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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 6

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LAXE ________-Tjire Ws in l ho n6coiftOAIT0111- D N E IN Q ilqWAUCOND) A . Whoeîock, gasolUno engins m (CoatIu.4 Pr.- Page 0110.> Wauconda lire deiartment, Homer &iadif ho sticks toh' Cooke driver.PIY CL S SA os ho fbai t theWauconda Remains of Truiball'a llvery vith O M N SÀ ,ho wili aiso se. bis hope rea- the advent of thie rairial. 1h. akerégin. Fiihada used on thf rallrcad. Ini addition te the drinks contlaning aietesetohande. dangerous chemicai flavorlng and Col- The Program o theD. "Uncle Sé.UL" orlng substances, there are othof Vý1>e days rogmalovas s 3folova' ~. ~"Indiana" and 'covboyi. "temperance" drinks oquallY danger- jsquTe ar de ore me eth tl adth e rond crried4,OO, eue especialii for the childrofl and Ile quae Inordr temee th pounda of frolght and 4.000 Passengeis young persons who indulge ln thons rin.OSlueo ynmt y n !lant month alone. The equipp~ent of!go freoly. Many of the. rather mie- 11-00ySite ofdiv iersH. OnDavis-the road const$ofo!three locomotves, nameli "tontc" drinks thnt are go vide- ýýr. tdy tag divea-H M.Davs-two passenor coaches and several iyadvertlsed hiave been showa by the i0B@o<r by smot ot vhistles on le- freght cr. United States goverument, analyses tsqi~,Industries aso rigng,1 A bg Uns. bas been prepared for te contiain consdérable proportions Of ýnw !mch and fire belle. Arrivai tlis evening, go many of those haro capein: uIt Ig easy to unierstand that -of tb310 train loto Wauconda by the viii net leave until rater late tonikit. after taklng these caffeln-contalini I)kg"tue Commercial Club accomPan- cold drinks the. feeling of fatigue maRY .,6e by tihe Palatine Militar>' band. ,,SAGE O QUINTIN CORNERS" drop trom one. Caffein la not, hov- -ydqmatlon o parade headed bý Peter rbgtsgearl as marshal of tise day fol- ANDO "GRAN6MA" GERRY. AGE ever, a desirable stimulant to serve '» " by stage coach, anclent veicles 100, ARE PASSENGERS. indlscrimiinately te growlng children Iloas, Idia chi! Wucon -.or young aduts, especlallW those cltY '&, squaw and daughter. Cowhoys, Wanconda, May 10-Ambrose dvellers whose nervous systems cer- ý,Wlthum0lans, floyer girls, quartette, Bangs, driver of tihe old Janesville- tainly need no artilial stimulation. bande and lire department etc. C'hicago stage In the days when John Bealdes. caffein seems te have a de- i, 11:30 Ceremony of drlvlng the last A. Logan and Stephen A. Douglas finit. tendency t th formation ofa ,golden spike hy the president of the *th .ex., their luggage on behlnd," habit. Nota Bllte of the restlessness ie* P. L. Z. & W. rallroad. Music by waved hie bat yesterday t the .on of children durlng the. sumilner le to b< thâ- band. Song by quartete. Presen- rincer of a swtch engin. which had ttrhbuted to the taking of caàlin tation of thé. "40.000 banner" 1te th jo;ted a string of coachies loto Wau- consderable quantîties In the. fans ittisens of Palatine. conda, 111. of these soda-fountain drinks. Tlhe 1:3ô. Bail game-Lake Zurich vs. "I-low's tiie rond, .im?" called parents sometimes disoover liat a Waucnda.Bangs,.luit as l4, would have shouted distinct craving for the particula. Wamonae. tgo a.gmsad t a brother driver slxty yeare a-,o. drlak bas heèn cr.ated and tint ils Raes tgoftagaesa But the. salutation was that of the. child pleade for money te satlsfy tisa At intervals during the dsy the peo- anclent for tiie modern. Tii. Omt craving. Âfterralgti deL ie vlore entertained by the Palatine raliroad of nny klssd ever known in ments of the marvelosis tonte and stî. -WfIiarzy band. The Cicago quartette, 'uconda, aimost as old a town as mulatiig virtues and fatle.îe-dlsstpat Moier . ougas ery c 1Chcao, Chilcago, operated Its lr2t train yes- ing qualîties of these préparationis, tii limand daneer- terday. And Amr)rose __ Bangs wa parents f eel sure that there an.lot be 8I,0. Diplay o!frevorks. there wlth nome 5,000 .Lke county aoy harm lan sucis vell-recommead& 16M.* Dancing et LakeeidO pavillon folk, buldere and ovaurs of tie rond beverages, especlally since Lbey art »èuI akland hall. and otier celebrators of the. occasion. soid la a favorite drug store. TJnfor LUit ! litge Orv'.%.I r. Bangs le 83 years old and dean tunately, saya Tiie Journal of tii > Oat or more stage drivers-lie tait of the old stage drivers. There ver. mrcnMdclascaineh5c 4iÇ tâir sturdy tribe binllilno-fadeý« otier drivers present-"Bil" Hike idence le not jusu.lied; it ls necessari 3WO oblivion thus aternoon vîsen 1h15 Henrý M. Davis and Ned Duers-all te draw a sharp line betveen bottle( 'Ijesd, liaanced and constructed aft.' ûid timers and ail mlghily lntereeted tontcs or drinks containing caffein an( lora plan unique la thse hlstory of the in the, nesv contraiton' even tbougbt mltveyhrlshcroae '.q, l es asfrmly pne lils foisy Ibell sounded the deatii knell da water of the soda fountaîn. whei . àd»st ccua to g yonecoved ouIfor staglng. served plain or vith viiolesome flavai .toschame of things by tise loco- As l Was In 140s.inmatr ~v .the remnanî f Iis .151<5 'Taint mcih Ie It vasIn tiie t-e M Tnhus lay boots. llckers, 40s," observed Bangs. 'Tien we INER IiT BOES [q hri ats, and vblps aide anid juin- drove 200 miles evers' veek. put r,-------- - County Bridge Com 06 *0e Irong o! Uic early setiers Who our borses over on the.M'est Sid" bl- County- én* colao tn the pipe andi reminis- Chicago and vent acrosa iisthe ferry Eunit members a! the. Cole famils', T.1 ta deliver aur mafl St Clark street." somte of wisom iad beeti buried as Tape Rlch Dlisrct. Tien tise 'oid tImers' vere jobned long as forty years. vere diaintemred May 9, 16, 23. ~borairoa iscaledthePaltia, by anoter-"Joe" iiockelman, bont from the. Lake Mound ceineters' in ýf Zurich o d acndha lin ndand vwmnkld under tise velgit of 7ion City an Frlday atternooli and s pimîivo farinsterihoy.elghts' years. Mîr. Bockelmao ls e neerougit ta Waukegan in tire. é» Wiaoonsin division 'O! the koov aIl avec Lake caunty as tise hearses and placed bli e new Wour- ilwobtern lino tope Palatine. Wau- 'Sage of Quintin* Corners" and yes- kegan<-Mausoleum n lhei Union came- 1a as nli tsialim ben brgn erday he experienced the. thrils aof ters' an Grand avenue. Thie Cola li te deseclation ot soot and clu- ils irat ride on a alroad train in fambis' has an eiglît ccypt. tansis' cens- *Mýfiftv vears. partorent i tise new mausoleumr. §,e h est train lumbered int<, It vos ifty yeams ana tint Broc'kel- Richard Cole,.vi ameides on tise 1101Me station yard in Waucoflda t» man end H' s Sc.hmidt, a nelgibor nortis ide ln aukegan. was tise man MI-te Mae drverapaised. here egan "booiltig' for a ralmroad. tiey who isd the. members of hilsfamUY &Me #,bont Lon men viae bave been bt l5ci otier tint nether vould removed fromt the Zion City cemeterY- elplOyed conveylng Wauconda ps- ride an a train unili a raîlmoati vas Foîîovbng la n list o! tisi. vo ""M te 10 laI village frolo h. nnr- hilt Sirugi ribr properly St Quin- vere dsintermeti, his vif., Mrs. Rich- j« 5.jroaa points. In lie be usy - tins Corners. Schimdt died tva ard Coie,. two o! bis sislers, hilsfntb- Mno rmert season as many as 60 rigs years ago. h3mckelman vas une af er aud motier. ur. andi Mm. Thsomas lave boan commandeered for Lb. mme the irst passengers s'esterdzty vien Cale.bils anche anti aant, SMr. and lmrs.cto p.pm. Nov ailtiat la te disappear. bisi isi came Ira,. Richard Cole and their daugisteme. Perfecto te 1o forgotton vian Waucooda iad Centenarian a Passenger. Tii. procession o! three hear,.,, Perfection Featici daugisthe i rit officiai glimisse o! bts "Grandnios 0rry, whlis. lsband crrying the bodies made a moat un- Brooders and Hove aI OfficiaI train. went wesl viti the goiti cash ln '49 asual sigiit as it rmade ls vas' frons practical in existen 9"s Arpse, president cf the Palatine sud ni-ver came tiack, ceebrated her Zion City tale 'aukenen and thence t ) ner chicks 10 Lemmerdal Club, drove thse lasI spike one haiidredtil rtbday last wi-ik. west on Grand avenue. Tva mem- havers are rthe u arq hl. the road Ilu thesience of an ad- She. tac, 'ias tbie,.n pas.,enger on bers of lie Onmar Carman !amlly aisea liv molli-r ever minus populace. Justiqyl. Orvis ai Se i ral trai's And vhi-n the, î'slinlg vilE hi- ressoved from Lake Moand for Caaoguîe. Wguitogan, isecretamy and promoters swltcb enginei,. rickna'ied Mnud. had cemetery anid placed ln thi- mauso- Ioctiî,atom, 1' or tbe road C. H. Patten of Palatine censed ils bras brg abi thse ld tIlli-us leani. adrp - p'eedent o! Lie roati, and 'Alvays ai 3.01 togther sud listened taelthe music In lie ni-ar future t le saîi manysdre om"joseph Hani gave lnteetin of Iaicondu's civil unr seterais barramore iodles nsill b, disinterred and W. J. ML tailla. -n0w a baud of four leues but still broagil 10 tii- Wakegan maasolesun. ., Fsrmeni Bulid Rend. tuder tth, leadedrship I-'ncii-" \ l- Thse reason for Iis is liaI the ,îî, Libei'tyvilIO «The rond vas hbIt accordiigto ~ a s mTidosarsîr. of ilon fataisencroacliing apon the, saue. plan. A farmers' committee reter Nimageamo. 69 years oid andi cemetery sud ln Ilh, na vers tistant appraised lIse landi along the. mgt o!f5"Et"'5aS a s W5tier, riding a zri-at future tiier, nsiiili e no fand for msain- vay sud tise ovners lock stock 1n the. chestnuttu'U - ý -nsi uîcof th?"taluing thei, îinti-iry. Il h verysm nabi pnae., Tisey petid fa? atitlional stock t.sy snd ieadbng a parade luii s îib aI the hi-st anîd ls practbcaliy filled Sint» lie needed $300.090 vas ralsed. aId l'île! o! Wauconda anîd ail lts tii-eîresetî ime. Thffinov lin. vilI carry lhe paseen- braves vere impersoualed. Wlen ltie cemiterys selaid ouit- ger, mil nliexres tht fmmrly --eaId stage coachii n eaityan man3 enrs ago tier, ver, no bouses jol te11 the lot of the Btage drivers. Oid-fasi.Sionid buckboard-wss con- ear il arsd I as thhuglit il wouid Oonnecting wi tIste Elgin. Jolbet & sipicuoas ln lihe parade. And lu Il, hi- a permanent r-dting place for lie ROter n d Nortivestenrnds it drtssed as 'ladies" of lie ente-bsellum deati. Tise buiding of Zion City- vas -e ba rseady prov.d a valuable feeder days. sere 'tire. C. L. Pratt anti'%Ica. ulooki-d for. Nov the. stores o! Zion ' te the farmlng territarysud ant s serv- 13. S Hammonti. relatives o! Ambrose aîîîroacbî scry close la the. cameîery - - el th le purpose o! openlugtet Chicana Bangts. Mr. Bangs lieldthie ceins. ant inl a siiorl tie itlaI expectedt lai "Sd vicnIty bottonless Bangs take. Ahi Jein Celebration. Iiîey wll surrounti il conîplelels'.- vbore the basa abound; Deer Grove W,'-aucoiida neyer knev sach a iub- Se',eral other familles Sme consider- imurk 200 acres a! toret primeval; Isai as tint a! Satardas'. for ail thse ng serbously the plan of remnoving '5 s Iltgiitsmall laite terrîtory in Young f olk siere tier,, as welI as tihe the bodies o! their relativec frtram ths T7 laqthern Cooli and western Lake coun- aid. Every chaci anti echool bellceeeybtle'iv otdcdtil g GrePî Ses.ua*e tmousby pleRea b u ~ ingng vienlind' teameti 1n. visther lisey yl have tiens lnterred Ï»,mt -A Yankee Ot o! Lb. Wes." Anld 'Jîn," tire.engineer, se-s'tet t tint In sons. cher cemeîery or pîaced ln LUcebme N Wazoons long ago popped inta "Moud" did "ber" shore in augment- the mausoheunsrRn.wdM ~ ,biliga monument ln tri- ng the racket. ONE WAS 99 VEARS OLD. MIKE is a beoi buto th the country doclor. long an- Lsre H aln peiinto i bo isMas'10-Tan i odles hors. viths@mallm tfw 'prelâted pnbllety lils exemplar o!f15Gw raliroad-lie P. L Z. & W.-and ver. rmnov.d from lise Lake Mound head, and is a tyl *-~fi-M latly. old.tasbboncd professional Justin' K. Orvin, the, secretars', vere Cemeters'. Zian City,. Iodas'. Elgit Of unusual quait Mm ingte lt. Dr. Dawson. cen- accompanieti iis'theentbre commer- a in eammbr !ts oalia is i ve >esri o!, W im ya eonntrysbde legend. ciel club of Palatine on the, Initial fambis' one o! liern bebng tisa e- and very gentle; i k.-iride. President Patten drava lie mains'o! a man 99 years elti. One te be a sure foal i ,î (Specsi te The Sun.) proverbbal goden suie. woui5.ii as encasa& la a capper liaed areoaf the mon d Waoonda, 3 p. m-Tisare are f uîîy There vas a big dance aver et Mur- caket, andthle raomaine vere in an draft hors. 5,0W people la Waticonds today. mans 'à psîavilllan an lie shore o! Bangs excellent tate o! prçeervation. Tii. ill fostnfo1 - ho lh mton Waulegaa. Tic Iran Lakte ast nbgiit. Peter Nlmsgearn for- clothing and vraps vere unsoiheti and tefamknon au -wss smeviiol delayed and dld nt got ail about i sixtynin, sears and tise face vos tIll naturel, thougi situated ii mile ý,-ffV*troe altie uti 2 10o-lok.led tie Vrginla reel. Ambras, anti sbranken. There vcre lso tva mom- View and li mile U 1* esssIttd o! an engins and tlree "Nd" and 'Bil" anti ail the otiers bers cf th,. Camman fansls'. one an Grve 4a@M olIss iacdsn ag nad soldier viose body has been ln- seriand:$5 ws 's'The parade vas a large one. Follov- 'cehebralion cf tise passbag a! tie tage terred 14 s'.ars. Tise Carmias eresevcan$5 i 4 & an. me o! the ifats of ipecial and tise comlng of tise rabioati. ada eCSSswstles adar e guds", or viii mal knovn lntliii district. Ail otiser iod- ovuern of mares. OPmai0g betel ansd llvery. B">'1310w. les remaoveti ere encasad la steel be soid, parted ttot fgrlain red, vhite A Marylansd loisieloped ulth bu als i ee e o fi-anslb.he i hboi sag Carrying banner viti tise sv oarta Ivin by misaake, snd labmHopins and taken to bis ed b>'fe bcmes dne a "4 W aor tap. umTis -llcvca bdy Plais men..t. ElgisI o! the bodies are te dents at ovner'sr - n<fer the bbie*smtti lestevDland PL be rensoved te Waukegan, viere lis'j F AE W». b*g '.jsod," vilIbe plsced lina aMausnlerm. 'In.'~W' HlGIiW 70E.PUBLIC LET4~ ~~I4'~ pIf 3 +I* 01F CONTRACr. !UVW Nattce. ia ersbi' given tiEt OOt. V TSO proposalisii be reclved by h. ,Iàa- derslgued Conmssloneri of Hghvayt Ateaeg rus prlngflled ilte*,E of West Ieerfteld Township and Oeils' lWodnosday, Miay 21M,. vas ftxodwo» oii tuualibm fr*0iamllinbt mittue oftlreeSupervisors O!fIA» Thursiay by the boue as the date t k10 vnaneei-1ta.li.laefo b.lses lloing but CouneY. Uhil;,,for lie building Of a veoeon cbunîy optIi n d other pend-e iags fr0. Ibm oie.iand ç or .ig "4bits, but b tesoothe aings.o bridge, cencrete abutmefltea a i 1lngc drry' uaures vhlch includes e'biao ady.5104 egth e, Dum's a54 M 08 t181 egond- at a looati.l about one-baîf milO»est, Ibm Vive ]die Dry Zone bill. lie hiulior va t adBd tte lb.taft- W.p ea verboffheoregof of the Village o! Deerfield. 1111I101 Thus, from nov on, Waukegan, and the hinniaL Lut t!mdrgebi doing 5e15 tu Àhet 0g 51uSd-byh coeo inho bebufltaccording ho general 5Pý. Lakbe cointy people viii look torvsrd lie eavy o l vlth hree bitaleMe. 51, toes im&-e- gHpk 1ellientios son île'l Lb' offlO, f the 10 that date te, a. viil ot s hobedonuewil e <>ogirs pIic a sce-nse 'I'vO ba ,I Lt-orrol, a . D3r Township Clork. and each blddor vill vlth tho proposed dry zone andotrththd. in he sce- ia allmR.orerdT.o- be reulred 1 subrmit vlth bis bld counîy Option bill.las the remaindor of Ibm roule. Wau- Bier. Tbrfo base bit-OGreiK. Struck- complote plans and speificatioua Of 'riefeeling la genorai that tise coun- kegan von tise game in 1h. tenu on Ou t-By J. Dolerli. Rouie 4. O'Farrel use r tieyproosebits by Lutter, Wilkinson and Burge. 6. Basses on balls-Off J. DOIllier 6. Lb. kind of bridge heo hi rP8 ty option and theO lve mile zone bill off Olarroll a. 10 buld. .- aid plans and sPeC1ll&Icel il vii ot bots be isus.d. If ont passes. The score: 10 conform vlti tii. general spectàefi tIo 15feit the.other viiifait,.tLb. ýI-Rqueland Centers Re POF0A X- ions on ale as ta dimensolns.., Igb gta opoiewl .Ber L r ....... P------- 1 0iO O RBWErfY T!AM WON. ; Sealed proposais wlll be recelved rece liatla compose yultho as Parker 2 B ............ 1 1 1 4 0 The. Waakegan Brewery Base Boait F t the Tovn Clerk's office lu lie Vil- sage o! one or ùie other. Hal5 C.............O0 0 8 3 0 toam defsatsd the strong LaeeForent lae0 eeled t i or o vO The question thus le: Whlcb vill Ott a B--------------O.. 013 1 0O niteam noterday ho a score of 9 ho 6. 0o'cloc on Lb. 261h day o! May, A. D;) become a îaw ln case one gets ÇronCo.F. .......... i220latet0ddLbevlligfo0teb0u '11913. and contrau-t awarded 10, thé! Lirougis? Topo .F o îo ~Ln p lovesI rusponstble bldder. Tic worl 1 Suffraglse galoed anoti\er point Ln p tahacmpetd10nney 9> as husayvie ts ioseelclosHamm 1 B . ........... 1i113 0o0 o Waukega-Fllstead, C. Bartlett. to r omtedin côntrat ( committTursa repoteou vîeti 5vô'Bangs P .............. 1 o 2 o P. O'Keete lit. Brooke, 2md. il- from ate o-conract.;Comitteerepoted ot wmh a f"dr'C. Flistead, S. S. Kopple-. Blach bldder wiii b. requlred to îeable recommendatIon the ilîl extend- Tt.l.....4 2813ma.hF.AîroC.F Btom avilshls bld a certlfied check ta lie Ing ta vomen equal suffrage for mu- ole . .....e . 4lnn *2g r 2n3ans n.F. AItoC .Bnrm amount of pive llandred Dollars nîcipal and olier statutary Offices scme Lake Foret-O'Nlel. C. Korrigan, e($500.00) as a guranlee o! good fati vilcis vas passed yesterday y th.4SI i -0 P.Siee lt lmt, d 10f tint If ie or tiey are awarded contract. Senate. The bill may ha sent bock IloeadCr1 2 3304O5O6O7 O8o9403r. ier. Slo. Smikhend HoL. F they yl promptîy enter loto contmct'ta tise committee by tie HouB,, ow- Waukegan ...oooo0î02oîîo1î 1s Attrde. C. P. Kerr, R.F. for Mme.ever, because a quorum vas not pres. The succesiful bidder vîlI also bha enS vien action vas taken. W uke 2 B . . .. . R H1 2 l'O A t'.. .. . 2 0 4 1 requlrad ho, furnsi a good and suffi- 1(lovemnor Vunnes billî aboliuhîrsgpuse.........11311LFost......10003037 dient bond for double the. amount of',the state board of equallention and Pulse IC. ......1 l1................ godcetn0 tIcmiso assn ht0. ...... 1 O0 0 Conrac piceasa garnte o god!cretig ata comisio ws sntLutter'-i B ............. 13 5 O 0 NORTH4 CHIGACO CABfDINALS WIN fath that ha or lies' wIilcomplete thebabck ho Lie reveoue commItte, by the Willams R. P' .O....i00 O10O0 Tbe North lChicago Cardinale open- vork accordiug ta pans and spacifices House after a lively row. ikfsnLF.....01300etersso Sdaaihe4t ions and ln a vomkman-llke manRoer*.-. Mayor Bidîiger todoy whefl Inform- BWilk3ld.s .......F . 2 3 1s 2o etegr-undsNdthyhiagoS. wi4tb Tii. unde-rsbgned Commssioneri O! cd 1ha1 avote would b. Isken onth VBrg-o - - B... 1.........12 3 1 in atotgroutth ndi oh agorteIl n- SHlghvayis and County Commttee re- 1five-nuile dry seno bill on May' 21, an- GouseP. .....I.... 0 I ng4.aghenstur. eo bhe Proews het serve Lise rigut ta relect 0n7 and al j nounced Ihal h. Burol>' would b. n (oga ...... h etr !tegnevsts bide If thy deem it o the bestln- Springeldonte a.Homeh--- elng and battng of red Terlp 'r idi It f hey ToenshI t is a st la- Bprlngwll rdannehafir s. e myos he Totalei.............56Il 30 9 4 and Leuts Perne. ke temetdo!. i. onsip n ouny h0wIIang hi. affraflOct wit hemo tît Tvo base bists-Cronlcon, Burge. In the future tb. manager promises in Datd at Deemfie'd. Illinois, hita 29ti thora.. H-lewilI probby b. iccom- Sacrifice Ht-Vose. Stolen bases- some botter games and, as tise Cor- - 77 Lutter, Wilkinson, Burge. Vos., dînais appear in new uniforme Sundas' 'd day o! April. A. D. 1913. panied by severil sher Woukoen and ubePystzhHmm Prkrnt.hefnoNrisCcgobl dGeorge l'are. Norh Chicago nmen who ire nterest.DobePagOztHam Prkrn ,thdnsofNthCigowl idJohn Carolan. ed n 1h. defet o! the bilUl, et theh. -to Hamm. Struck out: Dy Bangs 11; au. ura out to greet tiuem. JoinHagl. le! Ua Ihul theîr presence there wîîî i By Goggln 1.3. Base on balle. 0f_________ m Johmbler carsngs5areftise pre4.donsinat-l rcommissloners o! Hlgiiways of West have smanewelght wlSh the legîslators Bonsi 5. Ocarsaagenit4. Passed bahi Deerfleld Townsip. Il won reportesdalto that severa1 of Halin. Vose. bng cars inlu.Ake county, becuse tie 0. D. Gos.. h rrlaesiUb n cîgleld Comnpany looki aftr lis nebgiiboring Andrevw itle. on the same day. se t ookmsas î t WEPEMAS LOSE TO ROCKE- county folk la every detail. aeeling W. J. Stratton. would bo anl even break o far as the FELLER. ta make tiens feel th. Kenosha irm --- .arir o. ateda. e s i oed Tiie Wepema base hal teans o! is a home concern visich vIsses ta H.METEt Sometblng vblcb 7Y1 URD btlime tbis yaar by tise Rockefeller nîne That'à why Sley & Hawkins bave H . y bicbe you do n01 feel a il 0bya Rockefeller Baturday, iy tise score aold no many 1913 cars tuis spring. To ni îP Clr. 11 v, ay be sO etICd 51da rqI t10. liai l -e I pltched a 100-2t Ilovers ar Havi-m-Tii-sa urs are il- moet ice, Ni-sir fail )mai iritu "1l'lie' 'est tlîîngtt trusi inverîed. Scisd oghl, aid nairtil. JNDIE!, - Illinois. Ia ercheron Stallion relu dli, 1913) gutifulj cool black We IeaLo on fore- Fpioal draft horse lies and veigi. ,d, perfectly sonnd ha@ prcved hinsaîf péiter and buis colts lesirabla kind o! public service at se "tHiub's Farm" m onth of Prairie i nortls a! Buffalo at thotise o! firet son colt stands and ak. termei teosuit Whon mare is to vitb ce removed rbood th. servie et once. Alla»ci- iih. 1 brings to YOU this $3.00 Razor Sharpener Thse Ncver Fnfl Co. adopti this method of ad- vertising and ai securing an immediînle mu-o- duiiodn for the NEVER FAIL Razor Sharp- ener in tis s erritacy. % YOU SA VE THE DIFFERENCE Here you get a "money bock" guaranteed Automatic Razor Sharpener AT LESS THAN HALF tise price for which over 600,000 were sold. This wonderful offer ia a BARGAIN ROYAL for you and other iefiders. You flot only gave over hnif in purchase price, but you save thsai 64new safety blade and honing" expulse which in a bugbear to every seIf-shaver. GET YOUR SHARPENER TODA Y rA The OnIly ~rSucc essful invention of its kind in Existence The NSVR PA1L pc.livalr shrp... aMy aUfty or alsuderdoN sye ras e ba kae., v est- m o h l v i t id g.e v e r y i n u s. MM lsthe inthe EVI FAL a crefaly md -speoliluy pr.p.red le bitcoute lUcbostin he ums- chine. Ili@ togother wib,epténtsd lest. re thai appUi. t" lasher Ie Idem tll e . . bvel1o1tib.blade vr stro&e, produe«s a. ve, r eglrsd veeveo t ootha edi@* lb. Th NE"R AILinea prselle.; m.cbanlcsiv jerfe; deps.d. mbly ein.lsutd;rolier boarlng, fiuiulud in a dsrkesmuaiover oopp.r. 17' IS Y MS FOR 1 COU(PON AND $1.28. By MaWl1lOr. Exa For Postage Lake -County Independent Libertyvîille, Illnos a- B. e a If lt 9 'y v- le lu 'yr. a. e.a as le in m le a Ir le at le- ti- Lt- he be ed re )r- he nn 'T'y ed nd BO. en or- FOR BAI have no Dow tire 7 bol-se emashi, s pergoilS ain LIc appe4r a4 Addr... FOR BAL. sella friw, FOR BAI -acocu. Newberry FOR BAL -duck's ici FOR SALI patatoe.. FOR SALI ilutel sand isbed bas i, owner flr .0 to relire. addreec à PLANTS- ail re-ct. rarly Cabi) irt anii t FOR SAL ,,ulht hi- II I'sokx .., FOR BAL FOR bAL suo)bi.l 'WRIGHT. FOR SALE 100 hughel. .. Si Libertj viii, ..sd posai FOR SALI veUphi 9m0 roadats-r; i suis, '-Ultî % rude lsm' FOR SALI .ouiid and Libertyvlli rlgat.d lat Wboat. bs produce ol nov bookb Box 10101 FOR SALI Il.AScii', FOR BAL tables. 2 id * . dition. ( store--he fl. FOR SALI wild and Mir. Rente farm befoi Gond scho *close ta to ver acre. gi-table * . Owen, 1 FOR BAL baby chic duck eggs ertyvihle. FOR SAL &bout 50 r eariy ieed Lubi'rtyvil. FOR SAL Buiek auto been thors good candi FUR SALI Per nce. i Libertvvilk FOR SALI a Il moti eletric de venlent for phone 21SI i %FOR SAI imbop on mi * O ALI (6eà.eoo

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