mimes ililis Lux culied ou relatives hesm Sunday, havnng juât relurnnsihro California. flennis Hayes, un aIdse.ttler suas bnnied iran the bornisof Frant Clark, Tuesiay uftcrnaoin. Capital $25,000.00. LAMES COÉNBRS tir. sudi tr@. Edgar Voeapspn n day wiih F. E. Book aid iamlly. The cansaillfation oi the Vo» m&a htearu shool dIstrit. bon ret.d quit*' a distunbance lu Ibis vlciity. A jolaC meetng cl b.e u da% thé, Van ecoot l an stnrduy evgiug, April 26. D. Osborne and J. giesiby Or., ms shingcllng ithe Wm. Sage resl4ses. 1 Tii. Warren Csmetery Amelcatlan Ul o meet sui ti rs. Stella Hook on Wedaes. dayv forennon, May 7. tIr. and tMrs G. T. Vase apeili Osmdalre lu Wukcgau. Nld Book and suife called an ieflss ti i linity lasi bonimy. ligli Grade Pià;hrort StaIlho Ucs. e. ~C34MI (Rs.ewed Match 41&41913> MIKE ije a beautiful ooal &ma barne seith smaA wite star on fore- iead, and is a typieal draft hmr~ of unusual qualities and welgh*, 1 e is five years aid, perfeotlysfous& and very genule; bas proved hlimétf- ao be a sure foal Igeiter aid bis o i nre of the moat eIesinable kind of ' tirait baises. Will stand for public servioe a4 he faim kuoun se unHoaub's FarW"ý .jîuaîed 14 mile south of Praii <'les end 14 mile nonîh of Bufalu Grove. Terms: $5 ut the time O!f IM& service and S5 sehen colt stand$ ai4 înoks, or will maire terme ta o & ocuens of mares. Wben mareio ,e eold, panted suitb or removed 'nom the neighboniood lb.he rviee 'e. beconnes due ai once. Ali aooa- lents ai ocuer's rtsk. FRÂNIK HOLUB, >hnîi 288b-W.2. Prairie Viee, I& ,..*WAUKEGAN. , Conservator-y of Music A SCIIOOL FOI( RESUITS liarriet Snider-Laughlin, Pianist Mms Laughuin is a dia§tinguiahed pianial, lecturer and irriter.. Touher of Pipe Organ. , R. Laughlin, Noted Tenor Mr. Laugh>is njoe of thecoauntrys leadiîg tenons, ln concert and oratorio vont. Frank P. Mandy,.Concert Violnist Mr. Mandy is a violiuist of uoe-many af bis pupils meeuing with gresài suceesi. T. A. Hogun la worklng fonrtHerbert ~A SSISTANT TEAoCHERS OF ABILTY DR. L.Il. CO LS MN . Nrthrop ha, finiehei papering ALL BRÀWCIESOF MUSIC-aRONY, ISORY, MT VÉTERINARIAN uni painthig ut Gea. Lewis's. - urthIrlW.T «abeu CbndY Gv tir. Oran Husukins a;'d tanlly speul Office at GArdiner Hotel Fridae eIth home foks. Mr. n d* O SRAOYhM N L ,? phone 53R Ms o Gleason havea e baby. O SRA RYH M Relatives here atlended lie funenub - GRtAYSLAKE ILLINOIS of M. French ut Gurneesudy 1 - r-r 1. 1 -ý - 1 . iý

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