19 4000At, INDIANA. The following letton received ted,> b0er*n Be OIse POsitively the identity of "L-ord" Hagrrington wvio was klied bY a train bore a fewr days age: Rfobart, Ind.. May 20. 1913. COma'ad & Hart, Waukcegn, Ili, Gentlemen: No donbt.the Inan titat you have d-eat YOUI Pite by the a";m.oc George Matningtoe. beloags heors. The znther'. amela Micn Pardlg- ton but he went by thte nmin.of HI" rlngtoa. 1 bavectified a ncphew and wili trY te geL bis brotber-in.îawj and they wili notify yen. Tours trnîy, Hilvln Wild. lon't know Itta scien- weuld be couid Pro- mili and '. acre- q' Associa imesq, but )r for ur y (if dairy f foreign mon Who yearls "0o d deciared icated and farm. IE <LAKE. ,ted momm en of rez ai ection term of are three 1 of whme ballot hy vote», GI R. 'Mlueude sI' of the didate 1% a r the titan Swith lite atlcs plac 7 te board The vu- ention cf @ offie cf il election. year more yrinds and 'mPethy as nes and .-bir. AI- vkiy it e up. Iead- pfle lisat- s are han- RM. Tes Md, -iliing 0 life. lae 'obiet§, W, 1 cars, oms ena bacit. Oua Walter e et., Wan- P. vy-zL Mau.Y Avgiled 'Iimselves Of wrvhe. Taking Books From low Department. MANY NEW BOOKS ADDED. As Soon p Ré"t Pays for the Books Thy are Added to the Free Circulation. CARIU INNeÂmy CITIES THJIS WEEK Insurance Solicitor Who Used to Live in Waukegan is Now1 Under Arrest. BROKE JAIL IN DUJNDEE, 700. l Proudioves Were Formerly in The Insurance Business iWho Wiid ia mc on@ knows but If Wankegan, Myj s sue its8t ho la a friond cf te MayWuen el 81 et The anuelrepo t. L ePublic f10 'wh iuitere8ted ln traightt meMb~er thte Prondoso h afw ibrary au su tud te te city ccoo. oalg ut tha mater. Y5noui wr lt W ho a n I te en flast lfoaday niAit ity iss Laura Inaurancp busi ne"s. The eIder Protid eerrin. bs ltbba'asiaacentainedI semains l ! R CTlve drotve a sIal span cf herseR , «lceeýdingiy btmteretg nformation B J!, B16DIV Tdoing lis wc'rk nttimoalt One of the 21101 ialeresting PointLs DEkc Tlnhiag tapr ays ca fnilv Vas tast the cliceltienon books N RLIJr U E C hrrodie aJr.te an iran' llicroased Materially during thte year E I NT vsAtuPrdieJ.anntrtr JUBs 1pasocd daspite the. tact tiat thei' hh ~ A TlV selil tor, witila salilng Poilcias t res- librry - chmd fr tw monhffIdants orf luntley, CarY, Dundee and dIrar vascinied fr e menit, va NEW siACajTOR gnery YMad Lf rato duigeii Lm ear er. lis- Athough te motter han net itacome badi-haha b Nah rtaal ing mae.balcek eid coin tý publie bofora, fiLdevelops tUt a lange titrekeepars ln toe tws MIS& Perrin whaia aaked fer an ex- manmacturing co:cacn ila soon te le- was arrestelliiy the osabeo NO CWD plantio ofthi coditon ee are cae amos ontheberdar lino of LAka Duntdee aci placed ln te illa geuf that thora araeatow ManY People tak- ceunty. Titis licame known todsy Arthtur didn' l like theTO RAI]. s o #mg bocks who Daver betorea aeaed wian te ainneurîoeput wss given eut the afternoon of Mari-h ittit ie saat-d A lbomseilves of the tiiviiege Tiis that <'lîlcage men have purcitaspd theihis way ont. VIllagers maw his exilt.DI Was mada Possibleabcit said. by titi'oid Weyhe fortai of 232 acres Just forth tbut, despite a chise hceseaaîed FARNI addition cf a departmant lnt ahuiti Reportsain Chicago. 0lte statfiction is hept. The very cf Zîvîn City fer. manufai-Luring pur- lnatead cf iiklng te parts uown lèteit bocks ef the day arc hept ln poses. ILla reportedl that ta priea the allegod cIhack passer cama ha'àck Sister of Fr this departanant. Peid for the land waa $200 an acre. 1te bit's home ln ChIicago and raptrs That Brot Fur tite priieorcfouing titis do- Iat vitat kind or a manuracîurng for duty et bis office, There hoe sas rwt pa ti an c sr e cf l 'ecents a con e r itla c oing to ccupy tits tract 1 i ven a large quantity of chc ste Gka le Week la made. Titis la a conideraîîîy cf iand in net known. but it la evident. folie tua tae agent at Elgin. lnstead, Choaper rentaittan that citarged by ly oeatitat wfll send mucit cf iLs pro-Il ls citargad, Artitur forgad the, sic the book store& cf the City and stores dul ý aerfrdrn ttstfwnatr nd. a-d tm lt e SAY SCARS Of people hava avaiiedl thems1vs f ilaYs. a number of civil engftnaer have ci.tnts Loa and Trust Comupany W, te paliiete Over $90 was roeisled been itucY rowing teck and forth ln lng oeaof thea si-lima M tbrougii titis source. , row bouts lni front cf titis tract of land, Again Arthtur îroved iimself a loy- ""e' aOff1 Tiis moxîey was uged in theapunr.1 taking sourdIngs for te purpose of er cf home. Ho hld from taeminins Maintainsi ehlase of ewbooktis and te bocks csting a haritor.The land extends O e eutaab, ohtaining a joh as a ahi(-t w-e paid for intutis manner from te raLlimcad truck@ to Litatiake laundry wagon driver. His lj-gOtten of H WoeaPut Ato te frite circulation de- store and la ena of te hast known cainsitcaevar, went for gay cletites pertnent. As fast as bocks pay fer trats In this section of tecountry. ln wvirhit e hedacked himniself s hile 1The, ntymtery titamselves trougit this plan it ren Parmera who own land in the vicIn ,at worh. i othde tsi titeY are piaced on te frite cdr,.Ityhava spPecuiated muchasas te te. Athurn^auin Arî'ested.cfltde clilation sheivex. nature of te Plant iîcit la te lecate Rettorîsç socin came tete Ilirtker- du lsc la stili Accordlng te -Miss Perrin tera are on te land but moeaof them agneea ton agocni of lte 'avel dressed" relatives cf IM, seNeraI arguments ln favor cf te Soi@ think that Posoibl>' a botace nu- isurdry wagon driver wito no closeîy vidad on tae1 ventai syst0m. If ne charge wra factoring company 11s te locaLe Lierai rPAemblad Proudieve .e.st nigbt 1D. eaidiei miade for thtasa ate books the ma- anad tharefore wiabes tealcalilbarber jT O'Briena prtv sw rodBnidcesh Jorty or tient vuld bo wItidrawn iy fr Protection ur aee.l v . H o l w d i o 9 Gos.- reank iatit a e Obildr« Whio could gel aîong ma8t as Otiters scout titis Idea and sgaa o trcean whePouiv1Oed lhahw WelI vîtithlie bocks cn te froc îrt mucit largar barber liq hetng laid on. vas "Putting up" his iattndry ri&, roilowing le lation aitelses and te people Who lin thiInstance filwouîaj saem biat sum nnd w lain ilottes mat, reporter itastt rnaliy desirad te read the laLesL flic. te com ny figtures It citeaper te shil from te Sheifleld avenue station. te@ malter. Min wncld lie unahie Lo de o çan . it y a t.it. by rail. Whon tbey attemptedl te Lie Prend- Aititougit Mný drenbeaiateabou P&tng he rn. Aothe reori an l th«the Iff 0 novem custody ha flied and ifL tok drenlestat cientpsyig tto am- Amoito reprt an t tat itela fusillade ef bulea te stol) him kegan deniem th tel aud titis enables others Ln gott@litelu to ho used for a palatial home, but11 laewboos wen heydesre. thh laexcptel b bu re., s teyiAt t.e police station Preudiove ait- Iman, aiti (ittu T e a b ck en t adesiro. t i« Yts ie x a ece d y bu t fea, l ioY m ted av ng Passed t e forged a ce t t e otel T i t e pl n d d a o i g m d r L a s i tit a v r s ' iar tr a tieir P o s ' c h e c k s a n d & 1 8 l o it h a v i n g b e e n t e . r I s s n g u s a n t . ilbar l frtere, fl n te fact itive -assurance titat a factery la tij manta v rits rooJuif et Dundee. Ha la ether close rais privilegas ef te library frnin mamv Thte location lmansu near Moen City1 fater, Arthtur Proudiove, gr., ln heing tisai,, tat terp familles en amoucnt of vanieus 'pi-itat mucit Interel t aturaily la faIt ln sougit bitvoMlis of Woodstock anti douhl hut that th demies 0f i-mness. Bocks ihat vare te prepososi concer t Lirougitout fLa ie d nimlrcagaP am kncam te hase gene Into sucb hontes couhly Wititin a fesa days fLis bellev. udeo tita'cacsP an pore ofmigated lU"ogitly. eM tiat sonne delititte anîtuncoment aiI Wt'tndOeied.Nra Baun]îtii ha made. aeradOr bad and was a ligh __________Nearl>' fifty tons of vater ver. l1Ift hbandea nd feet 04 frem inte mires ef South Stage&d-tian tose of t W. L L U. « LÀ irie, Englamd. lest yaar for every ton losie said ittl RNS FOLLOWERS 'o~~f minerai.bd ascvr COWIT-1 L IQLD WA TOTOUlIPIE$ MANY PROTEST AGANST grwit csfi at' TO M U. gr to airwia MEASUE NO thesuicida. COVNJNI E WILE IN C1IKAÇO Madison, Wis,May 20-Titapo H e This Convention'lOpens Thurs- bill protecting frogas wili ho favorably se te tellI day nd Etens Ovr a At te 6:30 cloch meeting un Zion t'cemmended by te Sanale temmnit- o e h ti nd's Periand of Twsoveays CEity Smnday mcrnlng, Vliva gava up ter îln stata affairs. Il pcssad te loy iehad ndepa Peried ofTwo Days m uci time e bis Realeraîlen Hoa.lieHa tiose ity an cvaca-iteming vote, adad01 gave thm explii instuctionTite bill provides titlIL shah hao unns.teltr FINE POGRAM ARgaveD itamng tingîlIntrtonesdfor i te aWfutI for any peracît vithin taestaLe -from a fiait bok, FINE PRORAM RRAGED fenitcmingmeeingLe h hed l toLt "etalle. catch, or kili arty frog, or thte suiides ted, - ~ orchestre hal. May ZLit. -have ln hie possesinton any living or ' laimed, exatlty "Lok eut for Pie and fied potatoas da rao at c nc:rî al ciei ln.I Al Sessions 01en to Publie and witeîayou go LteIChicago"he warn d o r oc oLe tso r spor cte ear o fsd. Le oBi, "Tiey put itog fat in ('hicagitp eri-iefer ehîtamenr te ivin off r Mcoid Nr tCAtten. rour frianuds n Chicago and t bey Pas va. 1 a nd June 1 neit foliewing." rame leteite , L O M IL R U. tae ajI @Pt ie, sa ', 'N , t ian it y o , I L, T ite bill a ie m a k es iL u nlaw ftl for and u uin eeing itas lard it IL' Lots of people have 1tegt oi t Wakean la 2. id roietn is 1tl o hn1att-t bitoi, restaurant, boanding itouste, moge ohs Wakea. G21 id fi atrlinpies. I ld 1 a-hinclub or Prîvate famîîy te ose or serve oitir sn.m Tte White Ribhiters cf Lake cosn itfre its trlie yuroi lochSkeut 'as fond hle hDd oge f at amy Schtultz, ahmorîtf t'or Lite hogt Initun yco Tgortea('hicago 1ime." -ytliaUm'a btrctier in anad Prlday ofritis week for t"au'1wn an-]t lo etan ie Anlai prln)g instituta Miss hlelen il. Tita mneostcChitlanIltsi euchi- -1 ffhod proesident cf the Illinois W. C. nause," U. ., la e bo the leader, Miss lilod Voliva wiii aite oer 300 ReteraLieu bus fine axacuise shlit> and a prarc Boit werkars le Chicago on s spacial Ileai ikuowiesige of ievery phase or train Snnday mernalg. These Wonk- Lis vcrk of the organimation. St r iîdistribute Invtation& tote S eLb.u S S'as a close friand amd ro-wonhan nimeeting te ha belli Sunda>' afternocit Illo'ances Wilard and at ite invitation lit Orchestra hall. Anoter train wili elf Làdy Henry Somnerset spent sevs lest-a aboit 10 o'clock iti thLie Zion erai yaara In Eugland intltutlng te Ciy choir of 300 Volcea. Tht en n th e W e s t SOmen ln W. C. Ir. 17. matitedg. CiLty Senior band - v iiiase visit chi. Tite program for Titursday hagins cage Sunda>' naxt and ta>' wlii Wear-- aitit an executive sessiont in the a itandsome new uniferm witicit han E Low'i*wad-triP ;umrner excu mômrning aLtl10 'clock It the aftar- heen deignad and made bY a Chicago are fnlaett ol1ceùaIi aates vi Wom ai1:30 ecloc thLie Institut. flrm, and yl ha wou'n ly tese must. and NOrth-'Wemern'Railway PrOPer wyul open witit a devoional cante on titat occasion for th ira i; otgtpitaW u n o service ied by %Ir@. Nele Weich cf Limae. Tite band wilîl trobaitl> Parade luitpone ïsadN rh Lbrtvlle. Mrs. M. R. Sedgvick, tae City-,qflqi d4 yta >Udge P. 1. Peracras and Ras. George Evar since ha bais been lu Zien CiyI>' 1 Lserlikt l<*veti ,J3LWnnis hehîdas Miss Hood viii Lia Voliva has wtaged an tanceasimag war PalatLu Passcngu' Tcrmipnai.C "speakers for Thursday. Day sas-ý on peck. Int tits ho emulatea thtex-.cnvnet ots alons wili ha eit thLie Te.peraur ample of theta te Dr. Dilale. VoivaCnv fetor.- Temple on Washington street and goçs se far that he forti4de iis peaople : qFor ratee, raservations, anad full1 partieu Tliunsday evenlng aithLe Baptiat te cbaw guni, bacansa be Beys oeaof Ticket 4sente ehurcit. Missa HOod vii gise the In. tae principal consttuents cornes from CHICAGO & NOR'WttWES fttftame addflr. Ail @estftmr re i' n thlit tmaeh of a bug. Au a restait of R L A ,IfIKO I lu te public and osery oesla cor, tiis vai'fmre, ien peuple @et t ol'iles dial>' invited and urgod tu, attend. "bacon" and priless "lard," 'iitttl.alsoe positile identiiled ALT LCTE OR lte 11od, ;while \ir. and NMrs. %'alen-IFALT OAELR tne Strai and A. t' Koabler, cof Fly HARRINGTON'S MOTHER. rin,tîî,h, ,()Usln8 of Batit, dfirlare tito. that titere 1', no dout itt titthLie dad Man 18 Baum. An answer te a telegram sent tui lfobart, nd, to see if the mother of -Lord" Harrington resides ter as .Itdi,' Whitney today o',errttled th e rretd, brought itack te follpbwing motion for a nPw trial in te case r teiegr. frontite 1-oitrt police: Dptmf'er against la -kin In whit " Party fnknown or . dvige if tlKe former 8iîîed for cýaring for a race tha correct narçe. 'an locale a herse. The verdict wap int favor of nir. Pardlngton." ilari km A motion for a new trial A lette n wa s rece ved frnomr). B. cao wasa overrulpd lnt thp rame cf Miller, master Meehauaic of the Peau- Mkltteck and Brown against And- 53iVana i lnes at lecrt Wayne. lad..1 reasen. The verdict was in favor of Inaking inquiries about liarritgt.n. the plaintiffs. Appealu were taken ln He sald a man who seemned te answer botit cases. tae description cf 11arrington but fWho gava thé Dame of Regintld Henry Pool, had Iived in New Havt ,-ý lad., for 5cm, littie tigi, and, althOMui¾ he worked on th. raiiroad, wals or. tantaing a Boy scouât qub. TiielouaI atithOritbe, ontaaed aàI>lcture 'of tuis -nauend Lthe Guscription ,with HarrIngton and have decided that Itý i8 flot the salmé maa. se1p UUPÇm m0W tbBt reorqi DOIM flèjbom. "*efhmers Intro«q. & 'AI* lt or o! ielalu that *' w1c1 te. u wrmtwgl ",Tu et tic acfflamnom cpeople are 'wal. te e Y fer thei vi.gc0fOr m* UnudualVahe Me' StawI Weaie slîi-îw'iug a verx' e\tensivte aliîiMost vomplete assortmnent of men 's Sti t- ' sa ii< t' Iats, îmîa dt' uf seîite-'a niid tiaiîîe, sti'aw 's, iii ail shapes-m osth h it ail st «vies, at prices froni ..............ts 05 o30 Genuine Panama Rata at $5.00-%%g.i' tt'siuî"ializinig the genuine Pania- la Ilats iii al the atest shapes, at thte 'i' speeial price of. ...,...5.00 Men's Good Cool Summer Uêwa Nwis t1iviic' t or lai' iii vtoui' sîiiiîIIiî inder'îeaa' needs while our assoiî'î lailits aIe iîmplete %îvitlî aiIl sizes and styles. A coniplete Ue of Baiin'îggaii t iîi'iderv ' i wlîit aiid et'i't, iii ail sizes up to 54, long or short sîceves aliîd a-lliIi-tii' style, aiso gar'neîits oft iainsook- in B-V 1) styles in 50c to Thie s'lits tlhat we are' offe~ing you at *M-.OO repre.- sent values that yoîî 'd expect o4Iy i suits seiiling for' much miore thari we bave prioed hwThey- aire desjî'ahh', liot orly beeauwîe the M&tmerWB apae su godd. but lbevauge the dliful taitoriig insures tlieir giving eîîtix'e satisfartion in botb appearance, aîid fit. The attentioni paid to every' biddec detal iii the c'tîîstriiction of these suits is oxmé'ýf t.he r@&-, sons wxvi they always hold tbellr shape a" Wenr go Vn'lfind styles for the yoMng fefo'ws Who ujesire the sîîap and vim of' athletie elothes, as weil as models for the mnen wlîo are more e*maervative dî'esseî's. Thc *'vare ini a large range of hlue â erges, cassinaeî'es and w'orsteçls, in brown, -tan, gray and. blue i plain and st.ripes, includâig fantey'Mixtures. in two anîd three button modela, alo Efish Mod- els, withlgpak roil lapels, baoks cut ini a littie t t ' wai ,inEngishand conservatîve lengths, alsit soii -"lif'tv NOook styles. We're glgd that aî' i-ale tri offe 1'.you sluch good suit vtues, at $15OOto I~t'IîI;î- î unii on tîtîi tîits iin ail eoltns ltlllium------------------------------------1 0 o3 0 aben'ois.umeofhrasiperci'ale- it iii-so 'tlansi, d o in alî'specLed nailey anduti p la i Ii ai1l o . v Clothini fer Particular lien for Y.ung Heu Men'à Hose-Nlade of siik, silk lisili, aîd <'hain kîiit silk, ii in)at'k, tAli, gî'v, Iiiîe and whbite. double bw Snappy CI.ghes m Y, MÂMammon=== A, Straw Hiat and. Sprinig Jiat FExhibitiorî We leave h t 1oyou atrispcigu w efihat'display as to this stores standing as a leader in hats and hat values We dlaimp we can give more real value in our $2.OO and $3.OO Hats than others. Look at our windows and sec if they do not prove it. F. CI SEIDIEL &8"COU Phone 630 Double Store nexi to Pearce's Corner m Nin umyl 1 n IV usua, eo.u-- ý 1