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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Nov 1913, p. 6

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-s,.. t commbh nDolkw Prinolpatof solmathw lput w en . Advnud Frotght n Nominstin Commit(le ralfkPlan at Oak Park. D ete i, nnomacement that tl*he Ulm MUT 9s.4maier, prlncpai4f M" Noithvetemratrateslu- tih" Ister eàooi. Waukega , V as ptatao " t oi onde-au Y Dr. Chare« MuryolAli ~ Sfrate cmfteiht »U> tate Nkmalich'ot.wserve on the nomtatg commttee.of the 15 'aProbable th& no""niNorthean. lilInois Teachers' Aacla- I~b. dose vlth regard ta thls until t i chb vas«held at OakPak ý4,b 511e nratate Comamerce Con- day. TIo members of te ommi tom lu l Ioulat the .matter arm: S1ven t, 155 liDs ôKCb&ùmmaf-8upt. W. H. Hatch of ~tbA41~> dI~ptciiire hica @&e Park; OUMpI . .Stoope. jouet. cia MIr Palmatier, Waukegan; SuepS A. 0, ahawkthat for the Urne lbenl.tg. M. mioson, Wbautock; Supt. P. N. ano., Wankukeandbpprs need mot Tracy, £Kaukake ils Patth Idc- St aduanod rgtse aM it la posile Auler,.fît Charles; Supi. H. N. Coul- kmt ***brates viimo» ltoS.enset b-0U. G«eea W $me tuc taorne: Tiiempeon Reside Paper. 4kmcao, Nov. 7.-e pipod gen. SitS.Olver . Thompaos of1 tbe ur1 84ao f lve per ce tau tmtaht WaUkefsm clySymclA rmai a w ta- ab bp lranms Opertta la nW terepsin t aper on "Teachingthe lnun Mb wliiontS be 'aetei uponuiy 5the &dnMtbatS."andi becaus Qf te large tef valroad commission unU atter attendance of teaciiers, there being te féderal ommerce coissiacon lias 1,5600preselit It vas necessaryfor .tMei o. aima"la vanc. north of hlm ta gir. 15 tihe second Urne, ta anu li Oia riter. Thus interstate Com- tOverffov meeting. iece Commission lias set a hearlng The paper vas recelved wit keen Mm t Sui proposition for November 17 Iitei'est anti enthueseam and thst It 5Washlngtu. mae a decitied i tltas evident frôm A lar-g number ai, repr6sentatives the tact tuaS lMr. Tiompson vau Iv- fO" lads id ippers met to presenti queeted ta delver It ln the near futjg pgUaent before the "tte commission et a teachers' meeting to b, helti at ffltb0 tOlbut'aE"5el vth Chirmen 1Cicera. tyliaS unisse the. féderai comintl,- Many Atend froro Mers. *e k S ti 51the lWii- About baff the tescheret ram Win- ln lbgvoulti b suspended for! kegan attende theii meeting, inludlng CY a"s fran Novembr 16 antibat ail the principals of tl:e city ochools. ObS biY thi, aStI.con MIntte. wouid ICounty Superinendent ot Scilools lbaseilupon that ai the Interatate, Smpson led anI nteroatlng discussion bo«.on the gioor ai the auditorium. SDR. N. W. SliD»LLENBERGER eM 1bu as'Mm, COIl. MaeWi rsitiS eon Oreberd St., Lhhrtyviile, 11i. on ~~~ an4Mdtfi iy aiteroon endie.an At -'t,. -4 r'-. S ~' aDày News, T4 ~e»amio vilutt eii n ledolag, an the nevs af tile neigh. benlieoi, for- i 1-10 etea da. A peu Cbtego tiily-TeRcrd-Heald-ind îour haine TW hiat ins11e mois. 3 I escomplet. and reliable rmarket UV" evry !a.It ns daly nova ofte finenclal meni. Il sp.onsup-to-tite- ol nfonmtion , vital te yonu a a businessa min. It mue udvencsmont ael ieus u intebe r le, ta b deivot fren day-to-&iy eitlibsuo the carrent rus, muaie uni boa*a.- i-svieWa fer WvThek 1e Rcard-lieruIile note&S. - t mnea adiknavistige, bticder minis, g"etir tenela- *for or7 mesber o e i.famuy-through, hefoliain amaue 1affy tiere are artils dévolte lthehoueioit-eivaaee fattu mev.,helpiul homskeep"ng ints, etc., ecs-Bpsntling cdi- lçe-l ceneson t«of ettthdiy-ibrilîantilouhta of bini Jee~y ubot-éku4eisn, opolumus oi sparepit aa « g-s. tAmatau&%foxemout 1umohe--eerurtoons oi ivuta-es easmtluesi etory by mmarnotai anthor. The M M» hwbg aellllleusart vorld-vide ilu ep, ani & .CamçrWlsg the s nof!teé Asaiited ?sas.~p1 la" l femsedaolIisr-eponieuta la ovriy large à11V adtl. R acai ta «MySema o!fte Osntrel Wut-noe *0bpes. rs-hunem'i* reu, N ev Yort uni Wasulnton-and idmeeruga eM@.««l"uof tmoci the blggeSt Nov York Cty »»v- M0 M FOR1f'.CENTS A DAT I $Mrp hlast Ibeo os'«>?Md!es acatmt ye r~ mleS. ppoen it halléa.WO Yeu * *0 Pwspe.thé . Dslmlut n-% 60e p im b (e - Fm-i"y,(*M m fS..............*su0, List of Mon Who Wl Serve on Grand Jur ond 1wo Pan- es of Petit Jury. The .Decomber nditt ry andrhhe tvo pa»4ÉoIs o Ptt$Uries bavýqf4 dravu and a4 Cas itltma: Decamber lat Grand Jury. Ralph Rose, Bouton; Pl., LU tornl, Bonton; IL M, Amen, Newport; J. C. Janmes, Anticeil; Nois Nelson, 4iti- och;, Vruemsen WlUiey. Grant; WU- ilat Banner, Lake villa; Henry Ni- *ris. Avoni; ChelerAmas, Wlarrq; John -Maynarti, Wautega; Chok Schneider, Wautefan; Le. McDoa- onail, Wautsian; Reuben -Milleri, Shields; P. A. PeStons Shields; Thomas 'Corlett, LlbertyvIlle; Robert Luebtie, !:rmont; Herbert W. Cootr, Waucouda-; Wm. Daverman, Cub; DeSici Hiliman, Ela; HliauIn ,Al- brechi. Vernon; James OConnor, West Deerfteiti;Sellar- Duant, Deer- fied;J. J. Brand. Deerfeii. Petit Jury, FInet Panel, Dec. lot. Circuit Court-John. rui-y, J". G. Noison.. Oea. WiltonaBeuton; Wallace, H. Broyer, Geo. KL BartietS, Eimer- lui-rie. Antony Leabie, Nov- port;-wGorm Aunderson. Jas. W. John- son, Chas, Grlnimutiocti; N. S. Burnoît, L. D. Potter, Warren; Jas, Wootiman, Waulegin; K. Bollinger, Fak Duon, Wm. N. Preye, P. L Mullen, Wmn. Waters, Shields; Dan Morrsq4,44bertyvllIa; FËrptaGrass.. Froent; ,'WS. Bayer, Cube; Wm. Graber, Ernes Loiman, C. 0,. Stali, E:- W. 1. douer, Amon Fermer, H. H. Apracht, Vernon; Gea. Outler, John btt, Jr.. Woodmen Toddti.West Deefeiti; Jes.,Bow qU, E. M. Con- rad, Bruît Carls on.o Gourey, H. Hannon, J. C. Shilds, Deenflelti. - Petit Jury, 8econd Panel, Dec. 151h. Circuit Court--G. L Belc'iet, John T, Johnson, W. A. Break,, W. J. Sains, Ai-nolti Taf t, Bouton; John Corpia, Allen Dixon, Newport; Jute ChrliUaon, Antloch; Leslie Banner, Warren; Fred BoU6ér, John P. John- son, .D. A, Hullon. Phi Maman. C. Luttqr, P. R. Simmons, Mite 811.- beta, Bd. Tobin, Chas. .Whte. Fred Holimelaster,Waukegen'; CiesiNolen, Wmi i e, Jime. Allex Robet"o, 1dm. W., Wkiletce, Shi1elds; BerS Austin, Berri Gleasgon, Hori Lawrence, Llb- ortyville; Roy Seymour, Geo. E. Prouty, Wanconda; Arnolti Sciienhie. Cube; Emil Nlkoley, Geo. A. Pruila, E; J. W. Hutchinu, Oea B.'Mason, Vernon; Ralpb Knickerbocker, West Deerfiolti C. 0.bureau Joseph L. "~otor, Deertielti M4UNRO ASKS 1RR. ATION 0FATIÂCK State Represmntative -of This Distriot futs Questions to Frank' odon. rauO. Lovdea, former congrses- min and et one lime member aifte Republican national committee, vas îted today ta e«plain 111s receut. dec- lanation thet '"tue Progressive Purty vas agaiot ot beus ! n question ai platianin." The ,rdemani for a mare couimpito explenation vas made lu a letter le Mr. Lovdeu vitten tii Fytte Smith Muaro, Progressive Blte niipreeta- ive., of Elgiland Part. Mr. Mijuro disputes M. Lomte'stilement anti paoiteaut tie vide dîffreuces ln the plutiorms ai the tva parties und aos the former Republcan leader Sa an- cver elgit questions. 1Mn. Lovden's tatemont vas matie lu an artéîe vhlch he vraIe for 511. Refleetor. tue ozninoa "The 1916 Club," a itepublican organisation. la Iis article, Ufr. Loyiet xsi- "Thle Progi-ecale partivUs orgin Ixeti not itecause of ami question d1 plaioru, but becina it mus aliegoti lIrat enougil deleg&a, eaicUalyloeçt. ed iii tseRegubliUn, . mmuai by lie Republican eM"vntim o tIe test the wviii aS RepubUicana ar tue country as ta t.e ctoice of candi dates." o! Mr. Lovde»ý, dedluredti tathle for nation aite Progroesve Party mas due ta pereenilities, ani abat lioe 'wae na il resan for a i-av over poîie.--Chicaga Pos. Thre lirymen of tis section arn up le arm ias aut to*repooe te vilici mouti tegulte ite tllmor calves nin Utuey ane tva years on ftrmers Mry that they couli noS ab tord ta teep 5the calves aIion&, ai As.- -1Amc -itue-oc---eÉ-v $~cmnf(xt Yr. ELÉeÇTiONA BIG SURPRISE. Tedbyc SUCOesM $i'te "dry." lu Tuesdayes loca option elbctious lu domnstate ches hem yoen's votes fauteS, foi-% IM- Ostb ieîcaueed the lm of saluaff -Wfteaday w o eSipr tant vleI$n netltAsnil, heuabou 800 etia dtvuhlps viii vote on Wtýt voues votlng et TuenMiyls electionetaa the proportion of 4 tg> 1 agtast saloona the ','dry&" 1151ev. they .sheuli mae afinot a diean sveep ita AM p i pthe emalier tom.. ami a" mcptur e no f the.more ilm- Thir@ la littie lkeijhaod of any at- temPt boet"gmatie to, brng t.e sa- lmn 1 muestie a avote in Chicago, althpuab a fev aif5the "dry." hbave been aivocatIng sucti action. Offcers of the AnttSaloon Leagu$ believetat -the ie le net ripe for an optlonceam- pain hem andi prefer to vatt untîl another yesi-' Hav Lys on Capital. Coafeqencee alroatiy have been beiti ln Springfield relative ta filng a peU.- tion lua t tCity. Som@ofaithe, more optimatîc "tins" beileve that vthb Wome'a vises ta aid Ihem t tey may in lu Springfield. It la flot Ilkeiy thît 1the prpositon wlii corne t0aa vote lu Peorla-or East est. LouIs. Chies ýMeih liobebli miii vote on' thc saloon question la April Include WVulegan, Decatur. Clinton. Ilattoon. Pana. 'Taylorvilhe, Lncoln. Bîoomiug- ton. Centrla Rock Ilalndi, Gales- burg. Monmouth, Nfacomb, Sterling, Elgin, Aurore. Freeport. Pontlac, Dmlgbt. Cheita anti Kankakee. ('11- les andt ovas ln coui-*eg tutier town- shil> arganîzation mnay vote la Aprîl. the tmenfy-elgbt places lu mhich eiec- lions vere helti on Tuesday belng la countteln mhlch te precluat luateati of the township le the unit. The "iris" are not greatly alarmeti over fbe fate oi the woman's suffrage law «u, the bauds aif1the present Bu- premo Court. r bey believe thet a majonty aif5the meurbers af the. court aré itiendly lomard voma 'suffrage sa a geénerel proposition andJv111 not voté ta Invalidate the &et ifuiesa la theur opinion l clesrly le uncanetîtu- tional. '*Wols" sore OptImletlc. The 'wets" are firm lu their bellef ltaI the Supreme Court wiII knock out th1e law. Sncb action le not an- tlalpateti prior ta teApril elections, but Tt le expeeteti that a decision may 1e iorthcomlng next fait. Both sides tnl:r' t for granted thal e "dry" vote ln "lles whc-re a muinri- ty ai 11e ruaitvoters fgvored the sa- loons rouit ha nullifled ln 1the eveni of an adverse decirlon hy 1the Su- prenue Court. E'en If' many citles were voted "-dry" next spring the ac- tion rouiS not 1e effective If theî court ln the fait knocked out the suff rage taw. Court proceedings ta test the valîili t'y of the lac' probabl i c'l Iih nstitut- min luPeteraburg, Menard county, vibre the "wets" wouli have von on Tuesday by a margln oaIil votes If te vomen hationat vateti. -Wlerever the saeesituetion prevallei the "vets " viii contit te election ln ortier ta preserve tir rights 'lu cae af a court ruling adverse ta the suff Trage lar. A. J. Cermak, secretery oi the Unit edi Soclellea for LlAB elffOovern- ment, the. personai liberty organisa- tion, asserted l tatthe 9"vols" vert Dual mrrieS beeauseoraiTiieady's re- suite.1 NEFUS IAICUT c ON FINUIR TM'S Blond Hair Grows ai Rate of an Inch an Hour on Hand of a Brunette. Cincneati, Ohio Nov. B.-lWiIlan A. Doan, au Inapector lunlthe empli ai the Hamilon coualy liquar licenesl commission, la the vlcim of a rare milady. He tis a agrovth ai bain aSý te tip aif1the Index fiugen ai hie righit baud. Totiay. white saatei et bis doat, hW" notice mas at-acÏta th1e fier tUp u* he rutibetihic hand acrons bisi fucq"' goe liedtoit the bal- for th. *rsol Uime. Ho hantena ito, * pliyeS~ elMe Who .aivi"seinms thaveéia and tey mouli vatob. deveiopments. OneO cauli atmost osec te Wir gv le turee hoursA ateo 1elai enterii te physician's otfiete bair h&a,ý Browu turee luches, or ou Inch &a, heur. The mystery luaftprdeepeaed by )the tact thtelDlane hai- on bis hqai le Jet blck, wvietast onIseluger ts blond. Larleset efAItuai'eou ctu, Thé bis barometer et #ue&iasaIS. et Wip sous eurMgo se a uwenolmu . alumi ta tIbis s SuaKovooma blas suaidlber hua. heni..-AlbeMtforivorce.. ehrini 511*111. ebasa mextumWei crul "d4 tbtua, v"tl atoateil1eabusai bout ta the. extesit liaI once, on une lStl lutotehlrev bef' on the' bai ami thisadteitaMii er. ?hey vere Op, rilo at UbetrtyOle, AWUUS, 1912,4M itvei togetiier utl le 14, 1918.'-r Ssk Desmages fer Pipe. W. R. WIliiame awi1Join Dupree cf Antiocihbave oued tbqvllag, oi An- tiodb for $500 On 5t1e charge ist Irhle they ver, doti vwort for t. viljage, ertalq pipe vas Salea hidt vilise anti neer roerneil ta tbQpOon- tracta-om usini lem the Ionss men tionei., elimne m Pou te okoqs ot if 1« ai-ita b. aucomal icoy«me*S -. ever ampla mlii ttpyufr e»»Fer vii bave a mm*h highiervele» «yo 7m serviies f # tuovash"t enFou O' ant I mot os gemi- mmeihate s 4" ringvuS la pouIncm eare W>yo penio.. 5is laobsoriu g lien" mei won as t»e i-et thina la buslos tuat eoSats Attent ituintelllgoat 0 immagntion as veni as abervatil an mam ureon tue hh brSta ha Ce» ,Ef BSMJAMMINH. UILIU. St "CUai.. CH-ANCERY NOTICE STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, se.. luabsh Circuit Court oi Lake Cîîunty. Dpecmber terni, A. D. 19)18 Maslat Wgeia' 1. Ar E Lvon. jtia C.'Ilàutinbbgelain L. Wood, Holley L,. Cane, tCary C. Carke, ('Larie, R LyonuandiW.filîiale 1. Lyon. exevutors of th1e lesttwilliand teataulent of lGeorge R. Lyon, dacease. Eliî1aEmily tpregue, 'Tiomait Ramant., unknown h.lrs or devisees0ofEliza lOnlly 8p.'sgue. decece". uakoaahirs or deviseu oi Thomas Ras'.n. lecaoed," andi ed l inte wist hall oi the- enutilveet quarter; tihe w-cî 28 acre. of lie ortb- weetquarter of th.-e sutheièrt quarter. and the niorîli 28 acrie. of the eouthweet quarter, of the sutbeait quartier. ail ln sectlon-86. township 44 nati, range 10 .551 ni the Third Principal Meidias .excepting that part theneof counvoyed hi Eleanor E. Bmçwn Rend Iî,îsland t; ini lBook127 nof 'epage 167), itutbI. ln Lake County. Illinola " le Chanceny Gel) No 6517 The rpquiaîte efidavît@ havlng beau lied in the office oi the Clevk oi the Cirruit Court oft Late County. Illinoio, milicelie th.'refore hêrb vgir.-., to ail of the allure itfmed and tînkni defendatitet, that tht'e bove named coui- vlainseut heretolorefliled bis Bill of Clomplajtt n laid Court (en th(i Chaneery ie thereof. and thab a e urinoité;11r.. uipon ismueti ont of Raid Court, againol ail ni the above naietiantiîuknotvn diendants. .rturaalle omitht- tiret date of the terni of thb.- ruit Court ofi'lat,-' County. Illinolm, t1lemb..l-d nt the Court Houe in haie cil t «y fWaukognin raid Lake Connt.#, ou the tirât Mondey oi D)eemher. A. D. 1913, ail i, hy aw requineti andi wieih cuit im tîli pendiogý LEWIS 0. IIROI'KWAY. Clert. Wankpgan. Illnis,. Oetokmr, 27. 19)13. BENJAMIN B. MILLER, Complai- eut'.soî1iltor. c-Oct. 31 Nov. 7.14-21 PAULiMACOUFFIN, Atome t Lwc Adjudication Notice.. Public Nuits.la boreby i- esit ue eub- oqdlbel EXecukui fte la"tWIlrAudTesaUment of fepar Wli. scbwftman.deoecesd. Win Ruled the epuLy cour of sia to " .toIb? oldesl ta. ouurt ouse in Wauli.gan. ilu saiS Cuti younlte finit lion" Of JaUUM7 usai. 1914. wmeanld wbece sa potaes, bra ielsialta"ad itai.uteart noii5ed sd requeffld10mîre lthé came 10 Mild Coule for àdtuictios IJABOLINR US WICRiI.N, Ezecultix. W&fala. ta.. Oetober 27. 1913 P-Oet. 81i nor. 7.14 en ta 4e - .- w"-_ a3Vo nle best.U4 Ohe.popt Plaie for M"atg, poult!,'Gaome, Fish and; Vogetabies a'd Fruîis IN. LAKE OOUNTY Phous W14 I4lmT!VILLE eor- correct eùrle e and &END YOUR PRUINUI ORflU" TO FOR SA LEM A four horse power FAIRANKS-MOR-SE GASOLINE ENGINE in fairly good condition. Fine for ,portable power plan~t for farmer., Will be sold oheéap if taken at, once. Inquire at INDEPENDENT OFFICE Better Thga Spankilg spantlcg mlii nos cure chuitren ai m.tllng thei. sa.beceuoe 1 la sot &laui but a dJaugerons disses. The. C. B. Roman Drq Ca., DePt. 1250. Chicago, Iii.. bave diécoveneti a etrietîp hîrmie rem.ody for tisadltresulg dissme.Mant %cake knomu île meriuse y miliisenti a 50e package mecuroly -rappeti sud propetti Aboolutsly Fre. w any neader ai The. IXDXPENIDNT. Tile remicy esocure troquent deoine tw urinât@su uni lilty to contrai urine durnugthe. niglit or day in nid or young. Tb@. C. B. Rowan Drug Co. iss uti ReflotabieHouns; write tbemaï to-day for tie tree inedicine. Cure tii. utilieti memiione of your fanily, tieii tol your ueighbord sdamienda about titis emetiy. WIlI lqneneuly Cmesea6. A viii las 11.0efuait doir aloeaven ThIWho lel~ m " thichnese f ai iiper iiy wortmen ~t 1 ~entaced ln stripping the vat 0 ain gthesiup on a bifl aa Ub l Ioquse adjoining tiie Royal BMaritn.1P ho. b Maj« ti Covea, llie af Wight. ____________ tete oi Illinots, CounU aof Lake, as: Circuit Court ai Lake Counti. De- cemnben Term, A. B, 1913. mare Emmett vs, George Emmett. Chanceni' No. 6520. '1 Th1e Metste allitiavit turIùg been ZW td u theo0 offie Sthe Clerk of miii Court,, notice la therpfore hereby giv- en to the saud Geotip Emanet e.- tondant es aforemei. tast 51e above naumed complainant heretotore, Oh b ler bil ai complaint lu sai court on- *the oilanceny amde theneef, amidtat -a saumoins theimupon issued out of mui court aginsltue above numoti détendant, neturnabie ou tue-fi-at day of lie erm. 0f the Circuit Court of ' Lite Caunty, ta h. haiS aet the Court Xions. lu Wiutegu n l sli Lee Caunti, on the firaI Mondal, ai De- cember, A. D.-. 1913, as le hy 'law i-e quirci, ani vhlch suit tes ell pend- li. LEWIS O. BROCICWAY. Clert. Wiqtegan, III, Oct., 80, A. 1. 1913. -1 -l1ý 7t- »WAAhk'. Otb Bmaies.asoount ea Oftget W. m micronee s il oms t ams . l l r acbpbloia 0*e 4+4' FOR SA Ï) RMAI 9 aCcrs SA Yards. Li FOR SA bhums, te coctereis. Ray, Are, WANUFi mmaustj turulture. redoced roomt euse. tirayelai FOR Sà M pbugs 954)ponti Mon., DOW st Once. Pilous 24 FOR SA' lot@. i FOR si Colombie FOR SA FOR si latter p CXtober. Libertyr FOR SA bouse large h. buildmr'g new, 11e Rgit iu FOR si taosuit itA(, Il FOR 8 tpeeiai, ciue ti FOR E Buitil e beoD tii gomtieu FOR 9 @blop ai n. FOR S phoao WANT Ions. t out-bu 1rail] ton, Ci FOR FOR i FEUR oCO r FOR leste FOR 1 ý

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