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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 39

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I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UJNK INDE EINV NT, RIDA * iY,9~, 1913. T 1'CIhtTP~1tr ~ Txlsm ,,- --.. -.- Commisioner J.J./.ldetmeyer de clares that tle îplan 01 constructing a' tempiarY footîricige acrosh the ra, vIeOnu(enesee street bas not bon dropilped au ha, been reported quilte Meeraljiof lite, but that a thorough tln'etigation la beng moade to doter- mine vhat the cost of such a struct.j uro vouid le. *Ir. DietmeYer lias aikeci CityEn ganer M. J. Donîthit to prepare lplans for a bridge ourh as the one that hla been suggented and asnswon as these Plans and itifcations tiare heon prepared, whicl should lie in the course of the neat day or 150, con tractora vti li e aikad aat ciii iî a bridge could h li ot forI'rovidIug the ros i te 001 tongroa( the- contrai- yull ho awarded andi the worh >if (iu structlon startPit aithfin th,'next Ils days. It han been estimateci that a to m.fPIA L LO I0 iîorary foot bridge vilI colit an ,- ý I IA E IHT O wbere f rom $1,)00 O10 11,0. Tho e comisionrsw s t knw he x1HEc IUBERCULOUI figues bforeproceeding witiî vork. It hnbe declded that if the bridge tu but that 10. vili hotla-odMafu AH f Tfn rl on the aient ide of the lreent Ge so treet bridge as there are ses nffnla or orlMaulswyltcould nfot tt- 0111 Piaed on the eost side.j That the roney expendeit for si]( Il a brige wold no be trown ivaitcParla. ' lay 7 -ltrWiliaru .1, lit Isabrdge wod ntyoffaisor _ay tu. f Ne-N'tork aîîd New[liamp. la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a acriteib rt ffcas o s he, a ho hai sFient three montha I sonon as tle completion 0frItie 00w ierlIn Ila-ie tang the. tulerculosus conlcrete viaductuth Ie fout lbridige Ist-ruiof )r. Max P'>'ri.oaski. say could le taken 0.0 1,eeu andl natavd thaI t t ri-ut-it iîlt1, alnîositcrîninu te nome othor section ofr lice clii I1tî',ei î>- tr~i îdtanced ftages o -bere it Is desired 0.0 laaon~ft the dîsîease that they ratle cured bridge seroas the ravina and COnrisl Dr. fiptalie sa)ys il 1» pathelie in lier the lobed endi o! nome street. Tupe>Hln to sec biindre-ds 0f Americsos whi am sveri pace in he itywhelibat> morlgagc'd tucirhomes and aretiverl laca a te itySlgoi , e-farrmi and t-vers thlng da- bai, sucb font ibridges are npecîed >0 l inlasabout'ir. Friedmancua est-ablisl- wouid lie no effort to locatple i>'roi I n t 1> I pr'cî.uîon cfblieng or spot. ,ciîred.' Merchants ail overthie cit) are lis.. lIcFriedmnacui's î Ialmtust eing thb gtjning 0tu realize vhat the> arce 's-diccoîcrer of the turnle lacll oare ing la th. vîy o o ls ei-ause I cmihaticaliv dispiitcd b' Dr. Beattîlu the bridge is closed and il Ili nec- letue bd icoI.rresponudenut lIai the essaiY te valk aroland by vay of the 'rt-aI dinco terrvas DIr. Max Plerkow- Shieridan ROMi bridge. 'Thoy say the ski, t-rcinn i German bacteriologici, condition vîli get vorse finscai l(Iftiih oni-i lbiratori îDr Friedmann botter and ihey lear that on- ie% o klil, D.ii-tteal, 1due P>r. t'riedmanna> cu)n>>nlfln i hat ho 10s8 tiis nortb shore trade tp th, i'-raou-i ni.unlu'urr- o!rithi- pr- -Ul ho ahi, ta regain iL.di o u. Iacilli On. moat mar-ket proprietorrca r lPrIlalu,, i, n-ithtisctatirc nt- riftles icustomners from lita plaie (if' tht- r. suItof'I le icrîlo iarrii icir business to the south endi of the- Ila(lut- tri-iandithei- ttuiug oft he bridge -o tbey cao take the cuar secoirdîr: .~c f luerîto haune vItiout havlng te valk tht, - >. 1 -.td utii uta tra distance. Other inerchanîs are d!iva e u i rîuin,Y arreutrd.' but ihat tblnklng serjouly cf foîkaiing titis aut-uiitlouucîure t fi, i ih'idhylr - Plan and say they oildoe50 ieas tht-ciieasc'~e ttiini I TIielise 801metbing le done about tLec on' ofrttth' tti litacilli lillîfal nis In siruction, o! a fout bridge. santuel f&norv but jl'idrine f h t- ror-iaof Schwartz aho raisedsi sveral ban- the lattes l nonih t 1anr bolleful drod dallai-s ram-local moi-chants 10ri hal il" > l] "me 'aht-ot Il 0 yard the cîst of such a bridge savisit-,tîos.>ll>lt 1, irirt -n cdiail-r> ho eau raille more, provding thec rt' ' re findu upon Investigation LIaI sufiicbnt lu concîiisioa tDr Ietutlie >'a money bas 001t been raîoij. tiIsnote o!fnaronig île tald tIba itheu ior 0fhue Itîrt I. holli hoîîld hî Iai lthi-hands 'If OrLuaiV bouc ýo»havi Imai, n on luîuîe . iily I ,f tîulu>rcu- ,%iaIUJRL III LION CAMNPAIfiN is BElN4i WAED ies in s Rescue Effort. Cutjerland, i, , . Nii Ithn Lain, cm pnls.lv>>>i 'aid>î. uwI NI, t Kati' bIt-vIem. tî1eqPln ti i ohd drOwnod i ltaeNltigatr>aht-v a biot la whic iîb le » t-rn'inu ralialut-ci. taîr r'ýachdil ic lu>crinn Pd l'out in nafel> - luci oi t-la The annual dandelion ranîpaiga jl vlm 10 ie Paid or f ii,-gil t ihe h.ing vageci lu Waultcgau. The Warin igrospeilt hlm aboutl te ictk andîl otiu suxshine anci the raIna of the last few a. days have brouglt the yellow tutado Of thIR eAdeciInto ff011 boom and ipark- EScutîri ta Se Evacuateit Thuradîy. Ings andi iawnie ail over the cly d yV na Na'7. The <olttr» tore Piai' streake of Il .1asa.1sjî ooneni !the- Netîs lrei,',cse This lu an excellent Lme to gel ri- ici tegrapheci tha the Nlontt-nt-riiia lii 01: dandeMbos. for the ground leq soit. evarlîste Scuîtari'Thuînsiay> ad they are eaeiiy eXterminatet.I Car. abouicille exurcised te0.0 rt tut-mLady Gre rory lnjured. out hy the roota. The dandelion proli- London, Mai' . -Lady (,regorT', ahI> tlteliaribst and mont perslst. whe 100k orer île Iislh tlayena ta cnt o! "weed petits"In cenîtral rîti- th"e Untcd States and wlîo s bt-rat-Il nos. ~~ aa plarvright. suffercit a lighî lnjury durne6 ber rêttet this corntri' os OuCe tgt tr i no uelI cmrCymIric. Durîng a lit-an> parking lit le n constanît ligit for yearcse amonrl bn waJame h to exterminato It. lbe sudien ce cig f the door o! liert If uninclested. It vilI drive out lIce cîatt'room. No botns,', vTe brokeii gruss In an Inci-oditabl> liii.! Unme. j but ste In unable ta use ber band.-' C Ourtmortist Ordsred. AeauIm. et ofa IterplW Laiw BaiulL W&8sbington.May't -The trial hi' Washington, blay> 7.- Repreeenta. courtmartlal of Captsjn Roi' C. Smith tii'e Britten a9 llîpçl introduced a and, Lieutenant W. W. Smytlc o! the rienciutin Ibhe Iemta direcfthLe naVi' hais boer, eried hi' Acting Sac. fl8dCIary cammittee ta stops laeliane retari' of the NavyRi'oosevelt, folow. the deportnot of justice. and the ds. ilig itivestigation of Lhe trcum. gar1tiftIlt Of ta"teîitfts*s a lest t'as.tannea of £eounding of the batleshls> in the tederal courts vlth a viow to Arkansaý On a sbeal off the southern anu]Ient etfIbm Cilitorula allen coast of Cuba.t land Itys. 13 DIA WIN4i PLANS FOR FOOT BRIMEF WMEN COMPLETED THE PLANS WILL I SUBMITTED TO CON. TRACTORS FOR ESTIMATE. IIIIRCHANTS URGE ACTION' SOME MAY USE AUTOMOBILES TO CARRY PATRONS IF BRIDGE 1S NOT BUILT SOON. J. HAN LEWIS RA NI PRKT MAJOR T. L. RmJADS PEo i E Illnois Senater To Se Prcédent HAVE Bi41 AITRACT. Successor ta Archie Butte EA~ IONS THIS SEASON Ag ,u1h CRV F "SAVE RAVINIA" WILL ammimon tu~j3 PlOT BE HEARO AS 1 T HAS 901 au BEEN BAVE O PERMANENTLY. THMA _OCHSTA MN 19 FOLLOWED 5V SEASONS 0F GRAND OPERA AND WILL IN. CLUDE OPERATIC STARS. U, Theemutinuaicry o "rVp Ravinia.," Ifhearit every sprlng for so many years. h'Au'cty 0officiasor %atikcgaîi areI > wili bie lacking this year. for Ravinia 1-0tcon11190teal-lelîtth01e derision (flisnow beau permanently ,saveit.,, S ihe Suproîno Court willi regard te th, ,s 4 Through the assistance of the Ravinla Genesco titrant vladuct mtter s 1h Club organrizedi n north shore tovos out uone les.t effort to conitlac e .î lasî year te en-oiperate with the Ra- b ourt that the (.ity was Justliqln vinia Park comîîany. the perpetuation 11,14 action. For thc la3t several days _______________ o___ f the Institution lias beau assureit Arthuîr ltlîktî. corpîoration counsel- The patrons of the park will thalre- f ortheîitclia acc atsorkon îe- lu!fore lie intorested ln hearing that the fuor tpeogram basntempiatedafor oncasea.- Iîlio, askilng the Sîllrenre Court for MACHN rgaBcnePtdfothsain arehearing In the ca,e. Ths pet o 11 w ylleamre î wî onsitat, ion ,siîî holtonke , îîani onsidered FRun U FRAGEU ES for any P:eious more i on that, b3tehigheiit tribunal of sîiitei as il did tast year. of symphony or- the sclate touaorrow. chestra concerts. grand opera and t iy iSlas droilt firthi-re t> toô.TMI W&. dancing but dn detail It vilI bie more alout one chance ln tfty of thae su. 1 rsw tiii I complets ail ambitions. Coentracta lîrenie court granting file îra>er or Pakus lf for nearly ail tiîe engagements have the i etitirîn. am thi luIm siîî)ît li, Cl IU n 1w heoîmade hy the Ravinia cont. îîrc,îîrtiîîn or relîcaringa granted j pany. and tue work of completing de- Ille blah court. out the, fpited t LnoaIa 3 nthr ttalle fa now going on rapidly. they would lot lbai,' don>' tii>ir en. vas mnade ln connection withate Teti Weeka of Thomas. tire duty until tht-> ha've donc omerl campalgu for the suppression of L. Wlile it la to. oarly for a full an. tub6 iIn their pow.er te concînce the militant suffragettes. nouncemont of the program. Itlal nov court th at l stould lsten te addi- An analytical chemist of th. ._m activn that the park will have ten tional tcstlmony whic-h the cil> im of Clayton vas takan mb n to awveka of tlîe Theodore Thomas' or- îîreîarod te offer, and then, if con- Richmond. Ha vil, ne charged vith cheatra and tiiet Frederlck Stock hlm- Ivinced, to reverse Itself. conspiring with "General' Nrs. Fiora& If will personally conduct for fuor Tuerolng0f .1e Spreit lorîDrummnond and ather militant leaders. weeks. stained the declalion of ('outl Another story deacribes attemptail This wlIl lie two weoks longer tlian 0 . vhicb have been made te engage an the Thiomas orchestra appeared test r J'dge Smiley of Woodstock, iut no aviator to conve> Nlrm. Enoleille referenco vas made in the deciion tei Pankhurst out of the country. year et Ravinia and ln addition Its the grounds ulion which Judge Sile"v Il lei aiso rumored that Clhristabel personnel will be the samne as In its lîased litsluc-lion. The hitît court Pankhurst vis th London yesterday. concerts ln Orchestra hall, witb eveiry ruled merely that white file construc- soliat bInls amembership ln ha chair t. tion of the bridg. contemplaîied was Johesan Pays $2 Co"ti for the whole period. P- a local imîroîement, that It ils li Chicago, May 3.-Tbe case iagainît Claaic Dancing à Feature. n1 unari a general Imîrovement "Black Jack" Jobnson, ni-gm putiitt, ('lassie dancing. which proved sucli it efore taking the nocessary satultsvas difsmiised on payment of $2 Co8ss a popular Innovation last year. viii Yto .ontruct a Iridgce by sîc as- by Mtunicipal Jodge Fry'ln the speed- again supplemnent tue concerts by the ia l miment, tle îlly officiais consultedi ers'court. Johnson vaaescharged vitb orchîestra and I h issalitiunusual novel- of î ake fth- tr o sod not liainga license for bie sutomo tc îî io wlî le pt o u withMr akle ofthefirmof oodbile Ho - asarresteci lt vet ta nti iewillePte h r& Oaklt-y, rerognized ai, the bou t front of thet- i> aIl e 1k.L boards. ha tond exî>erî la setteraI stllIes. M r« ________ After Thomias witl corne a season of id takllecsaad tht-ep is no question il~ grand opiera with sorne of the stars of 9 bicsnîlnd lut thatmuftiî a bridge rould 0 the Metropolitan Opera company of h- lic bit in the icanner urescrlb)ed libv SOT N*lt .MN New York and of the Chicagoe Grand 19te f% l 1 claimed itateverat PRTnun q a Opera company, among the attractions ,imllar imtîruvi-mentm ln ocuber ciLltes +i++<'i.++M lf s The operatir performance wilIl le con- ie have limoen Illîltt Iy sPeciat assomaiment NATIONAL LEAGUIL ducted by Signor A.ttliito Parelli, an an ochlis may III iîsod as an argument aiisoriate leader wlth Campanini dur' le t the Supreme Court for granting W, l. Pct. W. L, Pet. ng tlie Chicago opera season tant win- \Vaukegan the saine prii-ilege. Chi .._1:15 722 St. L.. . 9 8 529 ter, and the composer of!"A Loyers' Phil 7________ ., .hi 1 B6oa L. . .9 8 529Quarre!." wbich vas sung htîe comn- in rooki.. "7 :37 Ci a .3 13 187 Pa>i' lii h IV l à ET gcpWitt Open June 28. ~ LU 1II AItIEI At Brookln R. 1 .9 Thîe park wiii open Saiurday. June Bost1ony fi ilO11 0 0 -4 6 2 28. cTO BE HUL IN THE ~Tylerslnf' Wha1ing; Allen andi II' 1116H SCHOO GYMICincinati "Ilo 0 0 0 05-!.1 1 Cblrag ' f'i i2 11 0 00-~41 F S MEIN FOFIER Fandi Archer. À r RT-EETOHNGCOOL ALUMNIOF At Philadcluhia- R. H. ;e THEHIGH SHOOL AUMNI ew Yorku _0 1 00100209-li 6 n London, May 7.-An atem Pt te n ASSOCIATION IS NELD. Pbiladetphîi 0010P0 0 30 *.4 in fil wrock the anent St. Pauls cathedral Demaret-. randall. Matrquard and by bomecarly todai'is allributed te Meyers. Sean, Ic1 imers ted Kll militant suffragettes.1 LOOK( TOWARD SCHOOL END fer.0 dAt Pittsbticg R. H. E. Tht- verger wbio conducts the sigbt- St. Leuis li O000.1000 -4 9>1tsce-n tlroîîgh the massive edîfice wvu 'rit aimlbaqut flu- auePittsbuirg ai ' ( 0 1 1 9I -5 ilIl înailing lus rouatds at 8 o'clock vh@R t ýre flons baquetof he Wue Gri-mer and Wlngo, .Hendrîx 1and lie beard a ticking sounci near the hlgh1 Co ao Iligli Scheel Alîroni Association Kelly. la.Ivsiaig otudhde %Iiho belhtIdi i the higli auboulgyni aa netgtn. i onihde iialiim Sturdaîî euînlng, Jîîne 2lst AElC> EQE îtat-ey parciel detne up ln hrown pa- nt 7:Vlo'rlckpi-r.lie immediateli pLared Ifil n va.- I Tht- iraI iîuetlng of tht s 'soars of W. tlcri. W. Lt . o1r andt laiîded Ilbcoter te the police litcrls oaa held Tuesday evcning ai Ph! . 11 . ifiBoa~ .. - 9 4 3 ai,>, ofonî a suffragette ncwspaper i tht- honte of W J. Stmith, who la Cleve 1 -f' St. L. .6 Il 421 irrapptuîp aitI the lomb. pri',lieît ioi lth, Alîîuni tilts yt-ar. Waab t>é DPt . .1 13 278 Tho ctoir o11cers are. t iiEtkCii'-, .>"rN. Y. .2 1tUn 'c oPrelîlnt1 MARCH ON MON 1 ENEGRO t-or. (bans it 189:l1 At Ut-lan R. H. E. Wahintor ""1I0 02 ô0--5 f Auttriaa nd Foe Are RUsing MOI. ý1 St,'retar>v George Strang, '09. Boston0- li O t 91-.4 5 P, tary Preparaions. ' rrîamurer-Ethel linon,. '>12. Groome ,arfl llItirY; Leiliard. Hail, ndon, Mptc . -One hundreit l l-xocutivc ('îînniittco t'hairilîai, and Cad * tboiuSànd AuarIan trope irf nov Allia Dietmceycr, "J>; George. Strang; At Dtrol; li. H. M. moving lni the direction of th. Monte- Fll'îîWatroîia '114; Jolin lsaasc-cn, <'hicago . 1l0 I 001-2 8Pv1negrîn rother. sccording te an An- 08: 'lorenre WetzeI, '12. Detrcoit fo)i 10000 -l 7 1 tlîarl dit-laith ta the Niail. The mai- TIhe exetutive coîînltîee ias de Scott i arlt'.(t-r WilIett andi I orlty of thëe are frram StýrIa. A Idei luit te 1 sue ant Atîmni Annual, Stanago. H I large nuînbec of Austn Ian trools aiase 1 aci of interest atfie previoîîs issue At l"ew 'I rnR H.E.are proceeding te Autivari by sesý cauain ths o<'sio. toccorlaPbIlsdel1ahia 1"004001 lt0-6 7 i A Vienne dispatch to the Times ol thgibs e ui.îînoa. hioe rtm nî New York, l"1)4 0 00 0 1-5 3 3 [ a> s <bat in thce evoîlt of Austria at- place o hthktulte unal 1 Houri,, I1 ' 'luot-I, Bender andi tempting lie core Montencgro, there >ear tfor the Hrl itrIe ottli ave'relire-Thomas; 1*ii, Vi stier andi Balen lah 1111e doiht that fsbe would le suip- sentÉation in the ijgli ochool suniuai af At sti rja -R. H7& . prtec b> IaI>. the closaof t1î13, two pages of the Cleveland . Ilf1000 2-9 11 t 801h Augtria &ni Montenegro are 1ibook liavtng Iteen set amide for the St Lous Il ""1 000 0 0--2 8 ?cootlauing thelr riiiiary iirePara- Atumni. Tiiere v6,111 be Photos and 13HIanding auIiI iud. Stone, MtchelIl tiens. Mlontenczzro bas dispstclîe tspecial articles iertainuîîg teathe- fîcAlllaîcr M1>'I X911iw 5.000 troops <rai> rIri'iu Sriiterl Aluiînilîen e l lufei tha fla rts rtoward the Ailtrian frondter. and bas tliei vil paril mfity thaltfiliac eso! AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. I moulîted heavy guni attone (Caftai-o. the Alumio annual hith moine 0f the W. . IcI W. L Fiet Ulimatum .ta Montesgro. Alumonus hac hoîîod vould c I ssueit K. t.11 t O-.74 ('ol. 9 M8-.p Cettinje. May',i-The Ruassian min- this year. 1111t1. ' _-:; \lrrîii 9 5 l'0) Iter te Montenegro prOeented a oui-t The achoola 0f tbe eity close on Louis ".>St. P..7 il 8 note te the govertiment, itrong Inm. June 2th andi commencement exer- led .. i : 7' ToIt-do 6 il aill eits rompllanre by Montenegro cimes no douht vili behldi on the --- ith the demnandsf of thb.Muropenal 19tli. vitli the baccaiaureate on tbe At Tol'tio lt naaa Vity. 8; Teis pevera for the evacuatian of Scutari prevlous Sunday by Rt-v. Mr. Pulsion.d,5 n nintn htaple fdn ' At t'olrriutrr>u MlInneratl)îs , 2; 10 sac,' aslilely ta lead to the rmin of Thus, wlth arrangements heing lumbua. 16. etngo mnade by varlus scbool organiaaions, At L.ouisvilc le- llwauikfee 2; L.eî ents ngo It in Impresaed on lthemartsof pupils ville, 7. And Senetimtîes Keenet. that the. end o! thoe chool year la tont At lndlanalolls -St P5aul, N; Inen a H funger makes the brlil ai asiutin very ter avay. apolis, 9. Caîlfernie Loglifitom SGane motConcession 'a Oi%.* N lppeneae-mryn osft#ecd« Pose to LoueivoPaeolfte Sacraent.cl. a W ~acntient o Che. WebbS taidmen tandthe Web t tho asti-allens l aidhi / elltl a isa ota ie pra opery artssadoteb E* bya snt psrthe n vote Bai* 0 gi en t ru th es.pitWt The m rushorr derWý "a.istm4aortyaot x bof MI )y sendlng a copy of their di *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~. .i mss. re ncai. met tthe pritar bohes» B e sdwe s be inug en o " r int he îst n. ter ca m et before the g seiate.. n'at.. an', Pr.ldeoî Wilson. reutitri' The tecision te sacndulthq hil a uI l a , l u e s m o t d i t i n o t i n . P ahi t t Taftalway, gave hlm 'rédIt for @vina aj h. urne ti'ma prevent ter" hl if 1.lthe Philippine% tir a dartos a nemOlOtents vas roacbed ait ࣠akilif.1 oerationi. 'h hi. vas itr.t:d ue btween Goyernor JOonon thé details of the giganti, t..Ë of eleanieg torey General Webb ad S es Dayton, O., att.r the lond. and hoa mCe ltted hlnlf mont crrditbiy. Boytosi, Cour leader et thea bouse. $14,3 GONE FROM RNutigope eW if erdhis purpasei to start'at," EX M S PACRACE Washigtona id1 fAJ.Sacraesnto until the aýifjv101 lotion la cncludoe. Officiaisboire 1.inth" t 1111es Ranik Rulvs 'sourclf es * as ii op8 u the legiature in accordanes Wl Silod Il811& administraUon'a 've. veteees AeOI.s M>OL Oakland. Cal.. Miay 7 -The thaft of Ijnneau. Alaska, Mai -â 143 $100 bis from an exprespack- Walter P. Clark vetood, the. age ment f rom Washington, D. C.. ta flahing bill afined et 3a#4 It a the Central National bank of ibis moln.. The blD City la engagIng the efforts or a ara unsniniOtily. Th 1s aq ber of specti a g ents and ver > m lS t a posislit îv e. biis v eto, of the traîl of the package from Lthe ture It left Washington la bains CAMPANINSý Te. II searcbed. When the package reacb- ed the bank here and was opeited it Acreost teGive EMft eTime ttA as fond ta contain mrely elipped go Grand Opera o*. magazine pages of the sise and veight CbIagp, May S. -A~0U of the missing banik notes, vas arade that ari'angrnise4 The lbait notes ver. addiresaed to banei jcoiipiîtgd iei01 the Oakland batti froin the national Campentni wiii Cive Isis umat bénik redemption office. Goveruma ttio tot the ouý t4.1 oÊlIciaI, of thet offIce have notifleéthe Grand Opera Coin y atj batnk thst the package vas properly A cablgram frni o sealed and atam îed efore it as th tant tread th& '1 Kw turned over to the United States Ex- alini te, bis en aej t press Company. Gardn, .Managir OfficieIs of the express company complote relleote 110, bave assured the banit that the pae. 3. T. Stotesbury io. ago coutid not have been tssepered vieed the Cbltag vith hefore It reacéhed Denver,.and vish to contlsue Ib the repreaientative of the Wellarge livee«Chilage onfî PU cd the package front Denver, ba& vjnter. given the saine assurance to th. bank. -fi lais usaa oa thett er n tour of lb 1 01c -Comnpany viiibl r Troops Asksd In Elsctian Row. Thé mdmnbr.et Chtarieston. W. Va., May 7.-Pomruor lttée.baveaa Suprene ('ourt Judge J. NI. Senniers 'York Monda> te ciiir of Btueffeld asked Governor Hatâld the year. Mal im for troops 10 suppres trouble over an Dives. Harold ~obih election being held ln that Cit.y. 9baffer and Ge lmo~. P Troups willlbp sent if the sherlif cslle this City, vili attli*n the fer assistance. Tbursdsy they wit t e o Rush Jup 9i1i. I~C sa WT*i" PVfIM- Sacram ento. Cal., M ay i - Reuin ss i ar ist u L. I11W ' C ' b > Senataors W right. banaban an Iobina, lter o S & i, O Cininetti for dciii' on the liaad stock Pbltehtton. 500 clos bill, ln order that 10. m ig t ha more e xp rt fbr T aemm lI Co oa~ c maturPIY considercd, met with Do bpva charge of àtrtltu*l , t onsaiderallon from the msjoriîy, and fletta. A fend OZ$aildo0O ugaeî the chair announced that the bill ben PrOvided Wo the perosby v ould co re up iim edlately . er loist a t S i t n * L ladivitual snbeosptieo#, Bell System Every big undertaing. bas some one big idea back of it. The ont big idea back of the Bell Telephone System is Univerual Service Intelligent and unfaltering adherence to ii ideal, bas evolved a service so vast, and yct s0 flexible, that Bell patrons everywhcrc c=4 talk to points one hunclred or fiftem hw*ý dred mi les distant with equal cmi, and a moderate cost. For rates to amy point, cmli "Long Dhh.oêW Chicago Telephone Company, A. R. Andrewis,_Manager ph"* ont SUFFRAGETTE RECRUI T CITY ASKS COURT Mft. M. O. Hivemeyer Joins FOR A RE1IEARING Rak 'O Voe& tor Women."1 OFBI ECS ...... ..... CORPORATION COUNSEL BULK- LEY RAS FORWARDEO PETI. TION TO THE SUPREME COURT BARE CHANCE 0F ACTIONý CJTV 18 DESIROUS OF ONCE MORE LAYVING ITS ARGUMENTS aE- FORE HIGHEST TRIBUNAL. ýï 'LAKR V.AiTurrv L-nrr,. y -.- Il -.-

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