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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Jun 1913, p. 11

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t , iet b a seu t» (Cntlas romie Pige Ou.) bo kn6wn untiliater the report le submitted by - Iý«. ,TlîolApuon. The bù,eýd wlll 'thon conêr' i gareport an4I Il wll beom a staudifok rule. ,>,lte meeting on Tpeaday night Job zo*1ewict ,$ r. th Chiciago. u#meniber of die Board of #catiou fýoe >that ei«,took.ahIs 117,1.L He takeo the seat lett vacant b~~.C. MeLein *ho #» e ben taken inl. ano dsirIc4 create4. ltu Nqrýi %%.ao k0 nd llxoreré x,¶ëd fot le- aol~'srve on theWaeauBrd 4fii nktterý,rq npu1 géou tb bo »osl thjl 4iprýt ý 1~leu the ctt.y was relirr lp t/i$lmittee on publicbulîé f4god. '4 EIh r- me tlpfis of the vçeiouipublIc icooil e<Iy laIhid th etqt[~rrt8 h h.asaelb remo 0ofthe Cen- t acoolýýu lq'aen 4uon ofjue nt1e bard octual se« June 151h at 4 é Mthodst dhorciî- as the time cias! dy and ue tS*x s imsnce- 1',. A.. irtSln aêlaso.for tw o«fl6 tffhh¶rti bave DotPeeOl a1iItb ii ivu L'ait oxplaus- ÙM bKtbe' attr;ha* = ïetie 1 çu»wstfront ý tbdfr mà1uQ àù liaii '*ky iV fwsau, answqe#snd' h4Vaua* le»lu wUmIge the -vlue ot lIma. unnonveqiudti », fApd laterest la tais .*hlet la nh4hcaE hsu ve eauli 10mibd th*, t6s'5Wa tl4pssti ver.,tailgWt _ r* aêJ3ik Mmetd be *ê portion oS t1 .wicked sud Iý seati» avideut qthaï " tk Uan the. malm*«Y aw'aot et tor b*vep. ot we'ae i'oD t6 éuypioW (bat the mat- -lter * 1,ffiS,b a, .'w bqft,.biéif "Iba Peuttloh. )uat'is sa the shiao lu lftbt UaI sbietb attre and moCe Uteo the perfect 4.," wea aIl I %s- taies viii e tcieolv i , vuld ie 'itrafflidw.dif 4od W Cr*qg berge * a Iglteoid %l = a!of qle, and the sad m 4ilt iOemSa- wa.nla) lulaap vit m 11enturiu tbe vorld, If, b'~W~ Ol . Haell populaed *re %U *1 mon of His owu créitum wh viwere the -vctimes cf avt. iiy 'h4qty, and mmcl vil! uly. We talis. tha" mpmw bare euabledl by 1;eI llat my duain4,go, the Bibis tol Idce a fr 1 tie -ermltmou or evil 11sf ameb*oorips tu the VI- tine claara"le. But *pee reaous can Only bu a»es lîv s *0view lii mtir. plan of aalvtlap, vhlchinl- cindes the rin- et defai ta abd- mnfter nlgiteoam >d upll!l the -M rosesvau tbat 'o4 iaw ibat evil o&4& bu u*Îd ta evolop tlie saint, loto the i*mageot!- 14a",Sos.W 0*0 ntfagine 11o bettes ve#'of p lon det*rmlmùtm feotrI<7 tuuaes titan by realtingginm sf ,i btter Way lu leavu patience. meek- nuiss kindueu., long elg and Mercy sud symuTla- -.lb Othie" than by iaifg l"I.;lmdito! evtlI and se. sud exPeriaimopte .bitter fruit of mn m àbî61 1 , >bave served Ibis purioe O ipWely. ibeil vs are tu undritai tiat erlU wll uO%~nger le peimitted, -'Plat turne viii - cote viý0ep 4W 1or ttdh11 re- tutu. eutbsb* Ki 0fos, o. mrth mid leaugmftte thse 'toImso resti- tton*' spoken o iy 0t, I'er. (Acis 81-M Tison ls téMé4a 1lii Éaud up am Use rom1Sm I>gi &d udIig Memansck tb pertectimof p )uauf a ttre ful I vas poaaemaae41 h e gn- latta AdmThu svil[ ot0z be bt gradlaaly,,f' ntifflp-oi da, blase timi &re d6àcl 000< b. roinéd frous île tonab and fsejf-tu bJ e l urucad, lu%0 =: "of ,r, -1 coomeaud 4 1 yu'et l. Ing,rorever lu harmpe*y wt lIed. eurýgtIISIISuMS.j &e esti rgsdily. Ueo tIiait texparience vitI *Kx il vJib. roud 1'ta mevery valu- s"teno that peogiliwpIliaartlly walli tu the PoOls et y4hsejsampssU»der Ils.favtabl oodltof-othe reigu 09 Meuànb~.,vI1w«k a *ihbave besaau d i atmàa abali have bâe. A.stéee u04 à*ekaovl- edgeetofthe Lord! shall covr the arth 8*,the Waters. cever the, rest deep. l)&mptIon &Aud yng ii met bu taler- ath..enandi the ouiy',*ethbere will *be tu conWaed wv ilviil e round lu Use, talIon condition of the lutnan body, but theso lmportecttons vI ib. s grsdqally taken awsy trost te vlo viiobey thel lvaO! ut glorlous In order for dtperieno te b val- nable tilere mulaI be su ompo tu oas IL We cao se 0 . a*el tu. oqe osparlence a lu biit" 111w.cmusoe. plenty o! ront for ili u4,n ltle thou. @»nd year Judgnient LILy viemi the LoM's Kingdom vili 1>. rulina under the. vIols beavens." , n. Seeiey viii speais &gain uexl Sâ9day art - w fat, tWqc-Iame lour and plagU o Ueth e tz:-"Can 4~~~Q SJOLSONOW ~&éè flWàll 'c -~ t t '3 GUA8ANTEED ~.n Potag #'~don recelpl iiIoegr, Aà & Cou Prix a4K*6or t Ue Ri, $Çmboa3 sLud Qfflrtttoont TbomjlSo of tiie etty sçhls ». bret[e4theix reporta for b. no"'nn.has tcJiowe City ïoheo. Total *iroilnipt-20, 1 Average dally sttendance-1,777. Tardîne c e-20 Cases nover lardy-I,725. mages corm~ punliment-20. Total rQIie-3. Att*bxàhlct* i r May-282, Average d,»v attendancer-272. cases* tafdnis-l02. 'rIetnuiisilylarge ftumboé tor ta!- dinescases lun1kthe Mo shç trubut.in thet: .clolM o! $b , Gepe- M~e MtlbridÎe as Mui o! teue 1- bls. vre obligi'dto go further te *4idnuth- Dow c<nscripe ni Frimce la A»toPne Cro. who mearnres apors Ow lgg.Jeta lciss e H à»uot .b"q tlu acat uh ).» he ariny hi Wstffl e oserve. 'lu the a#tattôn odtpe," lie replied proudly ."Wlyr' #ea>*"t& "tec&um .I1aÀm udt eub- JOct te lg;i nmansd t1irn 1 arn se ItuliO te ,tbifflUtâ g bOya" IS RELI3ÀSE FKOI IIELL POS[ LE? Mr. A1*"d L. Seelqy te DlsUU», Thls Question hSundsy Afternoon, June S1tha aI Z p. m.. ln Mystie Workera' Hail, Libertyville, INi., Over Docker & Bnls Drug Store-Rises Prom 'Silfglowesver" lu Evangellirtlc Letureu.. passeS. eas5y durlag loldays. rull or part The senate passed a bill appro- lime. At home i iiinoar-by tovus. pnfatlug $339.000 for levee Improv- o avasaug. no, luveslmeut re- niants at Cairo. Mouud City ud ue. Wrfta"leMdy., D. KennedÉy. Sbwm~eow.Box 111, Walsk*eanr IIL Wkly It.p Z.-rMiiÏi t Corne in very pretty stiades of tan, pink - a"d bhîe, will make-into' vety neat play and s<êhoïo1 dr-esses for the chidren, commonly sold at 10e marked very special for to-morrow's selling, a~ per yard R.umau& IIf~Prise A table full of remnants, oonsistig of sil.ks,. white wais;tiugs, ginghbas, fiannels, wool goods and-Inuslins, sold on the third fioor, 'youi choide to-maôrrow at Made of 'broadclothl, sèm oin bberizcd , otjjijs have a plush like uap, qefierally sold for $.Ô priced- M a very special inducerneiît for the third filoor at only ., "s-.-- ,8 Kh*kizîIo%,2h Yrd C6meâ in the real Khaki' blâ, very high ga6, -for rnakiing iTen's rnotôreycle siuits, fmihiÙ sutbysIndian suits and for geneil.use whr ard -wear is 1W;a$ ed, special at per yard 2 IW .L Thé fI~ horn oî,ltO th-irl üeh or clùçog,f T. V. m 1a0 ie oPetrg epiigewdliti., June 3. Ob='P1W . %-'ir 1 Shw'e SOb. oO Nu changewlU bt madIe by the Lon ea W-~$00.00. T. -Wï Sneh »Ail wl!e 10 Laira prisent Illinois lealîlature in the Bretsuyder; Lot 90, Sbaws 5ub. on ste ats a prgvldlug capital. punish- $Olg1k..W > 100.00. meutas pealtyformpr1erabdc. erib0i ês tu10Thora Ander- men asa pnaly fr Btse, bdul. Bon: ly 60 ft Lot 4. BIh. 7, Wren'a tion amui treason,, Th$ Butt blde- MM K ddl.ak.W. D. $550.00, signe4 tu abulile capital puisîgment D. W.' - and wi!e tu E. L. sud aubttute lire sentences, was Harpbaie: lý uInBec. 14, Grant hlied y îe Husotody b a oteri'p . W.D, . 00000. o! IM y eai ai todd by a Q-e State WLake Forest 10 T. ot ityeaý nd63 (as.R, Quai' fTt Geen Bay Add. Repreesptallve Buti madIe an J.'ake Foreut. Deqd $1000. lotir speech la dvoatîna tlç pas- Daniel poeean .qd wl!e 10A. J. sageor îe iB;1îeresutaiveBle- ,oeuckl 1,91A fleases Sub. Hîgh- mgeof hiiin;Ptprointtiv Std-wood. 'W. D. $650A.0 mail, Bcbaiit, &loo iws»dlits Ps- A. C. Tois aoif!e to A. W. sage. Iteproeetal. George H. Wil- Bergman L 7 p .80. HighlandI son and Rellreseu±ative Kgae, fom- Park, W. D. n.7%0 00. or tat'a lloneyo! alle cunt, Eliabeth %*aS tu John Griffith: or tatg atorn'yof alie ouny,20% sires l In N. &Ys Sec. 7, User- spoke agaiut tle bi.ld w. W i p13_410.00. "I Amn not surprddtat Ivo 1mw Kae W (lodwjb tu R. M. Gbbis: yens. sould t*ke the i5.ard Qioy bave ýOta "5" "j" lx, 13, 61 and i5.,ftit agalist a layman iu Ibis malter or Oks #-b., 14te Zurich, W, D. abelition or capital pmmlsbent'" Inid Kilo W, Good*IU tu B. D. Wene- Mir. Stedmnan lu talklug for tle bil gar. Lots "IK" "ý1e 14, 15. 49 and 50, "Advanceludnt of erfmlnology bas Fair Oaki OuI.1ý Laket Zurlrh. W. D. not Co;me front the lavyers." Reprisaatie Wlson wK l t.s w 14d*w nte E. A. McEI- ItoripeatvoWIso, bolieaboae: LotsejFj u 48, F'air Oas li,.uQutncy, used the crime of Ray Sub., Loke jZui*Bi. $600.. "fa.ismide o! tInt clly,, wbo vas Thos. Corlot a»d wi!e 10 Sarah onu trial reeently for the iurder of V. G. Armes: SQ80 *ea u N. E.% Sec. hi. parents, a sister and a scîonî 5,T.bertyvtUl> p W. D. $9.574.80. UEo. Uxtlus'swl!e tu Autlcu teaber, as hils extinlu llklng agaluet bkaf:Lot. li', 11i, Wasbburu the bill. Tih. Heuss pasaed buils appropriat- lug $389.917 per annumu for the ordi- ary sud èontingenl ex;Amnée o o! e National, Guard sud $12,000 per an- nuni lor theo '-E r dpreser- - vallowot unUelrmsý, arma and equlp- meut. The bill amendlug lhe soldierasud; galrs home lmw tu permit thee- trance of soldiera' and saiors' wlves NEAO 'THIS. 'eplondid opprtuulty wiro wero marrieS prior 10 1900 vas for yougpeople lu make moue? 1~ i †- r-' ~--.t vt s You' la], that we'i suits en.) I f, 1 lit at's C ies, th ey bave ha% Scollars and4shfape frÔnts, they. arÉ,,e suits at ..... Me 's Str !fats,"la', It would be hard to flnd co<sl4srormosêtf, W There Are St.raW sailor hâté,' fae Of Sersaet sud inluding the wide brurn model, also Soft hisni styles. PriCes r'ange frorn ................ GéniuLnePa*'naa kts* Probably you wîll want a Paname&, yoIl¶i~y see the excellent quality of raterialand the many g Oui' special at ...................... Mens Cool Comnfirt*b'le $ Men's mesli knit summer undérwear, pi weatheî on account of its coolness andý comi white, iti long'or short. leeves, anklut or ke mies, per ganflentà ...... .............. Men's Sumnior Unde rweer. Ineoru . AMh aùïd whit6, wfth long or short u>£ ty -sleevefs, per garment, 50rc and Lspeoe Union Sufts in any of the above weaves and înpluding Cooper's welI known rnaM, priéed A new shiprnet of rnens 1.00iud15W81et urday' s eling, they are in. the very at ý dletachable collars, in ail materials, indu 2dig, weight flannel, just the thing for outsng sitp see o-'se collais v "Thev elear the way- without offense." l'le clear, penetrating, yet musical toue of the MhisM ti empliatie warning. .,1I- It is attaelhed to and formns a eontmauation ofith e e-ut-f Horns are niade of heavy galge bràsa§ j rnetat1y Pèd nickel, black, or ail brass. Each horn packed coo0plete linier anîd screws. Ford Special, ready for hrnnedià.te instx#atioeý *5-00ý ooo No. 1. For Autos Up to 25 K. P. -fits over-exht,g,,t t No. 2. For Autos from 20 to 40 Hi. P. fits over exhauat-14 ý No. 3 For Autos fx'om 30H. P.1 anId up, fits over ex1auiqs*l For sale by-TUAG EH M-WA c. or see S. E. à rO4YtUI-Set, Mr. Beelay la ýa native or van Dure couaty> Me., and cornes or Yankee paérnDtage. Several years of hi@ boybood and young namhood *sre %Peut among thb. alei. lle ot Nortlliru Mchigan; a HigI sebool oducation won reelvod at Blooming- date,.blieh., hlsi native tôwn. He re- miored to Chiesto ln 1892 where lie has since reslded except that about tire years wîre spent In St Louis, 140. He e*rii' howoel a religlous turn et mind, al lving been a studmt of the Bible lrom boyhood, asioclat- ee humel-wilth the Baptist cburch UW» u iijt l e ru",of agi. I# -Omauizatioôn ma", hlm a llceuaeed péeacher in,1S0S. Ai a reçaît et lapai Aliidy snd !atlifuiservice, IMr. Seeley aMlaterd hlirself with tbdï interna- tional bble jetn4ents Association ln ïiy-wheroe bu talents were woon reto$nhse<t b? making hlm a public letuuer on Bible topics. Ail sseh big bMymjave ben ludemaud lI& sày tlosi o! the midlde weçt amôion Wbich lUlalt be ment"end !-Codar Rapide, Iowa, Freeport, Rockford, Joi- lot and Wg*ukegsa, Li, Vlparsiso aàd Î;uth Baund. md., and Benlon Harbo( and Kaiaipazoo, mich. tt le said that Mr. Seeley's lecture Suaday afternom naeiwerlue Useques. tloa,-«'Can "e in lu.eil b. n- léaud?" willlha- of deep ijout t aIl Clrallans and honeit she=pîle as "IS. The question wil l ot oniy be answered !rorn the Bible ritandpoint but aieo in harmony wlhh sanctified rasin and common senne. "The Bibltesotnietîmen accused," saya Mr. Seeley. of being unreaaou- able and s5ei!-contradlctory but 1I Sud il taeb. ful of reaéon and coxno.- s000e andnt ualony lbrows ligIl on the past andi present of the humnan race but also shows us whal 10 ex- peçt lu the npar future-not some- thlmg lu dread and cotémplatr iu IOroi but Messied opporteul«tlet Ioula forward la with expectalion and Joy. ' The Bible to me le o a book of pessimisim. ad terrer beyond de- crpt,b'ettiamu!orth varfous de., vices lun Pu'rxstory sud Hell, but on the conrary, Io a torehouse or good thiugs both for Ptesent enjoyrnent au nudproopeet." - ?b fettiré a-*ee and ait are ile vited; Wkly l Arl;i$ cal. c ~ - rn-I *55 * t) Jt~BSuIflt ~Cruh ~he iSmlUsUap 0* W ~ 4~~" o! bIb.? pao' 1-. 1h" *5. Corne in stripes hdji1I figures, fine ýl* quaili, the kind that Uguaily seils for 6&'fid 'te,reduI-ced especially for Weduesday's &eling, at per yard 1 1 1

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