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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 6

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ml-o r s ~'U~ dN~TTI~PP'~ ALFALFA IN ILUNOS IL raaaey ef MOLesa oun-, hogaansi26 pjpabogt t that tine. umus~ e nau . Ra» sPlace.bas it i. estIuitesi that the. 8 basa vbiCh ruakal remls vith ltahfu. velgiiesi75 or 80 Pound@ilathe Otiispl *jta gcd mtad m dm &oares by madie a gain of 75 Pound& Par be" ~M gthe. gound ta. lut or JuIy. The, anesolsaIilnAugut avrage tt LM iseUs, hamburroiansi 182Pouind@iansdsitbose e pt tMI later vtag tva or tir, times. 225. Couting ouly g0 boss andi -th-~ tvlc., movins 0 poands par ing for the. plua. tueYreturn.d. slter ~ et esi broascait. Isrroviiig paytngfor the. 260 besioesoai au ,t tu mWroling the. groesnd. Thts fe, $42000 tu the credai ta heIfs- la 195.- The. lfam agre about fa alan.; the. bay vas varlis $27300; "Iff Saches blgi tht fell anu noft total $693.00. or $111.60 per acre. *. 19«0, it rtlsed abouttwa This affaevas ot injuresi by tai * cre but ln4dsition 150 Pige tra harsi treatuient but 8mre parts the jê big isturus begam. of it ver. frosen ot lant vlat.r. ansi Whruo e.tttiga h6fbey;retmresi 3%5thls apri-ng the.field wu v ak isesiansi tqi par acme but ln addition 150 pua cros-Idles ansi the tain sPots r.- 'vet psturssi on tala alfalfa ra. the sa.ded. a.urlng a fir stam$g. Wbube tint of the Oirs euttiug until Dec..t- many daubt that allfata Isuitesi ta far. Thiigepus ere boughit when 1 fmanis, uot iiaviug exuminesi tii. ,l- Second~ Cutting of Alfsifs. 41.7 veighed 45, 50 andt 60 poundss. ence. and nsrs.y more hisitate ta, Mil viien they were weis-hed ln the stait thîi nev' delicate crcp P-Ni. Van- fflisle of DecernIber they averaged ney ansi bunsiredý of thers are get- 115I pouis. Coattng a gain of 75 ting sIleidid rs,slts tram it. flOdas par heasi ansi ailowlug $11"J.00 ter about 200 hushols of ca-n led Cohurn on5 Alfalfa. Io thse bugs, ansi figuring the park t "The cultvation andi feedtng ai ai- .8 enats pr Poundi these hogs ie- fais mark the highest development 181Usd $46200; the hay vas vaita ot modern agriculture. Afalfa ia one 9405.0. total $65700 ira. six acres ai natures chaîceat gfta ta man; it 4tW $19900 Pr acre Contrai-Y ta tae 1i.etas preserver ansi the conserver of test i laiy other cale. tais- pasI th, homesteasi. It doos nat iati rnm MOI sd mt hurt thea alaia ansi aid ago. It laves the suaine. cau- k**iIUOtei l tt a thbu e i.next i erting tae sunbeama tuto saIsi con sOit, ln the pockets ot the tarufty huabansi- ta 130, tais place ai alfaif a yielded man. It la the greateat mortg&ge-Uftt- tu eacre l htir.. Cuttiffa -or yet dlacaveresi." »trd83 houe tria.the tii. 1 as WUtour taciieigiln Alialia ta xost valuabie hi the Cor-n "g ms ui i Augu 14. vhiien 66 Boi. becanse the Corn Sait bas an VesaIMd, and fra, thon MIi abundance ai starcii ans ini.short hi ttptrdta. remaaing 17 prteta. jeO A.L PiERSONS wmom rUT MAY ed ithe County iof Lakte andiState CONCERN. of llinols, to-wtt: PuMi noiceta .r.y gventha The West Hait of the. North West J UM sno d. William Tnyen h t ractianal quarter of Section Piteenl omam aacf etrude ?ORyon. Isbella (15) Ini Townlship> Forty-five (45) North o.. coryJ. ouyo .ns Th r.. f tNe .(9) East af the. Thrd m nor . wTllmae ppt icand M.edi5,for the support *410. mtin ora, avCourt of pl.ke and educatian of saisi minora andi for 0outY.-in th. State aifillinois, at a the purpoae a nesigschao! 4h. gugiartea uieret t b.heli theiiproceeds ot saisi sale as sa a gobui&t He ltheCto! Wakegdan, e lmmediately requiresi.for snchBsup- Cour ti.oun theai LI.a tyO aefi port andi educatian tn other reuI estate Dols.b on the Firt monday of May, or otherwiseinetgthsae 10D . 1913 betug the Fith day there- Dated APil 6th. A. 1). 1913. i)for an'order and decree ai saisiWI1IAMbOIlN court. directing hlm as such ouarsilan. Guardian of Gertrude Tonyan, asabella ta s»Il ail ai the right titie andsinh- Tonyan. Henry J. Tonyon andi The- tarant of satd misoai n ansi ta the, rosa S. Tanyan, minoa. foflowing describesi rouI estate, situat- wkly Aprtl 11, 18 25 May2 po "«Y«a,our n.w wagonà' a Studabaker -the onfr kind we KNOW" "lIa. Studebeker idah b een in Our famly for y«M W. have noyer tbought of Luying aMr - z e derud ni a ragoa.' *lte bu@4 wezre continulr bois1 offcred odicc Wace"s coming a " s.les. widi lots of promis«, » to uhi thiyWiII o. But we kno. in aur Iamily what * Sessdm.k.rwi do. A few dollarsdiffercuce in price doceat m muets, k. the. »avo.awagon gives dut wa coasider mca." «LcAg seeice Wora fuir rpue. nmmore evcry tic»ed" m ot siifor a few doa.. ls.. lo. ea.. me.mad o t as *é onfuté dsan rm b t iso.hmg Ua i j"as a aieslmadéu. Ths mjr adviS era, s gocldes"of espalees-sId 'a esas ofqe mrjmwa.k Yumasgia sdéramMy"»Ilpe'.gstu,. ne~i SeeanD»Wor mft « * S" tBorâ& Intd. I ~ U5 31*501Y msz ci a.SAU==hI.C OULAJDM 0 SUASI. ______________________________________________ A(IEETNTber. Thi4e the. court lvas fore" 40 AOTO LAW VALID WAUK!GM MAN BT.WllareTU Cby anire bis vilce. SIJFFII! NO T DEF n e r7 et i bt l egal i ersottR!IR SPROM IIRM Monday by the. ioderai g= u ruy On would lie a yeur aftei- the dtvorce. or, SECRETARY 0OPSTAT£ CORRECTS a charge aior onc.ang asemet fthe. COLOE AN HOW AGEE-wthiln 52 weeka. vhlch wouisi ma. iMPRESSON THAT T WAS WAUKEGAN yOUNa MAN SELLS hyican defunet avlngs banuL. I MOOET MAFOR OSETU G WTM ti, ine plsver ta lier by hies, ANNLLLO UV COURT NTEREST UN FIPM ME WENT vas claim.ed that thsy withlseld $20,e IRL. COURT RULES VS. T $260. ____ INTO FEW VEAMS AGO; 000 frein depolitors. The. grand jury But, there la a statute whlch mayse-- ooh fa Rl adjournment altr return- CASE WMERE HUNT PROMISED that, isnobh a case, tue womlan han. SrinfildIl., AprilI 2.-lt va A Chîcago paper naid tii. moauinir: log tise Indictinent la Judge lundis' GIRL 85.0 WEEK-THE STATUTE no legal rlght to make an agreement dlscovi-ed recently tisat ta.Ililinots "Andr*.v Cool. ha. solsi his InterneatCoUrt. SHOWED AGREEMENT INVALIDofa settiemobit smder $400 wltlsaut the notor vohicle act hai passesi the gen- in the bond business of (ooke. Maite,.... Causent af the caunty judsge. Thei-e- oral asaembly witisout iiavtng gsn & Co. H.e î samg for Europe vth Ts ra lo . Iu the cas. lu caunty court whlcb fore, a« the jusige had nfot been con, tirougii the. forrnlitles demaudesi by hi. tamlly Doon and W,,l not decide Tb r trlookmpumCi.lom closesi 9'lday whereln Agnos Evans, sultesi, andi a& the agreement providesithe. Suprm.. court lu the University upon hie futur, plans until i return» Diemr8.te shaf-mslat an 18-year-old colaresi girl, was ca. oi-n eata 40Incs yata- o luno1acas. fi » .ti.sno itBLLIG. 01040 bomWOAd 09fftld. plainant againat J. Ben Hunt, bath ai Iy sud marry et the end ai a year, the Onie construction put on thls vas Homer Coote ai WauIt.gln snd r.- HALVERSON FOTOGRAFINO Co. North Chicago. samo mosn lnteresting caurt bai ta holsi that the. agreeent that ta. automobile law vas uncan- cently pureâasedl hi& fathers honi, on 7491 Fil-t National Bank Sldg. legal pointa vers hiougbt out. The was fat a 1sufficlent defeuse for Huntai ttitofai. ansi numerous papesInl Water street. vork or remodollug thie Chicago, 111. cse finally went ta the jury ansi Hunt andi the jury founusihIm gulfty. comnienting où the cas. gave out the place bains la progresa nov. Pr.velous waa tounsi gulty but Jusige Persona Judgs Persoasconfiriiid jusigment impression tbat the court has Iinvali- to becoming a member ofi taê Or. passes Monday on motion foi- a new lu the case ai Gall vs. Kimbal, for dated te tI. wih i retires tramn nov, Mr. Cool. r. BAIRSTOW trial., something 111e $100. As a resuit, the secr.tary ai state s Wa, connected vlth the. N. W. Harris Attor-ney Anderson, coloresi.of ai- He enterai jusigment for $440 lu tire. office han beeu swamised wlth letters Bankt ai Chicago, holding a respansi- MANUFACTURER 001 cago, ansi E. V. Qi-vis appeared tor- case ai Uinsqutst vs. Stromberg. troam automobile annera demandtug ble position there. Huntj Attor-ney Runyarsl ansi Welch - __________ that thirliIceuse maney he refundesi. Mi-. Coche plans maklug Waukegan for the stato ansi the girl. Rambler cars ai-etIhe predaminat- The s.cretary han prepai-esi a tori-mhs future home and ie iatnds here M arble and Gruanite The. slx-months-olsi baby was In l ng cars hIn aIte county, because the 1ter tatlu that te Iaw i. stilIn wili be intei-eted in knoing hat m onument s court same ai the tune, but relatIvescampauy Incits aiter Its netghhoiig fo.rce ans ik.licesetsmutbpai i.usnsplnreoriiftr. kept It In a aide raam most ai the c nty folk in every dotait, seeklug as heretotare. He lsaun Waukegau yaung man wha tirnO. ta mule the. feel the Kenosha fi-m h as reaesi ou, ai the hlÈheat Posi- Cemetery Work 01 Everv The particular point which came up la a home concern whlch wlsiies ta "The Paithenon Cemetei-y ansi Man- tions ever attslned by a nativ, oi the in the trial was that Hu*4 juat about give them the best passible service. saîeumn Company" Js the officiai name clty. Description the time hie wtfe divorce-i hlm, hasi Thats why Slbley & Ilawkln h oe f the new campany which la ta con- Mr. Coake left lhe Harris company maet a written agreement wth tbe sii5 ayI1 asti s-nha strnct the cemeter>' neai- Hlghwooii nyacupea er uot ne Evans' girl whereby ho agreed tta mar- 100-~2t comuplete details ai whicb have ap. business with the fim he la now Correspondne oict i-y ber when he Iegally caulsi do sa un- _________ pearesi exclustvely in the Sun. Its a leaving. der the Illinois law-which wouîd ho a Attorney E. J. Heydeckei-. master nîce sonnding name, but the promat- S year after the divorce was giantesi: In chancery, ansi bis v.te, returued si-s assure people that the naine lanlt Arthur G. Hisseil bas saisi to Rich- II6 <'e ee lie agi-ced fuitier ta pay ber $5 a Fri<lay afternoon framn a ton <ay a anytblp)g as nîce as the cemetei-y It- ar i-sisili,lanud northwest af Lake 1 6 G n s eS week iran then an untIl be maried busiess trip to ailîton, Kansas. B ell wilIIbe. eoriest, for $14,577.00. Wankffln 's-, 's. '-s~ k- -.. .,. -~ ~----~; -. 2- ~*.-.- As- ,., i - -t ,, i t s -s s.' , 4' s t-.. ~5 Si -i ~ - - .t4~4 QUiCk Ij~c7 f4-%- -, '~ t' - I - - ~ We have secured, the Neyer Fail Co.'s sp.ecial adver- tising carnpaign iiplanned for this district exclusively for our readers, and when you stop to co-ýsdcr -that throuighthis special dl' r you can procure tiis mnarve- lous sharpening device Out of Town Readers addl10efor Poîtago At Less Than Z- ýcc' the very article for whicla over 6OO,Iffl mcn have pidJ $3. each, you will clip the Coup('1u printed b)o;eid get yc.ur Sharpenrrt This nrcdnciofr~ beyond doubt sýcure the wd-;- .i .--~u.?nand distribution 11e e nPu.Ca. siSrz-, i the spccdi,; .n 'Jî"5tproduc Renienber thisamzg oflcr is for a Eii-.i tflP- or.-y7;t xi l b îhe - v,-' -IIen t~ consignment (A Shiarp1s ners is ~c Get B&wsy---C';et 7- Delay (îe~ No monre buying ncw ~ aafety blades, nor having the old style 6 6stand-by" h o ne dM when you posseesa NEVER FAI f7 Figure the saving both in moncy and satisfac. '*/ tion. It means a "I fe- âme of uanit"ar nd d ail y shaving corn- fort" and dolla to E. the good. A sharp Blade! ~ C.~ ~Lz~ ~~er Faîl iust what yon and evcry c(,;-r<Isi- wan:s, and here's ycs:; ulince to g -+ diSa e s .i.u w: ill do is work and you t et it on an extrernely fv:a b-s. Thoc NEVER FAIL hIarpens perf,.eii'y any saiety or o!d styla r2zor blades you rnay passcss-noî tone tirne, but every tone._IL lu js scientificaIîy tuit for t-e right kind of service; ta kccp yaur ra7ors in the pink of shavirg condi- tion under all conditions. The Supply is Limited! ,Act Quckly! LakeCoutyidependent LIBERTYVI1 ., ILLINOIS NEyER FAIt,. Aiter you give thru a f ew strokes an thse mecht-nc they be- camie your favorites es pei-haps îhey werc before îhey becamc apparent,~ uscless.'r - cou~pon -CL SIV LYFOR READERS OF LAkE COUNTY INDEPENDENT 7ro EOR A seed pots MhN jii.L fai-m,. in F~OR SAL weight 90i guley -uit % mile W. FOR SAL weÎgh 27 P'rairie Vi FOR, SAI Mat ser 111. Box FOR BAL &bout 15>: i lîlcago. FOR BAL souasi au- Litityv ill FOR BAL potata..fi FOR SAL reanouabli Grange, 1F Gurnae. SFOR SALI Do;,aai. W/ii selli 1443-R. 5 Illinois. MORSIES bay mai oly; vel. Severul at quire H. C Telephane miles fi City of Ab tivation, 2 balance in level land soli. targ * bar-n. grams try houa. fiaving wý reservair I la vel hk Westtas.thi A bargain For termes Ir. A. ln .No agents ONTANj F y.arsto rtgated lai Y ba bu.th praduce e nev book] BOX 1010 FOR SA banled tw, lAmp. Kn. Rere tire a lirai-an Ir Ois. FOR BAL A 1 conditi Ili. FOR SAL Orptugsoss LlbertyvillU FOR SALI good candi Chrutan E FOR SALI H. À. Scov FOR SALI Busv W, 8 of Olîmer. 4tEOR SALI ~sair, vît t ce oaile FOR SALi cottage an lot 60115( rftires far- Ill. Phont FOR BAL tables, 2 dition. store-the FO R BAL gonsicoi miles af C fine Impri 294 acres, acre; 280 onlion Ian have sev( Phicagoi d a A 'V'n

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