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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 1

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COUNTY ~pteîne ,3, 4e 5e 9 WAUKEGAN WEELySUN TWELVI LPAGES L1ýBETYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, JLL., FRm-xv, SEPTEMBER 5, 1912). TIIKS PRATIS DERANGE; TO TRY Those Who Have Comae in Con-. SEVERAL TOWNS HAVE .WES ATES TrO CIICAGG OUT 0F tact With Hlm Say HisAct- LAKE COUXTY, S019E WILL PAY MORE F~OR TOLLS- ons are Mather Oueer. WAUKCAII PHONEffECTORY TO SE CONSOUDATED TO MAKE INVESTIGATION. WITH FIVE OTHER T#WNS SF«THE COUNTY, MAKING t ME LRGESM INÉA FUTRE.If Cîairns are Unfounded, He O#4ELARE100KIl EAR UTUR. IDoubtess WiII Be (jiven 'a Trial in County Court. 'Wisil lie Cisicago Tfiqeioue (m- ebove towns pýehsOsd tefore mi pr a h.ma a no-oadt mmm»@ phone.-IWaaogn Age 8 No Chance le Caollne ake. Aqel2 Meut olf tise an, tbe Bon sa tis aI, FrIsac, proswsigt That George Pratt. vho'- la sfini bestaft Au t'210,a Dw tllcail UberbYvifle or any of Uie othorconIm.ed In thc Loke Caunty jali as raie to Cilcao becamo fee in ~tavus mention"., vili no langer asg ic eresuit of a fllure ta secure $1.00 tAise couti ruuing from ail tovua for -long di01ce"w but thscY wili bail on a charge of gettiug money la 1,lis.county ta tise metropons.aserrery connutthejr isdretZryfor thecsuniler foie pretenses preferreil by As tate in 1thUic&un a fev doyurerm- tisoy vis 10 apeak le ln auy Edward Ptter of Gurnee. a veteran aso. thecocmpany readjustedItsitell.,uof<tiese tawns, andl 1hen merelyilift > rate.@leilisg betwcen Waukegon and tise recoeand suyi: "Iiberbyviie, o te Civil War, In of unsaunil mind. cOutry îavns. number on.' vhereupon ttc Operator isg thc gravIng tellet among Uioae fisc rate fram Waubegan ta Chfi- switeltes Uicm au "long distance", nd1 vba YObav e nesilviaan oinieut-. cage, 25 cents, le uncbangeil. ttc usst111ber tlaain repeateild lBiety1andnile ao oiin Borne rates ln Uic connty ' te thse connections given. iDltert A. wcalc, thc rosi estate ettyhav ben lwerd, ome ere Wil c Bi Bok. man vho -as rclained by Pratt ta aeiy bnloeelaoeWI 0Bg90. -clame Uic deai for ttc A. F. Conrad raiseil.Ttc consolidation of the six tovna tome. gaya te tas been unable ta Ttc readJualment le made on ttc into anc directory viii mabe a inicis maise Up bis mini on the malter but milgage tocs, thc comPouym Ou-, larger book for Woukegan people te tram vbat tie tas been able ta ots- ginecrs tasIng divideil ttc districta bonie but, Il la uuderstod th seelininIlatoetcbt Int for mle quao, ui igulagchange lc mode because tiere arc su, Ibat Prott'c mind le samewtat un. thc rates accordingly. Tbua. itIflamanY colla mb oWaukcgan tram ca= - boauce believedat thelict11rater bave teen ltry tfemme and, ty boving te no1rnes " oeilwt l aa, c Ilirai pernesstly for ttc future jusail Ieth Ue Rmeorn ak. people lu thet ali. 'anil te a odayncere otil lîbe rulra.i companiesa111 their lco;uutry cout laok Up Ibeir ovu coes s nougt ta convince airnost ony- ceiule-u Uice saege baoi. doeil cave Uc peratar tlime lu looklng anc that htenvwtat teovas tait- Whitie tte comp"~y bamode no uP numbera. Under ttc present plan Iug about. He lookeil me traigist lu offiia anoc fct t h. change Ou. viahJug 1t alaiperron at Grays-,te cycsansd neyer flleredI n bis lis toit rat« ethe lisecty, Uic Sunvonmflobe Mutit b'long distaufe" te gel' statemnul. able ta sacertain tise rate by la the p& art ndl te operatôr bas tea1"lie talil me tie eauid mtunader- Quft-y oa" thb4veutionsovs tise miste quiry as ta the number of tha lfand vty bis $5.000 (-raft bail came Dcv and aId rates front the varie%,, Gr&ylabe operatar. bacit tram thse ta Flatte tank mark- Lobe county tavsa te thoert ou foi- Con Cali for Party. ced 'nOo tundu." He begged me to cern- lova:ý Reports bail il that, uudcr the r.- musicale vIth ttc minlng campony in Ta Chicago fromn New rataeal rt odidaîmeut plouc, thse party callng the Kondyke ta convince myscifthIbs Zion City- -..... 3 2 for o nuiser in ttc country tovas, te really bail recciveil ttc large dam- Waukff. .....25 ..25 muet pay thecral isther te gesth.Uicage nettiement. He afro askei Uiat Labe Bluff- -...25 25 Party or nal. Thic lc uat no. One 11 write ta differeul parties lu an effort Norh Chicago .. 25 25 Pute In saral for John Joncs et Li>- ta gel' thc vtolc aituation atraighl- Laite Foreet--..20 25 ertyvihle numberon andu, If Joues la eneil out aatlefactariiy. He la go Highlandi Park .. 20 20 uat there, ten Uiere la no charge. iPositive oui go evidcntly sinrere that Lbertyville .... 25 25 1Il la anIs. aloug ttc lobte store tavu 1 do net know a-bat ta Uink. It Gruylai.- -0 * I n Wukean isa tt paty aiine Ilooka ta me as If te vas sligttly us- as loe..... 025 l akgaI tth at clIgbalance-Ianoui% ~notta latame for ttc Fox iLae.... 3 5 bta opsy te ral even If ttc Party saeet ebsmd. Antloch ..........n 25 Isoualet the phone Iu question, lu sterentareo aes inttet."t Lakte Zurich ..20 25 otter varda, saong ttc lake store Teeaeehr nteet h Wauconda...30 25 tavus, anc con caîl far o number but aay that Pratts atontes and accions Laite Villa ...35 25 cannot cpeclfy ttc Party, and te ba"fnce ho returneil here. cause Uiemn Change In iractory Pion te PaY for Uiecrail whtecr te gets F1 tink thIalteoIo net jusat rigbt meu. Fusrttrmore, a mont Important ttc Party or nal. go long as te getc a 11.-. Tteiy are of tise opinion thaI ctange bau teesbiraplomudIteil cannecîlon vlihUicephone calil. tte accident whicb te evldently sut- ,mte o sungadrctri in 1Lk lf ndLk oet 1fered mray have affecled is bitrain maler f asungo drecar', ncssi. lcsc in su [aseForatforanil causci hlm ta came teck btere fng thse Waukegsn ilsolrY. WMon Yms-s.opIRotng out ofthIe rame ex.! lndil aIm te bave secureil$8.3 Peoplc gel the uev telophoie usr- ircauge, bave bail a consoUldatndidamoges for tis Injuries. Ttey ase tory visici laeswon ta tie liueil. tiscyIPhone dirotry.1 believe tat te la firsniy couvinced viii Bail Ibat ttc Waukegas du-oc- BY tise change of thc dretraY tatýbs thie muct maney andl Uiat tory la no longer retricîci ta Won- plan ln Waubcgaa il la scen Uialt te ther fore te rould tardiy te heu Oce- isegon pisones but yl Include Uiese dlrectary viiiliehomare metropoliton counitatie for bis actions. tavua as veil: lu appearauce sud secmingly, for a It la ver>. possitle Uial Prat ili Llbertysvlle. time, .11 moy oppear more unwildly, te given a tearing in counI>. court ta Or&yayooe. but, Il la exploîncil thattis plan lg ictermîne wbetter or natlote io f Waucossda. teing tollovedI n, many counties -sauni mini. Luake Zurich. ttrougtout Uic country. vtere tete- - Round Lait.. pbone business ba grovn go test Waukegan, August 28.t In other yards, Uic pr-cdr "Won- that changea muet follow In order ta As the resuit ot a develnpment toilai kegan" vîlI appear betore ever>. Wau- bondie ttc business more rapiiiy, for, In ttc case af George W. Pratt. ttc isegan teleptane l5uicheuevdilrectory. ty Iis change, tise rompasys en- man arrestci an a charge of çbtaiing lu osher varda. t il yl te pallerneil gincers believe ticy viii give quicker inone>. under faire pretenses, itAslada-m afler ttc style 0f thc Chicago direc- service thon uniler ttc aId iirectary mitted 1ha1 Pratta dcaim thot te tom tory vils Uic nome of esct of ttc plans. $68,000. afler aIl moi te truc. At( VOL. XXI.- 1IAwnD PAR 1 Wz'.N WIpASS **o Imuffl 4u W. Udeil sasigt'Uic tanor of being thse firaI vOnian ta vote lit H.gtiani Park. Botver, t the polIs aI 7 o'clock. MrB. DaoleY, lievever, tai Preccicil ter nigtbor bi o few min- Ieast te vill te given ttc tenit off ttc doutt until ttc coatrary la provei. Prat as arrealci on a warrant sworn aut b>. Rivas-iPatter of Gur- nec, a Clvii vor veleran, vto vas In- duci tapign o check witt Pratt toi $50. Pratt wv otuindta bave no funis 15uau agamIl ~lLUnes eud vas furt slisUe, ta bock up ttecheecks. He vas srest- ~huRi(1~FJ1i!I IJIIJL Ttc vamen Stood lu tavor of the ci and la lylug ln tise county jolI un- baud Issue 68 ta 5. able ta accure Uic $1000 boude unies- By Vote of 668to 5, the WO- lunte Tiird yard the Ravinta Civir wtirh te vos hed* men's Majorty Carried Bond club votai Pracllai tu a bady. Tise Todaye Developmenta. membera vers lai by imino IouibenSht-ly ater bc vos orresteil Prat Issue EasIfy. Derby.i gave ttc name and aiirese of a bonis Flor bne ver povied c, ecevepresideut lnU lata, Mo., aui sali TOTAL VOTE.WAS 257 TO-28thelaullots of re iuovh dei thoelv: If n:teresIai parties vere ta get tic nto ommuicaion ith fuàthat they 'One Wommn SoaeShe olw ele'tctin omusolohwneradail vouli Sund out thatbe a as teîiug Uic tohoed U ic ilg placé to, Se ucrublii uh.A nér doltes a e (the AdvIOç Ofren by Her ion. Tisa cierir. vOr. visite coloars celeitodAuay lu isicis Ui Leea rata HuaIThe o i eef eha . banirer gave ,snme very interesting Tis cby<uisbave-l.bo bdly mia- <act. Highlnd Park voea Tb ureday, mguauod," snid IMia. oolay io. TouieutsltseaahUiruil Aug 21h cut iser rutvots uies iuaboni receutly vw» apointai pout. One mus¶ go b%« -13 sr. At Unit tis ew svefOubcbirn t. Tis a l.master ofraisIansi PWansd visa Une Pratt lbàaaon bsMa y ta the lot vua ft o ieasue a« 184.000nev ormriy vas mayt;> «lb. ova. CbKimiergo.mopi1 aPae 04lY 11Cft&W am an olai by 8»7 ta "uni os ay isieai: tiku tis eHe as lit sud vit iofuMis sud lu 28. O9 tilsIl 7 vtes Yrare by vomea. 1 bonde isouli e seltvotdlaa- Mise W.. Dee$eî agi Mm s. .U. L.vor 0«lie> f'eoSja'Wj 7.7;;ï.e opPae u, Os - -1111 four heurs, 13 mnlutes and U80 econds. H-e mode an average speed of 71V2~ mlles an tour, whlch es a »8W record for lhe Elgin cour».. Mulfordîn s MaSmncame la second. i&ia I wss 4:20:30. Wlshort le a M~ ecwoo ibId, wilh a tlme of Tht fasisot lap was made by With. art Wh* ie ucIed the track ln sx min- utéean Umd$8 econds. A large cs'wd, many of tlsam Wmu- itagan Peî, w.re In abisndance at - h-'ces todey. R. B. Cancii>. oui T. J. Walsh, ln- apectars for Uic state lire departinut, vere, lutise cty Wedne»Mdy Inapect- lug tuldînga, glving Uic avuers point- era on boy to prepae aglujt ore and pointiug ont marne of Uie nev lave for fire prevention pasail attise bost sesaion cf tha leglslatm-e. BoUi Mr. Conoblî ouidiMr Walsh use vans-. lug os ttc Higisyod eres rastry, tise burnlng 0f ilayor Sevesos'uboe, but as yeb Uiey have boenu uable ta make o report -%iondas Park Prose. 'I -50. i COURiT 0F IIfYLOOKs LAKE CUUNTY MAN INTO 1É81OF IIEDMÀN N a fic, n om lAction GETS A PATENT ON- Ioa nveutWting Man's EW MOTOR11W Waaaga. Agui ~ N. F. Chamberlin of Ubertyville Today at the my" ulntr ttainnHue fevice Which May Rev- -as beid thea o I 0nquiry Ont the body of Ca"l 8EM"a, thse man fosmil otutonize Farming. deail On the. .0.Cti rcks at lith1 st toume meh«. ,WILL DISPLACE HORSES. Reports bad it & sman dba b retdon susp1ioni of baving mur. oo IwWilD ok0 d euilHeduS@a o "u éI ; lt a e vby the Mta. ! il o W o k o lnqury waono. - Me repart proves Many Horses-Sure togMet uiud for tise 1lyaatigationtdy vas mrely à or u e uhiih au~ Witm Int'mee Suoce,. be madl. afl.r ail violent deaths of enisteil mou.Waukoggn, Augu@t .30. 1 We bave 10 go tata 1ail the details p. VWord recelvedl trom wasbingtOn la andl snbe & reporlto tie e loyers. tu the affect that Newton P~. Chabaser. ment," laid COsuAWâitn Clark toilay, lin of UÀbertyville bas beau grantoil after whieh ho direcl.ated ail rumors a patent on a motor plov. one bal- to tbe effect that. a"Y new clrcum- neetlntcdvc l1sini stanes ailaries D lse Oseor isAIForest Ir. Ma.ortaPrairie View. nybton it bithe M Ofute n as. lere are &aenumber of motor ploya netion witie BS, * rsna i an 0 tbu market but tbe one patented l dsnnsvie1 rsnîa b Mr. Chambertin embodies same en. lnqulry bel todegy, bot lit was flot ex 1tirely nwpicpc hc ll aetdte nyt . ovwudb claimeil wiii make t a succesa. Osse brongbî out. H*dian'e body vas foad by persans pOaLBOng the tracks of the great Pointe ln Itu favor Ir that It viii be cheaper than tbe mator late at night. ploysalaready an tbe market. AI. s000 as these Plaws corne Into gien- LIBERTYYViLIJ WOe eral use l la expected tbat k conyfermera viii do away vitb ManY of thelr torses as tbe niotor MAN ~ M IuN plOW will te able ta do the work of t ty orses and tarmera vIll te able OF 14À ELsi O Pu t more of their land sînder culti- atIOn. Prom ail Indications the plow Mrs BesieE. illcoume intO qulte, generail use near Mrs.Besse pearherm and may conspletely revolution. at Jewelers' n and ire tise farmtsg lndustry. Makes A tecillcal description of te MaaaaaNEWDEVICSUH0WN I. Iu a usotor piaw. 1Me camlinatfon 551511 SUVU1-I vltb a trame, of steering deviceesIn. Mufled SoonforSo4ý I'-: cated at anc end or tbe fsuje, pro- elingneans iocated near tbe atber pers and Wireless limbrella 1 nd of the frame, a plow arrangeil te- Among Novelties. i tween the ateering devIces and pro- - ýPeiiing means andl connected l vilstbe It bas came at last! Borne Ichan- trame, plow litz mencanlsm supporte-I Ical genlus, annoyed by thse noise1) bNsaid trame and mavable thereon, casssed by the common spoon in tbbc suad means constructeil tu secure s4iI eotlng Of hot soup, bas luventei a, mechanlsm at different places upon new cantrivance. ithc trame ln order t alalow for plow It ta a fluted , sraicd, silver coOIed beabIe off different lengtlis. spoon pot on ehibition Tisursday at 2. In a motor plow, the cambinatian thc American National Rt,i jcv- in ith a main trame, of e guiding wtecl elers' association ln the Motel Bsher- arranged at thc front of tbe main Man, Chiîcago. trame, a drIing wbecl supported by Frank IL Primo, who la lu ebarge of'1 the main trame, a PlOw connecteil tbe erbibit. says ti was mode merel3- with the main trame adjacent ta thc for Ornementation purposcu, but ît driving wheel, the saad plow baving later vas lcarned it vas Impossible, a vertical standard, means mavabie to air n o p conversation" vitUlIt. iengthwise on tbe main trame andl New Thinge Put n -imiy constructed ta move tbe sald standard Among otiser new thulugula th. Up and down and ta guide theesoine, Jevelers' Une put on exhbition yes- aL Platform arrangei at rIgbt angles terday vere thc matched llOciet andl vith the main trame, a motar or- bracelet, tbe vIreleas umbrella, a ranged upon the Platform at aneaisde Japanege "boIt," or fiat bock peori of ttc driving wtel, means con- valtieil by Its owner at $1,000, and ~a tructed to connect the motor and the la valliere valucd ai $55,000. dri'.Ing wheel, a wbeel arranged #,) NMrs. Besse E. C'rane off Ubertyllle, support the 001er end of the platform, Ill., deckcd out in colonial gart, andl means locateil near tte motar an sbowed thse charm of theiclatest style said Platform andl constructcd 10 op. in matce eiljwelry.' Hereafter, sbe crate thc guide wheel. SaYs. Il will te a social sin ualtat 3. In a mter plais tbe combination have locket and bracelet ln these amue itt a main trame, of a guiding whcel design. just as muct as It la a mn.n arranged et the frant of the- mainf stroslty when mens neektie and bacc frame, a driving wileel aupporteil hy are not of the same color and pattern. the main trame, a pllow connccted Ttc wîrelesa umbrella la tise pro wIth the main trama and arranged lrn duCt of an Ohio firm. The principie. it advancc af the driving wteel, ttc said la explaincd, consists of the bail andl Plow having a verticle standard,à aackct joint to hoid ttc umbrello riba rneans movable iengtbwise an the. Insteail of tbe wirc loop. main trame and constructed ta mave1 When your wireless breaks a rit the said standard Up and down andL send It ta thc jcweicr's ansd have a to guide the same, a platforrn iR- new rit Inserteil in hait a second. rangeil at rlght angles with tbe main8 frame, a motor arraugeil upon thec AU Platform at anc aide of tbe drivinq ÀNDEe N WON wteel, mensconstructcd to counc tel Elilin, lit., 8:45 13. m.-The 1 0110w- wteel arrangcd ta support thse outer ing la the resuit of the automobile race endl of thc Platform, and meona local- toilmy: cd near ttc mator on said! plattorint Anderson in a Stutz car came In and conatructeil 10o Perate tbe guide MRS. JMRAD RE- FUSE» $49»OOAN ACRE; WANTS MORE Reported That Honore Palmer Offered Fabulous Sunl for Site for Summer Home. HIGHEST PRICE OFFERED. Prior to This Tirne $1,250 an Acre Wéas Highest Price Ever Paid for Land Near He. Accardlng ta a reliatie report Mms. Scott Durouil of Crat Trec Porsu, Lobe8 Bluff, anc day this week re- fuacil an offer of $100.000 for 25 acrea of ber 270 acre form Ttc affer vos mode by Honore Palmer, son of Era. Patter Palmer John Griffith, a Lobe Forcit reai ciblte mon aougbt ta ne- galiote thc deal. Despite ttc tact that this le Uic bigtes ps-ies ever offereil for acreage proPcrty la Lake caunty, Mra. Durasil, Il ln said,refuaci point tians 10 con- 8idés- ttc affer and held out for $300- 000 wtlct vouli te $8,000 au acre. Ttc Palmers, It la sali, plounei ta ere<-l a peolti aummer borne an the tract if lte>. vere succeostul In secr- Lng Il bgut Mia. Duronil eflentîy tout ttlIf ttc Palmeis vantai the land bail enougs Uiey vaut! sot mini what tise prieevwa. Pour thOnuai dollars an acre, thc price UiceDPalmer@aon sali 10 bve uffereil «M- .Duroni, is by <Ar thc higtcst prlce ove- affereilfor land ln lIrke coasty. Before Cisicago ml.- [lonois-ca stai-ted buylug forma near Lobe Porest andILabo Bluff Uic landl rasili have becs bougist for $75 or 9100 as acre. Ttc rhnloaires came Lasg andl begon-ta buy up the are- age ProPerty for $400. $500. $600 oui sycu $700 eu ocre. Ttc value of ait- Ioining landl ai once via kitel. Re- îcntly a meventees acre feoa m Lake Forest sali far $1,100 su ocre. Tissestablisbeil Uic iigisoot puce ever pli fol antafleo acityl- tie couaty. Nov Uic reportei te& fiscal 0f lIrs. Durand p uei tise traeL. knDOvn alise Bboans tract, aI $4,0M5 n acre semm aImat tubeliicvtig W iscu K ra. D u rm il pu c iso oil b o dair>. forrnut Luie Bluff the price et, lan vau very lo. Sl isaI htss mlionolrs.bavaenetmumsl e I , mer ores about er pro pery o i Uic vaie am Increuesi uisy tiseiý "Wisy, outsidera vil isri5d hbé" the prie« Uiot Lobe Preiaia sq Bluff prcperty scils àfer,&'a U5W* ao al m n fro n t L oba B luff so te- day. "Wbsy o piece ot pfoporty est a side Bled 5l Aie 3'uembraiu VsP a front f001 a <0v dm 94e o&M io à property bringe lirousortiomostietom PLAYERS WE N SAVE' M4 PEOIU Prpis W"Prdle las ail nother revelation! - He reveas itln1 these vrda ta Tie Sun. "Cicago, *ut. 19, 1913. "Ignorant Lions, Tisevesansd Perjurera "lb continue ta berevcobedla tise vrter tiat Ier are still vrse Uaa ta"Éne Individuels vWho arc gailty et dirty. loy miaders. This vas &AS ilrO- voalci atler tise v-iter clrculabtise0ý'ý ru t is a g on t V o liv a lu Z i o n Ç tY , t Is e Voiva) as stiff n U-rogtat a l n e r o r a s g u il hi' s a lia i, t l i d a i - p e r i s r e r , v b c b p r o v e . I b a i t at t . . Culous la lusaine tiai D m ~ ' arc gettlng auy fovors Irosld ~ s Uan any other b es a. ' t "'VoIlva vants pi*em tbata '1eW liaI of propry uor cane Pez»u M sM x anaver thé, Pîay W I*%t k* ' p e o p l e s c h l i p O e r E~~ anInvetkgmluMoaClIs Wi w t UIUlag *4 emante o lai e geéu~m dw -Ulmu G BIGSTE BRIDGE ACROSS RIVER AT QURr4EE IS TO HEAVY TRAFFIC BY COMMISSIONERS WH'O 89 FORMAL WARNING - NEW STATE LAW PREVENYg THEN PROCEEDING WITH REPAIRS WHICH. THEY E f LIE VED NECESSARY NOW. Thc bit steel bridge acrosp tbe Dem tisat tlsey are crogsiug atthier ma Plaines rver at Gurb«U.la bft e cnla. is. t de rnue i goS a fr a s tsavy traff ir la con- 'I'he com m ispionere am Fred Ui. cern e ila n no ia on c k u a v a ute n It w i n g s, Jo h n E c isn g es.H e mry T ui e e p e n c il a g in t a a il k in d s f r a ff ic N c M aà U . t l n g These tisree casmmies e as a renuit ofrte orseration cf tbe meeting somne time. oA" M plesoed nev clate law, whose full force andl o maire Improvemuents visidi it " powers la not yct ttorougbly nder- deeeincnceamary to pub tb. bridgé ta istool by officiaIs lu tbe varions cou- gand shape for gýenalalure.lt wau. 1tics. alter tbcy bal tisefr plans o tlsml", .One thing la certain the tact tisaItthe arraugel for i'sproving tise bridge tk*- 1newlo la slu effect even if iltbas sot they diacovereil tiey igist b. e~ - 1been Put mIntoPractical use up ta dote flictlng wits thc nov state lai sud FIn Lakte or otter counties, la vtat bantheY decidei tisat Ucthe et tilng vag neceseitated te ciosing ofthttc truc- 10 boIt ail uitepje asd ovait dev*l«- 1turc ta heavy traffic, for the present meuts no tisaI they couldi olb. jies. b ighsîay commissioners are afrolil ta surel for taklug stepa eomtrary la **' 1pracer"d and matte neccssary repaira nev 1ev. Thekefare evcrytbingvazý , Las they fear they mlght confilcî itt droppel but thcy teit It their duty to., tise new alate 1ev vbict places sucb a-arn tihe Public of the ineurilir t>i maltera under thc new atate blgbwayl, thse 'structure' for iseavy traffie-eamd commission. Therefore, usil that thse varning sigine werc postelM'd , commission "gets'tusy" andl pays nme day laas<.1 attention tcUiceLake caunty case, B ig ODeur Necaaary. ttc cbances are the structure vili re-î Ttc varnisg that tis tructure -t main condemnel)go far as beavy trafflo sot safe fer beavy teassiugas asW. la conoerned-by beavy traffic, no necepary for tisose Whso dé mg *çMg doubt, le meoant Uic beavy auto imncite, ta oe chance. 10 Maise a lou dtoqie heavy ]cads of grain, etc., bence, frocs tu arcU>mcr t" itI, t al4 »wv on, peemas via croisthe brfthése previonakIoLeD*OW tisai » cross h et Ibeïr avn riait and because subaujiroildil. la -~s an1veu* ttc alapa are ot tther endl of Uiethe bridge going vent 4u vsiel bridge, the lown la thu, flot respon- avolil crosalng Itl. oie $t retura 11» sible if ttey crosp and a beavy bcadj the old Austin creemary rua" us causes l tt crash ttrougb. J i Ca» etk ta BelsIderé stret U~ Hovever, ttc commiasloners do not v eut poit Warrextos sud tbm pv1beb. believe thc bridge la ln o reol dan- 1Ing sortstet h. veut sud. of tise garous condition, avenuth bevy lraffic bridge at Gosse.. Tise Mme ple,,. but tbey ililnot coi-e toaitsbe oisyturned r.md vaul! be neceauylt chances, Uiot'a vhy Uiey put up tisecaae coever. caugbt aithUc e wt Md ,igne vbicb varspeople vitsbois af Uic bridge. Il ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE

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