7,1913. - Yf.appenings at>te ByT.F.SAN OOEEESPONDEZ4T ;AGENT Mms. Laux of Waukegsn visti! lasi George Lthrop returned lasi week' week wit) Nis. J. B. Ayres. frorn Caiforuta wbere h. bas beau Mr.and)ir. P E.Calwel @pntemployed for tse past two years. aaverai days this week wlth relatives CuclPoedna ta Cicag. * The 56th regular meeting cf the Cors Hull bas accepéd s position Board of Trustees of the village cf viii the Chicago & Milwaulkee raIl- Ares at the village ball, Moday,pov. rosd i ttbetr offices lu Higbvood. i3 1913. brr. Auna Lathrop entertained ber Present-Wiiuson, President; trus- brother's childi-en, Dorotbea and Gît- tees. Wells, Trlpp, Zersen. Irving sud beý Ay . o Liertvile, undy. Russell. Abset-Devereaux., bor .Ares ofLiertvile. uudy. The minutes ef tbe ps-osloua meet- Mmra E. J. Horen aud daugter speni îug ere read aud approved on mo- noverai dayn lest wýek witu relatives tion of Wells snd Russell. The treas- lu Chicago. uer rond bis regular rnonthly report Mma.MFaul o! Chicago visited nov- whtcb vas audited by the finance eral days last week witbhi-rs. Ayres. committee sud accepted on motion ot Word wan received tuis week frein Tripp sud Irving. PWmunt Id.,of hebfrth of a son The follovuug bis were rend: t r.an, d r.. of.tewtn. Publie Service Co. st. ltgbts ... $39.68 te ~ ~ ~ W Mi u m .L etu .J. Williams, tesnîng...23.18 Mim.Anns Latbrop recetved a visit Lake Co. Independent Pub. Ce. 1.20 hast week front s cousin, Mr. Bancroft S. U. Tripp, lumber------------ 1.70 of Rhode Island. R. J. Delta, teamng ...........323.00 J. 1. Rodgers of Racine speut Sun- Ray V. Mes. e, ning ........ 60.22 day i te hoe o Mr. May San«J. A. Hecketsweiler. iearning .. 51.15 day.at the brne wofbaMm. Mary Swng. GM. Ray, tearnlng ........... 33.27 hm s.-Rodgaers w h omasben. ttigFrank Nules. teaming ..........25.67 ber aconaned lmbore. Bort Hall, iearning ............ 24.75 Lait Friday evening Viela Wells en- Athur Krucknsn. îearning . .. 28.22 tertahuod a nunher o! ber friends at Bort Chanberlain, teaming .... 36.30 a Hallowe'en Party. The usual la- 0. J. Cbarmouuesn. teaming .. 24.75 loweaen gaines were tndulged lu and N. Charbonneau, tearning ...11.55 the. youngsters apeut a very euJob- Claus Dressen, spreadtug .... able eveniug. gravail..................... 27.40 Moved by Russell and Trlpp Ihat al The usatta miscbievious Halloween bis except tint cf Public Service Co. spirit vas net greatiy iu evidence ho allowed and warrants drawu on kWstFiday evenuansd when morun the tieasuror fer the payment et ,ng dawned tiiere were but litile Of saine. Motion carried. thse ovideuce that generally follows A comrnunication from E. Wilcex thé. passtug of tbis anulversary. It relative te bis hune fence wss read re».er obs as toug tbe youuger and tabled. geâteratlon vere sadly rernisasin tbelr A bill of $900 for safveyiug ijy W. dullesn ad we bemoau lie Cter iulif- H. Studer was presented aud allowed fene displaved b>' those le wbom aud warrant ordered drawn ounmo- vwmersautned these sacred rites tion of Russell aud Wells. wbeu va restgned. A plat cf Rotai-y Eubdivision vas Ses 0. J. Pole-, the auctioneer. preseuted for acceptance audIti vas C6 moved by Irving sud Wells to la>' it ctf ou the table until legal opinion could The Ladies Aid oiely vilI give a be obtalned. Motion carried. chieben pie supper aithie cburcb ou Moved by Wells sud Tripp te ad- 5ourn. Motion carriled, sud meeting Ihusay vanug. ov.13.Supper 30e. siood adjourned. 'SrY«body invitsd te corne. T. T. Sw-an, Clerk. L..DIAMOND LAKEJ Mm s.'fau1, Fultou Iolavlsting finonds V-e Gis aClub en>eîed a Halova'en ta 10missLue" aMicbll's lest e~iyvSming. Ils'. m m PMie.FrdToers ore ibe PM"avs.le f ababy gr Ur&ss Dnby suddanghten Nre..Dyor. 4160WW the misaday Bobool convention bew et Auioci, Oct. 28th. Wsear.soi-iy te hoer of the deatb cf Uhebaby boy of Mr. sud Ni-. George Gshske 'IL Tisai- vehoau enlertaiument Nov. lAil aetih. Diamoud Lake chui-cb, gis-on by foui- ladies firnithe Northwcstin sebool 0f Orator>' and Music. Everycue cosne sud have a good laugh. Enter. lelast commences at 7:80. Cildren 10 cents. Aduts 25 rente. Ni-s. O. izethier visiîed Mrs. Derby o»e day lentweek. W. . Derby vas an Autioci calter laut Tuesday sud aitended lb. Suuday scisool couivention. Au aid settler. Mr. Myron Moore vas bufluueta Diamoud Lakeo emeteri lent Prida>'. ICKORY UmnSarah Hoyard of Waubegan, vlslted ai 0. L. Bollenheks rocontly. Miss bune Savage accernpaulsd Miss Lois Smith te ber homeo ln Union Gi-ove te sped Saturda>' sud Sundsy viii the home ocibe. T. Gail of %, ilibette, vili gis-o a readiug No-r. 13, au lie Hickory cher-i. Al Invlted te came and boar an lntei-etitng1 progran. Admilo n, adults 25 cents; ebildien under ivelve, 15 cents. 1. Werd vas rmese frein Kenoeah llu"gka tuatMr. and Mi-.. Fred' Ai-insa elgit menuse ol-1 son ied Salurda>' lghi. Funerai sud Inlormont vas lu KinOob NMr.adNi-s. Peler Tufi spent Sunda>' vus itbe home lis. botie Worth sud UmssBese Stead man et Guns, vas inarried Wednusday at Wsukmma. Wseztend congratulations. .I ddJo. Grilla aiKenosia, i-aileS Suade.>'sti beir brother, Wm. Griffun. L~~iLAYEj Louis T. Bohi-maun started sbredding coi-n Mouds>'. Miles Aile Nlson of Wisconsin, vas a guesi at the borne of i-s. Moitonan sd aitended chiuich ber.Sudai. li la mrorsd liai B.EL Faulneru-hba nod hie furmate Ni-. Schnock of Liberty-. ville. i-e. Schnock vas forîneris- Mise Nda>"' Sg.of ibis place. Miss Frances Larsmeu sud Miss Dorotby Masi cf Evanelon, versthie veek-end guesaiflb.elatiei's parents, IM. sud Ni-s. E. E. Nareh. Mise Bertha Faulkner, wbo ben issu fil for some lime vith typhald lever, vas taben te the home oi ber sul, Mie@ Weich cf Rossi-i-nus, ta recuprals. Preacbing service hoglus at 10:30 a. n., tood by Sonda>' sciaai. Es-or>- one in most cerdiaillu-inied. Tiere vas ratier a sinaîl atteudance Bt lie Ladies' Aid heiS aitie hoeeoa Mi-s. James Taylor, auly es-ven hing pi-osent. Meusrs. Geo. Kapple and Fred Van Zaudi altended tbe daîr>' sbaw lest Weduday. RUSSELL The Ladies' Aid viii meel viii Ni-s. WIlI Melv-ille, Thursdaî rnarbing. A lai-go dlegatiian aflie RayaI Neighere sittended tic banquet et Waubegsn lest Thursda>'. . Ni-. sudNi-s. J. J. Page bas-e gone hack to Waukegau for lie vinior. Mi-. euSni-s. Wrn. MrCauîbll lef Mondai morning lai- tiimomoin South Dakota. R. G. Nmurie sud farnly, Mn. anuS Ni-. Mi-a@beili.Oas-id Mumie sud Goi-dan Banner @peut Sodai viii Mrs. A. C. Coiris and famil>'. Minnie heeves spent Saierdai sud Suudsy t berne. Dr. Lewin vas a Kenoaha viitai- an Salorday. cynicc OmkiO=ut^gain. "Do 70e thinkIs lu nlucky>' lupoeli lieue a w.dding day?" "h amy b«~ but If ira do't postpono h you 'vil b. married, no vbat are you to do" Uncle Sam is Willing His charges are omall. Only two cents brings your check, draft, etc., to our bank for deposit on a checking account, from -which you can pay out mon- ey by again uslng a etamp. - It often ktavee several hours trne, anud your check lias other values besides thbe money it calla for-it la a receipt and rec-ord of ail transactions. Mail us your next check. THE CUTZENS' BANK AREA. ILL R. F. Rouis. Irving E. Payne, Vice Prosient. Cashibr-. Mf hd ~li 59W MEIII3 T FORT Headquarters, Said" to Havé Ieoeived Word Troops Have Cros<od Mexican Line. REPORT IS UNCONFIRMED. If Suoh is the Case It W ould Mean War-27th Regiment Said to Be in List. Waukegau, Nevember 3. Sensational Information received ai hoadquai-ters at Foi-t Sheridan today would indicate thai war vIthi Mexico can ne longer be avoried. The. report was to the effoci tIsat four ti-oops of the Second cavai-i. the Twenty-sav- enth Infantni vbich left Fort Sheei- dan about ive years ago lu taire a position cunithe border, sud four lai- talicns of narines, crossed the berder iodai. Thie Sun aiiompiod te coufirm these reports but was net successful. There vas wild excieent ai the fort e-heu they rer. ieceived sud it te satd liai the treops there have been placed In ieadinegs to ho sent t0 the fi-eut ai s monenisa notice. The relations beiveen the United States and Mexico have become 50 straiued o! iste unit everyeue bas been expecting momeniaril>' te bear tiai war bas been declared se the report recoived ioda>' diS net corne as a complete surprise. Xi is possible tint the report ina> be vithout fon- dation bai fion the conditions unit bave existeS for soine 11111e lime it le ver>' easy t0 believe that suci a condition eally developed ioda>'. If these ioops diS cross the border todas' as reporied, It cen mean but oue thing -ar. The Mexican gev. ernent under the diciaiershlp of Huerta bas been awaiting a slight ex. cuse o! any kind te break off ail friendl>' relations sud declare e-sm. There have been several skirmlshes ou tie border but ihese have net been o! onfiieut impoi-t te make thein grounds for a w4r. TuÂT RESOLUTION VS. SLOT MACIMiNI3S Belov le the formai resolution adepied at the session cf the lAie couuiy Sunda>' sehool convention ne- gai-din&glgot machines lu Labo coun- iy, held ai Anioci, Oct. 29: 'Wboreas. lu the nortbwestern part of lhi eouuty. especlaîlly In Fox Labo Inglesidé sud lInlise region ai-ound Autiocb. a vasi numben o! gambling machines are lu vide open operation nsotiy Iu the saloons. sud "Whereas, these machines beieng to tho aloi macbine trust sud where- as tue officers ot the lav bave siezed the independent machines sud de- ptroyed thon sud the trust machines bave prompti>' tabou tueir place, "Whiereas tbese saine officers bave pros-ou tueur sbit>', vien se minded. te eail> seize thon, "Thorefomo. lBe l Revolved, that Mi-. Ralpi Dady, the staie's attorue>', sud Mi-. Green ho calied upen ta tub- 1111 ubeir pro-eleciion promises and ho iequestod te prevent a repetitien o! lie isgi-acofui conditions vhich bolS svay Sering thie sunnor o! 1913 sud seize suddSeti-o>' ail ganhllng machines luntip district." TWO DIVORCE CASES ARE ¶IED - Il Waubegsu. October 30. Tva divorce actions l ilihSe- soitien lu lie charge, weme fileS ln cii-cuit court toda>'. Marie Ennoit sues hem husiaud, George Emnetl. ctainsing liai they wee miairieS ai Highwood, Oct. 25, 1901, but thai ho ulserted ber on blsy 30. 1905. Tie>' have one ciSd. Han-itue Gardiner o! UAbortyville asks divorce froin her suband, Evelyn Garidner. Seseriion charge. Fao>' vore marrieS Dec. 24, 1901, ln Nort Rose. Nov York, sud be ieft her Au- gunt 13, 1906. Sio azks te bave ber maiSon narne, Railette Taylor, m stomed to bem. ENJOINFU TAIING IIEATINQ PLANT rwwmj lie coupon ofler tie date vii ho exisnd- ed utIl Salai-day eveunug, Nov-. lSuh. Miss Esteila Grâce returned borne Tues- day evonlng alter noverai days vsil vith relatives lu Chicago aud Park Ridge. Mr@. Mai-y Rafier fs vislting relatives and friends ln Chicago this vsek. Miss Auna Mi-aien of Chîcauo, speut 1 the i-t ai tie weeb in veur village. Mr. and Ni-s. Bqury Geai-y visited reative@ at Long Gros-e, Tuonday. The ladites cithe Baptit thureh viii serve au cyster suppor at the Wcodman bail on Salurda>' evening, Novemers-8, iran 5:30 te 9:00 o'ciock. The pris aof the. nupper las25 ents. The danse st Oakland bail laot Satur- day night wvasveil atteuded. Mr@. Geo. Neyer cf NcRsnry, ie speud- iug the veek ai Mr. Maman's. Walter Marin ocf Nontana, is viitting ai the hone of hie broiber, V. E. Martin. Heur>' Maman speut Sunday sud Monda>' aI Ni-Boniy. Mise Ruth Klmhoniy cf&Chicage, visited relatives bore Saturday aud Sueda>'. Rev. T. J. Murphy euleriained Mrii. Casey ai Chicag;o, os-or Snndsy. Miss Belon Murphy speut Saterday sud Sunday a e ernoe bei-e. Hugb Mari-un 8r., rolorued houje hst week after an exlended vîieil;viti rela- tiv-es lua Montana. E- -FORT MHI1U Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Towu.eud re- turned Monday evening frein WIBcousln, where they bave been @pouding the psut two weeks witb relatives. Mise Marthe, Rossdeutcher la speuding the winler wiii Ni-n. Humner Baner. The Fort Bill Aid society rnet with Mrs. Gussie Tovnseud Thureday aiter- noon. George Davis af Wisconsin, vas a visitai ai Bei-b Davis' Saturday. Thbe fermeoho E. Shanks, Burton Srnith, aud A. D. ltovtiug have been made s @%&te ganie reserve. A family by the naine ai Bubbsi-d from lirayslake bave moved ou the ahi Chas. Wait lairn, nov owned by Hohen. &dle estate. Ni-s@. Fred Converse speni Satu-day 1aiternoan lu Lihertyvillo. rThons wlll ho clkolr pi-actice for thu Round Lako cbnrch services at tbe home Sai mai Liwiier ai Round Lake.ý Piday eveniug. November 7. Everybody ln- vlt.d. l ZRIZZ i-s. A. Baunebi la spenpdingr a fev Zion Case Where a M9rtgage- ve.bs viii bei- parents, MNru. sud MNrs. H. Lois, ai tuis place. Covered House is Taen Be. Miss Amanda Caumeer entertalned fore Master in Chanoery Chîcago fri-endit over Sunday. Wiliard Scbvwrma entered the Wan. Bocause Ni-s. Kittie Jsugclaus of kegan Busines. oege Plait Mondai. Zion Ciity removod tue heatuug plant Lait Fiday eveuiug a H&Uoeoen train her dweiing lu Zien City ou surprise Par-ty vas given ai the home et wbich the niai. bank e! Zien ba a morigago, Cashier Beowovfets L. B. Pejir tinoai-of Miss Marie bsnk Filis> obtalned an Injupetiuu Pepper. The occasion vas ber bîrthdai bel or. Masier lu Chaucer>' Heydeck. suivermri. The evening vas pleai- or reatiaing hon frein tailgU a nti' pent luplailus Halove'eu ava>'.Zaaan frsmnewr rvd Thie case van ratier unusfual sud geinse,0 su eig eple er. stereS. Inuerontlng pointea aiose. TIse lav laAbui8 on polevrgahet thBt a residonce on vhici a moit he. ge la beld. canuiot ho distunbed, ir M-sd Mn. AI Voelig eniertaiueit bans e tsviit vas tesued by the circuit clerk on t.enater'p eider. Cicaglorelatives aver Snnday. Quto a nimber et ou? f tfl b"ies aiisudd 3he Uov gPicture show "ai Se~'sêiiitriimst Paltins SUnday Jehn Dolmen la the uew bar tender ei à. B. Kivas'. tabing tbe place of L. A. IRrunobson vbo 1P îaking a vacation durlug the vintor mentis. Min. Bd« m ugbiou veut to tbe City Monday lu undergo an operation aiithe Wests"debooptai forsan &bsooms aud by a SaJi viiec a uitile girl.. Ber mouber, Mms.Gso. Broügbton sud Dr. McCorrnickt accompanted ber and frein laset report sbe la gsttuung aloiig utcely. BeW.aiertwome wltbaseniousacident MMuaI vbsu fSsdiug a coi-n sbreddon ou h Hberiy 3àvis farm a mile uortb cf luvu, bavlng bis rigbt baud caugbt sud smasohiebisubmansd rut aud second fluger.lie vasIrnmediately brougbt te tovu lu Dr. MeCrmick'e office wbo fouud It nscsasar-Y te amputai. ithe ihumb at the frsi joint aud the frsi two fiDges. ai the.second joint. Wbule lt W i ar hlmup for sevorai veeki and pariydientfls bis baud b. la foruate lu esepiug witb tbe ioue of bis inger. ai a corn ahredder sldons sparse the baud whsn caughi. The village board met la regular smesin Mouday eveutng viii Pi-soldent Kent lu tbe chair sud- ail members pi-sent. After paseing upon bisepi-e- seuted plans for seating and heatinc uhe villae bal wer. discnssed. Ilvs dectded te beave the malter vlth the building committee ta purchase 200 foiding chairs and a good. stove capable of heatlug the hall. Wlth thesetva additionst Ibail lviio ully mquipped for auy use sud the. ladies of the village ai-e planning on iuitiatiug Ih by givlug a supper and card party lu thé near future fai- the benoît aof tbe depot fuud. B. E. Mamansa fali epeniug Saturday and tii entire week bas been largPly attndod. but te ensile ailtot profit by Hi-s. Kimbraci e! IlilghlsuSPark,. Ni-s. S. P. Brand et Highland Park la visiting ber daughier. Vmrs. Wessllng. 1 ibis week.11 Hi-s. E. A. Pi-aulx anneunces the mariage o! ber daugiior. Lillian, ta .Ni-. Carl W. Rickisardt. ou Saiumday. Nevembei- lai, ai SI.Joe. Mîtchigan.j .%I-s. Lydia P. Hoyi, wbo bas heen visiting hem sou, Wm. Heyt, o!fIVîn. nelka. returned berne Tuonda>'. Woodman Todd Io qulte 111 viii an abcess ender bis ai-m. Th ii.tist meeting o! lhe Deei-loid pareni-toaçior association ibis faIt van beld lu the United Evaugelicai cburch Friday afiernoou. Ni-s. Suppie. prestding. Miss %IcMahan's pupils sang a number o! motion songs and Miss Supple's pupilei-cited a poee about tlebaves. Upo4 suggestion the society applted toi- memberahip lu the Illinois C9ngi-ees fer Moteon. Ni-s. 'Reicheli. Hi-., sud Miss .Iogepblne Woodmau rend papers ou the work of the National Congresaset Mothers. Tho motion thai lie Élues ho Increased troiS 25 te 50 cents for tlis year vas cariled. Mliss Ruth Reicheit visited the Htghwood and Hghland Park achools F'riday. The W. MI. S. were ontertained at the home o! i-s. J1. A. Stryker Tues- day aflernoon. A ver>' iuiemesting program vas rendored. À lenfiet ou- tiiled "Tabe My Silver and Ny QoiS.' vas i-oaS by Mms. MilIeu Fi-aulx, aise a solo ,'YourI- LghitsoNeeded,' vas gis-en lu the devotionai service . The subjeet 'Mormonlen as a Life." vas ably reudered b>' Ni-. I. R. Robin o! Chicago. -.Mioss ellg tolS about tie Sedication of lhe le-e Mormon chui-h- os lu Chicago by Joseph Smnith. A 'ai-go ailendance o! memiers sud friends vero pi-sent. Lunch vas semved sud an enloyable secial hour vas spolsi. The Ladies Aid of the St. Pautes Evangelical chai-ch e-tII meet Tiums- day ai the borne of NMms. F. Bosoid. Mr. sud lire. William Siryker anS farnil>' o!Chicage vire lie guosts o! Mr-. sudHi-s. George Guider Sunday. There is gotuz ta ho 40 bours de- votion cornmeucing Friday, Nov. 7, ai 10 o'chock and viii continue untîl Sunday evenlug, ai the St. Patiick'is chai-ch. Servtces every morulng at 10 oclock with solemu btgh mass aud vilii ese witIl solernu benediction on Sundb evening. Rev. Father Lynk, 0. V. D., will preach the sermnons et the morinng sud eveulng services. The jubee viii be made b>' the peo- pie of the partsh lu counection with the 40 heurs. Mi-s. Poster returued from Chicago after vigsttlng ber moiher. Mrs. Anua Doyle vas a Chicago vis- iton duiigthue veek. LAKB VILLA CHICKEN PIE SUPPER. Tbe Foi Lake Cemetery secieiy yl serve a chichen Pie supper ai Lako Villa, Wedneeday evsuiug, Nov. 12. firn 5 e'clock util ail are served. 1Chii-bn Pie MENU Maobed Poatces Ciauberrits Cabbage SalaS Biscuit Piclien Fruit Cake Cafte. suppor 25 cents.c-1 NOTICE TO CORRESPOTIDENTS. Independent correspondants in soe cases are geftlng therIte'ims li be lae for proper handllng. W. wouid urge tienn If possible, te hea" therm ln oui- office by Tuesday. STOCKING WASNIT tiOLe PRMOV A young Engliui, girl flot far from here lost one hundred and.sev.ateen dollars a short lime ago. This money rep- resented her- savipgs of three years while in this' country, with»which she w as plann> ng to return to England to sec her'sisters. The, money was kept in the same place mdany, other peqple keep tieir's-in a slocking, which ike other stockjngs wasnfot hole proof. That'salthere isto the story. W-e suggest that YOU get a Home Savinga batik to save VOUR money in and deposit regularly in a National Sav- ings account, where your money is safer and earns lhree. per cent interest. Why flot do it today? TH1E IIRST'NATIONAL BANK ILibertgville, Illinois r" '~~fMiliburn Pire Insurseice Asseasmeni. ~ jIThe Dir@ecors cf the NilibounIMlut Mrs jon Dnne etprsnd ,,_IDsurânçe Compans- bav' levied an pan> fi-arn Rimsesil Tbursdav. iassessnien th ui-Ie lass.-s oi 1!013 amnntinul 1,Su.o!tie Mr. sud i-s. Mitchell, nue oei, of:,dolrrsad i>'cnt $3SI n e Ponw Ila.ii., @peut a vsek viii dlassdffycnt s- ,»u ah Nenso Webb sud other rosativt's. Mr@,. eue thousaud dollar. înâured. Said sasasmest i viii odue and,'alh'ed ioi-ilu Di-. sud Mr@. Jamison voe.Lbertyvillle tirity day.. visitai-s Saturday. John A. Thain. Ssce MM.. rme Sii-aug ti-ansacted buoitiom INilhbui-n, 111 , Nov. 1, 191,3. lu GiaisIsba Saturda>'. Mr@.. Rusa Wedge viii take a menîtis. Vacation sud Ni-s. Smith of lirayslake, ILLI14018S LEAOS ALL STATES ON vili Duies Mrs. Jossie Straug vbile abs 1THE MANUFACTURE 0F GLUCOSE le avay. Washington, O. C.Nov. 3-Iliuola Mi-Ded INlou .1Ant.ý., wa a leds ilstates lu tie manufacture Misuveto Tifiu'a Anîli, oa!glucose, according toa areport on M- Go. enney o Ilieviie, pen!lie glucose and stai-cb industries soon Fnida>' vilihbem daugiter. Ni-@. A . 1 o. lubllehed b> lhe enus sbu- Martin. roe. Iowa i-aube second. Nev Jer- Miss Ali-e Jamieson ai Chicag. lient se 5r,9ad nin orh the week-end witi ici- parents.- _______ _____ Mis@ lues Polleck ofi Chîcawo, visits-d Jewelry and SiIverwarp bier mether Saturday sud Sunda>'. Dr. Smith, veluenrian oi WaukegaD, I1 baYe the ageni-y for H-Loin tmansnctod business in Ibis viinit> Black. wholesale Jewelersoe Boston, Tuesda>'. Mau., sud have mof t inatl ines et Warren Cemnete-y saî-iety viiilai-d' ibeir 8aunnal hazani et Gui-ueo bail, j JWelry and Silverware Sampleç Nov. 14. xvoiybody vee-iiio. Born, Oct. 31, a hoy' ta Mr. and Mre. E. A. Mai-lin. Mrs. E. A. Mai-lin recelved word Sun- day ai lie deti oi ber sister'st.ahy, Mrs. Fiai-once Acien of Kenooia. H. J. i'ololiee uctioeer. cOi;t The Milîhurn Ladlies' Aid are preparfiug ta gis-os courge af euteitainmenls ibis vinter, tl ieti-sita laoplace Tianke- giving igil. Miss Mande tCleveland, vii> e-esos erianel>' hurt ai Wheaton, II., is otill uable ta attend si-hool. Miss Belle Watsau vas a Chicago vieller Saturdsy. A vony pleaaltHBalaveon pari>' vas bolS aItie home of i-. and Mr@. John S. Dawson, FriSa>' eveuiug. Th'e cuSe vas artisîlcally Secorated for the occasion sud an elahorate supper vas mérs-oS. Wn. Neyer sud famiby mos-ad 10 Miesoari, N. LeVai sud fanil>' have rnaved te Belesidere, Ill., Ni-. sud Mrs. Jco Woodaî'd to Wsukegan anS Mr. Huti-binson sud famil>' io Liiertyvillo. Ail lait Thureday. Ni-n. Joeephino Natiew vilI epend the winter viti relative@sBt Rochester, Minu. She lofti Turedai. Nies Agues Bonnq disd Tuesday moi-n- log ai 2:20 s. n. Funeral Tiui-aday alterneen fi-enthie bouse, beilisa IMilîhuru cornoler>'. The relaisîlsoshave the. sympati>' ofthie tammunît>'. The Milîburu Ladies' Aid society posnt- poned theur - hassar tu Weduoedsy, Nov. 12, ou acceuni cf lie Seau aif Mise Agnon Banner. The DoJgoechool viii ho cloeS tie remaindor ef lie veek on accouni of tue deati ef Miesu îOieri'sBont. Piano Tuning Lâeave ordere ai R&YasFn-niure Store. Worb doue by Mn. Alden. c.45-tl ever shown in Libertyvili-. Pricei sud teint are rigMà. WiII b. pleased bO caII on YOD. Aise agenito TOILET ARTICLES. AI. Lyon LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINoIS Handiore in Desigu. PoverNl-Sii.i-slrpi.ef. Noisleies-Solid-Coopat-Cou,ei.,t as e hou6ed vibli elier eoe-trie or gasoliuneeugiuepower. lias-eaogsncy for tiefSiesenbropp Gasollue Engin., %. orl% ici-se pawer, especialit- adapteuj foithii.particular ci-lais aiwork. Wiii ho Pioased ta deinosîmte Bt &Dy Ine UPOn appoitinent. For furtisi- Particulans addrsss or toiepuone WM. J. SCHRECK, Phene 267-L-2 Libertyville - mlinois F. BAIRSTOW RMANUIrACTURI[n 0V Marbie and Granite, Monuments CemeterY Work Of Every Description CorresPOndence Solkfitgd 116 Genesee St Waukegan> , Mr. and Mrs. 114 ?berrien and Bn vers tiie guestse of r. and Mr@. Henry Therilen of Shiermbrville, Sun. dey. Mr. Sarah Adams la vlsitiug ber daugbter, Mrs. l. iUmbark ef Ci- rago, tbis weec.Mr. and Mr. Ira Gardner and Mr-. and Mrs. P. H. Meyer woeathe. gustie t ofMr.and Mia. E. fl'rtscb or Everett, Bunday. MoýWsars. Harvey and Albert Nelson r ofChicago,uspent'Thursday aitheb horne of Bd Tiierrien. lItr. Gilluiore gave a very Interent. iug talk onu*'Thes Need otf rayer." ai the Presbytertan chureh Suuday even- tnlg. Mrn. Irving Rehm of Chicago, vis- lted friands hoers tant week. t A union meeting of teaciiers and bofficers wae beld itiei.United Evan- 1gellcat eburch Monday eveing. Re- ports were board from the different delegates tu tbe Sunday scbcel con- vention ai Antiocb. The Mission Band vill meet Bunday atternoon et the Evangelical churcb. r Parties vere beid Baitheihornes of tMiss Clara Pyle, Mies Piiebe Beck- a mau, Mise Buste Fanion. Mies Jose- phine Woodman and John CarneLl e Miss Isabel Kiesi of Wiirnetie, ws @tbe week-end guest of ber grand- e mother. Mrs. L. P. Todd. Mlesdamnes F. Horenherger and Fred Beckinan vistted tbeir aunt, %i-s. Hoif of Golf, Sunday. Etyhit merniers of the R. N.A. were entertalned by- the R. N. A. of Wau- akegan Tburoday. a Miss Malyet aud Mr. 'Morris. Miller ewere the guetta of the Misses Ftsb- er of Chicago Sunday. y Mrs. T. L. Knaak as the guest o! Mmlie. Kimbrach of Highland Park, FSunday. "ibi a Mm ýtýý"U th i 777177- Ugdwarc vIi baso OtoJc aadition' -t George formerly. lies vii Round lac"as CeoSrne< drummer week aud filboys,, tbe &id a1 pi-oopecti The me bers bave a Prise Nov. 15t dam Mi ftw dayi Chbicago e Alfr-ed Siontezul vilg L The t0 bail lit i