DOZEN CHIGAGOANS MEI TAKEN ,s urrpélnaiefo WILL - Lbi LITTLE TUP9 IN,'~-~ AT A PASU4UONA W-e WRTY IN tht. district in Springfield, W85 t-2 à* = ATINO LINE HUREgu !1SW 8,ci 11l111 ed'Clle basail thé eoeu, . cue fAtoe ~ld HIGH'LAND 'PARK. Waukegant Mondayweeh iié xa 1 casnu quilitese of the bgh Vrfred Brand@, on friendf hers Thersda. the, Alachiuler W rapper factoi'y tu ail LOCAIL EMOYieS0F ROAD SAY 90 thé catit ni paekge, labl 5nd Peter M. Hoffman, Cook Co. toroaner,NOTHYLANUWAALA effort ta détermine sentiment aifOfli THRY HAVE NOT HEAR O F Damne édidd u I walq a Liber ty ville coler Weuned&Y OE'FAE P y thé 125 women enploes regardiùýE THE AUMORID CHANGE$~ anotherthiug to .tcite thio tact by g-ving it a trial.i Mr. and lirs Josepb Litwiier who OE"AMDu'm the proponsd new ý hour law fer M g# A»* kWor.t3peiai Bi.'nd.'* have r.sided in Lake- COIu for the let SUSURSAN HOSTS. wamen in Ilinois. Persistent reporte ha, bads it dur- OU th'4L..ey ar *801 E.ELSWoTH 70yeé~ rîtLlertvlieTuesday fer- There la à diversity Of Opinion ingthé luétleur days that thé Chicago W U Lte r iiarryJordan Williamns(of CltICagu Cibcago whete iiiey wle:a'n n ti" Staid Highland Park la rulybing teamoflg legilatori; o""r thé Pracl and North Western raîtroci tesUrélY ù abt »ter tb. ai oh r bu. purchusd, theW.. Holmes Thur4dey wi-nbe tr for Colorado -ye and trying ta réstiume fseNatures of thé ilan h local fc abottn thé lévation o! t tracks ailes lw y o n "t on thé Lake Zurich road Just t aeý,cpoied b3 thir dau>hter RubY. pression of repectability au a résult tory seemed a good place to maklni- along thé line and including Wauké- aSodaofun _U&rrfngton village limita, paying $900 sila antable, e -- Il lnown of a sensatioiial raid made shortly a!- quiry. gan. la thé very near fturs. Uncon- ur iggo d ea lisn'acré for thé 100 acres. Mr Wtt .Lake County farmer zesIdIng juser 10 o'ciock Saturday nlght o a Âccording ta reports, Mr. Mtunro.Irmed reporte havé lit tirat thé rosid od s MoUases purchased thé stock and wéto'uIe rkeheami w crap gaine" ln the'home of Richard totend théesentiment amlonj h a.hCt~e ~lso Utéadtoa o!'hécunyfei t o uretiet bsaiathéo aw Iha " nopin o i teadIW implWents for $4200. » lcso udywe ecuh tF étn 140 Laurel avenue, In lm. WOrkere of the tactorY 80lnthé, ladta ol éneé é placslonyua woné eglu. dzeimé ad .F~. Pprom- prandeed change ha0 an eghndhaur- The name "Unleedal-tmped c:1 Ubértyvllle Thureday sent another The fracture la ery ~pantul and tirent tu Chlcago's social and ba selwThéy argue amonti;other things: tside ti, hat avetbeon trat.o vr ici-m as-hti il teo-hud a hésérf ! ocor- sroeoe rFolyo akgf orld. wéré "pinched." 7 1. That;they now work piété wIork jWaukégan employés of thé rôad de- pa.ckages of 1needa Biscuit wer' bNSIa. ta the r. ApPle of done re erioa unsonDrta set théfau'r News o! thé "raid," thé tearful sud es. wrk es lttia or as much (uPtcare that they have hoard nothlng .énhtF wna s throughoust the cour-acmbrt journey ta the Highland Park policé ta tn hour) as they wlh. Idéliité, with regard ta any plane for. piamd before you, you cudcoz te'y nd,ýmu htléh oesoi theyco"muchthî flgrtation undérecort of Chié! o! Pa- 2. Thult. under thé 8 heur plan, élevîtIon. trut théy admîtit Ilawthin an one of them, confident that r--er7 &bo j, I dvelpstht le a Illng Grating on brfcetélice John A. Genet and hie twa as- thé aeo ogblt.Frtels g rce nta akg ci *os it i déeloe hathé a lllngof berieftt band, surgeons ln thé Pesa- sitant ches-wiro constitute the y ranor po eslhabely octécatn-ace i ha acae w't ordérs froquently for thèse man- b a mda h bs nel _:-- tlseklng animale dena hospitai are building a naw nase police dfpartment-and thée igning <of ai ru- ,rs t>ea t the rheenaion-bes oda tebetU e'aPcv Atté tnuiMâ lrt ivaettefor lire. Mabel Johnson o LeAnge- bonde hé-came public Monday. Itl " a ruorte iatethés ino th W ese inkd.Fvec,-,s At héanue lesPary iru t héles. \îrs. Johnson eufféred thé bans of wan'tountil then that thosé "pincheu"r téndéd to hvte Itaelne ut a te-e aed iect #love bail lest w-èk Thureday eveniliz ber nose through an operýtion. To lenrned they were victime of a prae.ue forai as now.déi .ith Amji' i lti, a er-r large rowd tale its placé thé surgeons began tîcal Joie. We h opn eetypr NOf O M BS UT É M A wie in etteridAtioe it lPilrsiate fting the fiWhénthéacomg therdctn Thepur-ap gAIIONraidRJas s aIT ras il bY-' isatbUjteeri rîýxty and sveity couplégr-tengthé ling er, iacnofthetparthéfa"rogaresie ay enta as',ý ctreseruseveral acres of îand etnorîbtWW 'h.. ruspeý,Ht.l éire wýorche- teparews e t o pb rty giE-41of waukegen it wae reported that it VéS é"ilI~é joint nearestthépl m~rnoved w fortoegressive ta tio T i tinelludîiiscxylophone. isrîî-lied thé and front this bonlesportion the Chiagons y lî.aaddMa. renoruga te en EAnres, Mr. oh was forthé ursé! latIon.uTié mame, en.-rng tr-r ;..-édîig hépoint of the nosé and thé nostrils wîîî geneIE.Adrws, 'Ir.and r. Jobaem aednidIndd.wssld- deic -dh rr.-i e irtienioailéb'!rd. .CtisM n ir.Jhn(ite land vwould hé use,! as thé new ChJAU frEUR WARNED AT SELLING déoswihpr l c ore.Tuttlé and Nir. and %Ira. Rtchtsrd -F. ewitching yard for thé (omt.nny. Wttb th up-aenbase bîal, Tii. Croip lm;rorémrnt corniitte of PeYtOii. The tact chat thé roaditas prei- A MURDERIERi TO NAVAL RECRUITS fsn hi theO ilizl,-tr ar î,esiTi p"rtyétîîé towi>sîp nit i t Fiay 1ToewI ee"pnhd"ised ta ove thé dépot at North Chf-- ~éaeeies e n- rérrrit.., i î-îniglit lu thénffics of lPau1 Mc4ioffin and The guests:rrtated w r. adcago froin Tweuitleth stréet 0 ACocutyur:frmmbrUNERALSNTOREEV tei./ in --rthr.' ud-rw.n orgéttized, étcjng Nla(eGliffil, ampresi. Mie_ Edward W. Pardridgé. Z200 Eighteenth stréet, wjich le nearer thé o! which own automobiles, friday con- LICENSIEil JOHN KUSSMAN A l, oih*,ihgnaeu; r n is enter o! thé citx is takeiras ne oîber Ilted thé tiret man tir oirtnitgullty SECUREO FIRST LICENSE ad writ theé iratefri t b frund lie, dent an4iN E tîntz.-rt as recrearY ohf urhMtfa seté c n lr i bldntta iitaý;I,,90t ni) athe frnrl ' iwhnir li hre &,e t-Ive H. ItL ubdél. 3958 Ellis svenne; inldication that thé lévation o! thé,of murdour for killing' i dian hy rua- erWakg alcneprwh léeoul nu i-- eier ta'k réthers 'lhctnsu.riip waé ,Jtvirlei and Nlire. George PIwigart, 190 Est 1 tracisé is net fer distant. ning over hum in an automobile. Eé>Wuéassla épr h tom i'wo".3 "e o "'t4 lott. ufirs..'t[Oité. r-rciiSe tifl ing Chetnut street; Mr. and Mrs. Chartes resltLwec idlorcelées a Ilience la Waukegaa duos Rloa oier 'J t1 i r.- i lorr- 4 ure- in iot î0-1 tti)tréee ta ,,rs of ther--ru .While thi.s worlt Ie un progrea i awéc Lnblo".4~set Ith thé knowledge that bis fi- p6bd orj et uada aiorelu t mitre tc Carîra-".Vr Wrt et "itiîng IM. Parkeér. 999 Lakeé Shoré Drive: is salid thé -ompaur wll proce,!a 10 -tfhSre, hufu, a cnewilh eoedIsayi - thsmirg'oét.e. w ti crrurirltér'rrnd wiiî b.-cr-ed Mr.aCtnut s JsrepthMr.alknd Mca.bu Ild a 11111e depot inthé réac of thé sentenced lta faurtéen years in tecalesllheokéd Ig ieotantlaI the arios wll b redy I Fas Chstnu steet;Mr. nd rs. 13owen Summér camp on North Short- puiténtlery for running down an Vitauirfttier Iha- 1[1-k i,! .bo r'rne reprt l'y -t. el.CrtsK. Fsé,10Ea hsutF. S. MUNRO. dnRe!sc !îo sa îo-amîgJépi 'is îa aunaval récruitf romt the Naval Training . UlW''avenue t., S-~ ~,le ir. CalsK ise,10Es hsotaenu od uhadio a rni tyn oehWis la au-ISaina ra ae.Ti ei wislî rein ae ie lii amîilytal 1tréét. and Mîr., and Mrs. Charles A.i Reproientative f rom@ Sth district sed by the company when JIt wee tirait facturer, thrse years aga. 'rlè crimînu. -SaIna ra ace ii é :h,éebia t.,t ur,-'he. h-~ Council Proceedinga Cannlld. 190 ast Chéstnut stret . Y.tO visitd Waukegaft Monday te, ln-deided ta locae thé camp théré. Thé ai records o!lîlinois and-so fr as slen le renewed again Ibis jear ti. ~Iebéd.'oeri.-rhtu b-rn--.' i uregtgulrsrr neéietiMay 5, 11113. Ful r. Parkter is président of thé Amer-, vestîgate sentiment of woméfl, regard- majority of those isho vie1t thé celui)'ithée tat's ttorney's office eau flnd-7 MyrJ .Bdné.Cmiuaé mta b--' e nul is uInr riad ~ let teguar ndIcan Radiator Company and Mre. f ng the S hour law before thé logîsla- tome fromt Chicago, and Itlnl pointed thé records o! thé satire coqtty, do Cari Attérbery mmd Assistant Chie( o! tb à"br 4 gl leRt iteiti ofltés ut tii.' r ndCanfietd is a daughtér o! thé fate Al- tore. H lle lchlrWspcot that it la ro4dc more convenferît not contaîn a nitrifir conviction. Police Thomas Tyrreil.Mayor' aid- havsewmitdeah-.t -f rîttrendI5s, sfi ie1adjr,.iruedrrértil w-r-jra sd aiPnlrongténoeddtéîlérfctradraends f enft-taaîgdtfou atai na téofcéThr hvebhncovcton'olooonige tad ek ! h slonuises Clé n-lu@e flntluv, aicvd OnthaMof1on 111mtte0te-ongdue l-pyasaghé.'wludow ln thé city offices@ today and *asie t 1a illulthb u,-.r.- siries for iCev dW hrcb rarrird Thé trouble tarte, when lic Perd turera' Association at dinmer at tia aten k hel gdu ytrp m sagt P~Ol as-er ne anid it5td ilsate Alleré. niémnbér o! Clément, Curtis &C. use.Ws Cottag keéer.s that Ibis standing rulé vill e diusues.on il s-aandiir,,vr'd bY Fraulti ern er. t avenue and Tvémty-flftit stréetlOit ho en!orced aicain Ibis yeur as pls ee-W n n!IrteltIthe plat tasiegnrd anrd brokers about thé "bush léague ,Ia- they wouid té compelled to work5,190 elghtwa trckusntl mmstpottment l - j k el ulrhtrI iîy A. J. Austinticho -repted. lice force Hfghland Park 1osseésed. ' .O'rsa aday ectitday 'n order ta pet' uuii, 91 ié h s tuc se ncase îhey are détectéd n a iny venti; of Dennis Ltmhetrr 5 ICarné, alvotInni ayr-. To get even Mr. Curtis fremied up 'in 8s'eel's work tnd tîuîd arrange PLAN lU KILITOWN 1Ib:an aruto'tIIé îîéî,ngxing 10thé vi-oation. "-~t r-- I. ' a..' -' Livery tomn- It in stai.ed furtlrer by City officiels »nm mrh.1 o! Libéctys-ille, marks A crmilittee iroi thlbir.- departm"ent thé raid wfth Chie! Genest. theiir titre s-o the/ cou!d pet in tel,'8 PIiÙN LAîv i. LAIESTI pn - rie yLuiboit bu-éveth appointmient ta that office. put trn tue niaear..e.i avî,rrv &0t,.'use,! Thé ,.it- folkst"'tiret vent ta thé boucs à wek-it would Le erght horrs l- 2s endr il.en an uboo.vta nomto ivnt tee réncent lection as coustablé irrt ire aferu Pibélo tr y Bués end A'drewsa home eand latér hadt adia- stricti>' eth day. 'WthTS" GETsaloonINO SECONDaseys taler r- illos it sésénteentit yeac lu thet Faulkuet thé 1fir. and wiatér conimiitte rer-country stylé-at thé Curtis 8.Tc ant ne iC nw- crieta, (ué l ossIn o Héba ftl ot ofies ta i fligate thé prîni e awilrtlé and o1té-wu oIaarnetarsér r hytn READING IN THE HOUSE FR1- IThé case was made nîncit s'ocse hii titmI iii hénce lntped ssionrf ý'.'4.SnàIelté satisfaction o! thé pu)- purcneW si parie tfor tir-lre dppatueut thé ePeytonhornte. Thére 'li. Peytou flet in more hours o-ne day and thus DAY AFTERNOON Itéfr htéiec hwdtéInformation' that any saloon kééper il trocday th sw _____a:.driver, e!tér bitting his virtim. drove bas sI aarcot h i> on Ue m Iniain ar htlevl Moved tir Céréiaid aid Titus thât tire -roduted somte "b)oues." Ilu àa fév 'gét s hait holiday of on___ 't a lat, raglgthaby ia claii éoldt ecr th cne o rto! Uc n niain r hth i s______bnl o rebcy.1Fu ilsbce )yte"ef" w lcsdagn hebd na loo&inue là both offices as longas hé tproporitionelrt thé Arrîrriran W'eil '.'nîrrtk ka abnde o gen a t - ..curte which many favor strongiy. Fu Il até y té "ês efiort ta éscapé,theopirrg théfcoueant tic a deep wrIlpump auir nrotor late,! jor1w hyer-in-vud atshé boyus f in aio, tee I m daé' April 11, 1913. hée aeMétt.',ndîftherr îeared on thé tour. Shouts of "litIle 4. Untder-thé eight hou orté> eéadvanced troin tiret ta second frtaecphintecosntedngalnkee medtly rbuthe 0iea .,,mnf certifié,!ig oldwrkte oy oe@i i.O Nuoi a thé ttarb trvne rr aiea uh IGrief las sud ta havé causéd thé dest éslaé atke out saloon i llighe*'rub, r.,taed thé deys a!,erothéaaccident -ceusés. Thé greatest tare le bofit dWWrbace inhi@ pre piiz mon too ind ý'Ordi»ee Non23hïpa____tliboardinthUr"__ystakén th acccent.thatn aIlecminitwiltme recels-ev a htntat @tri héeail a. pn feoaknsrviene,! thé.Ntvd l bbls a abllr, mtent.townsipIilcenses are itizéns o! good moral iliepes, heintude mae haty âmd a red. ariýdailvoingaye "Hi tere Gablng n HghlndSla ntvNnte. niunderw pestanding.derHIHWaudOIC.eaBLh LE.araningfad ech amelatugatt-t ompea. thérou hre id a ofhssta rngHglndA@ asra ark!" choutéd Chié! Gnest. "You'ré tn tact, sorte vonrén ar~e -ofthp 1v.bich e numiter "of tovu'> o!Lakeé tiTING 0F CONTRACT. led thoroughf y b> cil> officiist. A ilbn alrtaking a wateb arrd ciain ýud Iioved hi Eilswnrtit and CCevlvnta he t l é législatureulatonroposaotopinonlihthéhlréoselvédv thy1 thétyun- larerebelngn théldealp rnacausélZetitig hoe1fd- hé GovéruorudrsigeédaCommisi nesoio!toit ayl cIelsvdluandtare ta alétanyTihanc lu dent tichosibele voing mi otion ud work gni t temde-f o!tWectgoDeerftaeded TOfvWehipeeendlCoTow-ho! aadlicenof e l being b isnuédsue 0 a anian amking bis éeapi-. crie h rsuesmen adwmn m a eoisefciete rueta ete h rsetssin.Tegv tteo! threé Supervisera o! Lakte entamigtitese éthé priletgé ltlArthur Na! Courto Lke1tye.reâueII nd motsrpors for a hthébrbpoicesttin.1neno bo!iouseilthhissi attItConty Ideoi, or!hethédig fohifititdiafthsoficai di-i is ~ bidgé,concrté ebuinent eod icatés clearf y théir désire tlasce hat àerlous reot1e he ilhgneuejb et a location about oné-bel! mile East -ont>' thé béat clanseo!fInen in thé clty thé have 1Minhé bhargeccoaddnt 10 énéral spe-tan,! liat theHe iatasa! 10 urairttaitrn sél&itrailesi afonaery vee oin ofIusld- cilerf cte i laonfil e erhé fie lo sthé hîg lic nar os m e !o r st aloir' Y 11lla tri htboeteset lw L Aon ntion of nd-1-btns-oct . 7:1> h pé r e a! il o thpr lade ora ot !orsad w ta heon Mr nd utees Thétam e t ipo rt r osi i fi ctoplété plane innd hspécfica tios ohe, riscl!rcris.ofcas e' r r s . v érA . a n le n h é v l e c n eO U I j, in n t u d a, icr r r w il i l-. . 47 3 h l u v . Icu r . If t h t r ciJa e sé t t g ies p l c ld e ,e m o t a n na t e l I h a e n o t nlee n i u t h o f !mrd goéo rr alpo o e i i h é e b r ~ 1 e fy.s a t i n s . firt o th vétt n he clle w.wr-i.' -. -. :7 T> le n r. hé "gam vent wér eyrlied ealto pur-ét wveges oleant hé ptigrouitbéoc té)égsltre d ql ui ed laslaidtspictiaitévoain thé Pastimslacss brtt hcîé î voplcé.dl>'tari! .. ......4 i(l u elo at10kepth stn orier téT9frhehtbuc ndbrn recté tIatIve ndpropositin-s1conotflsar ihténraPl séti f i Is sul e Man> Lficeces Fn-n 8triam ' -. Il 11andet'hunetis's betd tuthé*Exo.r anu,! tItr havé 1tgo outo......r-..um7 -b0h tbelehintthé elaeofoaaitions thelué 5510 dImesions -To JohnKu sman. oo 70 Ilaand _____te _______fthe _wJouion bs.-olier in cou t n utlystca lti les i rlsum houaéi, at etIie qe l îzatia.n a n retla aos tthm eat.',!ofpridpoosa vIhé e clropo s ré,uu!gathhuro at Jnél8rttt~i -- a'. il 'tilofowteîs tore 1 ire> misso u ughb tlc uilécommi- ethé Tl. au Clanstadspfuc util- osutnthé ps'tirtlcneIi%ér 11.-dbrk i lgi wopae. o neTr.. ....... t 4 tî lttzŽ l. 'seau-coon ry I he$9foreéo-ere an d on ar hInitiaiveand. lee e cnfoDrta l,! th th é erlbuci! ta - Aldyln br rsbe ti 'j r-]t u hrr......' .. Il (Il) d l"r iet ' t he Ex o ir l jrdtins c eulh a e nltitet gottounté n b uefe de s arfacctaocro-hé 2 b d y ! Ma' A .I ~ s suon é e rs a ite ti>' offce 08- -_rJ b i or d.,- (11 boisig hesao..niri lueo.Ile ,, a irtcso 4, e on ul> 0 71 are Waukran lii Cngernlir'...... 7fi:i AURE Buitl eAUrytIua ot sai re o haoyé arumente. (The Ofeéuzto nd 10. thi manstha orn- répniehddc hé trtutusérthegoe>abn,!refvakn ..a.....a... -1 -itgathug"Cit PLlksBflOndout PREBENT lIed île fecori. bll o o !pbiecum da omi. tte on Clekoufce i t maVl- e,!out the r i in cse ta dea - T.Doirety il hsse snimentrtannetretirrîranrboe-r-réadnrs aredf-g r-o eck thder -ilIhé qfrMair D ofil o vaok ra so teasth>'cati héfmads bo rri.E , te fo......n..:ICANNOTilUiLICATEirîof toose a n i ettuig t 11,anthdvii ie id a ctuflén chetta thée u. Fon alidctosteé vl c-ri Ahohie;,yardso..licelJames.b.l., Fr>Ing on fin l adjour Jo1 -nmenapplications:tfor:tér Inte titi ks> clon4)dros,--------------il..75 nNTRuBA rpu lmb fe a membrguo!té LQé pleof" ened10.Thirs marad Oa (.0)a s oes eoae iranThe o! ood fatu licee kénIte yadr astam PauloRad y i tue s d, Natre.s.mi et,4s lieddst h a to y o l sx weshort o he r gua a o coptaIlntney (0) sa1re eptfr I hen i c s es , 1 b: c oTh r éb l d n t t piat h r y e îr u e 'r é s I Nb u t W u k gFn ULL B O O R s u r -p k e M n f c u e a e s i n r m d t f c n r n . h m l h o r e o E Cr , l va ritn ye. rau)"all tVé nriua hm liy,! t aukr u TtsriaWdig1e-toy ro-oIlepeds lSW IC N adén ISt lo n rrg l lilihé v tent tetgeland furrer?" astedhté audlf.or In thé bIne fore DancngCt111a1t.1b1. G 'PTlggAeFtirerbite,! tasratéa chargeini bheckiful bbossome are 10 hé séén mmd - _______________il 1,y l[erm inti Car-rie,! Il 82. W s5 béantîhful ar-ea Hew apte hidbndtete momiofriugu theDllrsmh lttegimnuioaotte>'.ro urdy nght Iî~tu Hto'i iOdini.- . . 8 nmnsth rordralznowit thesénie bént>'ull natteCTf UO CRsoPfth La ubli" c emt e streb ivnIat thérc-n(r$c00p0i)as a guaraute o god you ese a a port cré ar as om. fro n 8to 9 p ni R t-etio n ~fltbva r1d4 00,! ifFactn'rera'ON uat n ier'intédanstr ator 0fliWte stla fg that hé e or th y e wlll conltéaté aril ut héro iens 'eau o mfr an ti h- i o heKysoesrndH gv té h aashertasallit:but a short tinte, di ile n hisse e aeend pofaathywl rmt eerutecna frein 9 to 1'2. care0.&Ilutingca-re. Ail cru ét aktri'and l u-flo gwihlew aHgloclethd-' ta "a rd thneed lu té la te Cout>.for sacrs1.lnaadséila-Om'é ufo' oiaa M ire , F a u lknre r n d itu h tr o sn i t ea u tî n r r a ngr e e nta o n t e s h s é v o r v t h i a fr i t é e o u t C u t n ti é 1 4 h d a %mAp iulo s u linvr m a ' lnenet %,n 7.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Panfia omeeJanD.191, nùls atYurdthé opaitit dy Thé mdérsined CamlesiM"t'5 O Danc ng cho l a t ie ib-1 6 . T igg 4,hir t raliechage f havé if u l ti -theré are a ofuprospects Th are sofr bihîr for ase' o« 0,ettr>.Irn -h'natuethé laiezn vil eon h l v r a -j'1 " okwt i em a 10 peopl réw o niseaévn ven dfr a lrge trp.aTh blossins aa hudi earndlSruffi-aalitn té tovn ai sere thé igitItaaeand au>famd prom pRUId ta stop targazé anSale. fldo DotThéveta Ctunt> lai Prairi Per Month Carripd aDnd Sotingielaye.fILaI ZRrUeRh EX-i int odo. rdul tea on urda nigt. l;àtrctins ýOrdianceNo. )3qnamig th boad bAn ésel are>'beuiful lu netl, ET 10CorSTHeIS 11l98Publieanette@ la thé Inigivnt ad t ecniatpiaa urne fgo o r orciauewo o an oë h riac opse ats bthé ardshordbi . e h o-bréeacrdu 0V? Topo ud éée sfolv owt; dyo pi .D 93 27', fLESTER, Prop. thé huardio! bathie. o Head ai cea , cfwlch Yore.n Ilo vp l)y B yý a d C le v laérh a rf linae ue . 1ta 0 hied v é a t re oC n , n hé b elln kflp W tl Or- in th éh e a a bo n ae, o rk aoh l n sCa n d sotan. h a l s Md R o i s n th. ond ifJi.yi. ond as ijvaie oné s b ut îful ar ree nt ofhroudé h hadss n h e até. i aavrait ll obiehés ty ai ton t if mUleyofpit.i e nsadlnaélk » U o anr ~~~~~ v~~~~itit bldomin e l bthwou th ndo! hérusinbuafudits taplan cit. é t sot,1Kay0 fde,2 Jh ag M ILLESt1U » év"retlé- erés tarettKare 10 hé Isia o re val érspos aevrili. fo' sullév cunlettheat r. 1 ceofIightwaDsranéd Tawntip.mitie BEyiiReaMotionfundlu1hé ihe Aj. hll tietetilles svése féét 100a'dhéailbe taui.1 m'>,ng achne 'riusad-'ean f pardtsi'aene aren wh4n i ver W au-tan rge oi b ly tige iélad otin .Hanry fons. ctiér, tope md u oiaServe g p me, w ~ y<potae adrnvi ni tewe rvdd~ ea.i témrell.hé 1 E' TéstabuZAOWi O h5 ,dCoutyofar. abo ehélled oieide1 W. J. Snt t ata ebu n- OTSOdnC oll auj mt KliseH.bautiulEreésauCluerk. Atiat leuro teoresté of theé argéTo#aon.150Wvit andgs atd il amai n>' pei beautiful ois bt leons rut' rittu ,dSdt Iisart o! théulictoltaiath lé as. fl anT.d bonR. 16G u,~* S Novelt dUfé aStreéqel os ay ne 10b. onnUor ln t sate. muÉ thérsr-ti oCta roco!radisÉ ibis eda ro pty fe t DeA. ,Ilioishl Clerk ad rait Apr.ved_ 1 ai' 5. 1013. as *.. ,...,. - wt -- de of A rl A.D 1931laL SFOR % docks. Yi FOR BAL potatoet. FUR BAL 75 téena O lots; aiu piton. 1311 FOR 1BAI furmanetsu quîrs et Ti addrefs b (iraîsiaeé PLANTS- eari>' catit plants. Y pléaf cail ns aIhome irirt unrd!1 FOR SAL -v outIlS ver. SFORBA FOR IAL mobile. I FOR SALI FOR $AL - for drivi hlm If taI an st,M COR SALI f arin. 5j mil FOR SALI velgitiDMu roadater;, suIs v r-itir 5j IleW"« FOR SALI about 10nW FOR SALI souod sud MONTANI years tu nigaed lai r- Wheatt.lha produce él new bootl BOX 1010 FOR SALI goodeondi' ChristanniE FOR SALI H A . - r i FOR SALI BEîR W. M- of lnrner. FOR BAL table, 2 il dition. ( store-thé BL1 FOR BALI wtld and Mr-. Rente fer-m te! a -Good acho close ta ta M. Owen,1 FOR SAL runuere di J. W Tus FOR AL baby chic duct eggs értyvilié. FOR SAI about 50.>' eariy eeéd Libertyvlfî FOR BAL Bufri t n beén thora god coudt FUR BAL per acre. Lihértvit Imîder ltrie dé l-iént fin