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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Sep 1913, p. 4

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ECOUNJY officiai Papa fr lsak ily. ,Off Telephone Numbft 1: City Edi tor Realdence -Phone Nunabei 225-R Liberi! ille Excbauge Iaecd at th@ Postoffice st Lbertyville, Ili.. au Second Claue Mati Mtter mm&1.'ey VS.Adrtieling 141. VaSe KnOwuGO~taWa iJS8CRIPT-iON PRICE, 81.6o PER VEAR STRIO'VL IN ACVANCE ~W ,. . M ITM ........................... ..................... ditor o. a . SM ITH ..................... ........................ M anager M*Y L. HUSSARD ............. Clty Editor That fellow who stole chiokens at Zion City didn't ~beiov fidoing things on asmall sale. With 415 cbickens elargd up te bis credit, ho surely holds thie record as'a, ekien thief in Lsake county. And he's a white mai at that!1 NO USE TRYING THEX. Out in Zion City Overseerl Voliva lia put the lid on peèk-a-boo waists and stockings. AU rlgbt overmeer, luat time we were in Zion City wo plaily saw It would b. bad to wear those thungs. You hi,. tee, maîy mosquitoes.-Hammond (Ind.> Timnes. i The. supervisors on Thursday wi feast on Supt. Ap- 101ay's chikens at the counity farim, this being a mers ici- démaIhowever, to other business that imy corne up. Talk tbMt the Westerfield matter may fie brouglit up at that um@Uin fé ooflis-the supervisors bave dlsposed of that m&tor and efforts te, revive it only tend te, make the board m(r,odfguz^Wtedtan ever. Tiie candidates for county highway commissioner as preseuted te tthe supervisors show tbat neme good, able and honet mes bave applied for the. position, se, Lake, ooftt7in sure te get a very acceptable man for thie place. MIl of tii. five selected by the. board bave iiad experence je. road work and auy oe of the number villnme goed îw nov position.Thapstomutb prop.rly fil.d, tý,cpoa it depends i alarge tdere, tii.dovelopmest of CSOenty roads in a proper manser under the nev ~*elaw. The. board of supervisers are te, be commesded on their to persécute one county treaurer and let tream'rs etavay vithiwhat tli.y bave ques- Uio t offier wlth doing. Thir attitude bas 0e tiras, jpot peminal;- it bas beont nof "do 'etc.; Ikbboom oo uurvl1gtes lutorusta M immaa bmuough, broad I.uOXg ý,«cîetobeitWuod oy ly thoir omm opin- f amotk«anad prouoeued t M »«W"it;Iftlwy ie inocat WÙacMdSe hM uoube inad e t Csà"r u *oqgd1e ro r.d taofficoe wlth bomors. The. charges * tt.goubeyond the. point of difoling"i-ft'u ??ONLY TOUR HONESTXEIIER. ?7? ? Tb» aùstte in its Thursday issue declares "The boa rd boasta ot four mien whose principles were above the in- fluences brought i favor of Treasurer Westerfield-who yoted aganst the "white-wasb" and in favor of honest administration of public funds" XIallier varda, the Ga- sotte prictIcally Mâte that there ane but four honst mem- ber on the. board oet mipervisors. flore are tventy-u.vei m.sibenof lb. board ot supervisers. The. Sun believec >ers are TWENTY-SEVE:N -bast msn on the board. Whffle tvemty-one membera et the board voted oppo- site te ho four onu ha parcular motion nmade ThurudaY, Mà se good reason vhy anybody, especially a stranger vho does't personafly knov haithtei.membrSet borshould sigle out such a largo majority of the. land credit them vith being dishosest, Iackisg stand- The action ef the superviscrs Thursday morfrirrçi:lu siowdeiiFtheu action of Weînesday and acceptisg the. offer made te Mr. Westerfield, vhereby héis I any isterest h. may have collected in tth. paut poste turs over te the county istereat ohfuiso lotiet, emed a masly way to dispose ofthe motted fiebaards turtiier desire te, permit the state's o qnaFEIZNDLY SUIT to decide the iniieri- setax mafter also vas a fair way le handie the malter, » lcb vau entirely acceptable te Mr. Westerfield and, The viiele matter as retards the county treasurer afl ong bau ben one et lav, rallier thas of wrong intentions, mil the board lias tot that vay aiB along, shown by the. ai- mmt miaufmous vilungaus etthie board te accept lthe pro- tma -ms by ose ofetsîle mmers that lte setlement ho umade as vas dose ater the M~atter had boss WIhp public i8 enlirely satistîsd and wiIl ac- - fqoltlo of the. case as a reasonable, Just and for a mans wlo pretended to purcltase L valuabie tafllSndaiwla lçadq a otirer notes.ý reported au forgerles, turn Up at otirer Places. Thre case attract- .5 much attention atlire dine. SAYS PIU-4Y 4w / In nie'ngtiry statement State Seans- tor Hlugir S.1M99111, Jr.. autiror of thre two amendmaats 1tirah primary elac- lion law passad by tira lest legisla- turc proving for a change lu lhe prlmary lnw so as to conform wati thre amendruent 10 lhe cedaralf consti- luttin regalaing thre direct election of United Statas senatgra. and anseud- lag tire primary law to provide for tireir direct nomination Instead of b:. a mare advisory vote as lu the pat. declarca tiret tire.le no serlous con- fit betwean lire two acte and tire bouse comonttee bill provdtng for -SePlember priasanles for tire namina- lion oft unteS States enatora. J. M. Hannon. Oblielda. Reuben Miler, lields. George W. Monre, Sid. J. HL Bradiley, LlbsrtYvllle. Richard DuSSIes. Iremont. Arthrur Hall. Fremont. R. F. Boute,. fifaont. H. tL. Grantiram.5r, WaucOnd.a. George Atkins. Cuba. Ed Homutb. Cuba. Henry Hapke. Ea. w. E. Cummninga. Deerfiald. C. F. Everett, Deerftald. John Finuey, Deerield. . B . Green, DeoriedL. W. H. TIsomas, Deerfieid. F. May, Deerfiald.. U. S. TELLS 110W TO CAN EGGS. Washington, Sept. 12-Cannlng of eggs bas Ieen fondS practicai by lhe food reseaarc laboratorY of thre go'- crament bureau of chamistry. Pei* tact eggs; accordtng ta, tireezSertil. should ba hroken, cann9d andS froze wben tbey are craap. They muet ha kept frozen until oseS. Eb rta Pqaches ;ire PomMwÀlin cmo be found ai Muna..'. The Best Peach on the, market for cannhng. The. prioes viiinot bW aar y oper, so place Your order sariF and you vill save tizue and mofleY. AUL IMMI 0r FREH VEGETABLES RECUIEDDAILY. »m AOT NONE BETTIR AND M I~~I PRICIM TO SVIT TOU Your patronage oordlaliy sollitd. The Moclel Cash Market W. J. MUNDME Prop. ' Phone 307-J LiBERTzvXLLe, Learn a f Hive good psitionýs for moen who b"ae taken si course of instluotionu in CITY $1 fflO Widow ef Edward Ferry B3ringu Real Estate Mdan is AiIged ta, Fifteen ýMm*e of the. Lake Action i Lake County Have VoimzdWldows County eoMuy Gather at Circuit Court. and Farmers. Wauconda Wednesday. OTHER SUITS ARE FILED . ( ~r Sp. 1.Jms INFECTED BEEF £XHIBITED. lent mea tu Joliet, was arrested laMe Mrm. Grace U .Ferry, wldow of iSe Wedee<ay niglit on tour warrante Dr. Watterson Shows Samples ward Ferry and pi .ter.ln-law of Super- charging lareny, trend, forgery, and of Bçef Sut Out From Swift viseor Hiram W. Ferry, ha.sfiled sit utterlng forged notes. for 10,00 amaes gai she cty a i arreet resulted ln a pente Paoklflg -Mouse. for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mn 1000am esganta r hie hundreds orclients. The of Waukegan for the death of lber hus- majority ofthtie clients are ratired The Lako. County Médical Associa- hand same menthe ago on Sheridan termer* and v)Idows who bad intrust- te e tWuod ensit road when the auto hae was rlding ln Cd hlm wlth the ainount of their ln- lo e IWuod ens~ struck an obstruction ln front of the aurance policles. i bas developed and It provcd a very lntercstlng snd thnt ail wtll lose their entire fortunes, iroitable session, aboumt fitteen ment- Dr. Bouton bomne.tire total emount apiproxinllfg $250,- L'ers attendinsg. Coake. Pope & Pope are attorneya 000. and they brlng the suit ilulber name' Bernard Burns lost eveny cent ha Pîthelogical siîecirents of beef et- as executer of bis estate. Mr. Ferry, had-$25,900. He riscovered O'Con- fected wlth tuh)ercutosis. haed been - or aise %'ad mortgaged tbe urne sent Out by Swtfl & Comprany, packr- It la recalled. wns riding ln the auto home witiroqthmkrweg.Dua r.aSI bis taretotir dotor of bits brother, James,.*lien drivlng la 70 years oId and lias a wife a.1 home jusl as dusk. Tire tacts aithtir\ tmumarrIed daugliters. He fran- andi mnny trimers wno gatbered te tife came outI that there was no igbt caliY aearche1 the clty yesterday for hlen to hie paver, Dr. Watterson et on he uilinginteral eftin heOConnor and declared he wouid kIiII Wankegan explained the effecte on te buldIn nieeria lef in the m. Late test olînt ten clients ofthtie isease. etc., on the cattle andi road by the contracter and tbe auto OConnoras rushed tu bis office tbreat-joteainisth eieseab was tipped over when It struck the' ening ta kili hlm OConnor was ohraias h pcmn nb obstruction. Thse reaul sît hat Mr. warned by a friend and fiad te the ling hlm te handie tbe subject moat Ferry dled fram tire injuries. Henry Witt county jeul for refuge. wbere he ithoroughly." gave imeelf csp te the sheriff. Thare were many fermera présent Sine, another occupent. austained lu- Among llsoee ebo wIli ioe. large wole encle o h ufe jury which bas apparently grentiy in-. amounîs s lite Corporation Sole of obabencle frth usoa capacitated hlm. whie James Ferry the Cathole Archbhshois of Chicago. Of hearing thre tmlk situation dis. and rrohermanescaed ithglihtwhich will tuec a total of $30.000 on Icussed sAsd they sbowed keasi interest anurtlsermnecpd lh.i money givén tbe Joliet financier by in the discussions. huia.tire Catboiic churches of WlltonI It was expected suit would be tart- Cetr, III.; Lockjort. Il., and the A aerwiie yDr aeywto ad and, ln case tire city le beid hiable. Pouah Cathaiic churdir ot the Holy fa ln Colorado, wbare lbe nlt tire clty. no doubt. ln turs, i. îî sue Cross. Joliet. 1mintbis falily, was rend by Dr. the cntracer.iOConnor was given a preltmltrar; Bouton. th1otetr hearlng and was remanded 10te e Po.Kn fteWuod co Other Cases FileS. 1 county jeu tae await action of the rf eto uaWuod col lsaac Goldberg and Dora Goldierg grand jury in default of $10.504, and président of the village repre- have filet! suit againal John dline for honda. H18eattorney, J. W. Darcy. de- sentcd tbe fermera and asagaS ques- $10,000. Attorney Essgene Rtinyard ciared hae feared te funisir bonds be-j tiens and presented their aide of tbe cause If OConnors lasses resuited 1stlk situation. rapreseetiug complainanta. Tbey liva 1,om bis speculation ln stocka wltb r atro -8 okbsset et# Highland Park. is clients' money. lIii relatives and D.Wtesnas ol rssai According ta, Attorney E. 14. Run- employés déclare that hie bas been Lis- mens batore tire pupili Of the *Chln yard, thse action ta for damages as sane for mare tan s >year. ;lu the aflernoan andi gave thseroa the resuit of alleged lamuSer conceru- jlatk. Issg the tille of real estate owned hy CALL. PETIT JURY. 1iSLRLF ON A iM tire plaintiff. It la charged thet tire1 H4-LF JON LA FIM dfendant made landerous and taise Beli la a Ua of thse petit jury for WILL PRACTICE IN CHICAGO. étatements concerning the fille of land the October termi: dwar D. Shurtiaif. former spaak- owrsed hy thre plaintiff and the suit was Jas Darrow. Benton. Pr 0f the Housa and Republîcan tead- thse resuit. Il le lbought 1ha1 somte in- R. C. Orout, Benton. er Ila te ower branchfethIbelilinel1 tereslîng fada ahii b. brossght out leHo ,Satn State léegislatuCW. bas h)eeama a mcm-. ahentir cae l saeS.John A. 43picar, Santon. ber of a Chicago a finin and her.- whIth ae atr .afler willi Sevote bis ime to the James Salmon bas sueS Boy Mason Roy Donaleen. A5tioih. 'practica tof Iaw ln thil ils. mad wtt for a el.ailim ta. Atiocir. Thiriro f Samrsels ?z Samueis. Matilda Johnson baes sued ReinirolS 0. A. Howard. Grant. wilir offices La tire Tribune building. xunfjl nd mmaNuael n a ejct- GifordWht, Aea.yesterday IssueS a formai notie Mr. Nunci aS EmaNusci l as eec- îfoe r r Wnto"Shurtjeif hbas seoitad himeelf witir ment suit. învoling prJas EbariinWuGrant.tram. township. Edward Herman. WukeaiL Herefler tire irm wM lb. Inowu Thre 0W Herse C.â J DHamniton. e«keçms. s Sembes. aboSr ià5udamni. Rwlhsu &- Smaih et Rioksfaer e irismEus. wanta P ounied ox lrae. oenls Amaons, ar- John Krat. Wauk. . d visor IL C. W. Meye, George qadire 14 Kitfberg. Ww*@Ssa. _____________ anSi W. 'D. Griffu la an action wlrIcI eCar Nyptina. Wauebn le believui te b. s revival of thecta. George Powell, WwÈkeffl. mop "ber»e case" of a few yeaft ageorE~ge Plimmnt. Waukesln. whrenoeswae iga b hrse es Aiet c~seemnPr STA VER THE STAVER 13 A STAVER. SC'SCHANCK SCirNKsBOS GCTIS OC 01) ANY OTHBR L Tiiere la no eueh thing L li the world as an argu- BUSINESS (3AN ment agaloat life Insur- BlýTTRAFTOD Oanlée. Everything lu the Bh~TER AFORDTO £ world la an argument iu WAIT. WRITÉ TO favor of life insurance. It is an econoîflic necest- YOUR MICHIGAN F slty lu life today. Just as neeiusry a» f o oed MUTUAL LIFE ohelter aud elo.thing- AGENT TOI>AY. E ouIy it is a littie fartiier away. Just how far, no TOMORROW MAY BE mas knows. For the.fu- EVERASTNGL j tare a seaIed book that EVERASTIGLYonflytime au open. Have TOO LATE'you provided for your fanaîly TOO LATE!inciase you are taken away? LIFE INSURANCE %#i» cSmw If 1i ru: way, 1 would write Teeaeme Ca ,oun n the word >'teur" over the door Ther areman:ail ronn neof evary cottage and upon the Who unglit tO tale out polici.. st blottlng book 01 every public mon, uneii déerenca flot merely 10 bec nu 1 amn convlnced that for the muriy ad cofortofacpiIR = ces whrch are inconcelabiy tbe acnltyandcomlrt t teiramani familles can be s e ectn r e dl ioved uns but to their own pence A eainet catastrophies wblch other. of mmud as Weil. Tbey cannot of- AWise would smash th.. up for. furd tolilve ln constant dread of ever. It i our duty ta...arret aittelzrdandeprivcats o ted4huan h appnse, buDoftireyof wbii te bzrntldeprtons o N I heetl apoete.ftoal0 expose thisse dearer ta tbemà thon Nhealth and etrength, whlch flowe lite, Itéelf. Be flot deinded loto se.-....when. tbrough the dealli et ceptinit the plane of weak, worth. the bread.wlunar the trail boat in lees or frresponsile assclatione. which thi fortuies. 0f the faoslly and you wliii have reeson to bleus c are exnbarked foundare, and th. the oreigh tht lnoee yo towomen and rbiidren are left tif' thé ore.ghtIhatlndned Ofi 0 sraulaeieplesaly on the darât inve,.t la lits ineurance. - HormIs waters of a trlendies eworid. - Greeiy. EWla.tojr Cbarchll. JO0HIN HýOOG-E GENERALMAAIE at the LIBERTVVILLE « ILLINOIS . Il&

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