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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Nov 1913, p. 9

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LÀAKR, U. jN TY INiJDEPENDENT WAUKEOAN WEEIKLY $UN PART TWO ru lTr A nua 191-M-Pkdt-r1 EAU'a - geram2-e---- K-s--A'a~. çiu ~i DROPS DEAD AS liEWALLKS TO lIS lU WILMETIE OFFICE Wdotesbr litexoeDk Edwin Drury, Postmaster at <il onaldS, Blair.) Wlmette and Former Lake r arm improvemnenit workc la a Co. Man, Drops Dead. parativelY new d4par. it 1,a only -- -boni the laikt four or Oive years [bat- MEMBR 0 TH 96H IL. few jsoated couitlau in the Middle _____FH_9__ IL WstsatRbaetae up thiai work on Ia large Baal.. liowevpr. il lmaa Had Been Postmaster at WiI- rlogîei remult of an endeavor t1 mette for Six Years-Born te r maimum returns on thé farni. in Warren Township. The ilrst real »îtart l n agricul- turai improvemttntwattte esabllalxi Edwin Irury, potmamter at i i. ina of agriculturn] tolleget 19,Practi- .cally ail slatpa ln the union. Tihis mette and a former residpnt (if laka wrkbeng Iargely ixp)erinelt. it1 couny, ho n, arî luWn~e>twa.tfoudletremely difficulItouis township. droppeil deuil Tu.-sday at 3 miqeinate the itiro.rmation g5Jtted front o'clock whilple hwatt enroule 10 the i t-Ir experimrium ntstt iuelia way îas poaoffce hlb h ha teenth !hitu o s it i te averae farner. Posoffeewhih h laitbé.n he,1wa iFarmera' Intttutes [ien [0k Up [lh- (if for mne yeara, hîi dealh orcurhix1 work of passing oui. thbi information On the gtreet Just itafore hé- inh m0 uch a way ai;tutahlo of iervire- his ofllce. Tilese were followed tty a merla->- of Mr. rtiy ws 71 yorK ld nd as ornowmtot and flttally by a nuniber of Mr.Drby ws 7 yera ld ttdcasshort courses in agriculture. uel a aPpiprn[ly la good heaith just lIre- dîferent parts of th,- tY voua[tu bila dealli. As hoia î,saed the [luit hé lat and motit Important of ltplscopial t'burch ln Wllmete avenue all lm tie eouniy farin ltnprov-rnent.f Yeterday morning on bIs wav o hIe Tît t l placing a farm advlst-r ln eachi offbuhh was seeqtu ta tagger and fal. county. lintis lamt telt, every man'm Henry (latea, an oId fread. man te the fart a l reated am an îrîdl'idual liroli- aide ef [be fallon ma, but lie was lem,.rauch the saine am a physician la dead. callil lntaLuadiagnose and prescribe Mir. Drury waa a vetoran of the VIvil for certain and distinct dîseasea. The war, haying served ia tbe Nlnety- farni advîaer la caliéd upon ta pres- lixtbIllinois voluteers. He was a cribe for certain and dlatlnet molle. It membor of Thomas Pont, G. A, R., of in[the ,purent thJng in thm world that Chic«O. Aftor the war Mir. Drury no [wo ferme are alîke. any more [han saaged la the resi stata, business. two people are, and that an individuel HO W vap tolted DosatSr ah Wi- prescription Muet neceassriy ho Miette six yar av,. made for every farta. This la short la A wldow and a dauglitar. Mrs. John the work of a county farin advlaer, T. Uns of «Menîtte, survive. ta &et la the capaelty of a sali ad Mr. Dm" ~always s[tended [he an- crOP PhysIcia. zuiW 0. A. IL. recalons heid la Lake The matter of waste lands also-- - nty by [ho lait@Couahy associa- Ittti patches hors and [haro [bat forî $» s&M bis friands la the county s- mous rosison or anothor do otPro- pecisl7ly theaider reaildents, are la- duee-fi; lanlpeîf esiouglit twarrant *MUrsbl. dospite te tact that hoe [ho ompoyment of an expert, for by sce.oistrou tho county ahea quite a Itreatmen t a llght oxpause. [hase ,0«U-kg us. amai tracta can lhe brouglit Intobfuli Edwia Drury. [he aged voeron wbfl produ<ettn. l ai s tlmtto Tuasday, was action A short tima &go t was My pleanura uate of Judge V. L. Jones of Wauko o îIl a farta ln [i couaty. Thist gam l la rocalild t vas Mcr. Drury farm-îwaa of 'ome over 100 acres, con-1 Who, ail[ho rent moldlor-sallors ra- talnad four distinct and separata manca ld ln Waukogan. roclted tho typas of solls, oach reaurlag a par- posm. We drank from [thae smoean- tîcular treatnent for best rasuits.3 t«... uring whieh Juges Jonuetooti This ma was using a lîberal appli- ai bis aide, tho mgalOcunce of [ho roc- cation of manureaail ovor the fana, ilatica belng vory maAkeo n [he au- but for sorte reason or another an- titismo. Judge Jones naturally fesas knowa [o himalf, ha could not soeurs vory much gievet ovor tho deatb of satisfactory cropa axcept ln spots.t bis former fr101145. Thata [ha point.1 Juat about one-third of is acreaga for want of a better undarstaadlng of1 conditions watt yleldlng lasa than on.- half o! wbat It ouglit ta. Reult-low t Arthur R. Carey,.asisalsman for tho Exceilor Steel Furnaca compa of Chicago, Wetaoaay, Nov. 6, wag la- AT ditl db> tha fetesal grand JurY ona F E 1ÀN E R charges of vlolatngt[ho Manna st. The llogd ofensewas ho transport- TM 'IT-IE lng o! Lanra Flsukter front Burllngton. u l iE IY IE W1à..tu Autioch, . .on-Nov. 6. 1910. ____ Michae l Feuker ad ira. Flauker of Srlag Lake, Wla., [ho gùll' par-.lMr. and Mrfs. J. J. Page hava ru- unta, wero the prosacutini wtnea turnad ta Iheîr bouta on Wet treat, aganst Carey', wbo la lockod i the oMet>' Sa lniMlwaukee. The ladlct- Waukagan, after aIteadîng the suot-a met wus returnet beforo Judge Leu- mer on thair tarot near R~ussell. The1 dis. District Attorney WUlkerpon g avetrmi bang uatanan[ad titis 3ear. \lr.1 out tho followlags sttasant: Page dacdat to g0 out and mun il "Trhers a&"Pars 10 have basa a mIs-hlmsalf for tha season. le hotîglt a applrtsonsihortofore about tha coupile of carloada o! calle, fataued MOUs lathbi sea..It in thoecasa o! a [e n aod~e hlttaOa asarride msm mors [han 40 yearaid, timhebarsoldfarhm It l t in ita wb ýbas a vif. oMd three chlldrea.tm oba fre I n mn t g a girl 19 YearsoIt front one yeara. tate [tu aoutiler. It la trno [ha girl It vas rather a navet exparlenco fort bas reMainot untor tho influence 0 r n o! aeate i hs the man and hau a chutd. The princl- M.atlr.Pg ta i hs Pet Prosocting wvltnooal, however, years, [o rtura [o [bir oid farot andf sUt [ha fathor and mother of the gil" resuime tha work [hoy gava up 80 many yaara ago and both i ikad [hae WELL KNOWN PAAN 18 OEAD. change ver>' much. tacideataliy it la sait tbat J. J.- cleansd up quite a sat-t IL D. Colvin, thé tiret MaYOr Of St. lsfactory sum offt[ha cattle bue fat- Clout lied vos-Y Puddon1Y la [ho sari>' tenait durag [he season and aow tbat WOflMhou', c Oct. 21 st is lato tha season's pas[. he toes't mind it ~Mdiftanti8"a.Ubenê by tho Ma- a bit tu [hink bis place happettad to 00000 b"mtenly Of St.Cloudt lantaeho untenanted t[bis yoar. lfttnua.Mr. Colviji hati basa lan uèe hlb*defor tho e a[vto y- sWOULD PREVENT &M 9a trvkeO f DM517518 aMd seldom OUACKERY IN STATE. MaS bousi. Bis terni cf Ornies as an- Isa trj'lag conditions and fuîl of vexa- Lava [bat vili vîpe ont "qusckery" i tiOsk% UsUMinla&a aovY oransed mua- ln surgary and Medicine la Illînois' lt#Wtty>. Comi-acl Cohitiwuvas 0 will ho anked of tho abit Ilinois log-1 01100das a uaof oxecutive ahllty. llatare by tho rocently organîzot lit- His vldow and Oae son, reiztlng la St.Inioes Btte board of hsel[h, acaouting C06d survive him and have tho uym- [o action takO'at Iheir tiret meeting1 PUI17 of [ho Stire COiIifWtyS-t. bld et [he Great Norhora Hotel, Chi.,1 (bel (Fia.) Tribune. cago. Moatay. so aves [Vo tsughtors, alo[vo The Polictez cf theolnd board vill $tstug r. -Parker of Cooado aud be foiodlti thoproaeeoutio «fvIa, jt "~a J. M VOwiOr Of Ubsgt"'yJ1. [ to 1ra o! tho meca«l practico acte of1 10000%bis 10s. HO vaU & VQWra IM of llnois and enfarolng [b. inwjq or ~I lUcé ml srvl webrs. nIttlpuî. Dr. 0m0W . e 1I âtAt» - lÎh ilW i Fnal. Vas continuol a.lîvosbsatof tahoi ITII ON TO T'HOMPSON WILAGAIN 'SEEK TO FIND A 1T of1 AM AT BE A CANDIDATE - IARRY iRAY, SkID t resuuitebt frmer whoBE NU qoealleufly FOR RE--ELECTIONi TO BELOCAIL MANUMil pae.eo routo frteenieICongressman Thompson Says! Man 111 of Typhoid in Chicago E HI lii titi% catie certain thîngs wera That He WiH Again Seek Says Wife and Two C hil- - presc ribed whicl ut very slight ex- the Nomination. dren Live in Waukegan. pense ta lite man himseif wlll wtbout question litng maximum retîcrnufor F055 MAY "OPOE HlM. IS IN DESTITUTE SHAPE? titi- enotîra acreaga. Take thia Manfi____ case and a ppit' It titrotîgithtie entire, cttuity, arti] one can bîrdlît'realîze- Reported That George E. Foss Waukegan and Highland Park, tii- aniuuît.îof ceait-t retrît into ite WiII Ruri for Congress, Gov- Pastors Seek to Find Where- 1State's Attorney Through » 7W. coutily as a whoe. ernor or Senator.I abouts of the Family. Ii re assOtW r We ainst, also rinember [liai lu CARLESM. HMGrOeeto C asseOnt L d cra id roduction does not onit' af-j aukogtît tîitî CARESM.r - SN. Whîo lm arrv G_______lap _nhe_ Ld. t ti i t ht- t-ciîan ts, tIir(-Ita n krs. tti, 1 lit , i-ff-atc-d Geora- Iltititil-ttpý t n Wa ukeganWnedystAf- letrmrilelfaIlsfitiy ittr-sanlîi 'iittt Tth iircCosaan W ttO 55 huts atatnd.ltAt n-tl'iuzllng SY ORDER 15 PERMAfNNTý dt t ir-te lt.iaytr. liiit act et .ry ltin,- forc eîiiî rýrvsliti Ili., , tt-- t lit nunce I-He Wou id Be CaIndidate tl:'ttuî eztn îîtt te ilktlîî womaî tutI îiîli iiititi cî,îîtl. luirli ~ ~~ ,,for Re-eletton Next Fait. Park înînis(-r, bit as telttpyhaeDcreHe ilPosutEv crae d hlîrO itîî th it- iri. -iit ilc at t i y ad ur tîtl , t rt tîcnltvtît e,;nd ntititng toetîli litent ii their îross-rt fî ee ot.titîtantr i-ad t tora l. ,,, :1r't, foi-an.tigi i hn ufi ery Violation Where Evi- jn i rTort ia tt ev rtt i t l ia i tc-lt-tt it r i tf~l I r rî.l re rh Tovay lit i i Wothwhii, isto ex ral.A fatst iayr; aio tir. C. T. Woîcott. dence us Given Hum. tn' very little. itut at-mu-st ail re iin îakîîg a ta-at ffie d' member fittIluorder toi hokea a arot trnti just mainug frit-idi1:ti arector of theailandtitiPark Lîc Ini- luail îroîîubilbî, the sumuor vi* llipoit-tii i-c in hItud rit ,-t , i '.-î ouîîiiI-lai]t-hurt-h nt-îa mati Iii bbc straclaors ai ftue varieur;laka erasn l IA thorughsucess wheh f tilit b, "O e h I,. h, i %toutlia e tit-lit 10to ieon th(, verge cîtîuirit e-ciseasonahI li e greteo everyotic iiteratpd must got luto fi taisii , ttl- - -of starvation ft h tagr d ntwlth à raillierunfamillar oeht for c ii the rlht sprit uatd tii-ic Ien f ýaI i ain jat to dis-- -- ,cemet i 50wtak lie cîttlîl scarci-It iir-wl an so ahn.Ie helplng un every waut'possibtle, ce op- lt-tstlI -and.Hlo otk titi- nan 1 to s oit, tlaisul odto iie eratingiat)it lispiritand liraitire t 4."00 lard ir, ttî ptîIo tihi, itiisc-itan -d fed htin tialitlitini erui t iti)fitr aa Statea Attorney RIalpli &* makis Lake -otituy tlhc.greatest s ti a liiiThe feiiow manîtiils nnîît-ast-.I arry -andtiShériff Eluter Green are ea edw tjO raut'asd ttatiliei- i-tiiil ani"s", Eastt-erned. <-ets In fartImproivement. Tltcs.'ituiarlea are l lt- tiSi-p.- ~sre.Wucta lir-ltie i'-A h onySna ooiC Aliow me to sount a warning rlght leiohcr tandt[ha alet-ttii tir,-irrat A h onySna colC aoc-. la regard ta saed corn. Tiii->tdi li November suisas niipr lt-e endlof a a ttr litre. vtitionfiehdItnlaAntiocli a fev i.a-, 1h waonly two years agit that w e - c. Mt' uac -tnf >it l Io t.tiai lie lias it ceaaresolution was passed by a. lit a o it wrt 'ars for seed Fu MtRu.i tfi-ettatt -tooi-n'-l7 anîd 9.il iitîtîourt vote, Ita tenor bot"aa <ara wa have ever hait. and ail l- M Toin aa s-lih-bat'le sait ittut'rail ., d ilehic 15t. ' Ûîrienation of tho existenceocfadot" dictlns alît ocrdsa cartt n i tard tuai Mr. Fo s ast5to e aai- anîtIta Iighlanil Ptrk. frtont i llott andatîi îchines ln tha couaty. The roi - ain on oarsasact et itIste for r"e-aatloutii-set vetrHesciiltt't ttt îedc-artlonetonarlte[tlun yeur. Be aura and bang your cari> in si ebdhadt ea r. H WNtoh t,, b tif Ionieu, lu iet(ýIitaretion wal oto eatne at [hoIlirewê audr aplceasposîleevn ftr The reporta about Mr. Fois candi- - mstancas but sit btlt aue lnad that forseo ukuva gi yau hava tried it out. Be sure that GEORGEd EDMfornomeD FOSS.ell 1hl r at[a oa ts. o oahava been lisard [bat ha wouldIlikals 1Former Cougesaman, Who, ReportseOhita uee rygond erIttie ciur ea-cl actriaddestroyed vhilleII once triat out wiltaire on molpture buta acandidate for United States Sena- dv .Ma eete ae sesrtedt hai 11ev. clinnis. turelias- <bnsblnlgt lsoo agalnan utifonet takan carte o!fatl aefMyR-ne aeancie eog- otee freeze aud harm [ha germ-resulting [or or governor o!f[lie atata. JuSt Oppoae TitompaonaPor- Seat ta Con- tor or tire rhîîrcb, ai-to bat tone uuch truist as allocet to oxtret la in a poor germination next yaar andti aich poffi[lon ho dastres to go uftar gresa. Rep..rrts Aisa are ThaiPFousa for hini,'violation of the lav. The la not kuowa. Mt u o osru ru i Atter lia bail rasted lie agalu re- tre ni b lo l ver li' Ilmeaststyor or !i Mn Thompson, lb ta racallet, cas OSentor. sumat bie a-ay. Rev. Wolcott bas [o use their prerogative a aprina or more prefarably tetit It [Is tePorsiecdaefrte f utlanita ryl n h okabnt ldo h wiater andt nexi. sprlng bath. i[oPorsiecniaefr[h f utla1d[a ryl l h okshnl lclo h Seat nat are ve1 lianceisyar lb at year and defeatet Pous a US count>' hospital, suffariag of tyl>hold these machinas anywhere la tIo - BenoeaevY gn hgYe.bg vote. Ho vas formorl>' aldermai WfII uerad isla nquiltoserlous chape. ty. [bi a la a large proportion O!In Chilcago and, a. a firat-terta con- W 1E S VOTE Toduy lia cailed Rev. McGinnis up States Attorney' Dady adub your oatr; contain ni> terries, and are arettaman, be proved bluseif vary ableonteelpn adsk hmoafronta sMrts09 maral>' enpty buils, or that a certain :and attractad conatiderabla attention TO DEAL ALO AoOhaNlpioeadase ut aatrÀo bt sso 1 i portion of tbeut, allIe [bey do con- 'because o! original Ideas hli itrotuc ULAInALUh1a l c od ita onmt' riy arToca n l rsqu Geseu ailtee mei talna a lerry. hava sucit a waak germ ý In arifl bllaho fmedadlirwhat cotin be ar. The loal serlfGeo otll h ao. that that' alli net produce tha kinit of ic usei lSudad BLOI N ILLINOIS pso a otm aseig1 osee plan [btyoiraludn o naxt d.as attiatl.But bera he found hlmnself The latter got busy at OM.nce. patta oar oknfo et1Mr. Tbompuon plans vltîag every 0u) gaînatt a Stone WatI. fi ova'dte P[ h tear t-rvtllage la Lthee1cannttheturing the year vilageIn Lke eunt duing he Suffragists Seize Opportunity :hHe bus heen unubla [ o Ottha bt Waukogan police depastuet 4«, in t'our ,;pare time [bIs ainter. if next tac dat's. Undr re la a Harry Gm>' haire. a Pliceman cas Sent to «Csaa bm you ave god faningmil, grde UderTownship Unit Local lie la Supptoseit ta lba an alectrician ilîshuent la [ha city wheril a MMni q- trhe[MBt and bavas seathfor et ptiouJhln Law ou State. but his nome la not kaown aithechina exista. The proPrietors 1111f* srlg. t andi pat'yoie t aSjcas --for -----SEDI YSPublic Service Company. oriteredto aget rit o!ftlieir uaCbt"&~ woriI [oI reeitar aYU t t0e seay i I IILKI,) DRY WIN IN LARGE CITIES. Thereus .. Eat Street la [ha clty. Not cal>' Muet t[lie>'gtlibell U 4#'L weilto ememer hat he aadide-Naw the question arises: waa Gray' slght. [hoy cere toIt, but [boy terminass titt klnd o! a plant yau ara I AbJfrnIfyr'b.senb gtthmot fthi la«o goîna te, haveandaidnlutis end, o!f $500 FOR i LNU9- Vantn swarnia tolathe polIs Tues- alrev los fom fadeverbaivee n es g The ouitoe olrple. cf &Wbmq. course. detarmuînes hie yleld. Do not ... ay lit IsenîyflOse Illinoia munIcipalii -___deB eauemre n hns faydecito. Teo pht. wakse, ndHie a n 1- JURiY M ES $475 mie'4,ad, scîlit ire single exception o!fwav na ftha ecfause soueRone hIsbnesofa>' deorIpton.the os-dgt collent tma of [ha year from hi-iomutu knowofetia fumlly. ltev. the bas beeincareet eut [o [ais vos-y ter- ho look alter [i9sesad propositiou. ItDtton. iintla gl iiIea-Gni u dea peuIu n' e iLewis P, itthe Chicago punker! tins, Il tasthir lrr-t (chance tO One abo mat' knost o! liair wbere- The sherif hliaanotilledth[le bha" stho ownq 1.2, tires of tand West and i vote tl )ft-i itrte tloii question aol coufat Ih l 0thtl!the polica tepartmenta In [hee isg%. soîthcest ai Lake uForest, ddt ulliehamat' maka an investigation. 'oua tourasandI summor s-5mUeft THE CHIIDCH Jç - ~want ta bav- tht- nea Nernon - ltutti-r tiI ti- teiutil, untirtîlolotion<t __________ .u f.sIsci>aol autUorizi-l iih)bond - is sue ,i 1as t%%lu atc, it-riittodi-ci iwst t ory sut-t I IIL ~ turing, ene-t 1>1itînoeacorner o! lit, NOT THE PLACE TO forty-eodlne a n r of yrethea r tci tt- ttsaili uc ttSON 0F SIIERIFF a!1 1100 for; thalt rî îiaalred.Irerrntftutsttit RS o let tae case goîtota contam"ffnatn o oa ftotfu Lo SHOWIIEAIMiEAR ut tî tti - TOWE NOV 2 1 ti ntitoýnus soting uutder the titanshpui O W D N V ________The condamnîaîon Lsui aert lu lac titi dr> s wou or ritaliatet eigiuteuii. county court wesdestay bafore Ithe cc-,t ii-Id ise. tatd ii-rt- ca-t n If comen must show off thaîr bats Judge Par-tits anti a jury ustrtet [bat' ougît not to choose tbh- churches Nl.Sit o es hnlete'lon- r n Is H .Dciteo h acd beau offecîîi Thei- îîirîîr Iotiîî.e-lîîinatad %Warreutoîi. aniunce tha caming as the exhibition roams. sald tenPral Nfr.Swifît , t1200 iacres i uthe vi- il~ts îîtîîaed catigitîs ti i yvtll-lice Ouamarrlage o! Ihaîir iaughter. NIss Ballington Boolt. iead of tha Vol- cluits aud 11wt-thirt 'v tîliaacre tract i>f tcitat tss, -jotis1rii*i,-ritksof tha Pearl, ta Wiliaum Elmer Green, son o! unteers o! America. liiia rpnînrkaiîla ahidi tuaelrtiticec ,chool site la the narlthwî-sotelice-ton tha eat site i totalli tdcy,-tirligingth li ttr nuot- Sieriffand Mrs. Elmar Green of Wau- attreas In Joliet. oft[ha St. Paut tracks, Mcr. Swiftî lier tu thlirty-one ottiof ti li linois. kean. Tha marrlage ailîltuke place BHats a!fal shapes and shatas are vlairmed ta hi-t lufeîtse[t haiedit roi i Tba fotîr nîas Irirotiant itiemaut November 22nd, ah the home a! [ha know lait 'Nita itnhoboghat thia ferlt by titi voting >ustartuy cere brida's parants. ail riait "he assartat. "but I lika the lhirty-one aren itai.tha peopile but a lanksonvill, tt-trtsîetçit Duquain Both t'auna people ara ceil knocn clurch that favara al its s- hafest seaks itaton- lat votedtotalocate' the school nttheli,-particular pleca or andti ilrititurg.iuoiitîîîîî. tîcia ith unit lohular. IIssDoolittie bas re- churchislamore lîkali' [o lie Oedthngrount le just dit nat dant na saloonsu kpeatht-ii h%,canîsiorit>' o! sîdet on a taront iber parents for [ha churci chare the fortunata tew - -uc-l ooltatet on is place asfit coulai 371Theia atinunti tti-as aluiosi.an manyt'aursansd lias a cIte circle o! occpy he ron sets o tat he ots ýoiIthewhoe poiarty Ths a vait break, . Ut ictitif thetîtvotlug. friandis. Mir. Grean la enîployat asa foccup tha Ifrot eapts a bti[aeelasoils dafheen n. iî uyhi tsîu Thiswans the cnnralineît ofthe[hacitmbar Ilt'James Salmon. He serv- cortnt a i th atupea tocretn o t hr .utiîarn inîtîrc itatting. et litsa pprentîcasblp ut the Lea Mc- cna e r us> fvlthalseo at cein 'T~T~5BThe athar thtrea nîlier cent idry, Douough asstabishment. Ha la ana o! In, hatca f[osro apn LAIKE Co. rIfUKEN but tn earliîlint i'tire tht- vote- o!tha [ha citys mosi. popular young mon. to bie uninteres[Ing" nen, se pratt-î taotittcrat cas Returning front s honeymntnt aais n thc saloions ath et big dry tiie coutle plait ta resîde la Wauko- NE LCRCHA . RAISED 30 P ER CENT nja oy cllet nir r' the suomen vat- aun allbaugb they have notct d LIGHTS TOO GLARING.1 B T T O R How Illitnois Town Volet. upuin tua location as yet. BY S A E B A D The tac us %titie- t t-il"dry" are:- ________________ The new ., ecti. t.d . .d. 1 _____Batc tosti. Beartistossi, Braokport, AGNES BONNER la not glvlag [ha satisfaction that orne [bought It couit. t la forcetj on tha trains b>' ltv andt railroat mon are not altogathor pleaset l th it. Theoi iigh[ ia ostrong [bat vhen [to trains P approach each other.thore ta a bli-& li; o! thd train mon. Aisa persans amre go tasot on [ho tracks [bat [bey bo- 1 corne la tangor rather than escapa$ IL. Thoreare-o uch a variet>' of stato e lses on the question [bat railroata m are havlng tillUnuIt>' la lleopi vl[h- & ln [l ie s.epCiiy vher e hO>p- a oral. m on v or re»mat«.. ra"l s-ca mam.gos-sam ooking [o get aBt - - Nlie 844 l ted R»e Jlat Vb*t la aeele&-BoMct W Springfield. Ill., Nov. 5.-(Specilalu- Tha Lands Cammitteauni t[ha Commîttea on Town anti City' Lots mada [haîr final reporta ta the atate Poard o! equalîzatlon toa>. Thet' are a. folloas: Lands, assomaIvai- ne 1913. $694.738,577, an inoreae ovor 1912 o! $2,982,211; tovnajedi cit>' lots, 4975,805.767, an lncr«oaeres1912 o! M84724.167. The grand tutti cf as- ssument Of PerSOnal plOPÇit>' iade adnti pln ondt il>'ot.»5 88,1M 8 an lacroga. over 19;l2 a of f1. « -U*ao0 [t-> ~ Otover tbe lIet' ssasoWo- 1900,q-WUsmate lal* lu,[ho (Carlinî, 'Cuitervil Iv, tGrandt Chain,. Hanîbtîrg, liartila, .tckoill.Matr- apotis. Peret', Petesbutrg, Pinckaay- villa, Rockwaod. Tilibes. Ullin. Vîr- ginia, WIllIsvIlle. Remainlng ltu the 'stet' columa ara: Bruasels, Doquola, Kanapavillo. Mount City, Mounda. Steallflte. Jacksonville Romains "Dry, Jacksonville, wîthont sacoang for six t'aura. untar tho township option lav, refusait ta permit thbaa o re-enter business, aithougli the liquor men put aIl a trouentons battle, proffering a I«motel Ilicons" ortinance. The ans- ver of tho vonton, after the hottest campeiga **er foughtl t haect>' c -,W t8O0 ha reports gay, cdua avote lu IlS d1t,> o M N et, tarougnout the couat>' ta tis e pb, eusary stelîs ta romove tho uttlag that if an>' maehimU«.hI fouadth[at [bey yl ho coànesM' and testroyat. The state's attorney' chea e#ý tionat clthregard [0 . eos-les 4W clared [bat It la permanent st at no [Ima la [ha future cUl so chines ha [oleratot. . "Mty duties as states attorme>63 net requira [bat 1I alal go oui collact evidance agalaîst &lot ua* lattons at an>' [lu e ho hala»apa liafore me. No one ever bh s eoui permission tram me to rua asa china ant my firet personai edaa, [bat [ho>' ar e hlg opouaffl w» convayoti ln a lettes- enclomirng Sunda>' achool convention,. 1 vfj toubt tbat tho greatout number ot lattons have takea place at rox but tho people cho play>' [hobb"o ar umer visitorasandt [boy »VO have heen beard [ta malle any o0. 'prain[abMlout the Machines. It à@* mo[an Imposîbillt>' ta keep aloi $ .4 chines aca>' from a aumue o o.ý Yeu cl Ondt[hera cheroves- yo ,1but 1I clii ee to it [bat anilul PARALYS IS VICTIM. a ol ations tbut are calledto[ tention ara prosecutetY» Milss Agoîs Banner, a waîl knoan ,Nr Dat>', un responso toa qi roitant of Mllhuru vicialty, tlid 1denlaredth[at the instruaetk Tuesdaut, Nov. 4tb. nt 2 o'clock, aftear csort keepers hy theo shodj a tco yeurs» alcknass train creertîng tiat tha machines shall b e u paraiysîs. cover aext seasca [he. nus Mise Donner cas 50 t'aura aid and The condition ditl i as lîvet clth ber brother William and if the reort ocam', cli.>' [h sister )Ira. Gilbeart. Hec boime liaditte latter. boen just sau[h o! tilibutra far prac -__________ [beatty ail ber Ilfa. CAR or0F ?I*fl< flealdas [ho ahove relativessheba Wa tisI-,t.e 110 ts ~ leaves a siater, Mrs. KCnox of Aipena. nelghbora f«tee Ie I1 &a fou[h Dakota, and a sîster. Mrs. Pater during ceMr boriv9iet Stewart, of Gurnee. âe l'unes-iThursda>' at 1:30 io'Clodll Uh frou tho hou&@, hurlai la Mlibura l -2- n' quo YuL. A.,&.-JNU. 9. k mf- re by ,r. ever -but th[le A ap- srgy. VnTTi? ipAalm Lr-BERTYVHjlK ILL.. FRII)AY. NOVEMBFR7_1913- ti ffl 'PVD viw A IP

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