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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 2

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r.aad Mre. Bilai Wnlght ai tapi ~. Bos gadchildreurot@t N. D. wsre on the C. M. & St. Pi, $ 0paiesager train ilat vau vreck.d sa~ lu the Thurea morningChtcaga dalles. A vs go ta prisesno detaille ai ts wreck are obtialansd ws kuow nos S E ~whother any paissagre were tjrd The Wntgt'a vire the oly LihertY. mmmmw -- vtiani atiacd tbe trin. 4M ooter etme retuyrndif a r O nt~ >ro a viei ta ise grauidmother, Mr. O e»a iti ekocre tbemarrlags of ieeOabel R. Hall ta be Irige frnilieentrtanedther R. P. Biue aifChicago. aooue i ues FloueeSimone and ili gamerBunday Lake Zurich V. i.swt tuhe for a veek. Moargan Park. Omse TSI sand Blanche Mitchell $Pefu Te% ik Zrich team deiested the Umve daM aait eokOf âii h i-r ant aueaillField team of Chicago, lut ~. HrveyMatesonai HmpeireSlmday, the score beug 12 ta 4. Ï000.A la"gerowd atteudedtils bus bahI t. W. Kaedler and eau Ted, vire m d StelA So hiln saga vWetore Tueeday. tsu das ib. .La.Soepvlo 1 pleab Stanclllswho hmbau inork let amrg uren lhàthemsor eo g #à Laie Forest the greaer part of ligoVnnorai bde mîiate ai te 'su again t home. lgo u. easle ls etabirator- L4MM noije aocmpaid by the la Baringtau. loes Viola And Mlldlitesuthaler il.(L Prshratn de the railroad hi la th. concert at Ravîla Park Bat directore meeting ai Palatine Mnday. ba igit. Carl Ernt umade a bobine trnp ta Naseau L of i Rvrvew, e"Ont Chicago Tpeeday.' 9" dey lu S.E wihbi P B Bu mllFrnk wva aChcago vibtOr 1 r ma neMMlha u rpin. u t uofMtadby. àon ron Smth nd "li mIt'of A large hay rack lo*d ai Young People muet«o, and Mitee Adah Fritsch 0airom Barringion came boe Monda bibe Prkl@pierut, Orlre. 0 M.W.ngh ta go bathlug lu the lake. orkwihi r .. m - - lreitable hareturusd to Sprlug. Milliea.tr a lw daje visit wlth hie Pri aedlire. Wallac te tftsalsraud maîter and brother bars. litesMI pes uday wtth ther anet, Doa't fail ta attend tle peffic udxt m. & . .Smih af Rockeieller. Suuday gîven ly the Ladla' Aid eocletY hoi Sa Glais and Chster Wolf, of the 8t. Patre'e chnrch bere. p#u tsposeeeore ai new fve paeenger néeu LITTLE GIRL DIE. Mr. s»d lire. Chie. Heredliberger sn-u. at e'esig at :16 p. m. occurred qt@imd their couneé Mr. andlire. te death of Auna, 7 yiar aid daughter aog.rcbhsrgsr ai Chcago, lIseo esk ai Mr. An1d Mrs. Eric Johnson, af bd t1lte wsek ibey are entertaluing thir Lenax avenue, deatit belg due toaaP- ilaia, Misee Thsckla Borg 0i Chicago. penicitis. Tva weeki &go oe nuderwant an Xr. And lir. J. P. Rtzeunthaler and operation for appendicitisaie Jane Me- wqbtbr olive. atteuded campm9etlag Âliaer hoepital. lier condition Alter ~ervlls ark n uday. tite operatian vai about normal. As ýXa@MBePar onSuaay. tîme went on lier condition becarne ,#W£Emma LaFrts ensdIng lier vorisead of bitter. Lait Satur- à~ vcation wyul ber parente, M r. day Ight aIl lapes for recavery vers ~Mps Frd RnechtsrsrBn. abandoned. gr iol ea t Wjim Fred Hemel gr. Thatte Younggilsod enth ftb &mga Grove griot and ider miii deatit.hed ion practlcahly a week leaa V%Ïafogg for business every day m&ier maýrvel. Throughaut bar sesytan con- er ef rsi. Sargbum plant je sien ditlnabie vai coneiaus.Lait Wed* Ir uluess. c -8 nesday ahi reeueted ta hataken ta -, _____________ ler home aud asedeatvas ouI>'a lobWha's iaes.TranpRels, anquestion oa iUne, abs vas brougiti ta liabwlâ hoseTram Belewonherhome,.vitere se.d. tird mone>' at the Janebville, Wls., 5he attendid mlkltstr ecl. Her moThur.eday, ber trne belug 2'17%. lave for ber youthUl friande and ber bétici vas ver>' ruddy. hiance fit lnklnd sud cooueilspirt wi vimake titiUrn va exellntlier greatiY mised senton« ber friande. Dov noiug business meihode te conducting hie tarming S bueinese ang eaving one-thrd of theti ure, wth better ' reuti. One of the inipravatuente la thei mailing of ' cche, draf tesudndtnnel orderi ta ibis bank as soon ai reoeived, and mailing hie chiche in payment of accounteg, thug haadling hie funde Ai a, email expeuditure of time and suuoney, -cand obîsiuîng a record and recaîpti for tnbtactîaoe. It paye ta uete bet methode. SL. Trip TuE CITIZMNS' BANK ROCKEreU.ER, ILL. p R. F. Ueuee Iving1 en. Vie Pneident. ]Bell v gE. Payne, Cailla. System ec Tool of Enterprise and Resourccfulness --illicate mechanism is set to carry your imPulses out over invisible electnic yto'broader success. bm>o't loue out to some quick-witted oppon- IImini the commercial game. tovide yot;roelf with the best clasu of Servce use' i M*telhigently and take for yoSQef the guerdon of commercial acul. Vine die Long Distance. CHICAGO0 TELEPHONI COMPANY, X A. AdVW% MMh~ iU. T.,' * e Mr. -sud Mir@. J. Richards of Long1 Beà"ach da.. are guete ibis week at the1 home of ihuit cousinIrem. 8. L. Tripp. 1 Mr. sud litre. £. 9. Blubu loft MSart day for a t'wo weeke' vlcit witb Mr. Bluhm's people ai LaPorn, lad. ('ail Bock aMd fanIly ai Obîcao, @peut 8uuday ai the borne of Mr. and lre. John Kunlae.1 là.'A. Watson made a bueine tritp ta Waukegau lMondai. Edlth gHoDman and Hlen Wells epeut a iew dayd lat week witb Nina Roue ai ber borne. 16P', orceetra will foraleh mueic for the.Irakt danceelthe nMW auditorium ai, LIh.rtyviile. Dancing thrse nighte. YOD ahould go. Rath Wells Wells returàd Saturday fromi Oberliu, 0., where eh.ehhm heen aftoudiug sumumer echool. lire. A. J1. KluS entertalued ber nsic., hep Florence Radolph and frlc.d, Fraficls Nordby of Chicago, or O uuday. Mir. and, Mre. Oeo., MeDonaid moved last wqek from liheldonhuret tç Lake Bluff.1 11 Llali Misolndolpb of River Vivw, la vlsitla< a'tahber eiitere, liaiel a Libetyvillle. sud Veraoftte splace. Mn. sud lire. Artihuloungof Kancoih, %*int Sunday vit t.elattere parente, lir. sundlire. Be iiroedhead., unr. P y of Pana, 111, sud lir. O.born o7tClicago, vlitid lait veek vith lMr. aMd ire. J. scott Cary. Mrn. aid lir. George W. Hardin and iamlly, ai Minneapolis, vstetd vîtI relatives sud irinde Iebani«t vesi. Paul t0. RT aid tauly oai Ubirtyville, Spent Suuday iWth lire. erecîbirger. Nei uuday moruing Rev. Carr viii speai an"1Beter ilai Gold" sud ia ils oeaulg ou "Four Budden Thing." Arthur aid Ira Nehrlich of Evanstou, epet Sondaiy ino rinde berTe. - 1 Rerman Lltcbfisld loft Saturday for a flte4 day trip ibraugli ihe vagit tnclndîug a vilsitta Teillotaue Park. My. aid tMre. J. L. Roder sre sending the veek vith Irende lu Ina an sd yutteir eau Allert lu Chicago. The latet addition ta aur ttrtving Induetites le a plans fon île manufacture oi carbouleed leverages ecntly lu. stalled hy Fred Huntîngion. He hlaà flavlug l aon ie property on Mspi street, île vater tram vblîb in eppecial adaptable for tht, purposessud tIers le no douhi ibai lin. Huntlngtou viii turf ot a very igh grade paoduct. SLeai Wedueaday mornng Ota Rapte mtct a very palini accident that' 4viii likely keep hmlmid up for nome Uie. He vue rdiag yul hbie brother Clarence ou Mrrie'e&ddjivery wagon and demudnlg île hli on ile sonili baak of Laxs Esra, the vagon rau abead striklug thIe harsees heele. The animai : ; ÂC becamnuee ununaan sd lau the frensied daehà davaus Incline Otta récelvd a kick viticit Iroke oas liane tlnhMe le aud spltsteme4lte other. Tb@ wagon fiually atnuek atru and bath boys ee throwu ont vithaut receivring furtber tjun:. Tbe.accident vas mylous ecngh but It le fortunate tht it va. not More 80. BME HALL.9 Dld yen evîr 1tellsuai fiour itiende1 aud nelghlurs a*out tle niu iclg auto yan vire gatug ta get for yaur blntbday1 and Invite tbem aIl ver for a loi ride aid tien vies thsy bad &ai gaibercd la gmetuexitauy, bave your nJe, big, ftao muneng bueivagan tori ouita I.b vbWsbanrovJi you have y6u eau sympathie vlthus ibis ek aver 1h. front ai lait Suuday. The lunchofaimia hall playere, vbô camsoui irom Ciisag ta §Ui the engagement sch.dulId vti the Arteelansecould likely lave beatmn the sahol ebut vauld bnaehad ta gro sous at that aud ih le lard ta figure ont juil vhy the Ch'iaom aaager ehonld hand n bi nydeal llitat. Bobfice hSt tmy liai hIauy ailier tenu IrMM l lttie vila"evante a game, thsy viii hav, te put op ils documente. Thi garn. wuaafait vark oni far 1he hame laye alter their tva veeké tdienseand every body got vretiy wvi iimbired up. -Caldwell beld dea thîe joli ai ibirdand by the vay be per- iarmed aauud liai corner ih looke bête a eteady job loy "Buet' Nexi Snnday the boys lrom Antionh corne here ta pas back our vint aid It tiai bisa good game, it uta> le punk or it niay le luit fair. Wc may vin, tbeir rnay vin or perhape it will le a île- te, gude ve're prett>' vel covered uep tht. time 80 ilhat uobody eau, corne arouud alter the game and acmuse us of bing a charter mem ber of the Anunai club. Ares.......................O2-1-6 .................... ... 0O 0410.0- 1 TIrai baie lits. King, R. Darfler; tva base lite. King, BanleY. Struck.out by Roues 7. Base ou balle off lRone. 1, off %illia 7. Bit by pitdlied bail, T. Dorier. Notei Rouevas îaking uhlage saeY sud at thasU aed only tour lite. Tony DoafSer vas bit tIres tlmee by pitcled balle sud voul4i Bull scdept ans base ion the three. . Barr Rou8e. plaed riight fid for tle visitais snd made a couple of cirus catchbes. Pst King tole ihird igitl the bail iu île pitchere bindi and got awa it yul Even vitb Indifferent appositiou île t earn lookcd tIhe u tItsmthie year sud they are going to be lard tauait t ram n ov an. WEffàFREMONT__ _ _ _ _ _ lic aid IlÉre. George bchroader and G1 .I daughter ai Chcago, vers île guelte ai! 8ev. sud Mire. Ed Aibrechi ot Mlwau- lit. and tire. R. W. Sehroeder from kee, Wlecousin, Rev. A. Loemer of Water-( Weduesday until Sundaj. tord, Wtcansin, Ray. and Mre. O. R.( Mr. . E. Tgrpulng sud daugitter, Jofiu Masoman ai Lombard aud MisesL. D. Roues, Bn., i Park ,,dg, andlin, sud Sebvermau of Chicago. Ctited at îlei Mv. alntBoes of Rocefeller. calid Selvermîn lame lait vekaid atiened1 ou Mr aid lins. J. J. Rouse Weduaaday. the Golden Jubilee ofthîe Evaigelila A aumbir inom bers aitsuded the play 1L7uterau cdurcI. gven by the ivaubai girls lu the IWood- uev. B. Wehne of Glenviev, viiit(d mai haill atunday svenlng. vl Chai. Welree. Misses. Ediih Boffmai ad Helen Weil& ai Rck.tlle, epp th pet vet e dMise. Bsuxgartner ai Fort Wayne, md., with Mise ina R".. vile llreR.eltîehtve. Misa Minute SciPE'dei speni Monduy Mi@s Alta!dilamneon reiurued borne yul Mise ngHtiIe poigiatsuIvanhai. Mlitday alter epeuding a tev veek@ lu lire. Frank Dita aid famil sud Cieo gneete epet Frldsai tBouge A Lk F. C. Selumacker and MIes Hane are MIrsud lire. Kirly, D)r. aid lUre. E. vIllilng relativieBstm.Volparaiso, lad., V. Smhihr,&nd daughtet Nina ef Lberty- tile k. ville, vers ths guet. ai lMr. audlhM. Lv. A. B. Selvarman liiftionrtielIow. J. J. ltonse,;unday. d"l, Canaida, last Widu.sy viters le Mr. aid lIre.'Fred Nrdunsser caled bais ccepted a ci se -ninieter oi the on Jaes Baner ai teai colony W&uksgai Evaigelical Lutteratcburel thers. Mondai. e mi"ssKatieJscoheMaisd on her @inter, Francie Meer sud Joha Clak epet MtI. Lou Seburnacker lait Bunday. Tpy ~e former'@ elster, lire. M.ad gMie4J. J. Roues aid guese ..... auioid ta lcumue Lake, Bandai aitter. bt.y noon. ~John Austin Mille wai s 1 uge MieseAima Meyer aid Wili Frost 500k 10, 1910, sud died Anguit 11, 1918. a trip qp ta sm tb lotus led. iu Grau e ws a. ibres ypar aid anue 'lai aiagi. Lake, Sunday. '1 He had bien a nattent infferer Pl au Chrle Thoma. treinnd tram North Dakta Wedseda and le preparlng ta efsct a houedon bis IaM bers. Mres lobte af daucint tiI. jean Fait vet, Wdeday, Tbn.edoyan sd Fr. d&Y. flapke's orchestre.$Be anrs you Amrora-I'ocmer Sotor Abert J. Hopins, Btr, and Jndge Edvatd M. Miniga iciibcated Prida>' bicasiu vas the auuivinsary ai theï ir tn. Titi former 'United lut"i saat, caugneseman a»d iteate itonis> hegini hipelxify.eUth byer;ý titi Indge hie fot-itit. Raci se a poar boy aud made his vay lty struguilis 4agtI*ehlaMadlson. -"$oàbg begust, Mise. Joete Wood-sn Mi.ldel am Bideeito'Ipvei ber, elisme, lire. a. L. H0 kine of litg ie parente, tMr. and Idre. R. Gunefl, Prof. R. L. Sandwlck, principal ai tte Derbiid-4hW iede14bechool cillzi on eaveral,ieinde Manday. Trheo J. Knaak lat atàday for au, exiended trip îiraugb the out and vili attend tbs Bixali Druggiei convention ai Boston, lMs.. Mr. end lire. Jahn Vetier @psontesvenal day. ai laut veek ai Nffervilie attend- Ing titi camp meeting. Meure. "ole Rlommel aud William Duffy epeut miterai days aiflut wek ai te Delle ofai Wecuil. A unuilber rom bers attvuded the Evereit Rarvist pluiec daturday. Mrc. sud lirmFred Kieïtin fai tcgo, voeshlie ateaiMr. aid lims.W. PetieOuday. Mr. aid mliRoy Raikini of Wihuett, vftesthie veeud gueuts ai lie laton'. patenta, lMr. sud lire. Fred Btedrtadi. Mine Ida Kusai loft Ssturday for Lae Geva vhere eh.@viii ety a number oi veeke. Mie Elmunr Meyer le vtefting Mieî IrsOliaadiai of caga, tii vek. Tbe R. N. A. vere entert.lued 1: lire RM. Van14 Wedneeday afteruoou. lire. Ra" (Lard va. île week and gmeuiofiber paeate, tMr.sud lire.C. W. Pittis. 1. 0.0. F. irorn Chicago picuic vag beld lu Knickerbocker'* grove Suudey. lir. aid lire. F. Rombro lad a. their gueute Suaday frts.de irom Chicago. Lait Tneesav evening Isees. Robirt and C. G. Pettite gave a- progresive dinner paryinla hoaiofi eir coneins, liessle ROa Coolay sud Pearl Lsngdiu of liMaumette,. Follovlag tle dînner tle eveang vas epent in dancing ai the ho" pfr.ainsd lire. t..Petîle. il E i lnvard alite.. ai tii sac, caaldnge i dsatb. 'Hei levee ta mous. his eanly eipartns bies tier »aimotier. tour "iptuead uie brother, buée a#àlarge cirais of tileude. Brvicesivire bld irom tii reideue ai 8 o'clock Tucseday alternoon. RLv. Cantof ai ee]F afficlatliag. Cerd of Titinki We deeîrs ta ibank ibe maiy Molnde aid nelgbore for iii. beautgi liavre end fîuglng, aiea iho.. vhl eitended SeoIn sympathy duitn l ie @enad di ol a ur list5e auand bcolbir.- , Mir. and lire. Fred 0 aggis and cblld rsa wers'the guete of Mir. and tMrs. Pbllip H. CarroUl of Chicago, Tbureday. Miems race and LMiàan Sebilio vleited teir auat, Mies Minule Sebvingle of Chicago, lait week. lire. Lucy Miler of Chicago, Wa@ the gueet of Dr. and Sire, C. J. Davis, Thure. day and Frldsy. Mir@. R.oy Lord gave a luneon ullowed by theatre part, Piureday alternoon to Msdames C. W. Pettie, Oea. Pettie and 9. Fredricke in bonar of I seue Coey and Laagden. Mire. Wittleutueyer and @on Elmer of :icago, are the 5ueste of ber emâter, Mre. Frank Jacob@. Mie@ Katbryn Eger of Chicago, vas the gust of MIse Ruth Rlecbelt lent week. MIr. and Mre. Kirby of Lîbertyville, Mouday. Tfie Missioaary eociety aI the Presby- terien churcb will ineet ut the horne af lire. J. A. Riecbeit, Jr., Tureday alter- Doon. tire. J. P. Sehoieder of Jefferson Park, violted friande lbore Friday. A. C. E. Union eervice wu@ held Sua. dar evealug iu the United Evangical cburch. Mie Eva Petie of lavan, Wine., la tieitlng ber parents, lMr. andlire, C. W. William tierriman of Chicago,.w«ve e gueet of hie sleter, lir@. Thomnas DuE, Buuday. Mri. Raniau of Bervyn, vas the gust of finde here Friday and Ssturday. C. B. Eseton and hie Lice, lire. label Sebaffer are vielîing relativee lu Roes. date, Wl. Wrn. Eret aud dauglier Rîbsi epet Suaday efitit relativee, lu Wsukegsu. Couprislilouer Scott, ai Benton township, ha.nana teain tu aork on gravelîng thei Miwaukee Road a short distance nortit af the Tank Houes churchth îe autp bieau nte end af thei nid gravaI ruaadsund taeWada- vorth noad. thatsi tien ungravéled for yeens sud vas a tug-bsan ta an- tals. However, lý le said! that thé tavu ln pa>'lng aucli a amail tee far tiame couîpanad vitat Wauke«au tovwnship pays, that oui>' oni ieam la workiug aud nons athens cati ho se- cured. A fail off of 45 pin cent sud lu nome lIntances of 60 pin cent la the dali>' riasipte of milk ai coudin a Ing piante ste reporte ltai came ta7 Tih Brald from Bardeu and Bovmen Dait>' Ca. pieute Ia Oie territar ytrib- nier>' ta Rarvard. This blg fal off la due tatse recaut Intensely bot veather, the mrnuy vie aiofdrougit and ta h ta Sci that files have PlaYOl tavoc viti dalrles, vhii the sunt- burued penturesebaesadded . tiç ahare to te SIQUgh OUf ln th.e uppiy. Not lu mauy years has Âugust mein suçi a aeli Offln tse uppiy.af mii ai plante luýtitis sectioin aiftie couf- tri. SERIA SAVRES etarted a Banik Aooouui ai 12 yeare of ago, with SI.00). 5h. eept it up until site vas of age and itad àavedý enough totaboy a emall home for htrue1f vien ihe married. WMy not etari your aooouau la the NATIONAL SAVING Deparmen-of tii Bank? Wa havesa beautif a litule Home Savinge Bank. May vs placot inyour home? rIRSIr NATIONAL BANK. LibertUville, 111h... We atre nw locaed lu our News Three.etcy Benk Building. i __________________________________________________________________________ Mie.Vaibti Lauleri te vimltlng, roi- tiCs. ai Gunoa Jonction. lire. VanBainaand Mies Once are vwettlg relatives lu New York. lire. Charte. Seip le apeudlng a vsek viti ber etter lu acine,Wlé.. J. J. BockelrnaaU ai Mtuueotà, le vlelthng his brother and family ai [pr.snd Mr@ dLaug'ha&b take Henry Bchroeder te ili vlth pneumonie. lire. Charte. Meyer te very li vith phenuonia. Mie. Hatife Keuller ila esdlng a vie lb frieud$IDlaFreeponi. John Domkowàky returued borne alter a veeke' cliii lu Ney York City. A. L. Smith ententained Mir. and lire. .4rbogast ai Chicaga. over SUnday. lin. and Mire. G. C. Schutz ad Mtre. J. L. Sean are Vi@tlluglIDSkota&. Mr. and lire. Fimer Robeyteau, aie laitte ?ickolf. are anete a1 ber dicter ait Mr. &bd Mre. Burltngam'eo. Mies Tisima Olme ai Hampshire, le viltlut ber grâadpa and gradma Olme bore ai preise. Attorney R. L. Peck aid f.enlly are aeiungtwa veeke aet Delevan Lake. Wle. MRS. W. A. BUTLER SUCCUMBS Wanksgiu. Auguit 16. * tre. Carne lbnti. ifs aofW.M( tutiet o! *roftott 'itret, etysien Tweiftî and Thirteenth etreet, dled thie marnlng ioliovIng a short Illnesa. Mns. Butler vas about 45 ysara aid indl»dlu-N7uî Ciîcgo and Waukegan for aome yeara. Her lus. e an va atchmaa aithîe savelope iactory. Thens are dve smai chuidren. The hueband bs lad a liard tîme keeping hie family tagether for eme yeare tbe- cause of domeetlc trouble, but he has showu grit and pluck sud msnaged ta e hld them together. s The 'Meredith Flower and wilof r oVegetable Co. wiH ffe tothe trade for a f.w days the following at haff the usual prce: CUl I'LOWERS. ASTERS, ail colore ..... 10e per dozen GLÂDIOLAS, ail colorea........... 75c per dosen PLANTS. GER&NIUXS, 3 and 4 inch ........ 10o each IE'L PETUNIAB 0 eo fUGONÂ8, tuberous ......... .. 15e eaoh BIMNAf ancy foliage........... 25c each FI#E A W 8M TIE WAS WREN TINE WÀS NE S XeUNasured _________ Lfl. A SUN «DIL Relcm*defoc Thm iuJptoýà.dt.le In Siun DiaL 'rimes ihere did not exist the neceeeîty anîd demand for the exact keepiug of engagt- mente that now exiet. - IN THESE UP-TO-TIIE-3IINUT} I' IES the man or woinan wtout a thoroughly reliablo tîime-piece may make mietakes f ar more costly than oua of our Moderate Priced but Dependable Watohee. COME IN AMD HE.>R THEM TICK IThe Model Cash Market W. J.- Mundee, Prop. I-IBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS EVERYtIIING fRIES11 CLEAN ïoiNO IIIGUT 1THÉ vERY BEéST or MEATS. AND TH1E PRICES JUST A LITTLZ LOWER T11AM THEÉUELow WHIO EXTENDS CRÉDIT, FOR WIE SEIL L OR- CASMh ONLYSO lor. lire. liakut v'ltb h home wvhere Mir. 4 epeut lad HOI NOI D. 1 PU- LI

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