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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 5

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I I jE For ytrfeet's sake get Shoes that Fit ... and thit doesn't mean after they are broken in but when you first put them on. :: : When you stop ta think thgt a man wears shoes praciicaliy two.thfrdsof the. time, the. value of foot comfort is evdent. In ord.r to fit, a sho. muet b. inad' right and the. makers of poorsho.. cannet *pend ttie. to do this. That is why it pays to buy r.- liable footwear for careful manufacture and good ma- terial go together. W. would like ta show you our new lino of shoes that combine the. three pointe of sua. pefection, fit, service and style. W. have them in both hiMe *ad low styles, black and tan, and etiier button or lact. Our price..are low enough ta make it to your advantag. tabuy her.. J. B. Morse & Co@ s VERYTIIING IFOR MEN:s TELEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLEiLLHj I Ruslh Par'k'Seedi Company'ys UNRWVALLED Garden Seeds 2Packages for 5c J. ELI TRIGGAS PHONE 25-3 We Want -To Move Right Away 10,(» e fot 4 in. Drain Tie. 30,000 feet 6 in. Drain Tile. 10,000 feet 8 li. Dram Tue. 8,000 foot 10 in. Drain Tie. 5,000 foot 12 in. Dramn Tie. Â11 well Sburned free from lime tone. W.il Make Close Price. Âlso have lot o!f OSTS and SIHNGLESý OUR FARM SEEDS (IROW. Cone sud seaus. We want toa pply vour every need in ont inoi. Libertyville Lumber Company Oown by the OId Depof. Phone 47 Bain Hope 20 Yars. WIIEN YOU WANT THE BEST, BUY Elses' Blue Ribbon Bu tte~r !Lis Botter is the aFIuest mààd lest, oicieus Made. Paokod expreesiy for CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phono 30. IBEETYV= L~ILL Mo 1mr M x LOCAL ^ND PERSORAL tM To insure publication ln the Indepen- dent. copv muet b. in the office no sar then Tuesdav of oaci, week. AdIvsr- tisera. especially are asked to ta ke particular notice f0 this affect. liez-o-ja Casse. at Elleworth'd. Horace 'Butler opent Sonday et hiâ borne bere. Pý J. Bocteinan tranmaeted ban iu Chicago Tue..day. J. M. Doriier of Racine, Wim., au aidj Lake county boy. rmade this city aI business violt Tue.day. On May 15 the Wý . . - ocietY wili (je çntertained at the hume of Mr@ C. W. Taylor aýpimted by Mis. Weich. Ilundeeso Ligbtninuw oup Cure for sale by ail dlruzgieits. ;-Oc and $1.00 per bottle. c25-tf The .monthly bueluess meeting of the Earnemt Workerm clamse will be beid Friday. Nla 'y 1). at the h orne of NIre. F'rank Itittien. Everybodycorne. Little Elieeu Hanse. who underwent a delicate operatian for appendicitio as chroulcled lu a eent Issue of tht. paper fi eanvalescing and ber ultîrnate recovery ie aseured. Monday Walter ILytie moyed his farnlly fram the Ed Apply boue on Mlwaukee avenue to the Peunnîran hous eat ths corne- ai Milwaukee avenue and Lake street. Mts. Bort J. Swan wbo reeeulily under- went a serions aperatIon a s ePeseby- teri an baspital, Chcago, la reported couvaieeclng and It la bopsd she will 'b. able tu returu f0 ber hebonisbesonon. The MynSlc Workers wlll aire a May Party alter thelr nezi regniar meeting May 13. There ilîl lis lunch and a Cood social tirne. Ail Mystice and thelr frlends luvlted to corne. If the road rocmmlselouers would deposit aloeyards ai gravel ou certain portian',af i lwsaukee avenue uortb ai tasen lbey seauid save tire township consid-rable expense ister ou. Why Dot do it now? Josepb .tmann miii give anat ber ai bis popular daur-easnt bis bal at Round Lake on Saturday evening, May 17. Mtusic by Sissa)n & %Ii-Conrmick. Tickets 75c, suppen extra. Always a gond tirne et Amans danceo. Plan ta attend. Munde.'s batcheny bas opened ior the season, Hatching esent weet. Dring lu your Wàr@; hoe wiil bantch them at 4 cents eacb. $8.50 lu 10<) lots. Baby ehiets irani stockt ..ggs 15ceacb an $12.00 lu 100 lots. Phone Libetvville 143R. e.25-tf J. W. Swaubrough le at lhe mile track sitb bis stable ai hanses, headed l'y (tambeta Prince, fanrfthe eumtîer season. Mn. Swanbrongli bas just compieted the enectiau ai a nese bungalow ou bis praperty near the. track wbieh he will use ase a summer home»I EdemnuAustîn, oi the, mal estate finm ai Dymond & Austin, aud S. D. Zook have been gnant..d building permits sud wiii each enect a esidence on theltr .prapent leson iSecondl street hhi s priug. Fnrn the liresent oatilook cotracturs seul be tept huu.y tuis ,ummen. Tii.. ope-nlua' iîeld by the (Meredith Fiowen sud 'iegetahie Compîany ou Tiiuncday ilamt proved aîaeot cîrceesinl sud eujîîvabice ent, liant- v ensilu availod tliîeîîîeive, ai tlîîiiauie (A i ng tiinîugh tiie.fin,. hut.fî.usoe to vîew the beautiiol bcd, of lowen'. and vegzetahies sud al wba atteuded, eeçecaliv the, etrangene, wcee urpinled nt the..dz.. ai th.. plant and th ii. rount aif, tork rarrieudl i y the..compi1any erlich i las hiad cMuli a reiiaroaiîe and general catie. fart, ry griiwtii durnrg te existence bore. îctons et.. cn givcu canna- tionî,s ad acriîrded every pos'silie caîîrtesy. A TESTIMONIAL. Estf Las Vegas, Noew Mexico, May 2, 1913. Mn. Saubornu 1 want f tiatla Yeu and thre Old Col- ony Insuranco Comipany for theo prompt- nes& iu sehicir Yeu pallire chWm on lire policy of Miy faIhr,.Masos B. Colby. MLORA B. COLBY. AE usy BR ai ma Colomy Uic luemmaseCoarpai Offnla s eh * u SCUIOOL NOTIÉS Episcopal Services Serv ices at the, Epfiscopai churich every Sundat asefoilîw': qibu, rc, .ervcire at Editb sud Myrtie 9mai.. went ta 1:3a. ani. ansu'u,, r, lviat 11:30. Chicago a btîrday siAdsîayed tliiSUn-Al are ,,înî aut a,. n-il t,, attend. day uight. 1R.. C' .lii.ieî IENTION FOR TUE WEEK aa feeaichreerpi = _ Florenuce Loveil basnleeniî lwiitiit.e 5 IbSfato 0afeel.8Oat Eleswortb's. 'nu inpe tire paot week. Mim Coa mal vsitd br c-.enm a CFranceo Sishîip @peut Saiunday in iss Cveruraalvsie brp.etsS hicago. (ilien aen unda. ,Ouly four mare weekea o scijoal! oh Nir«. E. Clemneut la mking an extrided dont exame seern terriiiy nean. vrsit with ber ulece, lins. M. E. Miller at Pozzle--f (Germen 1 forgete as much lu Winua, Minu. Isea neeko a. Oerwau Il did dunîug the Tii, W. C. T. U. seil meet *ith lires mor what selîl Germanit 1kiow by1 Mary Bensinget ou Tueedaa, May v * the end oai ie ummner? Salve by Subj. et. Whyshold voe'?Imagluaries or the biunomial tbeorern. Subjct. by han I Vte.Tire proirram laosiFrday aitennioon Mir@. E. MIcDOnald left tire flret of the canolsted ai: weelk fon Dcatur aus adelegate mrri the, Plana s010la......... ..... Hazel Davis local lodRE to e tatecouvention ai the. Carrent Evets-. AmercanStar ofEquiy wich ook Domeetie .............award Flagg AmnianStr a Euiywbchtok Foreign ............... Roweua tdmai.. Place at that city on Tuesday. lteading- The, Lake, Cunty W. C. T. U. wili hoîd ,... a .............. ..... Gladye Payu, ithiranialaprnginéibtein he ............................iitargery l'rie Terupenance Tempie,'WaukÇgan. Thurs- Margaret Eger ls at home iii witiî tii. day sud Frlday, Miay 22 sud 2,. umpo. Progam illapper hter Nfi@ Hjýn Pearlid ereaiiy a flue 'lermanmecholar. Pranammii apen lte. li, HeenShe trnusiated: - Louis made a path L. Hood ai Chica4o, etate premid'-nt, wiii tbru tir, gardon" sud wa about ta set as leader, continue witir eamething about a Many frieuds ai tirseft@TiretIlfiwîi.., bainmock", but reaiiziug ber mistake1 e.. spped lu c:nfuslan Iur the sentence wihome deatii in Iowa seas uîeîîtîî,ud eally ead: - Louis did you knaw that iîniefly last week, carne ta Libet- 3eeteday 1 whipped savnîung street ville Tirsday tu attend bis uerai.' unulin in aur ganden?' Nothiug lite Tiie family was seell kuowu in Liberty- împravîug 0ou aid EFfenbacb. vilie whr, they lived for years, tiîeir aid A verY lntetestlng girls basket bal bomeebead beiug nartir oi tasn. ixame seas piayed Frlday betweeu a combluatian af junior. and fesbman vs. Word recived franclire. a. W. Folett eophmaores audj fresirmen resultluy iu f rann Jataul, Cal., sesns tbey maved lavar ai the, înulor-ftesirmen linenp by a recntl frm Bffeont Naionl Ctyscore (.1 8 ta 6. A thlrty-live minuts recnti frm Blleeet Naiani <~~7garqe. sas plaved; three solphrnare girls 1s ta th@e efect"6lIg r. Follett'. healtb acting as officiais: referse, umpire aud la botter a% premsnh àlit hm baheen at tiniekeeper. any hMne sce tberrsmal go Clilorula Ruth r Picetroum Mise Hosge nooni train boe. 5be stuesbey are nase bas tb. mompe qut, bkiy. il yau living lu a tout. tbl k it'à a jakre ta bave thezn. jues$a»k Wb.re la tire LîbertlvIlie Brasa Baud? Misui..'toibdaia akrd Thts question lnat 10 be iard st every ba&t Friday aiternoon. Tbey started band nawse bthlie sean eveulngs anr tb alter s"baoi, seint alter floseers, boe and wes ar e a lees te arrive bad a senetal gaod time sud carneborne at a satWafclory ameser. Tiiere are airant 7 o'cloek. enougir menriers oi thi aid baud stîli Mise Boag's routaseent ta Lake Ea,'a boe ta canstitute a band good enongb Ist Tbursday atrnaon ta gtather fvialpei. They gat quite a lot but for any cify aur aise and let us hope ertaiuly deserved tbem for tbey sealked sorneane will lntersat biurselita the, end bo1gseays lualtre bot sun. tire boys reorganîse. The business mn, Um Webb sud Mise Cran hook thelr tire mertirant, tire privafeidtizeue, need sciraars au% for "nature study' Wed- a baud; se, ail need one. needav alfernoon. Mdis Webb calied Is "nature study" but Mies Cran wbispoed Mothen's Day Is a day Set aside by the, the. magic word 'picuic. sehole ai the Nantir Amenica ta lîîiinr evrai iran, lhe bigîr Criool enîayed unîversai motherbaod. On May it îz, iti. the nmcllMay panzy Iset Tbunsday evenyoue sends flasee ta maîher:n.ught @%eyon wers whte lowr i hoor The..pirveica cias have almost ram. e.eyon wer. seitefloer r. iiiianpleted tire snhject oai "ight". when thus oi motiier; evonyîîne gives sasehite liawer i compieted they wili take a fiuai taj rameau.. dise ta wtar. lu memîîry of examinatian on it. Senior ePaume are the. ioving aiotherm wha have pacred met for May 15 and 16. 5wa3, lowene an.. sent ta ,very ik tîd you ever rnad "Henry Euîoud. nooi, eauitanium, homplt.ai, airnetiuse, Il you did how drd yau ever survive? priso andoriitaaiE'. 1Englieh Ill sud IV tLiiik that sncb a prisn su orliia.age. nyw hite, booak Ougbt nat ta lie allow..d in pint. lower typile lliitberes Day, althougb 1 They are iîainfully wading tiru it for s many prefer the white carnation for1 bua reriewv. "llather's Dav Fliîwe.' luo virtues are Harvey as. neusweut ta Michigan last Friolay sud idut returu tili smilar ta thee ai the Malien. Its Wedneoday moaning '1T4, visite are wiitems stands for purity; ifs Iorm, g..îiiug lonaen sud langer@,eWiat rau b..auty; its fraèranee, lave; its side field thel -mean Sueiy Harve Y isuit going ai groth, chaiy, ttciasting qualities, (ir asa ehe? faithfuiuese. Yau eau huy theux oi TEIe tin. Duraýf. and ber motîhiien. a MFHEDITH FLaswEti 'i & AILE-a. ber.. viiting romElizabeth, N J., eeut EGETBLECO. steral daye thipadt weet aitiithtîrrie c.33-1 bomne in Piattville. Wlid. Piano Tuning Leave ondero ai Ra37's Furulture Store. Work doue by Mrn Alden, c-28-tf INSURE A(iAINST firi@tormeut- nadues aud cyclones. Prîîîectyourprop- erty with a polic y in Tite. Connecticut Fire fusurance Companv ofi Hartiord, cou. Cash capital, f l,000),000. Slzty yesrm'cxperipuce. I'a.r tarinmachlnery insurauce witten. W. C. SANBOEN, 'igi. Lhetyville, 111. c-27.tl Adams & Pigott Co. Dry Cleaning Specialiats. 1913 SFRING SEASO.N. For Expertly Duy Cleaning KID GLOVES Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wear, Rugs, Draperies, Miscellaneous, Etc. 314143-45 Wabaish Avenue CHICAGO PHONE DOUGLAS 378 IBERTYVILLE 0OPFYFI CE NeW Butler Building., FOR PRICES TELEPHONE 6 We sU eiH nfer and deliveè lire saralee 1 iders. I For Pire and Life Jnsuranoe Ne CàphareDgtr Nu. M ncCompany Michigan MutuaL fé1àtwnce Company UBER1yvU-iLJ Oiur bail t"emm seem ita be the victlm of riiudertandinge wh..n the tluîe for the. gaineCornes the apponents are found bury entertainîng ather nines. W, will have Sortie games thougb 00 sou ail wak-h for the .anauncemeut. The. gaines wjll lie well worth your time and mou..y. W.. are comiug ta the turne wb..n aur efiorte and attention are ail polinted tan ard commei.ncemnent aud everybody le put tinw forth hie best ta rucet the ocasneluinia waY pl..aeilig tatheir future rn.nries. Schooaius runiuîig nier y ..cept for the Inte.rruptioau-îaid by mumpe and Tennis. ev.arishlire and w.. are very caret tfliait ln,.long looked for echail courte are uit a realit.s. They may couic yet. Severai viii..ib.riof renior ciaee are ex per ting t. I uni ou t ilitiithe .toa i.. fing profi n n t year. (S.. uap..for Keep on ii te looik out for tii t niase night 'Sii,i liiiit i land Ne." Mlre (a Coliv i hel plirau t sa va r w ili knîîw sriivi.lîiîg aboaut what th..v are goiiOg ta have. and lie goizg ta b..good. Pratin, the tfiret vear Latin" pitcher thinke he would lie abi, ta hîîid out a "no bit, i, roc gain. e %gamet the tet of the scnbîuili a vart of tih. ferininu elernent ai tlheei)pbhuone eris and "A" freehman gat aut and cheer..d for him. LIBIE RTY VIL LE CABINET WORKS Wo make ail kinda of FURNITURE Porch and Window Screens made to eider. 1 5c per square font REPAIRINGO0F ALL KINDS. SUpholotenlng. Picture Framos Made Çhalrs Caned. Mimrons Resilvered ^Il Work Pnompily Executed LIBERTY VILLE CABINET WORKS H. HICK8, Prop. Phone 170-R Libertyville, Iil Pia o Wurk Aidenis Piano Sinop téWaukegfau le tii. place r, i lia, , il, ipiano sentfofi repaire.,eiii'bii w action, @e Tbey seul the s oîiiie uano and 1Waukegan. C-28.tf tThe Langeai Magazine in the World To-day. Magazine ijethe ianoret and hast edited magazine puhi.hed at 5Oc piet year. Fiv, cent, pertr(ipy et ail news§dealers. Svery lady who aoipnecî- ates a goad magazine sbauld send for a fret, saimpI. copy aud pnernium cstaiî.g. AddaesToAnÂ' aîlz Canton, Oii. 1t For Sale iS Rouni mansion with extensive gronde........................... esooo 8 ttom modern houeclose lu 2 lots ............. ......................570 55 acrefanm, fine buildings, nean town ............................... 7150 1100 acre fan, near etatian....10.000 Lots fnom 100 ta 400 on t &@y terme. 1Hanse neutlug audlre rucurauce. iDyMînND & ttU"1'4. -28-ti Arno Nagel & Co. Buildera of Solid Cernent Slos, Air-tight. Will flot rot or blow dovim. Never needa repaira. Chosper and botter thon any other Silo made. D*er' waiî until you wanî lousit. Doit nose. MI work reinforced and guarantaed frst casas. Let us furnisi, our estimate of cost. PHONE l66-J. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Plan--Then Act. Meng people plan their whole liv es to bave a bank account end lien leave this world without so much es a start at one. Planning isn't worth angthing unleus Iolowed by action. Good intentions never land you anywhere. Make gour plansto start an account with us this week end bock up gour plans with action. Lake Cou nty National Bankj LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,OM.00 We are headquarters for ail kinda 01111111 Field Seeds ONLY TEE BUST BRAýND OF FERTILIZER CÂN BE OBTAINED HERII. We can meet any price on TILE, FENCE POSTS, ETC. And ail Building Material. We are making special prices on al kinds of Feed for a sh.ort time only. Homie Lumber Company of Llbertyvllle. Somne Very Special Prices on our Different Uines to Start the Month of May. Ladres' Ilouse Dresse& t ..85c, unsyS.o0 Lad ies' louse Dresses at ..1S.25, ususliy 1.ô0 Chidren's Dresses Bt..........48o ta 1.25 Children'a White Dresses ............7150 ta 1. 50 Children's Hasne, tan or blaok, at .... ....... 150 Sorimu and ather Curlajn Materiai at ...... c-0c50 Embroidered Corset Covers............................ .Ibo Embraidery and lace trinsmed Corset Covers ............... 25o (4owns at ....... ..............38c-50c- i c-Si)c-51.Co anup. Siik Hase in tan, white and black at ............25a New modela iu front lace Corsets St .. $1.50 and $9.00 American Lady Corsets, -best for the price ........ 1.00 Carmen Hair Nets ............................ 3o a doses Will be Boeiving New Bargains Daily. W. W. Carroll & Sons GO. 2-STORES-2 NORTH4 STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE St ~.ec Can You Ilelp Us? f Il--- 31- -.1

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