r' 1~AKF~ J t' 1RIT~1 kCOUNTY IN'DEPENDENT"INDEPENDEMCLAIE MeD#KAL socITRALMONA _____________________________VICTORY IN ZIOIN CITY!I IN PlOâmYl SESSION MhuER FIEhUT 1RTES eTelepoe \nibr1 yEie r Resdenc p o Ie\Nuiber 225-R.1 r E ON MNCàSFtN8T IL lJIýryvil-ASSERT TH-AT AT LEAST EIGHT RESOLUTION N GT ETHEUN ANPATIO NE T ILE i.il,.rîyuii.'ExcantteVOLIVA VOTES SHOULO BE BOARD TO UVZIAT ilPLIAINWIMITR IaI tb- poîtoffi.-e at IJtsrti1sIi.i. ns Fciainii Clamis iluil \laIter THROWN OUT 1 N CANVASS. COUNTY DOCTOR TABLED $TATE COMMERCE BOARD. VOLIVA, T iS CLAIMED, $AY$ H-E ARRAIGNED MEMBERS FOR MIX- IF FIREMEN WIN, IT WILL MEAN vevFnlivtet'itiite li-fnos iiii'i-toi CAti SHOW WHERE SEVERAL iNo UN WHAT MHE SAID WtuS AN ,NCREASED PAY ROLL TO ÊRfIPTION PRICE. SI f-0 PEI'i E RSIPICTLY IN AOVANCE! VOTES WERE THROWN OUT. NONE 0F THEIR AFFAIR *,Soo ..... . .... . .. ..... .... ... Edtor1 were cast illegalliy ai the Zion CItY held probabi>' the most heated meet- road Ï.SITN......... . . .. ....... . ..... ... ... ...... ....... Manager uimunicipual election. on Tuesday. wilI be ing in lis histsry in the Hotel Mor- b>' t' iL.NU3BRD ..... ... ...... ... . .. ... ....... ýCity' Edtormade, fille claimed b>' tile lirdepen- raine ln Highland Park on Frida>' Outt !ltMUBAO........dent faction ln contesting file electionl night when the Count>' Physi clan nai-ftle * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ c VO NUH0 HM teofcadwiCec a aeaU olivas candidates. ter was again brought uP and dis-' forv NOT NOUH O THM i he ffie, nd hiteeac ha mae à According to, the report In Zion to- cussed. lIerest developed when Dr.' Il ttrong effort and doung quiet worlt day. one Independent election Officiai A. E., Brown, the count>' physicien,ii kilaiern papera are protestiflg on among his fellow memberi ince the1 distahelow lg Te(-rpe otevie cresfin'bn e "tasemilc earmnflt. Num- on lctosl h$bencratseto cast thier votes whcn pres- attention le lthe duties of his office huar Ïhi ostoffce eparmen. Nm-'generall ttiouglil Mr. Conrad woutd sure was trouglit ta bear uiron film, that were made againat hlm la a reso- atlla "s publications are complainilfl îand the lionor. altisougiu le sas firrnb con'inced' ln lution whlch it was pianned to pre- cd c ït te service slatt sht te pieces, The seleclion of' Mr. Conrad for Ilis own ndnd tisaI îiey ucre not en- sent to the halte County Board of cec palin belng delivýerîid no lrregu- chairman showsa the esteem n which titled to vote. ,it is clalied tilat he Supervîsors. As a resigut of bis t.allt gra] ~that subscribere are registerlng . le la hled b>' hie feiiow board mem-peerdtoothsnd15Itaanwlb-ssragtfontehodr.t ïMtfty protest. fitls neted that bers. Mr. Conrad has been a mcm- 'argument ta contest the election later, a vote was taken and the re&Olutlon Thei m It roquires four days te trans ber cf the board from Waukegan for a ta raise a dlaîurbance over it at was tabled. Foliowing s a cap>' of nun * ppe aroa mte Sv*althe test elght years, and lia@ made an fli time. the resolution:me amýare, reperted w-ere papers enviable record. That he liaf thein- Tht the Independents most posi- metesteear elal u t rvlno farther than1 fidence f the board la shown by the tively ,vhIl contest the eectîiin there >ý«9oz re wo e treeday rech-fIrt vte ake whch as 5 t 10mors afloat in Lake Count>' regard- renu Nule. retw- tetIresday rach fratvot tkenw-llci warn15te 0.seems 11111e doubt, aithough the fond- îag the Inadequacy of thse word d4ne Gz Ir e r omiatin.A PhlladolPhin Mr. Conrad la ene of the youngelt ers are saylng ver>' tle about the b>' Dr. A. E. Brown, County Physicien,. - declares the mal service la members of Ilie board In yearàu but la matter themseises. Tise> say tisai tse>' "Be Il resolved by Use Lalte Cornty - au fChina than t la ln thls ceun- eîri ln experlente. Mr. Conrad willIliî not be ready te maits a statemenî et a oit> ia h o fo!clali 4ï <, gssnpsr are net the moa a mont efficient chaîrman, hav- unltil tise> have garas loto every detail Supervisors Ibe requested ta appoint the dy qp04 4bt hava cause for coin- îng liart elght year' expeience In the of the election. Current report has fi, a comîîttee atItIs next speclalme-th ~ll IIieIs rnbaby nt dalytransaction of the legisiatîve business hwvr that tise Independeuts are ing April 18th. 1913 for Use purpese ëe la Ure eelntry that dosa net ft~e .caunt>'. This la the fint tîm am ln tta tse',ht.wav Wtf e.nsst1a'. UethUsor talait> mer Wùer us uk1cki frein ubcrib- in twenty >eare the chaîrmat' of thete etectiari 1y at iMp>t 15 votes. Thiss.or sald rumora, with a view pth r tg StUl s e paprs Aa i te transmiesh, e ltrct ~sr .s dlayin te tanaiîs-county beard lia* been frinwn the lki ite>' claim.- would have been thecae xoraebno!Uehrgarmae t p"« n tme;thonthee 'illshLoe dstrct.If more care had been taken ta seesSomne ollier arrangement as le midi- for' ~. ~e ouitime thenthor wm ae Ceunt>' la te b. cengratulated that men who were not quallfled dld clat ugclcr tUecut'ti and finaily tha PaPes upon the eection cf Mr. Conrad au net cat tisir ballots. pour." rgcl aeofte ont h SffU mswil comeail araaf lecutU eiltv J- ons t la lelleted thei trguble hlmno h onygsaie On the other bond, Voiva and hi. Immediatel>' alter Use preentallon Sh fnbodyacune er.uConradway shlmIaneef hieelieutenants are Iayiug baclt on their or Ibis reaolutlon Dr. Brown arome tomi Miel* oar. Theykdaf Use>' w-orfalrly adrbisbtestandloag chdarortf mis a . tis selrlea to "work' the mli uaa member ef thîs body, firet neas.a rs . hycaim the wavn atis n ing etadlanhdfrh uoa h i îman mprvme ad e te au sxsquareiy andt hatte aent gdenunciatory address regarding Use latnt upevisr ad fr te pnt ixte fear from a contest. Tise>'Bay they alleged attitude of certain 'Memabers ATU.LA TION ,M.CNA.Iysare superviser of the 1dum of Wou-'aeppreit prove that aiI fsast a ofthtIe Medical Society in 1h. malter. Cearm Mw-asCOsNRAir- kegan which tewn requlred more werk1 score of Tieocrats were Preveittil lie deciared witb feeling Uat Use se- Conra ws cosenchar- than the tetal cf everal other tewn- front otîag whea their resîdetutietun ciel>' was medding with gomethng OM -the s"&rd of superviaens of chipe. Zion gave them a legal rigit te cast whlch did n01 concero fi n Use toast: - 141fity toda>' (Frlday>; t a That M. Conrad lias succesafulîy; tiseir votes. adding tirt he was appointed b>' Use meeting calied for the pur-' perfermed h'ls dutie, la attested. b>' In sring up, the whoe situation Lakte CeunI>' Board et Pluperviaers *wMtno the nîw members, and the enermenîs majerît>' given hlm aetisere l no question but that the, pro- who were able te jndge as 'n whether 'th chairman for th. ensu- the n.cont electien wten lie securedi poseuu content w-i be fougit bitteri>' or net he waa pertorming hla w-en in Igdward Conrad and Henry practiCall>' as mony votd a beth et b>' both aides and the recuit la bard to a satlsfactory manner. He saiti he îwée <o nty candidates for hie oppenents comblned. proedict. Thse Indepetidenta realizewsanthrib>Uemeclscet. 1 that If Voliva la able t10 Seat hlm off i tbev dîi noth'ng toward paytng his lais. tha t Iiey w-i have lost controf -lryan theretore had ne busness ,.O F « A P 14 - orthe u> ocli. to meàdlin his prIvats affaira so F OR STAT! MENT or M'DERMOTrT long asmfit dîinet concero Usem la the STRO EW fQM OF iov-,ACIQO OF MAYRNO DUNAR INSeveral other membera ýpreaentex WOIJI.. WORK OUT APPOINTINÔ LOCAL MAN H-A LE A E presaed Usheir view-s on Use malter, il - MET APPROAL 0F BODYI Amnrding te, a man we versdin1 but Use. speech tr.ronemnîf 1 I te have convînced iltera ho wrsaln Use fi Vi to a decade la th MANY ARE WONDERING IF THJSlocal business maltera, Use Chicago rigbt. for when one efthUe Marchera w-ad pbil ~! . APPOINTMENT te INDicATrivE & NorthhWestern Raiiroad tees ues Ue es ýjj ilieau, l tb reepton F POSTMASTERSHIP n0w- advanclng plana b>' w-bch l inwscrid 1, ,a b à etlaofGev. Eodgea eofiplans 'n do these UIngsaiatWaike- lIrn.aaTalrofled. yile U t% adai te Use purpoeseaoe Wrd recelved from Springfield F1- gan 'n the not-distant futre:. presented a resoîntion. Use tort of euwmt tishe atiaites- day w-sa 'n Use sefft that Use sen- FI RST-Eîevate thé î,acks fromein1. w-ich was as fullow-5: - 'tse cannasio achm t ae lb executive session bad centira-cemetery te a point ncrth of Clayten gý tevceomn acharnUe m of Uste appololment l b' evrn r twet "Let the chair appoint a commit- Dunne et Edlward F. Me,,Deot as SECOND-To erect a new depot etteo!svnm brarmdifet ha" ogisatie duiesPublic vAdmnitrator ot Lakte ceunI>'. Cayton matt irn ntead of Washington lIarts o! thse count>i te devise smre That thl w bave leouealata vesidutiestbetter plan for taltiug cars of tise sick e5* a sie ody 1w-e uptive certaint>'. Just w-ban 1r.Nic- THIiRD-Te remeve Ilie fretght and adpoadt rsn h lnt or b entheamsonal duptrona Derinot w-lU assume ths dutlles o! tranafer yards te a pint conslderably the Board ut Supervisens for Useir bIsne- ffie s s1kno-uaui wdiisetrict'clyle oref.consideration at tise June meeting.". Ais governor w-uld be an ex i e fiel o nw ndwl ot f lyo tet alember. The>' w-eld be eletit- nt be know-n until James U. pwayer IHe dechères lisat Use causpan>' bas Tise motion was passed. Just w-at tm o sixyear, wold r- acumbeat of tbç office. recelves an been flgurlng on these pans for a recommendatione wl bs made la b".uisme salries anti wouid announcement of tise appolntmnent long time. and ise believes tise ime la tise surervisors was not meniUoted ai among Uemelves the du- from Springfield. now near et bond when sncb a chance tise meeting, but accordlug lui oao theprecri stte dmiista- Mr. Swayers' terni of office dces is bieng planneti for Immediate execu- pisysîcian, it ssit hae that tise physl- net expire until next December and lion.clnofteouy get arfr soverning o! a stite would11 Itau was thought that li-m smnccssor Tise elevation o! tise tracts trom ait caunl patients free o! charge so «t.rated to a emali nuinber of woultinut be aîspolnted unili that tise cenneter>' nortis ias al w-aSbe oga iecutaysIb opia wiso wold speclalize lu the worlt time as tiisletise plan usuall>' toi- argneti berause il would do aw-avhilas. Thtis tsould abalisistise office of ugise il their excusive business. low-ed wheu there lis no chatnge la tise w-th mucis deiays of switciug crews ca0unty plihycian. Sonne littIe tinte ato wouid nt be a hast>', of-.itolitien of thse administration. What asho now htave to worlt in and about ago a slmiiar plianwas presenîed ta w-ll be dons under a demnocratie ad- Cia>ton and Mladison streets, and who tise super) igorî, but 15e>' decliaed ta, utic funclion confined ta a few- *very 1w-e >ears, and dicbarg- minstration remalas ta be Solen. are dela>'ed mucis of the lime on ac- passoen thse malter. -, alirel> b>' persans witbout exper- Oni> tise Intiniate friends of Mfr. coýunt o! the tesas at crossings. Tise comatitte of seven members o! Tua promoethUe greatesî gon Mcfermott were rîwae that au effort The elevatiou or tise tracts aven fle societv. it le said, wili present the-greateat tunber wold par- was belug made ta baud thse position Mladison anti Ciayton streete would still another propoitiiin ltise connty loiasest a process of sbifting re- for him. Thenefuine tissutise announce. mean matis to ivaultegan teamslers buard. This w-lu ise that tise boardl t>' by one gronp et officiels ment arrIveti tise- wers conalierahi>' and business men who hase t10 travel raine the'salary ofithUe court'isysi- tamother. or b>- 0ne legislalîve surprised. ttaclt and forth b I he harbor and clan to sac $1,500 a year, and ses entes the other, or b>' bath Use The Potoffice Natter lake pointe. It Is sald tisaI a man who that ise tevotes ail ef his time te entes Use gevernor anti the Now tisa a democral bas recelveti na>' malnaal tour teais. mn>' now- couat> warlt alone. Dr. Brow-n at pres- The legislature w-uld vrac- tise appoîalment ta the positon ot aud-'figurea tisIone of theni ia standing ent draws a yearly salar>' of $2.000 b. tu continuns session te mtulistrator Use question has been i Most o! the tumeeat une of tese w-ti an atiditionai $800 for paying hua- chlanges 'n law-s as needeti. asked as te w-iether an nol Uis May crossînga wat'ng fanrlise trains tes iitaf bille. Other physiciens deciare otr "te goenetc dbc lie taken as te an>' indication laow-tise let the driver througb. Thus, îî la tisaI a man coubd hardI>' be expecteti reduceti, and w-bsn things poatoffIce plnm w-lJI be handed ot seen Uat utisaan expensive thIng for ote, e ot at is ento thucba mai virosUe people would have ne Democrats assent tisera Io neoqques- the teamsters and Use rail noad ln turn O tecoar>aiet'. uc Bl l a determ'n'ng who was ra- tien but UaI onseft Ussr numben w-îîî aise te delayeti w-bsnîle traina have r.Jaei.DLe.aamuOh fo Lraceive Use appinlment and there t -i o l'ge eis1 e serta~wa ua tUemce> atuti> la IbeIng devoted are some who are wiiing te tate1 acroestUe cross'ng. sertawsaqeto h oit «amse plan- in ail pearuor tIsaI Pomîmaster Watrous bas a good TIse ransivai of the mw-tch taks and delivereti a ver>' lnteremhiflg tais By>' ns>'i la hlghiy chance et be'ng re-appoinled tbrough le a pint farUser north w-eud aise lui addition le answ-ernn.aul Use ques- Ten >eara eago It veulti the eflciency record be bas bulit up hef p the compan>' 'n remoe tIdst oh. tiens Use members deirsi 'n air. Dr. - - lolteti on as a curieus ex- 'n Use man>' years be bas serfétlun 1 ectIen 'n ils presant sw-lth yards, 1 uge r>'."pvr n"Cnera t Ue Impractical, ant i een tbe local offce. se. lit la seen UaI l la munch loe Ue Srey1 mst hich radical- That the pestoffice appolntment comlIan>"sa advantate 'n intitute Dr. Taylor rsported tbe dues tho r w-lU be matie knew-n insiste of a few- ie.:» a a3sqlkl siesil . E. Trac>'o rii VW u s theunasi large powera days seema te b. Use general Impras- niill ecaaithat le w-fat i la nw epsoe'gae a othe iow ya s>' rad oln. voulti bave manat'n-. sin.althougb no one la abile sltat 'n progreai f !execqUtIien thUe onai pdsec ebsw-dw nicude 1% thée tacilles for machine- exacti>'yPen -bat grounds Useep'n- future. Tire compan o nhaow-croe-ed M jia t e das «0 o s.~ Ion la heset. Ail Use candidates se>' for land anti tracks la Use prnasnt Different Agaii .'t, 5epl di nt Us bave Ibe>' w-ll be glati when the appoint- yards, bence tire propometi change Byfl' ve. Doublers." said Chumu TIngboope di notpleigis, -yen deîsi al1»»ieasntte erad s a-gikbebtis thUe ment le matie for Il w-il let Usem wouîd gîve Useni ail the' aaillNbe me tisatitnie gi-i udret tisee ob 2esr U~s~ve osuasofcomis-know jut w-ers Ibe>' standi and w-iî reenineSedt. daugsten- et a charml4 id w-M OvrtE IMgi, dU DMne hUe initia- remove Use uncertaint- tiraI bas sui.. ln case tbe depet le moveti nor te $7,0.000, doe.n't intsn'esîFou. » .N«l 483eben«sus bebind Use deer" rounded tbem for Use faut severel Ciaylon street, Il veuid brins about in Use lima- I."siD obbera. 111 am n- ve sina e! omisaso. 'Jey menths.1 an atomatit change inth ie travel teresting Mysel! houfber moUe?." tbei have Use recali as a ver- j 1tbrongb Use bualilerssdistrict. oeaHaffles Weekf y. pe.. t antilles-y behilisthelir Knew What SIte Wanted. iw-bIci wouid be mont Important in 'Use ______ igr ts. -stig sglecttul, erre-. 14111e Ruh Ileneti lu silence while icourse of a !ew menhe ater l was or dgilioes1 tmate cemmission-.eme aller anethen et ber eIders retused put inte effetit. The Langeai Magazine ini the Wenld ________________To-tiay'm Maazine h. Ibe laueet sud mgJ but the amafleat possible helpingest di 1 mgsine pnbllsbed ait 5()c meosiie directlegialaian de-et minc e&o ice.vie-anter "nei alen->' tý ian T115!peryenr. Five centa per- ep>'at Il selie pipie . O nerw-anty eti Juil,î-Pin nngewsdeaien..Ever>' lady W-bh prc ipasag a ieennS le," etc. Whou tise tiblits tur cm -a ortieria ai Ray's almnitoine. aIes aagond magazine sheuit d e r a 9g gple Vii. i ~ elsie passed ber plate- "PI esai Work doue b>' Mr. AIdent. C-28-tl trpe sampi- cap>' and preisUsitnact&lolg *be-mexeautlie ive me ton, mucb." ber native sn idpilvtsin, -.-reunii tir >'tMnoAZINE, ua 'i I corcings, plaaoresbeuag ertectneri h ies anarae rai huebrougis- tise conagtrstofUsrai isto w- ithnae co mmr t ierapcaomsion t aninrtae c'nmrecommrisio a udrersoointIreigmovest.-h tasunce stoan tera eport wia lausamled ab>' atiea rpotai en sululch now- lashender conside nr ti dnow and of fren e onthe6 deaend rflîrae n au lu mse In pa>'. If tlîeir demanda an, tcd tise payrolla wili be increaseg tite extcîtt of $9.600000 a >'eai ese hunes added $2,000i,000 per au ma short lime ago ta the w-age pa) aommentlng on thse subjedl, the cur- tt issue of tise American Shîppers' elle Baa: Trainmen aise are planning ta de- td an lacrease un psy, andti hen- Ima w-iîi be, presented as sean as earbritratara maletehUe aw-erd 'n r ase efthUe firemen. Wage 'ncreases, larger laI PA>'- enta ant i hghe- pricea for ralircai pplies, iii w-os-kng inle grfaters- op- Iini %nd maintetiaOce Costa, w-ll ým Use chie! balaia for argumàenta b>' ,ralroadsis n support ofthIeir con. ntion, Ibat blgber treigitrlsae inîti prevail. il w-lJi b. alleged that ut>' commodit>' rtes do net, cover le oolt ofperforrning Use mervice.." y- U. re bd D)ancinig 5ci:o, at the Lîb- ýrtyville town hall every Mat- rday nigzht. Inistructious q Irom 8 to 9 P. ni. Reeeptio n [rom 9J to 12. M A 116 MER lm How Life Insurance Helps a Man's Business Standing A 1polit-y rf life iîtt-ir-inî-einiia. goodmi opjally tdils te the uiedit alid standing of thrsip it-uire-. A yotîng îîîai advatcettiîn t1a-favorable opinioorluf lisii'sîîloyer îîlte t-îl ht-tomes kiîowîî tiat lie t-arries life lniiurancîe. Lt jndi-ates the Vo>session of thotze 1iiovidenît habits whicli stîccessfiîl lîlen ail admuire., Life insiîrance streîîgtlieuîs the tredît of thp, biisiîies mni, for it induiu-ateni forut8ight. t-oîservatisîuî, a thrfty <i-1iesit ion and a purpose to 1rovidle for dt- pendeîîti anîd reditors in caso' of nuisfortîine. Ail tiis is efftictively tîîld hy Lidward Leigh Peil in "Secretm of True Success," front wbvl -l we qtiote the following: "Ttî.arc,-uàrtally tw-o or tisn. e trawu set haut wbiI h shoîw- whis w- y these w-ids isiow, aîud lte peîil ew-ho are 1<> give yoii yiur ratilîg are alvayc Iooking oul for thiseu. IDo you carry aiiy inunrance tit your life? Yon w-muid ho màrir1inied to know hiow mauv ueyeo are watching tisat straw. IL'@ one of r ite iigienil oftise lot. If 1 bail My life 1- go over agat I- would uol crocs te inculaoid of the business worid untul 1 had oovenesl ty,,eif ailuivutr witlt a goal jusurattnupolicy. It is one of 'the lies ad.urigemente of s pruvident man tit the world reads name o are gong tui lue a bsusiness man you have got te make a aefryonnseif ihat w-i etiabie you lai bonrow- money w-len yon need it; and w-heu the lime corne. fer yona ta borrow, wisether yan waut maney îo diecounl vour bille or muat have ilt t de you over the dl seaoon, thsebiîk wail w-sut ta kuo.-s' w-bat you bave dons ta make ) our cru ditona safe in ensei your liglit ehaild go ont bofore the note is due. No w-sas man la going 10 tend yaa a dollar if yen cannol convince hinm thal yau are provideel; and you contntl convince hlm with yonr longue; yon muaI shoilsrbina semeuhiag in black and white. And there is noth- ng in black and w-ile thal w-IIl maire a deeper imprssion upon thena titan a firal-clasa hf.e insurance poliesy. I will do mors te ispire con- fideflî.e, and corne netern-pntting yen on a level w-ibh business men of establisbed credit tban anyi-ing eh.s yuu ean boy fer the marna ,noey." .Amy other business can botter afford to wait. Write to your Mlichigan Mutual Life agent to4ay. Tii. tine to act ià nowr Ch-icago Address: 431 South Dearborn Street. To d ewn neak .adds îic te create Successe. sanîplem c over lhalf us take y, prend te can get a TELEPH THE AUTOMÀTIC SEALING BURIAL VAULT, Thiis in tire ago 0t Pligri. sanrdIlniprîiv-iii.itAnd with r pigres.. bbo 'Coule an ncreai.ingdenatird for làsiîitahte rpei.ptaiie for the Ii.iwa l inir dem-soUs@ îbuîîg to n-pine thiireod wiîuudeu iii li linsle-n itueýroieîulive tentqIrm ofinter- mnt. Meptalliiîvaîttluirehaven oueli ii.?t te mo n jrot say >. Vanlle of rick, gnnie aind scnlo -,fif claihavm alml Wb-ti tnaîte ui t h-m-.lnntIlb.-îirad.mIl- pervioto ro wftler 1TheAuto.natic S.ailas Burlal Vauti eatime-ly'Rte> -ae P r , o o " i0 W , * - i a m i . 1l î î m - t r u c t i t i , t e t . b u i i er -i u ie e . r v r t e v I r a n m i su i g g .4d en oeueit il v and i fi iii»d Irî ai-nd ont w- th a runp urai glaze e ta rpuder'. t am inn,1irvuiîi mib.ný turi- Au. i±nem.. fIr i tupt e i e ed for a tî'gb grade ho nul v aul iii t a rntins- i, .'nmaI uialtd .m il - i iglieit requl reiieli15 in twaury nd it fguite . herI iv itir lu-di i.g i udi ti pr.e un ry %, lie-ne, . hoiiare auttiorized to -.vrrien Manufactured B> W'. C. BRUMM, cen-meni Coniractor L#BERTYVILLE. ILLI.NOIS. SPRNGTOOLS CIIATIIAM'FANNING MILLS. SEEDERS ANI) DRUILLS. LEVER 1ARDO WS. DEERE andiAN ES VILLE PLOWS WAGONS 0f iALI KINOS. Largeet Stock in Lake county. Plou right. IF IT S FROMN SCMANCK'S IT'S 1000() BRUS$ G J. 10 30 10 Con Yo Coma anti Libeî Down b>' il Co tf f ti Ru id! id )c i '.