~~AKE CO-UNTY INDEPENDEN T WAUKF3OAN WI2EKLY SUN ~~T~~1TID VI1T ..TMd O1-.-.1 - - - - -------__ __ __ __ __ __ Mi144 WVVii ' lT 'DTÂV\'~5v1aa~'-ai ~rsl 14ftl, 191'3. POUR kPAGES $1.50>PER YEJA IN I = MOTHER AND DAUMITER STANDING 0F THE OPERATE ON FRANK K NORTH SHORE CROSS MOTHERS AT SAME TIME. LODESKI AT H"OSPITA L 1niunLANDPA KEERT BE TRED Nt.fotro hlCANDIDATES IN EX- 1 îkLdsiaa. lkr ai Vt'OMEN ARE OUI TO Work on tlèi- -rîsji-s-ucfil- yrnIhéir or a fine liv.'pournsi by d,-~isil sf Waukegiia,î ýpgti u on tsr ifsn 'a - nî, is-i. I tlatter part. or liaid wsek but huse lit- A NtAI IUNSÈETL~' C'LOS~E BLIND P16S Ir I'îcss b oi dedra ii;iag,,-,,fo, is ie fellow ivedi but a short time. Tire':_ir________ dý, i te s t ý i i - a d e s o t h - l fi a i r o b a f i l, fs h g I n fumerai wals field on Satusrdy.rs.morning for r ansîîsiv Ilid o~n ata i,- eineeoýtr-,fa- fi ortradaughter, Mirs. Lynu Vncent State Highway Commissioners IHis condition la8 ii e Ini gnat TatNumerOf ses-.'i.e sdaons Thé-tr e nn ii l0f.m"Urs.ee, atnded the funerai and WîiI Not Give the Relative serious as tiese sé a- an exception- Blind Pigs Are Now in Oper- lais eted thas fiseir repsort wilhe -lE llwhitie there gave birth 10 an eight Standings of Men. fbd01. ation in Their City. submfe ots otifeo r U I~U-pourri daugiter. Mother and daugh- Mr. l.odeski ls one to th.' isoneers gii'lleerinff next Niosdav. Tise, con- IIflI~h ter occup>' botde Inithe same room. ANSWER THE SUN'S INQIJIRY fuithe county ai fi -, .>ilii-Ws LNO EFNT CIN otrcta on le onSerdn ro The incident la conpideresi quit.' an ,th %%es PLN N ____ ACIO.'beriaetreoerntherinrond t CAS ~~t ittusual on.iýSi ___-Supervisors Must Select Man! If City Authorities Will Not Act STEP O F MO IN~ Without Regard to Just How 1O T IT E SI They Plan to Present Mat- O NE0 D Hogstrom Children Big Ver- T P F .VN He Stood in Exam. A TO ter to R. J. Dady.CO Kia V INED diot Againat SaIoonist. C RAHOR I D- ii0,tt-r ;oi>.ls , t, ne COURT A TIN VS. COOK COt. iEN6iaîfPak - - 1NEERSLII ESALSE RCDN. CAOf;IS. fi.#. IFD ey itg.- oftheD USBAND, E. MASON fa f î a n iif- nithl f ansri h ili PASSED THE EXAM. con 1(yIl Itn cn l ot i< t i e, tate high. __ O 51 1 fi tin i t l'h ii(*r Case Where SaIoonîst ere Noth hiago Yong an i e.ininathoîî. Its slf i-xtlaiatsry PareVe trldB e-Ifî. ufnI- hnf, Teueias SudfrMkn îIiimr,<-alilitia! friest ,ate board Priri mail.' fus Sen 17 11One' iiirei nonsen alto 1Al Applicants for Cook Co. SU ndfoable to atWo rk.LN so ffChiagoYong ane ,rtlfi,-d tise nanus of -James Andpr f sational Development in the Sln, sue fitilence. îj, saisi Road Engineer are 'Flunked' _____ti_____ap Of a Gin t at onr andi Charle's lusseilf stLakte For- Affairs of Masons. îî-,e Imi ae a-- h-aterby the Examiner. o f 30 Miles an Hour. estî to tie conntv iboardi of Lake. colin-asiti-Iio o îgias'i A jryof twelve men Tuegda% PV- - -l>.' lis.' mus from whfni lii.' sel.'et t'liing tocit about libres houts to de- WOMAN OBTAINS A WRIT. ni ai,.o%,fih i -.T, it.Quasis- CANDIDATES WRATHFULI ride lisat t he sdt itt11e shlidren of STRUCK TELEPHONE POST. j loir tif a courity î-sîiississer of rsads 1 cimr ii1. at, iotcLaw Carl ilocastrom. were entitîct.dI o $5, muat b.',nmad. iofte -Ii Tfi.' anaaer folioass: !By Court Injunction, Mason iS sînd Orsi-r fJ-sgue. t lan .' %ë ské, Case Where Lake County 'Had 00()0 damages from Steve ('verlan and Rushed to McAîster Hospital I SprinsgfieldIlii., f-ov i1f 11sf Prevented From Disposi'ng ifît n r, iyî rsf io,- sîs-iresr. It Over' Cook Because Two - P e te r W e m b r, sa lo o n k e p p ra w b o ' i o a k g i a l a t t l bel moliti logutrom Iluor and made But Was Found to Be Dead of Hi&rur WEtu.eLake CoiMen PSsts Illm reaclh a condition whprp lise cotld Upon Examination. De'k'air: f isFrEt.-i*LaeC.MeFasd flot support his famill-. Tise jury r.- IntCircuit court Tuesdas fternoson' a meeting hieisd In Hilghland Park a Laike county "hat! it over Cook tIred at 6 ocioek andi mb a verdict Auton Deian, 20 ' eara olil. reatidlng i your letterto November Ih andi in as Prairie Vlew, juaf soasi or Lierty- Oil fdy g hnaCi agocut ntercn oi 9 n Fourteentis treet. Norths Chicago, reply wil sey tirait we are not givhng -illhe, fiied a suit througfi hosîke, Pope wossan asidreasses a large -abiserhng aminathon, for as states Inlutiese coi- Tis vrdIt e te rsIo!tis kntisa faaiy isjredTuétay nlghtlout tise grle of tise candidates who &pope, hy whiesiteah'asiksairsaci-otl f Highlandl Park aomen in the in trions. Messrs. AneronantiRussel In any ato ever oruh nLk bu 1 0ocokwe eeePdto h xmnto.f Laite Forest pasapti the examina-f mut.IatIII abrgit ' ate aot1:0 coi ieniesepd oi h xalais ng, injonction andi aettfeniiîisfrosi fsresta of eaîahfiahsng hn Chicago an tina hees oe ftiecaddae c eto n ent . la fa t t m r . ' Su re ee n o off a C hica g o & M il w.au ktee e lectrie T ise ta m es o f th e au cce aafuf i-an - h pr itn ,ba n d , E v e re tt H . i l aod, i m m g a t s a ini h w l e d n , w e m n n f t e c n i a e den I th etir sate Ssrel. 01car Rming 30 miles anibout.r He was ,dsdates wèe.suimtted t10 the cou y fhile thebilldo;ntine state .'iv tohe imgatsain asiiaIflefrom (Cok cosntv pamfaed the tests, a place bas a case Invoiving bast theae ruiabes totihe Jasse MeAIa8ter boi- 1tboards nItise varioua counle. wuho, a fact, the conclusson ta liat tise suiv! qisve imilar 10 Eflis Islandsinl New Points' wberein six luttle ciisldren tai wlf b il possible apeeti ansiDr. F. 1no douhît, v.iliIselect on.' to 0,, tisP, e t afermat Ifte naioa c ok Teproeo ti tto s('Il icago Ppeetaayisg of tise matter: vere figbtlng for damages under Ci ti.'hafthb ofltiseeaelîaafîonaofote (ormpThenpurfiose 0faihîaidtation fa s.elnigbtnvisi hati been noti.e i 0f tisealinof couni y auperînvensient of 1currence in thse Prairie Vielv poatofice 10 protect the for.'i ner4 wiso enter (mlitaoeo i ie etr snc êtsualn cicuatncs. accident. waa wating tisere I-le hasti- tradeain tire near future, of Saturday, Nov. Stb, wisen Mrs. Ma- C hicago ansi who for a long limne day when the avtale higisway commis- Theattrny fr isecoplanats.; y examîned tirse victim but found i hm Vr ruybouson. accorsiînt Ln ber father-in Ia av-e heen the fret of sharf.'ruand ahon announed that mone of tiserive A . V . Sm ith , ia m ucis elateti crier thse tiati il la tlsougist D elais m u et. have ILL IN O IS H IG H W A Y C O M M ISSIO N , 1 5rn y %la rron, bit iini of tise isead wh t sl v r c e s.C o c un y ng e r h o o k t e lab bndaverdict. nfat fheotome r ied aortly alLer tise accident. P er. A. N. Joîînson. Stat.' Hîmhway wtiaIwîesaepouea(o onyegnesvs otts amonthe usi fris ealy sr- Delan boardedth ie car at Lake - tiîner.searMualet wltb tise'resoit tisati At lise cloae or fs.'h meeting on.' of testa hati passes tise exaninaton forP amount hosued for 1 reall a sur- tWaukegan As ont aa parr nt forr.heriearreatouttiswrrantgfoshan arPark 1 thenighlandParkfifsn tise job) If counvyun engineer.r prirrs b maay attorney. viso satchesi street akgn sts a Itise cas, vo behe ard biater fin u leandi aatesito know ahyit wouldn v th hirmnortecoms thee. ~ed Tweiftis street Delan rose 1.0niba - a,'le a A. O. Oasisocisaîrman o tisercommis- T e ila"bilisieztme precedlent fe n t Ndt aktoadteMILCLERX SARE aion i sCpih ba goe iin thforisem 1ae tb-ahmsa iat s oaptatbr ~ba ~tesr end of tise car. Tise conductor AL RK u' m Maon. nI. qbeig tirai sfi ise lit si uiga,% in îîstercyareion - onaateassaleatdas n ain at a jury holdos a siloffl eper re-o- wsa h'ohredo h a iktrrlti îaM i nut U*IoUlble for convertinc a n lto ao vain iesat thoutth ns ftie Ca I L.J E ,AUDRS 'ciaboli-k1 ItMID er dte eeydims elier- tiliterpaeiShetoi fisd e cadton ofr atie a passabebi Novde a5ne eatn a ocondition viser. he la mateie llstin ikt.tsogttsjelo I L self. Tise fial isearng iwill be hearsi af entson. Anoîher 510ke tui) ansi saIitise unsuccessful applicanta voulsi ta cars for bis famlly by manuel la- I vsiedtir et off at Fourteentis street ti faohrpaeweei ii o ceiil o eeaialn bor ~~~~as tisere a nstsation at Tiirteentis S.t h,*it Justice Taylor at Waukegan Sat-tot0fafbesac-icraseainth-eigleore-xmuao. stret H jr1d tsebel or f r s;Not Dstnctly Address-tdriayNov. 15thfi been afei a blins i pg was being ltlivreas an examination that any Mn.floatrnalu tie nsae ay isesto edWiI Nt B Dlivr- -snductesi Olllerent vonsen coin- »racticai engineer could ispse wltisoutV lu. alogotieea n e Insr'afner i'ese I dWllNtBeDli -Thse Latest Action.pri oe ada eul fwuddifficnty, .saiiwilliam P. Feeaey. a luti,0dba r hibenmet tOok en br Dlnoeî sp s er<lo fIied Hereafter. Tise bill filial in court by* Mrs. Nia- sa r. ntesansi are a i tans ha tUe br tie lok lim er Deanoeiedti(-reitdot f héeih-lii t isege fo m ýix '0 candidate. If tise papers bat!Ilbe butbai falait to d solcar andtirtenr vithout Ilsitatni ieapr- Uls arnso h A j c sort s atea amnng otiser thiogs: -fl~insrating 1n 01gb- properiy marked any one of thserivei Tis ttte islsrsasa l cur al ff. altisougis tise car vas going rat a U-afatrn fts ofif- That se lias berri posti5istresfor lansiPark. Alishe womi-n tresent - sfo ook tisetest voult haveepasp- Thvitecide BtI or l aintheir mail returneti, tbeî-101. i gi t yav uigwscî p1 o eeiudiu f b' pf din t the tral ansi tieir pres re11 apid mnise of speei. Tise couductor fî -eras Xsh-tairs e n ght Y ie as usir issisui. rsîtis-lNovs- ru e s-it flaf I h-s.in tl.si s Dc Fil.ts5a doubt atidedti 10th jnr-y's feeings quickly jerkedtirte bell cord for ailc tt atMl n irhuhn "dd o%(rI e ht.tepae i elr oa 'oyI vis. beycosidre lisî ~ emergency stop ansi rurde ise t o a1 iemte alei corigO~tgetiser in sail town of Vernon as sri-s-iltothe fiss-ty - whentbeycontillrre ther cse. ommui aion prevêd o fI locks o me aa if tise commis-t Wsabr -. lo a outa1 ftise point visere Delan ihall atepped cmmncato e-lve'iy Po"vmlstresabnt assî s-f., tiat tv ciiltren, fine sof tise.' iliîdic-s , il salo'hd om neI - o h Wmew»nticor nofter Pritchard from ira'tAs.itiisos atBrnIieilmdfo fh the tîme. lavng tieca seclaresi verv off. Tise vicim vas lyinz In acrum p <ate p.erlDaie<. Ronr.11.0W vliving, ae eorn, tisat turing tise-saisi.vlaixoated Iin a hiery stable..- ~ "Th icras g rl i- t.Ime se bas been postmisl.ress, lber Istili tfhbersare ICateti la barns anti Il ,)cik but a moment tu $ee that part of lise public ln acdresging mail ibndasoteg-bsmps. .Iur i i. al,1. he bâti been very seriously burt. Tise î u oli'gn am fts ot nesa for liums-s-ff ans ila th(ey bave sfsss î iiisf-qatse njrdmatn a lîftesinp ansi placeti dents ln sectpierlngtrai asisreasea.' Ilved ti ni.s-suî bidigveeea nin dtisose sIlo alafuto sectre it have in1 tise car abîcis tien raceti bai-k to- says fis.-leter, abîcis moca on tu tate 'Ti to ine sfatclyprer10Ma itle sucnus troubile. fis onifie e- varti Waukegan. At Lake street tise, sîat tio more tîme musI st e ws te db-i 193 .syuicdtomntafnpnlecaf i.cntlin r a s- s Conradi & Hart ambulance ahi-h bai 'cierksain frving t10filgutre sere a uer, 91 V t eto nidedfo reil ansi equip in t~. opaley fiftby iNasafliu area been notiffeti. vas in vaiting ansi tain person fiscs if fise audres lanot Vro n tc ladeupitr oPstvl ityta h. r tise.' wa aailt rae fo lit totisesatafacorifartu belng isass-tiby Elmer Eatots. positive menai-e f0 bealti Ifi for no bospitwa. Datwis vonefor. fien otise a1isaoggsulfia ts.tee niknown as;tise oit John Eaataa fans, fotifer reason titan Ihat of aaniiation voiicle arirved t t Intsititiutioti a number, as vieil a4utfisene andl cîtv 86acres ln afi, tise ent te be $330 a tise alîlfortihes are lirged triforce glancesahovedth ie pisysiclan Otit ie bcclearlv anitten. itndilif tise letter fa year; - tsitaie pali tisetirai paymen t titis ans itierfilai-es osîl ittilsness. wa extiact. Tise bodly vas tisenta- attiressei 10 a s-urtahsu iorner, tisee x.of $560 otitiise fease; tisat (bey inveate I fla eîor-ts-ui f suf si s-nft-rencs- le ken to tise Cotirai & Hîart sînservt a-f î ocaîion as tousa-ior uiiaf11,001In eqIfpping tise tajrin, nîîcl ,, 1i,, fi,, iefls l,,fs i,,,iHigshltandi larl iag racine. liealao place-si sn t,-uni lîspe. n la t ei-oet iiî lriislry notes aigneil ituoriia m hia mecS as arce-unit suf Il iay tiseme unsîinoon today iefore flisecase tisai. tise recilliltif lise tmailthi tiseni Ioîl. lui-Id h li lus Rpimerasus-f icl-efroiris- ttfit lbe-ghst rtai it as tietifeti Screaof eope Ilices in a tiaIthbuilsinsg or in a large for $408;: C. .aii, $196. fit.- Islacesu sifi lie cisns-d.Ilfsot il is vewedthtirentaine but ail of tisem ffie. the numiser of tise rom ou îoîi Tîtle ssur i panîtîs vrpmsitîtlii sf5-ifiiif>hi aisok iser bats utîlIvOr i a lîao fie smtten next tihe attiesa. $ 0 1 , 1 îfand ltisstshe adivanced defectivea fus secufri-s- uIis for Ail malterr bsoin-hnha tno4 r thoee illailiehemhicfarv.4,u"for tise periot end.- tisem %whfis Iivi--. ll frAsenf to frientis rbcognixed i hm as tise Young atirsiesed viii iereafter h.' sent bai-k ing Oct. 31st. for tise purcisae of sait Stafes .Attorney Jusufs anti ssk huaI man h via sticomne(o Wanitegan fromt 10 tise sensier aiti tise cause of non i farm equipinîeîuî. lbe fosecut teelI e ssn Nisiitir ion- Ciicago about tisree montIs ago. It delivery tanspes ai-romsa fie envefojie. Tisat hec Ifufsuans ativancedi Rome ducftig fise suces vas saidt biat ho halbeen employeti ai ui h,-nic ll se A AK at tise Nortisemu ttnass orts, but lu- ocbtas elee bla qrytisera fallesi 10 show fliat sncb DR BObutYLE ielevTOICOU NTYh iur shat ah.' asvatîesi frons ber Rainc. Lr)OU T a man vas on tise paynolil R BO L ISTThat tfiic'family securet ifsta a- 1 Deinu. ilbla said, bas tvo brotisera otfon h ar drn 9,. u IÀ H R SI livig Bmewerela ennylvnie nd EÀV ,- ÀKE FOR- tat ai e believes It IR unsatlsfactnry as noi as tiseir @Adrasea cao ise learis- ES ansi unproftable to continct tise farta, ed th:y-wWbe notiled of thie denath ST FJRST OF YEAR nnder tise plan during tise tisree yeers' 1 $300900 ESTATE and ske wht dspoitin tey ishlease; that ahe lifas baredthtie faryn s matis of bise bodiy. Tise Rey. W.H. Wray ioyle, D D. banda ln lise bouse abers tise pont- Mrs. Louise Huber, Antioch, a No o knows Just aby Delan atrothLkeFes Peby office la locateti saIi bouse belng used esicir fEtaeo a sisenîsihave leapes tram tise car at iatrofts"atel'ra Peb-ats.'poatoffice anti tarm bouse:; eeiir saeo a Thirteentisattirent. Inasmucis as e terian ciiorcis,isas announesditbs f ise isvdoie@ailtie seiaworit ther J. Logeman. lives on Fournte treet, unles e acceptance of tisei-al 0tiste Woodi-ftinat on Nov. 7, 1913, aise isearsi a s-us- imagined be bat passed bis station ward Avenue Presbyterian i-suri-h of mcm tisat liser hîsabanti bat soit every- Bi. tise vifi aptiroved inh Cook cstnn- and diti not viss la lie carrieti any Detroit ans i wlu close is pastorat.et thIsng off tise farn;: bat tise next fi- cour Saturdai- of Johsn Logeman, furtiser. Apparentiy Delans body L.ake Forest, Jan. 1, 1914. Tiese.- morning vwen aislas It l .'in ,ahi-rh $300000 sortis of îroperty muet bave strucit a teispisene piole otrf ouiti net mîve liser an aer. but eft la dihaposesl of, Mrs. Louise H. L. Hu- some othso cigtruction as ise vas hurt ceptauce la tise resait of a unanîmonstise bouse ansi bas ncb returneti since. i-ail frontishe largeot, Presisyterian Sol ae ber of Antiocis. Lakte counti-, bei-ores ________________ cisurcis ln Michigan. Tise session of!tc aknOf a beneficiary ftotise astate. tise LaktetF'orest chuncis mate a final TisaImuci cf tise stock ltbi NiaMr.Hubor la mentioneti sa a SOlaitonCONrICs;tise farot, iaclutlag 21 tiaugisbr cf Mm. Logeman. Chicîago SPOUE ACONICTeffort Saturtay nigist te persuade Dr.heand cf Young stock, oni Nov. Is: i paliers mention seven ciiltren vise WIFE HIRES HIM. Boyle to roconsider hie tieclsiou. - but lilal site bas beard ber buuabansi bei-orne ienliciarieo of lise estate tInbise perloti cf nearly siglit yearu bau soit aliltise reet of tise stock andi, hi-h wouldtona th ie proportion .lauesvillie. Wls., Nov. 10.-Edward at Laite F5orest Dr. Boyle, ameng odb. Maciinery as w-ella. the 21 bad: tisat cones te tise Lake county 'vescan Aneson, a 4allor, sentencot Ictiay toeor civc activItes, tountiedth ie Young tistabcssehas beard ber huasansi bas sometbiag like $43,000. co yean at labor. ndttr aa ev state Men'a club, wvihicsbas isecome a mone sois Issu..oansi stock t0oime O. 1. îav, was bîresi by' bis w-ite, Wiso el for inllar clubs tui otson cile.s. ookaect'ad Julus, Relpar ansi Sarahs A. Patchen, died sudtenily on mad th coplaletagalus bln, ndtha *à ekaew- nolh,î# the trans- Nov. 11h. at oendais, Cal. Panera<i mate~~~~~~~~ tecmaitaantbn.ad marriae bea» u. la Isuesi la action asi t babch.JielIv.àbe psi, services at tise Preabytenlain churcis b. w-il ont for lber for a ysar. TKÔ Ciicago Momday to Itobert Ware cI ltjetissisalebil "kcow-"ie tat Ilglland Park. ]L, Tbursday, Nov. siserif vwiiidrav Arnpon's- 'age Ciesucoad Hlen Zianer of Higli.'.3tb at 3 p. m. Burlal at Janteevlle, snd poil, tsi tf lUi. Arasen. tand Park. 7WsUu4 on fPaie , ria IL siet at bis home. * Atborney Jameis O. Wl.frtise caloonkeeibers. viii appeal tise case ansi a test of tise verdict ln tise igber courts IleoBrme 10 lolc. Hotstrmnslas aig ta be un or about North Chicago, being ln a pby»lcal Mtas viera ho caes nethiug for i. chldren aiso have heen careti for at Lake Bluff orpisanage for the past Yem wheu hey w-re taken over by Use autherlîles after feing founti ln a semi-starved rctitiion at tiseir borne On tise Southstilde Tise-y are bise famiiy viso. laRt wiuer, voe beipesi asai- by local vomen viso diii- ooversdt bisr ptifuippilght. A nus- ber of tisese w-amen viso bel pedthorase w-re w-lnesues ln tise trial. teling 10v tbsy foundt ieun. boy îiey w-ps hallutanvet, etc. Thelr evidence wet fan to show to tise jury tisaItise S fatIsons négioct, If causeti by Iinki, abouid lie paît for hi- thoseaisho vers respousible. At ne ime turIng tise jnry tdel lb- Y erationa was biere any question of a verdict belag given against tise de- fenant$. Tise question of guilt wa debermmnesi on Use frt ballot. 15om Ue on Use Jurytuen Irlati te decide 4dtinued net Page i wr,.l ÂM AIRYWffless -TOM GllI&gs5 egno doorkeeper aI MtI!South iebigan avone,Chicago, 'W-he Dr. William T. Krby ofthUe de- <snobt Mrby Bavingu Bank aileget ihe hasit $0m 20,M0 by wIre tappera, was a w-tuea for bise doctor before loti- erU Jutige Landis yesterday hantise dOctOru motion te sot aolde tise jud.gmenb ordering bina te pay $20,- 00 lato tise court. Gliago tostîflesi toth Ue toctom's vsita et Use place anti absrdtet aJemeu -ttroanlier, tise &UM - iegi iretapper. gave hlm $60 for -r0tualng te recognixe Kirby atber the 18t;«,WU "de0m. rA Frank H. iu'st of LîbertyvwUp Purchases Librtyvife, tïps ting Track for $25OOO. PLAN BIG AUTO EVENTS FOR TRACK IN FUTUi1ý> Deal Cîosed Wednesdlay Aft l noon-The Tracc Represented Investnot' $155,000. Fr~ank Il. .Jîst of Liberty-' v-il on Wednesday afte?- îoozî vlosed a deal for t1W puiîrt'Ilasc<of the famousLsjb-,s ertyville trotting tr8fgk, barls, amîpitheater, et4i 4*01îsideratioîî being $~I for the property .iii originalx- represented ýt, pendituie of $155 00on O.- s part of A. C *Frost Whp.,- noted the track when h. wa.s head of the Chieage ib Milwaukee Eleetrie *gil- loakd eornpany. The purchase as made b 'Nl1r. .Just waS made throiaJ F. E. Marsh, as represei iob," commentea O. J. Westcott. an- l"" as uoUUati.ot;jh i .s othier unauccesaful applicant. "It was Thonipson and D. N. Ras,' t simple examination wiitisany ftBl- son, aliso being menIm ýif~ neer couit stand easily. i1tiefy any the associattion, who auth«i.- engineer in tise worldte1 show tisat y< u ae lie questions were net properly an sw- ie h ae eresi by me. 4 1. The - h i l)t-etv contains MOk "it hea agreat myatery ta ni.' bwoyi(îf ti 111(anîd the traok l- not otse of the Ove was paaaesi" he ýsaid tii be one of the fu foncludeti.trotting tî.aeks in the Unt~ Nir. Gasi s aad tisat tise marklng of ~(5 le palies :a haudieti exclusively _ whcre for a .~ byJaesT.Voablirond engineer 0.s"IlSs i ftIIInotable.b~* ions tiiefederai Depamtnient of Agri i-t-w~ere held aind eveji a 'tltLre. wlîsî îstino iseaxiaof (i - - visil t îo'uds set. iiîs ilising ti-tîveeti caîsîidates.fts-..4i May Go Outoide County. Wh1ile Mr. .,ust il# Gasif inistettlitat tise rond m lî i gVI(litiilS ini Coflfeetý1 iot cisemplate ailowissg unsucceàs- witlî tte pinîs for the P«l ni canidates 10 enter for a second t'liiise theU big property,ýit sxisination. In event tise second liatiS-- ef cantissiafra proves a failure the .lii tiiidiiStood tlîat aoàeW ounty boardsilhIbh empoweresi ta thlIîg x-Yx BIG in the a13*os- o outaide the. couiy for tise engi- 11obile race wvor1d la bftk*4f neer.the big deal, just wht be "Even is en tise county board'i se- W~iI1 flot say at this time. One lectiot il bcI . forcedta t stand exans- thing is positive: There will. Ination before tiseicomission," sidhe neo th Mir. Gash. b n ftebiggeMat Wlth sucb a situation trouble be- irace meets inl the sprimg on teen tise county board andth ie state the track that has ever bee higisway commission la inoked for. held in the country. And it Thse board naines th ise ta hob test- d by tise commission, andl as tise firet se nsadtefmu El se ta tic teatet ineuieid tise favored gin î'oad races miay be held rgineersi an aîvempvto rename tisem there nexi year in aceor4- a expecteti a toc with stiggested phmi , atinoinwied at Elgin a few, EN INCHICAGO, BE Nweeks ago before the pru-- ?AEFUL YOU DO'T GIVE ent deal xvas even rumooe&. AWAY YOURMAKIN'S . Tise deal vas finaily aloff 1.d J Il vili ise juat as mucis cf au offense neaday altisoughis i bas b@M ilos oa give or ssii "rnakinale te10ciilsiren sometise Mr. Juit. wbm ta lt 150w la ta ssii orn 4ve thibn cig abiout its plans nid hoe-b"4 rets If an amenaiment 1tatise mu- reacisedth ie point w-ber. bit licipal code approved I)ly tise mdl- 'Mlge the s'ail but Midti"s îary committes Ia Chisiago Tueaday tbing on auto race 5flBeU5gS se passti by tise dlv conuacil. On the' be lookesi forward t06 ssOUOU 0f Aid. train fR. Hazen the. a He sislbhe ore. vw" Sm Oômmttee votesi 1a incisis tise traluesiat the iOl ffl ie, b s'ords, «"Caret papers or -wrapperb." VU- 105' 1h.PROU'&" A# la1 The. proposesi ordlnane aproibit t-01 1fu!rt hAt O fà coatlnUOUs show" theaters 1cm tseU) u lttimtW»,et t«» -U s~ fg tickets when uestam re ot îm. 1.O.qISet the M*dtelY avahlable w-ai saisitab ave mon devitalisesi by tisecommttfe. o& de tc n ci avee, reasy sale it e d »t w-iole doli doek e engy. Il v 9 f n c1, a q a fi ICI Viti" JLý-iN V. Z5. a PART TWO LIR YVTLIIE- ML 1PRTnAv il . IMÉ%TTIN -3% à à% M-