Nam.e. Deacriptiont.$ t therefrom sa trip of land] 40 fi w14e. the renter Une of whieih l. d-ecd as fniowa Br a Pt fin 9 une of NWI4ad ae 438.9 tf'Ar of 'en of sec. th N 6i dru 14 min W 445.8 t to tangent point. 4h N1y aig a Une eurvina; 60 the r'F'i. convex SWly having a ra- d.u.of 338.3fit for a distance of ,4"' 1 f6 40 a tangent point. th N 27 deu 24 min W 166.6 fit 60 tangent point. th NWIjI al a lin ntrving 60 the left convex NI'2y having a radius of 3831Ifit for a distance of 132.2 f4to a tangenit vîîîît, 4h N 47 deýg 14 min W ,03 rt ln a tangent int. 6ýh NWIy aig a lune curvi u tî, ie lft.* nvex NE1y having a radius of 383.1 ft for a distance o f 162 f6 tu a tangent point. 6h N 71 &g 32 min V;;1306. t t. 410l W hne of EF% F% fMW% N sa S-c which Pt sF 1117 fi N1l S 1ne of tueNV',se o ta Inlng 491P6 acres ..........4.41 R41LWAY TAXES T6. (tîlag. liiaueeand St Paul I;alway Companv. toe railirod tracit a-ci ril of ai th61e Fox lak. and Jan@.' a strip of laud estending on eacb idli of agid track and embracing the same. togtiier wt.111 al ationx and Intprovr- iets thereon as the ane laF oIcattîo lu the folowiiig townships to.wlt: Fremoent oad andlBridge tus ... I 4 %,. Ill'o . Rond idliridg-tas . .11.43 County .las . ...... 341 66 Th, <tîchago 11Sliukce and SMtlPaul RiiwaV ('onips-il"ti.ral-uad lrack Mnd righ uf .N l., Chicad. ndiil- The folowina lemia orrtt -q m..l i~',& >v'slo0<sl rlwy 'i llttof the tisa 1ai.- sItutîld 1% th ar aia îetlof idi.xtenàinog-oc City o in Solyor lakli.»adltIi'clad e Wf ,ad v c ocenhraî'iliîa 11 , w iIs uon.6ieith, t1n1, II 4he anie .tuîgethcet.1th aili tatiotifa"an 19. d the 666 day of Aîgivti 92., lios,teî u 6 fî" lîgtuîsl n5i, nd --sod hy aî oroit ii h.' City o oîfo rO cîu---t ment ide - 'l wbîch remaIn. idu.ond un ,l. 1à I. as d : 1 ter teat 56t er.te ! 4erct'e.e"cl'i~* hom from 'l,îa 7 9241 pîilnuu>Lv'. 1918,*,asernuledlhrol. ,g 1.r.116 ClX Octoher 22. 1411, to Janu.r-12. do13, -The a- ZIo iysection 21 -5v th1e rallrond tra, cit-, s d Ï-ght Mof,1o.16 ald RaIwa9 Naine lear1t,tîîu 111L t14k 1 ('te iO lP« l h-iu tri h ind flastrurONli n127'4, ou -ah ide7 of saId bfrp ate lWlh 1 l.-' -kIcie, nd1 i.hhrus'tig 1th-sains boht ieti1 I 9 41 74; iugether si 6ail t»tionp and lin. W~~~ H-emîl'13Si9of-, ~enatherso1,as th, lan- A"bur Wevt 4 < 1. s.1, t"".. ,'d len41mfolow' 9u 4 ii tln -n.sMp., inIt'- W*RRANT No. 21 IFi toa tad-rlce Tas .7291-1 WAkaîîsgnTlse.uTa% . 29 la The 40lowng le a lcorrect DetinsiueOt 4onty Taxn...640 :21 1.1,6 of 46e R'.l1 2o1a4.e atîaoin th,6 'tY Of ZMon. 'onnt> ,f l..ate a-l lIaI. The Qhieagiu & Norh Wi'ter4ts4ilway 0ftlnnI. up'în whivc h 1-lut tetsI Cîmpsn>. the ralîriadtakat llto met ecia18 Ass-esant Warrant No. 21. -ay Of Mid riwa9 ,,rpapY baeint a tnl dtdte244h day of Augunt. 1912, esied f ind exîsdinK on é", gIdso!_pi and bY îuthtî of nthe 'iv o! Ircitiundmm,al.g th. -mie. togthe, Mon fr as conurte ermeit vdesait, on w1t6 att statintîs and tmproveinftffthere- ponios h lîie 'vnle 0. on a 4etie .. nos. eAtsd in the fo. 045miiuPeld. w l Iteeo t 46' rte lowing ownslp 01 19I o Aprl 1. 1 911. ui ssteodrd heccn. Iteton, towo tasx. 20sil together .1414 -,ne cary iiasa*O. 0Waukeesn Tuîwn Tai 18.70 stl ntot dte fromt Oct her .3, 121, Ije.reld Tolwi Tas 9 6. to Januac9 A 1913. 1i.rltsd sendi Vet )eerflted lion Cty section 21" 0nl Tas District ?40 111 ...366.70 )e«cTlTîx . 1hus Bda 1 hoo,l Ta. Distrit No. 616 40 Nume 'fecitn o It '5etu Witopl lsHaror bond tas il si W m n P h i p a . 1 I t.lf3t H F Bliror i1W 0 15 The Chirago a Mlwuk' e etc eRail- 91 S lilli.10... 3roud mot'o. 6 rlroad tuka ýand WA 111114TNO 2 i'ght of wau>îOf Mid ralîr mo=ttay WARRANT NO. ~ en a atcix of tand.extendîg n sc The iollowlna la a crrect Dlinquent gi* tgef r 14. i ttio eb alin-th t~I4 0 46 1mI Ztat aiuntd bthe proveinenta thmeon. ss 66theaine le ne. CItY Of ZMon. Couot9 îf Lake and tate oatepd lu the foloewnt towushipe. to-Uit: of Illnois. upon whieh the 1jetOuatAIt- meni t @Peli.I Assesment Wrrcsnl No. I-Imbu. Wauktux Shields. Deer- 22. datai the 74411 day nif.'îîgu.t. 1#12. nîtad Lbctvil aia l - - -. -a -e -îi.h a -..# typ1amtw stock , ý.. .... 2104 91 valS non orlof ?noch Avenue .lilch remaîns duand uneald. .146 internt -t th. rate0 rrcn er nnouffl<roM Jsuary 6 0 pi .192 ee tenIrd liereou. locgsher .116 Iteteet on hantait ns nt die 9-min Septeor 19. 1912. toJantiuay 2. 1913 lien CI ectIon 21 . NaTa. Mary M 110-y"i1 76 Fi-se t, oton , ....1..4. WARRANT NO. 23 The f,,I-iiu in tbata litl Iilnîa-i LIs t he' Remi . te mi sîtoe. In the ('161 of 7jý.lon (',iîtv cftlaku' al lPite of [lt-n ouu -wheh 4. tret Intait- niet 9pe-hiii niuanei anitNo, 23. dte 16e 446 idon"f ,ugt.1913 lovied sud aic.caad 6v auth-ritv no(1the (li, o! Mon fior a u"t- cment aie- walk u'n ts.rtiiune ifii Emncus Avenue whleh reinaînu. uuie andi Unpaiuî.. i1n teret .aili, te oeuf Per ent p.r an- soi. niroJanuon 2. 1913,40 Avril 1 1911, . a ende. het"o. togther ,lth Itrea gin Insalietsntdue (coin septý.'oI-eni 1912 to Ja.1niari' 2. 1912. li.nCty section 21 U' 'on, lenitin I, lot 11,1t,'4 t.n - -ct,ne uif; 2 4 -51 W il Fatirv ... . ..... i111 i13 32 WARRANT NO. 24 Tb, 1,t .lt ka orlt'et lelii.1ueiil 1 lt'iq 'rt li.R-1îiFtatle Mtuited In. the (,t,, ni Zionc. ('04011of 66e and tats o! Itliolo. ut-on ,61e6 thie t15 letaIt- i'îtSpecolAssasinnt Warrant No. 24, dated 4e23M d lIa fSepteinher. 11912. les' led ..d ... csand y authonity o! t ileC'4f ! Von fom s ennerte remeni .Idew&lJ.tonportîinh o! Emma..,. Avenue which -Zeins,,duce' nd onpald. .146 In- seei aIth, rte 0f1,tuer -nt 3p-'ran- vîlin fnun Jmouuony 2. 913lt0 A prIl . tee _l ugthcm .116 Inteneai un instalimettv flt do.' fn,inl Nosemtem 1 1912.40t.solions 2. 1913 lion Cty Section 28 Nir l)'usriptluun t M.t51$k9 Cl Aie Cl Reden ... I... 1 23 12-42 WARRANT NO. 26 Th 'lc foluwlng Wis o .rreitDeliiun Liai f!t46e Reol1 Esttý .1t I.tocIliuul"1 City o! Mon. County o! lake and tate o!ltnl.upn ,hlelu the lIs 1s tat ment .ec Asa-ment Warrant Hic 2;, djrehe 23nded.y o! (h-lober. 1912. tevied andosgiessd 6y euthonty of 16e C'161 o!lion for a eonnirete -ement side Ui.&k on p)ortions of Ellin Avenue which remnme n suad unpaid. ,itl Intereet ai 46e rate of t per eent sper snnum froro fanusmy 2. 19'1. 60 Aprul 1. 1913. aM x. tended hereon. together Wi16 intereol on Installinto fot dur frorniNoveinher 1l. 1912. 40 Jsnuary 2, 1912. lion Cty section 22 a Nane fiemerptidn. Lot BIt. 1'tii. Etuona M Jenseti . 41 62 12.45 r) (;Belo,.. .......... 65 12.60 lion ity 5ciiâon27 a Nums. DescrIption. Lot BkS t, (. Pedemnn & Brison ... i 2 5). 74 W a Voliva ....... I 14 12. fin VERNON UNION DRAINAGE The fcttnwiuu and enosed i îlt 4laa Correct delinquent lt o t66e real estate .tualed In Drainatge District No 3 of ther Town o! Veron. Lake Cwounty. liii- no. , hIeh les.1.said Lake ('nunty. upon ,hieh emi ne due and unpaid the lot In«allinent o! Speci.i Asaesainent Iled aud assessetai u t ail 66e Iota. tractsansoiparcels of land ituatëd lu naid district. for the constructionn o!a astern o! coinined drainage In ld dl strict Sec 28, Town 43, Ranuea11ila SNaine. Description. -I ta. Zscob Lekain N%4NWV. 5814sec If, (Ex therefrmi a trlpo!>eIad 80 f6 wi0e. the cntonr lineofo ,hicl Io isw4s asioilinUs: ho a et Set N fil 14 min Vi 416f aPt onU bne of ad à me whlch point à@8U2.4 <413of e of osei. cot" 10.11 nacres 12.27 flo tI'kar IX ~Wt4 o' aIm E% E% WIN#It 2( gecton 4.9. Tas Naine- D.sciption sec.'Acres 1 ta m j 14tewart N 20 f6 Wr of i64 HW',. NW6, .. 1.1 Vion City Sec 21. a Naine. )eserlptliii lot. Bit, $ Ct- Helen skdhect, 1t 82 7.90 Zion City Sec 28. -. Bl. 3at& C. 4 '-rou 14 6 Z 46 V iliace of W7nthrop Hasr Chicago Sprinq Bluff$ Addition. Tss Nanuci eMlieou. lot. BW ik ts AV Rlehmnuuiil19 1 .49 -En41 1 9 ja- A Vietlu - Es264.13(uEZ996 Resubds 01 Pie of Subni fLot 4» Nane lIseipn Lot. Bik. S Uuui I-einrioh & 1'r*en ..A 3 S 96 City af North Chicago T 45. R 12 Washburo Park 45. 1I Ta Nai_., ,sel tcn Lot. Bi6 5USl. s-mnstI.. 2318 Z.19 City of Wout,5OCO. A asesars Plat of SE'/a Sec 17, 45, 12 Tax Naine DescriPtIon lc ce t Fred Ohatei psmSonal pnucporty attached t. E Ion !t W% SE% lot s 17 1-150 2 42 Assesor's Plat Eu/n NE a4 Sec 21. 49 12 Hume. Deacription Nsc Acres S Uts. [eWin F Mus..n persepu P'peuery fsttau'hed 60 Addition 40 NW Addition. Ta Tas Mrs .6 J Kely pIIfona M pperty -kYaderml p-otirtv attazhd tn.... 14 4 9.21 Original Town. . Naine . Desription- Lot. Bit 91('41 John W Beffay ............6 13 110. i John I-tase pnna rU erti yttacht "1E ZSfti- S92 34 Second Add te North Side.Ta Nains. DescrIptIon. Lot. Bit, 1 t@ s H Kennedy pernns]PcO erty attached tir-N t8d. WashIington Park Tax Naine. t9dscrption. Lot BIt, $ Utt W H Mile.r persicuai prou- erty sttached t6 ...... 7 2.4 W Deenfietd Union Drainage. Deermield Par-k Land & lm novement Au sectation sub n. Tait Nume. Description. Lot- . i,. OÙ Adamn Deinh ...........-- 17 I .5 d HIGHLAND PARK SPIECIALS. WBarant Ne. M1 a ~ Emoor Add.Ta Hae. Description. Lot. Bit. SII.e Tho@ B Siseinan ...... 2 7A- WAUKEOAN SPIECIAI.S. Warrant Ne. 207. t 1Jr Pason, LlttIe & Sre5s'e Sbdn Naine. Descrtloa. Lot. 111 $et Lyon ed Nuoltîi subdn Tas Hume. Deseritn. laL 111. IS124. CH Hldrrth & C.o E, .... 6 1 7.3e WARRANT NO. 340. J 1K 0"1@' Subdn. Tax Neis N9 qiilt........... 2 2 z o NORTH CHICAGO SPECIALS Warrant No. 42. Naine. 6ecepiin lt. 111k SI . Emm Dets .......- il 36 2 WARRANT NO. n3 -Washturn Park Namn. l)eseriptloîî ILtBit, I Uts J A geailes........14 9 W HMurphyE'P, .. 325 2 IF Messenger ..... 17 7 .7 Reeubdn of Waukegan Hlighlanlds Ta Home lesclptlî, I, $0k 91 FI A Cu mmîlîgo . 16 15 1 34ý WARRANT NO. 56. Na- Wathb,an Park a W il Solth ...1.4I 22 2.41 WARRANT NO. 60. South Waukegao M ta A M dr.h.11 ..... 20 7ý11 3.63 fien ~is5 peclalAssesaent warrant Nid idated the 5th day of Atiust. 1912, Ievled and assteseed .-byauthorit 0of4115 Cit-v of Mion for a colerette enent aide- M on 04 prions o 3MIS Itreet whilcl %,DeMane due and unpald. with interet eatthe rate of à par cent par annuin frotm ~tNanur Z 93 Aie . 93 a x X end lnn t ther w yeara. 1 Interneat oit1ntoallntergnflt due fron lovember il. 1912, lit Janhiaiy 2. 1913. Mion Cty àecton 21 Tt Nam.e. Decription. 1,0t. Bk.1ila. I 8 Aushennian ...........13 99 42,21 t . ross............... .1 90 42.95 J'ha E iser..........7 92 44.7.1 B iminon..-.......... 12 93 41 95 WARRANT NO. le The folluwîng ln a correct DelInîjueni llot or the Reail Ktate attate-tIin the Cty of Zion. County of Lake and State of Illnos. upon whIch the lut Intail- mnent Speclal Aseiment Warrant N, le. datsd the 5611 day of Augnat. 1912. leéd and a.arsed 1», authnnltY 0fr4th Clty f Zion for a ccnrete ernent mide- ,ma 0oit%1rtion% f Ena'lîAvenue whilcî renae, ueand unpol, id. 11 ltreft aet61e rte of 1 per cent per annunt fron January LI. 113. 40 April 1. 1913. am '-x tendeti hereon. taiether .146intersi on lnstallmenta nul due frot nSeptembre le, 1912, ta January 2. 191. Mion City Section 28 Toi Nain.e Descrption, lot. RIk.1 ctls Y.lon Fatale ...... . 2 12.9l4 teonard Chambe..rlain 1Il 21 12.94 A H 8 t,P............. l .17 1 WARIANT NO. 19 0F LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS (Contlnued*"lrom Page Twenty-four.) 'At tht present turne maný f ithe larlous parts 0f the tate conî(iîîî-iing an Investigation 1h40 6hhe variuu in. elitîttions and the otlier uîeinheîr'l of the legisialure do no6 rare lu houe a roleal]oti a Mil1 of titis kiîud <ti ail the. legilators arc preset h KOT LE- EW Ja i imnefortt nce0fth mt etîon cf tho roa)d, ______cili ut, s.ilI r..ach Wauconda over the ne. rondansd tbey .111 be met 6,y LICENSE WAS ISSUED IN ST. tihe people w-hu plan te mako or, the LOUIS AND EFFORT MADE TO parade whiclîformoatal once upofi KEEP SECRET. theîr arrival. The paradel14 te hgin ehortly aiter I. 'J 'ccl.ucleîe, eifu64iland .111 incîtîde loats of Wo'u- -1-1 «,lsd1iio th' l.ucî'cuî u , 'Ittir(,prescent turne tir.. b i 1 "l anhi dùs otuutedagntffoa r c-uic cd I f Mro Loua anrîriairade.the heurd auto containlng tbe prtiiît.uit hi 65. ecîOate audthat but 16 wîîî le Banme littie titîî'0 u- i î uî~ii IMkc('utu 1. litheîîd.'li .- f tsr piin.lor cionlatke 10 teaggio divobrîcr] ife îof Frank <Gag-.officers ni the road. There .111 alan lac, nCsoue t geneutýIl awlu. u _-lî pinionasu fre tion o very oniietheuatgin.formier taîîîurntendeut of ],se ite 6te lahorlng Men who have worked L,e C.1['ouut. ltnls.oihîh ns-Ple <01ft clools. or) Aîîîil 29611, oh. on the road sud thûs wlll carry their ha.' "1.,CgIui9 iIut)llRhed. prînteci and t 16 .11 <116. tnt&bout the Cotint.uOp 1 ot enrînluiteltai-tu 46e soini«l'rrntCharletaRe for Mille t banî ts., seans uuitltuuu5Iy latio 111Ia06a ue Ihi entludaicelel ar lalsRpicka and slo pal at udtha . 4h.' f-Ireaoîîcg luitIof land. Is forîoed that the Wets bave dî'cided 'IlIum hîî isualulo a resîderît of Air There will lie an Indien 4-ief 60 ando-i oi.. iî,t, metate suîd prrsimnal pr,peritierce- p.lîîised h slut idn.'1ea 10aliowsoute of the arnaller Teîîî lIorh.represent the. chief aiter whornthe p-1 a!nt I havse O ealîecl ue slh pot1nce buis sunli)asu6the Fie \Iiie The fact that lie couple went cicar I.a dî ftuolt 1hni îre tad 6144eZoebul6sg mub u ak àl tLouis tu get their marriage village wUsanarned Ho .111 hls ae listaan ori ho rt:adtiltýZoeblteg hogan mala " I companlied by a sqnaw and behlnd gMe were putîilshed In ail PaPi.riiOf thAt niaeth sery mi- Issu il lo - ud11d9îistrlhuteul ne. lit on the County Option bil.i Tîere ,es niae h erc an coiog II unud ruatîeanndrrdaeplna i hl .11 hoasyoong wnman dreasod te In %'uItneru. Where,îf 1I lai c hereouto 65lenu poIto ri 6 eîrelreaenut Miss Waîconda. Thon wil ft1 My hand and] the Pai (f this c4rpora- wlth regard te the Tensperance h,,Iii1 tlough ihey have licou keeplng corn. tion lu the 'r4Bedt t ueas.1119 Aave :1p13for soin.. tîme %Irs. Gaggîn 1cone theire departinent. tbo husI- Innlio thur d., l 01,0 6e resnt 1AastU 1h9e13uynessO mens flats and 6e Conmmercial W .1 SITII ade auagreeallt tVat l iey was formerly L.ena trluintîof a puin (lbo aaie h aaiebu a Prnîu. lil fot mad e uagremntiltba ey one e11t 6Atloclifamlly. sud ws a awelilubo aaie h aaiebn Prinreaing no poeblsUU hYýOf I)knos.u soman lun 66e uortliwestern leada the parade. buî,seritîpeî l ml iel irS i t, efocî' 0 ,,,for third raigand roli cuit.i at rte-- 6 Drn tea- fe h..parade tnue isat spike in this 946 day Of M.> A t ) 1913. The statemeut ou the part of 1ev. pato 6 ouy loig6ea terd WVAYNE T. STUPET, '~,~ min ut Son f ic Gggnan hsad o Ntaryil'uhic. i ti5yl6l that action 0on the F"e'Mlleo dont afe whiv6enarchecoin- (SulZone bill .111 net cone efore tie of the L.ake eouuty iaclînola. dontestlc dnaie hc h a otn Middleofnithe montb .111 ho a sur- dlsrupîtlon aroso whlch eveutually lire00ues60 Lberty polo whore 6the banner prie t may hrs s mnybave licou aulted lu Mrs. Gaglu applying for a 1e Palatine promotors hrought 60 thlnklng that action mighI lie taken divorce white Rste .as teachlng a acndstnthytrt ugae BRIN§ PRIS NE S at auy tne now. Wsukegau wet Gurnee. lile. Gaggiu db flot content the moat, i. 11lie presanted tu 61em Bal cmittee whlch vlsited6 4the Tom-. the divorce and the decree .aa an- formally. Then .111 <0110w a5leur FR I6 6 L N i perauce cnmttee Kt SPIlhgfflddo« speeches afier which thare w11 be,u not share Mr. Qugyles 'opinion. Tbey Mra. Gagglu continuced te tewch anti adiournment for dinuer. NCU ae th6e opinion that the bllwi îlie Awent 4e CýIcago whore ha atarter] lu In te aftei'noen ti i'b11e Sports hoNefaNEW FIRE TRUCdicKosu ja rgrti-teiof ail kinda. a tug of war. bat and I NéfetId stdylgIIViineandIatrJgaduth as. a doclor. Ho lar now,îtractlclflg foot races, dancing lu the evening, TWO MN CHRGED ITH URs.Itb succoas lu a suburli of the City. tnoving pictures. etc.. an. as a wh6mb TWOMENCHAGEDWIT *UG~1ANN LE I~E1Dh i 'rs. Gagain ister returnedtie60An. 6the village la turned nier 6e Ita LARV HAVE DISTINCTION I k&1iI.JIL IILYIVIA4I4 tioc h and there s courtshlp stal'ted gueste and Indications are there will TI~UST UPON THEM.t uetsnlier and Mr. Thorn. ehotout lie 6 e 8ot crnwd lu that towu that AU S R IC S N hîs wife several yearsi ago. Their 14 lias ecor soon at a sieUrne lie- T h e K E G A N.tire p li a o tru c ka y 766. t t e n i i g t w a rd s m a rria e b u ti Thene lie olie utotrck hlh ArTIST LIflURCII t6ev keîît their secret sel! audnu- Hilghland Park la juat purchaslig.4to- luody blas leard that they slippodi offRO D T iday was utîlizet In1 a demnnstration ln REV. CHIDESTER 0F PRESBV. '<o Sti Louis here the. ceremuony waa O D S E T !,obrinntwa1lonlghIauldar t e .1TRIAN CHURCH WILL PREACM perforied No donb h 6ey .411live P O EC1 BID E The men s.ere: John Turner, color-____ 6 igwod teliller ofHghland Park TheUnionNflhiriui. tDasermo TO MAKE DIVORCE CAM Turner 18rnarried 60 a white %voulaitj this yea .11 hc îreaced lau 66eï IO CEPINTOG D GIS and Smith is siglc. Fîrat Baptist chiiruIi. Rev. ,1 L WSU4M 6 ACCIDENTS ON LINE. 1. Temnarr chargadwlttî burular- Chldesler o!fthe Firut Presbyterin M R iii 9itIuia the home tf E_ Markowlta. oh- churcliba been ,i ___t_____"Svete___o (hidrn" 8 h talina clotlina wurth $17. The ai- the. sermon. Thisuaonuu waa taken slogan of the ('hicago snd Northý legeti robbery occurred ten daye ago. aith6e meeting outir6e aukegan Min- illls .5 Pt' ltroduted in the Sonatewetr alwyonstyu16ca Turner wBplcked Up Monday ight fiterlal Associationi onuTuesday atr today and referred te commttees orwetr alvCopnlniscm 1,.5-awhteSihwa --'edSndy '- a hehmeo""v Fnt""r av cdtiIsecond reading as fnlows: paigu t0 ire ent accidents. Both were gîven hearinguu this moru tie Fret bMetlodistuuiclrch. Other lci-ioc i- riii ins hug i..cnraphCihady chit.. 2lng anti heid lu $rclllbond pachl6teIihe local Ciergynien aIi asIs it the4.1.. sel> divourcî-îl un grounds o! adltery mno h eta aeycmitp 2rgai 6b iocbO ht(o .fo eurrlî 164 w er;ail 51appeal lias Ieen ieeued to store, grand jury. rga.Ilmpoal atteG rmrmryn thntoersai coUnty, city and village autloiontlea in The ire-police trucek arris.d 8ai4the A R., the 5W. R . _ sd the Spauisb dIvorcees (romn rernari'yiuu wîîhîn eue ail localitios adjacent to the. North- apark today and 16 waul calIid Into sern War voterans will attend the service year. excelut tlu cd other, reqiuring wsenssur ec prt ntî lce 60 brîna the meu 60 Waukegaul n p cado, pol 1esa rvdlc ueaOnsud lie ovenient several policemen and irenien aco- dent of the association, waa ot u6of yearm fii country. PenaltySholrncps.eeiay.wi panylua tire prlsorîers ou tire trip. Ac- the. city on Tueuuday sud Roi. Fu- three vearu luneottitarv . idlciai'y. co piipseeial wi cordiuaiy. ln face of the fact that thia aluon. 6he vice 1re'udent. proltri. ,Giaukîi ltelntrodOl7Oa public utîîîty le aaked 60 saro puivia of the danger 12was theflrst rosi rutimad hthe.666e i 16 ,11decîdeul ru>draft a set o!f bilil. niakirue changes d..priviug mayor of treiiaoaasng ou ralirosd îîroperty. A nes. truck, 6 rioes hsw restanutionnsaud furaard t6em te of pus. er 6 [ramne.Conmmissiomn ant ivI.'pamhlIuet hbaliee pre<iar..d iy Mre accrde th ditintio ofhavng heWashingtonuln air effort 60tecure fa- ing poser 60 councîl. pîulic îtîîtîes. Richards. E5,000 Ocopiesuulof .61db are icdereto 16e denol t aln 16ejvoraîle action on ru-ce bis n. Slia'w--Lilnitlug worklug weeks te bolng dlstritîuted. ride fuck [nbasuet aîî. maypouding lu Congresi six dasi' talior. Lahor sud Industrial Thetruck bast ot bon frtay.y The resolutionuu lli cau] <or the affaîrs. Fedlerai offtrera raidea tweuty sa- tumet oer60 6ecly.passage of the folluwlng lawa: Waage-Ahlisling lte $10.000 lîrni-tonus at Jouiet Tuesday ase part of an OneBrIht pot1. A la, lrovidîlua tue nid age re- tatloîî on tire recoiery of damages for Invstigation of a chîarge that salnon. AnE *Ih legman ws poL t tiremeut. death. ('orpuratioOs. keepers were rnuking artiliclal tiquons bisnafalortergymaen newaof tl, ng-"2. A la, issoring tie observance Blls Introduced lu House. ont of au extrset. Theo shboon man aidwemn.Infrmti lmtha su ofniLords Day tli 1ie district ot Co- Tucker-Ameuti achl ilaw by alid- are lhable for itres sggregatlng ses. tisai mt "ahed gons through a lght lumblilun ther scrds requestlug the lug a section 60 isoideor<Othe60op- erai thousaud dollars. 77 0' trouble. Har @inter won deui, and congresrmno nu l trauaact their polntment uf aclîuoi nurses. 'Educa __________ thers wor a werne job than that-the work onu Sunday. tion. INCORPORATED WEDNESOAY x pig Oed &ilofia sutdan; but 16 pleasad 3. A la. providuig for a maximum Kaîle--Makos general penltentiary Al 4o h. Lord te tat,' hlm. sud they inun of six tiaysa aweek. whlcb .111 givo iaseofnI llnos applicable tethe6eanutir- A ngtou Hotel sud IRestaurant cntr 2 bow. tbsî mubow." Thon 6the3uur wreanedy0 oi u ec m iînsputnîr tCetr ay inCt,8,0;cu ibt oid lady brlgbteneetil, anti saiti: "But wresoedyo ett ahenIlni eietaya hse.pnZo iy 260 odc oe thra's On. (bing. Moter Allen, as 1weel. The Lords Day Alliance Of Penai anti reformstnry Iustitutions. restaurant andteIe creaamParler. Jobr - tan ay, anti eught te Bai. th@ Lords@ New York city Ia seoking to 'eoue tD. Johinsen. A. X. Johnson, A. J. Tiieni x beeu pretty well on my idie thi. win. Intereat lu the passage of such a la.. sou. a. tee for greens." Simîllar resoitutionus .111 6e rawu A fly entereti Fred Vasars barber- 63top by minlaterial associations ln dif- ehop at Joilet Tuesday. 16 buzaed Alter the indior lite, Course fondi BoIefl Fow r PoutelcaInaîly. forant parts oi the country and by tir- sud continued t0oihus. tiespte. th.eta(WInter you'vo got te cleanse an( K@@Wa enmai ittif brisa is 6 he0 g bradodele18hoped toi crosate a barber'a frautic e omnstrancas. Fln- purlfy tise Stouuach sud Bowela sort tower pots of bousa plants an oc. 01 lestndonthe part W$ Conu-slly tho ly alighted on the barber'. Sprlug. Holliter's R. M. Tes duos Il ta siosai good scrubbiug. 111ven thoUgi grecs. helli eati. Vassar shook bis baud. W. W. Pearce. -08 thse poie are $et lu jardinier«. tisey Bey. J. A. ljlckey of 61<6 Chapl The fly lie. off anti Vassar natie a Beeti cleaning onc, lu a wviie. F115 Street Cbristian church raA a paper victoous longs at U ltwth au open raser Nothing bpoive a. eaith moi- POU am porosuadAbcarir, eaulletttiod "'l'h Counnunity Cburci." h. was honing- The essor burt.d 14' than a Ihoro, cleansing. purifying 01 co@fed if Dlot walbed O.c.allaiI. MIHo àpasized tisane"< of the sel! la Vassar'lait ,rist. Ha n.arly toute Bemedy sach SpeIng-Holfiî LX te pt ' k*p c'au he n U l r* hPUIluattention te tise assibled 60 death before a doctor arrlved. ter'sR.PL M. Tes cau't bh boat. 35c 11 akm tse ixauts, 0of . e oIIItty. The O lly oeed. W. W. Poarce. PRIt41ED Til1 IBoy PLÂYS w DiE LNABE il DELAY -AM IMATClIES; WILLDU PNÀBliTM ON PROPO$1D FIVE '.%A UK k GANIlîlinois. May 7th- AT 'WAUGONDA 0] ZONE Tla afternooîî about 3:15 Wllho MIîLE "DRY" ZONE ntenen a 4 year olciild living SATURDAY NE] lot ___210 Bo ngaeuwsterrlhly burned andwa hurried to the Jans REV. QUAYLIE &^Y$ LEGISLATURE McAlster hosëpîtai in the White & DETAILS 0F PROGRAM GEL WILL NOT TAKE A VOTE ON 1Tobîi ambulante. It 15 reported that~ BRATING OPENING 0F NE' MEASURE FOR 80ME TIME. lihe la likely tu die hefore the day ends. ROAD ARE MADE PUBLIC The boy waa playlng wlth matches wLhen hIe -lothes cauglitflire. and bis boyweburnd ait over before rela- MANY ARE AWAY JUST NOW tîvea whoru.hed In response to hie PALATINE JOINS IN EVI - sereamex, were able t0 extlngulah the___ dlames, SAVa HE TMINKS BLL WILL PASS PALATINE BUSINESS MENS C BUT 15 NOT 80 SURE ABOUT WILL MARCH IN PARADE C COLJNTY OPTION DILL M S R NK.ItI NEIGHBORING VILLAGE. Tiîai the Fite Milet)DryEDS CIIA LES fl Saturday .111 b.. a red-letterdao wll flot cuineu i for a vote lu the leg- D ,C AR e Wauconda and ail the v.estern pi lslatureat SprigfieldINfLOUISd Lake county for, on that dayth rî'lke wlll bo driven In the new expressed today by Rev. T. R. Qua3 le. Palatine andi Wauconda. secetry f he ak Cont La 1DIVORCED WIFE 0F FORMER The completion of the road la a nd Order league and one of the bard- COUNTY supTr. 8CI40LS SE- marked by a big celebration, or est workers for the passage of6the COMES BRIDE SECOND TIME. !sshich the.whole village la unitI anëfott hwthtthvre.z WOULD TRANSFORM VILUAGE PREDICTS 1HAT THERE WOULO BE AN INFLUX 0F SALOONS AND MEN AFTER "BOOZ£." HeresR whut a promîneut Liberty- ille mnu aid Thursday, regardiIE the pmoposet i te-mlle dry meno:.'M - la nt only su injustice 60 Waukegs 60 force sncb a thing upou It, wltbout the people has-ing the nlght te OZpI'UO thoîr desirea- but fi Ia au Injusticis110 places 11k. .Lbertyville. "bn case Waukauan ind Nqy*, cage go dry. Libertyrlilla tu1te =4 point wliere they ssii got dulnk bsU iIy-therfore, thor ra *111b. s ros ic salooniats anti persona wautluga- ta this village and eur modie qiet lIttia village will b. ad oinplately regarios of tb0' airnesor 11e poplle PS a wIMe oen't mtol ftts tU n1Io i- the larger places ara mmidt I'Thât would ultirnatelychneIS complexion of our place <rom th ' bS neas-lîke village, where a 60w »490"p now operate orderiy. loto 5a511011111 Hlghwood, ne mattor 6ow bardV try to keep thain iromIL 4.TisstB wIiý I belil the legiBlaturA h". ». nus n uat 6he law 4ha4 là t.emplIte wltlîout th1e people of Wa. keauandi North ('hicago being pua rnitted to vote on due matter, 'Wl6h the rush of men seeklng Mo loon altes bore, the rosait w.0 41W 1ý tlîst renta would hbeahoeti p l ab. 0om1l tata,not warrantod bhi 1 general business conditionl.sud AU due 6a the tact that bons. wa <rg4 ont ni 66e Waukegan-Nortb Cbtoi,, sotie. No, thataB why 1 feel the Ila* Is no0 gond sud weuid ot ho sai thîuta sien for Libertyvlla.- fiAS COMPANY IS INTRODUCINIi A NEW NO YUL DIEUK. lA novel method or Introduclug )rte sd fuel saîing deices ilaibot" n' adtopted hy the Os Cnmpany. Th", A lare introductng the "lwantu- CombeS r.Gas lmon by personal demonstr'e$lOO. lTbey bave selected a cnrps of eoite. demoustratol's Who cauiait haeuuqslq asklng permission 60 doionstrat tise' "..iwantu" gazi Imu. The go@atrou la I& Mfuel anti labor savon as i6 la oeae n- three ,boo boure et a coat of OUs rcent. Beelies. 16 savon rnanylSud 'nmsuy s stop (rom the i.ronlng bout v- ta6thestove. as cem pared ta th.e014 methoti ni Ironing. lu addition to titIs 16 savea boat lu the lrnng CQOoe The very smal l nome roqulredto,4 op- cra60 the gas trou makles practIcSIIy In no bout lu 6he rooni ,hee e e raln 1, le belng doue. After lguinthu 1e £56 il the Imu wili 6e eady for une lu ab0PM apI tbroe minutes sud the. lie aft b@h ahaluteiv cottrolleti according tie l'gonds bcbng Imuleti If tliey an eA de or liesvy aund v.ry doai)t a itîli fq"Wp ad w111 lie requiret ilwhore as If Ug*I eh gnodé are lîcing irouedti ho eti t. naturall' wiIllh.. dît down, carl7te' a peefectiy even beat. oe Don't falit t take a cisansg. qIk Ig. fylng Spring Remady. Youil ted6 Is. great doa1 botter. HolllsteeB IL IL ,c Tes-a tone.ea purifier, a pizyde. Su* I.lvU7 a-.ssz fENT CLUS3 y foîr )art of ie last .ween ne lu Alg lu Il'.th w*: M= 1. l'an I P. ',tc rileld. he hey crti1fy thal 1 ani the ('(.0n16>T rrran - OllIiilct'. nîty t('oIector of the County of Lake. ,ln î 1tate of Illinois. and as quch the kc,er o"f t herecords of sald 3 fficr and 61,116the i'a a @tf elinquent issus18and lts unwhilh taxes remoain due and unpsid for the vears 1911 -uîd 1912. and ] icor y-Mr. and kpecila] Ta., - ati ttpecell sesme dur J!, ,3 ,r - e ch , ClU 3 nd pli-o yersa tîîgcýtiîcr s i th#-owner's naIne. If tn,,,s..d1114 66 aiîoiInt due thrreOn. (<'c 1.1a0- h1 -d ec 1 assenit. 111a te.-o I M ok 1 C-uî,i. iii- nom, 4610 916 cia of %Ma> . %.t) 19DU l'îe,îIî T...loliel ,îoi -s Ifici, ',lt Mquu't ln the notat- ut No. es-ed a City -.te of mary 2, taeon. on Iu- Tes L. Cli. 27.756 27.75 2621 oqunt 1 siats intail- t No. Slevid Ciy et aIS on ho rate enary bre- lImnte to lau. Tax k. Cts. .11.37 11,98 lk. Cts. 9.29 9.29 o»qunt Y»a t." mimLom , m The Lake County Indepentdat ud Weekly Sun tiIs week prînta the aas- nual dellnquent tax 118t, tlJi st tg delluquenta eoverlng over 24 pags of amail type. The regular editlon of the Indefl.. dent thîs week tbus contaîns live parts, or a total of 40 pages, and tW bave a complete edîtion of the paer. radeS should get that number of pages, thse regular uews-adveriglng sections ot the paper'belng. as usual. 16 pages. While the tas lmt goess 60 every dise of the Indppendents thousanda of silb- scrbers as a regular weekly edîin ther.. are. of course, anme ln the comm. 1 y who do flot réceive the papat' aMd extra copies have been prtntsd wh", eau lie otalned eplIher at the Indepeu. dent office or at The Dally Sun ofilca at the. usual price of the lnidependu14 5 cents ..aclî SEES À MENACE TO LIBERTY VILLE IN DRY ZONELAÀW LIBIER TYVILLE MAN MAKES IN- TEREST 1NG DEDUCTION IN CONNECTION WITI4 MOVE. . ý%. Pearc(,.