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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 May 1913, p. 9

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WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN, VOL. XX.-,NO. 36. ier-o 'al- 14at!" mat b 1 aaote b t« of PART TWO LIETY 1VILLE,~ ILL., FRmý', MAY 30,1913. BODY EXIIU-MBI) WIK WÀS SURIS>45 YRS. kiOIN AIR TIIIIITCASKI3T ISP3R= FECTINFORMÂAMI OLOR REMARKABLE CONDITION"0F CHILD'S RMAINS DISCOV- ERED WHEN BODY WHICH WAS BURIED ALMOST HALF A C ENTURY AGO WAS TAKEN FRQM OAKWOOD FOR BURIAL IN THE MAUSOLEUM. Persona ubo have bad doubtes aniazod ta flnd the expression. the t0 the efficiency of buryiug bodies ln shin, etc., of the decedent almost par- air-tigbt casbeta or chambera. uould fect, uucbanged by ail tisse years, bave bai thir doubts removed ta'Jay uncbanged n ar aa lie color bu the biai tiey been able te s.e the lîttîe face, the form of the face and body, body of s chlld burled forty-flvo years sud, lu tact, looklng as If titi body ago ubich uste e(humed for tho pur- had beaun.Interrod uitbiu the pas Pose Of taking it ta tise nov mauso- ueek or go.,, Ieum for permanent interment. The tiny cape ubîclu had bean Lybng ln one of the old-style cask- placed over the child'a shoulders sud ets, made of cast rou vitb a glass tled uitb ibhan, sbovod piainly, bas over the face, absolutely air tlgbt ln not been chsuged hy age sud the evory Particular, uase ound lie littio flowere uhichbhad beau laid about the body of Haniet Bedgett. the onîy bead. are aven stilI perfect in form ai- daughter ever born to <'apt. and Mrs. thougb of course the colon lR gone. A. Z. 'Blogeti nf Sheridan Rnad. That the colon, tue Ion., etc., o! Tbis cbild died Sept. 19, 1868. vas the body COUld romain Intact sîl thea. buried ln Ogkuood cemetery in lie yesna lu face of the fact that in diose air-tigbt cast[et and Tuesday atten- days the undertabere did not enihalm, noon uhon the casitet vas removed sooma impossible. bonce the discovery froni ts long nestbng place by White & Tobiu, undertabors. thoy,1 were <Vontinud on Pag Titre.,) HIEAD 0f BOAT CO. RERE TODAY TO FIX UP TEN VEAR LEASE Says He Hopes to Have the Boats Start Coming Here About Middle of June. IDENTIFY VICTIM AT BARRINiTON; A Murder Theory us Expîoded by Dr. Shearer of Barrington On Wednesday. PLEASED AT THE PLANSIWORKING AT LK. ZURICH.ý Commissioner Orvis Says that Building of New Warehouse WiII Start Very Soon. Cary Carpenter had Core Into Lake County Previous Day te Meeting Death. LUI KILLED ATI P.*C. Reynolds, vceprsident snd Hrrngton May 12.-The body of ONtrafice manager o the Pere Marquette the at nkilled hors Saturday last UBERTY ELEO lino steamers, uaseln Waukegan te-n"'d neiieved to bave been the victlmt TIM Y NORT day te go over witb the city oMfcjlSl ef a murder, was today Identilled as 1JESDthe plans for tihe opu warebouse that of Chris Jansen, a carpooter Itv- wbich the clty Ilteto rect for this cent- lng ai Cary, III., net far fromnttts pauy. The ijîsos caîl for a uarebouse place. ' He use Identlfied hy hie brother, -John Schiff man, Working in the fty f lea n ude ue-Cn fCry. ubo,,upoofilndlng bis ty feet long. Mr. Reynolds declared brother bad net returned ta bis Wire Fence Plant, Meets titat ho ase more than pleaned uith home, had gene te Barriugtan toesme sudtha h uli t<ly aguif the. uuknouu man found thora.uasa Death U nder Trains tli " dta e wPiI.ii5 imhi relative. H. ai once positively au agreement to tabe a ton yesr lea»s. identlfied hilm. Oommimsioner Orvia declared that And St once the tbeory of mtrder WAS ENROUTE TO HOME. bide vili b. advertised for at once usa exploded because it was discov- ered diat tibers cefld have been no and tite uork of constructlng the motive aud Dr. Shearer et Barri«g- uarebouse ulh h started ln the ton, after careful examinatlon deo- Victm Ha Spet th Eveing sbortest possible tire. The exact clared the. mafia throat uas not dut Victm Hd SenttheEveingestîmato for thte cent of the building witb a razor butho might bave been in the Vilage-Worked at bas net beon figured out as yet but InJured in tbat mauner by holus It wll c nmethng ver$2,60. ragedhy a trai. runfllfg our boa tat Waukegau by Cary, a brother, Audreu, 2727 Alton Juno i5th,"' Mr. Reynolds sai. "Our avenue. Chicago, sud s sister, Mre. compauy ouns six boats and us plan Andreu .150500, 720 Walnut street, Jon biftqinu aged 35, unmarried. ta use tuo of tusam on gour ueu ruus. Elgin. aud employsd at tbe American Wire Konosba in te ho made the central Loft Home for Worlc. Pouce compauy's plant, Libertyvillo, Pint. Every day tua hasts uilIl lave Jansen lef t Cary friday uith Wm. met death under tite ubeels 0f a q Kenosha, one golng nortb and tbe Bickuaae ln au auto truck, bound forc othor soutb. Tbe one outhwulîl stop Lake Zlricb to do nmre carpenter Paul train et lbertyvilllo Tuesdsylev. at Waukegsu sud Chicago. The one vork. Bicknage arrauged ta baye ening about 10: 36. nortit uit stop at Milwaukee and Port hlm stay at Roland Butler'e placec The fact la that the entîre section Walbington. 000dm may bta sbpped sud Blcknane e ut on ta Wsukeganb of oe tain nd art f tescond betveen any of tbe points 1 bave te vieisie isufe ubo la iers ln the o! oe trhi sd pat ofdi. mentioued. 1 bolievo .tbe peoile and hospital, leaving Jansen' t Lakte Zu- sectie,.ru vrto aa bd.eippers of Waubegan usut a gond rich. death being Instantaneous. bouevor, stoamboat Uins and for that reason Janeen aie supper st Butler's sudd uhon he vas bit by the engins of b ave no heitaucy ln signing s ton that ia tbe lentsen of blm. Tbe ta. dis firat trai., year lease." ief la tbst Iho declded te ualk te Bar- Scbiffman had been omployred t înMr. Reynolds declare- bo uasefot rtbueants casais tor avingte th. wire plant for a year sud a bai! os tonte mss futiebut detlewaiked doua. bthe tracite ho etbert and ud.a consldered steady. HoIlived fuil plsns ubîl bc announcod la the tried ta board a train or use bit by uili bis brodier-in-lau, Fred Wubblo, near future. ono ho did not me. At any rats, bis on lie old Dan Lee fan uwest of Lib Mr. Orvis maye that tbe plan of body, found e tthe crossilng of dis ertyvilîs. It te presumsd be bad erocting a combînstion wuabouse two rends, sbouod feu marks hoe. bas been s1baudafled. Theolad Smitb the conclusilalmtiat b. uasanet rmn started to vaut homo along the tracks lisbing eampsny biinlg wulîl îe doun, but niely tbroun or bumped uhen b. kas atrisck by the train. rnovsd taelte city dock and eniarged white tryiug ta get on s car. Schlffmsu bad bosu selon ln varions for tbe ue ocf the Hil etsambaat Com-. Jansen ua 4 years aId sud be- »tous f he illgedurngtheo -n pany. Tbe nov varoboume viii be longed ta the K. P. lu Chicago. astonsof ie illge unlg eon-constructod for the Pore Marquette The lnquost bsd boen continued te ngand the deduction uas mado by pet.tbelattor part of tbe ue by Coro- lrus p___________bc____haveuer Taylor, bence it wulli uou ta able Otaken a little ton mucli and tat, Popular approval la sure te follov t a theuactbnonteftho e icim. uwhie in tbat condition, failed ta eo l the usite of monlt, sudIlb can ho lie approacbiug tysin ubicb 'vas trutbfutly sald thatno otiter car evorAdl. hsadod seuti. Ho uasebit rigtlnlucame ta lie front ranks an qulcbly jý>MyIp of j'ya onfli1sag, front or lie Yore bottling plant. ansd held lits place 1k the Rambler. kal eblt il bý, gai n.Da on sciffman's persn uase fouud s5 Sibloy & Hawkins, Lake County Agts. t achtange places uith b li oup- cents, su aid pipe, but notiting of read Phone Wauksgsu, 216. Autioob, 372. 14eu Orleaa Pîay»u WEDDINIPOWN TO BE É *FAC IS DISI»SOLATE Miss Myrle Beck of Wau conda Who Was to Have Been Mar- ried in June, is Dead. TROUSSEAU. WAS MADE Physicians Unablo to Diagnose the Dread Disease Until Three Weeks Ago. Mis& Myrtle Beekina, 21 yearq old. a pretty Young wonian reslding witF ber siteptatlier, Caude Randail, a well known farmer livingt just southl of Wauconda, died et the Lake fireeze sanitarluni 'Tlmday nlgbt about 6 o'clock. Her deatb la a pecuiiariy sad on, for she was to bave been married next montb tu James lIon, a Chica- go Young man. Her ueddlng trous- veau uas ail comuleted uhen she was taken 111 and ilu .11 probablity, the goun that she lutended to wear at ber uedding % âI be used as a ihbroud. Mr. Fln uen seen today wam heart broken. Miss Beckman uas a very popular Young uornan aMd ber friends had planued tu make ber weddlog a mem- orable one. The engagement was an- nouneed smre little tme ago. Fromt that tme up ta tbeUie ebe was tak- 2 en ti sbe uas very busy sewing onc ber trousseau. Many tintes she dldt flot feel like worklng but the tbougbtt of ber approaebing marriage supurredd ber on. lier ambition bad been to be a June bride. About tbree montbs ago she was obliged ta go to bed. Tbe nature of the dases, tbe drea*ied white plague. caused ber lever to ru bigb. Physt- l clans were eummoued but they falleds to diagnose- lir lineas as tubercuIo. ai@. Despite everytbing that was doue for ber, the fever refused to subside. Tbree weeks ago hie Young woman se horrified wben ber Muses wait uilsgn<,sed as phtbieta. She was re- moved to tbe Lake Bfeese Sanitarium Wiinarwh@M-»OeW7tbg tpos- sible was done for ber., Her fiance stood by ber nobly and urged ber on In ber battle against tbe ravages of the terrible disease. He sougbt to cbeer ber up by telllng bier tbat site muet burry up and gt *ell' so that tbey could be married nazt moutb, but deep doun In bis beart tbere uas the grouiog fear tbat abe uasa fot going ta get well. Miss Beckman sbowed unusal pluck for a sufferer of tuberculosîs. Ouly a feu days ago wbu ber step- fatber vlsited ber. sbe asked that he pick same flouera and place tben on the grave of anotber member of iheir family on Memorial day. Tfod4y uitli tsars In bis eyes Ni. R andait said tbat now be ul have to place flowers on tua graves. The funeral promises li be one of the largeet ever beld ln the county. RIECIIANICS LIEN A4iAINST A $65enW HOME IN L. FOREST Master in Chancery Heydecker is Hearing Testimony in an lnteresting Case. CONTRACTORS WENT BROKE Material, Men and Laborers on Henry Rumsey Home Say They Were Not Paid. One 0f the most lntorosting me- Ch&nic . lien cases ever tried bere la hoiug beard hefore Miaster In Chan. cery B. J. Heydecker. Aiready tiers bave taon several hearingsand there laesvery Indication that 1h eiIl l abo several more bearinge befare final disposition Is made of tbescsao. Soin. littIe tîme ago, Henry A. Rumsey * s voaltby and prom.iusnt residont o! Lakte Fonest, gave s con. tract to the Warren construction com- pany to build hlm a fine home. Tbe contract price was $58.000, but vidi tbe plumbing, heating aud lgbtiug fixtures, the total was brougbt up to 165,000. Evorytblng went along In flue sbape for a tume until finsIIy the con. struction cnmpany suddenly >came iusolvent sud the work ou us flue borne wvs. topped for tbe tirno being. Later lie contract for completing the homouse auarded to anotber con- tractor sud the residence vas dom- pleted lu due tume. There 'vas a nunitar of matoniat 1 (Coniiaued on Page D1o.) - FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YzÂR IN ADVANI VOLIVA STARTS CONTÉST IN ZION ELUCTION SCANDAL Papers Filed in Two Courts of Lake County Seeking to Have Decision. 'I'VE TAKEN A DOSE 0f POISON9,SAÏS A MESSAOiE FRONM L Young Woman of 18 Sends a Message Over Telephone to Her Sister. CONTESI ALL CITY OFFICES IHAD) TRIED TO GET ADO.1 And the Zion Alderman Matter is Also Begun in the Zion City Council. Waukegan, NMav 28. The expected ontent of the voilva ractîon agai&at tbe Independents orf Mion City ln tbe effort te recover the1 City offices wbicb the Volivaites Maint tlîeY were cheated eut of. was started ln the Lake county court bouse te. day. Two actions were begun. one In thel Circuit court and one ini the County court. The Circuit court case lis tbat of W. H. Ciendenin against J. D. John- son. They were candidates for mayor and a mayorality content of election bas te begin ln the Circuit court. The case., under the iaw, cannot be beard until the October term. The cases againat the IndeDendents declared elected city clerk, city atr ney aud city treasurer, were stsrted In County court. It la recalied that tbe.-ludme- eeetionort#t!lr Love us elected treasurqr by a maJority of four votes, bence the Voliva action against bim, as ueil as the oabers cornes an a surprise, as Il was flelieved tbey would content only those wbom tbel election judges bad certlfied elected, but wbo were later counted out. The content thus takes ln ail the eity of- fices. These cases uIll ta beard tbe second Monday in June before Judge Persons. As to Aldermen. The content for the aldermen cao- flot be brouglit Boy place but ln the council and the content ln the first ward was fled this afternoon ln ZMon t'Ity. lu the second and fourtb wards the couneii committee wbicb tbrew eut the returna after canvassing tbe vote, did not declare anybody eiect- ed. so there is no cbance te content there. because the laW sys somebody must have been declared elected li order te bave a contest. In the first ward tbe contest in tbat of John Fiddes vs. A. A: Sebring. The dlaim la tbat many Yles uere cast forFINddes wbicb uwere nu& couat- ed and finat many voterit uere denied permission to vote tbe VaUva hoeff who wished te do so. The contest of tbe election le the outcome of the council committee bey- log reported certain wards defective on their tsiiy sheets. thus changlng the vote ln the city. a vote which, ln the judges' of election returns, sbow- ed tlie Voliva tlckat victarions by oins votes. Their decision te tbrow out the second snd fourtb uards &fter tbe tally sheets iîad been mutitated creat- ed a big sensation becauBe of tbe boldness ef the mutilation and ever since the content bas been looked for by outsiders. Attorney C. P. Barnes, Of Wood- stock, tled the paliera for Voliva. The procedure ln tbe Circuit and County courts wiil ta ta demaud tbai the balot boxes be opened and the ballots ordered, recounted by tbe court in order to get the exact vote for the vartous candidates. Tbe treasurer case ln tbat of 1U. G. Blose Ys. B. S. Love; tbat . of the 8clerk la that of J. D. Tbomas vs. EL 0R. Cbristianson; that of tbe attorney ela Tbeo. Froby vs. RAes Carr. SPECIAL TO TRY VOLIVA 1 ON JUNE 23RDI Rockford. May 28.-The famous Volîva pejury case hae been set by Judge Frost for June 23rd. This le the case taken bore from Lakte counby on a change of venue aaked by Voliva uho clalmed be could not get a fair trial ln Lakte county bocause ef Proju. dico whlch exista agalnmt hlm. The defenseas couneel. C-. P. Barues and GeorgeFiNeld. uilho aeletsd lby R. K. Walsh and C. W. Fergusolt 9t, Rockfnrd will help States- AttorneY Dady of Lakte county. Valiva uas cbsrged oiginally sud lndIcted on thb charge of perjury lu Iconnection ulth ths lectian frsmsd cassnmnietua Yomargo, Visited Drug Stores, Seeking Carbolic Aid-Mother and Sister Trait Her. The tact that Waukegan drugglsts are careful about selllng poisons ta persans wboni tbey belleve bave non Just reason for getting them, may bave been tbe one tbing whlch pre-i vented a well known Waukegan1 youog W..an fromn ending ber lite Tuesday eveolng. In fact, Il ls tbe tin bellef that sucb la tbe case. A weill *nown youw Wno f 18 rears (whose name la wilbbeld by the Sun because of tbe fear tbat pub- licity mlgbt stîr ber feelings tbe more), went lota practically aIl the. drug stores of tbe city during the ev- ening, seekig ta purchase carholic acid on tbe pretense tbat se. isbied to gtve Ilta1 a dog. lu eacb case sbe was turned clown by the drugglat uho did flot 1k. tbe lok% of tbiugs. FollouIng cloaely on tite beels of the girl, came -bes si9eran sd tbef ber mothor, ta the. drug stores asking if sbe bad purcbaoed the poison. lu eacb case tbey uer. told site bad called but boit been refused. Pbnally, after tbe niother sud mar- ried sîster bsd returned boni,, atele phone message ta tbe sister f rom tbe girl wbo use trying to purcbase the poison. hrougbt this conversation about: "Wall. you cao core nesd get my body--1'v@ talten carbolic acld." '«Oh, yon better tcome over and se@ nie," said the stator, trying ta get the unfortunate girl's mind pff the subJect; but the girl replIed: "It'a ton lite flou. Uv. doue It." flevelopments sboued, bolrever, tbat dis girl dld flot get any acid. and furthermore, ebe did flot take any poison, su ber telopbone message lu. dicated. It developed later that se. returned home, repentant, aod today was at ber place lu a local store where abe uorks. It la explaifled that trouble wlth a sister caused ber te eeek ta get rid oC berself altbough others deciare it was mostly s move ta scarfi relatives as te ubat tbey migbt expect of ber ln case home relations were not more amicable. That tbe girl evidently bad eaid tsometblug at home to ber foîka abu ber intentions of taking acid. %ue iaboun by the tact that tbey trailed rber closely sud asked ths druggists If Lsbe bad sougbt ta nmke purchases. 'SPARKS ON ROOF CAUSED A FIRE- C. A. Burnett Home on Waintow Avenue Caught Fire at Four p. m. on Tuesday. Waukegan, May 28. The lire depantment was calod to the C. A. Burnett home. 623 Wainlow avenue, at 4 clock Tuosday. The upper part of the bouse vas b, dfames uben the department arrivod. eran It ban been Impossible ta o ri Just hou the fire started. Chie! O'Fa; rail saya It appeare to have etartel on tbe roof and eaten loto the bouse A spart ram a chlrnnsy migit bave caused ILIt. laispossible, bovover, liat the firat msy bave startod lu the atti. The satire upper portion of bise bouse wsm dostroyed and the lover pait vs darnaged by uater. T4ie boume vas valged at $1.600, tn suranco smounted ta $1,300. Thf houaetiold furniahinge are valued ai $50; no Insurauce. The otal lois uum about $500. M 1K E ANTON IK, 17 YEAR OU BOY, BOUND OVER TO TE GRAND JURY ON ROBMY. CHARGE,ý KNOTS A BATH-? TOWEL ABOUT NECK i¶ TIES OTHER END TO CEIîLý'- DOOR - HAD BEEÀ RAflm, ING FIVE MINUTES MAJ, WAS UNCONSCIGÏUS WNt. FOUNO AND CUT DO W149Y SHERIFF GREEN -1 S E. LIEVED TO BE INSANL Waukegàn, &"Y N Knotting à bath'towel about hie nec k an'd Inat n the ther a"ta th. top 01 hi, oeil deer, turning ru4 and round until the. twlsting f mi towul railed.him juet off hie $-et, Mike Antonlk, 17 yeari el, a foroîgner Wh~o wu@ >oend overt grand jury on a charge ot hau» stolen 3$M from :s rmet mte,-jb mornlng sought t. commit aleuiWo th. Lake county joli. Ne b"~ hangins fully 5lve minutessu unconsolous when ha-ws le~ andeu culdown by Sherit? Shhaée tUl, Ths Wherif! la of the Oinion b« tonik uasloet hie rmu M~ the Insane asylua atIglou& ,. le bein@ <cpt under edoM> . -7 thet he Witt have n.o f!ertua4te-~ repeat lthescet Antonikwus araigned t lbdu court on the morning of mal a charge of having stalen $1111 bis rooni mate. Nickodiae 3De! Both of the men are Ruiisssaa tonlk bad taon lu tbe country tlisn three weeks wee ar flotii men raomed et 403 street. They 'verse eaployet * Corn Products Refluiag coe~ plant. In a moment afI hdimreioa. »ý! cak coufided te Antai& t b à $36 hiddeu la bis trunk. R4 r bowed hbu uhere tbe bey uae don. Wbile Bureak s et 'wark, 4w" tonlk secured te bey Md ad sI, priated the money. Be veut te tbe next mornlng and uben ubo uorks nigbta, roturaed b"* , discovered bis loms. He aIet tified tbe police andsur 'lwarrant for bis routeminatW' t Antonik use arrested uwhie at 1 Hewas net able tespeskaà f Engllisb but tbrougb an u trrp mltted bavig taken tbe Mm 1117t s bound over te tbe grad ii suait their action etthie 1fail court. Since tbat Urne be bu* ,Ilanguisbiug In jail. For snone little time Situui bad noticed diat tbe fellicu Id acting queerly and be uw» et Jopinlion tbat the felow w"a W vei le XB Fe r- he at " . ohn J. P'ink, Chicago 43 Clare Weacott. Elbbsrt Imd...27 Lls Wi Morrison, Waukegsn1..26 Harold Bryant. Labo Feoet ....39 iaabetb GiUat. mne .........3.1a bis m Pd, p*pabecaumeho ..4e=bad the ays or ib* and dld flot know b ong hb ho conflnsd ln jall. This mornlug at 7 ocok' of lie jail "truettes" m"dêW of the celle b. fouud ty0 godorder. About tOe "w, Sheriff Grsen made lhe l'W,, the Intention a! lettlug£Aît" ï~ hie COU sud go tata *0 eWOW8 s dumbtouadeC'to flathb«- bauging from te door etbla ad He bstlly caffladIwue "Ir Whto bodlu p lihe iert bob uhli aberfif sls"ed tlis l iVO bulle. Thse boy apoeared tled He usa laid upon lis Cot Mit Brown wus ummoned. Ho lu au IncredIbîy sborttimnm. plied pouerful 'testoratiWe, tonik beaved a dep sWii ss4 ta breatb mars naturel. MAt breathing bad buen so taslp cautd bs deteced anti V»l shontif? Orsen »ays be Ilivee that bad Anicik to bang ldve auIs emi uould havebiea ezttist. every indiéatimoa iIMb the deed vert csre!aWI. YOUNG MAN WITH REVOL- VER IN HANDS ROBS CON- DUCTOR RUPDABAKER AND BRAKEMAN MATTHEWS 0F EIGHTY DOLLARS. ORDERS FREIGHT TRAIN PULLED OUT 0F TOWN. OARING HOLD-UP AT LAKE VILLA STATION ON SOO LINE-NO CLtJE TO THIEF IS OBTAINABLE. A ueil dressasd young man, wltb a sbliug gun in i bsnd proved bim- self a full-iledged holdup man of wsterni obarcterietica uhen. Tues- day evening, ho rabhed tite canductar of a freigbt train and bis brakeman of $80 sud threuatches. ordered tiinisboard tbe. train sud compelled biiem o t give the signal ta bave the mn ,en . 5forl S 1had >55 d t er it

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