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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Aug 1913, p. 4

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LIbeftyvii1; C *ee ~ ?PPto~ et Iellie.1j riON PRICF, ce .Pkoae T4 STUIOTLY 004 AOVANC8 1 I » *-"**........miwogerl ÈjLbtrled to mhe i.tay Of the old w.tmm in l wkffl ouséant and avoidd in any way printinurn- *Wh mlgt leave abad tubt. The old soldiera are loud in their praise of the. treat- mt they have received by Waukegan people. Weil, w. iglad to have tiiem corne as our guets. That Libertyvie miter who carried mortar and ped build bis ciiurcii has surely earned for himzelf a ri n the. ciurch *'hich bo is entitled to use as long as ho "b. It's very seldorn that one finds a minlater with his kbusiaarn wietted 80 keenly. The. sale of the Chiristmas Red Cross Sealz wiIi have to gin sarlier and be pushed with more vigor' tbap evor is year. Tii. anti-tuberculosis association has flot enough iuey on baud tW f eel juAtified in paying the. oxpenses of aflling an exhibit at the state fair this year and tho ap- icaion for space bas been witiidrawn. It in a pity that e officers of the. association did flot see their way clear ýgo aliead,- for an exhibit of the kind would Wae been of qa educational value. Kenôba County la taking no chances witii louez asa rsult of injury tiithe.mploys of the rod d.partment W,--m -Thursday,, County Clerk Joues, acting wlth the, cou- 1u1t of rnauy of the. members of the. connty board, took out ïktlbbtli nsurance policy covering ev.ry man emp!oyod ~tth work of road building in the county. The. policy is ntil the nwa meeting of the. county board and at that the. board vill Lct on the mater of cotnuing the. in- .6The coat W Aihe county for this insurauco vill be Uh lioeghboniiood of $200 for the. tbree montha' porlod. Ohicago papers are making 1un of the. fact liat Joh» Rock.eIler, Jr., gave a Boston vaiter but a teu.cut *e thei chiances are Mr. Rockefeller paid a good t«t bis meal sud,. Do doubt, feit liat wiien h. pur- 11 .wppaylug sufficieut no the employer would to ia *MWi bloils pootionate ohm ofor bisi ~~SEt1tfl~tI~fl5pay waiters Wo serve vteidtheyam pa4&WpriW0for? If one abe .1k for uflng hlm gooda off 7 .ahiWhy ti. wofte b. put u a ditfereût u*Mu? Tro ses peopl IM their bats and salut the. old veo as ~sud along in the. auto parade Tiiursday; W sau how the a*dto ovuers twnud thbar cars over Wo the for thinr use for lth. afteruoaWus. iow kind vas to the . ad ilsasd sailors ho were ls guests Vudn.eeday sud Thiiuru an mil11 1 mr*otuiosshows the. puli's Îcgrfr the. old Vbq off.red thli v for thhir country. Thme. sort làs ah a re-unîcu of the. old voerails causes one Wolb o Ip as tii.y stop W feel how galotai .v.rybody Ïpm teb. sud hw grateful verybody ahould b. W lthe of the. blue. D'sasonthing which ut "gots th omi'a Ii.rt," W see the. old velerana n a re union and to 1» usramd help tliem iu their célebrations. IT'8 TOO TRUE! The. K.wanoe Star-Courier says:. "Watikegaîî 's got toiinany residents who %vould rath- er satisfy aniitssity and îevenge than (14 thingg whiehi would aid the- îitv, in ease the doing of them would, in any wvay help sonebod ix tv ywoutldn't do a kind thirîg for. - Wa'mkegan Suni. "\V-aukegan ned not jhuîîe ;tr-t-lf otu 1 h- grouindsthat it is the onlv titv witiî such residents. t is the old, old seory that is as aneient as history. A eity gets on xnot be- *euse of sucb people, but in spite of them." for Cbis TOI un you;r taflored suit and bave it dry cleaned and preoeed 13v our skiUHul workera 2h. garments wlli hO returned as f resh, briglit and cleezxasu when nu'. The nap of the !abric wlll b. ralaed and both the coat and skirt pressed so they bang, fit and ...look just rght .. . . Tisl service is such a oonvenienoe and an economy that yon should not fail to take s.dvantage of it. FRED- CROiKER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TEL"HONE 124-L Weukuaen Auguet 2 Btveec tour tiuaded ,andi five bundred peope, miciy of t hem oid teachersandutO ciotars, attendeti thie tveltth anc1!w swe ântol re, union at the. Broya echool near Wade- vorth on Thuraday. At the eletion of officers Attorney C. T. Heydecicîr of Iaukegan vas again re-eletq president. H. han filied tus aiDee ever, since the reunlons gret vero started and is services are appra- clateti ne much tint those vho ai- tend the reunflons are lbathe ta dis- pense wth themt The tolowing were elected on tiie Executive corn- mittee: Emnia A. Heydecker. P. H. Dlietmeyer and Edgar Ames. Songe were rendered by the We!ls quartette of Kenosha, a slnglng oi- ganization comiposeti of eidren ot old scîtolars of the school. Another feature of the prograni was a recita- lion by Nirs. H. %Vner of Wadewortl. Speeches were given hy the. foliow- ling: Attorney C. T., iteydecker At- torney Peter .Iorgenson and Attorne> Edward J. Heydecker. The foliowing olti teachers were present: R. D. Âmes, who taught in 1857; Mrs. Eltsabeh Gleason, Laura Heaith Brave, John A. Hoffinan. Catherine Banner, Peter L. jorgen- son anti Ethul McC'0arthy. ht vas decided that the thlrteenth annuai reunlon shoulti b. held the. third Tbursday In Auguat, 1914. Thé register showed that 20ticbolars andi chilidren of echolars were present. Thie reunion was pronounceti on.q of the most successfui ever helti In the county. The oidest living teach- er of the Browe lit Nanc Ely Rch- ardson who taught n5, She was not present on accoUrit of Ilness but ment a ltter In vhich site salti ehe regretteil sahe asunuable ta ha pres- en% but saiti thal Be. onl ieb.there ln spirit at least. The oldest seholar present vas John Strock of Waukegan. Thiersi vere three thers who neyer attend- ed any of the munniins and wbo liait not seen the other schalars In thirty yeare. They were: Mtit. Barbara Miler Lavis of lava. Mma Laura Heath Brave of Iinnesota and Lonui Code of Nortlîarn Wisconsin. A big basket titner vwu served i a noon afier vblcb there vas tue pro- grami.This vas tollovati by the olti faglioneti dance in th.e chool house. John Sîrocit o! Waniegan, William Wells of Kenosha anti Jade Dletmeyer of Waukagan were the fitidlers. Al the aid tashioneti qu"re tances vere quit.e tua rage. Thare vas Fiahers Horapipe, irsi Washer- voman. i'toney ifusk. Fîramans Quadrille anti tman o! the oit tume popular steps. -Please play a two-step," soule of the. younger genaration piesteti. But It vas la vain. Tic olti fitiere coulnt play a two-step ta save thair lives as tIraItfranof dance md flot been Introduceti wheui they usedtiet piay at tances. 6 Waukegan sent a big detegation ln automobiles to tie reunion. All bmd lb. tume o! Ibel? lîves. MUIT COMMTE FINIIIS WOUAT TU1E TENT COLORY Interesting Compilation of Fig- ures Has Been Submitted' ' By the Aulitors. The Audltlng Campany o! New York basi met comnpioteti an audit o! lie books of Ithel 14 Connty Tuber- culosis Instilitte. 'XI ncomea c- count tar the year ending June 30, 1913, shovs: Total iîicome-1ii.123.40. Total epne15Sf.8 Upon the face o! filIbis vaulti ln- dcat a deficit toi$677.08, but mch la nol the casa. A racent Invntory resuiteti ln $670.08 baing chargeti Up to naturel dairectatlon. Bad deams atits antber $341.26 This shows. Il is ciaimiti. that atter al liera bas been ne real loss. Tii. autiting cammIttee placaiî la tie trust or building fundi, ich in- cIndes the donations on lb. buld- Ings. eUch aMounts nat belng Placet lnt the regubar tundthe lb.mnioft$4,- 142.08. The report, qut@ voluminone, te on file vitb D)r. Wattet'mon, physicia manageri are~efl t ~*~aln~ Ihi4à1l~oghteadeedoL r wmW~êe# lb~ ~1rng: ~oaWt ~. M111 ~idL ~ beau -.10k LU ~e anupleteir uaaarved mS.'~ A ,i1.~~1A Waukemn, August 21. L.AT*-At Il e'ci.qk Circuit Judt@ n1 - '.15'h c,.r. .~- uniewtully aatensc. The ftter th" 1 rvO W&ukesaaYoung Peopile MPP" I aç and ln ont cf th* m8et h<en nlanamu ae ithiielti bea hooeaufeÏo aiughta ever wltiWno@ffl10of theu naturel modeiy.hati a rather any court réesatecke thom ewa>' ultt exclagu rnte as a reQutit0o a ]Doter. hlm. The cMes end Shi@tloU th*cycle ridi vhlch they teck to Laâke mother wee mhigied wilh th* eri- oGanev on 8iuq"y momiesg. Il la sut. fl.d ncreeMa cfthe eider child, we m ett aOto t*Yug oSa lung t. her mother end fflP laciet tan a tngmher aund vomn hep heart would break. A court Oflll- ti ae emaogahran ok ciel *teped ferward andepàrmtdàte&t. epe o avli a u neean twe by force, eding te otie girl str*eel Phyeclan White th@ yonng ari out of the court roomn and turiig hei vas ber cousin. se It wann't s0 bati over te hep father. The amaller chiid alter &nl. was carried from the court room by Near Harvard they hiai their lire, thc father. mishap wien they vent ln lie diteh, **It made me shuddr-I hope i may hei!fg ptched off. The terioo! the never have to witness such a terrible machine ver. sprues andi it toakc 8i941 aiain," onc court officiei ramant- them sanie littie time te get them- ed. etiltuahteneti. Or. Conneil ha* a divorce proceed- On the. otiver aide of New Munster, Ing agaînst hie wlfe pending lni the Wîe., near Laie Geneva. they bail & cort cf Oklahoma. If thàs la decided blovout. This was repaireti anti they ln hie favor ho wiii gain the perman- starteti ont again. Badi lucit vas their enl custody of the children. nemesis tor a fev rodes town tie road A t the suggestion of thecocurt the tnere vas thîrti hiovout. By this children will be taken te the home of lime it vosaent dank and there Mme Vandemeble, Mim. Conneili moth- vws Dot suffeent camant ta fia lhe or. Or. Conneil consented te this plan,. tire altheugh Mme Conneli obiecteti etrenu- They vent ta a nearhy farm hanse ously. as eh. u»là th. did net vent anti triedte t get accommodatidne for them te a ner hep *luter, Mima Wood- the nlght but founi there vas no ter. R-otdvait by the roadide than an Dr. Canneli stales that. Immediate- automnobile was sure to pase soon. il- atter the chiidren are turneti over They valted forty-tive minutes and to hlm, that he viii place them n ~thoen star-ted on touat for ýZev Mun- charge of ies vîtes noter. MM.ster. savenutes avay. It wasealeven Van Denable anti returo to Oklahoma oclock at nigbt viien they arrîveti. viiere ha vilii inti up ies business They secuareil accommodations andi and retuu-n ta Norti Chicago, viiere the next mrnas. !fall&ng ta lied a hie wiii rasunie a lractice lie gave Un rapair aboli of any klnd or an auto- a !ew yeare ago beause. hae allees. mobile rode hack ta the place viera bls vîtes actions made il necessarv. they isti lefIt the .oorcycle on a Throùgh habeas corpus action mtoi truckt. They arriveti back iD brongbt in circuit court Dr. J. A. aeg Mnyafronwthu Connllthi moies bean ie at-furtber miahap. Today thay are ba- tte ln circuit court betore Jutige lns chaffeti conslierabiy hecausa -.Of Whitney for the cnslody of hie tva thaîr exparlanca. chiltren, Wantia anti Edtth. aget i Mns. Conneil anti her aunt. MIrs. Burgtihoff anti Pied Boers, the Man 6 Mra. Canneli dlaims te a i ne marnei vera in court, representoti by their' counnel. James Wetch andi madie a figbl ta rolain possesion of the chil- dren. the aideul of viicbha bas ee Ifîtu 1frs. Connaît in the county Janl. WrjHEN you pu Âtty. Martin Docker appaarod for Dr. "' fnx e Conneo.ofU-twe Site With Ai-m ^bout Fier. how very uncertair When lirg. Conneli and hier ttle liu the first place y girl. Wanda. ageti 5, andl Fred Bovers. -the man ln the case." cama lota court In that case the hi this morntng tbey sut close togetier and want the col»F anti the tfiret thlng Dr. Conneli, hus- band ofthie womsn. notîceti. vas Boy- of a thousand thin, er's r about hi&e vl!es necit. may returu, or ex, her anti patteti her gentiy lnauaien- las 10 keep Up lher spirite. H. heiti the tioctor's littla girl on hIi lap and_ the intereeting thlng about It vas liat the. child, no tioubt. tait viat ta do. hegan to stick lier tangue ont et ber fatier land Ile ot.ieu-eo! is party. vhicb includati hotu Mu-s. ConnellUs %Inters anti brother. Miss Etilti Wood- yard anti Walter Woodiward. 111 naliceti that ha ls very attentivel anti kîndti t uy vile," sait Dr. Con- naît, "anti i don't nslnd lt-b'm glati hae Ilies my wile, but 1 don't like the idea a! hie attentions being tiueplayed ta my cildren." The adimission o! Mu-s. Connellt 10 The Sun tint her marriage In ChiCago muat have been a mock onte, yet her wllingnuae 10 go inta the court room Ibis morning anti lot noyers Put bis au-maboutliher, aven In face Of offciais andi huuianti.adted inotuan intereet- ing aspeclt tathe situationt vhicb la tue mont strange a! any liaI bas qver aria- an in tomemtic affaira in the citY. Dr. Connaît taugieti aI the tale toit iy bis vue aof ber alleget divorc (vhiciha eobtaineti). of ber illegeti unarraîge tu ChICago vwici nov aie tsars was a mack Cerenaony. He sait Il vas "*Il boeh." andi the prodtit a mind gîven to eIiggeatIO andi !au-y taies. Mrs. Connell. vian tue reporter vas lalking to her abontthle MOCI mer- Mage vhtch bat bie put over hon tanti vien il vas sugiettiltuaI Bav- ae (vhom mie va.s UPPPeed ta bave unarniedi vas back of il. ah, at once excltmeti: "'Ohîno. Fred la tie hast man that eyer liati. He didt aL mcva thing about Il-be th<ougiat vsver, Imarie&S Il vas tie fellov vbo POW das 111 triendthaItd i . for Fred tiitn't knov matcwh about Chicago esti l~iovho abeleved vs vere matfiet. "I atili bave no toiso a..fel v. p sorne of your near judicing malady. club; ouly one per t doesn't take inu wlhen the Man and good JU: reo i è, f e at, the LIBERT YVILLE ]BUGGlIES LARGE STOCK.M éaIl and a«o thun. THE STAVER 13 A STAVER. IF IT S SUIIANCK GC OUBR S UBEUT! ILLE, ILLINOIS ut the life insurance agent off with the promnise 8k, next montil or neit year, do yon ever refleet n it ia whetber ho ean do you any good theul you înay not ho alive wbeu the tinie comets around. miinets le settled once for ail. But if you are, ipany, the compaïy may not want you Any one igs may turn up to di.qualify you. The cougli ýposure may have weakeued yoiî or disabling ,corne or added to already noue too good record, rrelatives may have- been carried off by a pre- A life eonipany le pretty exclusive sort, of eon in five eau g et a lfe policy at ordinary rates. îch to get you blackballed there. It is a good day dthe Comnpany both conclude they want each other. TUA T'S OUR BUSINESS (W. don't know inucli about amy otiier business, but we cetainly can seil insurance)- a Manlager w..' - - ILLINOIS JORN ROUtGE 1 Me cffl emd êtINT alquureg MO MW sumaR eu YOMT ti il t b f

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