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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 May 1913, p. 11

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PROPOSED 15 ON 1,1918. lu' liedi via M a irolie frai nle Wb" l lhan borit barbue fr5 tloons t 1 an pson lace tarb. butabao turing purposa. Section Tva.-Tise glvng ava> os- delives->'of an>' faoxlcating lisos fer tise puspmos e "neatluan>' pro- vision of tls Act or tise t"sng o os-- des-s os. tise maiing of agreemnts viti i ve(S>im« f salti iouni- as-y Une as- lios for tise sale or de- liver>' eftu>' itallas liquos-, ar ans' shift 5<'deviCe tae, fade an>' Of tise provlisins 'e!tisAs setsisal! b. beiti ta b. anulavfnl peilifg. Tise phrase "inta4lctisg lisesh iahl a- clude al dlsttllqd, .mptqlous, vinaus, fes-mentai anti malt lium. Section Týre.-WboV ablait,b>' hînsselfoas- àalht-sOi% S ube ~prsi pal. clark or savit. -dincti>'or la directl>'. violate an>' provision of thIs jet ahmIl, for eacis Offeasq. b. Olued not leus than fOt>'dallarsa0($0)lnos, niere tissu tva isundreti dollas.($00) anti b. Imprionneti in tise cat>JaliS for sot leu tias ton (10) days nor moase than tiirts' (30) days. If as>' p.rgan shall b. convILted af violatfin j5 any provision of tuis act andstiiali -T sabselluentîs' violat. as>' provision of this act. for suchi second anti eacis subeequelt violation ishe @hall, for oaci offense, bu floodtint lestisais one u issreti dollars ($Ibo) nias-more tisais five isuntsetidaolars ($500) anti bu imprinÉed Inluthse coant>' Jail tas- sot lees tissu tus-t> (20) ta nos- more tisas inet>' (90>)tinys. Section li'ur.-Ail places vitiiin ove (6) miles ofr aid boundars' lise as- inss vere ail>' ls4oxating liq- uni le dealtrin viblbtioli ai (is aci are iereby deciared ta b. camion nuisances asni a>' b. ahatetias sucis: Provitieti. othini In thissact saboilb. canssruedt (oprobibit tise sale vithln five (6) mile. et suiti bous- tinsy lise or linss s> drugitats te vison per-mit# tisesofore have becs duls' grasted tihe tiauaner provideti b>' lav or liquor tes-rmeiclnal, me- cisaiicai. sacramental or cisenucal * purpeses anl>', ondes- suct restricions Santi rguInis as mn>' b. prasidet S b>' os-isane.. Circuit CEps-k Brecisvay retursneti In hsag haMOsrFWng trainiMomenCe, bU.Is lt 11accoinuanisti'b> hu iisvie asdti Ms 'ar Rye. Jrioy bropsht mir. w H.Whst1s vlbAe- (binz and comantug, te>'euustered SOIRneacfoasly upsiti>' nais. SprtnugSeld. ]IL, May 6.-?he Butte bill aboiibg capital puablisusmut. wisijsb l» loecani!d i:th f~lb ou. toMor?ôW, lf' oonmdered luiely tn pals..1 Consolidation or the. Sainie snd lait departmessts, whlcb rtlld af pasage in the. sonate ttweeis, will conte up for seconsideraion itii.hesonate ta- morrow or Wedsesday. anid alun wil» b. puslsed la tise houa». Thse gover- bar'e MUbull affliabin thse Mat&boutd of equaisation and creating à tel commissilonu ba u u Rd.a spécial order on econd readlsta t I.oum for Tbsundar HOLD-UP TRA INMEN. <CoMtlU& d 9aM PAUe 013.) and wile detectives of thse road are 80 it et as.Villa trylusa ta get clus ta t#e dd tiief. tlsey ha"e falit ut- terîr to date snd tbe chances are tise> will Dot locale tise roisher. Thse Whsule affair ets thse mont dar- in& and bold tisat even wesern plalusmen, eau tel about. It was ibout 2 o-dlock Tuesday moruing tisat tise freigiit train en- route ta Milwaukee front ChIcago, stapped ta do snme switcbing at Lais. Villa. The. conductor of the train. Mr. Itudaisaier of Mlwaukcee, was wsiking aloug thse aide of the. train wieu hoe au, a door of a car of merchandise opetn.lia started Wu close, It but luit then a young man1 leaped tram thse car, and painting a revolver at hlm, demandait that ho hodUpbise bande. Tise conductor diti as ordored and thse rübiser thoen wenl tisrougb bis pocisets. lie obtained $48 Isn money andi two goid watches. On.' of tise tinsa-peces belongedtu t tise conductWr's pon wise was killed two veiks ago. Tii. parent hasaince carrIet the boys watcii for senti- mental reafians. tisereore lio regrets Il'@ losu more tisais bis own. Brîkeman AIs. Lîneti Up. Just about the Ue iseiiad rifled the. conductor's pocisets. tise roisber turneni ta seesliraleman Mattiiew a:- proaching. The braiseman aset wliat the, trouble was andi t once tise robiser turneti bis revolver ou him. ordering biseIbandes up. The braise- mans coanplled witi tise demanti and thie rohber tiiel riffeti bis pocisets, gattins $32 andi listold watch. Ordored Aboard Train. *'Now* saidth ie robiier, "Yau tel- Iowa gel aboard that caboose and give tiheignai for thse train tu pull out orl'libiaw yaur bras sout," Tise feliaw appearedt tahb positive In bis demndtseue. tise raliroati men camplieti witls is order, leapeti aboard tise caboose anti, with tIi robber standing beside thora with thi. revelver stili coverIng tisum, tiey swung (huis- lanterne as signale for tise enginees- ta pull out etftise nta- tien. Tise train starteti anti, ruhiser anti bis victime aboS-ti the ruas- plat- tas-m. it passeet through Laise Villa station tovartis the nostii. Lates- Inqairy shows tint tiselis-i stop matie at Trevos-i. l'.the rabber havisg ieft tise train net long attes- it paBseti Laite Villa. Before leaplng fsrn tise pltios-î. tise teilow taidthtie raliroad men tint. If tise> stoppei tise train as- matie su> effort te gel hlm, he vousit kW tisen oq siglit. Whou tthe train reaciietiTs-.vos-, word vas wirei bacis ta [Aise Villa and Marsial Hermas Witt vas nati- B.ed. H. vatcheti the sait south- bounti trais. thie stock traie anti vent tisrougis ail thse cars bst nia trace of the. felov vas obtaineti. It vas be- Nlveti h. may iave isans-tes suts- bounti train but ise evitientl> tii net. lie tisus likel>' matie bis vay acres. countr-y ta somins es- station anti matie bis vay bacS ta Ciicago. Weil Dresseti Man. Ire vas descrlbeti iy tise men as veltiresseti. about 35 yens - Q vas-e blackt suit asti tas raincoat, aine a eott fet bat. Detectives on os-una. Tvo dtectives o! tise roati reaciied i Tale Villa Tuestiny ta ln- vetigate th. maltes-. They are eur- posedt toys-de tise trains out etf(Chi- cago as fer as Cosy station ta ses If boboes are &board andt ti.>'declareti tiiey env soisody niions-tMonda>' nigist hence It la fut tise fellav mn>' have leaPeti aboas-t af tes-tise train bat i.tt Cosy. Weod 11ulp Spenges. Twated VU "hlride or zinc, Woodi pw5p fome *4'Vise a sa. Wisn sait la add.1i sud tise mixture isas beu rinseti vitis aoohoi anti conpreâseti &aair Iusitution ofaaspango ront- Harpera WeeklY. Tiiri>'intictni.ts vueereturnet bes-re Jutige Coosper ln Ciicago b>' tise May grand jury just before 'It vas discisasgeti b>'tise coust MontiaY. In thse balcis vme srue bille for Dr. Willam T. Krss>, bis vît., Margaret Ktrby, andtishlm ephew. Dasiel J- fUrby. Wauk.gats. Ma>'27, 1913. EXPLANATION Atty. Chasles King atM Attorney John Pope mie esslmtn Attorney Mllard, sep* ree.isting th. Noth shore Gem Company ln the, action whérs-in Oves-seer Voive oka tg eijoin tieelias compsn>P fsom .ntering Zion CltY. thse cousbeing before Judge Whtney. This mornhssg Attornsey' ElhPeisen- tisai. Chicago, representissg Voliva, mad a rutiler aiuussg a tateinent ta Judge Whitney just after court oip- oued, 'IT bappenedto ta itaisoftsoi.thing last nigit," said lie. "And, tter tisni- Ing it ener, 1 feit 1 shoulti prenant tise matter ta you. IlYou viii notice tisat, on one aide, Mr. Millard bas a king and on tise othes- aide, a pope. N9v tmon, have va any chance ta vin aur pointseviien aise couelderes t v. w are hhocrats? *"Hes-'s a-cas. of Pope andti ng arrayeti agalnst Tiseocracy. Witis temporal anti spiritual power- against iiow can we b zected ta viii out?" Tii. court andtheti.attorneyes mieti at tb. remarlîs ieesus, tbey ssreiy came tram a ultty mmd. Objection& Raimet. Voliva'n'counsel les Ogiting the gasi campany on tise grounds tisat:. 1. Thse petition te lsufIicient. 2. City of Zios bas so right ta give froutage on parka go tisey are. Vohl- va's pessonal property anti net city pas-sa. 2. Thtat tise people visa signesl frastage have no riitt to igis be- cause tiiey do nat ovn tise praperty, being more lease boiders. - Judge Whiitney titis morning de- ,careni he wauld not have Urne ta, con- eider tise case inside of seves-al veek anadti nstructei tise attornese' tô present ws-tten arguments at once for bis consieration. Three witissmes were placeti on tise witnass stand defendants couscil, bsut tiseir teatimais> was weak. andi they were quickly vtitidrevi. Daniel Biryant cross questioned by Mr. Pel- senthal saiti he vas editor oftie Zlcsn City' Indepentient. Be vs e eiting tise Iaper isce lest Navember. Mr. lielseithai: "De sou know WiI- isur Glenn Vlilva?" Mr. Bryant; "I do." Mr. Feinenthal: "lie's the meet Im- portant persan Is Zion City, la bc flot?" Mrs. liryant: "I dont snaw." Mir. l5'esentiiai- "Do yau know of an>' otiier persan ln Zion City visa le more wideîy kisavis?" Ms. Bryant couldn't recoiiect aisy ' URIEI) 45 YRSe (Costinueti Prom Page On.> tuai air-tigisi ebamburs af Ibis ki. JIsburieti deep Iii tise greunti, ol GC6Nl HU'TCHINSON' Empoyé oeth"iseRecorder'& Office, Whoý , .'5 R0ch.d hi$ 4Iat Voir As An g[mîseofo that Office. He Entes-ed th@e Ofce in 1872. OF THE M08ST DRASTIC EVEA S«EN AND PRO VIDES DOUBLE PENALTY FOR OFFENSES. WaukegisnMay' 27, 1913. Wiit vii be tise final disposition of the. propoet-PIvo Mle Dry Zon. bil? That ta the question tisat Waukdk gan people are &as egaItise prenanit -time. The Wots predtot tisat tise bill lea adeati lettes- Dow and wilhinover came up for a vote. Tisey mus' liat It vas ,xplafaed very dean>' bofore, thse vote vas taises ais tapresentativu *Siurtefs motion ta postpose a ac- lion for tvo veeks tht thai. visa voteti for potpogemeut would b. votiug against tubo bill. The Dry. maitain tisat t leat four of tisaïe Whoa votd for pastpoliement are r pietiedoo vote for tise bilviien It s came@ Up for a vote. ln addition tise> s>' tiree of tiseir men vere absent wben tise vote vas taises. Tise> clams ta have 77 votess icistliey sa>' viii give tise majority ot one over tise Wts. Commssioser Orvis visa la ose al tii. Wet teaders dlaims tise Wets have 83 votes.1 Altisougli mucis ban bean salti saot the. Tive Mle Dry Zone bil, tier, are few Who ever bave iat an opportunity of reading. Tise #%n iei,vtb prints tise bill in tull, mSaw- log that It la drastie lu tise extrema anti would establisis positive prohibi- tion byond a doubt: Section One-Be t enacltid by tise people of tise State ofIllnois, rep'e sentat ln tise General Assenîbi>: Thiat on anti ater tise 3tis day of April, A. D. 1914, itsisli b luuiavful ta ies» for sae, soi or distribute ssiy lstalcating liquas- vitisi live (5) mles of thse bosudary liue or lInos o! land ovned or usd bhl tise Unitedi Eates Gaverismelt for tii. purpose or purposes o! tise Unitedi States Na- S val Training station or for any Unit- B edi States Mil*ary Post ln this State: Praviduti, nothisglnbints net con- * taiseti shall appt>' to or ln any man- sur affect tise tes-sier' is-udn any otiser land owueti orumdb'ts Unîtust States goversment for manu- ane. kow1en 18 yenssof age ais the date of tise Ms. Felsentisal: "Do yen isovexmninetions wil.bo adita viietiser Mr. Voliva vas in Zion Cit>' i Octabes- as-November 0f lestenua-. Tise wtnes tii net cas-e ta anaver, but councîl pusiienitise question, asti vitnese titi sot isnow. Ms. Felsentisai "Do you know tisat Ms-, Vliva la tise aversees et tise Christian Catholic chus-ch in Zion?" Ms-, Bryantt: **lieatims ta li." Juigu Whitney deciareti that tise petîtion vas insufficlent. He sali tise bilh-rend, "Vas-lou e treets anti ale>'. descnibeti belovi' but tises-e were no streets os- alieys nientioseti, moe,y lots anti sections lie expressei us opnion ti"t tise mayos- af Zion Cty isat no risht ta aigu awa>'-frotases on prmet parim.tisat vas bl* de cision an tise matter, but fanas-des- to clye be would give council for etier aide 30 tisys eaeis te prepare this briefs sa tint tisey cotritib. boardtI n Septembes- sext. THe sri tise case vas an Important aise, lnvolving the Zion City leases anti great psoPrty interuste, anti bu vîisedtitehave plenty o! tume ta consities-tise case. At tise conclusion a! tiseiearlng, aise pint seemeti evieit-tisat tise courts-teemedt te fel that tises-evas a question as te tise rigistoethtie City of ZMon te grant a francisise te Everett Wilias-d, as Individual. tas- tise rigiit vere granteti ta, iiipessasliv. ilai iresumeti he voulti n taris, sign tieî ta tise gag Company. G. R. LYON IS UNDER THE CARE 0F A TRAINED NURSE Waukegais, Ma>' 27, 1913. Hops. G. R. Lyon has been confineti ta, bis boni, on Shisdan rond fer soite little tume, snffesing fs-arn an altacit et huart trouble. A traiiset nurse bas heeni Is attentiasce for (lie lait eis. His cenidition (ada>' vas repasted ta be soeuviat belles-. Ms. Lyon isat an attacis of is.rt trouble bes-re buwent ta hI'osita andt ies-e vas a recarsece, of tise illnesm upon his relus-n. Thse Infant dauglter o! Ms. anti Ms-s. Heur>' White visa resite on a teamons-tise Dati>'scist o se, tiet M(osdasigist t tise home et Ms. anti Mrs. Wiite'si daugiter, Mrs. Wlliam Watts of BlIdere streel. Tisetfsses-ai toois pace tis .aiterison ai 2 o'clacis vitis iilinf St. Marys cenieter>'. Tise chlld vas but tva tisys aIt. Mr. and lira. Whiste vere visiting aithle hsome 0f tiseir daugâter vises il val bora. Applicants ssrt teelde vithns tise' terrîtes-y seapplied b>' tie poitoftle for visici tise examirration le announeti. Tise exanisatlon la open t ail ct- zesf theise tired States Wiso can comply wltis tire requi remnts. 1 fi-- *bd ., eu ,ttut,.,. preserve a body as lis Ibis cage, cru- aluni profounsi lnteress assassg tise Tii. coffin cottaling tise romains af Mrs. A. Z. Blodgp.tt, burieti thîr' teen yeare ega, nas aiso exhatedti t b. taisen ta th isausolessm. Tier. vas no giame vos eriisg tise tace Lis ber caoket but IL ih bellevedth ie remains vere practically as weli presurveti a" che vas piacet lis a coppes- liseti ciseket, aiea beiseved ta be air tisht The Smaller Casket. Tise smaiier casitet vas matie o! cast lron anti was sisepeti liii. cassis uts lis yenss at ascii to bufouist altogetiier, emaller at tise feet than et thu head, ebapeti rather, lue tise mummies seen lis aicient tissus. That a body caulti be pruses-vet sa weli witbouf embalming, seeme ai- ment intampreseisisle yul. according ta tisssa hoezisumeti it, It couldtist bave preseisteti a better appearance If It hati been bus-led oily a fev tiays ago. Not until tise casiset bati beei lis even change. Tiseni but a sliif(ît change vas perceîstibie, due ta Use beat maklng itte way &roundth ie casis- et but nat. af course. peuetratiisg it very rnucis. Tise runiains ver. piaceti ln anotber casitut anti tases ta tise mausoleusa visere tlîuv ere piaceti riiongeIde tsose oethtie motiier listise crypt hiicis Cngt. Blatigett irurchaseti in tise nov structure. TÉiture tbey wiii be kept tarevur, anti. because of tise sllgist exposas-e ta tise air, tit l ut tisat tise remaine et tiseIlittie cilti isurled farty-five yuare ago viii con- tinue lis their state of preservationi for as man>' or mord yelrs ta came. Béass Out Old Tissasy. Tise nimuet perfect condition of Use body> empisasizus tise fact tisat ln aitien Urniesithe, ancients ciaimedt iey cilulti wrap badiles anti preserve tiien for centuries anti thus we have tise taies sot the mummies of Egypt whicis vere preserveti na îany yens.-s.'ucr tîteosles bave neemut Inicretiulous ta many, but tise vin ver. priviiegeti ta se. the little casiset o! tise Bled- gett ciilti today hiati theis- opinions cisangeti pravliing tbuy isl4 an>' doubta before. APPUCATION 0F CIVIL SERVICE LAW MADE HERE Ancouuicoenin the $un Monday that ans examintion for the' position of! postaster for the Lais. Bluff affice, laying a salar>' of $960, hati been set at North Ciicapa on June '2tls, brings out tse tact'that tinttisE t irst civili service examination cali I n LakteP couisty coverlng a taurtîs dasofficec Pince tise fOUrtis ciabs offices ofthtie lia- tion went under cvil service a fewe weeks previous ta Pruitient TafttS de- teat Is the presidemtiai election iast tail. It la rerlled Étise presitiesît htued r an order placing ail fourtis ciass offices usnier civil service anti. fronstîsien on, wisunever a-vacasscy liam arisea, or,I when ternis have expired Inl that qias or office.» basbeen ,ecessary ta hoid E eX*iýfiistin ser civil service.1 Postmnter 5'rank Perce of Lakete Bluff recently È"tiued is ortier ta give lits attention ta other work bence thse tdepartfleist caliedth ie examrinatiass. Other Fourth Clama Offices. Because tiis a fth irst ienstance oft thse appication of tise new rule lit Lakteu 'caunty andi because tise ssew ruie( maites it necesar>' for es ery otherf postmnaster lu tisat classe ta take an ex.t aminatios aftey is term texpires, Iere-' witis le presmentsd tise compiete lilt of fourtis clans afie.. hInLake county: Lakte Bluff. WlutnraP Barbor, Ra- vinia, Russell. Wajiswortis. Gurne. Great Lakes. Ranidosit.Wauconda. In- gleside. Fox Lake, iJeerfild. Prairie View, Lake Zurich. 1Aise Villa. Haines- ville, Round LAae Aga. limil. --I years and over on the date of tise examinatlon. witii Use ex- ceptioui thin î a etate wbere wamnen are deciared by statt ta Io e Of fUil agu for ail psrposee at 18 years, wans.i tioni concernrrug thre retlUiremlents et tise examination van b. secus-et tram tise postister attise office lu question orthseecretarytof tise braaais or tro: tise U. 8. Civil Sesvice Commission, -ý ecuteti anti fle-i with tise Commission $2.50 *350 *6.0 et Washinugton at leasî saehusday. be- G AA TE fome the dataeof tise O«adhlation, aIses-- vise, It may-be Impractlib t t eAn- fa. tse applcants. Sent Post@4e Psu onrs ceipt Thse saiarles af tisepotsasters la o! Prea gaugeti accord irg ta tise amount o! dan- cellations in thre reipectîve ofICe . Belov as-e shravirtise points coverîng *jjj ugor, A . o & Cou examinations wtrlrh are iseld Is fous-tr ctlse offices as tirey appi>' untier ibis nev civil ns-rvic-e raie, Put inta oUse tew Waukegan, 111. tes- tise fisst tirrue ins Lakte counts': I. VE LAN U IID AT I4ALF DAYr. Beiow le thse iist of soidiers burleti lus I-tsi Day vemetes7, this being the. firit tirne a eonsiuete lust bas been printed: Brave, L Il., (o. 1. i1?th Regt.Iliie. Inft. Bar ge, Jantes. C'o.C i9tisRegt., hIe. lt.f (eavenaugîs, ina, Ca. D, 145th Regtý, 111. Ilis! ChapmnaChas., <Co. D.. rSthRegt., Ille. cavalry. Corbin, Cea., Co. D, P1h Regt. Micis. Ca Valry. Dot), Wilson, (-0.',6615h Regt. Ilus. lot. Doty, Warren. Ca.FP, 37th Regt , Ille. lut. Hoiet. John, Ca BH, i2th Regt., Ille. t'avalry. Jôhison, Chas, Ca. . t) lti Regçt.. Wis.Inf. Smsiths, Aiduus.CCa F, 37th Regt, Ilile. Int. qhapter. Edward, (a. 1, itis Regt. Ilii lut!. Thrasher, J. G., Co. G, 111h Rpeat., Ille. Isf., Nlowers, Mas-tin. lth Battery. Colo. Wright, Dsuiel wAr of Yotk, H. E., Co. B, Iltist,4 tŽavairy. Rawermune the Ovdéo, à blisoq teus a âtory et, curate Wiso, la hle auah :à*. bais sof usariula uii musd. tise mislake -t ee11 tàb. trot, ui» wsrè 1M, tianset "bsskjansd tgié. tise tbim dtinse a sof a.~ bis M40"4e n)0 viseileim j"4u4, thse c te s*#là y 'And the. firut ai bal eli.a tast $isal b. trot." Cleanlne Wi 0e. If Windows are loaaeé.edb mer sud vater tise>'wU-lglbd sud sia>'Oiseaslongs-hs Kil ad wîtis vat«a loue. POW.b.111 iMUsÉ wsy vus aoft lg-u, Malin 1"mu lem@ wiialtise pour elee«l* "a?" aald th sasaItU Impoartant eue." G.*gè bécl If - Dont issI Sunday Afternoon Jun e lst, 3o'c lock at the Mlystlc Workers'Hall1, Lbertyville, Ill. "WhyDidGodé By Mr. Alfred L SELEY,' Bible Lecturer of Chicago COMEd J»MNG YOU*1.4pq, T"~ 8TURDY, le, Tu 0à Oâx o~ FIVE MODELS-TIO PLEKASE EVI1MY TA" AND POCKETBOOR, flRýM Cail us for demonstratigun and look oi'er every detail of -hfa exceptional machine. It ia the best value in an Automobile of- fered anywkere. C. Ml.BARNSTAW~4 SOLE AGE]N¶'.ËftLMI O 1w- PIIOIE 9l3-yl The tact, tidat all who coipetp this store say its a credit to Waukegan shouid convinice yU its to your interest to trade here.' Everything is of the best and latest style and patteroi. Our 20 years of studying your wants wartants our assertion- that thiis store deserves -your patronat.e. Great display of Shirts and Straw Mats. 'We. give the, most quality at the lowest price. Phon e 630 fe 'ôPii4, Crc SHOES fty protes- boters abat 'tics event g of tise marnent of %es'a 1550- loudy day help laver event. ra.iana vas sn. R-. W. 97. anti I. lavret sud itis puce gi led the. te pain po>- m ehougs te, 84 ta Citr-on- te ds-ug bsb' %y' of cutis. il joint Imr- Ilotc et thse Detroit coe Dr Hospitais St sioulti be ble hm§"lss sr "ia rew De. hasppy as1 i. &fier tais. ai *a iIbL Rit 1 -

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