UWW ape!for La" Comute. i Tolopboue Number 1; Cty Edi tor Reaidene 'Phono Numbor 287,1L LibocByvt4F4*Rihane te L x o*ti 1lJta or Columbus los" tâtieii Potoffo ié tLlbertyxiDo. Ili.,sa. second Cl... Mail Matter - o!wi&um muet go té Cudit et te 'rffltbeV]mtwasundoiibtidly th*. Ade*Iealt Mod [ovaon pplcatonWaukegan famerSeeka t ffiffst muauco o u Tmth o tas <y R gv k't,y piMo. d* bwRào Ue In w nADVANCE Force Paymenf* Oi'DnaGe' Cty. loI iic e ac. l dur WordTItVw 1hs0O- sempTION PRICE,.50, Op« ES AR WTrIClTL.Y lmHis oin cE. long d= ltLre,Ibutreven il t bad ________________________________HI$________ o..e foraàabSluime there are MAnY Who Wou am o ve elcomed It te tire a ......................................................... ............ Edîtor RFSST OLWI AIR boiteo«ptie 0m the terrifie haut. .................................. .............................t..at.....aManag ro1 aa=HAPPEIatI hav béat HAPPE LýI38ARD...... .................. ... ................................Mity gedtr EpanTht e t d ia»olted. seebly no." Wiliam I.. HUSSARD...............................-.<'110Li«.o gonral jsairman of the. ovant Ille wy tinpnowloo, I woIt e lng efo eo ways 'Broke' When On a scirti1wda eoo. "erd a Federal Authorities Notifieda Iii vy hina ovloo, t on' b lng efroP~Jaunt in the Air. I would rMiû durlng the dayan rb uBI b .xpocte bto b. fer, foi g o t hrhSn jaWly a laear rt of thuay a?1 ev antd Inspectors Probabl i I. ~ ~ ~ ~ 71 6vTTIg*, fa vao addt orcc r Sa the 'indications more threat. P& Thsy zpect pay for about Ofleldlie.I and ylaor ltred ta collc 1fr COMei. It ament broke my heart for WilI Be Sent Here. fielan____vielt________25 orI knew the Knights of Columbus stood Voliva asserta he is going try a hol theelip o woul vou tact that the tain held off #ail day Postmaster Daniel Orady hbu recel,. tell Attorney Dady's piv to turn ti. flaiblied to da mate rnse :lnut crpte geld foi? <logba e me.the î g atecafler'». IciiInformation tWauevanal w3. lifo. Dady ropliod today 'at~5heproblent rthatconfronted '1utre, -, gvn tegraetpe, hottpeaobok btoeho , Won, Voliva bas one falrly intsroating libel suit on lthe wner of the farta neur the West Big Crowd Present. horttse aglu th e cnto tWo renton citylimte i wba ernoon endMx Estimates on the s'ze cf the crewd and creted several hundrod dollar. ~~ 1.1UtileIsnded Sunday alenon 1 e sresent vary ail the way from 7,000te Worth of damage, have net turnmd lie found Il necesaary to voîplane te 16.000 people. The tact that il raluel thefr attention te the destruction of "'Mat farmer who insisted on Aviator Lillie payinig hlm the eartli t0 save himaelt. l jin Chicago on the morng O h* rural 'mail boxes He bas osent"od& Wue because Lillie happened to drop ini hlS corn field when you'llha,,eto do." and, springlng Jo i m.t threateshsg eaused rnany people '!and t 01h.vandal hae and trueIt tr- Ïg t save h's lite, is not a sport-he's no enthusiast of the seul. hie waved lis hand at the1 te reana oewoohriehsd mttion bas tbeennorwaniided t thefau. ~nauîsc.-Th aveagefarmr wuld avef ei faoredto amru tebr-machine br'an teirmly, intended te spend the day ln thorîbles at Washington. ècatic. héavrag frmr wul hve el fvord o pin along the grouniin te ad Waukegan. ft le eslimatedl thut tev "Aithougis perbape these vandale do jk jhat his particular field was selocted for a landing. deniv Il ted into thie air,. i nc eral lhousand more visitera would flot realise thse tact, they are taking shlainr 9retchlngbs ek have been h li ithe morutng look. imuchb bgger chances in 4e»troying tic mused over the expérience andi la now -.1 more pIlumint. mail boxes titan tluy veril tr destroy- Tii. vote of the womon at North Chicagoand Iàberty- trylng te fiii out where Lilles man- AB i wtt every train an sttraitlgth interlorofthse sehoot houses," W iridicatoa that thoy are iutoroated ini community af- whte Mlerelyrsant what lie large rowde5 of people here. 'Th. penalty provided for anyone caught ~*tGlt te ~orio ô vmenvoer wo p- sstated that the manager woenu set- -treet cars especlally were crowded te tamnperlng wlth a mail box luri ay &. pêdat he irl~o oneuner he ovstae lwit is tle for damage te the crosis. thelignite and in snany cases peoplej The penalty la not onîy an extreasely The question te: "W<uldIthfeai- wpre hangtng o behind. . heavy fine but trapritoumenit as Wall. tbâ, h a ev ear, tey il ua t e n er srefer having Millie kilt himsmlf la Four large autobusses plled between Uncee am le very particistar that hie trying to avoii landing on hi& crops GeCmeseme treet and Electrie part but ma1l boxes shahll e leit severeit rnay voteor wouhii lie prefer havng hlm maire 1 lhey could nelt aupply the demanide o! aloee the, descent eren f lie got ne pay for people wlshing tIransportatIon. Sevoral According te the complainte that (tIj jn often that two autos can turn turtie almost on the fi?, extra street cars were run, but even havé beau lodged wlth Poatnatit The tact la tbAtg this fariner cen- wllh themn there were many people Grady the vandale have net onty dme- is ay andth te occupants of both cars escape death. Yet frontedl the firsI experlence of the who had te wait ever twro or threm, troyed tbm rural mail boxes ln sertis 0q.what la happeneti in Lake County, one such case bd- Mili whiclieny Lake county Terier trips hi onder te be accomodated. alIinstances but ln a ew cases they ~oetdon unda andmie n Moday.Luôk0f tiaidd lie ait raser PUZZte him veAnd, e At the Grounds. have- even pulled up thse poste which ed o2naunday nd oneon Mondy. Lué of theXind istutraly, halarounde puwere ose ilTheelyundeweredgsupport tilleesuppxes.heTbxey.sayy »y erereit Scontinue. As both accidents were due to tires blowing the sroper course. 1wlth people thut oue liait te edge iets otJ$ing for these despotiers te soala l an argument that drivers eut down their speed if tliey h~bbeter ha a rmedetel i adlppi- l 'e Wysbu.I a oeaywy otattheremotnd be sate, for there's no telling wMen a tire is liable to atm rallier tisai deprecate tspO!wsc ra slreacodA l e lilu.îetfpr a especially n this hot weather. tha~t an avlator 5aw fil te cast atteii lthe besl part about it, fromt the Knight 1 A short lime ugo wmen it was dis- lo onLt.itsefart y ashialand- cf Coubus stuniipeint,was that thse1 covered that twe of lb. scbools fsear Ing n i, te frstairhiplaningmajority of people were wîîîîng te Warrenten liaid bten broken fo, a It vs a hingo! gneri com ent hatas avii e r made on a M'aukegan tluwn arin. ajwisd their money fre l-. o incescu:ton that bas developed duricg thse vuau anunusual lack Of Use of firevorks on the fariner ruused nu)te hMnsauwbereon thergrouns sand luis made îî th gdiretr anIbdto serd aoot drt notïngnethse wheels of Ibm aeroplane liaid plow- er liresome for Ibese whe did net cars Inomto ean ther ni f redaresand o ln W'aukegan. The explosions w8eeno i-nae ed up tbm sout and remarked "Weill, te luke a chance and ait upen ImiTrelnIaisgt theareî n voboon in former years,lioth inuinber and n uwillI have te puy me $25 for tsegreund. The boiling raye o eT bmsnonvesn ictI n o Iforainbas. U teU damages ynu have done." smade il Impossible te LEd any place 1sirhestlm o nomtonbsbe Iýt lookis as if people genérally are avakoning to thle An ilîe beaking unperturh)ed re- of reuI confort durhîg lIseprical vJobae stegvenetwl nthat danger lurlýs vien evor any effort la made plieit: 'Oh, that's ail rlglit, go and hourt, ef the dey, but a coliea . Ji -a tp iegvrmn O s, c~~~ee mv manager."bez healronbrouglit vel- jlaire ln the n'aller la net lunown. but lu the tld-faahled manner. 'I'aVIlUthat B"WeU iwere ia lie?" asked the coma relief. i:i, ta bellsnel Il-atej-oak9e an lysen't l a eco stu. extinct. If the hunroVIyeet con- Trmer. "Inu'Chicago," salit Lillie. I Patronize Concessioni.. natI iesant lier.ssite r os n tes. "W ell, I wenl go there a! ler l*It Ts.ed ersdPoî e o-gainadi osbemidvsti It vil b. ut a fevhearselongebbeforedtereollevdn itcnov., guilly parties. In case of detection *M in but aWetI yuwlonner yefoge ahrleia ar, it cessIon diii a rushung business ail day tIbm naximnum penalty villb i fle of __________dent have any use for real mosaey, long and sesmed te b. fafrty "coin- lInan effort t a iae an exemple of the. havet acen wtli e."Ing" money. Hundrmds of thse littie vanton despoogu, Ilierefore I ae' acn it e»playtina s ere distribsated. Borne youtr vile, or pur mothpr, or your daughter, or ei;plalned Lillie, golag on with:Ye securedti tv or tirée vîthontay t ~ ~ if ab. a. dtweaIfote onaitagrehlp<ortyn, If 1 ehouldffort. white others sent $2 orIlv y J~tmue~yand dead. soniebady Weald cleau my Peck: 'The doi rack vas on. of the unique 01 lme atIse OzIx'm ta." doue tIse features of Walu kucn Wan 1 10 âàèW" of The fermer. looklng rather dubions, legen meni apseed as targeta. Auy-' Md. oo Co.R'g w.~ n otinue: "Wall, I vont thse mouey." one vbo had a grudge agaisist anyca. ete. Lrt MOIglV * MA nn ilel f w Ç n i m-else.ln town litan Zxcllentptioe wlibý ta t&kss&i 'ýff t jH hn n vdnl n m) egttnt e wat" Mi inth. face vith ntai ighV at."su oeail day long. of hea1at*~s ta n hl~~~omeson te seen an unexpected fligît off an "African." A littl. furtiier along A1s l tînom . Ad11'm al* o'n , ut14t the . ad: "I do't intend gaon:alcb the Iere vas Ibm 'African dip." lnis i dbat 1 tt bey zlIoeely'-mjuht don t lIce the air afler ItV" a c:Iored nman est perched opn abar. bI ov il a oooklnt lt. WOMan'a auffrage's Wben tIs was MIil unloosened the Cgf __ _ ___$157^ 00OOOIS FLY meclianîsus and Ibm nmagro iiropped ________________________i nl a tank of vaten. He re- atun 01VERy M1W n iy lied tise ceolest job on Ibm ground. in' uli u L JIsaco I. , Theu,. ton, liaeewere cane racks, Jin- tihe REAL ÇG VFIT N 6 gle boards in nhttls yen songist te toe.ke nRa MIEIN AKJ B LLE ; I&N ASDICLARE'EX1-ERTI rings about coin%. Heop-la, anoîher 11UNLÀ-M - ULL T- W WÀSgaine lu which an effort ln made le togs wooden rings about articles plac- WASMAD C EANNG ti GU met cietise tud ednalh., ,Ià wtbeandnone er e!ait WÀSRAD CL ANIQ H 6U i Epenituetto Fight Ty- acaneonu box o! cigare, a box of 2i phoid and Phthisis. cadacnr id enanor$ , iunng0fCotrctWih he Wbile Frank lerei, Elevenîl an o number o! dîfferent anti- te Lincoln streetim. Northi Ch'icago, a for t iured eut ln money, te say noî- es. abiW us a ndt mrpoiean ln htctwscen ng of thselegs ln humnaitllle, tise coul Dancing Was Popular. I knowe ~ PuIs End 10 the mer ~sulicmmante thaclY sdanle i nted States annualîy o!fasip- Deslle lise fact that lise mercuny Operation of Stage. lng a revolver, frhday eflernoar, ponîlng itgfluy popîuation aenste e mast have îsovered pmilously close Countg - ail Sb -about four o'ctock. the vespon ex- S157,800000, say government experte, ltuste 90 degree mark there vere hun- WQES OpERATED 60 yRS. lloiied. Tise ulet veut Ilîrougli the ebo hdieeu making a study ot drede n-be avatled thisemives of the gears of âge. open wiudow and slruck Tony Pet- lise resulte of thm germ-apreadtng sc- pivîlege ot dancing. Thle dance floor roskey. Eigbth and Lincoln aas tes ivittes ofthIose Insecta, nwas ln excellent condition and vas 'waliiilil 52,04 llontinuanoe Recals That $WO.O,00004 for Phthisi. illed illý%ih erry dancere ail wlio vas pasaing the houe on tle It tg eillmated Ihet Ibm fly la r.. during the eftersaos ilnd even- fr o e0 Stne Usedt 1 Run From 1 oppoite aIde of lhe sIrait et Ithtre, sponsbl7l for au expendLture of s$50- ing. C Dancing startei et 2 o'clock çr o g lulb theahy Part o! the leg. Jereb 000,000 for the haudllIng of tubercu. and ontin'ued vîtbout Intermlsion ailusonte Waukegan to Wauconda explals that lie dld net knov lthgun est aeatiual t em utgImeeing. Tvaos'rchestraatxso ieS - l onaitd. spread by tise.peste, wyul. $70,000,000 lbadtheen secunod hy the, Kighta of. %0 Waasossi-Barrnugton stage, 1 Petnoakey vas asssti!etedt bis home represenîs the coul of lypbotd foyer Columbus Be that one could retieve the k. bas csnnted the mail adli day te anud Dr. 1- B. Jolley vas snusoaed. cases orginating la the saime waY. other when necessary. sibaand Lake Zurich people 1 He fouud that bthe bullet had Me As a carrier o! intestinal feyen and The BailiOum*s. li alrciwvent Ibrougli Ibere'broken tIse bounhe bmleg and the nommer dtamauts, and a lransporting The hall game, Wh"sii ie b.dis- m il totp Monday ue voli ue Ilepamful, tela netocoosr-agency af dysentery, tise flY, scimtlbscusei et more iessgtls inasither 001-1 M peo hetin e.fi lav1s tlly serions. Atftoxln vas Injectaid say, must be ciarg.d *111 an oxpedi- orne proved on. of tIs@ mont popubar ofU b evdby bbec nov rail- te Prevent thse posstbilty of bîood bture o! $37,200,000 for the cure o! the entir., seanon and fittut 1 trus55tai 0 1 I.-Poison or lock-jav. Ibm. dse ianea. lIaI futty 2,000 p«e s ttlsd0d thit,5 wa# thse tant af tbe lii stages, Jermls servat on Use North Chicago Gatlgeactory reaulta are reporb.d la fe#tune of the day. prûÙasss.AU Ail *years ago. vers Ibe oly Police force for gsomi ltiaI.time and noarly ey Ciby viier.anti-gl cn. KNIOClt,0KCinlI58te 50e oathse people o tli*t viClu- -alvsys bore thse reputablon o! being palgus are la pregre. .luWashm»g- Ciicago wv a sel tpteihorou a ta thse ualde vodand thele.;e-careful. lis vITe dled laet veek and ton thorn bheaanoticeble fau- vitb mecanne etrioSg aggyetoiu thing leait tti, stage w5.5 on hday lie vas gaing Uirough somne ing off tla thseelse airltheIpoilhorde. aid vhiîe the vieil;ga1mSj¶à. OUT 1lit MAi seonal eer telis, Of of li er effects lu a bureau drayer. cft.. Atteclithe oist sliowtng dnrhag 1h. fera Do f t.Assuug other tbings ho drev forth a Nfethode o! flgtiag the, fty vhlch gie.,they yen atl III - I . > the C. & N. W. ralncai bulit revolver hoe hai given hon and taught have beau tolloved la the national a Miaute. The <o»dto sudi blee terte carraLl p ae b er boy ta nse ta case of elnsrgency. capital Ibisnmer are n4ored la oen ver. SUei bi II ~td ye Jn carriandbJohtageRemhalacentlY hie ioyed vitIs tho a bulletin luatt ou Tessa intheogaic. frnt Chicago vho vire S oi1 taIo direhe uvi *"eteallJeuand Ilien made np lis mini ot tise state entaoeologist of Minsse. cee the visitons vic. lu o!-.d i e s a va ie o venu ean it. H ie im preso nl u atT he. Guis hoot. qai I.& u rich ve urst atisaI he veapon vas net lbai d Washngton pla n sInaugur- Tite fintshoot h*X tu t UseaternoosiJ, MaI nS1E5 '~ ooa ha e le as Dot as carefilorf t as Iso aied vlth a dean-up campalgu. glace praved a papular dravlus g agi"i ani »W muv eeOBI a Wtld muitt thave been lied le knovn thon thon the metisai bas cM&IU tal.ini-buisreda rve bottadI t ab. sace i line the bavevr.tanthree unnsed cartilges pally of brlnglig tau e attentOn aiflbeuse te vlCh th.e efort# a et o OB' eg oay idri, a nuanhor o!fvliam la Use cylinden. I dtixeus, by musfe!oducational pou.- testants promLient gbootffl bonil-. k~s5li.t Vocoud. To a nu- o peaae lisliner aata t e.!t ltton. sud nevaPaPer Articles, différent parts o! théo oeuflWwe e pJ Iesrsna stage route vas ai l rl gor 68a set hlbr Il ould work 1 suggestions for ffy eradLcallon tIsaI remmen h ie l ad ta the. jutr" PM tHLtSCIPr SoIid Cernent Silos - ligh Ora¶k Mésic. Ai-gtWintr4rldfl If notln hsim* wNwode. Soya pootae Never flo#ds repaire. Oheffand and sd t WM«~ botternth o an lerlo ae. D lnw. Tii. hl ,"a ofime ras.. Aff work roinfore.d and guar4nte4 Cam sl.aS3pacihy fireê cits. Leti usfuï~eh Our ootimâte of et. L 1BRTVILE.ILINOIB PHIONE 105-J. L11SERTYVILLIE. ILL- t'SVJ 6vpR LEGiS LARGE STOCK. Cail a"dme theuL THE STAVER 13 A STAgR. l eFDÀIT'il bROSe UIET ILLE, ILLINOIS (i~ I., w w C= TI sure hotl welI weîg your b re gîvte to kt awa) feels, w weat atrosn =c _ A Irisman ays:- the lies -mou hear told ore mot so." And ils told for the truth are not go. But this us DODS: For Less thon the Taxoes MWd Up. Estate a Man Con Carry Life Insurance. M0.00 In The Bank. a lady with $2,000 .00 ini a Bink in this he has in the world-asd she is past 75 wÇo puid $33.80 Taxes Iast March. We 00 of Lite Insurance to a Voung men 24 r under for ILISS thon (he- Iadg lpaid ini wme amount of money. MAY OCCASMOALLY 'INEAR SOME SMOUT AGNINST SUR£ INSURANlCI. Y KNOW A LOT TIIAT AINIT 50. N'HODE, Manager (The. man wlw put SUIRE in inaurance.) MLi Nbs