;Umea Number 1; City Edi tar Roaldente 'PhifoneNumber 216-IL. Lbertyville Exchange tbpotodica t LibertYrii,. Ili., sSecond CI"@ Mal MattartNTI t7 F~lday.Adertilo Rate@ fMade KnOWD 03 AppEcaifoo Ip-nOti pRR. 81.60 soPER VEAR STRICTLY IN AàOVANOI irril......... ............................ Editor lyi...................... ............... ;................ .... Maager W 23ARD ......... ....... ......................City Editor t thi p m of Judge Ulbb*rd, formerly of Wai*te-t ~ ~I1~uPa$, an esteelnedùii eioved, oe t tya s.emed to b. "on the square," and who belong- ýîe earlier clans of newopager editors. rw's the. time parents should caution their chldren ' Ée,çîtg in batiiing lu dangerousaplaces; it is always Wla efL &reUtai sugeetions along ouse 11ût' bo the ineans of uaving yeiir son or your beBt ýK thIMM, ent of thu propsety,",ud in ~Uv~oftii raerut1afl h Klht f Py -1 I £aot tb âu- v iîwý vedutoaaf 7tý'6 tw *dfi tbeôl th$ burlepur- for ,dait h actthamtopvs hemid tfarotier tii. t a dec aede- tet eofervergtcertof th ý -areon Sldaur, erence aud oloved and qf, 0à lez ta tor ooety t e write h Ty. l ýîmý a*tctâi t" aàn beenmyin~ crë. te uiutratapvud it (Md (aThe seit ofua iii îàylng, but ~ my oul to eep;1 ~eber-ore 1 wake tbat the. audieuuehirst forth into ap- nu vas eborlagf hie "jeke?"' un ,,)oe Wtndths vordathan the "SPouta- » I, f tb 1.e Wba i ) lm procpîtaw. te K3a%,wuheud, but tht did net laut _1ttSk the a-Zapersu to realzwhat ns sud- t sest t nee other personwas as- Qte usew vaudevile snd make a paredy t b e very cbl& who bus had tender n asnet oly a failffe, but thé 'eueelloce as a u at the acter, whlch shoýz'ed inwGr ow the. audience took il., , tr, whoever ho la, svidently doual't remember W rayer 1k. the. average peruon; hoIl kely doen't e vtiit the tender ae of bis motiier; it evident- it hîm back to thmouebhapplst and montc t aUs. If it didho wuu ntPe t himslf to0 it s s I~if. W.1*,ý ni zûelieve eook nom 11k: Wý.y doos al u-or nome- som .iY» y culd ce atly express appreval llal.Count>' of Lake, es. 201 of ilortgages on page 195. ln court of Lake County. Octo- Chancer>', No. 6151. *M A. D. 1913. Chares D,. The requisîte affdart having been ,igsea B. Cummnints, Wil- filailin the Ofifce of the Clrk ot satd Çu>nmlngs (or Win. E. Court. Notice la theréforé her«b>r a or W. E. Cumminge). given to the sld above namned and é. Spencer. Trustes. W. unlinown defeudants that the above Aebel V. Smith, Tras- named Coxplainant heretotore gls4 îla,»% W. Fltcher, Eliza. his BI of Comiiielnt lun sid Court, vletchr, Cesore Pan-ý on the Chancery side thereot. and WýZ Qafflt>'. aoldthe Uln- 1tbat a summons thereupon lzaued out wyizr , nittui la Coim- 0f snd Court against the aboya f da ! !mpiaat wko make named dfendants. returnable on the :4vô se ltee aUrt>!v*bis t iret da>- of the terni or tii'.Circuit k iÜ * tter tuhrai- Court of Lake County, to be held at e*% orne or itrzet ln or ith)$ Court Hu. ln Waukegan ln ai ý*1* o iàsa Pnt ' or at of Lake Coant>', on the tiret Mouds>' of Iýe âaar.Kd . urnd' MU March A D. 1913. and tuat Aias% IKO.. t4 *8unkuocu owues Summons issueil returaijia on the 'r auf lagal hoiar. or local On4t Monda>'Of October A. D. 1913, the tlnéepincipa.l promis-au tg :by law requirel. and whiclx suit mmw h ar of ! I l tilpendiug. ,1.1 S.lI . aUaoed Mi dé- LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. e4-I,àUW. Ii¶tcher an Clerk. dm4 rou rchlali CHARL.ES F. oL.&ESE2I. A. FatczerComPWlatLuantSlicitor. Tratée daai Wauke<rM Ilinola, May' lSth, A. D tCOUNTY mcENTICENZ$US .ýAUTl'EtRP O F ILLITER- From inormation jmit abu1p y tise Fédoom ICernas R1 *a, e very lntemetiggg f"tu a&M &«Mnwith regard to Waukemn ansd Laké coun- ty. Ail thé figures were sécureé4 oa- ter an extremélY careful canana and the>' are thus espaideral rellablé. one fact stands out very promineniti>. Native boni Amaricans are lu the mii orlty hoth Ain the cty and coun- ty, foreigners predoràinating by a gond inajorit>'.? Following are thé figures given with regard ta Waukégah: Color.) and Nativit>'. Total 1»oPulation 1910, 16,069; 1900. 9,426. Native Whit-Natlve paretale. 4,870; nati-ve whte-!oi'élgn or mixel parentage, e.471; farelga-bonli white, 5, 624; negro, 101; Indirnu. Chinne,. and, Japanese, . 21 Foreign Nationalitiés. Foreign-born White: borni u Austria. 897; Beiunt, 42; Canda- Freîib 33; Canda-Other, 143:; Denmark. 15t). 14urn~ei l~ 2900-44,216. 44é1r0.-491. Number lu 1900-115. mildan. Chinarne, Japanese and &Il otiers,-M Native wlitea-Native Parntal- 20,951. 1 Number la Ill00-13,311. Pl Native whte-Foreign or mixéd P Number la »00-12,787. di Native whte--Foreigii parentage - b 12848. at Sative whte-Mltxed parentagO--i dl 1*5. a Foraign4iorn. whlte-14,588. Numbar ïte 1900-8.218. ae Nauive white-Native parentage ai 38.1. b Par cnt ln 1900-38.6 at 1Native white-Foreign or mixed PaI'. & entage-34.di England, 184; France, 12; Ger-_. Par eat l 1900-37.1. an>'. 572. Grefte. 17; Hollal. i36i Foraiquboi white-l26,5. e }trnngary. 113; i'reland, 168; 11*1>'.tPar cent te loq. - 23.8.Wi 16 Norwey, 98;Russia, 1,410. Negro-0.9. tu 2..otIand, 59; Swedeii. 746; Switzer- Per cent tu 1900-O.. Iin 14; Turkey. 284; Other forelgit Fotlign Nationaitîem. lm ountriée, 530. Foreign-born, white, born ln AUS i- ative Whiite: Both parents bora la- tria, 1,752; iietgium. 127; Canada, M Anstria. 368; Canada-Frencis. .29; French,. 79; Canada, othar. 704, mnad-other, 94; Deninark. 82; De ak, 470; England, 11348. tt ngland, 163: France. 8.3'i Oérmany, 953; Holland, 22; trelaul. France. 62; Germani', 2,713; 8; ltalY. 41; Norway, 68. 14 relad, 789; al, 2M5Hngry, rq Russie, 64?; Scotiard, 46; Sweden.14 rln,71; tl,56 owy 319; Rounania. 23; Rusai&,. é.912; 18; Switzerland, 6: Ail athers of Scotland, 371; Sweden, 2,647;,Swlttey, h reî arnae 4. tandî, 105;, Turkey, 294; Wales, 41; in 14 rita-Mai, 8,Vý6; tota-femleother fora.Iga coumntres. 782. f ,2r. N~tive white, both parents bornln- 8' White-',aie. , 7S9i whlte-female. utra 946: Canada-French, 74; Cun. 183. ada-other. 226; Denmark. 346; Englanî 5er-fal.',;; negro-femnale, 48. $14; France. 41; ternany, 4,380; Hol- t Mâie. of Voting Age. -lIad. 129; Hungary,. 54: treland, 1.482; rotai numbel' m,881; native white- itly 104; Nojway, 226; ituasia, 861; itive parentage, 1,399; native white Scotiand. 212; eweden, 1,096' ; Wltaar-P -foreign or nxixed parentage. 1,062; tn.24 i teso oeg aet oreigu-born white, 3.176; negro. 3.;age. 1.68U.j Citizenship of Forsign-born Whit.1 Bx. Naturaiized. 1,087; haviug firat Ps ?'t" Malute. 29.551.c prs, 291; allen. 1.529; unknown. 269. Totl. female-jàe57- Illiteracy. Whiite. nialer-29.803. Total nunoher 10 ysars al and Wiiite. famae--ZU44. cver. 12,701; numbér illiterate. 1.293. Nogrb. tiale-220. Native white 10 yeurs ail and over. Negro,.10124J1-261- ;,195; number Illiterate.2. Maio o ol"Ag*. Forelgu-boru white 10 y.ars olI und ToW. mumber--18,40£ ver, i.424, number tillterate. 1,.266. Nomber in 1900-10ïs.90 Negro, 10 years old ad ovér. 8#; Native white, native parantage - umbér illlterate, 5. 1 56,08. ilitérate nMales o! voting age, 756. Nuimber I 1900--3,397. OShool Ag* and Attendanca. Natite white, foreimi or mixél par- Total number 6 ,to 20 year Inclu- ant*ge-,86. sive, 4.071; number attending achool. Number ln 1900--3,260. .63à. Native white, mixed parentage- Persona 6 te 14 Years. Inclusive- 1,305. Total number, 2,452; number et- Foreign-horn. wlite--7,793. tending achool. 2,161 Numnier la 190"-,203. Native- white-nati'.e paretitage, Negr&_164. number. 910. numhler attending Number ln 1900-72. sch4ol 837. 1 Indien, ('isnese, Japanese, and ail Native white-Foreign or mixed other-il. parentage, nuxuber. 1,278; number et. Per Cent oi Total. .endlng scliool, 1,112. Native white, native perentage- Forelgn-born white. nuinber. 253; 32.1. number attending achool, 204. Native white, foreiga or. mixed par- Negro, number, Il. entage-24.8. Numbher attendtng school, il. Forelgn-hora wliîte--42.1. Owelingt and Familles, Negro-0.9. Dweilings. number. 2,825. Cîtîzenshîp of Poreign-barn White Familles, numbet, :3,25. Naturalized-,251. The !ollowig figures are ILr Lake Alu261 coutity and contoin nu> statements Unknown-1,349. o! interest: Pplto.ILLITER"CY. Ttl pultoul9tion.058.Iiterate Mâies of Voting Aue. Tota poulaton,191055,58.Total nunibér iliterate-997. 1900-34,504.Fecntliert-. 1890-24,235 Per cent l 1900-4J. 1880-2J1,296. Naticentenun190".$, erte51 1870--21,014. NFe cntiteraté-0w l.5. t-- Incemase. 1900-'1910-2M~54. Per ce-nt iié aIriltt Per cent of inereaae-0.6 Frinbr ht ibrlie Ires,1890.1#0Q-10,269. ute-934. Percent o! lnexra.a, 42.4.Pecntliote-2. l*.nd ure sqe ~milos)466 Negro, number llliterate-12. Population par square moile. 191-- Per cent illltert-7J. 11.0 Persona 10 Vairs *Id and Over. 121.0 Total nuuffer-4N&S29 Rural populationlier squre " Number I.lllitet-1,E& 1910-61L.Ne llbrt-l3 Urban and Rural Tpiltery. Pamr etlillterto--4. Urlian, 1910--Phum tgI 3,500or mm Nativentlté, umb-&.2 3 la 191"-1,73L22.whtn;bâ-933 Saine places ln 1900-16057. Number illiteats--îî Per cent of lne5t'éU. 1910 lo-1Per cent illlterstoe-4.4 108.. Foralgn-horn 'white. umuber-14,147. t Rural, 1910-Riemialder, o! cunt>' umber litat-1. ta 1910-23,386,ercn IUIerat-4, "amnéterritor>' ala 96-18,o.90. NgO. nme-4# Par cent o!fhicreaie. liOO.1i10-23.4. Nàinber lllltestq.-47. Urban. 1900-Placés of 1,500 or more Per cent ilutote,-.>.& in 1u0-îusî$. Persona 10 ta 20 Yos;% Inclusive. f u.. 190-R .,emaiderofcouat,,in iTotal number-16Oli. 1900-22,272. Numnher inimrota-lo. Par cent la place.of 2,5M0 or mor er SohooliAe mu-tid ýidt 1910--57.6. I Total Ac*iher 6 tel I~tf U3l" Per saut la paea o! 2£MO0or Mo"e, T14,594 t 1I00-.45.5. I ~Nuuibar attendln ChO'484 CotermuidNitl~~,. (Oontlnuet on Pue eSlx.) BOAT M A D CAP$!LZEP. Were AIMOStExhastîd. Waumegan Jue . UBôb" Dalle>', a weli kPown singer who holde forth et the. Colonial Casino sFo x Lake, proved hiniseif quit. 'a àero an svening or two ago when ho lungedlolto the. waters of Nip- persink luké and rescued two, per. %eue who were Ln Imilient danger of Jrowning. Thae la a narrow tur- nilant creek conécting NIPPeraink and Platakée lakes whlch flows ua- dr thse çulroid bridgé, niaintainn an excéedtusly swift current XI satis tat two persons. e an sd a womaa. seutadlnii a row boat were uaing this tree.cherousaiares=a si a mnase ftpassing froinorne lahe. te tisa other and when tisa> arrivaI ti thé bridge thé boat audial>' ltgm& id from Its course, turuing crosawls., dumping thse occupants into tis a tar., White thée >"t proeedi down the- stamtoward Pt»takee iake. Thi man and woman bidthé good for- tune to b. ahle te coinsélu contact dih the aupports of the. bridge; isang. lg on for dear lf, whuie tisa swlftly fowlng water held their bodies ai. moit ln a perpendicular position. br. Dalle>' succéélél In caoturiug th boat aud endeavorlng ta row up lie streans against the current andl rescué tise persona frons their péril eue position, but the boat betng part- ]y suhuxerged prompt>' snk unIe>' lils welght and lie was compelledjet swir te shore and enter thie vater fromn a position above the bridge aqdý ,wim down to thie Parsons te be ras- cuel. Grahhlng thie man hée advisel tha womsn ta hang on to hlm and a!. 2ta hri struggle lie Oinali>' towel a. ae the shore ard r,ieivpd the -,'nrati~atof Vie F' rw-stri--';on populace; wearing his honora vary' molestly as hécomes ail réa! iheroe«. oeitiV&to a pmmau "0 e a àbfir ~ t vîtte usia" 13£?&0 couplas TIMOS TIA& -LVAULT th1i~tivorepcP6e the. aid Woo4eit Itox ha ..ho-ntihe rupui.ivp lostur. 0f Inter- men -g.a Ile v If =avebs nado . ht~iti e ot -¶onrot aswav. Vaulii of 6rick. stom ansd .Ià,b,1siat.. have Jân, 1w-n mowle tbntt twi-.. ainei o mad* 1w. pervion.. ta water. Tho. Aaioipac SuaRa u" rwaIVenitgi.aholutely vatar P,11101a@ Wolii s"A d.trtIifr 1t I uit in two pin"tyvpr teclframninfg -Id and eeisit uîni%, and Im. fintli*l*îd .]id smit with a minrari plaze that fonciers itas a. iiue!v tu iiiture se 1i.. t uppu. th. u, . fo r hg grade bu rial votit witima lItrietie w-aI nlwi ore.t , igi aeuieînal beaityand d.linItv rnreed hby tIbo ldirtg nrdrtak o .rrbe r e, Wh> are authorlie n arfflive4urdeti.. Manufactired By 'W. C. BRÎUMlt Cernent Contracior LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. LIARGE STOCK. Cam and s@. thomn. THE STAVER 15 A STAVER. SCU ANCK BRosi LIBERTYVILL, ILLINOISJ CLEAN WORK SA FULL COUNT UMTZDSWT takes one and one- fourh oàcSofG06d, aps itwith abird, and it's worth $20..-that'fs.money. Mechan- icistae materWa worth $5.00 and make it into $100 watches .. thatelsU Mercha.nts take arois worth 75o and ssII themn- for $1.0-..that's called business Diggers shovel dirt for eight hours and get $2.00 --- that's labor. Myself a toiler, on receipt of a relatively small a.mount from yçu, I can hand you policies and make thepm worth to you and yours $10,000 --- that's lite, insurance. Doý you réalize the supreme import- an-ce of talldng with me about the Une of goods I have to off er? "Not Heaven itself upon the past bath power." Act in the living present. * * * * * To set aru4 Vou would aMgO to a blacksith, nor wosald gou ask a hto tebug a Crgo ot teas- Il u wil let irresponsible brokers or aenefts get protection for goti or gouir t it's g etivhege. Nut hbers no ece for dealing wit INCOMPUIENTS when. Wittsut era Co.t; go"con gel Sole comasel. CQntrAii difuer! The Personnel .1 Contracte differ. A aOODfCON- in T a o ompanq wlitho questosable personnel mag prove dliastrous. , you diferenciate between wheat Ca t va. Weémlteil you! We are rWhç put "UP. LinU L oe. JOhON H1-10 EDistrict Mansager. i 1