*"-~' TArE! NOVMMER 7e, 1l.- -e By ORA& E. KABON Correspondent -Phone 84-19 eoProffltaUvO Ugdward B. Frye, a oesi Monolom, Wiii bsat4the opera bous. one ight oni., Fr"&y, Nov. 14th. Otto Jobeweo of Ormesh lab,. puttlng llabthessat fua to lr la' addltiolo 1bu George Rcon Dov of Rooblord; formeri> o! Round Lake. @Pont Thursia> boes vtb hie brother, Wm. Hlueon. Round iLake laoesranily vel 'drum- wed" as fa as occident Insurlinco in couoerned. Park. N. Mdusor, one of the drumins.sbad a runsaa on. day lut vaak and b.d his colai bons broken. H. te bowever, ahi. 10 b. about and villi the aid of a secîetary, la stili iooklng uP prospective candidat«s. Ths mambere of the t. Jo.sphsacburch bers bave annouaod tbat they viliihold a prise dance on Baturdsy eveulug, Nov. 15th. dainMcClintock, vifs and sou, spent a ftv day. luit veek wtb friands in Chlca4go and Elanston. Alfred Smith bas returned from siontzumis, Kan., vbere be bas hein visting is parenté. The Baliove'en dances ab Anana hahlluat Frkda> sventu Wuva suee -3 both smaUr "md ad ily. labo VIlla"v Wousll 9:sawsdb> two bue "Md.of wvolAbve youmw pope Tbes annouosi a damesla 1t1boirhom lflo.26. 4tpbeabes ipdrng44Jq vorie mole vs vl et" oa undiolatum B. C. Weblier, aubier in the bank bors, bas nom e 10Bion Bey, Wl.., vhor- ho viii iit is brotber.la4av vo le âtataseAttarms>of Brovn Cony, Wls. M. A. shêl. 0f Labo Foreit vi irehieve Mir. W.bbsr. Jo. Spect, botter kuovnauas "Nlfty," bas rsslgnsd is position at H. P. Gioske'.s tore sud gonebaek 10 Chicago. fl.ury Otadfoid, the popular tonsorla arilaiofiVolo, Wva apluamat caller be Mondal of timis eek. BOHOOL NOTES Alile Jung bas passsd lu the Brual Ove sxerds.s of! Vbat's mtbod of vritJng. ContSuperItendent of eboois T. A. Blilpson vistd oui sehool Wednes- "aY o! lest vel. Thom. reelvlng plnit slips for th moalli of Otober vsre: 'Irans "d a , - Musiir, M" sRolangAile Jillge, cora UÀtvller, Mabildae mus, RBua Roeng, Midr.d /Davla. Vilait, Rars. Evely3n Hnncharlotte Bebu. mucher nad Abert Muler. frhbos tha ver. absent Monda> vsrs: [elhsrI cdeon, Allie Amaun, Nom& Rumona, Midrsd Devla, Oiver Richard. on, Lue>Roelg, JaS. mmd feule FIsb end Chute Hlrmu. -.J ouldaMy evanina, Nov. 141h. Viret sopper ssrved froým 5:80 t107:30. Prog- grain viii begin at 9 o'clock alter vhicb eupper ai b. served. Bunday, hovember 9. belng World'a Teippsrance Bunday, there, viii be a OpeClal temperanespiogran giron by 1h. Bunday sebool of tba Gnrnee cbuicb folloved hy mn addrsss tu the W. C. T. U. by tba pustor. Bev. Cordeil. The W, C. T. C. are tu attend lu a body and every mernier sud fiends are lnvited tu b. pisent. Tite (uruse W. C. T. U. yuli meet Nov. 12, vîit Belle Ormaby. Tba report froibathestate convention St (lalebuig viii be contlnued. A 1ew ulgbts &go robbers again en- tered Martin Luis varebousteat Wadsworth. Tbîy stole sorne oaIs esud a gond scales vhlcb tbey car- lried away after tearing off tbe top. e i -mhave moved into, the old National Bnkrooms im the Proctor building. The Meredith RlEstate and Lon Oompsuy. Will hmndie ail kinds of Real Estate and will give their attention tu the sale of ail kinds of securities. The sale of .'houses, lots and farnas will receive the best of attention and- the se'rvices of this coinpany wil 1w for the best iîiterests of our custoliers and commnuuity. It will be to your interest to list your property with us as soô'n as possible. 'Several opportunitles are open st present, viz: Improved property in Foret (lien loi vacant lts in Liber- tyviile. Site loi Sumurer Humie, six t0 ton acres. Six 10 egiti acres wtb bouse and bain. Vacant lot@ ln Libertyville for a ieasouablv cbeap bue. About 20 acres, more or lees. for Poutry Faim. Erc. W AN TED Houe@ for rentà. Sinîll farta fur reut. We bave a lot of good bouses and faims already listed and wee iii be glad te give good rock bottoin prites on thern.Ounr motto le 'Quick buiness and Smiali Fee." Good modern house in Area for reut. We write ail kindz of INSURANCE in the bout of companies. Call at our office and Get somne af the Meredith Ylower and Vegetable C o. shares at $ 10.00 each bef ore they are ail gne. They will pay you well. You uîîderstand tîtat they pay 7 per cent in cash dividends ev- ery year and that you can withdraw your rnoney ulpon tlîirty days notice at anv timî-. Here is an iuvestment which is realy, an opportunity for anyone who has mioney that is fot already bringing in a good income.1 Cali and see the report of the Public Accountant' concerning the of the business. Certified Condition StÀrage in our large, fire- proof vault for rent very reasonable. It is our desire that aur new office shâli be a place for the transaction of yaur business. It will be open to the use afi ah as a place to meet and transact whatever business they may have. A cordial welcome to ail. TE L E P H 0 N E 2 4 Mis. Pltmeaa basturned f rom au eztecded viti la thse vest. C. T. Nouthrop »md vile of Hubbard Woodà, spmtprt of haut veek vlth C. G. Northsrop. Borth. Faulier la mach better and la staylng villi rus Weeh ber@. Blance Oliverhsla qdlng a ev da". vlth Mms. Bpsssor Crawford la Bristol, 9. . Vanuer and vle spent Bunday N. H. m&d spemer Welch of Chicago, ver. Bonday vicm!tpibore. TAYLOROVE 0. A. Osborne bu moved to blé Day homne la Oxford, VIa. Tbere vas no sebool Frlday. Miss Cunnngham attsmded the teachreo Meeting. tirs. Sbeiiy la vlslttag ber daugbter. Mis. D. Riloudan. Dont forget th. fair at ite Roscrans M. E. cburch. tirs. E. HaatUn" mmd Mis. J. Srahan vsited their mothor, tIrs. T. 0. Hogan Bunday. Lyle Byty bun moyed on tbe L. A. Blair farro. Ne Unfssu Weiht fer Sait. The voiglit of a bushel of sait as .stablizhed ii the liffrsat staI14s varis from "ity te 4ght poundo &<ray:/akÀe Edtsd by P.J. DRUCE. Phone Il Ordes Takssu for Job Work. Advrtishssg rates on aphlicatiffl. Tou Mogg. Isusrilmanagr of the IL W. @Usis arme, mand vifs ma"Mr. and Mms. Mima Lavrence attenfed the, dàir> eshovwljChbmgo. iUss. Jeui Longlabauuh mand Marquis ghah mm ad thefir vIses attended ths club damces at Llertyville lut Tburmdoy Braning. TbeWoman'e Club met villi Mis. John Wsebburn tees Tbursday eveulng. ixteen members voe preeant. 1, Misn Marcda Wbeslr le entertaiulng ber slter, Is. Florence Daubner. Grover MacfaNara0of Kenooba, vas a guëst at tb. Walter Godfrsy home ove, Bunda>. Bei our big Rexali ad la the Baturday Evenlng Pont. Druons Diug Co. The Wauconda drainagle suit bd befors Judge Longabaugh lut Fridai and aturday vas ssttied as followo: D. C. tocking reuelving $25 and Mis.a E. Hagen 865 for damnage on rlglat.of- vay. Wrm. Shanks of IsErais.lad., vlslted 9. F. Shank&anmd lImuN>of haassvile, Baturdayv saitbueday. Dr. Turner and vile of Vaukegan, voesguests of the former'% parnteMr. and ie. Jo. Turner. D. Book l. visîting hie son Chas. ln Chicago. Saverai Iroun bars attendait the dairy show in Chcago tba put week. Chas. MacFar"dandmd fasiiy of Chicago, @pont Bunday ai théir tarin ai Taylor'@ Lake. Tbiom Jackson and vile of Austin, mnotored to Ibeir summner cottage on Gages Lake lunt Sunday and called on friends iu Grayelake. Nliês Z.ta tlaeeey of Wllmette, @peut Saturda> and Suuday witb friands bere. tirs. Juba Bullard i@ veoiting frieudsat Harvard. Mir@. Chas F.elon and tirs. Hurlhert were in tChicago on business Mouday. E. B. DoolttIe tranmacted business lu Chicago Monday. Mr@. Peter Chritianson visted lu Chitcago Mondmy and Tuesday. A baby boy vas boni to Mr. and Mis. Albgraln at Dinces Lako lut Sunda>. Mrs. F. C. Wlbur gave a*Halowe'en party font Baturday evening ta several of bar lady friands. About twenty-llve reeponded to the Invtation@, and a isry platinant evenlmg vu s@peut at playing 500. The borne vu prettily decorated ia keeplng wltb tbe occasion. An elaborate lunebeon vas served at I1 o'clock, aler wblcb the guest depaîled t0 tbeir reepectivs bornes. The Ballove'en party given aItba Royal Nefgbbors bail lunt Friday even- tng by tite Suuday scbool clame so! tbe Cougregational churcit vu very veil attended. At the meeting of the Grayslake Coin- merical Club lest Titureday evening l %vas voted ttthlie club donate 8100 toward organlzing a brasa baud. Titis wiii about purchase the instrument@anmd be a good start for the baud boys. There je notbing that advertiss a toan more than a good baud. Farmers from miles around wlll corne to towu to hear a band concert. Thtis looka like a good move on the part of the Commercial club. Nov Ibat the basket hall season Is again with as it le aileged titat the boys eaui.ot play at the towu hall. It Beooms that tbe citizen& sbould take boid o! the mtter and heip the boys out lu seeurlng a place for them to play. Martin Stoffel le confiued tu his home witb a very iteavy cold. tirs. Beu Rosing and tir@. John Browu were Round Lake vistors tlonday alter nuon. tir@. A. J. Ranymond, tirs. Mary Sahel and tire. S. J. Wagner were in ticHenrY Tuesday. Mir. Vrior of Waucouda, was a Volo caller Suuday. Wm. Dodgoeu bas rentëd tite Wirtz cattage for the winter. 1'here wiii Ie cburcb service as usual at 2:30 p. m. ou unuday. A large atten- dance le deired, as Ibere wiii he a sboit business session alter the service to lay out plane for the year. The postofffce department bas. sent out au aider raquestlng Chat ail pat- rons of rural routes paitt theboxes wite, and place tbeir naines on the saine lu black letters about tvo incb- es higb. This aider bas bien lssued ta every postinaster vberî thîre Inaa rural route. This te douesi aider that ail the receptacles of the mai of Uncle Samn viilha uulforrn. LIBERTY VIL. Mies Ellsabetb Kuobker ianmpsdbagý fev da". at hom.e. Mr. Alebolser of Coveidaie, IIl, vac bere Iooklng over bis property Monda> and Tuasday. 'Ie Star Mlselonaijy socipt> vili bai a Thank-o5serug socia Fridmy oeanlag, Nov. 14, et te bonis of Mi. and Mr@. 9. Heckeavelle'. A cordial invitation lh given to ail ltomre sud balp lu a flood Thietrt ornhstoue luriéised by the ceuse. goveirnaent loi the local emetery vu tirs. John Wirtz wvu called tu Cicago erected on te Henry Williams lot hi lust veek by tbe deatb of ber molhsr. thei !arily a lev day. mgo. Wolins & Mre. Wintebalter. Tha many friande Doane placed tite monument at te of lte lamily sztsiid their sympathy 10 grrave. Tite lite Henry WIlllarns vas a ltse lereavsd ou. veil kuowu aid eoldieî, sud bis mernory la %btus bonored by titis guif frorn the Miss Emime Réke retuinad froni Chi- goveirnent. The famillseof ail aid ca'go Saturday ater spendlug tva vWou" solieis vito bave passed avay yl ha vltb ber brother sud family. fnrniebed ity a handsmrnestone 10 mark Misses Ada,, Berthta aud Emma Kusb- thte lust resting place ol thoeWho bei and Iies Avis Payne @pont the ve* lougitt for their couintry. sud vllb lte borne olks. Edwaîd Mors, vitile playinx a week ________________ &go lutb Sunday accidenlaliy struck i. collai bons aorainet the raillng o! the porch at his home ou Mlwaukee avenue,Ho a e B tW ýI but at tse lime did not compîmîn of F u being badly burt, altitougit bis parente outain hv:aau*s, noticed titat tbere vas eorntblng a d A o r vrong. Abubounbis cillai boueept a ndplm z r growing lurger every day, and on Wednesday eveniug a physician vas Iu fact vi have a full lino of called wbo discovered titat tse boy'. the best RUBBER GOODS collai hune vas broken. ge le now doiug niealy. foi the mrnoey tbat onu Se pur- _____________cbased-come good bargains. Cons in end s4« thons.il e »tr«es IBmr, to Mir. and tirs.Wm. Tituener, tu 510W Seo"da a" gi.yo«prils. Oct. :W, i son. Torgier a fareweli parly Titursday alteflboou. Married retentiv, Miss Aune Linuemaun 'tad tir. Henry Wittenberg, itav. Poeliol yofticiatig. Ftilluuwiuigsaweddiugeuppai . ld a 1ew boure of social euioymnltthe Donald F. Blair, Lake Co. Soil Expert gues deparled for home, wishiug titi spent Saturday moriing at Lee H usons. couple a long and a happy flUe. Thte The universal opinion of the laîmers couple viii reside lu Palatine. vitose firme tir. Blair bas visitea - L. T. tisuàe bas relurned lrom the Ibat he bas hie work ehlu baud sud bospitîl in Chieago, vitere ite vas là an entituiatit voîker. Mu. Blair le operatsd ou for appeudicitis. Be leels gettlng over tite grounud aas lt as la much hbler aud la ountse svi!b road to possible and is reîdy 10 viIt te lirmr ra rcovery. jnsb as enon as possible, aller te cali la Mies Bancit of Woodstock, called on in. rende bers iecontiy. S. J. Wagner sud lamlly @peut udîy Mr. Davis apent Sundiy at Maywood vftt John Smith il Emerald Park. vitit bis moter. vito antîciPates Mrs. Geo. Bohr aud Mis. 8. J. Wagner- movlng treon and sou @pout Wedneeday with Mi. sud ,tIr@. 0reoýnepent a iew daYs viit tIrs. Ed Suydeî of Avon. 1riendd lu Ciicago the pasI veek. Druce DrugCo THE REXALL STOBE Gray"lle, - Round Lak Round Lake Sanitary Buba S"p Chas. E. Mason, Prop. Electrie Face IKa8mage M4, Shampooing a Specoit A cal ill iiiha reailY app9reetsd bg l FINE QIGARS Haadquerers uons Orteeetr LAKE OUUNTV lNO<PINhlDlý Shanck Farm. p... MEREDITH REAL ESTATE and LOAN CO. MEREDITH FLOWER and'VEGflTABLE CO. MEREDITH MINING and MILLING CO. A STATE BANK Capital $25,OOO.OO Lake Villa, lMW Do Y-ou Want C ows?" We Have New Milliers an~d Springers for SaIe.-ý HORSES of ail 5'izes and ages for sale at ail times. If you want to have an Auction Sale see us about the Auctioneer. Col. E. Le Downes & Sonl Phone 290-R-2. Il itusl ied an of 1. if titrea dlfor lu ESION .UCOSE -llinois ufacture port on ries soon sus bu- ew Jer- warp un & oston, linos o! mi for L ES. -Saf e. Svenieut. ectiic or begency Englue, %. adapted tait auy i fuitIfir CK, Illinois Every lkfted p R