t,ÀAKE UNTYl INJPENDENT, ____ *WAUI<EOAN WEEKLY SUN PAZI WO LLÈTvTLLE ILL., flJDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN A.DVÂI *VIiRC CRDINT5I3ST TROT WITH $800 PURSE, PACE WITt4 $600, FOUR BASE BAIL BAMES, -TRAP SHOOT WITH-URHAMS PARTICI- PATING, DU BROCK'S RIDERS IN POLO, POSSIBLE MO- TORCYCLE RACES AND HORSE SHOW MAKE UP THE ATHLETIC CARNI VAL AT COUNTY FAIR SEPT.- 2-5. Tbfi county fair that open& at Llb ertyvîlle on September Sud vill he the q4etest tu the hlstory of ibis dis- trict trom the point of vlew 0f the mm I5 nterseddinsparts. Wtt -iba clatter of hoo>, a flash of Sjockeys. colors and a sipbang daub of rocketing speed thé finest horsellesh ia the Mddle West wiii crase the slarting lns daily in a racing card that vii taritbe blond of the sportsmen to runnlng faut. Buct atrnoon the umpîres wili bowl "Otrke tub" or oms Kelly ram auoeg the mont spetacular and akili- fui luge hall players of Lake county wv i51e. tirit lu a loud of dust, setting a pace for te heut greased utreek of lightning that ever lghten- ed. To adi the. ginger of variety natty litte polo poules, aIl brIght and shiny asu ta onet, their riders gay with the varloolcreit guerdons of thelr cause viiicarrau about la wbiriwind, breetb teklng.dgfflgr-detylsg cams that test à1cli1. eldorance and borsemanublp. Andtu pilie cimax on climex it le Umre than llkely that the raucous paort. the. whirr and the slap4das- Scrash of the motorcycle. dru'blng a holo throngh the atmoaphere viii ha board In a siles of rages that wHl put the cirecusdareealia o thlush. Au additional featurs that wîlI lad a Faerlh of July aspect and ulve ce- oumastu 1hum sous powder vili 10 Uic AppSisaeIn a trap shoot of sous of tbe world'a beut uarkemsn, including té Graham», of Long lake. sho at, tendod the Olymie games ai Stock- bol.. Sycdeu. about a year *go. NUS STTL$4,5W TUE TWO BIO RS B 2:24 TROT-Pao. GL.ENOORA-W. M. Wright f wner. Entened by MarrY Put- flam. Lt bertyville. JESSJE GRATTAN-C. D. Hart. Clintan. la.. owner. Entened ,by Harry Putnam, Libertjyvilie. t C1ALUMET-W. N. Wright, ao- er. Entened by Mari-y Putnam, Libertyville. LOXLEV HALL-Entered by John R. Thompson. à EVA THOMPSON-Entered by John R. Thompuon. M ISTEAwROSS -Entend by MAUD MILLER-Entered by Green Honey, Aurora. EVA SOH-E-C. P. Livingeton, owner, Ottawa. Entened by C. P. Livinga6ton. STULTZ CMIMES-L J. Peuh.- cost, ovner. Entened by Jos. S. Hartford, Chicago. FAMOIJS tUTWOOO - Oua Clarys. owner. Entened by Qum Clarys Otto Zapel. agent, Chi- caga 2:20 PACE-SECO. LUCILLEGRATTrON-Ben Rau. owner. Entened hy Harry Put- Dalm. t MOAK GRATTON-Gea. A. Wright, owner. Entened by 1 Han-y Putnam. TRAMPSELLI-I. J. Whan, owner. Entend by Hamr Putnam. Llhertyville. 111. EL CARO-John Glacken. owner. Enternd by Han-y Putnam. DA LY M USCOVITE-Entered by Chas. E. Dean, Palatine. BROWN DIRECT-Entered by Chas . E.Dean. ALLERDINE-Entered hy C. P. Keyser. Pawaukee. Wis. .I The mae meeting tUls yr viil be BARRINGTON - Entere by theienot gpsctacular lu yeau. Dlck McMahan, Libertyville. The ig l stars 01 th. turf viii bring ECHO DIRECT-Eniéred hy Udetr lest horse flash ta compute ln Dick MeMehon. Libertyvllle. th.e aents of the lires days and $4, S00 lu prisés guarantees the largeat a»d meut représentative lisi of en.lés. au vîli B. E. Chepuan and P.j traits t létthfair ban evér hid. DwYer af Chicago. 1Tya vhIrlvind events réplets vîi .enaatlonal Intai-ait Wvitend off lie The 2:24 trot wltblits $800 prisé vill card, hé lie big féature cf lie entîre meet. They are lie 2:24 trot; vili a purs. of $800. whlcb viil beruoff (iTT AC I IRhJ- day. Sept. 4h; sud lie 2:20 çà vlwth GE TsIN aRERsa a purgseaof$60. wvbh icbvl hrua off Irider. sept. ah. The LibertyvUle track la ln excellent fibtra' liste for bath evénti vers condition. For lie lait yéek a farc, cf j loood more than tva veeki aga. such varkmen hap heen éngaged lu veter- va» thc latereet that borsemen tock ln ing It davu ta bring It inta thé apple- jFtes.CThe tirt race yUl bave 12 su-pie order necessary for lié test card Iauts sud tUesescond 10. 1liat vîli b. run off, The. other events that make up lie Among the harsemen vho viiiaji- euaar no les braiunlg vilhInter- pear beaîdés thase named are 1, O. Uetansu e Ofth*ain.Oestrscing that Lindrew of Palatine; B. Joues, J. Lake 0couta'basg over seun là easlY ln1 Boys and B. Boys of the West Suds cago; Gea. Vogel. Salon NMise; E. Jor. slgui divlgo; park.Anust CinagoHery opehI Chicago; Charles Atvpod, Roektord; Boze af the big menaif th. turf wvIa. CP. Livingaton. Ottava; Bradyansd viii enter titeir saluais lnatUs evenis are CharS. Dean of Palatine, Dlck' Léonard. Woodstock; 1. W. Beau. Pal. Naliahan, Harry Putnam, former atlas; P. P. Leonard. Ca4stal Lake, 111,; traeer for tb. Grattas fan. a Liberty- Luak Broters. Grayplake; W. Camer- villssai who tbJ@ ar la maagn on. Oak Park; Ansoa Cameran, Chi- a Mig mrkw; . Lascea' ofOttawa, ni; cago; George Neige Chicago; A.Hille. Z&L. JPeciOOOl*Ottoi apsiandBd.cin. Wl..; Cales ivate.. Chag a. maaarie rCbimato J ciN. s.;sCale tîcago; . h iergo TIc enieo for ail of the events .MMni.Ciao .H ne eeoiyotorisy.Augua 27th. sud à son, Klrkland. ni.; Walter Plumuer. emaplet a e Uivi cmadcpublic vith- Ottava; John W11so1, Sterling; W. la aeftv dan BaScb vas thc interest C. Wilkoning, Palatine; F. J. Ayres. esmfulla Ui raestha Ui etrie.Burlington. Wl.,; W. T. Dickinson, Om pou herlacetat e en g sudGeneva, lit.; George Stsu¶ar. Whoaton ~Av- laoper bae b. raee &Vandeit- Stager, Wheatost .A. D. Coie, ýq7M4 a eafor aeth roalia' big "m-- Wbaton; F. E. Goodali.Bloi, Wiu.ý; la te rtaig rces rétur mD J. Teuton, Ripas, Wi.; P. C. Et-i be h..fliamoc t ngrboaetleulin. Jaucuville. WIL.; Jahn C. Bal"a. of lie Onventela italewvitRe .. Mio, i. V aomn ila Cbtegp Wbato an l" Foestkee, WtgL.; Jas Heol i Jaavile. Wl.. boise. &lso vini appeaÉ fluoo e»« NeivilluArober of La» eVo1sat vWi -1 ,aaohIqmuotmmt et pleopg». (Contlnuson oxPae SOTO. Suprters of Lake Couaty Faria Improvement Work The follovint le a complete list to date of the supporters of the Laite County Farm lm- provement work. The mnen vljase n amen appear bave agreed to make It possible financially ta employ an agricultural adviser or soli1 expert tor Lake county. ANTIOCH TOWNSHIP. A. W. Meyer. W.» J. Stolzman. F. B. Kennedy. Job Thompson. Cao. Fîncutter. David Paullen. Wm. Grae. Joe Miller. Blert Edwards. Pomeroy & Co. Emîl Neumann. Win. A. story. Geo. E. Vau Hagen. H. B. Eger. Ceo. E. Johnson. EL I 8I.Wm. Sage. J. E. Pollock.LAT HP. Victor Demeyer. D. Harold Minto. E. J. Weiikopf. mJ.Shek N. C. Jensen. D. L. Wbseler. J.W. J. Shrec. Nîcli Luiken. E. J. Uumbenstock I . W. euma Bn. F.A esn . L. l.emker. R.ecE &sbornd. 0.i Andeson. f Wmn. Krucksnberg. J. L.Taylor. Fred L. Hatch. Bert W. Omal. W. W. Dane. L. H. Pepper. NEWPORT. Frak W Hagh.A. C. Schwerman. J. Il. Kelly. * . . ~H. C. ReInecke.Il .Am. Johnn resmer. William Watts. Otto Hanke. A. N. Tiffany. Aug. Gornian. James M. (lsbesier. Louis Hegerman. Chas. Meckinburg. F. J. Kaiik. Josephîne Harden. H. S. Message.- Ernest Simons. Williams Bras. Sert Brown. H. S. Westlake. J. E. Brooks. Jacob C. Christenson. D. J. Mînto. Cea. R. Whte. A. G. Hughes. Cea. A. Miler. W. C. Dram. Green & Boylan. ]Edwin Turner. Sol Laplant. Wi..Llas Dick Raye. Chas. Webb. B. 'A. steveu. C. Whttier Cale. Jas. Bell. Frank Harden. C. E. Blunt. F. R. Runyard. N. L. Nelson. Fred Rhymer. Robt. Runyard. Barny Naber. A. B. Johnson. N. M. Burke. AVON TOWNSHIP. F. D. Battershail. Wilber Lumber Company. W. L Doolittle. E. Harris. W. J. sage.- C. L. DoollUlse. E. F. Shanka. C. C. Shanks. E. D. Kapple. W. H. Beak. John M. Palmer. Pari Barron. Edw. 0. Ban-an. C. L. Thomnson. A. B. combs. Oea. Kapple. Wisconsin Condensed Mllk Ca. C. M. McFarlane. BENTON TOWNSHIP W. A. Llmaun. Rollo J. Ellason. Val. T. Naffiger. Taylor W. Etiason. H. H. Fabry. J. D. Henaley. C. C. Post. B. Kahn. Duncan 0. Bellows. C. H. Leach. W. W. T. Scott. B. E. Simon. R. B. Griffin. Chsp. D. Ferry. E. A. Forman. Chas, J. Mantkus. A. R. Bennett. Jno. P. Ws.lker. Nets Johnson. Stanton & Hacker. H. M. Matheva. S. B. HUI1. CUBA TOWNSHIP. H. Stilson Hart. W. Leonard. Henry Berger. F. Hank. Oea. Wesel. E. W. Riley. A. IP. Grome. F. Kirche.. W. 1. Martin. V. C. DavIla. Dutger luva E., P. 80 9. 3. ~Is pre KDW H.Il, e-t C. D. Umbdenstock. H. A. Eggers. J.- C. Barbme". Clem Smali. Fred Orabbs. G. H. Hm-rte. Frank C. Klnlge . Joseph Hertel. Frank M. Downes. Cea. H. Refie. R. F. Rousd. Aug. Wlrts. Joe Titus. Wm. W. Brovder. M. C. Wirtz. C. A. Bilingki. E. Wllcax. Asa Joie@. Lewls A. Huebach. J. J. Luebbe. Simon Roppelt. Rab R. Rous. béao. S. Brainerd. Cea. Pfannenstil. Frank Behin. Cea. Mitchell, E. H. Moyeu. H. A. SBvherman. E. R. Moore. Frank Ullrich. J. J. Rouse. E. L. Undérvood. H. W. Scherman. Michael Ohenauf. M. S. Coihy. Edw. Baumeon. Frank Frederick. john Fredérlck. Albert Hasten. A. L. Ritta. LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP. Lake Co.'Nat'l. Bank. First Natil. Bank. Citizéns' Bank. Paul MacCluffin. Home Lbr. Co. Libertyvillé Lbr. Ca. E. S. Keéley. B. H. Mller. Yare Bras. A. F. Sheldon. W. B. Owen. Ley Flagg. F. B. Laveil Ca. Fred Enderlîn. P. Berenson. Meredith M. & M. Ca. Meredith F. & V. Ca. J. H. Bradley. Wm. Whigem. H. Hortan. A. L. Swandt. F. McClaud. R. J. Dillon. Andrew Etînger. C. W. Eséntrot. Carl Plotz. C. J. KeirI. C. W. Wilcox. Austin Clemént. R. J. LUII. Cea. C. Wall. W. H. Pester. PauI G. Ray. Corîétt & Fréderlcks. F. H. Just. J. H. Llmberry. J. B. Morse. E. J. Kennedy. K. & W. Far.. R. B. Swift. N. E. Gatzert. Harriet Qrtdley. B. F. Swan. W. B. Milér. W. C. Brumu. Deunia ImborTy. Max Kobuer. PFedCroker. G. W. foirgero. R. W. Bnlkey. F.K. MoOormlck. A. M. Ouer. Job* A4. jb»=s. gio.. Qamtia. Jas. .Welch. G. Bl.Steveng. R. E. Eddy. Jas. A. Reeves. F. R. Wlllby. H. C. Hansen. Cea. DéFarria. Conrad Bnsdman. Merrill .J Achen. Wilson King. Cea. W. Browe. Peter leeson. W. N. Levin. John Irving, A. J. Maldkirk. John C. IHoward. John C. Pedley. John Strahan. Hlenry Patch. John Shen. D. Lewin. J. H. Dlan. W. J. Oliver. E. M. Ames. Wm. Zanler. Cea. A. ThompBon. James Armaur. Timothy A. Kelly. John T. Crawford. A. J. Crlavold. Di. E. Moughmer. V ER NON. John Brehm. Frank Hoîub. Ed. Clos. Cea. Mason. Peter C. Sîma. E. J. Ciao. John E. Barrett. M . F. Wegner. Albert J. Stahl. Ernest Maon. Knedler Bras. Jacob Wolf. Cea. Wolf. Cao. Knopf. M rg. Louise Rlehm. John M. loden. W. Wachsulng. John Bornhofen. John Link. Henry A. Ptilter. Alhert J. Raupp. A. 0. Rockenbech. John Raupp. W. H. Rtzenthaler. E. L. Ott. Math. lHerschberger. J. F. Stahl. Harman Aibrechi. A. C. Maether. Chas. Klepper. H. H. HoItie. Joseph Liait. Dan Herschberger. L. Lîndtrani. Robert Schley. F. L. Tully. Jas. Lyons. Albert Sauer. John Meyer. Peter Dawson. H. L. Hans. WARREN. L. H. Wakefield. L. H. Miller. Cea. W. Martin. R. B. Strang. W. F. Clov. Clarence Wedge. John Elceinger. John Bichinger. C. C. Amas. E. N. Netcaif. James Cailahait. H. B. Flood. L. D. Potter. WE.. F. FlOoc. B. B. Naruh. R. B. Thomas. H. A. Taylor. N. F. Sabryver. Jas. Campell. S. ation. tlCletineed ou Pau e Seen. E -I WONDERFU L POSSIBILITIES IN LAKE COUNTY'S ACRES, DECLARES STANLEY MORSD'ý FARM EXPERT, AT HEAD 0F IMPROVEMENT ORGANIZATION WORK, SAYS DISTRICT RAISES MORE ALFALFA IN pu-ê PORTION, THAN ANY OTHER IN STATE-RECITES BEST, PRODUCTS FOR SOIL AND GIVES KINTS TO DAIRYMNU- -TELLS WHY AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE IS VALUABLE. STANLEY F. MORSE. on reading the foreçoing, but ther 9. A. S. ' Member Arn. Soc. A. E., ulust adnit Iliat the propsitlnq la Consulting Fui-m Expert. easonable, and augbt to bo trisd oui. It te doubtful whéthér thé farinera Wlîy should we continue 10 do soÉý. <if Lakecount y fully realîse thé won.hnaehveawydoe eu er dertul poslhlltiés of their own tai-ms . may be soméethlng hetier voemau do? Lake caunty already bas a réputa- 0f curs, toa radical ehang are tion th raughoutIlîlinois as the caunty rarely edvlsebie, but, neverthsle.l% that maisesa more acres of alflia than with the halp oftihe county adviMir any other county ln the state. Andisystematic field experiments. ecile yet.' ln spite of this tact. thére are caried ont by various tarmiers siong many fermers Who belleve that alfalfa thèeelUnes. will 1 ot aucceed blnarthérnIlîlinois. Thé tact la that a great .ay me, The trouble la that nine tarimers oui and thoroughly pi-acticabis thingaso»M of ten preter ta graw alfalfa thelr way, difficuit ta do snd probably nnproduct. instead of adopting the methods thatI ve of repults untîl ans has actuSrl succes5ful experiencé lias proved ta trled themn. hée bemt adapted for this section. 0f It le much easier to ait luck. e»I Icourse, It must lbe admltted that thére criticizé, and predlct what the resufts are occasional exceptional conditions wil be, than It la to Investtgate lie which iiüc,ý%stato dîfferent methadg, mtter muore closely and perbapo Ira' but t i ln bsorti cases that thé terni out the proposition on a acull sgo"e expert glhould hie calied ln ta confirmn Thus oe fermer found himisif cous. the judgment of the former tîat e dif- vlnced the atlier day that the lllag e ferent tretmnent la necessery. mnachine wasg practicahié, aflter hoe bed OATS NOT PROFITABLE. exarnined one, séen boy h vworked ami The successful growing of alflia heard thé cyner. (a suceuaful uro* and other legumes, auch as, the clov- tirai fermner lau Lke couniy) teE bmw ors, vetches, soy beans and ,w, he 1leditmllked at leat 40 ceva eda flot only will bulld up and maintain t, ie vli for more liaa &jear. nîtrogen of thé soli, but aise viii SOME FARM UNS &Ive the dairy farmérs s milk-produc- Other farmerp-vould probaa'> ~ tug ration whlch wii lncidentally i-o- surpriseai ta findiotb xelo duce the feed bill andi increase profits., how little tîme It takes to veliitauj TaIllustrais the fact that thé dalry moite a record of every coaa-149 farmers of Lake county are OnlY an, once a week or ta> take an annuel 1W. thé threshhoîd of profitable farmlng. , ventary andOta realins vhat stick la thé wrlter wishes ta atate iliat ln hîs'formation vas Worth te thé.. judgment thé raising of noe la fer A detryman vhasé cava are pV~ep from belng a praftt-makiag practice. éd by files voulai 10 autonlahed ta Firet. thé ont crop 1la esali rahber. erutie malexedtu.cfum adding nothlng ta thé sali and féedingeey wouîd entirely scresn bis cov lare only tram the surfacé. lîké corn. SO and that thé Increae .lua milk yIe$i beans. Canada fild péas, or vintér as e resuit vould pay for the. aoema- vétch for aeed or grain. vould hé mare îng. Andean expert migbt tael%11.50K profitable and actually énrlch thé soli blackIn the tacs Urying ta prov" to % et thé sae timé. fermer thet 1Worth of murlate et' Second, on an acre of landi an aver- potagh on a peat slough vouid le ae crop of cotesIo 35 hushéls. or 1,120 équel ta $20 Worth of manuro lu tbe poundo of grain, and about one ton of saeé plaeé-unthl thé farmer bai scM straw; corn ylélds 40 bushéls. or 2,240 It ectually t-led.f paundg grain and ane ton of staîka; Yet there are hundreds af tblnM soybeans yleld about 15 buphelB of lîke thèse that havé been tborougbl seed, welghlng 600 pounds, that hes trled out on a commercial aee 1 a highér féedlng value than aIl meal. practîcal farmers and have prorei and e ton of straw cantalning as much profit-increaslng acharnes; thc e re nîtrogen as i-éd clovér. héncé more or expert bas sean théin succocd aMd richér féed can hé ralsei on an acre knowa they vîti work. and st fl of landi by growlng nome aiber crop are many tarmérs whom b. Max*~ than nats. Thé borses can ho ted convince vithout "shovlag tboqe- corn and alfatte or some ather Isgu- Sa it la thé duty of the coaty "er minous bey as la dons lu many at doc to aflnd saine mean> of sbev- of thîs country for a mare valuale ..,ý oz;b. farera vho "ar frou crap sold and oats purchased.Sbd.Maor" ded corn ataîks can ho uaed for bed- CITES STRONO POINTS. ding. Thére la lia reason underthie s@M GIVES CROP ROTATION&. why Lake caunty shouid not leo 1 Thîrd, an acre of aats (35 pounds) veloped and advertiaed se ltaI faim-. viii givé about $6 profit, If the priles ers froin many Parts of thc ufflo W'40 cents; cornn yul gîve about 17 States ahail send bore Io bey Ils.ý profit if thé pries 65 cents; aaybeaus yiéiding mllch cava. ssi coin, ecr -nov aéllng ai- séed et $2.50 purer oreBodaltaîta sted. sud the geedae o bughel-would giva a Profit of about vîntér véteh. Canada psu andi ap $10 per acre. beana. Fourth, red claver can 10a ucCesa- ThéetUme vil corme vhuithe loy fully sovu ai thé lest worklng cf lie yiélding culI cava of evera' bord vii cocu, or alone. In Auguet, no ihai aats hé as gond as the bigb.-yieida of tod",' are not essentiel ta seéd ln. vhen the mil.k «d seede m are bs Soe gond rotation@ for e daîryman aver gocai ronde ta murket and lte would hé thus: 1, ,oy beng. aawn vith fermer viii recéive a pilesfor lMe grain-drilI. -,Products that viilcanatitute a tab 2.-Oata and Canada field peu for profit above thé cool: of produecn bey. *Thé acapé and Influenceof IbIs a*t 1.-Clover. Ung tagethar cf thé fermera of là»e 4.-Cocu.county te employ a farm expert $or Or sy bans folovd h 17 10their pelentbet and leader bave b«i titin under. pertially been realiseai by lb.Mot 8.-Clave. fer-sighted fermera. 4.-eorn. Or. 1.-Gais sud pes for bay, pulvériz- The. fair dite, are oPC: < las stubble surd soving aalfaa nAng- ber 2 to 5 Inclusive, M un li u. 1fadmission are: Ilokq* ~ 2. -AifalfaL. adulte, good durlues ft 4IIa$U 4.-AIlsif a. tu fer ahuidwom " gI& WILL "GO UP IN AIR." Therm la no question but that mont fearmera viii--go right up lintsir cents; Oalil*iroM&i le o oubbtom Qllnai IteteiMeW,""~t~ a, itock urely es as ered. make