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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDPENDENT __________WAUKEGANWEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 34. TWELVIE PAGE8 LIBERTY VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL, FR ID AY, MAY 16, 1913. ONE TO ElGari $1 .50 PER YEAR iN ADVÂNOI~ $1,1 TE II attendant uo the opeiIr of Ste e al atie Lake Zurich 'and Wauconda 111n1! DDLIl_______________ ______May________ JOE THRESHER AND ED SMITH~ 0F LIBERTYVILLE VICTIMS 0F FOREIGNERS KNIFE TINY PEANUT CAUSES ITI AFFAIR STARTEO ON STREET CARI AND WOUND Up AT 16TH ST. D>EPLUT AT MIDNIGH T NVAUKEGAN, Illinoiti. May 12.- Thie innocent iiirowing of a peanut Sunday niglit (in an elta irk car I,- tmeeîî XWaukeiaand Sori ( ic lias endangerA tinic ife ut 011v I-ý ert)%,ille Oman antd bruuglit inj uit tu anther a hidi. ahile flot s. arioioî as hIs (onipatiioiis, are se-iere enouîtiî t ay Ia hlmni) for sornie ine, the t to 1110,11ha iing been the iel Ésnia itatulgeffra3 In vw bIch a roreigner was the aissallaîtt. using h18 îocett- knlte as his acapon. The ictima: Joe Threcher. Libertyvilie, who r.- celved a deep cut on hi& lof t aide near the lung; leBC deop that hi& condition ia alorming. Ed. Smith, Liaertyville, recelved tour stalis on the back end sho'ulder, non@ au deep as thetatstained by Thrahe. The &alalant was: Jobeph P.troh, à Siav living In North Chica&@% who ie now lIn arret In the North Chicago station. the char" g usinat hlm being hold open pendinq davelopmenta in Thrfteoia condition. 1%0 menloift Wakffl on one et the lest ca sunday nxiglit. A it pro. ceeded along Marion treet, aome. body threw a Peanut wblch bit PeWloh and le resented the act. beiievlng that the two Lîb)ertyvîlle men wha wero fleur hlm. had bit hlm wltb the nut. Argumenta. Thon Stabbing. The. mon gelta v ranglilg over the pganuh and vha îbrew it and aa tb. car apprached l6th treet. Petrolt dared Use ta a Liberlyvîlie mon ta gel off Use car ad aettle maltera. They agreed. the car vas slopped and thoy al sot off on the piatform. There, betore the Ivo mon cauld dtermîne vhat lie vas ta do Pr tdrev is open knife trom bie packet and st.art- cd laabiag thom. Dean Sboup and Richard Lundere had accompanied Use mea ta vatcli the scrap and Usey helped Use twa k - vidimasautbey tfetl thUe ground and Petrob made hie vut' Inta Use darknese. They called aid tram the police and the tvo vctims vore taien ho Use village bail. Dr. Jolley vas caiiod and ho drens- ed Ueir vounda. They rema'hned ut the village hall aIl niglit, being un-' able ta gel home because cf Usoir la- Juriee and because Uer. vas no car Shomevard bound. This marnlng they vont home and bath vîli ho laid up for somo lime. Arreut the Offonder. Pclracb vas arrestedl about 2:30 'clock ibsemarning by Chiot Rocten- vali ot Northi Chicago. Wilh Sbroup ho vislled almeet every bouse la the foreign setlemont and fnaliy locahed the man ho sougbî. The tliov had gens te bed and feîgned sleep wbcn the affIcer dragged hlm eut. found hlood stalae vhîcb praved ho vas the mon ho sought and taok hlm te the station vhere ho Ia belng itcld. The tclov had hidden bis white shirt vhicb, ne doubl. vas covened vlth blood. Close Cal for Thrqaher. Tbresher'se scape trom Instant death vas a miracle. The voand. vhicb Io largo enoagh ta admit anes .nger, grazed the lang and, being but tvo luches belav the hearî. il la seen Uere vas net mach ta spare hetveen $him and death. Smithbs Injurie vero net se bail asu e mite dii net pen- ~ trate so deeply. Omillis vaunda consatof: one eut In te arm-pil, liely saelained as ho threv is arm ap fur dotonse; one la 1h breast. on. ln Use bock and co on the neci. Smîth la a crpenter by trade. Who Threw Peanut? BoUs Lîb>ertyvIlle men deny Usey threv the peailt wvbicbut Petoh., a trM5vli uthnEwIIOI8rOIUet lm rtoi sue &a«tM te4'e ap bave toi NEW FOOT WARMER 1 HI" ON1IHEAD WITh FOR UIO AS CSMN$0T A IS INVENTION 0Fr TÀ I WASCOUPLING P1UN14.1 LWS";)H, N $0 OU SAY N."ATTY. ftEYDECKER ITI ATH AHRF ON MARRIMiE AND C1JKN"IEADS CO. ASSN. 0f 1 WAYHARR FERIE HD IUE 1 IGHLAND PARK MAN ARRESTEO 6RAYSLAKE M AANRR ERIEHAOF DIVORCE IN STATE ON SUNDAY NIGHT ON COM - ODE AWAKENING ROST. WEST. PLAINT 0F TWýO GIRLS. M D R O D E adevic isa erty iSmpl n POLICE FINO THAT ^( qESSORI Illinois Pastors to Appenl for a MD PPA OAnna etn a do andAppretlyitShold HAD BEEN BOTHERED SOME Better Marriage and Di- MD PEL T POLICEMAN nua Metn W sHed n PrveVryPpua. IE YFELW OKESvorce Statute. WHO PROMPTLY PLACED Thursday Atternoon in M. W. Proe Vry opuar.TIE U FELOWWORER STRANGER UNDER AREST. A. Hall in Waukegan. USES ORDINARY LANTERN. WAUKEGAN. Illinois. May 12. l .001 pIa uChicago aad aise -i THE ATTENDANCE WAS BliG throughaut the stage Of Illluols ser- WAUI<EGAN, Illinaois, May 12. An Asbestos-Covered Metallijo aTeo crs £ed aver the head vlth, mon. for unifortu Uarriage and di- "Oh, Yeu clcken!" Committee Named to Attend a lroad coupllag Pin weighlng ho vorce laws vilil e eivUee next Sun- Il cost John Nash, 27 years aid. a Ntoa rvniiAsca Cover Prevent sBurning of or 15 POnuda1. là Uot the gentleist vay day. The day ia Wothoes day. Elght man who claimed Highland Park asNtoa roi" A ma Clothing While in Use. la the venld of awakeinig tram a hnndrod ministers reentlY bave si-. bIs home .lust $J0 aad coastet malte tion in Spingfiedc. -Peaceful lumber. Robert West con- ed the Illinois comimlsion on marriage the fonegolIng remark to tva Wauht-, The Lake County Woodmen Pro. Ira Smith af GraYiake bas jusl rs. aldered it an lasult and for that rosi- and divorce, of whlnb udgo Marcus gan 3 auag tomea about 8:30 o'cloci ek v soito edIsana celved word tram Waahington that h. son ho bad bIs assallant, Harr> Frnle, A. havanagh la proaldent. fer lafor- Sundas' nlgitt Nash dld net deny eIeng ocutondmell,'la Du-l bais bson grantedl a patent on his placed under arreet, Bath mon are mation and data ta be useod in thiir! maklng the remarhibt or mdleetn t ode al nWu fot-varing dovîce. The application employed ln Use camp malntalned Juat dlscourees. mataollg buti t ohe st e kgan, on May 8, 1913, at h ýcloi for te patent vas filet! on Msa-(h 1. narth of the clty by the Chicago Reev oiso&il. a safoege n n .P. m. The association wau colledt!a 1912. Nortbvestera rallroad. Ferale vas Rl Cpe fDli hth orînnad udr order ity C. T. Heydecker.Rilcl Thedeic i.a er smpl oe ndgîven a bearing betore police Magie- The ministerse and the conmmssian taads luttle Engllsh. The poilic R hwda ag uoly o ll caps The evie tea vry smpl oneandhold Mathiers day an especilly Sp- ite uadenstands the English langua o Uedcaunlare altYOfdne througmp bocause of this slmpllcitylit ao doubt trste Water Taylor ibis marning udporaeocso a evcscn and .m-Icaa vYshttrtha hoInheis delegte a tnacý ho will ove the popularlty wblch ît le vas assessed a fine of 1100 and caste»Poraeoiainfrsri" o-adAm a. otrhnh socrahed ta the betterment of man Iiu dmît.ei eegts sure ta bave. The cheapness of ma- Hoe i hoard aat Use fine In the court- a- i The first plece af business was the I utcture ls another thiag whicb caunt ty joli. No doubt the next lie he nage, the home and vamanhood . ho: The two iOuog vamea, ht feoto fafcr o s nua straagîy lanls favor. t la nothing decides ta vake up a compalon h ousommisn h i 06aseondcopes fv taeInttor'teens. anc heîng Yeux. sud the follhowlng er. unan. more nor les& than a latera pravid- wIhi do it la a more gentle manner. buebls24ad 06ud enefot more titan sixteen years aId, are imoualyeet4: bills 170 and 191, nov peuding before emplwaed Ini a local hotel. As they mPrleeîcT. odeir Lk asod andh a talcge cateed vîstb i eiva-e ttePolice the hIllnois general assembly. startod te walk nntit on GeaeseeCm. ashasfoto e and aed ashobe.tI- statn an tclcheSunay raghtamp:y- The minîsters are urged to asi their itreet, siarting at Water treet. they Vice Prealdent--Alfred C. Maether Over the tap ot the atera will ho a north of the cIty had been hitt h a canaregatlons te communICate vîth' acre arcosied by Nash. Tlîey piro erar\ivCm) metallic cap covered vltb ashestos. caupllag Pin. Dr. Danlels vas eum. 'the inteeat o! thd epbilna. r in thîdd fl4ot saisfy. ah(Pdoairieh Camp). p) From these tacts If i ii ho seen that moned and tva policemen were dis- teItrs ftebls hsddntstoyNs n etohCm) the dos'lce ls one thal long bas been patcbed la the camp at once. Upon For Marniag. Rt&. hrrIed Past them again. remarxîng as Treasarer-Thomas Strang (Wads. needed. Mtany people dialike ta the suggestion of the Physicien th l Sento bill 191 and boues bll 204 he o. H ello, Chichien! Wortht Camp). stad seexene t nrhuln te Ured man vas removed te the hos. ,are drava ta pravide ora: wNs otnîe atiavtt og It vas an motion carrled tat an ordimary fot varmor. and net oniy Pital where his Injuries vere atteadedJ Requirement titat boUs Parti«. must vomen and vas rlght hehind them executive commlttee of Ove b. ap- UsîsbutUseaveage ootvarer sa-te. Hoea-as able te attend the hea-1 makie affiavit te factil stated laap a mhen thev reached Peitrees corner. lnetaaIacoetînvtUs ully la net sony convenient because lng ibis mornlag. plîcation for lcense. Polîceni-in Thtomas Boothi. ias stand- afilcers named abase. te act as an of the roadînoas wlth which it coals Accordlag ta the police neîthor et: Application must ho 'fihed 15 day. lr.g there. 'Wiîî You kIîndîn arrealoouîe omto.Th hi p sund the trouble of prepanlng Il. themon are burdoned a-llh an oe oaei e eg-nej Iti tn asbe nn3n u. nted the folîowîng: 1Wlth Mn. Smith's devîce l la di! aitundance of sense. Il seoms that Forma for license Prescribe Idonti- crie Of te NOuiig vmen sanita the Eldon W. Nf.luer (Uhbertyývillei feont, Nearly ovoryane who viii fan soute lIttole ime tva or titrieeof cal Information required by commis- olicer A moment hater Nash was Camp), Henry Patch (HusselCamp), use a fooheurmer, have a lantern. te vanimen at ite camp have been sien on unifarni state lava for iesu-! belng iturried toward theit tolite sta- WV. P. Edwards (Highland Park1 Tboy can huy oneofet is devîces at a ..pîcilag" on Forale, anaylng bitm la ance of lîense. tion. Cm> ere Tot Ivno nominal cost and Inside of a minute., alu as nba jslg l Divorced persoîts must preseat cor- iesug sne intieeta Camp>,GC.rge Tot (ske Vîli vartus ays suh as"Johin" bttlldoyo!dretive or an tTe car n tIm-onn ere esn iyCamp)î .WuTlo>1ak il vben deslred. they can remose titesuni tackîng bis onvelopes to the is. 1idîd fd,,à dvre orra- ehaig ti onn otsiyCm) gloa globe and suhstihute thte as- of the vaul. nuiment of marniage or equal evi- agaînst hit. Tire lmolice arc Itb- Bill~s against tie association vene1 bosto-scovored globe. The lattera Titere had been conalderable of thîs d - . hodig hi ae n l wta exmnd n n oinovird ad thon eau hoe arried under the robes annoyance on Sunday. Siotanhy hetone .Clasent or parent et guarda 0f o r oW ru(ýt nluestablithed, helîevlng The president suggested the soiectîon In a buggy or automohile and there ocokFrl atr tebn-jmineir must ite stoats. theY -in ot miore m-oînen to testify eftlhr(eeidouegates fo attend the NIL- m'Ill flot ho the danger et hnrnîng tonnm wlth the heavy caupling pIn t utbepuyhîîtOudfrpr stiies fiiJkep titeir tîonal Provincial Association 2.hoet.à ones ~ ~ b tlte svad h t se , h ishand.West vas lylng asloep l I rynriîn1oiatnt Iiblic. lng te ho heli at Spilngfild, .May wlhh an ardlnary lantera wiicb îould hie an i lhotayprîmnaîs oing from state te state ta ovade, li]titi.(IouhcintaShanhg.19, hecome overbeahed. The asîesto ernnIe walked aven beside hlm and . aws pnohihiteulttet-ittt t ttt ir. e cournt ashici The ghaîr wmas autlionized ta appoint r eigpevnsii fottkTo LimittDivorce. Nasit rtitres such dlegatos. plce arndpoentas ttis enfro f aîn1 )ahbed hlm n Ibe stomach and thon as îgt-.Id] ttrioo, ai Tefloigieenmd lo lîlcean oe astie enîto!aI te startled man startod te raise itis Senate bill 170ciid house blîl 206, reithfeil. r Msi Teller, iertvier erman HEloe te boat that radiates front thte ]an- hOcilte heavy plece o! mron was 1 provide for: MleLbryil:Hýa Ote to. hee s cacey prsn sh irougbit dowa upon 1htawih telling ,Falrplay tri al actions for divorce lIa leliso c.1ta it rIi iw W. F. Edivards, High- gros dnlving la the a inter tinte or force.anl annulnient of marrîage. lieXt iIlu-tttn. land Park. M'itit altornates WmI. Ho- the fali vho yl not purchase one of 'i hsmnbtyuo ohr N iialî !peetcue e -Well, 1î a aid tent two or titree Ian,taîîkegan: P. Il. Carr, Waucan. t tittîts mantI ' io orebooheIiNoklimteationWofl.rLeaitcauseslfo lte devîcos and 1h seema that tue you? Ithe court asked Fernle. point- divorce.11, I ai ,efocl(kn od: 3 eiRsel sale la sure to M sonry large. igteWi. osno ltrmde tPrcd r tTht ingte est Des et lte mdesof ro hetî. Itasal tsaid. -'Id Nash. 1The ecutive comnîlttee was au- "a coUldn't Wonic mer. "No, but he vas Iliere." Fernle ne- 1 excePt ta provîde entorcemeal of the Tîtrntri5>1rst3Uis 1,ttrzd a moee edu r Wbfle a Jeveh (City girl va. selling plted. present law hy stahe's representa- and cii-t-.. refltuil the court. tiers on the funds of the association tickets lor the pîcturo show, a man tIves. Titi' rolire an,' a wt aiar on for bills and exîiensos by thons, au.- called for ticket&ansd puabod luna five. ORPHAN BOY SHOOTS FARMER. ia1r ntpct.adasr htdtd dollr gld leoote uy or Uembut- rIndi.gnation on rtue Part of scores jshenreter onei-I-t ugltit e vilii ie General discussion an lte good nit dolle gir l selti aciforTiima but lîn I..My91DnilOL1r the g4il chv. mlntyaIL rThte butbin a EaîthyIl.,MHay caaty f'Larer.Ilof Zion City Peopile va. arolsed on gis eui a fine Itirze enoiiigh te maire te order vas lniuîged In hy neariy aisted t Wst oneyailrigt, ut he aweathyMcHnry ouny frmeIbursday of tItis sseek vhon' a Zion hlm remnemuer it for a time. lit has ai afthe momters prissent. An ai- girl luoped bim that lie couldut living near Woodtoci, Ill., lies la a Clhy officiaI who Is, vested vith police heeti sotie lite IOrne in hce a masher 1 i'e'ss vas delîvorci hb' Brother H.t vor ber, sud be dldn't. Hie had te criticai cgndition ai Johnsons ba- powora arrested a striager on a lias hbeen arresieil The police urge C'. Pattersea, aneofo the State Com. go outtmu4 bomwo a dime. Tbho ares plonty of Kae»»ayouugstera vbo pitl. Harvard, I11. fromt guashot charge of smoking. The feîîov vas vomea te cause te arreat of any ,mîtteemen fromt Chicago. nover savàagol piseê-Kaueaacity vouadsaulleged ta have boien flictod ,.slightly under lte Influence of îîquor. masher aho annoys thrent. On motion Ih wassOrdered that the1 SA.by John Burke, an 18 year old feam Accordlng te sPechators Use oflIciaI presîdent and serctary Issue une- bond empbpyed by OLoary. Burke beat tihis Inoffensive '*drnnk" ven Richard T. Busciter, Jr.. 36 t'ocre old denîlals for Use deheitates and aller- lea a orphaule home boy, but ýetthUe liead several limes vttb a club of Antlocit. Ill., Bat la a chair la Henry datives, eleclod la membershî1î la the face a trial for murder. At suy rate Feehansvlhe about six yearse go. Hîs Outil the blond came deapite Use tact Mertz's saloon, 3535 West Chient, ave. Waodmen National Convention. te ho h. viiili e cbarged villi attempt teohome vas tla Cltlago. Surie raya Usat ho volucteered te go aiong ponce- nue, yeshorday. tic vas thoughîtaeheld aht SpringfieldIlîlinois. kihI. the. tarer haii upbraided hlm about uhly te the Police station. Zlon City be asleep. Whon Mertz tnled ta rouese On motian the association adi- Hie5 beuriug takes place toniglit ut some vork and bad inocied hlmn people dlaIm they vîli makeaun lu. hlm ho ivas dead.-Record Herald ot Journed, subject ho Use catiiaf the ex. g before Justice Nelson but Ikii t devn, Vestlgutton ot the mather. The man May' 8. ectv comee *111Ill e ooiticud pendlng deveiop. . i ttacied ovidently vas a trauger lan eky-INtiUDNNom m in. . eysee, Peie -Imnt l 1. vdia'coditon. ndgoneUOaaMenthe3500. it ly.'Lakea hbig wMyDMEW.Hoban, Becretary. FORMAL OPENING 0F RAILROAD INTO M S LATED OFALL LAKE TY VILLAGES IS MAR BY ONE 0F THE BIG COUNTRY CELEBRATIo EVER HELD IN L Ax COLJNTY. Wauconda 'May. 1.-This va$ h blggest da y la Wauconda's carer./ The litIle village, whlch, up, 10 day lias been the most seclnded cîpal corporation lanLake through bhaving no rallroad Ions, was today put on the a keeps because the village's it road was today made a reallty- . The day was an ali-importat to the vîllagers and to tiiose peea' because of the tact that the, flssý was rua ltotathe village lof.y the new Palatine, Lake ZurIch 4k conda railroad, thei enteerprlse ha een ilnanced by revidoria of. era Lake oounty and no.thffl oounty. The laist spike la Pi6 wus driven today amld 1lu«W inontes, IbIs act toit ceg rade whlch made ah op and taie notice au ther b* transformation wbicb a been wrought lu the *"Uak, t of Wauconda, vblch btàatoi" a stald. quiet, uniaumlcg 18tw vhic& wa s amoet or *6ll fip latecce béeornse t lse lbe -n Rundreda of perms.ns matk village to b.lp elebre th e of the nov mrenrcd w» d whlch prmiaaa lu do - ,mmunity than auyt !*MW han over bappeaod. ry& op briglit and oarly and took a koo n lteet lu Ibié. liat ovant theh. lgs av" Politiciens gatbored hoe Parte of LUi. county and eV*s couuty polîtlclas voie aise' a*, dence. In tact. the day wa» ga day ln lte western part 0 IA»* ty fot everybody vboo cule made It a point to hé et Wb soe the tiret trban ves rtubW village. Big Dey for Onvlu The big »macg the day VU Orvis, Waukegan attoecey. w"he sear or no past ha. de*t.iff bts time to promotung Ibis enterprise. a mani vho gave lup à tlve law pçactlce lu Wanhaom this railroad enterprise tbrougbL the presîdent of the rond a&bd officiais Perhapa occupled muê w'ý position from a conepîcuon the fact'Is UsaI J. IL Orvs b S big ma of the day for had l go for h there vould have boqug cere*Xon2y of th. ibd beld boe -fai there wonld bave beeun o leadl g into Wauconda. This la general bellot of people la this viciatW and la Palatine. Only Ihrough Mr. Orvie' determlna. tion ta bave IbIs road hut ac" W.' zeal ia carrylng ulong the detalle, pu,- Bonally seelng to hem consumnia*Uesi5 vas It Possible to interest enougb Po>~ ple la the country to raise th. MM«e necessary to huild the road vihhout aid frrm flanciers. This rond bu tuas hauit hy amail suhscniptlans of peepla ail alang the route and lan te vi1ia.,S- affected theretore It la a couaty mini? pure and simple. -The road vas pro. utoted a tew years ago hy R. D. Wyimg, aaother Waukegan ma, who Interok ed Mr. Orvîs la the project snd si4p~ ed wlth il for a time. later rttIll«, vheu Mr. Orvîs assumed 1he pooitk»ý of uronioter and bailder , Had No Exparlenca. W'.hite NIr. Wynn had hua building experlence, tb. tact 10, Mr. Orvîs had haît nons wbate *. ever. he took hold cf lte at*a pushed things along lu fineab"%aa ercomnlg obstacleas wli~ ebme« mont Imposaiblo of surueuc*p atuci otahUe Job aud todsg «wý hope. realized vhea the 6Obbm béing comyiuted. 1Pb&d - 1-- - -1-- - - - 4ddzu .dý.wj-e d-r4(,ýU $1,50 PER YÉAR Ï-N ADVANCS 1, e 1 ONE TO EIGHT

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