INDE 'EN DENT WAUKEGAN .WEEKL SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 52 TWIELV ?AGIOS LIBEryVILLEt AK ONTIli,1RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1913. ONE TO IH -I SUPER VISORS AOPTRESO- LUTION PROING FOR A TEST CASE ON THE, IN- H ERI TANCE TAX FEE M9AT- "TER -EFFORT MADE TO KICK OVEft AU. BO DJ3RDwmAY9NINTER- ESr R BUTIT FAIL- ED--$2OOO FOA OAPIHAN- AG, IM O FfHOSPiAL. Wsiken, September IL2. lit actoi'dance e vithte docisioneto the boutd et uuervinorss t begins a -frleudiy suit" against Coumly Tress- ur e Weielldta dtermino fhe mains o0f tbe #it(ance tas fee wbkgtb à&. WeehllàelEl spdbis catin miel aims b. lu entitied ta. Ui" boutd ibis morniaig pauwedtilareg,)- lotion subuitted by gles Atiornt Dsdy ta guide hlm lu is action andi NUiy àuthoi'lEe hln isthc mater: * WHDEBAs. (hure la Dow in the bond* of Crl Y. wetenfied. * Coigty Trasruof Utse Coot 0< laits. cetaiwu b:% bo bas retabied f bis services auswels t reauurr la looing 1 an 'Pains, ioberltsm aco isena i 4« tie ~prOlS or ued»Oeton21 ot-me Act f Abe geneesi Amses- intBeOile of IltIael.eB, A* MtAe«Ats gglftmsle, o eeefases. tiWaftts. aN> p os sud 14 lue aoe in tti'eT , 1.19. sud a~A . aquestion a arisea 6 a (otetesnitd mouey-s 00 t thebauds of std Carl J.1 Westerfield sbouid b. aocounted for by hInx la bis settlement witi tise County Board of thia conntY; and WHTU a.nid Cari P. West- arIed daims (bat tbe saminho * longs ta bina individualy ler the law aud bas ot accounted fon sncb mponeys ln his settie- * ment ulli thse 'Ounty Board of tht. caunly, nov. Iherefore, ho il RLEBOLVHIT. Ibat fthe Statp s Attorney of tifs Counly lie and ho ie herehy athorized snd di- rocted ta tube &Ili sncb legal stops as sncb taies Attorney inay deem ràasonable or uecesuary in order ta deterrine wbelher or net lthe Couty 0f Lake ls entit- led taesnid mouoy sw retalaed by uaid Weterfleld. 8ld State's Attorney la carryla; out Iis resolutlon and order la bem. by authorlzed ta make amy demand or demanda on naid Weterfield bath in lutho ame of tho County Board and in the name of the Couty of lako that ho may deemn ncessarv. and may instituto and prasecute any suit or suite vhieh ho asay deoni neces- sary or proper. Brooks moved ftic adoption and Il vas adopted nnimusly. The resoutlan vas entirely accept able 10 Mr. Wealertield and bis coin. sel. Mr. Beaubieu. sud thug the case vili go Inte court ta decide mat viait tise law mens regardiiig the points Involved. Revive Interest Mater. An effort vas mae ta kick aver lie compromise mae Thuruday Ititb Mr * Weterfieid an thse ilterest On Publie î (nuds when, aller the &bave resolu. flaonvas sdoiited. Welch o aiWukbo gais. moei snd Eger of Ubertyvilie, * ecoded that the. stute' attorney lio autlioriaci te procoed aganst Mr. Wesfeflbld on Uic lntereut matter, ta colleet ani nterest dme on fron t th lime hm assumed afie, )ft,'àgÏ plained tbat bis under, tadhig, 0< Uicmter Tbuiriday vas (bat hobiNrd ba acoepted Ibe proP- oaitioik usée by Weterfield WhsrebY on rtoentcàt, f~h vould bave tlb Security fSariosBiit (bru Over aT of tise 2 paet c li'q51 o n publie funds, médInsA tmhso .MuMlfait as ho dld Tisursdy. tbit, proWtuliaMr. weaerbald, for apy reason, uhouid fain to'do gso b. Is *l lnliposition la pocoed ta collectl it Mr. lesubles explainïi tisatsuch vas Uicetnderstaiidiiig aud explained tbt Mit. Weitrfild visuii turn ovel an aluIst~ son anl tundik. Me aided agreed tu tslitover latrest onfais0 oct. lot tiatItie board sisoUM iu resointion or otiervi. vave 4latim ta sur ineret on funde dw o CteUi lime. lin. Dséy e*pIslisl* tii board culeo0là M46e tlsterT. »r. Brooks eaiiuie4i (ba t e" le niater vsileM m f ymu roted for thse compromise Thursdel, expecting, )kowever, tbat a formai aritten agreement would b. dra'«n up coverlng il, and, seoiag k ad flot i.en. be woUld vote for thse suit Mr- liady had asdoed that no written agreement was necessSJ7. Motion la Lest Hoaver, thes motion wau put to a vote and Tout 16 tu 7. as followsa: Aye--EClanke, Eger, King, Maether. etrattoD (lAbO Villa h Welcis of Wau- kegal, White. Total--?. N@yý-BroeCbr, Brooke,. (lttendetl, Demorent. BExamens. FeOrry, GO"', Mcey tTot Meyer of Waulte- àpelTip.. -Stw4teu of Or*flt.Welcb et Newpor it, sab. Total-Il. 1 À blD vas aliowed for $49 tu audi- for BliW for expeuses in roturning tg Wkbe$Mn to anowsur questions of Sones te OrphaflgeL Tii, supervisots voted te donate thse sme amoufit ($2.000) tO L&bO Blff orpbanage for thi.e ouuiftg Yer (bat vas giVefi lent year. A report Imom Mia. Jndson showed thern weFe go TAe county children ln the or- plianage durlpg thse Year. ,fer report sbowed liaItiithe st oi c&ani lakTue couty ckidren dur- losg thse year us $4,656, 81,070 of wbicis as cared for by varfous tVonflnued, ou Paresix.) AMLmIECOTY D&LETI3MTOAT- ,ne#% Ma3EIN4i Cook and Lake Comntes Ex- pfeot to Send Large Number to Chicago Convention. Tvo Ihousand delegatea from 400 Christ"an Nndeavor societies ln Cook and Labo counties are expectei te at- tendth (.convention o! the Chicagoý ChrigUau Sudesvor union te b.fieidj Sept. il and 20 al thse Norllivesteru University building, Deanboru and Lakec streesa.1 SMm. Catherine Booth-Clibboru o! ftiParla 'ne. daugilrof the late <OIeSMIBooth. forudei 0f Uic Save, tem AMIu., vil bç4 «e 0 iceabrsa iu the Conventions viii bu deiverel by a«v. Dr. John farvii Daman, pue (or ofthle Second Baplt churci, Cii caga. A "'sang service demongtraton,- ed' by Prof. E. . Sellera o! the MoodY Bible Imaltute,.ulîl open the prognaun jýatuncIay aftdYnoon. 1ev. Dr. Ozons S. Davis, preident of the Chicago Theolagicai neminanY. viii deliver the cloing address SaI- nrday nigt. Forty speakers yl partlciPate lu thie program. TESTCASE AIAIST HURM$N ON TuE MMINCRY SIDE Important Action Seing Heard in Cirouitcourt by iudge Charles Whitney. W uksgail, Septembei' 11. In circut court today Judge Whit- * ney beard the affumielts of connesec lu thc clsaisery action brossabt b>- th ti@llote agaislt ainie and James tForeinato!f si'rlngton. Tic -ce lu Iimportant-as il mey estahisb s pro- 8cedent lu lie mater of seling liquar lu a 'dry torrltor>-." e 0 The Foremans have been arreutliq rand fluai repeatedi>- fan seTiingh- tuor lu Iis 10e-n which vent dry at 1- election. The>- jtaid their fine snd, . >accordiug te lie ulule. went nIglut< e abead sud sold liquon again. Tiat l r.why the satae bruiglit tle action ain the ciancer'> aide o! court iuslead Cf the crimbual gIde, lu lie effart ta de- termnie vial s"hao donc about sB their con inual violsatio flie local P.option, or dry tértory lau. TG S~THE BEES. Id Glen Birbett of Bolvidere. la alug- IuIg the "gong of the Koe>- Becs" ih pince is roture a day or lue ago f rom mi Wsuc4odaIII, vicre bhobas beois 80 et ' 2uzsieylg AIà iffllaise >dlei May* (bal bhoAw 100 inquisitlve ti a lu examtnflu i theIltuIal bsutly >y of aiec aive vileis seUtla ie 1o10a07 M bees maluraw Y ronogmdviiibthe' et sot tbaIt tse 7'0=, . M 11c" mae 'h àelueno t s 5*1 <t* tke, '44 'ît couered vils' licANtl@.M b"e16 tu. plunedo IeaiIlsuxt. Mlerli hbimeol ad f .hilsIi U ceoîMétitcte1#- ' bol,à*».1IýO1F*w "Fçi100w _' »04 to b-c- PRÀT[IS5 SOUND 1 OVER TO TIE LAKE .CO. 6RAND JURY Bail of Man Charged With Get- ting Money Uhder. False Pretense is Fixed. TOLD THE COMPLETE STORY Said He Thought He Had Mon%, ey in Bank But Must Have Drawn It Out Bei ore. lmn sd abed If ho vould Idenlif:; hlm aI lise iait nose could gel a obeeb oaahed.. Ptter snid ho did »t knov tise son but accep(ed the wSr of tie fatier as suMfcient proof tbat the check vas %Ilirigbl. '-Wissn 1 igued my namo I aald (thail vas oniy $50 .and 'that il vould ual break me even If 1 had ta pas i." ho said. Wbereupou Prat spolie up sud nild that ho bud enough mouey -ola py the checkt sevonal limes over and thaltI need not be alammed. Thuns reassured 1 did nol worry about the mattorunufilt1 re- cris-ci the pratoot f rom lihe bank." Wat have yu ta nay about le transaction," Pratt vas asked by As- sistant States Attorney- Rnnyapd. 'Notlig-all that beho bs nid la tic truîb, 1 gus." Pratt repiied. Wien plied witb questions ho un- foided a rather loug star>-, man>- par-ts of it aiready iavIug sppoared ln print. He told oi beiug li nred Iu lie prernature mine bisatinl Alasa sud o! being in a hoaPilal lu Nom. City for five months. After tiat be oullined the different places ho bad stopped unfil ho fitalTy arrived tui Cii- cago and started for Waucondu, bis old huome. At Palatine lie nid be mol s cousnlweho iuformod imt lat hie parents no longer liveai lier.. Theoulie relurned ta Chicago sud1 vent ta La Pista wiere thirteen1 years ago ho said ho vas befrieuded b>- John Barron and bis fsmbly. He naid ho had given lbe Barrons a sut o! mono>- but could ual remember weboler It vas $700 or $800. He ni1d he also iud given mauey ta the flve chITdren, bils recliecXIan ielg (bal ho bad given eaci o! tiem a Ivent>- dollar bil. Hme thon vent te lie La- Plaitaiba vichre io sait! ho depoBit- ai $400. Acconding 10 hiu teatimon>- lie nover remembered or haviug vitb- dravu thus mono>- altiatigi hb nid lue might have done o soulile under tie influence o!fliquon. H. admilîci tiat aI aon. lime ho purciased four -quart@ af *bhMkey lu one lot sud vent iacb for nme "But 1 osuVI drink visab e ( a>- I coulE Iefefe 1 got burt," ise nid. 'I vas broMtî tps viiil au-1 If 1 do su>- I my"sit lie wa5it a 1man lu I*a 6taî' hàcould stand UP Mdi r@* ïçrbsIîylkey (ban nie. And 1 acëver> sited tt lther. for 9 could vslb JO*: ta strigi$ as vILol T he.m'Itaies; 0 1op. - mSut 1 cant do il is1w 'for oX~ao. T b e W ej5 baex Io iih mtId isï. - 4of those ce- ou*110k sâdit me lsugb." - va uisîre j~J de re iul anugli -aA lb h lýDIES) IN CA.L>iT te rnd except liaI b ciii'tteni bu ~cc~n~o5 ' JAIL AFTER TAKu Atth Cncooonoftl !paln ,i ING PARIS (GREEN were phases cf thse case Nhîvb b'- could ual uunderaland but s 5 Oibat Found 111 on Street and Taken Ina-,much as Il vas brus d Ibat thore iad been & violation ofo the to Jail Where He Said Food Ise- is only recoiSe va, lu astithat Pratt he ounonn4tr ta the grand Had Made .Him Sîck. Jury. Pratt vaîku vt lieado years of age. Ris $talements seemed te b. very tucid aat he never faltered in lelllng uhere h" had been ai cor- tan tumes. In soMfe ways bhis mem- ory seemed to e bu erY gaad while ini ollier thinga h could nult-eemntoe rernember many Incidents. Prattîs hearing.had beon contlnued& fronUrn to liteMe in the boise that norne word would ilm received fmoen Misouri uhich is i9lcorroborats the statements ho ba# DMade but aîthaugil se4ral lettens bga#e been w ritten none a! them halit been angwered. Nothing vas Mid at the heanlulg about Pratt's ciaIM to htaving received a large amount « *WneY front a min- Ing company as elamages for inJuries wicb he roceivel. Tbere are stli rnany thinga abW t Iis case which have net been exlined satisfactorilv HAVE -:CWESSED Two Young MMs Arrsted Be- cause They qet Money Lavishly-AilCrime. Died Five Minutes Ater His Departure-Find Poison on Clothes in Morning. Waukegan, September 15. PU-ter Neson. uho, accarding to the police resides near the state lins, died Saturday night about 10:30 o' iock En the Lakeco ,-nty jail as lhe resuit of bavIing swaliaved a quantity af Paris Green whicihoh is belleved te, have taken vith suicidai intent. He died about thirty minutes after being laben ta the laiT. That ho had committed suicide was ot discovered untill iter. It seerno that Nelson bad beeci ap)ending the last few days tu Wanke- gan, evidently baving corne bore ta have a good tinte. On Friday nigbt ho stayMd ln a rornlng bouse over the William Kefea saloon. On Sat- urday night he returned te the place but because of bie unkept appearance waa inforrned tbat lie could not stay there. A littie Tater ho was dtacavered ln front of the saloon, apparently etber sick or Intoxicated. Assistant Chiof Tyrrel was summoned ta thse scenea shortly before 1 o'clook sad seeing thal the feliow vas fDot veln au M bulapce vas summoned aud bo vas taken ta tise caunty '3,11 vb4iié Xhý TOOK PLACE AT BRASUKE 1A- E. Brown, the couty physician, Neison did Dot talli mucu. t"e said Marshal of Village BeMig Given h ad eston a meal lu a restaurant snd aflerward feIt sick. Ho naid lie Credit for Arrest-Robbers tbiouglut ho vould ho ail rîglut ln a lie-ile sud sented lbath latako Under Heavy bocua. auy medicine. Tiiere was no indics- lion tbat lie bad takou poison sud the Uarged, witb baving broken loto auc<robbed the Soo hune depot at Grayalake on Frida>- nigbl te-o young mon vere gven a lieartug ho- fore Justice Fritscli of îltaislake ]tae Saturda>- afternoon and upol pleading gublty tthle charge Ibe>- vero bonnd 1,000 and vere trouglit fT.(lie Lake counly laiTla a ai-. 11.0 action O! tic grand jurý sshich viTI uiet bore in October. A tIrd robber lu beIng sought by the pellce. i'ie tva confessed robbers gai-e their naines as folînva: EDWARD BRIlSI.A.N. LESTER POQUETTI. The tact Iliat the depot 1usd beeti robbed e-as not discovered until Sat- tarda>- morming. The nevs liaI rab- bers had brolcen into lie place dur- ing the niglit causcd qulle s sUr in the littie village. Au Investigation sbowed that $12.7- lu mdne>- haT licou taken fron thie cas drawer. Apparentl>- no tickets or other arti- clos about the lace vere taben. 4Marshal AI NMac'ctillan at once set eut ta locate bbe cobluers. Ho bad no clev 1 e-art, on and It serncd like a hopeleas case. Suspicion vas dravu la Brisiaitiiand Poquelti wen tiey appeared in the saloons in lie 'place and began 10 senfd mono>- ratier Tavishl', callîng slp the b>- standors te drbnk iit (eu. The nigbt before they had béem pracîl- cslîy pennilesu and no ane oouid un- denstani tise source o! (boin sndden gopd fortune Tiey eue plaeed under arreat on suspicion b>-the manuisal sud con- te tu tohle nolber-, lUplictUng s (idMen ulua bas sbipped outIand tg be>ug sosught. Wben bo- fore thc justice thue tue yong Mes, ujse& cdean breamt 01 tic viole aI. fait1 . Ïne- ad ual aPult QUit I I Lf i e mone>- and lte is wM s tuned ovtg (othe proper aiitý<5ltses. P*#jý qof lie yong "ýeis'bail been mtmIqoW dini UicHohêp&tW iCgoipis andwitle both 0<oltèm ap- itelé 0 o atber Milles. maoOne auesosd(at tbey wuld lie gully et wr.og do(ng. ' »e4eë.Uq5I adW-M 4 bY 5.0 Ibal wouid base sufibced If ho had licou sirnply 111 the va>-be snid lie vas. Ho appeared ta lue getting alîng ail rigit and the physicien fin aly lefI hint. Five mincutes later he vas dead. Hia sudden death vas discovered by other pisoners bn the lau e-ho raisod a commontion tla atlrsct the attention a! Mirs. Green, the sheriff beitg oudt aI the lime. The dead wagoni was summoned snd lie feltov vas re- rnoved to lie Conrad & Hart undor- taking marna.1 Tt e-as nol uni dayligbl Ibat soins groeniab lookbng powder vas foîînd on thie siclirna coat aleeve. Tbts vas found 10 be Paris green and ne- coated for bis sudden deati afler being rernoved ta tbo jail. No cause for suicide bics been discovered b>- thie aullioritica. "Suicide," Jurys Verdict. The coroners Inquest vas held ibis mrnmong aI 10 ociock lu the tonrad & H-art undertaking roants willu Coroner J. L Taylor presiding. The verdict o! the jury vas thal Nel- son came la bis deati front- Paris green se-allowed eith suicidai inlent. Johin Cook, e-lia us the aId SprIng fart on North Sheridan Road, Iliretv the most lbght on tic case. Ho saici Iliat Nelson iad vorked on bis farut hsvlng the man sent to tue county hain tsheman ent h oit To i webe oditoflit i.I a Indtheprt of a pcke cf aris gen. Patheeo thePackage oblarina been tor loose so thal he couîl eat a portion af. the contents. E% slent1y fearing that the dose he took was flo; suMlcient he praced the reet of the poison back in bis pocket instead of throwing It away. label on the package sbowed the poison had been purcbased in Pearce's drug store.but a pharmactt rom t ts place testified cfhan olnthepson. eemaird ofva pol thet (toio.H ha bee wsossiblentha ago sm Nlhavemigit have osecuredand fNesn frine havd berouglit hro fr hsoe ur-e anpose ! cmttlti foruheile Tur- psemof doittdubl buitisade.isan waa not i is nigit mimd 1 Ttlai ssii that he bas a brotheir liv- lug lu on near Kondalia and loca au- thoriticu are msking am effort (o io- cale unm. if founli lie body ll bl b. ahlpped ta Kenosha. ateicrei illi lie huridhon. lu the Polter'sIfid. FRENDU Y CTION IS FILES IN-CINCU mgK, uTS III SUPERVISORS PICK JAMEi' ANDERSON, CHAS. ReUý SELL, M. M'CUGO, W. H., STUDER AND GUY CURRY AS THOSE FROM WH90 STATE HIGHWAY'CSs MISION WILL SELECT CO. COMMISSIONER-LIST OF. STATE ReAOS 18 OÈPi' CIALLY ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD. WIJK 511 . PA IIjTie hord of ssprvlonsto nominaîsd tises. fue mon as tise1 froiniWhou, lbe state bigbvy *1 Test Case Now on the Docket mission shahl select tie on Insl in Matter of Inheritance viilbe kuown asu(lie ceUnty hi Fees in Lake Co. ider:thconew lui abe ouutyl -- James Anderson, Jr., CharTeg îttU Waukegaau. Septemi.ef 16. M. lNfCugo, W. H. Studen im0 Z Stales Attorney Dady today flIed Curry. the trendlyThon vwere ine names sbMft li nedyaction ln circuit court tie iboard husing toeviecl Ove t<ci against County Treasurer WestenletLd mit 1tcateale commIigdon.O: n greed upon by the supervisons su4 Vote, It etood as folows: Mr. 'eserfeld astwee th cae 'uy W Curyl; Jas. Andolý Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i. 20;lrildTs eb.tecs GyCrRussell,20;M wierein a test case la ta be eomduct.ed cgo, 15; W. E. Curglks. 11; jbtS la, "determine vietiser Westerfisld Herme, 7;. W. 1H. Blude, 16; Pal bas the right ta retain ituientaucoe t P.Gibbons, 4W . tMilrt > focs or visetisan (bey go ta tise Tisé <amto *bO v sla oIwU ceqaty. e su0 av#shows (bl tisth e me varions iermmsl sattti wW 5 charges ivbieh are *secee6elue a friendly action. 'b1is caske, Itla1515 e likegt calied, vas suggeated by fér. Wester- 1as usaI. les-4. ba field'@ rounet eMr. Beaubiseil, 555 z1 ti a way ta get the malter settied legally . bet~ as ta who bolda t1111. taud (es. ýbis- 1. nS*l4uu. #01 opinion helng tbat tbey belotug teaWs1 thrmmo %«iI% %Ir. Wo.terfleld, Mn. Dady tbey go 4 R tise co u nty . ro e C 1Io » m g W foo t, f ruianneg fA Asttecis *îbm soutb h ieseiç eAaweé IWEDS ENMEER tlnUDH«ry' 0* ê 1ý%. SAMLake 09 ucMs. WIO AVI>lIR wewOm1te j LIFE ON I ROAD D Plng up Sea L&4ary t lon. IN Society at Lake Zurich, Tburaday,i Sept. 11h, atîended the vedding ai Howard Na>- orn Markîey, constructioni engineer sud rallroad builder of Dan- ville, 'il~, sud Eduaalne ilauben- liurg, bersa t a alargo fortune.vilci locludos mucc of the stock ln tise Palatine, Laito Zurich & Wauconda railroad. The ceremon>- (00k -place aI the hlianteheicbride aM Lake Zu- rich. The romance began duning. tie building of thse road. lin. Harkie>- vas duie! o! lie construction worb. Missm Blaukenburg on,- .moshurT- ed s 11111e child sud bersoîf o*er an ernbankrnont fron t othle palli a! one o! lie construction trains. hfr. Markie>- picked tbh Ivo up and feul lu love villi the boilne. The bride wsupresenled viti % check for $25.000 as a e-eddiug pros- eut bv Nrs. Erneqt Blankeuburg. ber rnotlir. WALKING FOR A WAGER. Waukegan, September 13. Te-o hikers, Albert sud Ropiert Sul- lvan, reacbed Waukegan sat nIlt at 8 o'clock ou Iheir va>- from Sît. Paul ta Panama and spent Saturda v connect with n.rth ard seuI tiere, s. eulfnldon t 1 affaie nerth te tons GBre, on lte mii rend vie. Waue*di4 ceanuoees the Selvldere straet rernd Ses, & $artineg et Wacaecud@. Ivanhoe, Rockcefeller te Lihortyvi titane westvie. Ronadiut t Northt4omth Reade. 1. Deerfield et seMl cut througs Everett, Rendutit W Gamve t. Gurnee te joint state us Grand avenue. waukee avenue, upthrcsajNew Libertyvillo, * i# ertli te and theace ta Russell. :L tartinel: t agVsCoErS t s Grand avenue norIls pai Lako, Milihur,Hicorey aidhft lino eI Pikavihto. - Tic commillee vasas tollIpWs ) W. Broks, .James Welci, JUA-, ling, à- T. White, Frod Mircissie. The ýommtteestaled i tt éb aawmol at emingting vwiii h « couati« es a tle robs vi!Je*s stata rosés ehsf(oe colktte. lrn"he' mmit«'n rotd a je of Ib isat(bro monta. Neuon.h bre. The>- iert St. Paul Auguel 7hisqbm " 'r sald, old hl he wg 64 yars ni. , %te- tte uai o ssid lai ibmhe esa (4 yera ndudare nov 82 miles &lead o.air eloestl tusaimousi>-boni, .According to the star>- le tld NeT- uciedujle. e4o d bave oftly son sppcared at bis Place tiree Tie>- are walking la Panama on a n"ate stise state ruam tovualisgais the mant.r mont hsaxan d e-a ver>- muci wagon htelon the At. Paul and t eing cattated thal dovu sud out." Ho naid he o (0<hlm Minneapolis Commiercial cubs 91 sUfpaof claIe rosIs lu ln ouI o! ebaril>- aud gave hlmsont- $2.000 sud muet reacis Panalfta SePt. s6i. In ail, (ber. are I ployren. Nelson sie-sys appesrod 15, 1015, eanug their vay t»- aoigita tte ruais desiguatâd 01 ta be someviat deliceut mentali>-. poetcarda. Thecus tesnting L9 Last fnîday ble and Nelsons drove Tiat tie>- are visat lie>- daim 10 appropniatu $15.505fer., te Waukegan, bringing lu a od -of!blue lu mian by credeutfllas iou bath duing the neettw150YM potatees. Wben il e-suUrne ta ne- clubs and ïKey beép s regictor o! liaI set aside for lise to tum Nelson roi ueed la go back vili Ibeir e-orkb b>-caflimgon oser>- COUn- sf8e0utd tse rc butianad al (bat'ho cotild nay votld t>- clhri aad postmasler lu lhc vani-m ual luduce bim. He fInl>- lortI hiru as countie lirouti uhici he>- .-.* ber.. ~~pas. Whie hire tic>- cailed on HO W U.t The thread a! \the star>- vas taken Counity Cdont Hendee for bis offiaI ThI e Ou. UflS up here b>- a man ubo conducts a seaT ta be paced! an tiu record1 viso lu 4km rooming hanse aven lie Kefes a"- bok. i vboM Ie oat^elm boon. Hie identliedc the body of Nei- Tiey carry no baggage exccoPt Rmmime w1*Is son as the tan via bai rcitec a feu cooing uteusils aud buy them sUImm** 2%am noomn of him on fflday nigit. Tie clties enroule. The>- vii lave police toTd of being calied and of hore tonlibt. QShU4a li te li rsis- "S. Iran.* me, la ail tiser. 5am At 155 miles te ,1, Qeorge W. Pratt, charged hy Edwin potter of Gurnee. a grand aniny set- eran, wihb getting money under false pretenses, was given a hoaning tits morning before Police Magistrate Walter Taylor snd vas bound over to thse grand jury ln bonds of 11,000. The only defense made by Pratt ves that ho thouglit holiai money in the La plats,. Mo-, battitwhen lie drew s check bore and gbtuIr. Ptter ta uign il wilhb hm. but sdmitted that be must have drawn out the halance lie bad ln the bank. Mr. ptter toid the story of the transaction, lie said] be vas ln Mau kegan an, August 20th, ta attend the annual reunion of the Soidier and Sllors sud met Pratî's fatbor whorj ho had bnavn for mauy years. The latter, ho said, lntrodiuced hlm ta lPis ti fg p p $1.50 PEIt YBAR ÏN ADVANCF. .! 1 1 p ti e 1