&LÀIE COUNTI WORÀN REACIJES 1TD BIRT1IDAY "OltANOM*A" OERRY 0F WAUCON- DA ON MA^Y 7tAi REACHES AN IMPORTANT MILESTONE LOSPiMd£ FOR HUSSANO I4V4SANCO0F THE AOED WOMAN WENT TO GOLO FIELDS IN- NEVER RETURNED. Wednesday May 7th. proved an eveutful day n the lite of "Graudma" Gera centarlan of Wauconda for tsîarked th lOth anniversarY et the seed woman's birth. Thse&lied woman lies at lier home %. erather critical state beceuse of ber advanced &ge. She tg not sntirely belpies!. but as unable to do much for berslf and IF, biding the time when b« galaî ulmolis wll be ssued.' 1 X..Curry lAsAbe mother of Thomas. iiour and Sarah Gerry. ail well kno-n ..psldents of the village. Muaband Diap peared. Utsr. (Jerry passes her 10OtAi birtix day snniveraary without having heard trOu ber husband sin"e the gold rush t& the West in 1849. He waa one of those uhe went West An seoirAis for- tune and never.returned. Rumors P -1 ed the tamily years afterward hiat h. bcd succumbed n the gold *àM but nothing definite was ever thbable. Another report was Aat Ume Ig n eAustralie where he vas ulagm edt have met deuth n Ater *MMu AU thse years Mrs. (Jerry bas i»abead without knowtng whether IM~ buabsd was dead or alive. hI~sALFOR ~WIIO WAS HERO Aafw lca ih. emens teCeugres orehie houer for James Sien- yS M ies . of i.etWlnetkafor ~ 4P0i eariy U53 iage lir4W' e f tMns.'Mat- i ri.of 3343 Seuinary avenue, a btOericreScisetiMr». Crans W OO wtlreuen thse boat,ÀLady 1bondl for Milwaukee, was ram- bY Abs steamer Auguste, lu e Mo e Asnigbt et sept. 19, 1861. Bh.eleck bas beeu an luvalimont lK1bW-Ouffl Aat dAeastsr. ffeedessioftSpeceh. d"ob argment for frssou VOS mal. by Milie u lubis v-bo he vyqie thvindsoet doctrine vere te bley upon Abse érth, se hêU .5gailndprobiiiting, te pSM beretgtis Let ber andl Sis1SI.Whvie er bmev 'OMvo aIa fre. and opea Adsm's CoedOld Ime.. - 'Jt thirnisheu Adam vossl i. *Is Af . lhocould coin.back te -Ilitw* DOv." "TesnIsngpcee b. 14b. coqstderabli asteulslel.but Inbil oId'tshe bo h ours1 theY used te de thisingul MRS.:,CARRIE C. CA#T Noted New York Sffragiut Who la New Ovorlan England. MISS AN NIE KENNY S UNDER ARBESI London Police Contlu War on Militant Sutfagane&s London., Ma, lssAnnie ken- ny. one o cfl pot 00 Ironrinrnt etftAis mi]itant slff a gelles. was arresteti mc scon as9 seese t trot in Engienti on ber arrisai irom the c o sl:nect. A de- tective Ptati ccomnPail , ed ber tront Pari,. b,.rlo a narrrnt ehergin.- conspiracy. NeotwithsaandinkAise artsity cf Abe police. th p calI ptign ot ergon cu. ducied bIy the tu litant suffragettes ase continu vd A large stable et H andon, as t r'AweFfern auburi et Loendon. w55 et on lire anti precti- call y iestroypeti A placard wAAtAish scords '1 . -1VCe VrAs' Be- vanr'. u i- !o 1, nd prf3cd on thie Areunsees. AMas. 5. ILI P. B ,cat ci .WYr lofA ~ ~ ~ a itrh'rs eirîglbda,. Betore leav ing ah.' caId le T!sG rlllsh gev- e rcien t lcri netbing froni biatery. TIse 1rerr coscelve messuree agaInsi hýlff ctrj-v0îe,; are bosîndtn ' fail" NMss Cirrie Chiaman Cati ot New Yorks atiendeti a meeting of pretcst against t he ly:;-toftaxes hv Ahe duchess ot l-;dtrd. Distreint vap levied on lb' r pciotihe duobes on AVril 21. and a rusier cup beiong- lng te ber mas taken hI lAie tax col- Aeccors te setisfy the oaim. Atitrfan Girls te Leur,,t. Cook. Ccokery ati neyer beeu tauguA Ila iutrian seboels untAl lest septatssbar. when tAie ministen of educetien adaI t te Ais curriculum of cl girls scoleunder bis contmi. botIs 01* msutary anti advanosed. Be fuethel etipulatedti Aat any girl takhug Op modemn langt>ages or other extra guni JecAm shall ho compslled ta indeI Cokéfy In ber school coe.. iu o> der te Carryout Abs Innovation mw ea«ply ce possible, restaura.nts arcl run In counectiu wAAIs Abslargeo o33obelu Anpopuions centen. 1 Ussutiful FalAIs. à Heuston maispossaies the mu ruttul seul At vo ehave.hsard, of re- cently. He says b. boelleves every nie he ever tolt i bs vite vas aucceesfulîi put over. A man mIgIsA tais fs.itb IlIs Aat snd amots ike's p"s- HeustonuPest. jdm51à MaSt fer Mumma. --M iuMter-I veWnder vIsA uci" t SAISt Boîtier ln France. tbgdU o &efroli et me? Ho alu-sys I.mOng Abs usu conuerips etf runo M il ifhAought 1I usagosng ta 8luAntoine Cr". Wbo mesures mers . Llu.' ttle Dugter-"1 dant tin six test six tacIses. Me ba« not asi heseuenyen spankin. m." ist attainet ie ls Il eigbt. Whounha _____________began ilq mlitany service b. vas asked n ubet branch et Abs arumy ho simple Tlinga Seul. wanted te uerve.-In tAie aviation OIretsin youth you musA culivai@ corps," is repiaitiproutiui. 'Wby?*' MOpucsrve yeur power toenjsubi il -avs asSed. 'R1ecause I am net soi. *WthU"«- As Our terme of plesauro e ettendizaluesu andt ten 1Iamsu s oe omplex anti expansive Absecimtome tu Anous thiigs trou cbive bcmestAff anti crampet TOI _______ Ji simple tend anti drink, simple 0't ofetplay. simple Pp"scAi. sud, Suicide iy Dynamite. sait, Aie menîfeat sîmplicilles ef A wonkmen, titermlening te commît 'Wmices ret bleoti. ReslisA tAie ,jlctd-, placeti e stck et dynamite ofid e pesimtleqm. Ilmoans thie lucide ils lothes cuti exploee ti NilabAt Aieteul a nitithe ezýpty He murP-.','dtinuIn lu eing berly -#'....IIrank Crans. hurr A second attompt w» @qela- IY abnrtiv" Then Aie tiragged hlm- _____________________________sel Anisanti gu-i surnedynsmite. sud -- --vnt lto e ueanu)ytilelt mnd 1lael a s80,k ii. li, mouth anti bleu hi. Il-,' t SOmiueeêss3ic ee s 411 24 27, 28, 1913.-TAie bAgget Me lais Aat Crawford. DaweBScun- lI.ismka, cas ever kuowvo Write e IL Hungerferd et Cran tord. for "Mmdee paitiulars. lA may "Ila Oiuumdo dollars taoi. uwl>Z Aqf' ORQT-To te t tiawtorti. 28$ use1, 27, 28, loru s$ Does ElecAsocutien RIAIt Ilees r'l'emctiton ecly hll? Os doese l ny rentier unconscous-tie patie-nt dYilîg, n Pint et tact, upt Abs eperating table, during thc@a. toPsY? The.' are able pbîlci^no vbe coutenîl Abat sucb lash. eae. Agale. ethemas sythat lA la not,- Popular Eiectricity. Have Confidence ln Vous-OeIL It lAs lmost as preosumptuouo te Abînk yoîî cen do netilg ce te thiik yen cao doeoverilsîng.--pIsiIlg Brook*.- CIILIDDIES 0OF INQUESTIS IIELD FOUR VEAR OLD CHILO *ADLY SURNED WEDNISDAF AFYE R. NOON LIVEO S3UT TWO HRS. CASE 18 A PITIFUL ONEI WITNESS TELLII HOW CHILD, WITi4 CLOTHINO ON FIRE. RAtd *AÇK AND FORTH AN CULLY. LittIs Wilho Penttinen. 4 years olti et Mr. and Mrs. Guat PontAmnen. 210 Browning avenue, dlsd lu thie Jane Me Alster hospital et 6 oeclock Wednee day nigbt as Abs reeult et humaeAie recoieis about Ave heurs previeesly Coroner Taylor preslded et Atheln- quest vhich vas beld le he White. & Tobin undsrtaking roins et 't:"3t 'cloek the samne evening. A verdi4 ot accidentel dosAIs vas returned iîý Abs jury. Mrs. Anna Daluga. 404 Clit-on -st;UeA a ueiglhbor et Abs Peuttinen famlly, vas tise On8t witneaa placed on tAie stand et tAie Inquost. Se tolti of Aear- ing severel boys senut tisat thie PontAi. hou chld was on fine andi ruasling Ate lier yard aise looked dovn n tAis ra- vine anti seu thie ittîs feliow recing up and doun vlAh his clothes cenvent- eti 4An a torcb. Mn. Daluge, seya abs vas efralti BAie would hum her banda if she et- tempedt Anput eut tAbs rs vitAi Aem. se abs hurrIod Ato tbs neît yard and picketi up c piensetfcarpet. With Abs sAis hurrieti devp te thse ravins anti after consldsrable dîfficulti succesti- edin Ancatching Abs litAtsfeliov uo ves eAu unntug about, seeking , te get avai troinAthe Étames vhlch vers iterall eoeking hAbis ody. Laylng Abs boy ou tisa grounti sisevrppsd Abs place et carpet ebout hlm sud satin-1 giseeti hat lItAis lire thora vas kit. cu thie greater part ot hie ciels ng1 biat tissucensumod. About tAbeUsAme tAis moter oethtAe lttis felev hadl heard oethte accident and ah. haztensdt teeh hlis anid. 'lWctsr, Owater. gve me a drink. mamma." moaeed tAie ohilti. A mac uhe heppeusdti telie Pase- ing picisti upth ie ciarred lttIs bedy and carrlilA te obis homo uhens t vas deposlted tenetnu coc a bien- ket. An effort vas matie le set a pby- AelKYs but uhen Abus talliedAbseWite & Tobin ambulance asa summoned sud Abs chilti vas laiton ote bsopl- teI vhere is diedt tueheurs later. Thse mother neIt tihe vitues stand et tAei nquest but vas uneble te gAve any nov fectaîn Abseoas. Nelthor et Abs women kuev heu Abs childa eleAbng ceught lrsas Absi say Absi sav ne bocfire n Abs ravine or aui- vhers noar where Ae vas touati. TIse generel beliet Ao Abt tAis Penttinen child . ltAi nome o e ispîcinates bel been settiug lire te pleces ofpao cnd Aat in bis manner bis cobp Mstaken courtssy. 'vaOn You tell me.*' sald tise goo&i IlitlaI'eolti gentleman, "vIiiAbie" goielfe-.over Aeres cllel me clu lise. frghttul naisse mml nov?" CWIsî, ubat bppe clj "O, vIse 1*h i. kit,..4 ir aiivrhao i.., .. TAIRFBLL M0ST LAY GVER ONE DAY Washington,Maey BS-At Abe con- clusion et a Aelve-hour debate ln tAie beuse Abs passage efthte Undervool tariff bilA vas preventeti by h. In- sistance et RepresentetIve Menu et Illinois, the mInnority leader, on Abs observance et e tectuicaliti tAieAA usually usiveti ou suci occasions. Mr. Menu moved Aat h. bill b: recti ln engresseti torm. The Demo- cratie mejority ves helpess. TIs, hll bad been n proceset recenutrssc- ien Au miner lerticulen througbout Abs dar sud roulti net b. engrosseti hy Abs preper oficieaIs until t heti been pasei. SMr. t!sdervoed bcd noý alternative except te mesanusad- lourument of theelieuse. Great diaappolnimont vas exprasseti hi Speaker (Clark over Abs tallure et Abs bill te pas. at ugt.Bi1-fiteel. Ings lu ibis regard vers shareti hy tAie entire fjemocratic membersblp. Mir. Msan'a motion Preventing Abh passage et Abs bilIl ame lik. a boit eut ot a clear slcY. KING ALFOISO IN PARIS VAisA Popularly Regardeti Au à Poili- tical Event. Paris. Francs. Mai .-KAng Aifon- se et Spain reached Parts vitIs Pr.- mier C'iunt Alvanre de Roms.nouies for a Ivo tisys' officiaI vlisAt. The %si sl popularly regartied as a pellticai evento e i rst importance. theme being a generel Impression emong the people Aat Spain le le ie. came tAie eiiy et France. AnoAhes Pelloeraan on Trial. New York,?ieay S-Witll Fermer Police inapectora hennis Sveeney, Join J. MAurtbm, lames E. Tbompsou anti James ., Husaey convIcteti on a couspiracy ecrgé, DisetricA Attoruey WhitAman Aia begun bis pneperationsý fer Aie triai et Sergeant Peter J. Dut-i 1407an LeirDau ver ersà PIK" ty, ellegeti by Abestsite te bave heen mtuate tIssuAbs'toble e emtcogora colecter for Inspecter Sveeuoy. IV Highesi Rabbi Saiary. New York, Mey'S.-At a meeting et Cm Write IIMM annea, 3% i&y& Abheumers orthIe Congregation Prebclii r» «mm ebas- eerpffl Orch Chaiel, 1,461 Leàington avenue. se many cleigeias AbatoftSir HUM ~Rabbi -Ile1ses Hyemsou et London, Stapleton.Mainua&ring (pgmsenSed Hgant, vas lectet rabbi of AIhe Manuerlug). At Pcover ball, bis Che- cOngrecatien at e aalery Or 15,000 for shr homi), tIer. tu a paper show- lite. TAhis Is largest sueunt ever lng tIse Dame umîtten us A»34 vaye.paldtbh"iyan orthedox ongregation lu London mail Amerca, Ms-i. Lengotrcet Nuit Go. Lsft Art W«" t.ateentai. Washingtou, bMay 8. - Presltient DetaIlle, Ahe Airencais *lltei7 oint. Wilson hait tecIdeti cet tu reeppeint « et, .51s. Ilii tIse NisslisehrtAut UnIs. lHelen D. Longstreet. vltov etý Turner, tisAtbis ceuntÜy shenl pçe- eneral l1ames Longaireet, et Conteti- am bis paîntIngi. sud sueb of bis orate famne, as petmasr et Gaines- pictures as ho poseeeel.et the Ume. ville.,OGa. but le conter the nommna- of bis douAi are te home s5epubict ýien on f n.Ham. vitic of s Weil. preperty. Hie bou1s. centaîning bA 5no orinCitizen et Ccluesviliss. collection et uniforme, veapenu. etce., -______ la devotedtu te epurpoes of !a mu-, Raie. Rail Welles. baeum.Kansas ('ity, Mo_.Mai 8.-Incre lunage9s for approximateli 10,000 eboînen employet ou tbe Sauter Muttena nd No Mutteas. railmeetianti ellied l Anes ln the socIs tA Ia oddt t a oesp vIsen deacl1ernu sta% have beeu gnanted by the! shoulti torn Inte muttom. ail but 'A1s nmllro)ati coneernpti. beai: ten. ulle usking fer a sieuldel,___ or log oet utten, v. neyver uktom ai Puplî Win Stnies. Iniston's hecil th#"er.lea a imili' New Yort,. Mgy .-Fittesu boudred bat Changes lusnasise 5»U ofttema ýPuPils on sAnike agglnst ventilation, papes sre se called vIson freub. rai- ted anti music et Aie Stuyvesent bigb aîns uben dri d ulpluma vbinu*ebe1 olan recognton oethAbir cause à pudding sudnla promisetofcousideratien et Map AtadteColemiuu, Tiorpe Prises te secn ff Tt le èadit Aat bie sare veg-l -aoha la KeyS &slîd, .-Tic ticateti mape sboving he oasta. ris-oyngai tAihelOldy'mpias.. t IOrla anti Cuba. ens dated 1414 sud t'hînsb lae TorAi Ah.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~9 otsr19 htr.Asrtr fCarlis'.Indien athiete. yull oaieaerti-1 Chritepher Clumbus fren America. d( tu îthie men vhe flulshel second ha -ah..ese-u. la te Maîry Populr, MarquIs'PgagWs. Second end Thîrd Classe.@ Are te go Placed Under Mgrit Rule, Prcisbiy lu thie Next Yerm-urther Extens. sien luaishe Aln-Only SmalA of. fices Loft. Washingteon. bMu B.-An, exeeutîve Order breving epen te l)emocrcis aodAepubleaus alte bs 27000 poli. Anasersbips oeth. e ntA i use ubici W.1 been converted late the cAvi snvk* urniarorders lAsued by Prou-. dent Reossiveit aud President Taft bas binn signed hi Prosdent WIlzon. PresdenÀt Wilson emiedieti ln hi. or. der moes tringent mIles tor fallirng Aboie offies by etaminatiorn or etier- wiue tien wue.provAdsd In Abs rogu. *oeWIet Ni iewportebsars thie inistini lattons bassd on the erders et bis »sneneni tat&tsuries DrkuePobe Predecessort ln Abs White House. uNI vet Sunertsutta ub Gmones. danois- 12.000 Are 8ecure. ter of the Marquis Alcode. n July et Biarritz. LaSer the couple pla te vlai Tlh. order dees net diaturb Abe 12,- the brideffloma motter. tis. Bure.. 0W0 tourti otites postmesters vAin Moche. et Newpert. Mr&. Dsrk.Rochp la bave been appointeti under A1ýe civil 4,Ing Ule court .ctensiv*lî inipiossi service rules. Pontmater General Burlesen lu à statement ismueti dsclsrsd that the et-Mo @E D ftt et Presgideut Wilsons' erder yl b@ morely te requirs tourti clans Posatmaeston s ube e. ppointed net 0FF rjPfESSWAGONS AD aecrdauce vAtIs Ahe civil service rsgislallU 8te denonsatrete their lit- Beet fer office by competitîve exam- inatolus or other appropriattp uhst- m àhWU leU iOuhIr ods to b. Ouxed upen. H.e anerteti Abt thse Taft ordar If sîlowest e Iou. lDUJ stand *'vOuld mati n oest civil serv- O m l 19 ice a terce" 20,000 Spoil*sOffices Loft. DuItclo, N. Y.. NMcY -Attache ou lA ta apparent. houever. Aat thore driver@ and chauffeurs oeth. express are about 20,000 ofIces. eacb carrying comannes sud tAie departmneut stores. e salary et $190 orlboss. ubich crs viose employes are en ssAlte result- for h ime bain& rsturued le the aI n severcl nect celle. operation o et As polissystem te o Delivery wagons verse verturued nome cItent caileust. !lu Abs streets sud Abs vAudousetfue Tbis resuit "iI afford e partielesat- of Aie departmeut store berne vere lstaction tute bIngry bords off-et smeshaid by e, meb. Five airesta lice sekers tram tAbsosutb ubo bave wvesmade. sou vitb appeails for the reývocetIon ofet beenter clasityiug the e ele. TAie la attained tbreugb tAis pre- vision ofthAe order Issusti vitAi re- gard tu Abs method for Olling Abset- Oicas ubich pay les9 ban $180 an- nually. Presîisunt Wilson ordoredt Aat lies offices b. filIal by direct appolutusent etf Aie postmaster generai upen rec- emedation et postal inspectera sent te eacci ioccity te nvetigete sumdtreport on Abs qualifications ot h. applicantz orthrebsoffie. The. president 8used Aie requirement «'tisA uci report shail be baseti soisly upen AbesuauAbility et thsepisîlicant ant isi sbillity te provide proper facilitles for transactîng Ais husineonsoethAseto- fice.'* The Inspectors vAn viii makie tiese slectlone are Abemsîlves classîfisti untier Abe civil srvice anti are sup- pesei te ho remoyeti trem political Influence. Republiccus expect. boy- ever. Aat ît ai sDemocratlo adunin- Istratilon lu power. Democrctic can- diliate yl bave Abe botter chance et lsutilug. Presideut Roosevelt lu November, 1908, isanel au ondet eovsriusg Ato Ahe civii service.14.00fourtb ciams postinasteru ln four nortiserestates. Preîdat Tait lesued a uluilar order Oýct. 1b injj, vbtcb comlsleted Abs elaasllloetionoet&Ili fourtb clans posA- masters n the postal service excePt those n Abs tsrrlterles. Ever sine bis electien lest Neveun- ber, Prestieut Wilson bas been oesr- whelmeti vith pleas for Abs revues- Alis or ainenduoent et ProsAdent Tsft's erder trou soutbsrn memheri of congreus. vie vpesboiug pushoti by office bungry constituents. GUTHRIE NAFEED Pretis5ant Nominales Plttaburgher Ambassador te Japan. Wasbinglon. Stai 1.-TAie president i bas sent leulAie sonate Abs nomination of George W. GuAbnip et Pittsbsurgh as ambassador te Ispen. TAie prou- Iet ien Ianiomînateti Cyiord NI. limltzgaher of VacWert. O., ascoine- ifssslner of pensions. Fie ha. been active làs Ohio 1emo- crette politie anti servotianse sate asencter lu Abe leglelature. The preUýdent turneti deun tAie Ohio Democratlceorganistion nt tAie request o et bmec uho menaged bils Isre-couAtention co isPalge. CouernnesCor Pardons Negro. columblsa, O.. May S. - lcuis Il. Peck, the negro who ceusel tIse Akiron rMot lu 1900,. turIng vhich tva persons vers kidleti andtie tAi dy hall dynamted aud burned, sud vIse vas sertlug a lits sentence lu h. peni- tetlni fer anu aseslt upon a it- y.ur-.Md *bit1e girl. bas issu pardoneti iy Goveruor eu. No reten anm been gîteh fer tAie pardin. MItcheli fer Colleter. Washington. NMsy .-John Purrey Mitcell, prssideut oethtAe board of aldermen o etNw Yoen dy, vilAis tie next collecter ofthAIe port. Presh- dent Wilson baesment XMm. Mtchell'os jamqcte the 3a*nate& An Aruericen Mipress wagon wus attecked An thie downtoWn district. The traces were cut and thie herses drives off, aiter w.Ailh the wagon usa Pushed Into the Plate glass window of c a ecant store. The driver us. sey- erely boston. 'NATIONAL LEAGUE. WL. Pet- W. L Pt. PhAl . .10 5 667 N. Y. .10 8 à56 Chf. . ..14 8 636 Pitte. .10 Il 476 Brook. .11 9 .579 l4oS . 6 12 333 St. L. .12 9 571 Ci ., 4 16 200 At New York- R. H.B Cincinnati ... 0100110l0 4 10 2 New York , «33)0(0ÇI 6 "d 0 Bonton. Packard andi Clarke; Amos, Mstbewson and Nlyers. At Pbilesielphia-R H. H. St. Louis ... I0 0 0 00 0 00-3 8 3 PhIuiadelphit 0 01 0 02 000 1-4 10 1 GrIner and NMcLean; Seeton and At Brookly- R.H .& Chicago A000021 00--4 8 2 Brooklynu ...02 0 01 00 00(-3 8 1 Teney and Bresnaban; Allen, Bteck. Miller and rwin. At Boston- R. H. B. PlAts. 01 00 0e0 00 000-1 9 5 Bosto . 0 0 00 10 00#)0 001-2 9 1 (YToole and Kelly; Tyler, Wbeling and Carriden. AMERICA.tiLEAGUE. W. L. POL. W. L. Pet. Phul. ._14 3 R24 St. 1L.. 9 13 409 Wasb. .12 4 -,50 Boa. . 7 12 363 Cleve. .14 f; 700 Dpit. 6 15 282 Chi. - 2130) 55N. Y, 3 15167 At St. Louis- R. H.9 Philadelphia ..200100009--3 6 0] St Loula ... ý000200000-2 5 0 Brown n sd Lapp; Mitchell and Alexailder? At Chicago-R l 1 Washintonl .. .0 21 00 0 00 0--3 M 3 Chicago ._-A00 100000-2 6 1 flughns sud AInsmith; Cîcotte. Lange snd ScheIk. At l)etrQit- R. H. EL New York .. .I tl 1200001--6 8 3 Dotroit . 0..00000000-LO 2 4 Kestiug and Sweeney; Ilulin. Zamelock and Stenage. àt Cleveland- R. H. B. Boston...000100000-1 6 0 Cleveland . ... 02000011--4 9 O Leonard. Fomter and ('srriga n Fslkesberg andi Carlsch. AMERiCAN ASISOCIATiON. WL. Pet . W. L. Pet. Louis. .14 10 5813 Ant. . .10 10 500 Col. . . .12 9 G71 K. tC. .11 12 478 Mil..12 10ý 545 SA. P.. 9 13 409 blînne. .1? il 522 Tor-do 8 13 381 '-At Indianaspolis-ToIeda. 10; lu- dînnapolls. 0, At Miiwsokos-tlAnneapolis, 9; Mil1. waukee, 7. At Lus l <ounu,1; Louis- ville. 3. At KansaC.137-Sti.'aul, 6; Kat- kit 1 M.FACE TË91S M TÈi IAFI'S GIfER lS AMERIED -JAMES E. HUSSEY New York Police Captalm Who la Found GuiltY Of Ccn$Plr*CY- imd iaig bahy Ruth mau 1 Mule. bre.îeer.old Mary Lois. OIP lipwe;yýù m-tduiti ir eV . Stat.e t mlinu, kqaunti of Lake, M: ln he Couufy Court ef Lake Coun. ty. liai Tutu, A. ü. 121& la s tbep matter of tAh. p@ ofetWillm Tonyn.. Gardiais t et Garte Tony. On. Isaielle Tofliqa. Mençi J. Terni. On al Theresa Ttrouyen mne, fW Ia,. te 5son ris entati. Public noie.las bereg>y giveu, tbat by virtue of a decretal eider ma" ensd entured of record An the aieve erntid cause An MaW court on tAie 7tAb dai MaY, A. D. 191.3, 1 shait on Wodrnaedy thie Ilth day of Joue. A. .D, 8 s tise hour et ee degila Aise mft.mti et ss.d dey, at thie IEat Aer oeth. Court Hbioseln Ahe CAti or Ws.keudu. ln Ahe CouDA t rlais.Mad Stai.. de Iliaol.. .1fer for sale at publie vendue to the bighet and beet iidder fdr eush, ail of the rAsAt. titi. and interagI et Mcid minera Ini and te thse fellevieg described reuI estate, ituatati An he County ot Lake anti Bate etfihneis, le-vit: Thie W(st HaIt of thse Norti-west tractiernel quarter or section Plfteem. An Township Ferty-five Northi of Range Nine Eaut ef the Thirti Principal bMeri, Detedtigu Sth dey et May. A. Dl. 1913. WILLIAM TONYON, ofailln tGertrutie Tonyce, leabelia Tonyeu. Henry J. Tenion snd TAie- resu Tenyon. minore. wkly-May 9, 16, 23, 29. GUAROAAN'S SALE. StatsetofIllinois. Ceunty oet ake.sa. In the County Court of Lake Ceun- tY. May Tercq. A. D. 1913. lu tbs natter 0eth Petitiou ef Robert M. lugalls. (Juardian ot Helen M. in- Salis. a miner, for leave An seIl rouI estate. Public notice las herebY givea Abat by virtue ot a decretai erder made and entereti et record An the above entitiet (muse ln said Court on the 711, day et xMay. A. D. 191&3. SIlsh en Wedueesy, AIhe lAb day ef June, A. D. 1953, ut the Aqur et ene o'cleck tlu the utter. neom oetmid day. utth.eI@ut Door eff Ahe Court Hanse tan the.City et Waaa. kegan, in tue Cotanty ofetske ât gltt~etr Minute, effet for sale et poiNt vendus An h. bihesan bunht bilder- for ca&1, AU ot tAie riglit. titisadle terest of sald miner la and te- tbe followiug desoribed real .etate. situet. eti An Abs CouaLY 09 Lake. and State 0i Illinois. to-vit: That part et Lot Orne An Bleui Tvsn. ty-flve lnabsheOriginal Tovuef tUtie Fort (mow City of Wuukegaeî. des.rib. eti ascoemmencing et Abs North-eutL corner of salti loi; theuce running south en Abs Hast ln.et smidlot. Tu'enty-Ahre. arnd eue-hait test tu tIse Nort-eut corner etfJlandfoimerty owneti by Joseph Malin; hance. Wes on tbselNorth is Ae ofsald, Maliens lot, anti parallel vith tAie Nothi Une et said Lot One te the West Uin. Aers- et; thence Northi ou said West ne. Tweisty-tbree and eue-aitteetmore or les., tte sNorth ln.e ofuM& lot and Sethbhoua" - of Wesblngteu street; Abnce EHut oltm "d Norths l» of sald Lot Goaeand Uithe uIs-nue er Washirngton street te h place ef beginnlns. sxeeptissg Aerefrela Ahe toi- Ieving; comeisctu gai & point IUt h. NortAih %e etLot Orne aforegali. vwb As Fifty-Ave andi elghteen ene-hun. dredths teet Eatut oftWieNortJs.vet cerner ot mid lot, and uicILtsati point làaet thie North-west corner efthtie tireastMori brick hui" formei'ly owned bY Humucs S. Berri. sud qeu situateti on saiti Lot One, beue Getil sieug Abs Weet lins et saki bulldlsvg twenty.threal&oe-hait test An thi Norths lift etfsaitiland ftemerly on". est by Joseph Malle.; Aence West Aleng Ath, North ln etfsmi& MauUea Lot Forty-two and sisiteen ens-hnn- drle&haftest tuEHast lUne ef an a.gy whieh là tee test vide, saliwhieh ruas nortls andi SOuAb Mgoaa Ahé cest snd of sadlot One'. thence North ale1'g Hast lnse et sald atiay. wtuÈy*A1,1e. aqd Lot, and ,tleu ,ce Hast Along he North Aine ef méiiilot, Forbtw:Anbd. hiqtén one-hundredihtst t heA,-pI..ofe beglnaing; aise ailofeth. 1'igmsititI andi Inttrest etfsaid, misiol'la, uir t sIdti la foot Ailey, iacinding Ail reset. vallons and subject 1ý an IWAsAIOib containsd An a certain Warranty DM made sMd seCUbed by Heraces, Berry ânud Helen H. Bermy hi&e. e te. IbIs- Ped. Tue"d& missiez Ail. ci raliro*t thse W. Ulectri. Mile e West CI te h. For permta et Ah.t Otis et TAie opevec be effe punylas las ser, Dite lu uew fr Thla wbIcb mcny te bul Fox LÀ STE TR A ini pot SHOq OEA AURA ASSIS1 FAV, monAbi of En& locali obolen fallov mea vil court 1 Autoni i'Ok c vIsera coret PrIc ln