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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 8

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L~ ou~~ n»mm~', FtDÂ, AYt 2, 191a. k WAKUANIIC[I DUWOO IANN~SWAUIKEGAMITEt NOW LEAVS FOR EÀST mRom105 KICK BAVIE TO WIIISTLr. orl-e!éiRIEV. W. W. LOVE URGES IS, HSE ARMGWO A HUNOREDS 0F WAUKEGAN PEO. PR POR TO SUCCD ESRTY IES IN M.ALISTER MOSPITAL PLE AFFECTED WITH HOARSE. vol Ict & g t e o UPR OSCESI AT 2:30 THIS MORNING. NESS AT PRESENT TIME L8 au&e4ûn TO _ALWOR UNDER *lSI4OP MHR-A ORSE KICKED BAIRD IN THE SOME VICTIMS HAVE RESORTEO IT ire. 'blsclase s areay bthe~ IOMEI WS -BIEN MERE SIX VEARS TOMACH WILE LATTER WAS TOVUS E TLEP EVEN fre.n T sc rolaued athat la ineen L D ET As F RS W AUKEGAN, Illinos. Aprl 28. - i RENO '/NG T H-E HARNEZ1V R T E E E H N S lO , Deun ro upon the dlplicem e n5CRSSWAUKE4IA BRIDQE Rev. W. W. Love preacited bis let - ~IIIII badge cuuld ride free. but 10 the casemront as rector f Crist Episcopal, hester Ilaird, 37 years co f l -gh "t~ ~ f' a L hsl , FAÏO . >church Sundsy evenlng. a cltldren's ý ood, dled at the Jane 4icAUster lns- The ci sayng: '*If you cant say Il, ut firemen it provided merely for' the' OMRMYR0 AKGNat on epe evc akn )(1ttsronfga 3 coka FR N H S O L IR ( L firemen lu uniform while un duty. aoyugpoi evc aknrlia isnonn t23 'lc sIlstie It" ls being put loto uracti lii lfb oCu mssofei AtebrY atoceast EX LAN H W E HA PE E te lse nibs ix yarsaetoatonereutce a'n benkckd uth ue In wakAa ja nw N Y d ht case beHsete aktt O AL CR SO U brsa the s uo of biR e . . e . niL r the suaof h ya b or lce n e u lat in sumukeg u d eow btîdren. It possible for anY member of the de- 1 Tell, who had heenrector for twccty-1Tîuraday afterunon. The Inqîtenst v>iý For, n tari: every person ona eis, WHICI- partmeut, whether lu uniforni or not, MADE THE TRIP AT FIVE O'CLOCI< six years. NIr. Toit, later, alter licat set for titis aiternonu at 4:30 'c.lock bas an attack of boarseness whiiî TO han e~it he Mnda~to ride Ire opon dlsplay of the lire- U FENONATRTK. lng here, becams arch-aeacoit nf the, eben Coroner Taylor aiiarrive frontbas omade te city pass through a The etluntil i n it 1is teodnc tthe H" a n ..s badge. I FENO FE A Chicago diocese sud Inter was-eerted l.lbsrty ville. Tlic luquest will hs hetcr: lreilei o Itsupesn Attorney Bull declared this would, nature. These attacks uf boarseness measure otfhskdms i b lcdi h iy clerk's b an mpostin upon te company b.-' sistant bîshop ofthLie docese. le l,i mone, bave followed .olds lun ost cases, butSEA oôme for publie inspection. The eariest moment at whluch-cas, beosaId, there would beonothinlg jInstead uof Wiliam flesley, an old lu tact, ln charge outhLie work of tihe The accidsntliL seetus, harened tlqueausninmyIsacs t e O . ^ . t C i y r o m h a i n g 2 0 0 al l e n t a o f W a k ga r os u t h e p i r e t d in e e s e a i B s a n d e s u on . t e i k h o ar w n b y W .a E .m o t n easue ou-id be passed wouid be next Monday. That h20 eîdn f akga eugsdes 5o u h sc- whi e îd b W unlch ng Lsrn nite hera eople rying te ak. their e- STATE the meastîre will be passed then seems phv oh are c eprobable. elte... street bridge, CaPt. A.. Z- . ove's mrn ..srmon Sunday y~flh a uullts yfrsfnîywnîgu~l hses RR Waukegan peopie nl then be given 30 davs' notie be- bv ab are te.H aiLdBodgett, then imayor ut the citY, wu uwfb eue te~bhînd te hos es Lloyed.n Heh sut1eBpe pe. fore a referendumr eletion is held. At that time the PCo- North Chicago men secured fii.8me5 he one enttled Lute alt distinctionl, pIe outhte parisb Lu, extend their hear- ais le did seulhe tbrew IL over the back And, Ifla1 said lu one Instance, a ple's decision is final. If they vote not to grant the fran- badges and rode back snd forth et wfi accortilng Lu Mr. Blodgett'a persanai tient .UzPOtt te Lbe 50w rector who- of one of the borses. The accident business tman bas IL su bad in the Efforts ehite the irounil ispres to act providing they were upon the cars. At other Lmes hbe ay expamation of the tutter. ever lie mlght b. He stated that e semed Lu ave rightened the aninm, vocal chords thaL he as resorted uClbI mcicie.The, people have the absolute last say in the "Cai men" would ride on the cars L1 a LPt BlodgeLL today respofldedti Luhan compileti a complete f1ltqit the for IL kiclîed out, and une of the sLeel 1atiother utealis of conveying bis ans- Society il go ta work I the mile, sayng tisey The Sun's inquiry as twhvo crosseti persoa sville nomninally are mexubers abodi teLt truck Baird In the etutu- ivers, etc.r HeI.witier works ail colved vs m ater , "er. golng Laeria" Lte bridge first, by eliiig f his trjp ofthLb.local cburcb, andi ho finds Uer. acb, duubling hm, up In pain. rilt, sereforelles e n rcti Lu Il lte 8g ______________ CmmisCeuer Âtreydeclrz eros, as follosz are tram 1200 tLu 100 sucb persas. Baird vas at once carrie liota the 'whictl hl henh ihsayh bst U e h C ity Colau em e. Lv sntfi akUemiassaion s cie nd asi t objcet ut about ten days before Use raadway anly smeUing 11k.15. Direct con- summoned. At tiret the Injury did noaL evefl resrtd te Lhe whi tLîe uver the plan ll trs iegalrSd iInclude ILsinurdln&ne eprinkle treets vhere Use prlopertl Lb. departmelst voulie u able tevau openeti for public u».. Lbe Con- tributors teUse churcb number about aopear ta be a sortons one. Later lu telephune when hies&convoraing vlUss»lion. ebce vic paid Uattie Ceis rnera made au provislin ta sprfikle ride tree because Usey sole=sapPer tractar camne te My'office and auketi one hundred. Use alternoon Baird began Lu exper- hose wbo know about bis boarseness. '. GeorgeA obu7slali prlnikle is tracks rogular tUeir portion outhUe Street fNe saitiin unltarm. Ho ase, showeti v oere me ta nd hk a l Use bid e. W i reiUepul tUeprs a ~ ra anat s hsca t- For Instance, when aling vith a liosi lydra temm rne ant iaco iaohovscure Uat Use peuple vba vêr ser.laire mbut tva oeil men on Use vn onadb ltt s ar-forget any ditterences tbey might Vineai t t Uste man b. brougbt tL the trlend, I iehoviables mereli Lu cacual- b. presel th at«Con 1men" as el mas rgularl furiabng Ue financial iiakiatg tfor &,p rtinent. Mr. Bull Uson cnsented Celles. The Io ofut u en alked in ave entertainet o< lote andtI mpress- M clister osupt.l in Waukegan. hi remark as ho le takIsg: "Ail rlgbt" D t» *umibrhemenb le e t taride Use road voliti ntsoet SOt ta »Cha ta alluv Use Chit and Use assistant ons lie structure andimatie aurwvyad eti nhem atis e eeofaextendiîng ta Baird vas Pla.cet! an uart à Chf- lie gives une short vîiIsie-and tUstau her #we m ee a secly bieusdsy caue.FutsemaehelidUs O~chiot ta ride troecand t Use nsistent âacrs iL, the barricades being Te* Use sev rector, Use muet cu-operative cagu and Milwaukee ellectric car and meana: "Ail rlght. pruceet." And.th ol "flda m vbwieh for a lime seean, dinance hallbeen lunUse' bandeistuthUe urulng of, the.oommiscconerc cotsent-paeiatrv tpeiuo L Leli srcut utr a ureit akgnwL i bnh ihaL aLUeuea s »Mcu t stete@11 sereeIOltU l ti' officiais tor tamI menthe navMan toittaflurabhpeuboos t, h e a ecivas about. 5lve«u'cloex in Use aler- lie agree th iat ani'Moendaaf isicPossible speeti. An examintatlan aithUe oher -,a thUe vire Lu geL sasething hv o btvo e UeCompansy Md WanketBfl nu mention ever bati beeu matie ofmes. He wvas vilg e fat in con-,015 bn o einad settp ni bovshl. horitb baîtl nîcdg .C I v a lissehor guit e ofiClala-Accamilo ta Ushe do- Uis clause boierai.This statement sent te ibsafor mereir twa oeil men. 1tell yon ve Uonght that 'Man Bomlemuetunaderatandti Uat Use onli vay Ushat Baird bd at uscritily, ptulb h Lurvs c ause bi ada ofteds ISSOnda bi Ue CompanSy briiged Use vas denleti by officels. but vas finalir persuatieti i elfine structure. I dont remtember the Usey could do su vas La extend the ahI' tatally Injured. Everything P03~- repetition ufthUe last reune ut-ThsI O~ ntemn t~it po '~Ls bariet id u hendemaiv& ai cble vas dune for the victitu. but iWbile tise vhictiing conversation a poselmtg VU at s -eata b b. gad "WiifyugetemnIa*t i fîtt iv s fvs hw ta wU .thttetal eth eUsnwh a t"Us reet vasuse practiesiaSept'ilnserting tUssclause ve mai' as vellilàlc ot ;robàble. IL la possible Usat People etth.at t'me eltat thecamte ber.; if they tit not do su, lhe ho expired ai an early hour UhssnLvr pleasant ta fiston L. te, fi 9i-egaiy iept- bride was ondoftahb.Iaestolce-sever for %grthe unl !'i ca . i seOsIfSlse ! se Oi!. 1c1ai ff a ig taton , for I knuv that tlsere ma ho a fev m r.eoell men a rg a sn t s uet s t o~tit lbe coult no longer number thm or e a oces vegorte.n At raey . ul c e ath e C i mi pepe v I nL st d ti. L" A- meuturei e.city couiti hua t ut. an a. i sse If as his persunal ind . Baird had been employeti as s eatu- affîtt ib i.Ueltet e id.1r s oi n arm t Uste Camson tomner Bull declareti- "I am not eam- Ther. ver. a ev Ciller clauses that bsgvnstifcincnHtebgU e toit that Use vay ardent imoeli- sO'fo»rbCouglab ate isc eeu ut.gnra nt& i éopm wen u !vspeetlack ai attention that bas beau palti bers of Use church could best showvas a putnaster at Higbvood for a vblue îmIl vey em' »~ase that uelI Msta sight visea Use rl.fpoweredt tamake sncb a change S a u ddt Lquit. suit Use ooanialoners te:7loe ur sechucbva toCa itlOmouillaer aid îwtsaatai-ii gu. odbno vs eai.Thn assugget, mi' autitaiity exltlng Duniybut Ussi' Onaliv ver. aettIe.i amie.:-, LuILdurlng liLslong existence."oeaevlhbssucsu L s ulier of yCar. Bie rarasess ecebanoay i av uspa u" I #I- On boit sprinking la Use ardt- te a point o changiisg certain clauses aIal Ueo ocason at ee ORE WUE(A te i th bisI . 5tatbstreui r ual L coutvbses.tnisie ce trav Uphi'Use amps!,ta ake se e inng ore t matie anti straigbtened ontthUe ardu- w ASESA A Alarge congregation turned out to for bis evident lack oi cars at the time Su. If youu me tua n sadn npoIt b fIlt did sot eactlY csuithUe Con- "Weil,. itour Campeny gon bwsr«Y o cinan go OO À WYle prenant at Use final Services of Use u s ccdu Relatives outheb.il- Use corner, anti one lesboardi taling in an ap àbimtiunas Uer Iseitithat1lait t a'quibbe' about a little mette 1 rcuor Usdas sanpto. vaslagret.daccfort actiontp antiisonusosI e-, fo- thUe omPalhi'tu OP. kindOti nss ve bsi botter ci i oino Cmicoe ie L a etm nianecpinIrlre ueimsvr umoeiL i ei bietoohrases0uwîtig~ a "i pnaClause belflU Is- sunegotiatians," Mayor Bidinger mplacetioanfileo tr Public inspectiont, TILEGRAMS RECEIVEÙ TODAY chir vas prenent at botIs services. slde as soon as IL vas seen that hsbisno ta ineyuistp an llstend tulLaan exc 1M-h n" ~'e stUs o-tIis action beiug neoccari' beforo It TELL OF MEA SUDOEN DEATH In Use morning Eugoue Rckuif, for-cniivscii.-ta enau.Tht a a a er Mot, ~ýffX v.... Intl s rck cnhapied.pn omal oi-merîr choirmaster aithLb.cburcb, sasgutIfySly1 dubuth»va-aiWahrou10 prIe g l rBull begged hlm ist ta become itecs i aed upçis terml o.eCm- IN HOSPITAL THERE asl n nteeeigMs ls- Oeo h adoepae 1bi i oItrrttenwlnu h»d dusta ~ atet aganit akln Usi actan. is eth West sang a salu. Green Ray roand, in Lake Forent h nt : L. e ', e.eeLof l Ue ac tsa Ue tret ull scsbis nal cer wta hMrk . racatrvls aastUi cin Teletranisreecivet bore tall of Use HMoe Ixveu. counutry home ut Dr. N. 8. Davis. hasn. oem en ~~~~~~~,~~etn lfose li, udaau ago angis dicuclu' taectiohnm «toft thieir trachi mlt sot oieicncsin alabe ~aistvoie.nst exactlyallear, but fi;llt et l pknWash., is a boas- Mr..Love bas bean rector six years. beau purcbaaed hi' Edvard IF.Carry, Thee buntent auto agentsho laL sgi.le.I~va pltei niUatonuderetuaconcesi a yn tlUe hâifneamethiag ta du vith Use Marlon street piLailun Uat city ot rs.m.&R& TbamP- He came bie r. rm navenport. la., presîient ut the Amrican car & counti are Sibley & fiavhinageaeMi.. Seg 4 w plaed nttht m udestodclerl wattCity ieilpavng , habe ong outhUe opinion 'Use sus. 38 rearaaid, a taniser Waukegan vhore be vas rectar af Use church Foundri' Campany, Chicago. 'Me pi.op- for the lRambler Courpani'o!f ou.S ociety Il W the ol U e o l o ot a iso inthe lrs lce. omaysol o os a o yvoulat vbo vos boiraber. ant i Ivetianti dean outhUe Davenport districi. erti Comprises groundis cf about fit- sal lisehebave solti morne cars m thUe Donc, .~~uretsUe euledosthg- t A11 sa feOn . trPrprtosamp n? reaboulmti .omel$30 a arbers ail ber Ilie Up ta about titre Ho nov goes t abie asteen acres,impi-aved vith as tramieare piacisa mars sev acortio n 7naturel qu, .ad I it o e o h at- w remao hecueo e et l eCmrde a sîtenthWiIe Uepurchase price anybatir elce-en t Us'.a resua:Later. ha Use Street cars ris Uis dut la grat tioveiaped lve,, Use clauise came np vas levieti aganst fIL attint Insteaitrasas.Ts aueo e dahl here h. a isL 1a unique anti nev eiece h uloudL ~~~regadlug Use privilege ut alluvlug ai $14,000, Use figure ttvlcoI, Oc khois btuci olti Aasrtpaiposi nevtioneii petibcone Uhet.ILisunieeao Uearo- weRablr uo a invi a Uebiste 'j Ii ca~eM. ul ionce S:citi' drames sud policemen ta ride cut by the courts. I nthv ee e'sd no s fiime building up nin-duo prse ri a enietia 400a ce n isrvcri liya4l11gbut hosIb Folluvisg are Use principal poM s a eevt a uiainUa anti helping builit new unes, being di or about $70.000, antiI upoal ulto.fe su raihmt uolt Folluving are corne ot the pointaeaiseevas ove. il]. ectîr uaider tb. direction outhLIe nov Lbe sale vas matie on this bauis. Tise secJou. phase 215 Waukegau or bau a c contalseti in Use aruiuance: tirs. Gos BlIer anti MIa. Benjamin bîahup anti arch-tieacon ut the Boston deai vae negotlaied bhi J. L. Floydt. Antiacb 372. Wdaant. id hou 1Th aladcmaylter Hogan, nsatera ufthUe tieceased, leave tilocose. Ho 1sf t Waukegau his __________________________________malle il ceive a franchise exstîog axer a pem- Lanigbt for Spokanix, wbore Usey i' ii morinîg for Chicago, vhere. this at- D.N ido t tUirti' years. attend Use uerai. Burtal las otlle tersaus ho vas uns ut four clergymen - . een int 2.Tecompasi' pays the city plceI Mosecav Idahoa. vha vere gusesat a tunner for clon- mano B $20,000 In cash fur liLschar. ot cas- ofrluTPaire o Wa a gymnonfuthUe tiiocese. fi vas arrang- II I L IP Ar / cety1% thoue Geese h-st taugter u siPer tWukeaas. edtIin basai. cfthe four clergymen et'ha gtructlugth e eeeareviBsdshrbaadaddrscil GENERAL COMMISSION MERCIIANT theue Beîda emhuhnt atiUs. c î- babt nov are making changesi At Lb. o 3.Cupnbok wl h ol hihdrn&lejevz h Moin rohrstei octon.Special Attention given t4 thse Sale ni Uer. vil vI*l gixe Waukegan Peuple a tour- and ti iser: Mm. Bon Iogau. Mns. Iurlng his rectorats In Waukegan. Dressed e v.toHgs el cezt tare. Gua Blier, Mrs. James Brentas asti Mn. Love hall Use satisfaction ai rafis-:L Utfl oi O 4. inevii b. eontp Nanths dvard Paoif aifaiWankegas, astnd U.otmotet tUechrb oultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs. - avenue te thse golf grounds. Wok tJasThete ofu mt Ixsa, A a sud- about a yeam agc, anti 105ves IL luna This je theo ldest hanne on thse Street. Tags and nue lis Thenou 0ftir. boncons sd-gond ti ancial condition. His par unee napiain - b. dose vithia 18 moitha, is dB aueda ge5 'buc ,atoasa applvsicsacetion.0 c > __ ~~~~ ~~~~~~5. Ail bock taxes ansud mne da t ascescuewutasucesfl ne yulb.pad U h' se ameu v Ueaive. ud Mnt"ids la nWaukegatao. ai thUe samne ime,fiL vas a uet COLO STOI&AOE FREE. Ont fui-tier tielay.About tva veeka ago a letter vas i-e- dîffiuit une. He succeedeti a masntia .PsteS. I IA O LN I i6. Company' agronsa teparfils share ceiveti tram Mm.ThOniPSOs In vbch vho bal Issîati bgh position ithe Wbs.sjAl. toca. C IA O L IO ut al public Improvements vbich Use di, declaredt iat ber chiltires 9.Il cburcbi andthie ccmmuity, Mn. Tell, Ca.iT. s citi enires te put lu. er. aufferig ai batienflei, but ashe anti beouse the latter bat been nec- mCTle What Usu.sî~I. Ia'Pato ~17.Conmpanyi'5. e ta li i. Wa.h. »d5otIng of being BI bornait. The tqm su mani' years. Mr. Loxe natumalli' 8II oodmei IIU 5A8nU~gtus street tn bripg Use tracks on natmal ssuMitiol la tisat $h se bal!ht a dIfficuIt nois e Lufi1, as ls always e h thtetleet te grade, agreeing ta inn- cantracteti a colti vbich mai' have de- the case vhen any'manscucceetis an- If & Tbas A A r e unis 7,000 yards uf gravei for tLbu. v pdlt nuoiWohrwobsserved a quarter ofa A TN OT&TrI ILmonisas eus sg armetspose. Mm.5 Thoupan louves mani' Mientis century, vhetber IL be 1n B cburch or A 1 'v ,L I IountyFr1 IGHT eas&oth amssi .Copn agreee ta repair anties uigtemn yassei uies We are pleased to annoulie to our friends in this -- camps o cetri tateaerge ~op ta mantain its tracks anti ther eqnip-maeUssIL'brheabvu Accardingir. Mn. Love wvorked bard. vicinity, thAt we wilIbrad Feuaylt wthbuii b rnu thi-ce bnshels les. ta te acre ment in heCiy.fientis vherever abc ent We rone mayty odtos The pi thvent Whenw gsuSuppunteaci o dycitryiug conditionsbus.two of the greatest brands of itertilizeris known. Isation a thn he îowge. upos ech9. Compani' agrees ta pai' fam 18- h icteit aevt u- and as a vhole. hae accamplIee con- on_______the_____ acre of f am land in the country feet of pavlng on Washington street. banltotaSpokane, IL vas vitIs groat e- sîderable In the way ut Iliting thes - fi o were so tended that. lit praduced ani ras 10. Company agrees te pave 18 greL Uat Uhsee Mentis parteti. The tisbt, seeing a boys' club anti a girls* M eredith 's M eredith"'sbi orse equal ta that of this sate. Haw mucis more laches outaîie ut rails on ail Street* groat distansce t Spokane proents club succensfuly maitaluet. etc. cuestaon muuney wold you have with whicb 10 buy the aber, linos run lu future. mani' orUse rends truma malng the - h nyB a d T eO l rn twib luxuries of 1f e that YOU carn and deserve? IThe trasfersatomcTte' LrIp Brand anilho Your shsre su tis prosperity depends entirely 12. Cmpnyagrees teletan ral-'11 FIO Cop6------ 1 -ai vo flpon yourself. The finît step lis 80 f ertilize PtrJnsAni 6 eue u-~Gentraan sd Sure CpGruwer 2-------------------------- en yaur lad proprly wih masur sprea by - racks under cent Lu ho OIxeti hi arbi- baud t Uso late Ruse Annie Peters, -Nîce - Iu pecntNroeit 2p'cnt1Lsd ration boardi. ae.o. !,bluei ateDc Ts-l- l 2 cntAmosa2Lu3Md cn 1John A', oa lP......... 1to72per cent Availa...........Ac2dSo 3par cent .at tt MH b anure Spreader 11.Irnpoies always tu be nem Iin g.s.,M'rhuasandi John, beloveti broth.: ~u 1 a eto irenb 10 The spreader that dues its wurk as it sbould b eict i rnpiea os Park Native ut Lienagouile Bassse -" "Pol" Soluable. 4 u 5 per cent Puas .........12 u 13 par cent fianu tel. sustbvemnyecelntmchnca etre.Counti', TlpemarY, Ire=an. get 52. lnaoi.sable.......i1 su 2 par cent 'l nsoIlutblo Potash..l tb 2 par cent roui. cas Thse aprus shuuld move without jeking; the ty______________________________. i beater should ineet the luad at exacty tise Intiepeotient adoti-eat hi 25.000. Attorneys Elatu Clark. anti Claire Wam right Pont to pulverize the manure without_______________ C. Edwai.totiay recelveti a deeti tramW aWsl o bte oode o ea oe hn llb John Elilat toi. Use te daitt Eltheut farme;any firm today, of) account of owning our own aY ot1 tua greatl increJohn theldrat afrthee sachine;iot fartav nie 1p5edacresesnfanhLb.prBeachulstation -mine. Ouir own miii, near Coatesville. Penn. We tive. Al these features asecpruvided for in lysi . Thee gods wîh otr brnds, g llaetherDuaties tise cnstruction of 1 H C spreaders. iJ3 ves nu. mti publie. Ovlog ta ie n then al nU. on - ltustl IHC aSireaddersnsecsmadfetin eow styleshotwhrchraps, get ttor doSths- lui- se i mudor sow, roube tha Is1eingencantertial

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