Cou NTY INDR PENDEN WAUfKEGA N WEEKLY SUN UNE lý ý lýrr a k bL1 1VAlp riOrJ l VOL. j XXL-NO.36. TWELV BPAGES, ,IBERTyVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRLDAY, MAY 30),1013 IT '6FL.AG AND 'PERRY' DAYS PR6CLAIMED. ~ ~gggSpringfild, Ili., May, 24.---Goveruor * 5~ Dunne esued the folowing faAg day -boplln wth national legisiation O upnthe spbject, 1 hereby> set aPart UNIDENTIFIED MAN FOUND AT BARRINGION-COULO NOT 1 urge that citizens observe the day in I ail parts of our tate ln a beitting man1 BE CASE 0F SUICIDE-CORONER SgEKING EVIDENCE ne: and titat the national emfblembeo BEUEVED VICTIM WAS KILLED AND TH4EN THROWN1 seh1ol bouses, business bouses and DEM QLPS THAT HOYT AND! FROM A PASSING NORTHI WESTERN TRAIN. homnes.;t "I aiso recommend tisai the day be KELLOG FARM S AS W ELLi( observed by thse participation of the I LATE-The body of the mari found w. uoti ied. He wot ta Barrington citizen@a in sucit ceremenies as are ap- ASWEYHÊ'S ARE UNDER dead ei Barringtaa lait Siturday' where ho Anpanueiod a jury and propriate to theoefcclion." monig e benien.foda tat~ heard part af the evidence. Engneer' OTAT Chrin as een en oohoe lai Charyof "tek Smuith of the E. J. & . whao E IIf A~ Chrs anon wos hoe e l ar, ives at Waulegau, was waFnied as al W UTOIJMfIA Ili. For further dotait. tee page one winosa. beAu.- one of the flrst ta e e N W YORK MEN SEEK et part IWO. the body t was sad lho reusert iM4 Y BE MÀDE IN N IEH V IIE T Waukegan. May 26. iuquest was posipener until ister ln T S~ UN Y S O Chicago, Ma 1-Tha o the weoic, that ho tuiglit attend.T I O N YSf body of a man murdered in a Ont>' Mark on CtethAng. REPORTED THAT THEY WILL loniy spot near Barlsgtefl, 111, The Oniy mark on the ciothiiig as le that cf Capt. William Ramaker ".C. L.," Initiale wbicb aPPeared On j. A. Sioan Picks Libertyvillc ERECT MAtRUFACTORY EM1 of Company C of the Second ln- bit bariftdercllier and shirt. His; itTaka etfrMk fantry regiment, who mystrioue. shirt was white. wthblback t rItIPS. itTaksBe frM - PLOYING QVER 2500 ly dlsappeared from hie homo, 4333 He vore union suit under'sear. hi$ ing New Records. HANOS IF TARIFF SATIS- Fieurnoy treot. was the bellot lare shoots were flt new, but s ere in exprood today by police and na-j good condition. FIES. tional guardamon engabed n tibm Thrown from. à'Tralin. IE 5M ST CVTE mmrch for the mitang officer. The feeling la that the otan MLEwaM S CV. D Whill e toctlves from Capt. murdered on a train and'thrown offi Waukegan, May 24. l4alpAne office hurrlmd te Barrlflg- the car bcanse there were no) biaad Dental was made today that t As ton t es*tabliAeht he identity, the spots near whore the reotains were Card of Races Being Arrang- thé Nortbweatorn railroad wvich le wifo 01 the Misane captais, Mra. found viic wouid ho the case if ho tebillisaeo nthWye Florence Ramaker, and hîr two- had been iuurdorçd on tbe spot or' ed and Probably Wili be tam o rt ofd A tm c r opabo reWebt yeur aid baby, Ethel, waitod for il ho had ktîfO hiinseif. word of h humbtand and fatiior. 1 Te case assumea the rnost mYs- Run in Near Future. vbIie the denWal as belng made by Thse body of an unidenti5ied minItoilons aspect of any that bas came anen who.caims he k.nows wbat ho viti hi. throat eut frointeux te ear before the corouor'is oflicel long Atak nte ol' i t eac talking abp*., ho was aisea ex- was foud near te ruLilroad tracis Ain .,..,~,rcrd r iued b'J txPiaining de"OtI fo tise tarm deal EEPUTIES RAID PRIZE FIGHT AT NILES CENTER. $91 Six bundred persone vWho paid $1 eacb 10 sgee.two ten round prize ight at Tessivilie gros e near Nties R R Conter, Sunday, went away disap- paftetl wben six deputy elterlifs ar- rieed An a taxica 1. Herman Kifer and "Pete' Chiids. FIRE OF UNKN0WN ORIGIN DESTROYS FOUR 1 Wba As said to co rne Vi1ilNçiaukee hadne st~ o othe ring whni SCHOO BUILDING urF vWESTu DE î i. deputles intervened. SHP fa PUfILS M D O EES-HO8 Tise crowd sattered, te S I-6-M D O EESm nv twa igbters wth twi others, *Pete' i, MYSTÉRIOUS CONFLA- GRATION. Clifford and "Kid" McParland. An the. bands of tbe deputieq.'lTe boxers------- refused to naons the backers of the Deeriield, Miay 26.-TAie townehip structure, a trame aà%ir.lm fiits or tbe cailectora. echool of West Deerfieid was cani- 45x60 foot An dimeosioa - pletely destrayed b>' tAre ai 6:45 this dition hufit ivo yearm m&»»I AUDTS IL BEmong, theorign othe lire havng 14,000. Thse originala t present tine. the builing, Ahle but afl IIELD QUITE OFTEN Te uldn wst oueoüi f tfiwd iît a a fair, valud ateadou 7,t0e andlas village INII~ILAD AR nsured for $4,600. One buhdred and 1Thie building siüýi atth- _____ad he oayaewodrngadpupils atieuddaiAt &fro i n bat's fa be done with tbem. With of the t.tvnsiipaf >WoBt De* Ordinance Eccentiy Passed inl egs titan two weeks ýif thoe chool Cause OUnknoswn. Tha Ciy Povdesforan yearjeft. the siuation i. one unusual Tbe cause of tise f* Tha CtyPrvids oran inAnchool circles of the county. A person pasai l At. to 1 Audit Every Two.Years. Principal Nelson today vas con- coming from one eneir * ferring w!tth tbe board members and alarm vas aonnded. but b*' l - ~Sutip. SAmpson and tho footing nov latise fioemon hsd arvi that the eightb gradors wili ho sent isad asaumed a eeiffl 5S CITY IS IN A BAD HOLE. t. scixoo Aln thitevlage baillsud tisat Reports tisat & te other graders vill ho *llawed tea dissnson in tise viufli take their sumnter vacations rlght iu the board over a Shortage Recentîy Discovered now instead of trying t inuish thte rnay hav euModsM*=a- two eek.let l th totu. arie tat ncoedlarMj Stifi Unpaid-Supplemental The lire started ai 6:*45 and b>' 7:*20 I uéeeof lte OIB.are 1 the uilinghadbee bunedto tise lager and tovu oMcà- IS Assessments Needed. gronnd de:plte tise efforts of lte aucis a I« Deerfleld Oire departmist assimteil b> mitted tisat tiserelat the Highland Park department wici prevalant, An tise ils The city ot Highland Park, stUll' uhdta tiseir assistance. Tisa teaciser flatter, staggering under tise large ahontagei BarrIngton, Lake douiti, BnauFys An accurate descpn ofthemanSlo____maagrothCae_____1_____shwi;_t___oneof__e morniug. 'FTebody' vas found by a Jas given b>' Coroner Taylor îaiîovs: Bon aae itseCs eiilbsowA >h n I C n public aecouats that vas diacov- tbO 0,"be raf-b.d omploye. No marks of Ild«- Foty ta 45 years Old; darit browuit-n orcthe600ai ledIntnaonal r- rater rpd. s iani ein &4tise reauli of a roent a udi D I CIUJ E L D o eubetr ua ~ e tilisation voteto fond on the man' bain and mutmiCis, bazol ees 1seestks et f o et 91id&y, . îCshid-o f.bWoe ain bOe dacnt u0p4et8hor' au , vltbi rt upcoa elgisod 160 pousids, lOve tftoot a o 0ece o h at nta f gt.adt, r u uh b W At R ta be a usinomeman.w»tiT rallier "uitefangotheiaton'ltmtriddeheloktllavxl lb er Twn. sadle.puon ta o bdue M A -uty a etof oo mteral sripd laittative dates sett[ed on are Joue purchasers have au mid ,t devolopelireod WIDOW OFOE-F H980 "ad ben murdered. No rasor oriand viite droas aisri. cotton uisr- lhtteeaeto tsr ii ie reod audted every Ivo >earsv nur;m&a balte vib.whthsvsci ie mancoud bava voar; bh oitad$9 An bs pente packet. 2122. ta hr r woo r hc h lavîo isitse.adtsmcs RRPIEYV1T'~ 1iidiiusfvs tud F00Vdmde e look ilk lahboi9g Uboit>villes famous track Aiq tise jrontotei-s are seeking. The three I apoie htteeadt uh A E NR IT M 1 vir nl isrkde volecefeld ii mmabcasobiseacsveront bun asAn in sd n uhandre s olovauD iold- efre .c mnicpa eec- LAES IIOT ITFU ne lnl'dcarstiA sth are a tws ion sa titat At ma>' ho kuovu betare TAET I8BRSWj the boady b>' the police. No moSo>' calionsod. drt oval n tise contry amd one on *The Weyhe fanO, 470 aenea. the ebction vitether officials dosorve- vas~Th tom nii okta codtg 'b act that amail viocs, of viii tA oahet malsta Hoyt farm, 6U1 ta oue is bisAt W Palc. "ur glaavro ud nsar viser. theisenov a ai on upta 100 les.a Kellogg farm, about 40 acres. being returned ta office. Waukeaam, May 24. NIItf Tie i vreahîesut fhglay , ca tuaen mrnnt hav o t h iotos s d o p aism O b t A s a m i s aionLouA s latshrov i o e nd t 00 i e sd . ut 62 cn m llo ving are portions o f an ril- D e nied a ite ta jet for beI'el " d thragh avinov a a assîng i iriAaets rvr ia The avrage priCe pdr acre sla200, nance reconti>' pensed ilu iAgland dened a glasnalu visidista furisiais tertblmsba vaths aouta40 ewar ofsespolie ta h a a ae1 ta b reod h oitrug ardO f& pasn enta ho ent aite r teve te wh Achwmtetotal e.fsldartien Park vhlcis provides for the audis dy'Ag baby witi veo?,thon ta fiud paetise IlA bor bae n clv t th m>mtiY. tri.pficlals declae tiss vuld a n the deat if t cnleu, vIii be about every tva years: tise baby dead alter aiseIad goneto lut, a egsla, Theo body vas tound nt tise bâtr- have hbnanuiiposslhullt>' and tise m. m ieReod 23,10 1ht sectisotn f teka.and vas and heee- a m curdore le t one the pont Thserecord mont desired la tise hItleunderstaodAat tise ttrme.of the city ai Hightland Park: Titis vas thse xperience Pi-Ada>' et Mrm. '- netoi té, Norhweter tack an ws lrne wà mrdeedet omeoter oin ,mile regarded as Aise bIne rihton ftrarishave been takenunder a ninet>' Section 1. Tisat an examination Tony Czevakiy, vidov of one pft tie M. Cmoemp diatoly taken ta the morgue aler sud etiser carried or tisrown ta tise mrso iedi rc it.Rg day coutract and tisat tise prospective and audit of aitlbooks, accomasansd sugar refluer>' vftiise, ito, tvo veeka tords>'tisat b«e which Coroner Taylor of Lbertyvilie spot wbere ho vas taund. Imanov tiseAsadispurteat vitld pusesrs, New yotk mess, are plan- recarda of oacis cil>' offçer of thse ago arriveil hem front Litisuania, viti made tet ta abO now tningla aAtscertainta thingadedovoiop ta cl>' of Higisland Park, iucluding &Il iser titre.year aId daugister, iiavIug agreteaigu5115the ______________________- l. The books of the A. A. A. show nviticiscerteinmbai befr. trylng ta and il ho iteionged ta a thai a ciain ibas heen lIed b>' farue>' their satisfaction, ta establbhi on te officers cisarged vus tise receipt, col- conte ta Amertea to get a settlemeut titis tod&y' ftAR IN(iON' SON uoiu vhcls ilistan tio exouse ~ itatAnbis:igsiea ranufacttiriitg lndustry, lectiuit.ltepig of disbura:inent Of vitis the refnecri people for the deatitDNENTOR>lU Hhann@rbte fl or. . nvtacstBkrAl; a. i aenly v.hen doue, over 2,500 mon. sessmenituuds, sisal homade hy Tise dentliof anylhIsng ta est aud a ESIAILIt M t ,TuE a_-' Maysus 21, 1913. 1:46 M. 1Tise parties wbti have obtaiued tise some rellable certified public 5C glass In viticis ta quencit ier cbtld'a AT K I HA1 -- tofThte meet vas under A. 4. A. mmce- conti-act on the propierty, vers bore countant or fi-m of certified publie liirsi, came front ber itualiud'a braIs- IDI3 TIT UV 'BA )' ~ ls î~ Aon ud be ria va eîc~z~lylait vek, vieswed ooe-yan cottns.drn b oni fFb r, Ignut, accarding to tise wvanit Mr. sud lrs. fi.W8, I a vrtln yu a1evuns A re tine, bt lteA. . A bs rfulfireturued to the easetmucis pleased ruatry oscis year tlu viicb a general vho lodged complainte itsneigihors' land Park bie rIe gardta ardHaringan ha as a acep tie rcor unil ho onde- ltbwba tleirageuts isad dons n election %albaî hbield for tise sc- FrIda>'. hon expisnatlou being that ho, former Governot&Mmdâ>4. Leter ecive Fida Ater lIlled titere. Tise man I mean la about tan automatlc timer. vici vas used. b'atro etngsstto fmyact lr u Inty efused ber oweurdof ta force hir Deneon io'Uiss yese idkid f rd at ani ca ra h inoslgted A binga wov Another of te promoters plans treasurer. Every sucit e-arnlnatoe nto gighmpvr<fattori-yte t Aere wvAAb Abeft1y, mln hretoorow n o ve te, ndauitshil e ad wthre a etio vith the refluer>' people for ber Tise comlug to 14» 9M prickla>'anad vas n te union. Mis' contest board is untamiliar. groufid again. tothe liaws of tbhe tate of!Illinois TItuedeativshv 'ae p .prryripm ts Beyond Al Doubt. mother lven in HbartOependmoaonelTaris.haantheorminaiJy eepefd ohisecAt. andgulat-ncvasr evid ity detoda- wavisone thotoSun An- thrnai-1 e fno of she eté» 4 Beyod Al Dubt othr ~lu ohai. m. ~ ~ tat tse amos y I s understood tisat the men have ing the finances of tbe city ar git- ter-viewed Ibent and neigihors at tibSir o vont of importaice namo a clai-g Parin't n andlAA ti bis trials, As capable oi beating obtaIned the option with the ides o! land Park, and wltb lnquiry into tise home just off Tentit streot. tallIng Abat Senator CuÙIlu$W"% Evieuty LrdHaringon d n mterl aeorge PMrs.len andtiasvnOdil' im nsc iskwating to e wbat As doue witb the methods and acrurocy o! te reports Aid uaIt e ouserdt abking tba the Maainu ot&11,W hAtton. Vaunontif>' ber about hie deatit. as there Asai Libertyviile. Jnst ho- tariff at Wahington and proving and Ananial condition and resourcos an open window asas result o! a scarlet1 for niany' yea beiong ta tise nobiity. The name wch .alse rearrangenient satiefied tbem o f the cty. fover quarantino hiug beld ovor thoe nas~~~~~~~~~ anell atodo i hs m pretty su-e ho As the right per-! fore going ta Indianapolis Sîoan vis- wa neil atodo i h sonb ueh a o Lr arn-ltdts rc.H a ral r-t,boy stand ready to go aisoad witb Section 2. That a full and detailed hanse.I andta4d arasebis besthHo posso possibleeankd tuus sd titir plans for erectlug tissmonstor report of eacb examinatlon andi audit The vornan cret io eeks agal; TLSA. At atobc a h ul osbemasIn" tt é eosbscet eiPesdwt tebne un n1o hso-andi, ta neighbors. site ettplained tliat of Idenificationi, vithaut question, vaas s adee'udvndt stay any the sapparent spee&_gf the course îî- manufactury. It lasundermtood tisat provîded for ln section aibsor ber irather-tn-law bad triot ta get ber1 Nellie Hager, 7 >'eama«,d a misuomor. Alc.1a i oi't s the rightI self. developotents n toe trop situation dinance shal h subotittedit h ta send ta hlm. power ai attorney' froni NorthIt rving sviue plac. Aarn sisson.______ tbrougbout the country iseals o ne city counrAy fnat lator titan the iret Lithuania. but tistacshaîltdrefusedtatt struck and sligistl>' Amju Sine rnïncmet f the Ibings wblch as holding tbo meeting ot the city council lanNiai-ch, do sa, deciding later ta came bei-e bei--vheu te rau a rot et death appeared In tise atikegau ePs- p araaad n yas la inthr is WEISS IS ELECT J promoters la-k n thir final doris- alter otaking earb sncb exantînation tse.Ni@te and, aSgta ber gte, a bile drilven yR. !atà persas eas as eeilpesaal nevandpatpersma aIlbotoversIonqjsthepurhas tftheenresadcadisud, th aiycouneliBaglbtrarber talew b>' je uedeavHghlnd1ark ai-ms. cause tbe sane to be published ln the gAve Iter foodi aven tiougi alter mom- higisland Pa mte the country, tbe autitorities have i-o-dealis iecause 1 knov t vas hlm. L R OF Bý DNear $tate Line.. cAry -ofiighland Park., hers ai the lamAi>' ato thriee ful meals Palîceme.M olo' m- ceîved sevorailebtoers firn paPe bo, 1romaitTise three farrns ail lie near tite iligbland Park bas nlot yet devisedth ittben sltting n tise i-oon. Wison thougbt that Possihîy the dead arns orstui WAUKBOAN, Ill., May' 23. state Une, nost o! tise landi boîng a means o! getng ont o! litsdilerna sit 1gtt o ls agveie ie ia'ptAs h 1 GEORGE PARTINGTON, Jr. sick child vater, tho>' also prevented lance ta take ber th 8!. vas a frieitd or acquaintance, issiby Ge- 'FlveyTh oardl ef revevmet todi>' for just north of t, n Wisconsin. wbAcb vwas caused nett y crookedness ter getitg il. se says. Tlten, crying, pital. relative.ndaa roIt. organlzatian, Ciairman Edward Cou- but hy aiioged Iaxity and, caroiesaesa site appealeti ta nelghbiors vis ada- i-in aboId ad callIng tise session ta order. TheoROI.W ANHU T-a bookkeepIng. These sitortages ho- vised ber ta consuttt other frimdi o fev tisys aga At looketi von' murS .-Pe= e write andi lt me knaw RB.W A UT hew hr nteMR. STEBLE MIRAC.6 piotiter rnomhoreare Dennia Putnam o! gan to gatber asnnrb as îwenuy Mariou strooe fb vn brsA b as f the dead man vas George Par- if tt mij;adescritionSte bbu.tite lsi ad1e Wauconda andi Frank Muber ofa! P HOW ROM TRAIN. îer g u ee eaeapr urned home, aise founuth ie bais>' 'Fiirty membes 0t tlngton o! Hobart,. md. Ollcial con- time h 55w him-abaut thre Yars anis. Ani-tHRUecyasno ut r wans m ade.mIn ing ThamneYi she -bt, woie nue- tdmio tB&kfý fimatAon of ibis holef carne yester- ao- maanutce edoe h oadwl tocebgnlo-y cases wbere supîtiemental as- uaod ta psy tisqueraI ezenaem. annuel meeitng isQ4 da ferai hen Comiissioner, rovn eyes, reddish hair, !reckles, a In mInotise assosamontsof!vrioua obrtWhafl o! Waukegan vas mnet hudhv enmd urnletemu.teeccr e» dyatrcnscai- ou face-a long one. Grandrna's ut elul njrdwe awssesa mntssbTd ae en made wamtl5 t wa e ue. h Cari Aterbory 4eleda letter front addres1 elaMrs. Eltea Partingtofi. Ho- persans aud corporations and ioda>'qte se riousali in tir in h a titis vas nat doue. Nowfit As iboughtthe 'Fis geen tvs tisalAtveras ua;_ A.ihsteaflero W e~ th a'o.Mi. AtterberY BasYs hart, Imd. G. P. took tps ta get tise proper notices irv rm oAgtri tLh at theso suppbemneital usseesments antipe vais piacet on tise bauge et M. BrskAne. tit mn'a5Oi ~priuîed ta senti Ont ta persans wham etyville on Saturda>' ulgbt. Ho i-o- yul have 4o be made ai this ilim once. Tise men An tise place aie5 nle. pros.; ras W. thee a ownoqustoninbi mndtise>' isitta ummon before tise board, turneti ta Waukogan on a5sieeot car altbaugh nmach of the property isad tout, tisai tisey ho let ont ta go ta vork secretu a " aséi> ibere As novNEWquCASESuFAnRsOFFICE.iasd vas placeti undor an X-ray hy, Dr. cbsgdbnesneIe ruasm.but the police warned tsem ioda>' net about the detit>' of thte dead'itan. I)-Nia KW CASESf asfun ha e a hneFORs icete isOasea tFiCEcua.tmku« As ta vit>'ho sitouit bave tattoood -TFie famaus MotltersillVoaAventlan-Bamade.r.Thivas fouudAbatheo oha ta igavthe datr51$ chOt s lo fr ecod ooteder suit. vAl came ta trial In Woo&i sustaineti a soiloua fracture o! tise mutvs ao.TsA nouigtievo sy ts 'Lordve Marringtiheacort"hose orbisckn Lune. It vli hoait theffthsiouHe Awadiion a iegidutpreront sucb a condition ever devel- iter .foad bpàt as adds bat tbeY bave a~ee somtething vticis proabilY noeorvihaeriedttsecubseor tAm. tiat Ais case. isubeen tiid. about the baody. Iovl oli poping agaAn. isa are e Abatotbehin help. n h 11111111;i bc kuovit. A quseer freak oifancY rnaY use in Abe ircut cîeks office. They Attorneys jokingly gdcai-e At t l e onttile time. i i; aid ise stood his aro>'essougs fotsesoves nt site bave causai isim ta do tiss, have beaun neded asamany raluaitle ecomiug an aunual sprîug erent ae~tis n frn fttetan si tieds'ie theri- atay taire tisIluut04o iu the letterAbso esaouue Woodatock. I as daubiful If any up ta the station at Libert>'rille andi F. G. Smiths oftte Sun Siturds>' iseisoct doma'sdedAa ietr nomadite procîivitAes o! Mas parent but boaav otidsualetrgo ater case ever trieitinlutise stato vas tbrovn off b>' a suilden stop, ai- evetlnA umd on h ui iie uav er !att syav en aisb bt» tuakoënoe e e tndte peurgedtttl, lcew bete wud a tasamayne aiguadba berh cud e h ee t ea tepce f' ow-tw sdwak n.Th noofe a tn Aeexes saetsI s paevi~~ b>'wod ss a1momni o1tss u a Aboaugt te oldnt h sen a eleting Ofthe doI-aetq v e'galk,"ing tFs u ,rooatoug~Is et M hkb*rwL Thisstbc«ities are tili ho protected tram lire, etc. eeAved sncb uotarAety as Abis caseg emulsaeeu.sriige1gness cMas,' gut nd e reso b si 50 PER YEA4 114 ADY4 ONE TO BIGHT