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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Aug 1913, p. 8

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old his parents møted toe to 8# PoInt, N. Y.,»d h e oa etb et~ w fio efres the came Weot to Chiuo, where ho spent n RD -Comwnf -rua. - the winter. The fo)llowing spring h tre y e-tu FM qV. ISDEAD hicago fo the liidorado of.th weZI ON CITY WED. Califorhia, Of this Company thirty- "ne reached Sacramento City, after man s.....amamee..a.mmJOHN B. LÉGNARD, T HE MAN a ea rh rere'"molt"el and* CH RIS COVINGTON OF ZION WHO LAUNCHED MOVE.•dians and two died on the road. For CITY REMOVED FOLLOW- IT EES EBERT MADE NEW CAME TO WAUKEa MENT FOR PRESENT GOV-th.n.it Mr t egnat'y"eutswer' NGATECTINO THE INTOPR Y WIHE S pa..ed In Colorado. Mining gold was STE SW DN DA - PRÀYSW ffOPEU M ERNMENT IN WAUKEGAN bhis chief occupation, but for somne TE SW DNSA n a e y a at time hec conducted loaded trains for MSS L NA B W E ULSE , OU NST9TRCTSUCCUMBS TO PA RA LYSIS acompany acriosstePanannhsA N made the trip eight times, bestides go- SW EARS OUT WARN WilLEINSTU0R HN CHRC DRK RESIDE IN TUE CITY TO REGAIN HEALTH wauean, August 11. jggg" FOR COVINGTON'S AR- - and"!"mIn È"o'ca pre°a'it'berascribto. the oil regions of Western Penn- RES LD NGTHECM LOUISE JOHNST0N WHO WAS Electric Lights Go Out While SUPERINTENDENT OF WAU' Bernard Feigel of Rockford ed the tite of ..ater of commissIon sy van• ,wherehes"nk 011 welle and PELNT IHSTTE'SAT- IN LOE ALLTODETH ev M. -MG -ni - KEGAN REFINERY ELE- Came Here at Noon Wednes- died sunday morning at 6 o'lcket In Tionesta, Forest county, Pa., No- TRNY IN~~~~~~~M CLS ALT ET ev r cinsi is homne on North Genesee street, vember 18, 1862, M1r. Legnard married LEFT CITY NOT KNOWING Ofrntryra-AE OBGPSIINI a - id t5p . flwinganilness dating back over J°s'phF n escian hte of ay, n o Erpe fhssar i oiecu WHAT SHEWAS DOCORN PRODUCTS COM- 11.ous to his demise his condition hadI were natives of Massachusetts and and his authority as ma soliceman, WHAT HEaWA DOIN? wauegan, Auguis 1.Lie dowIng am. graspIng at grown such that is relatives hadNewYork respectively. Mrs. lag. Chri8 <ovington. colored policemanat Jute st fRea.feorge Mn nis was n- PANY VICE MR. MOFFETT a straw, Bernard Feigel, '31 years old, beoepeae o h os. nrwosurvives her husbaise, ne h t atpoe inth mds f efrvn payr un muiia ivnginRokor,.nss-%Sme two weeks ago is son, Dr. descendant of John May, a wealthyhag ndrth §at' poe WueaAgs7. day evening at 8 o'clock and begging It in stated on good authority that ed UPOn being brought to the Lake John Legnard was called from Hous. merchant of Boston, who was a memt. cution for assault and battery, pre-. ln connection with the' close es- that his people be shown the "Ilght", Charles Ebert, Superintendent of the Breeze Sanitarium in Waukegan de- ton. Tex., on accountr of his father's ber of thtatfamous Tea-party. Ho ferred by Ming Leona, Brownt,,o Cape fromt death in the lake 'Buesday the electric lights went out and the big Waukegan sugar refinery has beau spite-the tact that his physicians had sickness and he has -been here ever was Colonel of the First Regiment of Zon Ctya, Rwocag w ntat Cty etEvanston, of Miss Louise John- church was In complete darkness for named general manager of the wee- informed him that the disease hadl since. the Boston Militia, which he ce ngterso , whileargetherblmsof Moa t epduh sfmi-are omne time. tern distriot of the Corn Productsrahducastgtaheews Mr. Legnard's death .was due to a manded during shay' a RebelV0n. Selgowiewaigteebesi Geone Wtepdht f e of macarrfier te M r. nnihd otar ly tarnthed Company, with the responsibility Of no hope of saving islife. He was paayi odto hc aeoe sas ecne rmPrgie a policeman, struck her such a blow GeogeWoth o Wukga, acs f n te raerwhn vey igt n helooking after the five plante included brought to the local institutioni on Im Borne tnye weeks aga. He was White, who was born on the "May- that Brhe was rendered unconsciou. ,Which appeared in the Sun last even- church was extingeished as a result in thiat district, namely: Wednesday, noon and died at rive In the house at the time when, of a nlower" as lit lay at anchor in Cape .Covington ws stripped of his au- b& itlaexlaned by members of of a fuse being blown out on Grand Waukegan. lo'clock the same afternoon- sudden, his left side became affected. Cod harbor. He was the tirsit white thority, Wednesday, following a re- initi xpa avenue. 1Pekin. Hlie body s taken to the Conrad He was put to bed and Ince that child born In New England and the port of his actions to Mayor Clendenin her family that the young woman lef It inight be said thatr Mr. MIcGinnis,, Argo. and Hart undertaking rooms *bore timte his condition gradually grew court of M.%arshneld, Masgs., gave him and the warrant was Issued against ,WaIkegan without really -knowing when he prayt, closes his eyes tiht-Granite City. ' fitlies awaiting the funeral, which worse. two hundred acres of land in consid- him Wednesdlay afternoon befort what'she was§ doing, and, even after ly and that fis how, when he opened. Davenport . probably will bee held from these un- Started Commission Form Plan. eration of his birth. State's Attorney D)AdY, John A. Hart- bein retrnedto hr hoe hee b tehefrstdreaiedta techrh Mr. Ebert is to succeed Mr. Maffet, dertaking rooms*tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Legnard was the "father of. In 1867 Mr. Legnard removed to man, mess sergeant of Camp Logan matro of the Evan» lice Vas "tel ak True, like a -Per- son of, the president of the Corn Pro- He gsBcEpne by his wife, Commission Norm of government" 10 =Waukegap,4armed for d ea thon signing the complaint in her name gfinton, she could not gve a vaon th-snlghlwohaibeny volitoman, ihof tibenbaiera wo s eatbo e.uheesrene awegn n aaebeaue tha geun g hgtah nntheajewa awinestoth afar howid ahrapndt laeWue we lghsad darknhesteen if the Mr. Ebert, lit ls understood, is to ecounts for the fact that the funeral started the agitation to establish that Westlhtrty-ninth street and Ashland even among the Voliva people, who lis reclse. ut wil te asorretain is residence In Waukegan at and Internaent will takre place here. form of government -In Waukegan. He avenue, that city. The business in. resent a colored man laying his hande it ts further explained that, for noted the change, hie believed thatr the corner of Steele Court and Julian Mr. Feigel never resided In Wau- personally circulated the petitions by creased year by year until they ont. on a Young woman of the city even »Mte timse paut shte had been In a merely the pulpit light had extinguish- street and will, of course, have his kegan but seven monthse ago he hap- which the election was called and ho ployed nome four hundred men, hav.. if she ts an Independent. very nervous state, verging on a com- ed, hence he kept on praying and officeei Chicago, where the general pened to pay Waukegan a visit. At spent much time discussing the merits ing a capacity of twenty-six million Hartman, who will bie the chief wit- plute break4own and, finding hersel f Inishied the prayer. offices of the district are located- that ime he was suffering of tuber- of the new form plan. He Was men- bricks annually. -In addition to the naess to the case wherein the police- alcone Tuesday In the offliee of Dr. . Opening his eyes hie then discover- The position which has been given culosis but not In such an advanced tioned as a possible candidate for above business, he was largely In. man le said to have struck a ten year 'B. Smith, where she was employed, ed the room was completely dark. He Mr. Ebert is the biggest ever accord- otage. He paid a visit, to the Lake may or undler the new form but hie did terested in farming In Iowa and Ne- old sister of Mliss Browne as well as abht suddenly decided to fleave town. at once dispatched ushers to his ed a man connected with the Wau- B 2lreeze sanitarium and was much not enter the race. braska. the complainant, teiL this st.ory of Whether shte went to Evanston on home to get a souply of candles kegan factory. Mr. Lenders, w-ho left pleased with everything he saw there. And, while he was termed "Father" In politics Mr. Legnard was a Re- the affair, which has cau.sed much the elenctric or via the Northwestern, which he keeps on hand for just such here to takte charge of the Argo Plant |At the time he felt comparatively as regards the new formi of govern- publican and socially a member of talk In the city of does: abe was unable to state, following Occasions. Returning, they lighted some years ago, but later retired fromn strong and felt that he might be able ment, lit ls also noteworthy that he the Mtasoic and Odd Fellows socle- "As 1 passed theo printing office her ratura to, Waukegan, Tuesday them and the service went on. the company, received a promotion 1to cure himself of thle dreaded dis- was the most prominent of those who ties. Covington madei the remark thlait evening - Sing While its Dark. w-hen he took hold of Argo but the lease without going to a sanitarium. later became dissatisfied with the Ftmreral private fromt residence, 729 'There goes that humn and toughl guy,' Watked Into the Lake Without in order to keep the congregation position hie held then ls not compar- Ail during his recent illness his Waukegan governiment a few months N. Genesee street, Tuesday, lat 2:30: il. which iis Leona lirowne object- Knowing It. ite restýed,, Mr. McGinnis asked that abhie to what has been given Mr. lthoughts have turned frequently to ago and he even personally patit for intermnrt litNiMausoleum on Grand ed. 11If- reidd 'You canti ell im 1 Accrdngtohe fmiysh lftthy in wil te shrswee ftPk Eer.nw.theloalsaitrimendmayhims heprntngof"rcal ettins aene.sad o. the car or train axt Evanston and 1the candles and, there In the dah - As general manaer of the district, hehasexpess d he opiimtat wih er circulated ca l itior "avehinm aelairpe.dtom walked down Davis street to the pier nss with Mr. auhlnledigt Mr. Ebert will have absolute charge if he was brought here, where he timie in an effort to recall a greater by Zella Hrowne, a ten-yeair ol girl, whIch extends linto the lake. She conigregation and choir sang severr t0of the operations of the five refineries might breathe .the sweet pure air, part of the commissioners and may. ait his requesPt, to which 1 elii contnue wakin an fialllwaked hm anIeem ed to usoe wsp etoeec f hc salrefar enough away fromt the lake to or, but, as signatures were hard toasaIng, 'Tou tell rhhn ita otoeout and off the pier fintoa the water.inote thnftehus wa institution, employing hundreds of1 be tempered of/ fits raw dampness. obtain, they finally disappeared and, tell me that,' wlihc h <it, haing a Water Rousses Her. brightly Illumined. men. His physician shook his head grave- nobody klnew where they went to any knife (onceatled under hi: rne It was just as she struck the watr Ad welhianl ae mnrd e will direct thec affa1ýs of the com-. lv and informed the wife that the |ore thane where they came, from, be- a ron. thda she w a bouht to her enst urnedbad the c andles werecGinisprce . any In those five cities and it means Idisease imd secured such a hold upon _cue hile Mr. Iegnard hadl them P'l;AN A FINE 110ME n anacodigtote tteet faou hecurh M.Mc dpoa 1position of great respnsbliy sher ubn htn hneh ih rnei uch tPg n ntrly LANÀFN O E wa a h ateIae aties, e naherself anaig rued 1eteeded awit halsrmnH e ro - w w e ll%%aon epaying a saryfartbe-make would bring him any -relief. doesn't care to assume responsibility wha tohe at HPali m tahm to ~ ~ ~ ~ th thlieiateghaheigr scud eeedabu halfthoghite n yon ht eereda-ed fte Day after day the sufferer begged and that's hlow, he did not openlY and 'og u. ednm h byite Evnsto polce a th reprtschealghtsretrnedpthenecesaryWaueganrefierya poitionhehas o bebrouht t Wakega. Onclaioresonsbiliy fo cirulatn r Ms.aarolnen M ElyAcqureschar enrirs 1,1-gth lirat; haitfusetavteplc aro.ýTeI il neYput.in C.ne. l heldi for some years. That he ls re- Tuesday is wife finally consented to them. satfiment.c I t shi ho it was. Bihe was taken twtepoi earon Theougts Ilisn he Y.uM.e(c.reutgarded as one of the biggest men ln bring bhimi.here although shte knew It A Pioneer Brickmaker. Land at South End of Lake ý'-'e tune fme a kirzo'ia by the police and told them werawnt i out as it isonthe sameo ie fthe glucose tradte is shown by the could ido, hm no good but shte did not Ni r. Legnard was a pioneer brick .1us at the litle girl, Ialiing hier a shte lived. The matron accordingly adtr obeht hni act that he has been given this po- ws odn i ayhnlnhslstuauatrrinCiaoadmd Bluff From Syndicate. i,àr. at fihe aime tii- Irikiri her, brought her home twakgn e-Bists rinlesson hstlieh udr sition vice NMr. Moffett who has beoa moments. iThe trip from Rockford toa afortune years ago off is product. InockinL lher against the iildinig ge, eein hr n hageunils e withm adlasrsooGnns. e transferred to the eastern division of !Waukegan was started Wednesday Later he sold his plant to the trust close to %which he w as stanin, turned her over to her parents hereloftering h-,em taobt ed n ao the comny' interests. mrning and the husband and wife and realized a big sumi on the sale. A motn transaction in North "ier sister (amle Iby the dloor, say- The Young woman wasputnta vedr flate, heoete.ser, had ae . Second District Manager. iarriledatnon. The husband's con- Since that time he had not been inShore, roerybas js enng.Inz "Yuou Irty, low-down nig19ger; erou at emand wa] puoeda dle eoete .sceayar h ponmeto r brtodition aattthis timee was go serious atv business, devoting haitme toýtiatedt, by which Mrs. Caroline M N. don't youdare do thait agalin, wher sheremaned ll Tesdy ed thedistict anagrshp ofthe orn hat e apeared to be dying. loigatrhspoetfor, aÀ his EVlia, bought fromt the McGuire & liecalled fher ia %fie, nauw,. at the *Ightl and Wednesday. Today lit la Products Company makes the scon dath, he was quite wealthy, owNning Orr Ferry Fichl Snydicate a traet of sme timie juliing hier out of thle reported that shte is getting along GIVEN AN HONOR-VICE. distorict manaer filait has beer n amed FINDeRGxAR Etensive liaitbuildings ln Chicago as sixtPPn and on(-hlaif acres fronting on 1door, striking hber with lis forearmn niel ndwilretain no serious ef-PEtSAE ASN F foma WuRInfctr.F c l spsveral housrs on NorthCoiin- Sheridan co;i4 kt fth(,south end of on the nIýck ilost below he head. recta fromt the-experience which ai- PE. • AS FýCedge, lit hisrecalled, was superintend- T EO ECN IAE ysrewuea.iemn Teaulpieis fnot knloc.klin,= hr unconscious onIlhe irP- mos csthe hr if drig ame- IR CKS-RCODES.ent of the waukegan wire works when ar enr a h fathepr of <icoei the d'rod namning $Io and mtah wat taF odto hci emmd lhe was elected to the position of seven childiren, as follows,: Will, now jother good and va'becmiea Iimadc a rush ifir the dooýr. firinz her unaccounitable for hier actions. .. -district mianager and lie, like Mr. Eb. of Chicago: Hunt and Arch, whoa con- 1l1i<m, It i, said thle property haditwo rok, hih1 pick-Id ul, as 1 Rescued by Junk Dealer- lert, Is nowt in charge of several plants duct a business ln Milwaukee, but are beenoffredfor 0oo.or lightl, ran, nu i'n m ith bhoth.. H im ReerigtoAiss Johnston'*s epi- 1eonigto thc American steel and here at home part offthe timie; Dr. or tan$:i a n;laeire.nwiai e lidh>k do sod, heChcao xam.iner said to- ire C m ankn. hs itrc.Johin, of Houston, Texas; there arce1 lrý, 1:1y, madll i reae with le avin, tlw, ,irl 1 i)-non tf i- 1 al' dy-:It s understood thiat foremen of the deceaosed: Bertha Bilakel,, Nrs. Chas. the- int.ention of impiiroIný, the tt I alktltl e l;u, and car i hr Mytr isaddt h aeWaukegan rennuer, are being taken Vassar and Mrs. Nelson A. Steele. !ý.Iilth a andsome couniittry estate fin the xrsowe ahdlr fae when the police gave out a report of care of a s far a, possible in thé other Dies Shortly After Daughter. hih robahillt will iost in Px(-siIf Nwith waýter arid -fh, returwie-i to con. the oun woan' attm.p toendplants of thec compilany and most of Sl.Lgadsdahcms rate 100 The property lie btee eiu;ws herw lierbutrieusedat ficrst to mak the old hands will thus find employ- soion after thait of h1s dau2hter, Nirs. the h oldling, of il. fib, l and A T a rdan iwso knon er am. ateyeterayf-ment. Nelson A. Steele, who died in O1- l.\. Sprague 1, lh tfutet la- with \tlia :ndl ta l, he eto ternoon hier identity became known. it is learned that H. J1. Reynolds, tober of ]ast year. Mrs. Steele was 1,ated, hwi-:sromhdb ravines him. Il.. lr mIsmo se, that jutj-ice Benjamin Rubin, a junk dealer, 918wh)lfttoayfor a vIsit to is old his youngest daughiter and was widel, John i . watowroe r filthe oud e or. r rw. inaniager Church stret, safinsaonsol1h e in Hartford, Conn., has been known nilte city. Mr. L.egnard was trFan:, n.o(f fthc printingesabih:, s leap Into the water and he rescued1 transferred to the Argo plant and, deeply affected byhei dmie Holdings All Sold. promisýeit to cethat ju1,11woHl her with somne difficulty. when he returns, will assume a posi- Maif iePhsqe.\ ihtissl ne:U fth y Bh ws laedinth c ro .isstion at Argo simJlar to thait he filled Mýr. Levnard was a nmanof excefi- dct. oie r l: sdo.Te ,o goal 1 undePr'-t:ul1has Josephine Carney, the police 'matro.ln \Vaukegan-in charge of the re- toal iepyiu.I at e idiate ho,4izinar iqv had :of.relfri hen relievNdlfromtis work aýt i', Miss ohnson caractrize heract nery and the warehlouse- men have livedi n the etty who had ihtwskow sFry hIl1o)pitn ffc. hlc as "foolish,"anprmsdevrt Not Dismantlingi the Plant the formi that he possessedi. AI- mn-er h ratwsuelfr \\ednesday the 4th. lat repeat the attempt, and laite inrthe \V aukegan employes of thte comr- touht advanced in age, he always theann ýalic .ake Fors hore sow Vider IRoyal andl1e<n ni< evening, accompantied by the matrolIany decline to accept the conclus- retained his robust appearance,; hb ndpc cne.Te sdict.trt(Id1ani nvestiation t, ri she went ome. ion rawn by mny person that thewas tall, stout and, with a white lboughit thé propierty abouit four yearsuowaatal.Inta rm What Record-Herald Said:Hr Wauikegan refinery is closed for good. beard and hair, lhe made a picturesque aý,o ait the rate of $Sfno an acre. Thtefthe charge against <in nth- And hee i wat he ecrd-er-,They point to the fact that the plant appearance. masale of h adwsmd ntese ip n theegINrl otiation ald said of thec mattler: fis not being dismantled and that noLke Fast Horses.hasof$0 nare.Aontos Atte m o Benjamin Rubi, un eewsP moeias been made to take machin- Mfr. Legnard, in the early days of vha acquired part of the property whlen my testimiony, was taken, t ey driving along the lake front, and, e- erv from the factory. This, they ar- W'aukegan had some, of the faistest weiSalyPedA .Srge lpi more attention to my relations ingth gil trgglngin hewaer, L BRCK AY gue, Is indicative that the statement CHARLES P. BARNES. horses In the city-he always Ilked RCo n o ilas.wt h iltatt h arge o threw off his clothes and plunge di ici lr .O rcwyr,. recently madle by an official In Chf- Attorney C. P. Barnes, whbo re- fine horses and had a string which erahndoendotyhme assault IIss Co te asaut hpesie He reached her as shte was si tre'Tusayeeig rmOtaacao scorrect-that the factory is cently was engaged for his sec- few men excelled in fthe e ty.h t' haebeIeetdblteeirca-temlen thatoke i t heie an crieiertlsoe. ht uii w i hattenided the annul meet. . ldfor the summer season as has ond year as advisor to Wilbur lit used to be a feature of thee i s- tmer n g my trestin yIase Shte said later shte was sorrt-Y s ing of the circuit cle-rks and record. be,-en thle case in aother Years, when Glenn sol, ucessor to John Alex- life for Mr. Legnard to wait attise h boAt r leinm etniand Mr Ralle she hadq llattmteque11e with mnY s socao fIllinois, of which the (dui!ftime arrvsinguo e tiner Dowie as overseer of Zion Cit,.homte on Genesee htetiaota ADJUDICATION NOTICE. wa hywr on od bu h thin. I ad aqua 1eis Jonst N' as a wmbPr of fthe executivel<les. at a salary of $10,M00, is being urged, heard the whistle of flt hcotrain ah ubi oie shrbygvnt atasewhat ecgiing the a r each- paetsMnay acomlmittee during the year just clos. jby 1hisfriends to become a candidate w hich alwayvs bew as th ri - tePubscr.NotbeAdiisrtooft e -d. Tey rpledthatthey hiad reach- bewen ob. dfor supreme court justice for this dis-e tel orh ilimits--then, jumpaitstatle o lvru. a, eesed hyrpidfli h' alra "I thought there was nothing worth i" e w as honiored by being elected tr-t at fihe next election, according ng finolhis rig, hie would dash down sill tatendthelvCou.Pnty dctoeae ed no decision as yet.. livngforn bt f amooorybnwthat1ie pesden o th asocatonIortotheMil Nws.MriBane isa o te epo ad arie jstin im Coty ata ermthreo-t behode I tie t tkemy if. wntto o hecoin-yar and thus isa in lnf.pinenetWosokatre.-Et-. to catch the train for is business in at atCourt Herrin akga, Sback homne and 1 will promise that 1 for thle presidenicy next year. gin News. the city. it was figured by the horse-sadCutnthfrtMoayf il nve ty nyhig ketht ir.Bocwysttsthtafetr man that, from the time that whistle October next,113, when and where sgoin." of tesessionwas the presence of Newton Finn, of Circuit Clerk blew, hie had just enough time toall persons having clims against salod DeongeotstnyFfrico some 4 Inewhmeme r thi er aseaHiram FerryCharles Bairstow Brockway's office is enjoying a week-s make the train by uighsfs estate are notified and requested to eoge Worh, tep-fat h ofthe lrteslto ntheagewouhticaltathe n O a ame ae vacation. horse and letting him out'present the same to salid Court for ad- youngeoan, saof edn ttheameletiititerpliictaa o butmrare efonllowedithias pactice for years'judication. hicag odapers s a ote nte T ili"°s-·Families on Journey. Thos D. Sexton was ln waukegan bt ialytissie egnerEDWARD G. PAYNE, th huntday "trosubsle ntru heeofiesweeeece Saturday. He dstaterha the newm of the train heard of the rciefi Administrator of the Estate of El, lehdaytoul ih m resident, Thomas ( ain, of Ma- udyano C rlsBrgw Lake Villa banik building which le be- lowed by the local mani, and, one day vira, E. Payne, deceased. ig ghter and statements that mwe couplin: vice president, L. 0. Brock- Sna tno hre artwigeetdteei ob h etjs o uisedof blowing the Waukegan,fill., August 4th, 1913. bo aeynt unkid.ohediinrl a aof , ake; scetr, B.O Fse, n amily aotenddri.aWey e r. bulding of the kind that money can whistle of the enigine as the train C. T. leydecker & So Atty. for Es em a Yey ervusconiton orof leandr;treasurer-, N. B. Carl-' Biso' ohr n ia er built. It is claimed for lit that fit will peached the north limite, he waited tate. wily Aug 8-15-22 2,0~ time and that is what caused son, lif MclIan: Executive cfommit- and family, left, In the Bairstow and. be the finest banik building tn any vil- until he hiadt come quite a distance botodepart under the circumstances tee. A. T. Skelly, Whiteside; W.ý W. Ferry autos on a trip to Urbana, lage in the state for Its size. Iintoa the city-and then blew It. Mlr.*0iM. We feel badly to thInk such Smith, Will; Simon Kellerman, Jr.,' where they are to attend the marri. Legnard leaped lin his rig and, as aksa taemnt ae eig ad."Madison: lienry Bowerm Pike; Frank age, Tuesdlay evening, of Mises Ethel Leaving Waukegan last Wednesday usatta hustled to the depot, only to E. George, Kane; I"Igslative commit- Baird, relative who formerly lived tin n eunn hsmrIng, the folo-fid ht hetmewhc te nine teury Ford han stirred op the auto- tee, (. A Summfiers. St. clair; Louis Befnton township. Mise Baird le to fingr auto party went to the Dell" Of hadl stolen on hima, had just madehimA M@Me wrld again by announcing Rn- FH. Pipenbirinki. Will: .1. . Buchner, he married to Lana Wever, . on Wiscinson and spent a mriost enjoyable miss the train. This happened a few redoction in prices effective LA Salle; .John 1. Gallagoher, Peoria; Tuesdlay evening. timie seeing the sights in that locaitty. times, it being evident the.engineer ,E DIf met st.Thefiv pasener tur-Frak E Gerge Kan; C A.Mey' N. ad Mr. Oar armn ad M. an Mr. Rber GrceHenr lied joe a wel asthehorema Wecanweldanyhin wih i su

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