ON LAKE CO. FARMS %u Lake County Farm Expert 0re Farmers to Remem - erthe Otd Adage 0F PREVEgTIM AND CURE.I il yards and pan hould lie thor oughiy cieaned, ail the dead hffl buried wth quick lime, or burnýd. The litter Should lie collected gpdw liurned, and lime scattered frde1r onier the griiind. t-s(, disinfetsflts iiliîraliy ili ever> place frequent-Ir liv the diseased animais. The !ee-ding and care of liogq bave îîîui-b Io(lowit-h prevention of chOi- era. (bean, dry liens, regular and prorîîr feedjir.,, comfortabte sleeping quartera. ient-y or!qushine, t-be liens Says Farmçrs Con EasiIy Pre- laned regularly. will couni mueti vent the ,Epitemic Appear- oa"d ee jioani. hstugxcl îng1i ~ie Pns. lett plan go diti)t-be hogq every few C eek lisien t-be wesiher la fit. Any- g!)1 Donagid S. Iliu- tling t-bat- wililassiast-lu keepiug t-beh The olq sa3 mg t-at 'uîîuîîîe ofii lin igond hesît-li wilI helli ward 8 preveution Pswrs lound o! off te disease. cure"br tb as f baccoera es- One o! the tiesi conditlonersc act-iy. Ilt t-bhroughiy dlsbeartening known, and one recommeuded by thebe to lose part- or ail o! t-be berd tint-heIl. S. Department o! Agriculture le asq fet liours 'that- it- t-sIes t-is dresd folows - d1911101e toa aoomPlisb lts purpose, sud Wood charcoal. 1 Pouud; suiphur. anYt*m t-bat- vs May assist in pre- 1 Pound; sodium cloride, 1 pouitd; so-a s-ýi* t-be out-lreak will bce very dium bycardouate 2 pouuds; sodium mudâ ln order. hyposuiîîbtie, 2 pounds: sodium sut- KIMg choiera la a contagitns dis- phate, 1 Pound; antlmouy sulphide . ed lim apread hy mesus o! dot-s. (black antimony), 1 pourid. tblowlng dusl. wagous; in fart- Nfix t-is wjt-b the feed lu t-le pr- ~Ino ari e cau-nted b-, simost- portions Of one tablespoonutl ta eacb -4rtsittthe germe ean rtick to 200 pouuids weiclit o! bot-,ansd feed Wors should be lborougbiy flot a cure.hbît- actese a preventive 'is d eore leaving the farm. by keeping t-be berd lu good condi- Z~%M uaty int-erest- will belp won- tion, aud even if t-is ie -used. strict- ~~îpreVenting the spread of atteution muet- li given 10 <uaraut-lue De ,disease. We mean hy ibis, aIIl snd saitary measures if thbe disease t-le people ln escli neigbborbood com- ln te ie warded off iun te neigbbor- Wagng teo use prevent-lonai methods bond. ina»t bringlue Infectilon !rom out- Xie sourmes Kowt t-at thbe diseasse il -eread Ibngermas, la tbortugbly S À J contagons, sud at accordingl. l U T R I * Complet-e qnarant-Ue la not, bow- W I NSIN WO DS _0V~. aivaYs practical ou t-bs averaga 'ýw bM. ad t-ebeset- tbat- eau lie bopeti for- la a lessenint o! t-be oppou-tuit-y, .adîson Wigle Nov. 10 -JFort-v 4&' inlsctiom by piacing t-be berd ou tbousaud bunters wllî scour t-be vooda jas'fM f te -barm t-bat- l lie lesat lu t-be nort-beu- bat-f o! Wisconasi bbOSt i Ie to t-bs animais tram other for twenty days begitingttomolTaw tbme.% Rog lots bold neyer ho 10' ta quest of deer. accorditie ta estl- esteti seau- public rosits, If t-is can mat-es o! t-heatat-e ga- awrden'a (de- bie asoldet. Ail uewly purcbaeed psrt-meut MSclishould be kepi from t-be main It- la, expert-ad 10.000 deer wl lie lheài for ai least t-brt-y (ayg. kilied. Six t-ousand deer were ,l it eil occasioually go seat-teu-miplied last year liy re3ident-a of t-i's 981111 lime arndth -e lot, and waab atat-e abuse Deer are report-ed pIeu- "Sidiaineet- t-be tet-tnt trouglis titul. owlug to t-be ai)sence of !oreot- ' <lise o t-he beat- diiutect-ant-s for t-is rires t-is yesr. > p Oel ne Part solution tf resoi The depart-ment tcys t-li number * ityparts o vater. The solution o! liceuses tssued wili axceüd-d il 'ès l ets au lie made Up at- sny records. Extra daputles are lu t-be - ~9 5-Ot-e.field, ssch coverint- about W )sq.is'e ASter au outbreal otht-e choiera miles. war into a couibluation auto-horse Frank T. fowler Kas a Kind h1a2lt-r. tamiithshhda -Word to Say Èf W. E. MIIe raso7e î t' tue Purebase but of Libertyvift~. JUBILuow doesn'care to st-at-e wbat- it ta. The oqiy thlng he carma to ad- To the Editor:- tt-b tat there la something very Dear 21r: Every riglit-t-hinking per- ibig ln the future ini auto racing cir- son lu Lake count-y rejolcem bn t-bel des whieh will keenly bterent ail most Intelligent services belng ren- Uibert-yvile and, lu tact, the eutire dered by W. EILMillier "Short-y' of i cOt3. Llbertyville in hies uccesatul efforts Frost *uilt- the Truck. to bring to the notice of t-be worid the agricoit-ural resources uf L.ake This tracli wasst-uilt nomie 150 county. years ago by A. C. Prost wbo, as head of tbe elect-rir raliroati company. 1 publiciy oit-r my apPreclatioti Or! obIgmc tafc h bis splendid work and lielleve tbel bopedtabn mc trfc-o -b sentiment la unanîrnous. truek over hus road, t-be elaborate . costructo! o the buildings. t-ack. Ail th~e county Owen Mr. Miler snlu1 etc., being such tbat ho e lsieved i' t cere thanks and support lu the worki wouîd appeal ta horse owners and he bas undertaken and thua far car-1 racers In a manne? that would ulake ried out to such signal success. it t-le big race conter o!fithe country. Why flot have lt-r. Miler address Soute goo<l meetings were heid, eacli day session of the Farmers' ln- soute faut- races to0k place. lncludfing stitute and t-eli that has beau accomt- worldî d oiige by uch bonnes plinhed and wbat couid lie' I as The ilroncbo, etc. But. the attend- would lis botb Interesting and profil- ue neyer vas suci t-bat- the prn able. Very truiy yours. mot-ers caradtt carry on their plans. Ptrank T. Powier. the track Sfnaily dropped out- o! the -~ circuit and lor one years bais been SHORT ?EWS IT3MS uae d efiiyas etine ln na uATV~d N or n defite purposes.Th trc FuiIWAIR§Nlt-sel! la regartied .as onue o! the lieut YYAUIIUI-I1 Dean and other big drivers. Some White thbe affects o! t-be Sunday andautla races ver. beid there t-is suni- Sat-urday torm ett he Waukegaii bar- mer and Xood ti tme was made. The hou- were flot so very disastroula, t-be attendane vas satia!act-ory and re- s(ter-effect-s were tat with grest- force ports vers board t t-at tini th4t tht-a mornlug about 10 o'clock when t-be suweseaot t-be meéting insured t-he plers aud tnwt-datIonm of theBair- future auto meetings. stow coal dock at t-be harbor (form- No-w coures the loslug of the deal, erly t-le (ouris.' dock) gave way aud wit-h admissions that t-he track will permitted the whoie hoisting appara- sSoli the mecca of auto racers tus, îr sotielolt-n, e water tuside tbs1 from ait aver t-be would. ma-n dock, aise .-aublng about 50 t-oua of et-g cool t-o lide luto tbe bot-tomn o! t-be barbor. The ]cas Is est-imated at- trom $ 000 t-o $5.000 and it Io complete for no lusurauce is carried on aucb vork. AJt-bougl t-be season oT Merry Christ-mas sud t-be accompanylut- buying. trapput- sud gîsint- of gite la still several veeks distant. Wou- kegan gift shope and st-ores are ai- ready marklug anti putt-but-On dis- play their holiday gondsisnl anticipa- 1tion oftht-e purchasea o! t-be judiciaus tew who profit ly t-he modern adage ot DIo Tour Christ-mas Shopping Early." Elgin Races Thece? Some lrne at-o t-bs Elgin papers priut-ed statements t-bat- negatitions were theu peudint- for lie trauterrai o! t-ebihg road races tram Elgin to Llbert-y'ile but- not-hlt- deflulte was sald. Hoteser, uow t-be report la re- vle-ed sud t la feit t-at t-be Elgin promoters may lie int-erest-edlu t-be new deal t-o t-be ext-eut-t-bat-t-bey are igurlng ou brluging t-be bit- races t-o L-akte couuiy tram Kane. MIr. Just- la owueu- of t-be ust- gaa rage ai Lîliertyville sud ea iHait Day. Hie formerly vas edit-or aud ovusu- o! t-be Independent- and t-he Waukegau Sun. selilutthoe aPern t-o t-be Pres- eut ovuers lu 1911. Qf»Y~. AT WMHI. Posthiaetr is in Re!pepiof In- "ti~long Frm Woa 0. PARdâ 0Q P i TH9LIDAY Bere&on Deàro he ublic Be a1vemfpr fI o Qick Tranoprain Post-master Grady bas recelved s noticeftonm t-be Postmaster (houeral ti Washington requestint- bim t-o urge t-he public to do bts Christmas mail- Ing as early as possible. This la t-be st-at-ement trom the dopant-menit: "This le t-he u-st- Christmas Besson the parcel post syat-em bas bison ln opeu-at-ion sud Postinaît-er (louerai Burleson ia dealious t-bat t-bebandulut- o! t-bs malsli e expeditiously and ecouomically managed wltb as litt-le cr11 icism as possible. and t-be public gives t-ebs enetit o! quick -antiaccu- raie transportation, anti deliery. whlcb vililibe doue If patrons realize t-be ad-vautate ot esriy mailint- of parcels. "The poat-master general bas t-be greatest confidence in t-be aiity ot bis vast army of emplayes, second t-o noue lu their efficiency. t-o cape suc- cesâtully with t-be greatest rush o! businesst-bait-bhe postal service lias ever experleuced." important Thiiouh Unnetoed. W. are &Ptt-o underetimatàe t-he torce of unorganiaed. contviction ln polMticandasti1eiin. 1111 cette a Cty Mmucb as viton, fer &il t-a" 1un saPPIY ia uniocase, go 11t1elue proeaise la an, vay. The. iui bu notbiug monumental about t- but the iofty aqueduet la flot of coulât. WhOre the 'KlCkegr' Shinee The mut iritatbngthltbig about-tbe contiaIsIIOSieker lbla t-aUnla always aaulng tthmbhobel lisouv. ered omething no-vel and, lioaal. Coceamut sutte.' loductey. Marsoe mseannually exporta aboUt Si.OooQDO »Voitl t S opait liMier. t-he busInss baavtbem en 4l sine 1M1?.Most- of It teto b- fnm d baand Mi Uadi"Is 0 *former aorW. -.pr q Crs èt. la ut- Dow sl*Ulm M MI"E LICIS$ etetiitîmelb t-he ereetbon ot a o O *wwu qîegraph station ln' thbe 0 0 00 0 0 00000 0 00 0 Pearce woodm jugt at t-he rear of t-he home. 1 flash Crmo'toq. St. Paul ....32 Mauti Noble, iwuktee ........-.21 goy SimÉ. Noth L.akte, Wis...24 EXIle 'enta, arne ...............21 Jobn Dovul ns, City ..............16 'Àgnes Evans, N. ChIcago......... 19 Henry 8toeqker, Mlwiaukee ...21 Ruth Welambeimer Mmre -.....18 Arthur- Johnson, Denmark, Wis. .23 Liens Smit-b,Rmre--------------..19 }ernaan Katiow, Milwaukee ...24 Laura Bsumcb. same .............201 Harsey Anderson, Milwaukee .... 23 Martba Kadot, arne-----------..20 Cari Bock, Jeffersou, Win..... 23 1601mb Henry, ane .............21 Augumt- Schueit-z. Salem, Wis...214 AnaA Gîiop. lIver Lake. Wi.. 2 Ronry Welse, cit-y.............. 58 Am& Speck, mare ..............461 Yrmnklin Gaines, Milwauke . 22 EnIz. splerling. samo ...........20 Wm. Kailas. Mlwaukee ...... . 221 Lydia Elybuer .................. 21t- Chas. Bach,.Milwaukee.......... 24 F'ranres Ropeteu-,mrne ..........24 Edw. Hogane. Oklahoma Cît-y .»j EIla Quinn. same............... 27 il Antan liuucll, Milwaukees ....27 d EloIe B-tten, Rame............. 32 Il Geo. Sans, Racine ................ 21 Rose Koeulgshotersmre ..........20 Louis Pepper. Lake Zurich ....27 Dorot-hy Siesers, Hait Day....26 Thos. McCarreii. Racine........... 25 Julia Cornelius, naine........... 241 Marion Thummia. Harrisburg ..24 Psy Breakweil, Highwood......... 19 Soth Food and Mdelne. j Asguregus 10coSldei. onor ft-be btelthMt of qnlak-proviag plant-a uéel for food. andl le nsaly a Bsell- e4. as Wvol-asu afood. Women Who are employed ln stores ou- siseviers are eut-ltled hy law t-o bave urne att 4o voie on election daym. but- muât- gise previous notice t-o their emploYers. County Judgs Owens quotei t-be lawtlu repiy t-o a question Tueéday lu Chicago. Netioeo 01400181 ig t h~Sel Hold*ero f te- a~Gou Iol e., phon cpny» be4Ycor. thbe kW Cou6e y nsai1b M. a4 1,61,o ber. doc Pib M o.b't!" 0 & ad oorat ni..md p ~ v théè àmdi thet f~lb 40 Dt-y TM f otbg*bWItO*c.le'gfsiip14pur- suanco ot a itlm ci0f mort ihsi two. mi, tbeLake Count-y Telephone Com- pany, made in a resoint-lon of mid etoekbh4dera. adopt-ed Mýy Lwenty- fautIse 1Aug«-." oxU Marthe A. Clark. J"M e9. Hyatt. Mont-le C. Hyatt Charlig PL' GsUoway. gte#beu Taylor. BenjamIn H. Miller. >sjug aIl of t-be DIrectors 01 maid Com- pany. Ben. H. Miller, At-torney. C-Nov 14, 21. 29. AUCTION. Havint- decidedte t-otun oniy auto- mobles tln ou- livery business, voviii oeil at public auctlon. bomses. <trr- a ep, buggies, wagons, arcesses, a- illes, aui everytbînth -at goos ith a [§mit clans llvery et aur stable a Lake, t-eo-n SATURDAY. NOV. 22nd Comjmncingt- t-10 0ocioclia. M. sharp. t-be toilowini property: bgbt-aen bornes. saddle. driving vonk borem aif lu prIMfe condition. Carriages: 2 single station wagohà 1 single Rociava?. 1 i 8et-ei bock- board,. 1 8-seatSi purroy, 4 2-mested top carrbages, 2 runabouts. i top bug- gy, 1 2-borne llockàbvay. 2 landaus. 1 single sees -wà^ gou. I taniidoo. 1 siugle limaughls.r teamwagoni. 1 stage wagon, 3 Z.vliOeledcarts, 6 bug- gy polos, 5 sets single buggy harnm. 5 sets double crurisse bau-ueps, imat lit-ht t-earn harnes. 1 set bsavy t-mam harnées. 1 eflpiUig Machine. 1 Fair- banks Mou-ne Udlipe pumpthg engine (nevi. 1 Fairbanka Morse 2% borne gas englue on't-ruck (nov). 1 plot, 1 fenticutt-er, 1 moviti machine. 6 gent's saddles anti bt-'dIes. ladie' sut-sp anti iridim, anti maasy oier articles. Usuai t-armas ofmaie. C. G. WENBAN & SON. Props, GEO. VOGE9L, Auct-oneer. . vky Nov 14421 'I To take ad ientaUtol the war on priéei Of Urefr 1,O9O tcc O'~~i ~ysCoh Ing whlch hmust bc twnf 'csàwig h ~t1 arerdoso 08 TlE season hgs beto very ,Ickwe..,4fg evyçIyQel knowanI wflled tlIs great ýrç - sQechock tuAi of Abe àgpmos best and Iatest mer. ~. e~ecna ~ienor- hi, , 11-Uterally a4owCdu- 4q~~9 (n~ugot re8itioUgts of~pvwas what would have wuvài us). Oqr onlysaiy.k, on 1to get out ap.4 XjÏbf y We mit aveqijlclcreiuAts mâd cash regar<le$Ss of Iloss wr consequences. s, s: Afe îugmSions as to what a 4 1rwUd tT nid t1Ws irtat cash Jé~n ~I~ hlbr 5~Â ' hi re( J if ýeabInSý 10 CO ~ lS OAlS $15-75 $25 SUITS $22 $1 $ $20 66 $18 5 $12 S66T 20 uez $1 $13.a75 6 r op tsu UMDER EAR. 1 Pr oeo r 4 SWEATIER Cot, aa'#'5t $#!T50 dezen 1.00 shirts .......c 50does .5 hit.... ........I 1IM oeo29CHavwl oýr 3 for $3 ~re PAPT~.~rct rdqm~lps pe o alu~~ CAM . «Jiac.prices on agilcaps$~ZW u Pents, un estrp os,vA i voie MACJI mW 4RO-QP u V API OLQVES.Baai lc.O,,,* r oflSURtS f«$39 Fe Ce s tj xoe Ui~m