FOR LEfl n-IAN 28 CENTS t . . . 4 .... .. .... .#OR SAL-1l ruidenteeu llilîwuke + C&>OBIshL, h er o t h'$le. c. . ro~ ~ * 5VSox>u L t Blth',liC-204E ý. OR %ALE-Golden <low èdMr rl m i~'dock'@ Yeildw Dent st-td <jura L A. +ÔRRET 4 titnea oeet41c.Plios2i,2-2 .4. . .. . . . . . +.4. ------ D uI_ l , I ~~~~~~~1 FOR SAL£--1<ft bOghisgoo00eaMUS putatoe. W. J. Maois. Ocainlke, 111,. FUR SALE-tudB4iDI>4I" àiduke sggs Iot&; . aigu id du rimicsle. J. H. àdcCuRDY, .Lîbstj ville, III. Box 3197. FOR SAL.E-& Baberteon Tubuler furnmil u gussd Cuuditiufl, ebeap. lu- quise et Tac FAIR 61!ORE. p3 ho)UQs ian Ilafisard Court tqleo p-32.'2 ASTURING-25 aes cofrood pance land ta eot, Joas> L&, llber-ty- vill1e. c-32.2 PASTURNG-lbave pasture &0 se-cm- Inndals about 50 head of catie. "u baclsd vire fene. inquireE. A. NiiLwsax Cirbtiau liras. tarai, Libetjrvilii p 31-3 - - - - - - - FOR SAI.. OR RENT- Thse iraysiake FOR RENT-Large uuleada ruanmtuw Rotoulend i-ery Bain euwpieteiuy lucu- uone or tva geielmah. Te- bck ièezdhsbuibsue ppecalsd by the pr>.e>u t rol> beach t ftau. P.,(J. box 1,5%) ovuer for the Pen 25 yeacs Who, viglse, -21-tf 10 redIt. Focsrtis>.,particulars cail r----- addceue Mss. UARINER, prop. or FOR RENT-112-aere fata., oeaiiele DECot'Iuoes Bacs, sIcktive 040014. West of Lake Bluff. 111. ElectrIe cars (icaisiake. 111e. e-83-2 .top cîghî aIt ai-m. vkyapll-ltl PLANTS-I bavs 2.,(0 4lmato plante WILL LEASF FOR CASH RENTrAL- ail vs-st, sltrong, elocky plant@; aieaFr5 r1 erst Ih prya1 esaly esbbag@, eaultiower aud -Krg or1 er t iit st i plbnts. Wilt-i laor15e pet down. of my land la Lake Connty ccnsleîîng i>lssss rail M nigtilr à#ro Oie 0f about 1100 acres, 500 acres iighl). INe&t hume ID dey line-.1) )t> "' lm proved wîîui modern houses, haras Iirel ,und Broadway> cîreet, oiber&Lyriîls. c-33 3 snddsilos. Paenced and cross fencsd wlth woven vire tsncing. Ait 1usd FOR SALE-BeuuY and PuelIMIphotos snd suitabla foc truck fsrming. Ailt Wo tie. cbe !)M iberulil l . ' e vevdalrying. A. F.McKeown, Wît.os tuc. IOaue.11 Lier 4711 Lake ave., Chicago, Ili,. Wky If FOR SALE-Euglisi. bull dog 51MR5MONEY TO LOAN-<)n impr-Par"ai E. E. Tsà.cv, Prairie View. "-3-2 -tar>. J. S. lsti RI. V, ieil Natiojnsi ________________~Batik. e-2"1t FOR SALE-Model H. Jack.uîî isutuÇ moubile. lu tiratuet ouditiuu C F.j4 WILIGIL. ..<-.. .. .. .., i+ ANTED 4 FOR SALE-i1 esut oflatino bucea; aie>,i +,+ t + 100i tqsbel.uofieaciy atiîdlaI.' 1 l.i.. .st.s.. . J. %%. ,>ZEio.*ld tIark1. rie, ià..s t>vilIe. c 311.11 WANTEO-Yoîîng ladie. s -cc s ix 5-n i for Ounr lsiiireii b9îeulî FOR SALE-A sound, et> lisis homse maciii. BS> îcl alr ,l ,) u lim,îsfi urwîirk.MARSIALL FIELD& lio.. for dclvlng or saddle. not afraid uf Ziois Ciy. r 33-3) aulne. Sali at onebaîf prIca paid focr hlm If laket i a once. AîIiIY 308e Jul- WANTED-ttMmall pory anid out, for Ian S. %Vankegan. 111. Wkly-2t chilîdren ebsalp for r-sii; ai ai>iu _________________Pibgs J U 615A oN.,ld ('larklarti, EOR SALVE-A Iîinilite ol1 Encis Obi'. Lbertyville. -33 Il metd %,ta!ueew. 75u,- 1.r ,us,îi F Graml&6. la SqiShldo-nl WANTE-iiî'i hor-irîsi hilints. E lticm. 5j mils ýat-sel i )I l in. -.i2-tfIlî i-tf ýu.V in . C_ t FOR SALE-On>- iî tsmte, 4 %-es-ld. WANTrED--Good work horse; weiht wegt uDMtlemra; vili jakE> a aie,. lt e 1400 lbo. or more. Phonse 246, Wau- roadser; aiso bsec ta sprint Wîîîh kegan. kl ce cillatsîrcht-ap. F. W. &-uiîs ___________________ 5j mile ve-t iii Lihes.îvrîlle. e 32*ti 1WANTED-To excisauge s pcultry hanRemanufactured ln sections, rea- about 11>50. K îsLss~ ,r d aptu.le sbroadlng and houe- -32-2 ing combination, 600 chlcks, wilii in- FOR SALE-A nnIrerii au r s-e1r trm 60 ta 70 pens. Pouitry flat s@ouadpl nil riéght. N E. >155-ZET,Iplan. WiII excisange for homee, pige, ilrty ile. ,Pîtiotie 27M 1. 1 -82 UtiîCOwB Or faim m..chinerv or fet esl as- -tyefOudlsOlorlatpple MONTAN CAREY LAND-Fftssngolf ststion. Ott & Ott, aoegn yee.ri ta pey $40.50 per acre for 'r l l WAUKEGAN, ilinois. My 71Pltin. and adifeLot . loc.rk lorey nce Roc IngLkeNVila . tha tse io Cty letin mltr iil Ari 2. 913-Gan er lrsv l $25 0 . ENortbhtChicago.i- WamD. gelino heCOrtSofLae ouly iiam wîew aseied . fi, îo . C. TKapple o a teie . o . Tie J ms ilrssMilwauee ..... 3 .,MAYOR ATTER F R CIRCU T' son: .......... an RT ef ot adet ORmine wh tp teB7,lakufrsf.w n . re .n otC. Bl $10 . lrotcsAd.Iea . Pedi , Mlaue . ..2 tJy shee a fthe u dges 0f % cTon Abtrctolo T t nles î binou d Cateine Pro tor u ter a ulsake Tnnay Skovsr, a ai e....2 51, WashTemlerB Fn tk, GrD a .0e . mns:SJl 8i l e rryc R . od e rLk Vla....2 tA UK N tIelly f ici ois n, iMay wee. Niu isl oR M ; 1 ,1 . WadjLot1.rand i .Ue eau &h Florce Y ong , Lake Vila........263 'reio ethrIoe-hâ The ta eerme by notqes tineddbut ed 7 NE40 cresN\>., . StWau ega Q 1$ . VArhur Copr, Nlxlwaukce ' r1 es7n lvesaeth o tom iat eM nC led rn mur9s. w l Jbrille28w. hl. . 8;..--rn- a,elElzar a inzèlrum , saile i'-' I NtCm. N yrfa gl Iatothe coureets Lkecity fiaid i fe tl. c , K HerimiSîzl orn , o wbicb yo ando INot fealewo ui ElC Ksoîl F anIe.........oe',aeîl rsîlig ar are eaotetd eterofiais cfth e 75, ake Forst.W D. 500 ew"m ay Lot7,Blakdv.ert Any dy la FucO , aile ........î ntirevr acn,. e Ionl judees a o th d ad eef electo n d LLt1t 127, Shawul). t- ..v lak ,T nyGra ver Wise; .Z.o ...cî at r o gh, e were btladg ter lime fo ler th leai Lot Sec lck2 , W.Antocs tc nn i I>TeGetFodadCcoeH/i(opasrî......2 u tion.Jde'É nsan eertre NothCicgo ,0.0.)o Miater. 051' .-9, Russ e e lllrstrnon oac i . ....r a2r Whth acto uriase WndIf Bey t'. AuNBellomb R., iM... un( . Lt aiOLN. %V er Grad andAi Aice roug, ame .............. la caso e1emdemaad le maderthal bons. Lot îNE 4acrN %- o ', I S i a ukeganTEI (à . îex,.c e. ALtud rg . urd , Mlake. 2 Ibefrtll eate Il lIno4- 746 Fîrsl Natiooalship. W.d1. Fanoeis lr", ,lleauke........... ,________fai Te m a tue mofrhemalter wuid o c. A. c omb.lairi r,.,d 10 Fnîmtii, whIch go, Eli7 bt aob lî Seer, icale t' lka d a l t ney affna' i ou oiias i22 : ,ot 9,'hica o Deed 1I I1lou ___________do __________able _______ la id il iloore i.a ke oe 1t t .. ilm o iý,tirt . h ('ounty court. here 10 judgesaI 1......n..o.rt.....d.Wilvers art! theIle J. aizIeli. ake Fort . . aresetv e otsciauid oflsther hie "nHelarich and wite ,y ey Ray!, ,.510 lucac.Xb i ae ...... .... sboing mae o lse ompalnnt,uoetsns aubDlvlson Lake . ,i Dow luPthessFORnAlL'rds i Li idia Wsllmaan, Waukegiui.-$en sud.e ithey deevamednil o? uhe ct- W. b 67i. _________and_____ ,,a.1 la h i c0eseanI , Greineld. Wl.. .. fritl Ion udgs anouned hrt een lec- Afson Lot127,Sha 's il.(iisoiiGr e a.Cr Xi e ui id l... eae asd10gjuheirylaefounlt ? le bal IESte o-,,W. AE. FarreNi iii;,I1)T he GeHatNAN W.anC cLYae opnsai iei)trs1ogis lco, lie Wagl 17 ,i . __ ___ __ __ _ o$1,d01)1ebaltsc.ned 1 Bnln ocshp nd n . lr ne - a 8 ce hitlsn vo oviii..ý W ast C ure i *eme . 1 eC ott nsl. Q CM n l.oa on bu od .Jr.,rosr1l Fr,] Rile rg ail.. ......e.....o .. 1t81 aestiv aderm tenvotesere teemel1 eo E2,sotheofhiago; Darferd I i-' lii RO Fcen Lce ui ING C o. L îa Floo, Wafle lsnei..... ng a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 difrnc ?oino stawa I .1. hne1 ceNatati lt LBRY ional, ILLINS. contol laie. eriwaudetal es bcgie , lro er co r malpurswue. S oe At)eedb J ,,t,,$275.g , 11 cntendrcutatiloue ath e te by1e aro:n Lol29and wfS 10 i d102Lo EiaehlOem feel th1aleKenosh..i...., ,. .. couka tonci l e yf. w0 iohrs od gobal 2:,war hadCE.iag. lare ra$ 1 sd LLH.M RRSld Ia oe , LakFrnhcO sbe..1...."'il i t y ou rt. Thcam e C uly corthAI Jo cs. 32R o d 33tso enand toca1, ý:ip tiii1.c 5 any rate. tse aldermenmalter 1> aW. D. Si 00 MTie .s azley & HakewForsbv ig rd eceo tio hooted mdequ est Fns, obrsnk Mo vs n Lfa t a rkei ctro eson illinoîs Isod s a ny 1913 cWaiearIspn...._ a dathd ta Take of step ha-%Ve. 65,0 (oodas.i 2 lt 5, bock 12 Itigi. Renvd\Vis. S.i .211 Asked astoday tihetare lan ne d oneal- E ark.ofW. CE$. arrell__ IN.1IKE jefla liaantifol coal bl..... lons e sItuatIon. S ta e Abaorteboxady m.Honee li: 43 acres ý la ic.,TEtO' .-.>. lrsr rtWal wîl sarQDf peciaed adthI e dalloscotelan :a>lng n Fon townsi p . d$1 Uu in A 1tSt. ey- trucutao Asy Iia tive. ad rtsa, a. cur e w .port tonds ip, Q taC.ta1lo MGag to pi30 on God Apprvcd RlîhuE * tîfîcar>aarqustheies and weig 0 e o u d c t n n y f o r a I c t a i s , L ft M a n debl o c k 6. W r ,g it O f f iceicl ieaj e l i t e s ear e u i dsp e r f e c t l y e o w As t alerm b t lo ed ito lin e eIynl $73ln LakeHi'A .. iLN(lS udser gnîl; us roeflice# hlm. ApriC. 2C . 1913. -. J.r Kakei Fe teDIToprS oTre -th ue. SuaS alîleHi$27. lob 9. biofolk.lnrights a- DR. GOLD[NGiaeo h otdeial id lutde a t IZinCim lt e sett uI te diJohn Liertyandille. W. . E latethrnfNTlheKeoT idra ftre JohclIsl. hl teshldta ad ndGrifLith arkive 1 a îbflad YstandMO RI forahomserevi hic wai: t ofan ou.ti der meokn a 10 e tb .s' a. at ot33.$1k Fret0. E Trty iggs Ilinis hts h g e awish v h r kaas er hron S'. l tm anq nbe se adpition. , 1 0.akM wr n ié t si ol 0iay11 asii pig Dade siu to Taere, oila per a iWoin ots 2 and 2 ,.block 11, WrighsR.. h iIes52-H. rne ffice2 h Sta57 100-2td i.* Nii oho.C f BffI th erlet~omwehgroben aneDaon- adiio1LbelYile. W.D 65 Lisrîvîie ili.urcho fthiias. , s1913dGrve mak, ud m ris nesiato . a ndW. a. Werri, lots 8 ta il sudoud part7 sayin Ibiyreariontuth o whoimy ol ot 12erm, F.L1illae an deeieland tDMR.TIN . MC-. FlrFnniure Wodwok ei hdsm5 lwhe otsta nds M- lioip situandonnorti Led adttornng D@ap Win. Bonst>eetenc91,m-sacr-sterme to m.7 meca e tol 0 le fa nt ep ld de- eeads8 $3. t w sip , ) $1 tic -)p N tii St. etrcStton*a o «a af a es W hndmare is i and Iiltaieae snb tati fcus. P yon eislaArdl31, 113 Er tBot e arl n Gag 55 lce P one84m rNTY sA TIO A ip 1 60ble e . ld, perfih o e n ovid led ola Wauelg nan ut, as Z oonp- BHarei:Pat 1block 6, Shady Noo i< s].. Ore - UC HI A GO u ti5p n . i. ILLIN ISoand Vhs neho r o v l. eve culanty eilua l g nd bc leded It h tdîîs n l.ak il re. W.W . D, $275,0oY. to i. .k s eabc o sedul e ttand )ilnssci., readsi robe. hvadsrel A ie 2et191a.gE Jandvitl o LbrFil. rfp. OdM, B et Ioae' ik ugasT tisI a easThn insiatin . an o . e bslot.ock19 k 1. Mud]D. HDIGOarLfUhemFtdei abl ido positin tlaZion Ct arescsthertbuon ionog $ ,. ryil. W .$.DNIS rf oss ofa camse lont ion a l ter 10 M iboldu8aw.d2hu.mand 10 Geo I'oseWitl standlfon pualdelu arraîngîn wrinarr nle tat aa I , -and, D.$107iJsal bier esuilsin headià. mak, nd esInvatigadio. W . iern or~, lot 8 . 11andpar sayibs rgadles f ho ayor ot12,blck1, ilagef eefied nd R.E H SITL FoosFmiweWSdwk seric ani$iwen ol aindes rtgladlsn latamihaValer ouity.opinion, il seeme that ana af tise re- bOck 1 True-,dels addition 10 Deer- Wheal. barley, nets, fiaz, potatase WANTED-El-itr a îrlaelîîîg W.sponstbilities sud dulies ofaI 5Pio-OSC f ield. W. tLI. produce enormous yieide. Write for 9<OTT HAsi"t Lîerl-,srlla. IliIo.,2-tI bar af any county la w toike 1he fl- Vikings ValOsila Asson 10 David nev booklet. Valer Fam.>Sales Co.I - lîative la such a niattar sud invesbi- Beidiar: 22 lots \ 'i lgs subdisisliî Box 1010 Valler. Mant. wky-41 . ..... ...... .4. gate lise trulli of ail tise allegatîcas aI. Deep Lake andpart of Sw 1.4 + IMCEL&LANEOUS +. and remain passive until somabody NW i 14 Sec L4, . FAntioch townsipi FOR SALE--A dozen rill. cane, alilin ... .. ese assumes lihe Iniiative and respon- b.$0. gondcauditittn Irîquire ofE .6 Ne t oie. N.D$Lo Chisjtiatn Broc faimc>.L.ibrlsillc NOTICE-Tse>' uvng ais forrcolt e ibillty. There are tbings chich. il F. C. Spauldiiig t10 1J. Fitzgerald: 1, -3 3 vli curai- r a tavsr bOsoneditiuc sanie to seems. tise prosecutor of LIly ct7O5y Tract o? 1#12d S arad a.4j Highland Park, _________________- W. 0i Tffis, NorthB@naid, Ni-b. siould personally Issastigabe vitisoutlaSc3Dered ' .10. FOR SALE-10a> lii goiti ,îîîlh-t st-d c3-18 4 being prodded loto il bOls seeme 10 F.n Sc. S1adlu Tu, V. $G.00.ut B A. GiiiFI lShmer, 1I1. ha ana of serlous enough cisaracler- TraC 0f ldSril ad . G biand P Tark fInc1deei'and-]adj. B.g81.0d FOR SAE-Ear, Obia e >j b Rhode iSlagd RedS ltts tt justity some initiation on tise FORSEti jr Ohio »eL.potaoloepart o? Lake counfIts prosecutor. Just Par InMac3Deald [i.. e .aD.vite10. BERT . MM Lt.ockefeller, 1lîi.-ei et'Egga for haIChing, and Baby Chicks becansa ha personally bas dlsagreed cF.t MacDsonlF I , - tand175feto? ut GileeteO- Cl;uýnty Fair, Waukegan and vthue. aine. i Prize Winners.' Send * slh Vols-a and hic teachinge (na Electric R R. L0f Fat o block 14, Higis- FOR SALE-Halt dozen mode wster feo- matin flioi, more tissu bhe vrlter). s no reason lan.d Park. W. D. $10 00. tables, 2 dozen chairs. tirat des coua-1 wà-Ti SRd « s hy charges cf sncb serions nature dîbion. Chaap. Mackenzle's drug 5W519 se Y r s lould 0e lefI uaiavesttgated on th ise May l, 1913.-EF A ttelfeld tn R. A. stora--the Rexait stare, Waukegsn, -LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. tlieory tisaI somabodit irsI musI malle Poell'> addi.1tilo ekegan Q. C. Adjudication T-- ice. formnai complainîs. $1,00. AORjudIcatIonla g- NotitcerHonora Walcis 10-Tanlles A. Salmon: wildandfars.1 ublc nticela erey gien hatGURNEE LOSES TO WAUKEGAN. N. 22 fI S. 44 fil,lt 4, block 32, orig- FO PAricis ly 5011. v 0'd fuel Waukegaa. w' 1). $3.000,00. Mr.îlti and s-ilhy p o u e farine. I ubi OIea eEbygv is Tise Walsena bail tbasaio? Wauke- Myrs J. Huisbard 0 Joseph Belhaye Mr.Rener.btsup a yu t gl sbhesobcrier aneE.Vaeey, exacu- gan deteatird Gurnea taam Sinday aIlolts 5, r, andi 7 Hulbards subdivision tain before lande get cul et reacs. tri'i Of tlisat iyltend testament cf Gurnee. score 0f 15 10 4. Grieg iselld Hîavooti. Gooti scisol, gondi roade, gooti vater. John Valley, decaeed. vili attend tisa tiseGurnea boYs 10 six bIts and tiseîeîc enae .Sat A. uiîto Cn W ith. close 10 lovas and rallroad. $10 toi $20 CouutY Court cf Lake Counnby. 5at gmeposadagqdoa ergo l 8250.00.Leoiet Assiation. Wu D .vao 'xe ace, Mlanesota'e besl dsiry ad terni thereof 10os isôoldenanl5 tise Two base hile: R OFarreil, Lyous. H. Foix L)ake.Atrdeadwf oEi Weeal and. Came or vs'te ta V. Court Housesin Waukegan, la sald OFarreil; Ihîras base bits: Worths -I. S AlIdean]cietaE VM. Owen, Hiese, Beltrami CO., Mina. caunt>'. on theti ret Menday o? Juiy OFarreli Randouitandw Lo InVilag o wvUy-lit nexI, 1913, vien and viserea ahilier- SafdaistenW.D ct.,oriVllgeo sonsbavng lais agins sad e- 1J. B. Caldwell au,] wite bo C. W. sons...v....a.msa.aînî-----as-,Tise Wskegan Brawery base ball GillebI: Farmn W uif C & N. W. Ry in FOR SALE-Fawf tend white Indian tale are nolifed and requasted 10 lire-ts 1 1~ ls togRckfhe e 2Siiistci.tii B 1,0 runuars duels eppe. $1 110 par diiu"ri sent the camne 10 $ald Court for adui ei eat hesrnRokflrSc32hedsoýili).D$1,(. J. W. Ttii-iEn.0rayo-làkP, Ill. c -28-(; ration. ddi teans Sunday. In a len-tinming gamne by i May B. Dilonand au.]lîoland 10 W. H. JANE E. VASEY, executlx ofthtie tise score o? 9 to 7. . MeCullougho-1 tiiuilîlage of Gur- FOR SALE-Bai-i-d Rock eggs and Lest WilI and Testament of Joisu. Bartlaît didtiste twirlbng drnna tise' nea . N%7.iî..., baby ciicks. iso Indien runner Vsy ecae.entire gamne snd alioweti but six iits.1 May 3, 1913. duck sage. Mrs. R. E. Tisamas,_ bib- NxVasey.te deceased. ElaH.Wh1q1ý ndlisbndt ertyvilie. Telepisone 265-w2 c2-f WueaIlniArl2s,11.Wnek ela lWipe 10 l o ,Cn __________ -----------_____» E. M. RUNYARD, Allomnes itekatsiVilWsîpe 5, .t, o ,Cn FOR SALE-About .1004) enet- pitet; wkyapr2s -i3,. _q Tise une-up cf Suuday's gamne: verses Fub. Woor .rLaîke. W. D. shoot 50,pcrds wuoii and a quanlt il ___of -BIreweaiy Rockefeler $30 0il.o early seeti potatias. Sr'iillEhK Biîi>s.. Eow ail mati Oy tisese preseats thaI fD. Filstead-....C ...... T. Bai-fier Minnie E. Sîjîlith antd iusbandti l Lbertyvlie. Phone 267L2 e-26-11 sic. the uisdersbgned pensons. bave lis lIartlat--------..P.. Rause, R. Borflir Andraw Sund:Ilai, ltlock 3, Leoa OR AL- pesna 2 sid5r us formed a lim)lted co-partnerslsip 10 CFllstead...SS ...,....Swan Suis. Watikean. ' 15l) $410,00. FOR SAL-5 pasenger 2eviin el nown as "Tisseker Hardw-are Ca.," CKee.... s l.....Kig Buiek automobile' $21h0. Tisiecar lias tfor thse purpose of merchandisinug bn j et - aIb Kig Wni. Wsilmigtîoil an.d aife 10 Vik- basa tsorcûugilY tiverbatled unad le iii hardware furnaces and iseatina ap- 0 Broaka ...... 2nd b_ .... J Borfier ing V'alhalla Assaîl Lat 4, Wilmlng- gooeoditon Li GATRAb G Eiii. paratus aad for tise maintanance aud VWlliams ....... 3rà l i......... Hapke lofes Suis. 51IDeep Lale. Beed $1,00. e---t-paa---?a-i-eo;101Inal Bostrom-Tulap .. .If... .Runee-R Borter, Josepis Delhaya and wfe 60 Denais of5 Sae.-> t 10opartisarsbip tliseraignedBenjam in HAltc ~ LKn ibry .l'~ I ,%Lt FUR SALE-Fac.>o ilPThacker. le a general partaer andH hsrm.. ef.....LKn1LmbryN.4lf:S.'àAt9 per acre. luqUire uf, PAUiLMili tise underslsned. Arthsur M. Lanyon, Ferry-Kopplemaa r f .-... H. Rouse and 10, Bioak 15, Wrlgbts Âdd. Lis- Lbtvle.C-2.&-tf ls a specîi partnai-. sud has coatribut- Tise score by lnlage: ryil.W .$0.0 OR ALElO eou bose ud One Tisousandt Dollars ($1.000.00) l 2 3'4 6 6 7 S 9 10 C. E. Smith aad wife ta Mat Man- mod -nvenie ch cose lu Tise ta the common stock cf saîti opt- Brevery..ô000041022 o ,SihaSb nDeel il : Casds r , tennis.euceaf nerslsîp, and tisaIhie Iiabiltty,as ehc 7.. sc o .SibeBb aDee' ler.rdep. Csho trm 'u- rtner i la lteait tcsatti suit. Andi Rockefeller O 0 2 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 7 BSuis. North Chicago. W. D. $250.00. tS tiatbath oftRaid pai-Iners renflde la B. H. Miller aad vite ta John Me. pLane 1 0 -7-t Waukegau, Lke Co, Illinois, andi;lhe Jutige sud Mca. Chaile. H. Dannel- Lean: "o 6, Black 24, WrMMV'sAIS FO AE OR RENT.-lltcEsmilli principal place et business of sali!c-Ie lebrateti the Ivsenty-fifth mnk i- ilertyvlle,. qC. $10.00. sba ouman 51-et r oul llcegil paztaersila la Waukegaa,In"i map n n ree ai17o r o laretMou) cooaty. sud etata. Sati co-partnehp ve"~ry of tlier vedding 1'rbdsy even* C. IL. S*ylerad vite toi Frank OU. man. ddree go 176,Graylaklalit s131 EJAI .THACKER. Henry Coun à.hAitt of fiende a.-131.0k 8.Weburn Park. 3$orlh CUi FOR SALE-Bossesfoi- al purpace.; 6v ARTHUR M. LANTON. sersblet %0 commw atiseJutige andi Cam D'. . 8800.00.' jkg aosecond baud buggies andi soute _______mm__________ ailygitewee 9 ~g~j Independeul ais--resti by25000. prese.tbid intheti.couple. -C. IL. sSaMbtd vif.te Obarle .111 ii.,],. i iorts, a senis and liarnas, m seml, oîr exchange ,tai.lies HENRY SINE Phones: 148 or 48 ZION CITY, ILL Tslsiiuie 1t. NM at Bell., iirePaeeil 5.. ru' sl su.. 5er îo du youràcurk. J. M. Graves A UC T 0ON E E R- 144 Eituood Ave., Waukegsn. Illinoi. Sce me before making your date3 DR. O. E BUTTERFIELD. VETERINARY SUEGEON. 468ISTÂNT STATE VETEITsAmIAM> l.lbertyville.Ilnoe DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. ovrtcz oves LOVELL'. ID.tO sTORB. gocae-trom 1 tu 8 and 6 la 8 P. M Libertyvtlie. Ilîlilu. DR. A. H. CHURCHILL PhysuCian qnd Surgeon i,,,le le & Butaiz Stres ri li,,,,ss,,I 0A M. 1t. u .7 te, 'P.hi Sreciaa eîj..ui.ý,st. FIe. Bar. Noeail Throsi GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyvil!e. Illinofumis DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE (Il u 10j ts r,, 2 t. 4and 7 ie 8 rutr ,r111(e oVcur as F uruilure Store. s1 j,; A tl f M 1. ';Tl 4) lB!THEvYî L BERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DM.1,.L. TAYLOR oFFII , J. EU. TROOS î1 loT u BouaS:-7 t,,, 10 1a. ai, 2 lu 4 tnd 16 t, t P. aM. Re'eldei./h i r oadway. opposite Park bile!.)db. lîlo. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. ilîhertyviUle, Illinote eus Je La REDDIN69, D.VAM VETERINARY SURGEON anduata Chîcago vat. collage office aetResidence, 76Grand Ave. Phone 1136-W. ,:- 1 WHIY PAY ENT? OWN YOUR OWN HÈOM Let us Interest You in One of the Following. 1 rnometlilstv Mode-rneraa hojîu'on Park Avel,5a54 Al.troei-î' -.tealnts .in sal vaid. Peut csueS P rices. - . . . . .. . . 8-roc.. Mhderii Houe <in Park Ave.. lit I alau mtrsosemenie lnuani.i cilI asseý.eý,tiitelPaslns.h. $4, U00 7-m.. Modes. Hi,ie e. Linroun Are. B ouge sud 3 Iitàoni.hlsilCourt e Thîs il a bei-gale ai the prirlse 1 0-ro.. Houe,- -dî5tta. lt4, cucn Broadway .tnd Third 8Sreeî modem ltrnuovsoe.. ttnsd $, 0 shade .. .... 7 'room H,.ue an.d ioi w1ir~baun on corner Noruthi Aie end Second St.. .tidem. EasY Parni-tt, $2, io Piles . - .- , - ... 5-ross Hoe and settivIh Sbar-nin 8-endeTSt. ,'Ii ,r. d . 1 o S:asy Paymnts .. - i S-u Heot Bau and1. t lutiiTSh hrîîor.o Miua aSui-e A îsî.1 t m s îîthM toc îî aukhiuds i-i t, ron',id ehk,te cils hall acre oT lan,i le a-nilsaisi- Ener.Paytuentu- .1 ....S)-0 r ron H ou,, ou Division fi., Ithi bar.. ai-il l.moved LoI 5X2.i5hFruit 5»d ,hiides Ea.y Patrents Price...ý -ý....... ............Ç$,500A Strietin itoieni Honte cilS six avIs -eii. resentien hall, 5 large bath, 5 stores riiim. ardwoisl Sieur. 486> and ireletri.I'tn. locinir celi,iarge Cilteri. ho, sir ueuses. Large bars. Csuneu loIn etier. clii- calai ajiS tideseeIk luand esemnmela 5515 Pricesla veryresgenuabie. s -. m Huesasd lot ou Division 51,5.1 ni-se Atnd rrictly modern wvuS a impsroîveis,..îI.liti48X1:06; soutt fo» A bargaiu. Jet akeu et onc -ti..... ......... $81500 h-eniHaa. on micak.eAvene. bath. 'sionets, ailnmodern Inipovussio Al se, a-r sud cle= nt a.i uots 49XM05 aagcaessess Tuuih One outh1e hast iiiveeis.shb: liblhrtyslle. Loge ni ail $4,600 itiii.ofifruit, $eaelii........ 5r-ctn nW eissebldcaisbouseson BoMU P- AVV. with Mail umodernit mprove' ten nd &H utlecaessse l'aiS fi ul.l Hardwouil innsand fin» thr.c1i.lgou Bous.iruit sud .5.4. tuen Ossuer 5bu let lotie$SIo .d-lii e4cbesp for esau. 8 Hubbard &Hubbard PhonEs ,v LLE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cernent Stave Silos Are as Cheap as Woodl Silos and are very much better Iiei-.ise tiiey are îierilllîueîib sîlos, ai'îuallv ijriwitz troa)g(r viîh aea tley canooî le deelroyed ly ir>' ani aîî. îrrIlg enough ta remist aay wjil-th, y à e a bsoluîaly ait- ait( watec proof and vili îireirve th.u iage pîer (-î v tirnder ail wvr-siir i-onîîtion-they are aoid proof-tlity requin. no attention t u keep in perfect condition. 'lE UEI-iENT S'lAV'E SILO te a beauUful structure andl adds tu the appearance of tise lar.> homte. In i%, muoister proof walis thoi.'slag(- freezes lues titan in olLer siÙe, ,whetiîer hlIlow wall. brick, vuouleii or ceîoetn. It je the BES?' sio beeanse the firet cosI is the total cost. No expenseforrepairs, painting, atlentian anî lolus front spoiled s§ilisge becanse by air leaka. If you are going 10 builil a Silo isll on, write or telephone me. EDWARD WOLFF Phone 201-M BARRINOTON, 1". s CEIVE MAN er viso as dos hie Il- atIy in or ta a 'raining la dcl- sai- tsy issioner lîiter cf gr Bld- lifense Iay and saloon ule yull esc as ed la a officiais a effect vilated strie Ily' 8selo o? keaper ly caun- the of- label' - Ot t0 sinon li le baîng ) recels-s Ad moral irastigat- 'ls. A. licensesl cily offi- y chance a a mn ega. lais Indi- sea tOat i lise rity' 1 salooins aiîltin a )r slion g lise re- as sehere lais sis5, idî. rsoa. e. 7 'Mlarket of takina this yeai-. i a string ty offices as. Tbay receivea f Be wilI be ei o? s day>f n be made tisera vili niumber o? r, as corn- ou cea Znl andi If TOU nbom noth. DamforL-a OW * ranite oflcted -1 ,V