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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 1

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LÀý.K-E COUT Y NDEPEDN VOXI.N.33 OTYPGSLIBERTYVJLLF, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., F111 Y, MAY 9,1913. ONE' T-EIGHT $.,)PRYA NADVNCC'-"- TO COME 1WNEXT MONTU I~RRI1Y TOThis Issue Contains fieIIfIlTSESNI ~ar ~g ~MOTJIERSILL-VOLIVA CASE ý oa f40¶dS ETFIRST diOWNINQ 0F IJJB IEJNfhIIl fl FAMOUS $LANDIER CASE WILL BE f i inquent Trax List.11 EMIL MAUJEAN. CHIÇACO MAN,"O WIIIJU1 lUTIME IN JUNE j~~f i nto aworth going aftc-r W~hen IIb I DAY WHEN BOA~T IS SWAVIPED. IU I rolen Wison was fonid ta have MAN ALD WIFE RESCE "FOE fll? 111V IN EACH 0F THE FOUR TRIAL1 b1f lcr, victorious test f4~li, a criliber 0f RESCUERS $'00 AS A TOKEN N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W sU IU VERICT HAVE BEEN RESUE CIVtE atrt-Wa EI~IUL~5 VERDICT HAVE BEEN RL ,%aegan men sarted au ~ m i 0i, I, %.atF THEIR GRATITUDE.n iu Uli fl fli TURNED AGAINST VOLIVA NAO EWSLnkegan job. Mr. Grady mas, their:s III U iI The famous 'Motheralill-Volv ai askIng for the place. O1thir %Iho got 1JTe kers onnrot;f o URLR A LBETVLIder suit, wilI core to trial InWo S1NACIFEI RECO>MMENDS lto line. were Commiss~ioner cl.trfce ACTION IN CIRCUIT COURT BY i1 utida afteroon Ilhei Fini Da R. AMES. WHO 18 Loir MAKES SENSATIONAL IT- ut li ln .Iune. It Witt Ite the lift l'tter, William Ward, br. Percîval HC E ONîEIT ia,ý, as l.aciaomn OT FLBRYIL APTR BINOOISOVEED. t{e tbattitis case bas been triéd. VANIEL A. CIPADV FOR WAU- Pearce. WHIC UE TONEXITD.,,.'-rod haota.NRH0 IETVLE Attorue>s jokingly declare that It la KEGAN POSTMASTER Iýc of ths me irýd a huri ENL USIND n rwe uF- ake, a -cnalI HOLOS PATENT ON CEMEH becornIng an annuel apring evn 1t E fiht for the place but, ail a!ouig il nas of - - a t in' th- wstern -ar of Woodsok 18 l doubtful If aný otherifl ta Grdy' priiii ind %rsae.Téirsc , LOST HAÂT IS -NY CU~cs ~rtîcdl h tt a a SULLIVAN HELPS GRADY WIN I ociti c 5rces or yars tog'thr JCASE COMES UP MONDAY tet>tw-rsýý"1here, ot PLANS BEAUTIFUL GRGU' - ~iso,,mauy nsw triaisabs receied 'lbtetctta t 1osnai snec yoivn aer ofin $ln o the ir -t sucb notoriety as titis caose. likno, s Senator Lewnis, arA lias alwa- s ar hc-,îv a uardo I if forc cte i MA HOME ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C 0- DANIELA LIEC-E 18SR Hr sa re Iitr. fte ra been conuected with the lier Sulli- A SURPRISING $TEP AS ALL THE suddeuly I-t blam.-d for swamping rheSPN SXT TOU GLARIZED BUT THIEF WAS IN- FIrst Tria]-A jury in the circuit WIGTMA SELECTE ofdm(FORnIInisý NWTWNOFCR AE Int DOLLARS FOR LAND LEAD8BN6.; TERRUPTED AT MIS TASKI- court ln Waukpgan amarded Attorne) SAEPSTONA H ade' bie chances seern the- best of ail ON THEIR JOBS The party con isted of Emil Ma-u- TO PLANK ROADÏ Vothtl A e trina a gain GRYLK FIE j r Grady la the bead of a famiiy jean and -Mr, and Mrs. George Boyn- Vla.Anwtilwt rne.of file children and their home la on ton. Tbe latter conducts a hotel at LAITER-An employe uI lhe 1autil Second Trial-A Jury ln the circuit NrhCut re.liwaraedPopte genermîîy dlai farm south of Libertyville. idenlified cor lnWogol wre ol Wsigo,0 . a . AKG A . 13 aahaeuCiao he u es u WaSheian, D. C., Mu) a o ln Lorke Conty, anred l a s on r eent Acurecindtre tdyl CAIKEAN lied gn t2 taha e avenue frcano. tn T he n thP w ae dud nu à the halase belonging to a feIll n'em- IsilI $20,000 damiages. The court held LSecas a The Suu)-Setor lu rek ocy n aoeo h et or cinsatdtdyl i- a oet at o notn ploya and Marshal Limberry. accom- that thte darnages were excessive sud Leioanecmedd t - knhown residenia. cuit court ahil create Intense Inte,-est aud hadt aIent a greater part of the i extensiBve a laud deal Dr. W. IL pssied by the young man, virenI lb thé cut them te $10.000. The case was ap- aster BSirIaaa tw addtes A o ue h ase Iaunhdto easte'adyI oig Auae nortf ibttvll 4adiçss given as the home of the pealed and ordered back for a uew for pont offices in the district of WEATI1e bas ~ LU *miYo hes rece t est eleo Late lu the afternoou sudden Ius durtho intyil n (shlow in Chicago Tuesday, bu rfi al. Mc' Eepesntaiv Chale M. Thom- aýaIYo h eet pca lci quall of wind w>Icb la said teo have i zurn thse pant tew deys ha. la locale him. Me rated j ecs Third Trial-A jury lu the circuit son,. Progressive. Daniel Grsdy ib.erehy the uew township of Lake been eue of the noat severe ever enormity et thse purchase and à* la Chicago police, however. aud s court et Woodstock awarded Nother laned for postmaster of Wau- J. C. JAMES 0F ANTIOCH PRE- la was creatcd. Since that tirne of- sei bun toe lahe Cahiucagote e doctor's pli. shap oaoula eig eplfo lts aiI 11000danaea Agina ew kegan and C. L. Wightman for lac EPR HCMCN ers bave bisea eîected and are uowv little rowhoat was tossed about et the c a Itnown. Grayelake. MUving as towu officers tu the new mercy of the waves. The twe men! Whien it la knewn that, Dr. fellow. trial was grauted. aTISIFRAIN a ucae rcoe « " Afe blgdeetd nth c o,ýFourth TrWa-When the case,ca - The ehove telegram announces what I NFRATO. bn. - did their best te reach lte aboe but, At1 beln fecte the thet trctl etore :a- a to e lu the natter of postmaater -The action was lu the nature of an wben about eigbt hundred teet away 165 acres et tarin land of Som. tobbng he omeof Dnie Le ofbien acting for Mlotherbli begged the 'lu Waukegan aud Grayslake, for, Josepht C. James officia] wetber Information ln a quo warranto lire- front atety tbelr boat was swarnped1 ietfreylgusnoh luo aueue bietvle uga ile the recomuteudation rnerel- bas osre rcrdr Lk eediaz tu ses wbetber the town of- and the three touud theinselves strll- ertyie sdrna tu the.c Cook avne1.eryil.a uga jury to returu danages "anamounit obere and reodrof Laecounty rmd e t yis an tniat teat made bnescape at 3 o'clock I. t et~ tba been made to lthe presîdeut by the flcers bold office legalty and was di- gliug le tise water. 1 -od tl euta h og a Monday ~ ~ ~ 1no morio byee asalu tirogi e aar .tnaateutnt bas juat conipleted bis weatiser report rected against tbe tollowlug tonsn of- Tuo Young men, A. .Vaýsdtmanaa ie n;intc.* ar libdget cld le coquectdstioPontment because the presîdeut bas fo h etse pi u lo forciais: Lloyd Benweîl, both of wbern lIve lu into hiatory as oe of the bilta the fi-eutnwludow.nbisutuddsn ait i-sf wera theongtbeaqeto the eutire sear The cearly summay ih hvii o abotut lulctn caann ontge everynt bicee en maklng appolcîments on they.ey * Super-tisor John Stratton. Itise viclulty of the laire. wcrs on tise put treugz ln te vcnaty o glass lu tise trame, bu olclge agrjdret recommendatlons of tise senater. otweather for 1912 centaine sorne Clark C. W. Talhott. shore et tbe tirne. They saw thisle i Therobiermad asuccessful get- Te cury aared 4,O or aniat e TusiftersdetapnsMr verylunteresting atatistica: - Assessor Eugeue Wiltoc. t eril of tbe tbree people sud despite 1 Hors a-e tiie famm whiàa D. excsp tlu ae gloo nmtcbmcdcoaîvaldue Fi-est sud attorneys toi- Voliva con- tise y acd %I-. Wigbtmau, In îles, otl Elevation et tItis station ahci'ýe se Collectoir Percival Dihhls. thse tact tisat th, undertaking was as contractsd for or purchaa.d, tendsd tisat the court had allowed lm- Conniassioner ot Higbways F. M. frauglit wtb tise greatest peri thy 'ri8ist: aiee testInnou teng He intodse care of apitoletments, It mens that tise sec- Record kept for 12 COntinuousemi-s, Haunlîn, J. J. Baruetable. George Me- i leaped iuto a boat acd rowed for? B yr-on Colby, 176 acores( limnk book, but that wlll avail hlm poe stmnt bItrdc etc i will et once confirit hin lecause ech daY recordjng tise bîgist and Credie. 1th lsaccus et tise accident.- fo- at $25MO). nauglit. He ovei-looked a pure cou- thse trial. Upon these grounds tise' that bas been dons lu ail otiser cases. lowest thermonetp-seading; rain fait, Constable Herman Witt. Maja axk w-bile tise rescuers Robert Dady, 164s-esa "lt ".Mi-. Grady was chaîrman etfftic demt snow fait, direction of thse wind and Justices LyouaB B. Cengdon. M. S. wei-e StUR Bne luttle distance away. PufChs5.d. (This la th. mi 1w, tanig reMe t bae W theli outcome tis tuae will b. ocsî euycuiîtsfryaa odto ttseuaie. --s Thse teliow*s bat vraisa op on Mther Whs tis rbscd isoa prerlsed ThMra h cail onycmItefrya odiino h bt« ilr hutersu ui r i- anr. and S tirn) 0 porcb as lie made bis departure and1t brdandrdct b rile h Mr- Wigbtrnan la preseut cony Average temipereture fer thse ycar-- Thse complaloants are sliown to be, Mra. Boynton vers clinging tite Thom"f Coriett, MO mmi Chif imerr rtanedba a, a cae Iredyba caseolvamolready liasH costcrte fr wo raderlivaor (cntaoemucrlido ('bief ~ ~ Po tlbryieandtsia hat itlai cleined tisat If he isad set- cara.Hia srts-yfrsoL dees.jprorninent men ot tise western part of top et tise everturned boat airnoat 1~-(Ot-td O>SS sIble dlue, but ht wsuaaln.Frte te h etjdmn as te-ilu. e yearai souts tins ero. Thus. tise, Higist reading-97 degres on Sep- tecutJh tog onA ed orlgsterbl rm Ms RU OW 8- c- a turne Monday tbe police wei- 1ook.Itre btb wud bv-be cliairmen and bis aide, bane beson gît- tenher 5tis Thalu. Josephs Hucker and George B. sheer exhaustion.61lso, ugef t tor a f ell eao manh band le muey tatd suwud a&bne postinaster plIums lu Lakte countt. 1 Lowest readlug-24 lielos- ou Feb- C'able. To haes laiton tliem loto tise bat la the old Conlt. le. senwlkn logte tet a-Succeeds Watrous- Aeage raluisitl for thse litate. north.- turnabie Monday. May 12, et whlcis biiity; so admnaig tliem ta isold (thîs lu the Old Kngix Tairn>,, lesa. ýSUliAR REFINERI CASES 'i-. Grady thsug wll succeed Cha.er ditt 31.58 iachses. Theli havie5. wa ruarste lnd this sunn a sudsdl --wol aecpit tl'alprb- Lsi a-n-75,5 robbci-.u aOR FakgnadNrWge3 5 lan Clarkte aud John Pope appear fer tise evei-turasd boat and toed il to.1 h la thsug seei tiiat tise doeW reem n ic Mr. and mr.A .Nw 'INN an wil suirceed Dr. Scisefer, botb luches, thei complainanta. It la brougbt ln tise aboe. Mr-. Boycton s-as Po gratetul Planifld ta lovant ii65.700 laien soni, son-in-Ime- and daugbter et Mr-. repubîlcans, Ni-. W'etrous baving iseîd Total nunîber o! cla days--156. toeo!testebuSatsmtryativlgscrsudthlhgve cdtisad iipr an r e.wl leIg ieEIGMT SETTLEMENT CASES UIN-_ofc o oe er.D cafe Partly cloudy days 128. Ial ftesae u tt' tonye aigbe ece h, ogv n tt adheipoe fqs anMr.Lew lei-g. The DER COMPENSATION LAW ARE ofefor a ew e onîy., Dro.d days 84. Dady bas nothluz te do witb tise art- tise taso young men $100. Tise body , planned e-IIl iun Into tse isurgîsi- lu lie searcis awoke i e. Ffrafwyas ny luydy-4 on. o tf tise drowning vîctint eas recoered' sud thousanda et dollars. son wiso tisougbt It s-as lis fatiser-lu- FILEO IN COUNTY COURT. Mi-. Gnady as former cisiet et po- Prevailiuz e-inds for yeam-west. Under tise action tise tes-c officers' later and tise Inqust e-as held ou Dr. Amnis plma buliding a lif 00las-, lice of Waulieganu nter Mayor Pearce Mr. Janes explmins that lie bas been ne l>i ucutadso y-Nody ievritea n~rr-'ca ae rbbyints ~Wbt o yn -at~ a aks. AUCEGŽn NIY . uring bis tast administration. He sîcIt for tise test te-e montsa ebIchý1a i-I Ic. Tise burglar maes ne reply. but tish eîin o stlmn te cssfermerîy e-as engaget lu tise ment acceunts for tise report being osd ie the a e- tîlîluz. eut Iu tiIs î,rsided over tise Inquest sud an improvement. Itla te ray et ligIt fi-ent lia lai-k Joutera e-as of elght of the mugar reflnery victime maktbsns ejayyas e-eal eae.fead h h osd tes tbeya uidwidngdivwy situt off acd le boat a isasty retirent were fîsti lu Ceunty court titis moi-l-- ing tise senior member et tise i-m oftu ho aible te dent eut nome "geeti liye eidedf henw ow In yth e publi N!ARitrto WAJK A laced mci, hie plan la ta <be-n staîrs e-us Mr-. Newsom lu close iu yts nwpbi amnaia art Brothers originaily, tissu e-itl Btuff" front cee- ou. PIEIA -A K G N hilce aeinchal pursuit. lu tise front hallea>' tise rab- wa< ci-t tsehlzbsGi-ady and Welcis ant latter e-ltl Grmty Foliowing la conparative report on Sus1 stand back mabaut a isll i4ie ber paused. FerIng that the ellOw tratsudfcia'kacteHes seldseut au J.w.yead Dtise e-e stheroufor tiseementise ettApriforWIleiantCaofîtpror iltiamayaatartet eodUNKNOWNtORIG UN 0FWTHEIGIN OF THE FIE Mil avenue.aTise. The iol' inigît have a i-evClv«f lir- -Ne- Swe-ms. mgo sud sicce tissu bas led a sml- tis year mnd for ian consecutive ycars nuaudanus action ta compel Highiland WHICH DESTROYED, BARN AND thle onîy orne urontdag MQ pmse mtcale u~teiistaieri- Tise petions usmed tise ansotnta i-re lie esreio iehm- atarke ît> te psy hlm $2,974 Wuginent' SHED ON MARI<US FAR law e-h a le o tis hroue fgtoor Il lichi haire et tise victime are entîlle etre ie esre nteb&dPs.gvnhml i uto oebnsa uteohr u» ca hie e-blept tis e rowaek t au AU une toefaecmenainate reî-lew as tise temnocrmtic inember Api-il 1911.-Warnest day 81 on tish ie i ubsi nse lbnsat Mne, tis-te old pers rS et thi whtetheroberw& 8skig t touner hesta ompnstio a t ee- years ego and was the menus 23. Codàday 26 on 20. Average tereceut session ot court Pire et unkuown lrgnWdnsaio te tisen tlanked e" open the door by memna et tise night- eud Judgo Persona Szxed tise date et et resurrectiug mauy assesamenta temperature 43. Relatait 2.32 luches., Judge Whsitney overruled motions ciglit ai Il: 30 o'clock destroyed al la sait! the oerner plana b1ïs 111, latrol. but -a unsucceastul. lit e-as isearing for Juns 16t1. lu orter tisat sîisoudhehenntseoIa cwflrcefor new trials e-Sud ers si-guet lie- arnaîl bai-n acd tool shsed ielocgiug te tr1 w eta rn i i~e thoen tisat le dasald boack lto thse word ina> lie ment ta eacis of the vie- hetore, iei kcowleg !lclod- Api.112 Warmest ta>' 76 on the fore ii lu tisa cases sud iutgment C. C. Markus. e-ho lvea rlgbt et the i-e an d racing liet tise parler leep- tins' relatives lu tiseir native laud. tionsanmd people mmking him a valu- 271.1. Coldeat day 20 on tise lOts. Av- s-as enteret lu eacli: electrie railromd ci-ossing et Holteril çaay i-e.yffa edt irouzis tise s-indes-. lu lie liat> Tise judge Ialis tisai sucb notice be able ientler lu tisai position. orage temperature 47.08. RaintalI 2.69 Jopp va Feirburu (Foi-tune brets- itgc road. nortis et tise golf grounds. ertyville and Mall Dey bsbq exf hi bt ws dofld n te ron set.M r- Wigbtman e-as the democratic inctes. Te-elte incises sce-, ess; appeal taken te Appellate ouit. Beaides tise buildings destroyet, lîve over b>' riais Cislcsaom &Mnd'hi4l porclt. Tise petitioca repri-senteti tIsse vice member et ils board et revise- lesnt April. 1911. Warmest day 68 ou the }iirocimons vs- Weit. stotck as followxs e-s lest: have beau noue aveilable. Ao~l Tise tat seauofth buiglam ho~ les arettlse o = y y. e lhas lived ait GraYslake for I27th. Coltest day 17 above on tise Krunpttsz vs. Scbaubel ýebc Qu o- n os.tr et. I>, the coining of Dr. Ames t0 diapeaW nan>' yars autrb lhm fp loandI eal Ituown and Ilot. Average lemperaturo 33.69. Bain- bolds tise latter cet guUlty lu auto e- Ail ef tise tools lu tise shsed e té e-ooda. Marsisall ismberii e-as nOti- Chai-les Toettel.s-------------.$1,2(1 pepuler. Mis appolitmant s-îîî be me- fait 5.57 loches.cd ) lest, eut bat tise e-led coi been luma ht ieyohe e ' iet mud le e-as on tise sene ln a re- John Kipriculx---------------..1,500, celvei e-lth satisfaction lu ilat vil April. 1910. WarnîeBt day 86 ou tise Reimera vs. AIbirisit (sîmuder case thse aeutiswest, tise bosee woulti batsv e n ila pîe> le o Smsrkably short tins. Me spent somns LouIs Mandick---------------..2.132 loe. 29tis. Celdest day 18 aboveoen tise et Prairie VIse-.> g one also. gosctzadile sb4 lie tins lu trying te locale ils tel- Josepis Wowalsti-------------..1,7091 Goes mInt New Office 24th. Average tenîperature 49.96. Te- itouse vs. AIli. jNeizisbors rushed to tise aid et the 1tevlaeta advle hids = nCia i........1901ie vs serse ,i i-liai-yer fermtr, but il. vfflate are un.e 1 et les- but e-a unsuccesul. Ana zznk------- 1j Tise appolntment et Mr-. Grady taIli-min 2.94 ticites. itibtentevlaem h TIen le stepped te lia teleploce le Oblit ......... 1.200 neaosns censiderabîs ta lim bieaute Il April, 1909.-Warmest day 74 on tis Dtieckan n.ý tal atd eeve- taimer, buth is teur ffors Prin t-i it-a ievlaeatts rMartin andcee ......... tria glnee<eedaaîîgl ienîere îgts panIt ri-ste-ll. as e reat 01 tbia sud caîlad upt the police et weukegaii 59 Ma-i Malst---------- n s that be e-lll le ils ti-at post- j tis. Coldest day 15 on ils lOtis. Av- alita. Jî,dgmnt orlginelly e-as toi- bai-n. big deal. bs"incresd materiall. and sevnra' tiser cîtîes mcd tee-ns lu John Gsi-tlla----------------------00master lu ils use- federal -building erage tenpertîre 42.36. Total rain- $500, but Ijuteck e-ished moe. 1Tise place svas lusuret ln tise Mirlle-e ja etre f-t LaIte c sItîkng thent ta le on tise wilai nos- leluz coustructet. Thus, fait 8.68 truches. _________and_________too, l lokot orth fllw.Th tte l Tta ...............$1,10it seerna iItly that. despite tise tact April. 1908.0 Warmest day 83 on th LNBG--BAINm'kn ln ocnmmt deoIient for elgla.iet he Toa-----------1.4 hat Mi-. Xatrous las looked foi-eai-t 23rd. Coldest day 22 above on the -h ciel hoE LUNCH MAVe BE MEM Vand Ic . a~~~d es re a Isiez nuit. Mcd ha tnC r ut c u t a r e a t i e compleion et tie ue- office 2d. Average te-niperaturs 46.1. Rain- In celeli-tio of tie niry ino tie Prepare ai once te start eork on tie LimIer-y sougît te determine tise 0e-- miner e-ho, It las amît lad mgreed ta 'anti las e-orked lard on the plans, le fait 4.86 incites villatgt of th'. c-" Palatine. Lakte Zar- 'ýlrfl, Ill- Al'i-l 30 -%bon, extensive luapro-,enents he lias ta er ot tise bat but bas heen unisuCCess55 settie toi- $600 and tise conpauy liati will net lave tise satisfaction et ses- April, 1907. Wai-nest dlair 69 on thte icît & \Vauitîîta raîli-ont, tue cont liit.4 once more are sheaensd minti fui thns tai-. Tise piece et iseetgea- la3 ag-e ep> lm tttsn a ng tise Insîie et tise structure as post- 22ud. Coldet day 18 above ou tise niiilcu tteltter tillag basWtianlialn ietîs, -a- I.Clrnaeteda -l r a llght bras-n fait bat, -itis a blackI bi-ongt suit lu Circuit court bocautat rîater et tise City'. 14t. Average tentperature 39.1. Topl',n,,,' a gala daý on Satitiday, N lay! so are îungry nay le foi-ced to go Antes for the Colby. CorIefi aut Le&M baud. It loIta as If It coet lu tle le la a mineir andl bas ne rîitlt te Grady Net Endorset. tai ralutaîl 95.01 luches. 10. Mtin ail ot lthe pieop'le f tite tlîree ta restaurants for tseli- lest sani- ftaus. John Griffith soIt tise Da d e teIagIborlo et $4 or 15. setîs la interesting te note tisai lu the April. 1906.-Warnesi day 83 ou the-' villagie, and tise sirrouudiug paracet an icliesd anr botti ofg ifSeatr le c se et M . G rady . le e-s n t t ls 25t 1. C o îtes i d îy 20 above o u the ais . co nttuuîtiîy are expecteti t a ga ier , bill r ihibit n g f i-e lun ches ln dr am e t v l e s l h l o k e p s * à Tise i-oibe-y e-as discevered about Robert Grahsam, aIse Injureti c< Iuskealetrnuc od iett oui Ie, 3 o'clock Moanday morulaz mcd lusîde la suit lu Circuit court for $2,300 foi- man recommeaded bit the Lakes Coun- Average temperatitre 49.24. Total ratai- there andi joîn lu tise rejoiitg et thc- hoskep up is prsn course, Who the DoctorIn of au leur tise cee-s lad hein sent' damagea. ty Central Commitise et tise meeting fait 1.95 Inch coîletion ef tise long covetet ralîroai. 1Tise bill was i-eiorted favo-ably yen rAislaawmtsyCscg tena> tsnl tise. ceuni>.TisvnWnem et. ThTseen- Aîi. 95N report TIci- Dr.I le fors anseen a bantih teicagy bytieseae ienecomt I hr tes. nan for amusoement tisend

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