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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 8

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>4- Wr ./.~. iYOL ~K FFVY £ML% SEES DYINQi UIN IN WAUKEGAI C. eO. CLARK, AWAY FROM HEfE OVER HAIF A CEN- TuWty, COMES TO VISIT LORENZO BISHOP, HIS COUSIN. HMAKES AGED MAN'S HANO. DYING RESIDENT 0F COURSE 010 NOT RECOGNIZE HlM BUT REMEXIBESED HIS *AUNT WHO ACCOMPANIED - Wcukegen. Anguet 18. If you bcdl besu ave>' roi Weu 1, »083fr 51 >'9rs, vouhia't yen hhini foe*r. lna astrange lUndvii >eu o auck *tevu? That'. the feeling tunt 0=0s over C. 0. Clark, a cousin o 40040MIsto isbop), vho camse to Wan. kéÏaD, dts morng, te sees bis rela ti ve, for som. lime, bas been lm a~ a RiICal condition aundev isl ex >.cted te drop off an>' de>'. Mr. Clanb UT« at Wciita, Kas., vhera h. li -' Ï cpetsr. i l Mr Clark came to Waukegan vit] jemotuer vidov et J. K. Clark, vis whe iss e r broke ont, lved t vhs, D ow Laite Bluff bute whicb wvs k», a t.w heu ceslteckland. Hie fathb *&»»Wst ilu tus 96tu Ilinois an afflred through bis ebrus. Wheu b, wlt te ver hie mtuer movad lis Ce:,3 ta fmil>' te Llvngoton count>', la ý 'Y iMe ad remained âae>' rous tub se Sever ince. SC. 0. Clark vas seven >ears o *bmthe is> left Lakte count>' and i .'m ~'est foot laside the. ceuni :ice ustil thie morsting. ~Im motuer, vise les 78 years ol vws bors a fsv yeare âge te VIE - r. isbep, vbo vas tha sou ofthb olmtsister. 10. Biaopes condition lesnch ti blà aletionai part of tue time but eSsora leisrrational. He recogniz bis aunt, lire, Clark tuis mcnii anidviien se.teld hlm bier son w *lwth ber, Mr. Biehepsaeid h.e visis to ases hlm aeuhhum, fer the fi lime lu 51 ye 's, lhe dylug man sa Uis cousin, eue wisom he badl lis ofe betone but liai neyer seen. T tvo cousins ciaspesi hande tor t -- rst lime eluce tbey ver. "mt tid ad, ville tue>' dld ot itnov es t ber lu active luta, th. e ml>' n tionahip caused a fflng e! sympat to go eut balveen tueus. I3STATE IXAY BE 3 TIMSASM UNE AS WAS EXPECTI Reported That Volunteers M Get About $11 ,000 Fror Hanna Welch Estate. Inetead of the Wautean Voluntq of Americe gatiug but about $4 on eu te a"raisidue o et a stte' tue laea anna Welcb, accordlu, her vil., it le said the amount vil dloser te threa lunes that sum. Tii. appiraleers aI n'erk ounlthe tae.have touud more asaets tan .zpected and the lateet report is C&Pt.aad*Mrs. Coo, heesif et u -o gteers, are IlitaI>'te gt close $ 11,M0 from tue estate than the si ag eum. This viii mate afins for tue Vounteers eudh 4ýM in l a good position net ou > dIitmu5tue Mille home but Mrir tw trted on extensive %lm beIb h ave piannai latue l.oludlng tise proper Improvemas the borne amda cIme urnlhiug Il t iv. o'clock goniay eve wsiper Carence Diver pana' the. eperatlng table as 1l"e,' ser hospital te subir - »d fi or appensictia. vlibte se peformled is>'DD diffim retue S. Bellova. A - uablea lite ~tisaItue 0 - U~baiuccametul e Oul aI hic bu terncol itMf fron ver i 4w«- twietb. la TO TO THt AW, BEC~1E OFICIAL 'TO T13CIiTEÀClI* 11EATAR; SEMEIJR 0F T1E CITY ERS TEÀCIIINQ ART 10SE WEDS' O Dld you know that th. new Ex-Superintendent of the CmtY 'h ulcto uTusa u duty haed been lmposed on th. eflthe- tact that a marrlage licenSe a a couny clrkSchools to Be Principal of been Issued la Chicago ln the. morn- couny clrkIng te Albert H. Daventort and MISS Ifyou dldn't, con you now Imag- Praotice School Normal. Jennie Brunhoiz, both of Waukegan, Ine Lmw qong srcund wth a pair.ae37nd1cmelka aPO of scales tucked away In hle hlp -ae t and to am te kea p pucket and a few bulbe I basket rz (offilally deslgn.d), tomd ln hl: TO 'TEACH, AND LECTURE. young man, in tact, It almost Paryn v.mtpooetied hlm. Ths wha he l b elgfr e or, lhe had expected to marry the. ginnle wluy at halat the ceuforclis. Mill Be Insructor un Psycho- youug voman hlmselt and had gone beamgj o t lesot, ciai countY seaerk0. Igyango far as tu contract wth a local fur- Leathe ofDfiia s aer fl hasandGive important Biture bouse for $500 worth Of furni- DO snob officiai, hie attomaticaily bal. Lecture~s Also. tue lch d ilihomepai nnedb ae cornes the oficiai sealer of Waoite- tdelmiveathi homeat in av er gan as well. In tact, lie* the wholeti.mraehchaeohvebe thlg ow u ais cuny weuî~ in conuection wth the plane of performed lest Monday 1cornes to sealing, flot qnly seall'W miss Mriam Bue' omrsp!f ln I m. rnar4sonaltie tregh selngîî Itendent of Waukegan clty echools, The young mean ln queston, whom C0D05 utals outh matero!planuing to leave Wauitegan for San name is withheld, bad made P;an L io 4setÉtm and i-n res. Dego. Cal.. ln the near future, Il de- nome time pat Pe, majMMIsa Brun: velops that M1ss Beley le net t behois. He contracted for the furnituiSI Mii Advadce copies of the uew weights superinteinlent et the citY echOOls Of and te severai friendselie made tihe u *ni r neersatpse > h ot' that cty, nethot le shie te b Super- auneuiicement that thay were te b. elghth general esseambly have beeu Intendant o the Normal. married Monda * est. 1 3' 4 thel be1eefetv muy~ ia MiMrlarnley leavos on Sept. On. friend itated te hlm that 9 Tand provd e f for ctt-ie adop- 4th for the western cit>' whero shethe. young womau had boon recelvlng L 2. d ain nd tuies ca s tvae w erp-as taioen a postion under Oa>'ea*' considerable attention from another S4 e 1 9 3 er- l ti n In pecer otfeigsts and contrctsas on.etfthe lustructere In friand and lhe was aeked If lbe was K FI- aurea nd inetrmofug commad the state Normal echool, on.et the sure that hie own plane would carry. tn e meare, atdin aIgriculturl t uf-, biggest echeole of the klnd ln the "Oh sure, IUm al set, We're going K-de ed barg the ablercntutl>'ated country. She e te ho b principal of te b. marrled Monday next," said hae ~ Forthe prposeof gllug e tec e practice echool dapartmet, one and hie seerned sure oftit. 19 Fr th puposeof ivIn ef et fthe. important positions lu the However, Tbt'rsdsy, the Sun an- 0 R c n r & u the. act, the county clark le made echool. Misa Besie>' le net to ebeu- nouuced the tact that the marrlage tcut esaler ftelaitand epeit A $4,5th OÔ.OO Roacilcens' bd genProgra1 Chc 1 il cont>' ealeret weghts udlmts-,eitnete h cel o hs'lcnabdhe udl hcg o, ues ad lato mintan a omP bave ne euperntendellt there, the and the disappointed lover wase oue et t squipment et standard welghts and head efficer bing the president. the firet te see. Naturaly, It leteg . asmeasures If se authôrized b>' the mise sieys mthor, Mre. W. B. be presurned that lie phoned the.l~ T~WI lkg r coufty board. Basie> wilil accompauy lber west and turniture bosge te caucel the orderh a b qàm pjL L a ra ge , l v en igI id in the citles the municipal insec-1 romain for the. year. and ie nowasasuming the attitude that- e ter le ciothed with authorlty te see Me ely naeetws*- U r that the table adopted le respected h ie B se's e gg m n a iedesut care, that bas glsd ha u . &- u -- oe ll a t raead aiur o o omade without the hade ot the Nor- tound eut betere his own weddin, E vUIi LonVth e b II hI [[1II c- las te radendefiope te o nfse- mal echeel ever seeiug lber. Her cou- that thse bride's affectionshad beau C-o oefailthe ofendren te couieca- tract was made as a resuit etftthe divlded 1ith another. tIenot al wegbt or easues ehiago University' heade haviug Mr. Davauprt is vel known lu ,I f l tigo oaie uontuiy thaiutn..rack ini Ilin ois. idel dto n the e wagfe taltiioun t recommeuded lier ter the Position the city, balng empioyed b> NIck tt e lwpoie ht250pu whlch she has uew accepted. Larseen etthe barber. Toefw rus d e shalcttu2,00peundeImportant Position. etcrnh d ssahnstit,500tean The position le eue of Importansce WORK STOPS ON FEDERAL ltC QAM Id, 'ul ad hecause, lufil, Mis es eele>'wlli b. .5 U45 * MEMUNUE1U ,ai gravel 3,000 pounds. the administratero et practice BLD G. BECAUSE 0F HEAT. ~F ~ ~ I~~jI.~~ fer Table of Wehte and Montures. echeol, that l, ge .wll. as Principal WuaaAge 6 T dedy e t Altalta seed, per buehel .......... 60; direct the work of -the expert teach- Wakgn i'i 6 e n sd y e t âtWheat, flour, barrai ...... 9 ers who are insr~ucngProspective Tra the heat )f tedsy n'as excas- at Cern meal. bîehel sack ......43 dIi e vas sho, h y the na>' people 22oTrot ....... .............Pur". $40 cedSanqatrbse.......1 teachlng pupils. The. principal work wera ,,Iplng their breve, herses voeei5Pae ..... . .... .......... Purs» $400 Apples, green, p r us el ........ 50 she will do le te adminIster affair lu ehow u aimost agged ut and every- 3.00 T rt. . . . . . . ure $ 0 vsBarie>', par bushel ............. 48 this departmnent but sha aise viii teacis body seemad te be n'alkIng slow. idBeans, green, wax, etc., per bushel 24 psycisoîogy and viii lecture on bis- One lieat prostration vas record- T usly e t irBeane, white, par hushel ...........i tory ofect WiLIAMLEARO-La:rr l 2:4 TotEary CSept. . 80 aw Blueetse, ed, 7per bus...h41aisi------a---------60e- fel etth Mi P'slrBfero.Ley2:4bastEabeauosng.ta......g.......c- ard Bian, prass se .........u...e20-la rvertatChicago University for baron et the a ge oult he arm23 aeLa-.... ................Pr 4 baron imthe maager ettaendam 235 Pce - Puse $40 th uk hpr usl ...... 20 i tedattention te, berselItas a vhîch ts near thegolf grounds. He (UFret-for-Al Trot ............... ...... Pum .$4W( A"Carrots-----------------------...50 educater. sbowi b>' the tact that abc n'as vorking lu the field wvbaflihe Running Race-1-2 Mile and Repeat......Pu»$5 acb Charcoel-------------------------v0 as engaged tor sncb a position nilh- crrîed oint thonous byeouas h rdy e t îl- Clovor eeed-----------------------e0Ut sollctlng it or vithout oveun b rrey- notebue yoeo b CeI-------------- 8 ng te have a contareuce n'ith the men ""ho hadsenhmIelorsd Coke--------------------------.. 40Peaile et the echool. Dr. Watterson was sumnuoned. Ha 2:20 Pace- Early Closîng ... ....... .....$M0 Cern meai, uuboltad ....... 48 j mi balole>' le nwvîsîtîug wîth hastened there lu bis auto and placed HEr cr ........ .. 70 iher sisttr,lie W. G. Stroug, et the victim lu a pack et Ice. 23 r t.. ... ... ... .... .. .. u s Kelir cern--------------------...6 North Sheridan iRO". The mens condition vas serions Free-for-AII Pace ... . .. .. .....Purs» $400 Sheffield cern------------------.5. 6 __________for e time but lhe la beleed to e RnigRce hal ndRpa. ..Pr $ Cucumbere ....... ........ A nj» yD gE Sý btter lae t ts atternools aud Ihiiely'RnigRc-12Ml n eet-$5 Fie ffed66 jwlDJA I iii recever. 1 Géosebarries------------------- 40 The prostration happened balveen SHatr rdastring. unwashed -. ... 8 11 T ORNII3 nand 12 o'cloc today X II I S Hemp see ... ... ... .... ... 44People general>' er. se au te pro- Ma Hcoynuts ...................50 LaVERda IN TOWNted tbemselves ail day b>' valking ugn ,rm pee to to k h xia bsg a iib MflHungartan grassseeed------------.50 - sovi> aud b>' tepiug lu the. ehade J. igfo rsn ulo ,th x iis ti ja ilb Indien cern--------------------.. 6 The tewu board et Waukegan eithtie as much as possible. Herees vare biggoer, better, and altogether more extensive than' ever ý Urne----------------------------'* 80 court houge. tosia> let the. cetract e pparanti>' faggedai day andaaar Malt--------------------------.. 38 Dell Ha>' of Higbland Park fer the. glauceaia people eîeug tiese traet before. Mangj requisitions are coming on dailyp for live stocjN ecre illet-------------------------.. 50 construction ot niue.cuivertsai ert- ehon'ed tbay vere siittarlng more tnem 450Saie, JapaneBe----------------..35 eus places le the township. Hie bld the heat thon almoet su>' day ths stals and pens and the exhibits in these classes wiIl surely. BofOas............................-32----$1,498 and "etraugel>"' othar bide year. ecis i rv os v ns h0o dtino am co s i kg te (sions ........................ -,rau vithin a dollar et hie amount. cis alprvou een . Th c ndt nof ar co s i, il1 ha Onlon sets, tep ................... Tii. tact that the bide rau vithin The beat ef tode>' made :ast nur h er et x iis lnohanee......... Soa utn----------- f O ent taech other iudlceted ~ t Ibte meet oppressive deys ofth S oisr tevryb tex bt a ng-aln ..... es- (rch~d grss ed----------- 14 h officiais that posbi>' the biders umrLetngtasieeer tie>' Parenîpe---------------------- bad "p'ooled" terbdadpofe the hotteet nilhte. etotitheyear, thse~ that Peaches ........................ 48 bl1> dren' los te s es 'o od be the talleraet a wîud trem tue nest cana-B Asî Vol- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lwet Lers---------------i tthe bide: e Vol- Peurs ..........................$1.800 ng peuple te nottiethe veather moreB AEA L u . m r tu Pears, drled-------------------.. 60 ugs ake.......$100 thon the average bot ulght o! tus gren l pd----------2John Derrow ..............-1,680 3malllu ear----r-n-in-------7.........--2--onmarcuryNelu trent.e..t..i1,4un.50ereawîLle bewcontectntste hadhyd be weenen theebestttt--- place Pepcorn ehelled----------------..6 ellHa>'...........ar8kfic t o hie MOrulng teod g86 t ifltble for wbich ,libera pures wll be off ered. 1>' te Potatees, Irish-----------------... 60 The jobs ver. awarded ho Ha>' ha- and lu rose ail during thaesuifde of get Ptatees, aveet----------------.... 0 cueh a i. oetbde. the day. wokQics Prbge -......48 cuelewstelws dr tpWr nDidn.THlE BEST NM IDW AY cît>'. Rape aead-------------------------60 T'nty membans et the Waukegass Soe Sopr k s h ofl BuIl rIn ) steseof Rded p t eop --------------1....gh.......c.s 1t 892gad somhoid olclaiteserofas8t92peaon teoins oananment his oa" isexerciina eeru efortno tae i. Rutabagas---------------------.. 0 rieude, attended a reunlon et tise faderai bulding et ton oclocle, tusT e u -i. hsge ri xecsngeeyeg r o a e sunRye--------------------------... 56 home ef Mrs. Me>' Gridie>' Marshal, men bs\viug uollced tue boet se mu h e iw glo e udcla e hne eiefoe n h u c s ennCoarseait--------------------. 5 t'Evanston. Saturda>'. Dinner vas that lhe coitrector fearefi tue>'lg mi dw cr ong ran lanrth neerbefran hes ces , .as ':fIne sait----------------------.. 50 sarved et 6:10 et tise Avenue Heue be oearcome. ta'. whiçh bas co io their efforts tbus far -in thne cam fin . atteSplnach-----------------------.. 12 and a use deightful times vas Pao- The hout seesusi mer, oppressive k mit te fiveet clover Beed, unbulled-... 33 ed. todsy thanon som otiierho as sures their attsimeot of the purpose for whuch they areworkig f The Timotis> se---------------------------------------- tise atmospisere assumiug a ratuer )r. J. T.a.ae-------------6 Dady Daby Dite. muggy condition. pera- waluts-----------------------50 Mrs. Ralis Dady. died Saturda>' night Tii. Gurnes W. C. T.U Vii od ,, Y UwNN T A F R ) O M S -60 at 10:30 o'ciock. The ceudîtion #o lts annual election eofefffiers athtIe a Dr. The commttee recommande tuaI lire. Dady vhleh vas qnlte serions home of Bre. B. K. Mille, Wednesda>' a o-theaoe1àC U A i ndresrvdor i lima, vas reportei to e s. -fternoou, Augnet lîtu, et 2:30 I A Ç B. T for rferene.abat improved on ifday aflernooin, jo'cock. wmmm%»ý ýý Mer Nos V/bitû.> enit Cie Connell mourt ai This i lirsI ong go gut g fr0. tus tg appes 4vée cc Semorro Mr@. able te tel-eoon Taylor, grand Ji fuleiWh te aigu ofetts turaîl> Sh. bal thee Pt Pred Mary 1- And re Dr. C that tise 'gettiag beeu liv ens asud tho chl bihm. ied B aven vs mersi>' Basque aimissi punlaha vile tI oub ln hendaIi Wand ti. va <51as te -wberes 1hle tiset D of hais ë orsey ah onc over tC tue dec Cam o veilei à" nod vo dir àý

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