.7 -Qu.CKIi lffl q t depends altogether on how early or how late you send us yotlr ordeý which method of delivery we use. We aim to à i v..ach vou on time. J Rioe Pudding Waii and hou twa tablesvoouf.le 01 rire lu watr la caver. l)ls- salve a quaMrerfa&abox aifgela- lin. iii coid vater, tir loto rire walie bot. cool.add b cupfni o eu- gar, 2 tablumpoane af cioppsd pre- served ginger. vanillla ltaite aud 2 ablofaipr.Served Bfi. put on ire sevorai baure; serve witb wiipped creau. Order These Today Co=n Butf.Cabbe.ge Whlts Turnip%, Rutabagas Paraniple Cairotî,Cole"y Ittum mad Svwee;Potatoee J. ELU T'RI.GG S PH ON ES 25 AND 3 MACKINAW COATS E VERYBODY'S wearlng them, and if flot now, they will be before the, winter ia over bocause they are the nifti- est littie all-aronnd outer garaient ever made for nen's wear. Hunting or skat- ing or walkixîg, for work or for play, they afford the best of protection, for they are- both wiîîd- and water-proof. And for ail their warînth you will find thei surprisingly liglit ini weight. Every on@ is carefully nadt' and the' ma- terlal stlected for both wear and appliar- ance. ' The water-proofing procem, to which ail inaterial is subjected, give the, coat an added value, for it does away with the' use of a raincoat even in the wettest weather. ¶We have a full int, of plain colors and plaids in ail the popular shadee, ln regalar and norfolk stylo# and in three length-ahort medium and long. Ton wllhave toéee the coat8 to ap- preciate them. Price5 from $to$ J. B. MORSE & CO. ÉVÉRYTII>NG. OR MEN TELEPHQNE 14. LiBEFRTYVILLE, ILL o FEEDERS FOR PRO FIT Sh:uW lot Arcady Dairy Feed Made in Lake county by a very enecemful dairyrnan. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU IT IS RIGHT. Our Rd Comb Poultry Feed le the BEST for getting EGGS and PUTTING ON FLÉSH with young, growing birds. Neariv every- body is u.îng it now. TtY IFr. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Old Depot. Phono 47 Bi4n Har. 20 Years. Several Men Kîilled A Lot of Nice Young Beef, and we are now Cufting Themý Up CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. T MERTY V aTleEeILL. .1 o.ciertyvi//e fes xXxxxxxxxXX xx _ I Te s ublicaton ln the IndeVen- dent. copv muet b. ln the office no lter lima, Tuéeev ofteach woek. Adi.,- tisers. eclaiily art asked te take particular notice te this offecci. lir. à d Mms. Join Weich @pet esvral days witb frineain Anlioch. E. A. Blâhop,*ai1lthe libertyville Lumber Co., Ta. la Cicaga Tueeday. L. B. Grice of Aniocb, Tai bore an buoinemi Tuenday. Mr. and Mr. Fred Croker wereChlcago pamengere Tuusday aternoon. ~Marhai Ernst HorIon of Antioci. waa a taller br. Salurday. Helen Caiey vislted in Hghland Park and Lake Forest Saturday. ]die Pearl Hughes spent Sunday iu Highland Park. Mir. DeCoudre. of rayelake, waa ber. on businees Wedneday. Mimae.Jedllcka frorn !ifla, la etsylng at the borne ofliri. Rose Md. Taylor. Wbeî your appetit. by taklng a look la tbe diplay wlndnw af lhe Model Cash Miarket. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the.borne of lire. Sarah Morse, Tueeday, Nov. 11. nt 2:30. Borner Rende. rehurned TuedaY train York, state wbere b. »Peutt he pait iv. weeke. Mise El.,. Hum la einPloYed at the Librtyvile Lumber Co. office ai stena- grapher. lim. LyLe Andrewe sud chilîdren epent Bunday wlhh lite former', parentéeeât5 ai Roudoul. The Library cammlte met Wedues- day sud maI e arrangernue ta purciase Dew book@ for tie librarY. Mr». Peter Mowers epemt Nouday and Tueeday wilhbhie elter, M re. E. Cavanaugh i aIEvauton. Mr8. Leura Griffith of Kaliepeil, lionîsua, in vmltng ber mother, Mi. Davison, who in verY Ii. m re. Johu Doieumaler ealrrtalned hem mtier, 54rs. Frauk Mitchell ai Prairie View. several days tlii Teek. Gea. Amaun sud famiiy bave vacaled lo.ir horne on Fait etreel sud moved ta thie D. N. H[anan tarin, sauti of taTa. Art1Bar Clement ai Chlcagao. general manager af lb. Amriran Wlr Fonce Co., avait Tunaday a% lb. falory bers.. - Mr. and li,. jeu.Longaugh-and Mr. and Mlia rui.s haler ai Oral@- laie, Tors cellere bere Tbureday evenlng o lnt we.k. lire. Paul liacOuffn entertained b.r ulter, Mie Narma Lma Park. tram lb. gsIal. Universty of Urbaa, the latter part oi lait we.k. Tie Alpa Club Tent 10 Cicaga w@dne.day, and lu the momning visiteS Hnul Bouse, lu lis alternoon lhe m.rn- ber Tent t0thie Art Instituts. A few of lie girls, tram lb. Tiria Ciap- tee ai lie Wesminster GuilS attended a lunciron Saturday ilu Mandel'O lvory tls room lu Cilcgo. Tie HalioTe'ea ParlY givemi by tb. Epifcopallano ah lthe Woodman baUllhut Frlday eveing wa-o a big sucrs.and everyaue hall a rayai gond limen. Gidlti.red sgns bave brou pisced on thie offine wîndaws of Durand & Duraud, real etete, Io&ansd Insurance broiera lu lie Trlggs building. The. new ociedule whlcb wedtloito effet on lie eiectric in. lait Fcldey causd a numier of local people ta mie connections at Lake Bluff and Ares. lire, C. Edward Carrol.li e Miées Edna Siapler, Helen aud Kate Carraol allnded a perormnance of "Tb. Boud ta, Happliemi" uItie Garrickin uChcago lust Baturday. Win. Edaebai moved i rnllk depol from lb. Wi.ner place o ae r sreelta lthe Glioway fuir, i..bere bo expecla la esteblia nNdrl dalry lu the near future. LIFE INSURANCE. He la a good ctizen who provides for1 bis wlte andecildren. H. lea better ciii-1 men ubo aiea provides for hile widaw andf orpihu _______ SE E BSus Y ANlORN Distict Manager OUd Colony Lifes lnmrance on&» e $am* ckBlocS M Turner Oveslbla a neT pupli at Kat. Carvolle knd«.garen Ibis wsek. [The eblidran bad'a "real grown.up" 13aI- lows'en party les Frlday, whIci tb.y enloyed 1tulime InN. Tb. Tirla Chapler oi the. Wetiniter qnilS mes theb.horne oa i" sHansi 8mai.Tna&eda vening. Aler tbeta a delloloua lunch *a served, and a general ocial hume fol Io wed. Ob My, Oh My.Meye the Mau wbo cama la contact wlth a pair aoflet wlth an anclent emeil, what would leisey? Wa mey gt Barkr'sAuýtseptic. For mi. by F. B. LovELL Co. Tb@. rad pati and dance brid by tha young ladies of St. Josep,@ parisb Wedneday svenlng as tir hown bail waataînded by a large crowd, and the ,vent wai a big suce,.. The Hhlowçw'en maiqurrade gien at tha oebaol bonne lait Frlday rvenlng w s very larwely attenad<land everyone wai surpriseS ai tie good talent and training dleplaW.d during the. course of lb. eoine ntertainrnenl. lu anotb.r doluan will b. ond lie aucian salenomS of ai Mn. ReLOWesler- 5eld. Tb.emalswi ib. ieid Frlday, Nor. 14. 08 thOlb. lIsJ. B. Westerlield's WD iarM"v. uas sof i bertyville and on. mie nortb of HaitDay on bMliwankes avnus. Tb.eliivditb Flower sud Vegetale COMPany hb» a largedispla, et'lhe cbryset"aum show at lhe Art lnsituta hsid tiare thl. week. J. E. MarOMtim, Prmdstoth le carpany sud M-re.Latachaw, mager. are lu attend- suce astlima show. The. villagle bai purcisseld a suction punmp framu Sèhanck Bras. hardware star. for tb. purpose af elrsning lie sephic tank rsceahly etel by W. M. Windem, sud J. R. Muliaiiand, Tia ha@ tie work lu ciarge, Tilt complete lie laak lu about a week. While tié neT village hall is under conetructian, wauid Il ual be a goal maie la eupply a greet need lu thefir in oi a wsitlng rouam Titi gpnera scecam- modelions for Tarnen aud chilîren Tic,' com rnemin urroundiug ltowe ta do ebapping? Suci a public place woul sdvertie tlii. owun mare tia amyhing @Ise to auteidars, anmd tiers need ual b. a groat expense oonnacted tieretIhi. The dancing parti given iy Prof. James Smith ai Chiecg. sethle new Audilorinu Satnrday nigit wai attend- ad by eifgity roupie, and tb. îwa bg i.atureaifltma eveflhlmE ere lb. Tango and th. new oae.mlp Waii. Prof. Omlll'e dancing ria"sle growlng 10 big proportions. and ludging rmithlb altendance ae b.rsoplion ai lait gaturday ulgil bis effort. ane meeting Titi enctees. Tb. Juil Motor Company bha lneaàled a elesm basting syntmm la lb. garage and machine @hop an Milîwaukee avenue. wblci i. caualng qut, a comment by tho.. Wha have acameln ta psy tir garageasviil. Throgiontbh building thers i. e ttaliradiation of n.arly 1400 feel, lb. pipes sud radltor.y.tem being sa arranged ai la mecure the boat posible efficiency. Tir boilier, e larg eu, le localr<l lu a raam belowthle ground l.vei, sud ws. epeclally blîl underr Mr. Juit', plan. Tii. bolier room le a large oansd aIoe cains a closed In coas uin large enougi t la aidscariaad ai coal. Tireetlng systen i.laurn desigurd eeprcislly for theunse lu garages ta m.lnlain a uniorn temperalure eo muci requirel lu lie bouelng of automo- biles throngi tie Tinter. On Octaber 30 Norma R. Ladd pur. camed hlilvery buainessaifFrederick Suili au thie ail aide oa i lwaukee Ave. sud lraeed tir llvery baru. reeldonce sud1 ail lie praperty for e ermoai live yeari.à Mir. LaId plane la aperale boti separ- eteiy sud bas pisord John McCurdy ai manager oi the llvrry juit purciaied by unm. Nesrly four yeara aga lMr. Ladd bougitthli very ou lie Tesl side af Mdiiwauirr avenue, tuel sauti oi tie Libertyville botl, sud sttattime lier. werr.tirer liverie iere. Througi tir purciai. aif tierSithli lvery h. l. tis oue liverymau in hoTu, Ibut amiuree hie patrons liaI a better service ia uaw pasibir unlerthiemre rate. as herela. fore. lMr. L4dd le the rIgil inuforthie buoiaea aud h@bu eccuInlutle big unler. lskingIl e aeured. L. B. O rire of Auioci, agent for Michell Automobile C., .014 a iltile '6" cylinder car la Jack StraItou of Fox Lake, aud aur ta, E. C. Smith of Waukegan tlieweelt. Copn (Addtional Locale on Page .) 1 PaulE ________________ Librty For Fire and Life Insurance sim CHIARLES D. PROCTOR NEW HAMSIRÉ FMR INSURANCE COMPANY. Mihga ute 1.Iuwan.C«MoBy.. .LUWVm LLN The vacanStore r m u luhlbPractor block ou Mhilwaukeavenus iormeriy occupied by lb. FIrsI National Bank bas been i.aisd by the MerdithhPeet stati sud Loan Go.,hie MeredihFioTer and Vegetabie Co. aud thi.Meredith liining and Milllng Co.. and wiil b. used ai general office. by %hbem concerne. The interior of thr building bas been r.- decarel.ed aud lb. office Saxture, are o arranged ai ta give tie place a god appearance. Tier Merediti iReal Eetat. and Loa Ca. io a uew firr n ad wiii hendir ail kinde of reai elate sud give tbeir attention la the. aie of al l io ffeuritiee. The Meredith Flower and N'egetable Co. sud lhe Meredith Mining aud Mllug Ca. are aid and weii eclabîjoerd enterprise. sndthie neT quarter. wilt sdd gr.atly la their prestige Ibraugiontthie coauty, e. tie offices will i. open ho lie geurrai public ai a place la meet and traneect wistev.r busieue hbey ay bave. The lire. .iompani.s ave a large annauncement on paglte utin lilune. IO-RSE BAILIRUNE> A horn. valu.d ai $175 owuS by Norman Ladd's Ilvery at LîbertIvIlI. met witb an unuenial accident Saturdel laut ill, a driver wai laadlng cinderu aI lis pis lunltme Librtyviiie St. Paul yards. The. driver', baen wai turned wben b. heard lhe animalbgln 10 aorI, and lurning around hb.»wA ltlrow ia.lt bodily loina pilb af bot cers. Tb. driver trled bis boat tu gel tie animai up buit I kicked sud Touid maie no effort la gel out ai thi @ eing cindere. The reut Tas liat, by tie lime il bail been reacued, itmelde Tas lorrhbiy burued and iv, rear boale were burned en liaItiey are DaT rnerely bangtug loose an il. legs. Efforts are beiug malle tu save île lite but the. chance. are sligt. i bave Baldwiu'a, Wfgnere sund Falk>- Tatere a a $350 per barrai. Kng'@ $400, SuaT appiee $110 per buohel. Tir finesl apples lu Liberlyvilie. C-7-1 J. E. Meredith, Phone 178-.. CARDO0F THANKS iâi ho express aur elucere tisais rfrieudm sud relatives for tie Lure sud eyrpatiy trndrred us a ur lat@ berraveernt. sien for auhilul floral offeriags. Mire. M. A. Praline sud Farnily. swrek ai Gurnee will occur a ag. wicb nterruts resîlents of ,ae conslderably, lie parties Mrs. Jenle Leach aud Wtlbur mpbeli. In hanor of ber coriug ge, Nîrs. L.each-wss Wedres- he gUest of lionor of a Party the Ladies Aid by Mrs. H. 0. )ng at ber home. Refi esi- 5were served. toasts wrre given %fr. L.each ,was presented v'îth r service by ber friends. Bath Leach asnd Mr. Campbell are nown lu tbe caurty SJane E. Flnary, tracher af voles, btag, voire placiag. intrrpr.lallon tyle. Pupils reee!ved Ssturdaye at sWayne louage aon Park Place or Raye FuruitureS Clore. Pion. tyville 9. c-4-4 H. 0. B. Young of Gurnee l.aIa ont. Neb., vlsltlag bis aister, la alsa villhlg i soeauWho, al- ,h but 18 years aid le yard mas. ntial clty for a big railroad. ILnude's LigtiulrROUP Cure for saie iy ail druggltsm. 50c and $100 per bottle. c.25-ti At your service, Poile, tie auciioae.r. c.C-tf A Remedy for the High Cost of living is to Save MMUMM-ud- TIIEY Home Lui of 'ARE RIGUIT. m .ber Compai' l 1= "IT BEIIOOVES AU. WAJOIND FALL SUITS." It Already Begins to Feel Chmly Around the. Edges. Stop in sud look over aur line of Fail Wooleus. You'll find va suista"l Fabrie and Weaes, lunlb.heaiaon'a color, sud siade., pisu la parhicular dreeare. Youm r mny, FRED CROKER LIBERTYVIL TELEPHM iffl8 GLOV,,ES The 'aother kind of wether" will soon b. here sud gWoves mittene will be in great demand. We've a n ioe Une of Ldu and Cbildren'a Gooda-golf gloves and woolen nitiho caehmere and lined suede glove. and lijud kid mittens with fuq trimmed wrists. For the Boys we have leatber miltenesud the sturdis kind of golf glove.. ..Something New -i-,Shee. - Wearwell"' Sheeta with "Holdfast" corners. * These cor.uere prevent thee meet from pulling up Sat the foot. Ask ta ae hem. Spevial introductory pria., k 78c W. W. Carroll & SonlsG 2-STORES- jNORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHOUM Pirinii*g V il se. Iot o .OVEMÉBER 7y 93 ?LUVN I NTIE 0f 0PENINt NEW 10k> Tb@. movernenl tu open up th. n.w road eat ftra iLbertyville on Highland Avenue sasi to Si. IMary'. road ilabelg rsvivad sand or* long the. village willI reBilve a formai roquess to tae.the aeonary Slips ta proceed wltb th. lmpu'ovenent wblch bas cauo.d à dlv.rslty of opinion Ilb.thecomninty slnce It was etartels mprne Ja . The sae f tbe road at pluent li. hua: The supervlalors roeomnninded that tb. townahio'e portion b. authorized gone ahead wtband iwau done; tbe village Pm" aesaordinaac. grovldng for tb@. village'@ portin of the. work butqotilng wra. ever formally dons lu the. ai o starting work. Eowever, tii.ordinance neyer wra@ rep.aied and thue stand.. Tii. construction of! hlm ,oad east fron the village will necumetale the ereclion of a new bridge aeronsethe river at a point wblch le partleuierly wid. and conelderebie filliig in wlll b. The. road, wb.n uxtended, would run 10 the farm recently purcba..d by R. B. Donnelly of Chicago. The total coil of the. Improvemnent wouid b. about $10000 lnclndlng the, bridge. Thiis Improvenuent le th. one abici te lehb way cammnuleulners turned dowu some time ago. but tb. promotere apposled la lb. uperviiors wbo reoommn.nded it. NEW O!rFICES IOR j MMRDITM CONCERNS -il s PEND a littie less than you earn, and put the balance into a savings account with this b=~k,ýw lu a short time you wiIl stop worrying about, your expenses. BRING YOUR FlRST DOLLAR IN TODAY AND, OPEN THE ACCOUNT. Lake Couny National Banl LIBIERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undividd Profite, $951Oê WIE SOLUCIT A SiIARE Or YOt PATRFO0N AGQILe Get Our Prices on CEMENT COAL & FEEU