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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 11

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I of "COU- a Oli tise à ta plu- lise stock bdl bIl of a Dlisict tise Coin and salu ubiit lu t ta have te 4f"e1a s burts. lth eNsat nEf N ie Wort., ut. go.- bd wite chou Ipto geilC of- mn. ef thse Hfer>' K. 1. lu tise ho @tâte finge la ion e be sai matd-- York au- todai b>' spare! "'bau don't aeed tise- moue>'.' e- pled the rommttee. 'Sîgu cbrr-e notes ton $i100 ach, Wbea ve get ta the point to finance a fector>' by bu>'- ing a site ander car pertîcular plan, de gel as mucis mone>'&a, we need tram tise bank, on one $r tvo or ail Oree ot yoan notes, *'Juas saun aas car contracta are ciased viih the taclar>', nev people viii begla 10 comm laulo tawn, and Juai that qaick tisera vlI begin an active aemand for bosues and lots. lent tprobable tisai >yen viiiearn youn $300 ueverailLimes over, bet're l'an are catied la settie for tise notes?" -"Tliat qrgameat convinced mie. t ined. and Ose yards of tise èommit- tee came tram. I made isandsoîare profitu onut o! tirai $300, How tLande Go. Up. "Weil ILtstands ta reason, Sup- d posa 1I a ienty-tcot front an Chitgo sireet verts nov $20,000. We 'b ave a trading tpplaton of &bout -50,000, It we double that population, iflaitv ent>-foe ot nctage vîi Se Worths $40.000 -ov WonlJxit IL Se a gond up Places of abode la fraie homes iser. tise>'lis an easy ateans et egrens. One Mau living on Utica street saas tise rats got intobis gar- ret and caused hlm ta llsink Iliat a ian wau on tise roof. lie vent out- ide to Investîgate. It vas soine lit- lie tîme hefor. lie diacovered tise real cause, 'Mie majorit>' of the rats are aald to isavelitved la Ose besement of the aid building wblcis ested on tlie west side of the bridge. Tishis bas nov Seean orn out and Oie rats are wtth- have èean compelldd ta seek new quartersand thOe reïuIt, loc'al dealers daim, lu 'that Ose>' have doue a fine bunsiness lanlise sele"-(5 rai trapa with- la tiese ct tes da>'s. 'fise Invasion covers an exceedîngl>' large tçrrîtory and anieus means ara taken et once ln extermînata tise peuta il Is feared Osat the catirs ci>'y wl Se overrun, Tise Waakegma .Fifeanad Drum Camps gave a cahcéri this atiernoon Ina fraiif ftire G.ý A. IR. bail, wvIsîc vas greeti>' eJoyed, Tfic Cbicago Ne.ws Boy-Bana l pajd a nanîber cf Beiectlonsaso forts lu servlng tise goverument. Here isavisat a Duluths aispeich aya ai the metten: Duluths, Mina., Aug. 20-Tlsus far tise Bertillon system, b>' vhich ian>' clever crooku have buen ru to earth wi tisnnambprnt cdues, Sas been con- fiaed to Imbrntu cf thamba and lIng- ers. Bat tise naval service bas ex- tended ifs usefuinesta determuriing lu man y caues visetiser or flot an a:- plîcant fon admission of the service hes thse proper âamis isshieastep. ChIe! Qurtermasier Ericisson lied occasion ta emplo> tise system wvien Frank Hughes, aachiniat. applîed for1 callulment, Aler beîng exemined the recruitîag afficet' fouad IT.ugises t. bave perfect luagu and iseart, but bis feel sowed some uigna cof deiecl. The quartenmater iaek an latiprint, seal- sd and torvarded the pritat to tise main ofice bt blneapolis3 for a final rullng, Toda>' Instructions ta admîti tise aPPliCaut came froas the Mlnn* apolia office.- The expert thora O'0K 'd tbe foot muaiurecdis, ne saadvîsed fa,- 'Oser use c« thse 1%Bilus>stem t l this conneotion. -u- - - n-------- hanse. vbo reporced tise matier ta Ose supcnlnteadent. Tise gisards oui tise state ver, piaca on dut>' and Sherlig DoylIe vas 1aiso cammunlcated vits, About nix rweki ago, Nir. Rackefeiiaru stablie vaors destroyed and two voeks later his suaptor's residence vas banned ont SUIZER KEEPS SUITE Glyna Prspares ta Send Pian for Nominaions 10 Senate as a Test. Albiany>, N. Y., Aug, 20.--Unaftect&d >' tise opinion o! Attorney' Ceaurai *Çamod>', William Suluer occupled iss ofice ln tise exerulîve - cisanhen as asuaiHe came to tise capital at the >uuel tisas and tnok np tise moraing mai,. 'Mr. GlYna was expected tb sendal mfessage ta tise legialeinre lu bis ce. pacît>' of acting governQr, auldag for thea <tonirmatlon of certÏin eçiaees for otite alffics: Mn, (in iwu moif Wo have aa niSer otf eauore Iiied op la beheif oa is progui». A 'bitter utruggie la.btllaWid la Uic legislature, as bolli 8"le hae0"l dbutly gicon up the 1 ~ustag wd[ tfarce oths~0fUe iwouid atols tetoa lied success. thai Ososa present votesi fo periect an orgauiztilon and bers. ait.sr hoid a sinshtar eveat upoar the second Tisuraday o! Auguat o! eacci >,car. Tise offlicers cîsosen for thie enaul>tg 3.-ar were J. P. Sherman, ilrayslake.' Presisient; Mrs. Leurs *da Root, Park Ridge, Illinois, Vice Pregident; l'art K. lsmb, Pittsbiurgh, Peau., Sec- retar) and iTreasurer. Wor'thIs . 'Pn¶soaien ai tis are," aald tSi judgc, "lu thera anythlng.>au vhs toi s>' before sentence la paased apofi >'ou?»"'Nu, la>'lord, iharO ia nothift* 1 cars toatmai bu~t It yofllcier C&*Ky Ose tables aid chairs ton me to Osnamh my iawyer, you eu givu e £ ajear or twa extra."-Tit-Blt4. Quici s rd, Fiante,. A trainud aurse fas tiat IfS fargeta ise exact proportion fanor f Iag a muitard.Pi tu-ou@ C"~h qatoki>' maie b>'..c...t .g. 1 t-.--i et bréïd, lippWg Ilb Io'I mai I sao* 'la hot VaicI', i"ea paedlag -,*MJ. h ite aien, "dta4 ariajuiauu tbbff Itis mniaa'd. Thest g vM prewM 4ffiè" for thàt ctte. ?bey incraued popujalto frrnt 30,000 ta 04,000 t ftE D :IN LAJE CO. ilàdir'i«ii.Thot munait that land vuuumore than doubied lu that jomtl qh~tgaPlan' . lusStanle MoesQ Hu Been Meet-W ? SigtIid WIlh Descendants of Many Statesl Very Sm îjfo t Adopt- -Ths fetory was gîvea a site free, ng n luaement Among ,"tm tm of Phineas Sherman Meet at1 ed in TblsVioIldty. but the.tee wasl alaad by the club Farinrs in County. -the Lamb Home. PEOPLE ARE, IMPIIESSED. tor aýulPPos*à ta prove lisuWorth.. OVER 400 AL.READY IN IT. OPTIMISý, NWEVER, 8ROWS CREATE PERMANENT ASSN. Açfanagc f I~Plm j Sén AR EY IC EDAssoiatin is Being Launched JlvdTetCet exa .P. Sherman is Named as the and Very Problo That It on a Pasis of Three Year on.*et ii Manifustoesut Fir President of the Association WilleAdptod FO PQS O.FICEPlan tinder Expert. aepl ofAilOwn Country and -to Mee't Yearly. The ctY 91t10161, aieb under con-I 4 T Th miembehip of the farm m ntd*fa A notable gathering of the de- 111deration, a Pla tugui £foctorles very Provement association ftat8labeing Wrît.Àg 2 ",Mx ce dnts of Ed ina Sherman okîand OËI&ir tu thot bond by tlýe Northera arganised under the auspices or the ghae0*Kg-2 %eiuBts EJSer ntokpceet liMn1ols Indutriljassociation. Ts edo a-i rmn fLake County Agricultural board la "iahea et ianother hlm £and Thursday, August I4th, at the home plait, ha, flot yet been dle i h e HeaC d ofL and O&Ilýt f 1grwigoerapidlyitatfalm expecl'ted that Huet h e W aied nynimala dilupon the lawn of NIr.and N!rs. deflnltely but t lu elagigivea due 1WO la ferna expert wili bie at work anon u .oeAeianebsyti.~ Charles Il. Lamnb, near Gurnee, town daioiele ut lla 67 AglflIftduesK fainere some tue nexi moninlidez MeOttehamr oti ii ex ett Ico City, wureln a mor.- opîlistîc of -Warren, ibis county. MoeaIouwbat Oie Jaliet News uayu -Stanley' P.' Morse, the organizer, who tramne of lad. There were prestent tifty*four mem-. of thse proposition: WahlgtmCI. C_ , 9. - la busy every day In one townahip or The preidetand lits advisoru pro. bers o! the varions familles descend- 1àere lu a mate of raising enl WllhurÜenn V4#fva', flght te be another. reporta Onutual Interest In fessed to Ire sien that their media- ing froin those stalwart ploneers, ,UO,ù0 fo tisep~os of csnng e ta lot thepoisfoanter a-utttiîs sovement throukhouî the count-tion pla iua3' y«lbe approved b>' the bs ivsbgn uRluinr a ausirr 0 fatorse <>s3oî.~ i@« ety sid ttday wlisn Son- ty. While fan effort la belng made te Mexfraau PeUuIUt. Tley were satiu- dyadwowt tsr furn MW Walsh asuerts It eaa ho done, a ïalijscet te Poetmeetr ea large proportion of the fantiera fied lUîthe mrePremestatlons whieb andm aah' .ne l uiun hiei recemmen- personaîlly, If wlll flot bie possible to President Huerta but! Mode t0 Nelson and brave attrîbutes explored and set- and aidy. O'Shaugusey, iii. American charge. Lied thse wldernesses of tis western Wlly? Dacausu ever>' land.wpcr datonof 0. W. Furie>, for ilsat cai on every fariner ln the coonty. InMexco Ciy, in thse course of thse country. and cicr>' rai ctae-owner wil» rup place. This num*e wee indorsed Hence an> farmer wbo wliahs 1 e day Énd wrg ïmage to accept Huerta Piineas Shernman when 63 years larte rewas'du b>'additions ta thse by liasi. fePreumntlve Thorne oe ebr fts aMcaîn et biu Word '#*5li ho discialmied ail of age, wlth bis wife and aise of bis flctory distrct and concouaunay anld rham. Mr. Volivascandidate sbould secure an applicatitn card front resp naltilt' er lise officiei tate- children migrated tromn the state of obloul a iepouetonInidatsd tisat hlm "ThNocr tic 'one of tIhe cammitteemen lit his town- mntint ht a ltmaum had been obviualyto te poulaton.PePty' uhouId bu recognized, be- aiip and MI IL out. Carda may lie ob- sent t t iiu Iocdrnment. demanding New York In the year 1833 and tiret set- Tisat la a cleatide acfat knorn t ta ' ed b>s wntlng ttanlyLe pnpoet o ntevr mcci>' tudant, and Walsh soirs agafa culue î tu mont of thse mail. ,n tni> F. Moerre, recOgnliln b>' ldnigbî or the dis-le, pnpoet a nts e> he u ar teaa tudnt H lflu Thse adminiutrationa evdently foi- Libertyvîlle, or fromt the !ottowing in lOitiace qi- ail diilomatlc roi&- hearl of tbe City of Chicago, near the tralamoea actul epere. oHere a, 19ed this argument. the variouu townships: flousi. junction o! the nons and south *tpclal7Tere Hut, wercbe Thee wretwootîercanIdaes Antioch. Case Webb; Avon, L >. Tise taemole n lcli the starl- branches of the Chicago river. especialy Terre aute, whre ho Thre were lngodiu candidaes jihans BMetoteH.CWt FrryerC usa erdlieattookfrup landxicority tue came fronsà. atteanat P'arley, George Wiealaan, In. -bnk[eitn . .F'r Cb.based la u upoM to80have Sean madte we*hLokuladfrn te cumea (ad Vua an an D. red Kirchner; E. Deerhteld, John 1 en Uria-l-ura maae overnnsent near kshat la now Nor- Pssthe'more, Walsh aserta tIhe cmet(n oamn Duif>'; W. Deerllid, John Carolan: Ela of ths se itb1, ta tise nevujpaper cor- wo ak okcut' lios moue>' Conea . îal cwtisout Con- Belimeyer, an independent. Frte), ria Au guat Sciswerman; Fremoant, R. F.respoadent ai Mexico City ad Offi- where lie and flsi sons erected a log trlbutors puting uls a cent. Next, tise bond of tise Voliva land detrai Grant, Orley' Howard; Lake cial diupatch recqtved here Raid that house In ahich the famtiy dweiied for tisai the prots tront praposeil tac- mentI and heu been Voiva's cisoice la, John Stratton; LIbertyville, P&ul 1 itis cabInet .officehâtid been sccused miaiinyeara. taries begia ta accrue betare tie tac- for tise office, accarding ta reports. JacGuffin, Newport, Jiau. G. Welch tan MexIco Cty, « being reaponsibie Later, but snuit In the thirty's, tares ortandbefore tise contribu- It bing expialned tisat Wledman,- in lShields, John Griffith: Vernon, Jonfr- h noïeet heo i os hna uir Johnfor ise opiuniont. hree ai us snh, jonbs Juior for signe tise chseck.oias pno, a sd, iejo JogE, Barrett; Warren,. Leaile Bonner. Expîefl*t"- àDen'l Espluln. James and William, puslied on 10 the cnough to bie viling t pistsu It arcund. j* . ýSlroeker; Waukegan, W. B. Tiere lg a 'êbisg feeling horsrelitat then almout unexplored but fertile Eut Vour Pie and- Smith. 1Nuerta'u dtolcMer Lices not afford Pare ftenrhetJmset I'WPI~UU' l8JAh1iI~ If thould leud to ta noe1an adequate plaflation for eventu riis0sh otvu-Jmsst It lu uimple. It lu aomehiag 1Dite CT S N A EDl is Ibe ouondes dth at nynellalexîco Citir. lu toit tisat e mare t'loln noutbern Wisconsin, near mmking an Inesîmen00wilaud monev tencrants ial-complote accouai of thse algb'n de- Tvin Lakes, white Phîneas and Wil- and -paying for Oie Inventaient onît R T1'ICAUI I ery40 adonr, eat.ha-velopimentu mut iheforthcomtng troin 1,heim ocated ln this count>', the for- afier yon have recelved your profit. Biii uUDUSÀNDS OfV noe and professional Men have ai- Huerta before h. cen expeet tisis i mier at a point lsnown 10 thîs day as Waliskaou eceseiseba bera~ p>'adyMenbderallp fee o! hsf ro te21country' to belleveflisntlise isad notblag 1ý1herman's ('orners--*he Intersection tashugbOie e e ie ha tionpamer cr. h eeaoc rin1tio lo10do vltis'the launance of the delat lo Milwaukee avenue and the &lank tbrughtheexpriece NO AOU RA S $00per'yer. he$10oiaion teteatmeentom nero lts abietof-Roniswercfo minetarshof-l un his opinion there lat a ondhelisg itnanced oi a tlbree-)ear>basis tireera.Rodweefrma>yarlikît Ruae reear uwby ay real estete man, RdnsW ih Hv ae e nme urneigbssp edn h@«&ain ayo-ttl ae hr anand or land-ovner or' buldlng-ovner Rdet W ih ae ae a mmlsauaatehori - P s i ttegrd tena tionmcain- Wila sb-b ae. tere mntandlte sold hisitate a minute about sigi Their Home Under fBridge, 1 or ut adir lllTe rfanedouct I ilrgadhenu'l- Wllaste uonldslOe Ing up on ancis a proposition. Driven From Reuendratryea cn r Eeyeaitun agents of Huerta wthbi, aliprovai lihtertyviile o h tonhpo Refue. , dera htrceyearconract Evry tri-for tise el!ect h vau% exprcted to have fobo h aecut rtsr "Tise bigger Oie population, the er wbo woutd tîke tu have titis expert upon Public sentiment la Mexico. uer. ofvtdel> ad faorabl>' kowner bigser tise prIce of land, tishe - O EPRIN VRU.viait tis farni s urged to joiui witti 1Huerta PlCInlg Double Came. MoreS0MEPORTORS VERRN.itbrougliout tbis county. Hoth resiaed Profitable Oie renta," lie declares, ad -out dela>'. The expert anuvers tise This belief fit. la Weil vils tise lrefmle.Bt ideyi taxation and uoeiloglcal experts ani tarmers calta lnabaout thse order luitiseor>' which hian sti'ouli uapport belargefmle.athde.nl'i polileal economlWaUre one wîth islin SmaJI Army of Pests Seen to wbich they are recelved flrut come- Lüthie efect that HBurt, lau piaylng MarchI, 1884. thore. Make Their Way Up Gene- iraitserved. Everybody should "get double gae.inuhI8 ie motiatioua wîîb The ailier brothers and sistera ex- "Il willibe the youag Mon wd ise vî1 see St. a Few Days Ago. Irto tise hand wagon." pnd hetp puasie United Statee, bbll air e p> cept Jacob, wbo iocated ai Willough- do Ual, for Joiet," lie asYs."oi a good thiag aiong. litical capittal in Mexltis troms bis de- biy, Ohio, grew urt, were married and kaavyou aidme.lu conerv- Wukegn has een nvaed'finance of the Unitcd 3faies visile at settled nsainly ltstise vlcinity of Clii- Uve, and yau can'tlitlamie tîen. iTisouands o! lus aders have made ofties aesures i b lI d s lngo ýtieir appearance maid are overrunnlng Oand lnttmatlag a dlpeJ~"li ate nts are tealbe found today. Conmittie Explaîns, ishe entîre city. There la§ a possîhil- FOOT - RIiINT 1>' yta yleld assent té Iidir ProPosais Scarceiy an event or enlerîirise cari 'Nov la Terre Haute viser, I ýii>' Oat Balter>' C nia>'lbe recalied Preuident Witsou ahls bnmunicated b i.- nanied In cotisectin vitis the bis- lived for tlirae y are, tram 1906 to framtls practice mardi for tise pur- AIb AMB lT~ te him. Irsanud developient of Nortiosatern 19,09, Tisa Young Mena Business club pose cf repelllng the unwelcome >jl lA-D5N u Tise administratiion ow hu officiai Ilinîois and Southi Eastern NVýsconsIn statedtisnga Tue Cmmecia clb vsitns.- aq aCmvs~u~.ua.,.us records o! alatemnenta aMade la private tisaI bas not liadil s Sherman repre. »tartedthings The Comercia club vtiiO ta tise tresideisîs confidltW iagent, seutaîlon. hâti deterlor-ated mInoa emoe ssocial No, tise Chili Con Carne an>' ha, I L AY I IS on Adwih m-iéIycn afair. riit,declared war and froide Wauke- tradictor>' o! tafemet4 authorized Many Tisere From Distance. "i 'isad jut tarled ln business. Tise gan tise Initial point of attack.ý nelther S>' President Huera Rad pnilisissd in The eventa o! last week broughltoe committee cama ta mc and Raid 'We lkas Oie Yellov tCloud front Ije orient Plan That WorkS OUtSUccess- Mexico City. getiser inembers o!flb.- fenil> who ar asn fn f$5,00frbctn oeIpndn.Np-t fully in Duluth. Minn. May. tinae been setsarated for man), years bringing aew facto"le inta Terre iat ulen hd ata, but thse Be Tried Out Here fliHUEIIOS..--i"d Elesoute nsance e latier. Haute. We went $300 tram iou." Plein trutis ef tbe mtter ta tiat thons-u.e u e- Whtte lli nnofunl aed telaer 't reaionstrated. I conidn't afford 1amis o! rats, large and amali, drîven lietore long a plan o! taking t1 flhM fl p Irto!itos prset he sa iner lit. Then uaid tise comîittee: 'Ton ftosa Oeir refuge under tise old Pressions o! the feet o! al new re- IL par etftfeet ta knwth tat thereter- know vel enougistient mors peopleGenesce treet bridge, have heen put crultit Ithe NavalTranin Sttio 5t actt ace seve cousina tram la tiIs eoui mais mors business, Nov ot a n d have sought quartersl I Grat alnuTrbeainop tato- ln tfrtrnam Psenayanatv il we cent la>' thz#e britseccral other parts of thse city'. reifhiofourfa Cal rira laa tw tacores ur ~ luids.Uicpou- Accordlag te severai visose vernc- cause It bas been found te work out IIUM lulpi jAI IU Ufro i Wsconsin, one tram îIowa, iwri aacores er anmter th.ppu-f i ont'aadaefomClorsa lation twrenty-fIve pen cent, don't y;a Ity there neyer heu liaa an>' reajon- aucmeasfuli> ln Dluth. Stinn., where rçaîiO 111 R Iatah da> onesfrpnt lriand Oslnk tisai Oera viii be greater ne- on tô doubt, a saii army Of iZts ILieas been Irleal out and goveraiment P 10 h a a pn nrvvn n Uivit>' Lu réal esiata? Don't you knov carrying lni size froani a few inie ng officiais et Washington, aeeing is res testssg the traditions and hitiory of tier fIlI S' And vOn' yoo geita otise ize a a cat or small dot, worth, are recommending tIsatIf lie Tarrytown, Aug. 20-According ta lbhe fansils speech Inaktng, and a >'aur "iare? Dout you Oilk tisai ucelipered ap irons the ravine on Laitd mare exteaaîvely. It la anoliser reporta la Pocantico Mliii. an ai- giorto)u.sis gond tlme,-to whtcts a pien- >'aur 100 vii brng you big dlvi- Sanda>' and mede Oeir v>ay p Gn-bacsOf Ose Bertillion sysiem iand tempt vas recenîly muaq toarhum tiful 1.ast spread arion thselhuge seestret om litieditane bfor wII erv nt oiy or hepuroseo!John tD. loci.eteller's EaisftfuiJais- tables usder the ahade trees la the i gn t é- ot s.dividIng Into platoons and adoptlg Identification but afiso w li show lm - T e s or te h o e vsii oft 000 . a d nawa oîs lr n e j ya l f a "'But Sguts oe.guerrll facticu. perfections 'la the feet of recruttas to r>ia tnhatoe fltise vonkea ture. is-- aven't the mone>' ta Hundreds of .th.oee rats have -teken 1disicis mîgisl tend to impnair their et-,iidaien in the sbuer rieur the _TIse gattsering was auch an unquali- Ouiyw loj Hn uta keep h a whole wae , pfl» ',i eaten athe .taime. Z3 uoeybitauooasit loo&u, 1 C"1 %.7sg:Pwdifaied nd ja o1.Tusd But lie sugar tth ic es; sdd the lemon rid then the flour aifted thnee '.O timea wlth tbq1st andbslingpovdenj ERO sud. lastly, te miik. Baku la a but. AI with el nd trnver and oit a la 1 e sti i w ena m . D redgo t e p S tr e t p i f, Bat mflk nsed lauihejel>' roll en. eSr &bien ht ta Se rolled ultisout danger o Ba sreA cnackilsg. Have tUi fk scaiding bat, aiso be oerefnl to have thse su andi augar beatea together until vst>' llght i L anai creamy>. Bake ta a moderate aven. WIUrnq X C Jely Roll la illnsti-ated on pag tiity-two ot tic 150w an ad nta mIa' Gllnstratesi 64-page X C Cook'* Book, vhc s> esecnired frw by uending tin il.yt icaepackest la ever>'25.-c ,gus eu cf K C Baking Povder to a JClmwmyo. ". oChica5go. mU 2 mw' P.Uýý ma Ow lim 6id Su e 'Tatrü MONS TE PARADE 100 Soctl4. -9sd. SilgCon- tests, l 1 t.u SceS front Raclne, Keno. gm«niue. Etc. O.sàg tod uiEvocng Dmnil. 'Ie sh eer Sports. Nuamerousc« ekn for Sale, Apply ComcensIon Counnttee. J i. . *âes F. W. Cook Augusi Hoehnclue LA~'SiCO& FItý. THE STATERFND L b*oaue «- te. Tf rst*e Masanie Temple sidge. pheise Tis ii nwus ii~ otafcln AUGUST 19, 1913. vis - .vsss roln 'Springfill tt. WPdedsYI.. e s- . fshowing for th.- Archbeld B. Legnard and wlfe' ta fr.t tri %i nbris Lake cosunty ata e gel insehine NM. Legnard,XV. D., $».f& lu. tise Aolof iiissroving ronds Iin ,Lot on E. aide of Genese.- treet, no«#i tbhe cowrîuits ,ir stie rs i'sbgbsnv o!FrankinuSt., Waakegan. plan:n -ss iis-M ichsael il. O'trien and vite 1 Tii.'Sjtît- iglînav commil--ion lias! Fanute P. McVeits', WV. D,$12,ffl#qO made i(- uiiotrîjin of state aid fundql tIc acres lu Sec. Wau(-onda 11" forguoi rsrsi 55Oui~. is rouîtesand Sec. 4. Cuiba Twiî. O! thse State sl sý-. sisîitdchat tise E tgar'13. illiamnuaîd wife et as amount tsi acs rue't55 lis- heautomobi le .to A lbert E. iiîhi, W. . n6A tia ensis CIsc nlit s s.sv.Tihe t t t lis WiIllunss rog.S 'ib. Antioci siseciat tax apstrsîpria t oui for lb.- 'Par Wn 1 m1hadvt aO~ 1411-15 n lI tottal s, itoW I. $itan ii. [Atelu ny For Lake couni>' the aiiotment for, S..-29, Avons Tvp. ait Round Leke. encis year tram the automobietond PeterJ.fne Wr)tDju lu $,638and rom tateaid undand Katharine Iitller, 80 acres la Soe $4,229, a total of $15,505. -., Granai Township, W. D $6»000 There have bseu smansiestîmates ns to the amounts o o!net' n its I lke _______ count>' woutd get from the- state fund but this lu the Irai officiai notice asYI.s a te whaltishe amount wouid bec. $15,5010 wviiinot go serss far toward U~ r0ad building ln the county even If Ose suPervisors do appropriai.- an amount ersual ta il. However, thîs t .1 the officiai statenient as 10elion sucli ls te be obtained frein tbe fstateý funda and theretore Il Is impiortant, sliowln.g as It does, tise basîs on wbicb the officiais ilil have te base their c-at- suintIons and plans. Antidote for Carbollo Aold. Tihe Seat antidote for carlolo ad Poluaaing sa gour and vater. If nots- Ing Setter la eit hend drink a Ulttiée pla vater to veaken tise edd, or sf111 et." ter, drink soapsuds If obtainable, If Bloum le not bad>,.ose megnesia, cheik, - sode, lime. whlting or nev coup, or c j knock e piece of pIeter tran tise *&Il, secrpe off che lhile outuide coat of lime, Poaund It fine, mlx wIth tis ll on vater, and drink et one. 7oilow vit ivarm vacer or fisgseed tes, 0f - eoureie, cadi a pisysician aLt tisesarIl, lUt Possible moment. tken steel- City., A haie bUd élan. frOm e paut fée »at *go. M. 1 chickemis. uad tec test, Mr, Mome ise Wan thse intali lm have buia loue thwat' et verktes have bee"n - u bis woc'k i obb oit id on îhe 1 IWO niUht ird, sotc be a*t.' Ciy...e la -22 .21 goke pomme - .- iv . 9#9

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