N4ew State Board hi Ses*îon at Springflet6 toConsidê-rCO Its Plans. Reiolutiofl la ,Çomnoll to Soet SIXTEEN FT. ROAD FAVORED Qeto fB itt t.El in Miiwaukee. Proident Gash ot Chicago Bc. . lienes tate Roads Should WÎ,etlîer thé Chicago & ml"wUé BeUitmEéotrlc Rlailvai Company blas a flI B. Unformchse to operate cars on MiIWBkE; treets. for griatrefile, viii be etab Aààtomobile oviiers, cheer op! The. lshel ii the. Courts nttrsuit athh- day Of g90d country roadB la dawnIag. 4ed iiithe ecommon couneil lua àrZ89> i Thie neiO state hgiivay Comissioni, ution tntrodueed Yesterd5$ 117Aa 1.nt ciiarged by lawv witb th ' duty of e- Casey and drafted by AssutttM attng good roads for Illinois. vitU told Attorneyoi lllaie *ftar confmoreOs its tiret meeting today ln Springield vitli Mayer fading and Ctille ditg for the, purpofe of organtzlng anid lai- membsi's or thé nonupattleafl àloit. i.l' tag plans for carritflg out tu huges "We do.'t vpnt to dlv, t0 he OS Pl taïk &Mil'waukee ,lectric ont of tii. O11 01 ,Abram D. . si réien fthe. Alderman (lasey said, "but w. do vantw Comiession, viho l ini nalta- tuplue. lis .corportiOon =sau umile cowner and sa n.tbustattie de- wutqh we mai know la légal and votid, ,otee Tuesday outllned liea pollcy as it cdaims to have a franchise. Aslt-.f h.ad of the "good rosdel" board. 1&nt City Attorneyi WllllaD*insliseI 0 *His slogan la: "3511, evel! basi Dot. . à tovii. village, and iamilet of li the . Thinks Move Dent PqlicyK 'h accessible to tlie automobile." Joy rting and speedng wvIibe baclebed. - -Whitîe tuile doult silets tiie City le If Mr. Cash bhie vay about 1.JIi andloepped lin undtlng the questin Cook county tu à ev years vil hpiv of adjusthng Intredts of the three truc- th the, neigiibonhood of 300 1 or, cften compatle wlici muet useolea *rot osae@ country roada. T a Iiill- t I.veget th@. t4'0t ovr-01 roads of adjacent counth.vioePl&tes iia neans to m rfl ,higlivays lu turu vl stretcb asn .U uoeaeti and convenleDce. teroiléate, eo fer as llfnots la - tIlcnlin 1.1 rflhàv nerned, ou vti the. eathe ouzvaut le have Il come là esuitppli lo« lm. oua, which wvol iuouh"1iy h. "I présume the firt tbllua to do vOl urated liy this ouimoti ogneO. vers bu to get ln touch wvlhth11 ie 't draitâd i npliievth1e pol, côunt boards, 5 st gtu de foly o bét protettal tthe publie tu- what vork le to a 11. pla," sald teregts. _ Mir. Oaaii. '«T ant toa"suetht -va *itiý bas j n i.i,à. »Mnthe. dl ean get la touclih i tiithecouty coul- vould rMn no rial orcouftinig a go minisoners of Cooki county Immdiate- sile Invalid fyohtae chiipuDov be- IF. Co *u t lt ns ronde b li mpy. i,0fi i, tiitoigh "00k cuny l .tied ta u ..recogniin ".Udu4I lm&ID5UtàatkmU *ben th out ass iiarCt omaLthbe Ovued bi the amnist we ought to have good ronde Milvaukée Noemia au tiiome via in the. country 4ltrictaof COOIL vitbalTbe MlwakDe eootiePanllvai la a couiamttlieli short Unms. Co* 1 Ltit compan) uy iedged ta coulfi_ cosnty bon avalable et lhast 300 on Wels street under its recenurI miles of highuui rant fracnhls&" "I bope ta eo ee tovu and vil' ------ lAge la i bthe cote ected h i MHERYPSSES IT aptomobuls ruade. Il viii imuise 'ENYFIT éuat ltson he arM «ate»w YEAÉA'~S- FRANCHI o«see land velues, a"d u.otiier ayis mal0iref.on thi. fanu and tu the. seisiler lovas brosiet sd botterUm InBY a unanîmonavote, the. CIty oIa mver belote lu tih btori«ofthe. "tei. cil of xliHenni %varded bue Ws0 I "As 10 the wléth of the. rçad. Ithlnk.I tfl QUs as lectrlc combali zoïe"éte4iotat rWut' t veld ha about j tf hyear franeti*e in uMeEenVr Mlit vip1t1%8 Ti. ud5ougit toa h'vide day nIght. ' 1%.t eiioub tg permit tvo oMtrdiuariv. Action Of the council follovd' th Moche ta pauls aci otiier conortabuy. Pésentiationl Of a Ptition hail thà Cook cont rudeought to ha Ivent names of .ot of the. proOrti eé test vlde." of the ctl Mr Gas. blelas at 540 WltbrOP Thé. >e iiiu provIdes for 96 og ~aa .Chilcago. 11. 'la married au ?gav ,ia réduction of 5 per nt hia* practtcod tav lu Chicago fil,tu bilt' pad befor a certz:dt purs Betfvo omnt to a 7hioa in the i.moutii. Abot*Car Service -ai f to Walegan We désire to enlighi1en the people eoncerliing cars running into Waukegan. If you are a regular pat- ron .f the ecetrie railroiad you eaui reach Wauke- gan as easiyas ever bef9fe. AÂhalf hour service ismaintained sroundl Edison Court station and thenee in àai directions. You do îuot have to trans- fer as the car's switch at Edison Court and corne in on Washington Street, stopping right at our corner *im gRani ta stop t" eo a trom W&ukefflid-oul~icui itraste of Rlou City." mau OilvC lundai. "Tme -people 0f-et a wôàkemt abéer waff o 1 lltrto h2 #=trat <d rS «ohis pii aàtop te hua Wea.qgm a helm CA 1-Ul trht ufiluoesaDIji lis me 'IlM Seing teUh4 t' hkupil a t ii tâ sd >Ce n 1uDit ~ Uni,005yotr lot. Md odor v lï-offeai e. ta o -q M how eolu çaul. i b1u a &.*he ga go; vho vu bunlia akliiamitH. brou" sud ~~ <bo 1 vifs 'ame 110 vii uoens uho l*Smok@ ta rane thipa seIJWlva ou go 9 I."r tllt i taie UD04Slaea.if the Im idq WlaiMY attcrnei vas, luaglg athle thme the ven vt M bi5td1Mor oe an's sffàgeti va yhe i. enatorsà Y-aid Mai 'il vote for Us. WC ePi Be a ubttoauy-,mdsIi v e =adl 'u-tt. flTtRNING FIM A PIÇNIC g tmuoiiR4g Piles'on ýTop of Strucgline rie. thAltmidir hpYork ý e y < aithât lst O ISHIi liiOi ci 1he1IINh, -IAee suicid os3fe $9 th #** 1' 3 O W euwihe'. 115 vf, Md 3111%<e ~ ~ 1 M'W- auue for th* oepSitlui u o nuv o't tth1,rL botuî of vdn W.p ou -tIPO6 o pjiiet musical 'dê *eé eym < t1 oo0 wug 0t t ol à1 r d h o 4 > top'09 'hile hai40us b-0 a.nble0Bohoudi fa*li, yo& ài'wm, eàurei. 0 oui daiiet cf e a» 11LOl i l e bst .e her t a lms.1*' thSWo*ua. amoei ài'aSIiabM lt ipotduâ 7 WIs la 111k> te da4et etan Anisai. *h O viiovbea-lem*pl isôb bbu -* ~ Ire0f ontsa.vouU v~ici teî aoeieod uttli te a x% I 60 b ~u c mo wither. Oun'ftblu .y . 09tfum, D isShWs tw e stixe oba N f bbrcdouaot'. b htaaiêauaar t» 1»m i~Dr.Wt*$UeOf aUS auavra asbnr ps1ma" tit~IItk~ I 1S nbte t take dithe. cf an K u nbinas' 5.sshvs t ii.M S cu <dia ents ln accodance"IL tue its 0Pi" ponbaboyaiue lk aýON7"W" ,Altern yiaec honkè. , gis 1 . erecent offer. --'--- sud siADJUDICATION NOTICE. John Conad happened to comae &long the* POU , #?iOtce ls h.rebi ivms t a utiOiauto. tlieî almos at totaiq o b 1p iit AdUulSiflbT th-. kcdg hom eand demolishad sur- s. 11140Oc liam bsveu b W 0 t j i . pa c ,deoea ee& ' ooa " dm u o m 10 0 5 s uà à w U ap 9w **,&*kd te ounY CULtOfE » Tihe fd fhum the.autoud ;4 Wfou kt.-«wg, toM a . tet.mth~rgo Wbg holdi te tiie aid of Wmber vin vas tYU ais à hl W «*u as 1 tr Hu490Wauba§I5. latequiet tii he a wo% ff.4he vomulu $d -vo- toey, oitte tii tec't '000wo<dci hisermsit u "crrftg._t 's- ezt,1913, bil am u.mosthat uiie$'vib. 149 vu «Mome. aW.a43~I n ho"U an. iiavtng dalus 1ma= l=asied. mausaile'wL t viit. i»o *rti.vsé WBt. ýý«snotlied snd requatei to ct suse.1ing biàlry. bur'ibuedai wUL piegiot the. saine ta eald Comrt, for a5 aftstvard the ioree begas lctktug sd mMoa *@W ~~pluaglng and son le he aiii. ai r e. Cout.gouttieyleta tu >OC5;* Ml; V DWARD G. fOLYKE. duced toaa'mmss cf tad ion aud<tcstep sud fcusly llvi a w#ç v O- 4Mscttrtor o!f te Relate of El- broken vooi. Thie horse tay ig1t11ons egan, on Sheuida Ra.&lefa and vf I& Payne. decaased. hlt back. bis feot up. and vas "kick. W04 au ad of the ocur1".!uor 4 rot Waubigui. Au"usI OU. 1913. Ing for OsEr Ilfe" vien 1the Ivo au. pemy. Thei. înmua h' bu $à» . T* Efqydcker & os. Atti. for Es-1 tolate 'rau totheii ad of Wemhe <pd hm lateomee-Mtabis vk as 11» rhem, v!i Ag";53 ltauy ubbted JO.p si WI dam»VeraM tii. bb J'~p mr, rffbot InurUns our 75o vg1ues, at *35c big Awtg, eut colî vahLu., at aeit~ g 79c, APPE RULI fil, Resmis ars aiLS DeISia f c4irm Co .ta "40 elle:Ulisu tehs aie bah « joba. 7. comselia" voir Urgi la oSama. nea la b» sa tua-beiapeuo@Owe I*~daaoU*amtbalai théprbw u~ensg 8,p. b C= frm; AUl sttaw, 7le i. . i.t l ft it 'bt uvbug AUl our 75c vlitial t m, boUt le; sellfrton 35C Irawor, in Good tbr'1 ,Iloma d1<uMi ioe gawn out ..... .... .. ~Lâ4 'J;o'i $4~d~~tg Pfiow Came- 45x36 inches, coînrny sOld O at 1.ec; priced very speeial at ...... -...... 1O Matting Rugs-Printed àew*gns on one &ide only; the usual 75(- values, p4ed for Saturday 9 Otton Ratine -Cornesii gray, blue and pink; Our regular 20e valutes. prieed for Saturday, atlO per yard ............................ o i[aily Bait-Very tîcat desi gns (flowered and * nenIna)always sold at 15)e per yard,.. c preê aecalfor this sale, at var&d... I Our m -"-4-. t-i au ou, je ~bat sfmg,ý Wommnaoveu $1JO long .1k............ WOmeu'is $0white .11k3 ài1a r fflin wuaIisk1rt~, PateÎMt' and Womeu'a 'j m&Liau ~e Vit, 5, 1w fSck nole'75o.0 un ion unt. ei wri tod the mmute jiré!dent (omllany, Vr'ltron ( rAppellatr of the La was to th the poéist homre li The es srensationt Tii ere hi lt-en 1h. lo tht- ]ai tTiir ii pr,-ii. i- ar', Ui> 1-ttii 'i I...' 'i arT'.,Ta Li ".ILL ittoiL Ler, Fin( Thmeou Ottl, o L erct( ile bVI $omne or Otti o 1 cows an Pto le a77 s 4.o ~i mer dot * Fourth i% and feel 1-amll begin ti L îext wE we au ma as gièl«dà