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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 4

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a% the Postoffice et Librtyvilllî. III,. au Second Clou Mail Matter Uvry Frlday. Adeffting Ratme.made Known on ApplicatIo. IPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLy IN AOVANCE ............. ................ ............................................ Editor SSMITH. ......_-........................................................... Manager f & L. MUleB A RO0... ....................................................... City Editor It looke as if the safest place to bath. these days le IA the. bath-tub at home. Well, if Fred Âmes' bondsmen are "out" but $576 IIi'ugh his defalcation, it isn't haif as bad as people gen- «tiIly expected they would be hit. Tkinkingr of the Volo sensation, we recall a certain U*uEirthe Scripture which says "Let ber who ie with- Î)tsi cast the first stone," or something lke that. Well! Volo! Where is it? What did it ever do before to malco itself known? Nothing! Now it's on the map most 4kl) vly-and, as usual, the women, rather than the men ai. the. cause. Hlghwood people declare nobody will shed tears if V tSheridan ie abandoned, the buildings razed and the :I&Mthrwn penfor public purchase. The fort has prov- a blgbea frHighwood. It'. har4l te keej track of whîch crowd it is that is ini eoii Zon City. One day one gos there and finds one ft lpower and the other crowd in jail. JtP a case ,ol 11-iere 1 ar," and thero I was." B3ooze and swimming do flot go weil together. The '1*es lake tragedy is anothor argument that a man can- :Ibo at lis e bot when under the ilfience of liquor, for, ýttninhtancei there seerne no question but tlw. t he vic- à-ad ho not been under the influence of liquor, could btm», fr lie wasan excellent avimmer. No hfâ bet in ayWag-uàmIngdriv- *.,vieu filliDg bis stonach ith Ito caes. Volo wornen have brouglt more attention te burg 9ffa m ang- W" h las iappeed im the tb editor d- Un. 01quvasbora'd efor, it *M'019 t b.acew et6awrtor,;iubtaa of1 4aày. .»he. bl1dlffee o1l tai he tor Ai nwpe sdbt fatçwee bhl no m I f a speisisesion olthhe ÇMuty Moard f 1.ItD'a matteis of this kla mvin >ed- offltien heve liadY t1v.stops cga do bis beat viten perrittlng himoelfte Oue caunot jl e t o9pisserout of t..im op a& the coroner's 'iquast1 i4i Ç p b gooit for a d4y-lesport, I. b. ibauâtft t4Rk they-put ito thgir mouths IN RWIAÂE LÀW 101 INEAST fl~ndsofUcenses IssuedI Former Foreman of the Bari- I~ bsSae Confliit With ed Wire Departmient in Logislative Act. Waukegan Vrops Dead T'he tact that huntere' lcensee la Waukegan employez of the cire fambero! 50.000 cure Printed ln corke and others ln th. cty ciii b. bes. lonor the nec gaine law was shocked to her of the sudien death liy thie légslature hau caused In Wrcester, Mnas., ou Wodnesday, &t whicai uay resuit in a lax 3:30 of John P. Cross, formerly a Mt e!tthe lac. foreman at taie Waukegau cire corka tbe baek of the license blanks and close triend! of John Tocusog&. a synopsis of thie lac ae it master mechanic of the wir milii, ~e.but thie leu, Later enacted cita, slngularly, now lies t i houne ft everSl particulars. The eni West street recoverlag troin a Whteea that cid turkeys and stroke o! paarysie chlch ho sustaln. mar flot b. klled until ed recentiy. ' ~~whersas thie law foc lin tMr. Cross' dealli cas very mndden. O~um Say nfot b. killed lHe cas caflting t h ae bthroo fy1. 1923. Taie enYnopels clien b. feul over deat. Hi cite j1 quirrela may lie killiei pashed t hi hm but found that til!. «m 1 tes November 15, but thie bai aaeed, N&. Cross had beaun Ï ~tUt ey mgy flot holeUd eiferer from diabetes for a long *L oc llanka cliilot lie ture. <b tumaâ, antithe gane car. tir. Crose la survivei by bils cif. ~b m veeonfuion tW coatemd andi two cilîdrea, Oliveand Lacrence. *mte Peocute. Thie latter la casher In a Olvecent a huatos nay shoot and savIngs bmnk ln Worcester. Mr. be usy shoot It wcll deponi Cross came to Waultegan froi Wor- %q=Vhs.u he puachased bis cimIer chen taie mille cire establisli. la iq aty o! huters, soin. id. being imade foremen 0f the. larb- le penftln h shoot ganeeid 4ro room. He lef t ber, about ~Imam et aler lioseuses are tcelce yer ago and liet beau a resl. te oboo. As oach pur- dent of taie cty about test y«er. Ste %mms la gooi taith gaine lett about thie saine tine thet Lewis aU hie t a lmoe i. macBritten retired a. superintendeat. tMr. liousmsam goed for a Cross made aany frionis ctI. hoars it ln hat loaaâttli.t as did msa aies faastiy. 'Thoy resWe mia-àbup le ed lni th. J. P. Kuh" place, lust on ~., Wst atroot, ut clago. TAE LAW Judge Owens of ChlcpOgI < ntr ouintloa / 1ilho ii mi o Female Votit tÏé *tê **alhoeaiored au lwgi- Gerge idee g . W19e9W Run for Elective n 0! ofunef CaugtbyteMo t inà 016 tColwnfLAW i. la ~orce an thas atmy té 7:30p .on'Saturday: EngIanI at, Basie of HIien the, cora Hf Ah Opiio. oi~tSe ; = piar...D 2.90 I N HIS POCKET. Womasts ambition te boid publie of- by taie isilture. but I it Iait b. George Sanihorg, .,md bataie po. fice necelved a stamgring blow wheh lliViI ~tforce that the Om- inlce e hob a residst %if Wukegmit, Judga Ownes of tih. Coolt coustty court ,ir::dâ.M o,-= Id itai respect ta w&Sàsaetd afiyngtabu unogliaUlly dacided that maie cas not 1 eg <dlg public office tg etilI ln e.ven-thifty O'clock on a charge of eligible tb elective berthe. 1torehi IRlis., Oicepe n R f9w OPO-begging npey froin North lie ca. A question basai taÔti the nec cille lustances chere 'taie legilature men on taiepretense that ho canted rotera' plan te put up an ldermaoic blalpss ttutes ln derogatlon Of 'te get enougli t0 talc. hlm teo Kil. candidate lu th. Twetielh cari ln the e Om=ntdiS ac. yaukee. When arrested2 hoe lid $2.90 Chicago brougait taie question at oit- "Thie womnii' enplonieflt nt, lu hie pocltet. gibillty up. passed ln 187l,-provides: The attention of taie police WaU ln answeringfit ie siitaie legisla- Il'No lierson saoliie precluded or calied te tho fellow dien B coan tors fsiled ta Include ln taie suffrage dabarred !rom any occupation, profes- livinat ner Pearatlle s stre on Grand lac sny provision for woman's houd. sion or Ointloyanent (except military l vaaiuo calîed up taie police station ing office. on account of sex; providdd, tht t'is ! ad declIared that Sandberg bcd elolen1 Taie wamen, learning o! thus ruling. 1t asi tl o ie canstrue dta affect adla an ir have alraady proposed making an car- 1 the aligibility af any persan tean an doll aid lier.tdcaet ti ly test. elective couft.' Sesl ehdcm et Judge Ow ens dld not eay posli'ely "A.ppamiStly, caille taie legîsatore sund tili lier a liard luck stanyE d that womien were disqualhfied for lil fleidd o<Oneuotwae aaketd lber to Rive hlm a littite y - lntndedte coter lien omenthe n r thai lie night get sometlilng log elective offices, but lie dii sgay rlghl'to engage In ail professions and t a niangisîîig e enouàh ta mate a delalable question '.pFOmants. It speciflrall. reserved a.eply cas tn h iintin of' thelr rigait. He. himeelf, said 'e(ctive office' troam thie cople of thi aîe taina o e ina blîl. n niany legal phases ta taie question 1act. oitrhaaondtebl.n eboui b paset .anJudlcially. Hie "in 1889 taie legisiature cpecileally f o oi.t' aIl erihlesld tchae I snswer ta taie quary follace: ga. caen taie nîglit te hold chool r u"Snbr l adWh "Taie recent suffrage acte does not fic, thereby uspending taie opera- Irpliei. speMfialy cnfr uonwomn otea ion of taie common Iaw ln thii. - Witbout atopplng tW coneider that apeciicallyconfe upon omen otee s tories di nattliang together very taie rigait taebhloffIce; and, bin ay sPeet. "iti oa nidbsti u Juiment thre re nanyfacs 4 be "0fcourse I have neot ied time ani ho promPtly proceeded to do taie settled iefiniteiy. tgoInta titIs question exhauetivoly, diisppearintg act. "oUner taie aid Eng*lsai common 1mw .înd ala anscer does flot state ai thie 'bUiceman Miler jumped on lits coanenocera nat permnitted ta ho6 legal phases ofthtae situation, but it bicycle and hurried to taie place but public ofIce. ln f87T4 taie legiolture doses seem ta nie et taie prenant lUme Sandberg hied disappeaea. enactai taie foliowiqg lac: tit thare la consiierabie douaitato .. îtelsracrolitrale -Thot taie common lac o! En -taie eiigibllily of caftan votera il)taie Police station tlimt Sandberg cas Land, se far as taie sanie Is applicable elective publte office.cIti taite excep- tryîng taie seai ganse ln taie vicinlty and of a generai nature. and il t at-'ta avenoted. It seeme W ime of <lien Fiors, and Northi avenue. Ieoracte of taie Britishi perlia- hathe taieny dainite wB> te sittie Pire ChIe! O'P'srrell took assistant ment made in aid o! and ta supply taie taie choIe question ls by a Judîcilide- chie! o! police Tyrrel I hie machine defects of thie common law, and wchitermination ef taie saie." candîaiey -reacaied taie location ln a -short tise. Juet as taiey got taire meecas a bloc-out ln one o! the VOIVA MISES TRY TO IITIATE tires. Mtr. Tyrreiligat Sanitorsmal lit. About this tîme another au- BABES;WA CIIS EW CO '; iEtolet came along miii the police fie * taie cîty jliU. uanuruINtCo. JÀM "This eaouli prove a carnlng te TftEMiuNEYB INM L'.LWaukègmn comen fnot ta b.etaken la by every liard luck tory they aear,." - Assistant Chie! Tyrrell sai. "It'a Zion Overseer Puts in a Hard Two Waukegan Men Leain it esasy nougli for a int concoct a Day Corsecrating Infants is Dangerous to Taokle the veon it o!cass tire iut ntha bordmo! and-Countinq Coin. Wrong Man Sometimes tonurttta le a i ther @, re,,tordd ta ORDAINS 2 NEW APOSILES. ARRESTED AT POINT 0F GUN mione". If coman ouli make Il a pnIt i refuse thase requosts thare T knt-sx eaons and Thir- Policeman Held Two Mon it faîr euor.'t i.ey hiuse lai ty-four Deacoepes Added Bay Until Autoist Came and Ibis ma' story cas telle asdti " to hie Mofîers. Ass1ted Kim. einPlyUhugait it cas tai eolsit ce; 'Sunday cas 1Wilbur Glenn voliv'. ai ut aecause i;nm-tç tiller lalao! malinx a living. busy day. Auong ter things th.I necz.00- 'on va-'~e olie Iovrser O!Zion kissed stxtyolx lho. 1tefar esflt give avone the Il _____________ li sikp l y on ,a iarrel 'censte, "qut hlm -Ibraugla lais pacea," chulo 4,260 persons marchai by an as twù mnu iarned to taiir sorroc tonne la their encriciaioffering. an SatUrimy nîglit. Il tooai taisajust ,Veliva annoustod aie recuirashout tco seconds toa emthat MilS- nmonsey mnnany allier soiniser eor du&t eid any intiation la thie corld. If h. persanally count- At taie Police station taiiy gave id ail1lio receivei yeteriay aie beau% thoir naMes a.: beeu ta bed. The. barrel cam almet Adamn Delaf. bal! tili chen )ho procepsia n cs CitrlesS cliniaker. aven. seni it cas etiuctoi taiat It The. charge preferrei agalust Ihein castialind severel Ihoutani dollars. ca iunkenness, disanderly conduct But kissiug taie babies, titereby con- sud resoitlg arrest. Esac as ii M ertintg tileminlutaie taaiho! thae 1200 and conîs eacui aud as resuit Carltian Catholle Apostoiic churcainiD cii speni taie next forty day. In thie Zion, and couting nsoney werene tt Lake county jail. the only acitevements aoflthe amer- -.Miler man acrose taie twa mmS sen. Ho isa ondslued twoasposties. ner taie nortai end o! taie Shleridan tcenty-uix deacous thirty-for des' Roi bridge about- 11:40 aclaciet- connusses, sni recelved niuetytco uriay niglit. Taiiy cere curstng ani personae luto meibership. usug obscene langage. Mîller Eustaca tL.Carey soidiFrancis 1m. carnnaithen ta bu -quiet aidgo home. Royali are taie Ico aposties. thes ral H. pointed out that oromen cere aven created lu taie organisation. passlug constantiy and contil ot Iulp Overseer 1 oivea anftauncai that as but hear taie bai remnie. acon ase divine direction pointa out "We dont bave ta go home," one the men lie ciii oniain ton ther of the men sali surIliy. apoalles. Taien, lie mii. taie estora- Taie policeman carnedlaient tat tion o! th. churca i ciiihave baus.c-. le could have toararestthten If titey conwlished. tI dii snetdo as aho oriered. Taie occasion formai ttis ctivity la "Oh14 you'i'.taihe wCDPma&biu' ZMon Cty cas the closing o! th. an- voit?" aie of tien meered. "Guees nual reat o! taie tabernacle. Taie l's about lime you' got your ltim. failliful formai! in lin, lu a grove et ulngs. You're too trene iaoycaY. Tou taie eige o! taie city andi iafthted to teed the saine kuniof midicine tuat Siloai Tabernacle,.lut the pocs"Matt Stalcer *W1.and aere's chere s-are Ico zMon bauds, taé ie ZnGuaria, Yqu gel your WattaloiL" taie Restoralion Hte, laie Zion train- Witli liait tai e !ui@csartai! tau - id nurses oui aboust 100 roba ilole- maIrei£lscoal. He hà" praceuiid hi tala, lb. point chers ane atm cas out end Vliva sunounce ithe churcai»» om onas tirtug tovard te mqlce. could have a Beat o! steauers engag- mm nla a oteacing Manner, caille id In wrcaioamee da ctie lck eftiscMa pafulon icsea leshWag nfroun gospel trains rulnAg m4 over thi tti a ter aide. U!nited States carrying gruacaiers asti fingo!" convertlng ucultitiade. Taie policeman'% sigait stick de- 93unday probabiy cas th. bu~beacended cith a re.éunding chaclrix day ZMon City *ver khec. la nuisher the o elc ole . 'lTé'aioglt vas eu*. o! kismes and colas Vlilvm a ua» to Mid" aud deepîle taie qpiku Poicmoai have broken every tic n 0of hlm prode. Millet umnae 1AbOS Ie ONU 851: casor, tefoundea' oftIi. bweh, k"ojont. fotie c -_..et *9t w. John Alexanader' Docte, w bu euaed itlàclub hi good. Oui o! lb. tates, moyez o! Overweer e0t Volivc le hi have motio pctur , of 5U000. lu a nsatbjsacloon seein- the choir ltaton as t5m mrchi*%,Mg e thI 0 ibin ae poiicoeffa cas gela th. conter laeorthtaieTahun»el teé corat o! Ilt, W # seu$itari ami took *thoir iacês tu the choW Il eauhe b.police station, declor4wa loft. Thi a m oee taie I»»Ut.if M thàt a policeman cas bolsingkuli. the Ounest punceseonalsll teé ori, Nwhitde* sumrgeant PtraitS E ae Mm and the mwlu* pWonmmm so;laie lita ds ani startel-for tai eteq choi lblg Me,#Ut doezt.lie cas accouiaffl by ,ebevtU Movlng p îc1 1. MI m oininer o!fte tffl sa'5b u Ci Msi .8al se 1 .Miiissin. grevamb se ~tjaTq$e mio '10 taie meautime <Itpb e Uirto laitue. A ges ft, let M theécea coing aloeg *teillekebu i l elty cvais ata m Mon Zon KoaseeeIi taie trouble Pq Iumeqliila' Taie total »um or fteo ! orfilm NU ba*tmia p ae e~Éa tais. vos ove? 'M. q MiletacoptoL ., pactu ails ;p- Tbeies pt"n' ou ow4mgato clv eler. hqcovre thié tco.- mi lie usd by OveesserVotrea oq hbléàshe thom tu :te utmbte tours of te* soélne 'cUl sablait cobeiliirthens hoeater IL. He taie pIture o oCty ta i aui- Ithén eclin*"enlandstikeplt teom cov-ý encea lu the jar IW tilhie ol« i vioe-d al lb.hecmy to, éaie ttl & b&ut sui as an adv.tib« oou col0ét ver!tehotaie clW lithqv oet s an tIse o ggt at st tu th se jDem gorgsant Trynoe l1 ir. Lini- gestermi public th vlue of thès1110 My.. w tures wclb ttbleh nédIau. 1 la thlb.police tation taie Io mest "aie ilim cvi be cotbte'd tu amlt' %W sto cotaier rs*j refulins te aie colora,9ud e1, erVoIl , liiprob. luhb latn.ew tliatbo t i*idt ieu cow. 4w.met doe uep tUaS as te, ChIna, AMcé AusttLraImiothe rcoid #e tu »os ou they cvue-plel partes orte woK,, l ebssaicie Wei* #AUCi4 TERROT SEING 8MOwVN. of the bmmuao I ais aaautv 0 U0tB formi*-er!mqav bo 9884,0b4lo f aél.tés lom. couety AgtIouw s'a l am, 0.aq oured rtn~ . Unm., a aomultmf taas expert, *ho tg w.li inocut ail pr ti country and la MNu. tota"k chiner 0 thîs conk. Mnr. More. comi..f rout Wlam.bgo ffounty chers liebugs lues coaplotoi tbe orgaulsation afa ôdàing of th. Wl'... ballot County Farsp ImproveannsA-so- clatlon. Re comneaacd operaitione Mon. day lu Lîbertyvls', Tuuday lu Frit'n,.nt and Wpdneeday ln Cubae "onaidsrnble interet Im being elioca iy theflaraitert wbo are jalad ta bave souasone puisling thes organitJnir. lncldentallv tMr. id 're lm glvifl1<agrîcultural edrk, ta the larniero. clea.er.r r..qiieatÀ- TIeitolportune 0o! ti. movýmpnt ta -a cnnpce.notle W. V 'V t~d IrlJearesck n0cledged fpet tait tIhe a vr- aie teniiln llInois le mot prodairing 80 oaucli per arre, m f'arau.rlý; %bat tais In Sure Insurance &*"oq sgiauary , s4 1913@ fer 25 mats extra pet .thouae of t "uracc L(weCoim (if requested) have attached. t. Poldes ismaed the "IT dD.awmtv cIém.r je," flml amdes. lincaoe the Iusured le -totaig die&a W m cient or %wmsauetheCoffm a mube aunfuture, peu- ametewhfl hmeme the l.s.éed wUi geL hNe Prewm.Rçceiptfre as l m ae lccomtim.es tot*4 ugjdbleed he ld M W »m dg.Mutuel Life wu LiFetie lma e i, gte tes tg iMiérmeceeu urrender values ,. m irpmc poiche, t t Im ii.ôbeuaé 4mcplower la otwr i rems wich beocit liMe-lnsgared. UtcImuruc Cacrule' reet' 'Meu au opprovdiforMmetflie caaracts.' Jo~ I~QDÇ.E, - ~~nê~ger 00 4m* lc uw dvoqe er- ~.#ad*#Soêtai voul &I aplyte ob~ta w.uDmot apptte acoter. kisp~fi Wla b beau oom111d, m- t u ped élé M slrkJlo 00 01xêfeAMus Iiai.alb»o mieua i we0 ail vic se lcomiM% so shleov44 wts h Ut. Ie.Magant o smeu$W aaumdmid s.Propoliémên be 8 pnUjle luteo prato". Abd ~pmth.es e.aBte blruSw Bervu Ob m'tb*a su mW4ke l ,ni îé i. lowàng ous hie advice, la 91YI. aI dric e extiers aIways U0nsie stII. meter groin ia, dollars and ouate point of vew. tII. oblec i beg go lmro.eprofits. The.expert lae Ut. fbruir'. frind--nots ariUe,.or a dicta- ter. And om %bu advice la give. it la Up te the fumier te folio w it or nlot. mest as ho plasoeu. 'nle "larin doctor" visite farne ouly weu b. le called t.a sd hie. advice crarnflt elnaply tli wia. lbut lveutek sud fuedlng, tbuidiage. taciut.- *ry an auansgeuàtat uraly, if big cr- purationa i ili pal shoui*and.o!ofdollars ta ex 1 arts taadvise tairu bow te ram lbu.&- buseDuos, farmêrd ouglit ta b. ab a tu teîlit foui extert md viee aiea ie- eau., farntfl %tie muet .)npiex baiel. neU un taie lm .of the. rarti. STAVF.- LARGE STOCK. Cmli a»d »ethen THE STAVER IS A STAVER. IF IT S FROM IAU SCIANCK'S. GRS h1sure n

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