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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Dec 1913, p. 11

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Il CÂSU l AuD Waukmgan. Dec. 2. À% &»Yatithe mp who tried th@ qMe agttheibm iVolo wonuen ébargid by the state wlith having rid- den i". John fRichardsonl on a rail lt V94 onOitJuly Stitlaut. The lat lurlman wae meacured Tuesday after SaOMt. The court rooni again toilay was packed ta the doors witb Volo people »d id may trom varioua parts of tse agunty. Many Waukegan men andl womec aro preséatt towitneee tbi4. the most aensaUional trial of the kinti ever ceeu ber. Or any place else. The laklng o t*stilmOnYbalzan tlp atterutoon and whiie a Witole day hat been coueumed ln obtaîinhg a Jury hecause ofthte wide publicity gi.' Il Mhe case et tbe time and oubsequsnttY It ln fetthai the preentatti afI evl, dence wil te ruahed &long and the cme may b. coupieted by Wedne daY evmt. mouday attorneys tald, the oeuft they ep.eted ta b.ftisbed hy Weduesday ioorning but it inSsafe ta predict Wedneaday evening will bé the very earlielqt it can bc finished. Perbaps It will take longer. At 3 ociocil States Attorney Uadyc muade bls matemnt tus the Jury. Ha said the wameu are chargcd Dot wtb a feiony but witb a miadeusenor; tbev are charged wtli tbe offense of< riot. the penalty for 'wblcb le a finef not over $200 or six months lunjIf. He read the iaw showiitg that If two or more persons actally do 1nun m muf.ý md jury raigt F 'a Work a d Lit Xi MIL Chi- WY 4MOI la M"sd a hiuiet- raimmod in -the it.eff. mer~ 4»p - amof me oku go alm tw b» 1 wor a Clasys- om leam st on the i ora et Carge of n dodus qf ovem- iliy. New >the. mm- »0i $%Mon L--:jr9 d« i q~. *t 4-0*E. e4*àw. Pm-twu diolt met .40 sot M& mm TMRK3kOUNy IN»IoENTiENT. F'RIDAY, ah. was prOperIâé'4ded. 8h.-la at- "My tbusbabnd Bat on the. porch ail ihcy Intettdsd tarritîgatri if tendeil by ber crtpple4 huabattd, wbo. tbim iline. uniabie to bheip me; lhe final' Mrs. Rchardson if she dfiii after t.e tpoode tood oui against ]y sent Clara Ronadeutcher out and'the vilage and that th," ber but bas now poined to asid ber she told the women to stol) She tried it on h-r If mihe re-tirneti ît Proaftution of the women whoi sine ta get mie away from them but thet' iatl. the alleged raiiridlng. have boycotted1 toid lier tbey wouid trent uer tihe HI told!of ai'tt 11- u his business ln Volo. practically driv- ane way If shé dItln'l ggel uWay. I-.se' for tii.amouiit-îi iý Ing hit out of the cotnmunlty. lMrs. "f inaliy Mot huit uit' t'îîItîi'aloiti tireand bois tiy-Y îioiîî Richardson nitselose ta State's Aitor- (Clara and mv iusiiaîd niriocýIth,-île' r I i- i' I igiit trb név Raiph Diady; bier huaband, wilIri brUiiseson mv Iody. \W i -"t for V .totgrapjhr v hi, I \% 7 i- iq crutches close t baud. mitas ý tiossdeutche.r anid he gave tini(- i lii'11-1 ti 111i11, ;tw'nlui hind lber. The six womeu are close 1ci ne for îny liiad lwutt i vv i i îd( iI.(Il,- .1 tit,'t p beside their attorneys, Coolie & Ingidp, I vas ail 1utt'd op Il,-' id it v lItIl'NI r. ll',d v ito , 11.. Clarke. Was dtep tee t ii'mi'tt il'IV tl, olitn iii' nigl M lis. Kate Wagner, witb lier four lirelâtmelit. tali t -,hiti' v' Il t montb' nid baLby ln ber arrma. bas 1 1 went ta Chicagito o th,' i 7ihaloi Io'ý frequently iiterraîîted proceedingst.remnaInd tiiere 'Inve vimii lis'ir- for, as a defendant. ah. musttlbe In ta Cross Examnifld. 'llite six votle woaîeiî tn the room and sit e annot leave tit I, tr. Pope' îîîiî'îtrî' J%'Is t I. lAie colinty circuit coîtî batte outside. itilis rît in (,it'îtt 't I iilItliew th riîît la counectIon ui William Dutrnili, ibeénman whotu re-- asked lier r iFviitad ivîeii i narrîiI 1.1-ridiuig Incident in shI' Il lations wtb tIrs. iRicbardson causeil %i oue to litîr lmarrIaKe loRichaiîrdseonit chardlsoni. ii cornpiailiiittt' the women vigilantes tu, take tbe mis 4ihbe ititlJpii' tttira r il--ii.'ii iaiiiliendaongtruhlI, ln ibeir biuds one evenlux iast But in.fartiis, jut Whien 9sTuc t cIii offlr0-'o rot e tbat the wboie tii! mer, has neyer iîeefl son *Ince tuai <ail 'tIr. ilop1tî'tri,.rle oIii fîIîîîr tomere laite, tirt they mp.ro- n lgt. i î itii iit tr'teI on tis ' t iti'tiy ot i tl,. ' c arivarlri Mriî. Richardsont 's utt ii lt " îiniîîn ~ .town. t'i caim they w A genuine sensation waa caîîsed iin te court room thisa afernoon wben a reporter for a ChticaO newvapaper tougbt to tait. a fla.llght picture oif tae wamn defendants ln the Vain case. It lms ald ha. bail tilawed thi'ti anmei littie time trýi ig tii"otu tltem buit tbey bail 'tiidiousIy avitiditi hlm. Wtuhen th uejdaue azeppedI loobis ubaubers for a féw moments the put> tographer thuguhtt he sas' bis chance andl prepareil to talte tbe picture. Holding their roas or muffs lu front of ibeir faces the womeu rumbeul from uthe court room Afterward tbey explaIneil tbat tbev were fooied onve a heu tbey 'tîuséd for a îîictttre andt they ililnov ptirpotte iti ii' tututieu J)ECEMBER 5., 1913. cosid go aw'ay to esc ape tht' gos-i ,o! lte vItIagve omen 'whtt iati !tt'n itk In" abolit i i ý, '! tt I i ' ila ' a i'r tt i dam . littit t !l îirt ttltit uta i ' titi, usolltli. l1 tria'l i0 Cv'trsIti L lit: or tite * oI 4.%.'r' .ui ur tgagî'îI iii ua tir- viliaget b! empbaslzing tliti ivretýnt.' it ýe " Mt'it'iNr. t'imite ment against ber ailegî'd reilations "No 'sir, i wtts nol."1r11t1lîti 'tirthtbWilliam Dunlf 1Mr. Rirharditon occupied lite stand tutittvi'ttiithiis orning. fie toi(] tif tt"iît FFtahight Taken. îîîîîîgeîî to siti y and tsec lit. w it",) Il, lt0-1 M3i1tul tri.. rail, uit criiipled conditionît rcvtsti,'ilîi t tarI roittttiti dtl' i'.t t rii]him going ta ber aid, iii' vavi isut1 tînusuailia terriitu', it vati'-viii ît nler- it utches at îhemi but couîd rt'ntii'r no nation fort h.'momnent. 'Iv' Rit h' assistance. Richardson tmlii tf btr- ardison e',lv itv ' FetI iTue , ving$],lvi! whtch be aitî iiitus i,'[lotra, 't trit fi t il %vas 11 'I,< m I i' tIll.', tI' , - r" ,rd inrirtding oniy mnq..Iitr"ît 't Richatîrd'sont. :'trs , ' inev i W'ti S init. it ,1It il ' liit 'ti"p. î iOl ii "t. ' "'1 1 ý tvet o itt, t i triand wa r t' r r r t t 'tir. 't il "'il "I '. t t I . t t tii I t r *i ' . ,i 't r I t. It I t I .'*" r r , t t it, ir t. îut' urht' iîtttv iii"' t. r' t~î il r r- 'ho store, se took Mr. Rtvhardson b! ba' tind, not tîy tht' wrIst, and tedl 'r iiy) loto lte vruwd yiere l0tA tit oi çntinuedi for a 'tort tt,. Sîd Riussell Pirst Witess, * f' ' " Il', toi or l. t tti ti l ti Ti v i ti hrL",tOt. TI" Attriand tessonl 1 ' f ttI i , t it t c y e d t r i 'lý' , . re ai tW, I. lite * r. r ' ' . Tri et t~~~~ h. in'Ilt. t 'I p t'. t i.' . titi iii t ivitti t" lit ~'~' I '. t i .11 îîîî'itîr "" i"" I ' ~ ' ' 't' t it't"ti't' t " ' ' t t '1, u,.t h 't t 'i' ith ad let I l 1,îurt'l,- i tlt' itt 'a e u i u] i l îîî t ti t, '-. t lt't'ti lit 1' it. t' Vsiir 5 v'roîîî'hed itîtk iiin lr tIittir at i wii liai] been airiti ]at h'r, ié-lt' t titi e nter the titier wii'ii liîted ultttroulii i te rooni aller iv vEiirt'aii'l 55'Jiit hau fîîîîî i>au,. Ji Jni(] i ( triti -'.îi- fl act i wrîfore o iireivtoltncelii' ittiti' it a permen or prolerty of an- r oi h-w-,ýLfr li ier. they bave conimitted icto. T etture of Tupseilastessioin o f flair, tittn't ,,il. vit'ti \r.Diitiîili. Re mi ube tats expécted ta prove théte ain gae watt natiuraily the tes- rv ivt rdiii" ni'i ry alegation o the ludictmlent. tmony of fairs Richardlson, the romnî i "'tou oiut - huýik at us good (,'il tt esudiltati Rchardsou and bis vite panlug alîness. SIte rvel a most sut know utii tientiîe" d been mn nariule yearm and bad interesîlng aitne'.s, sers' narvous btl N'irs. Rt itari-lsit ilidtitt aym been baPPY; that On .iUIY l5tb t the same lime pros ing herself ri- tr ot iiutttt'rti itî @y s'e m etel On the poret iln iiuble of w ithstandlng liie'on siaughî ilitt'tso it'sisimt rlii tilnut it t of tbeir store s'ben tbe defeul- made hv AttorneyslPope ln hiti enileas- Sii l'tr'tguittttî ,t came titere auddlrmggsd ber off or ta twistt ber tesitiman3 roulit', didn'! t Y t a ttu' it-s'i' tu e porcit; thsi they touit ber despita After 'ube bîd tld thbu' tor) of the' 'tmar,'ul t ut' tulit i (iîiti t tu.i 't(iti tr proteste and bar clpîtied buebaul rail-ridin,- occurrentce on .iîty 150tii tiî'î retiit-Iw.u' Ifî't1wtt'utvtî' e unabie un id ber; tbat they Pro- las,,M , yiire e se a'i Iirsn' h 'tirs iîkîiantlliertîîei litIr.titiriitilt iad a long rail and moved lit tieî Pope s'ho sougbt ta pry open ber pri- \r.1dd o i eeu ber limita and a millip fol i-ýte lite. digging alt skeletans whI"iu l( aul i iil utiI' ixtiitîîte c'a(ait uti mel as hey coulnt bold bei tiÎe sinie objecteul un and s'bicb ituh' ir. li lte uttt tit,- i i tuitu ti si-a, lie sid taeexpierieuce made e rit aimaeirevented gongloto tht' uitli l i? r a nervous s'reck. Ha said tbe records. But, despîte the griiiing. Ansiser 1 dl)t tut >uiau thon ba pans oftmalt wbicb 'tIrs..Ricbarilon s'as cautions ant trlvît YttIrtusuî etvi sey use lu hurlua muil ai ber lu ever ready it wlt "I dont julit rerali" vrjoe-'i iii (r (1 rtiterance of thefir anger' that the 'beues'er Mrt. Pope coritereil lier,. ut'lotil1it ,uningloate over what tbey bad 'tUIwuer pari,tîîvilrî itI tu m~,tht be wllngy osI Wien lMr. Popte endeaî'ored tut gît u ,î'ieti'sIirhuurds 'i%. ron e'mpprm aa tes'nlaya literlber ta describe te cotor ail ebaite ter' ut îi'iand i)i sir irother it i aw hea tley lbd tieir pictures taken. no tteyvire aena ttirae ei huuswle Mr. Pope. tor leteusa. reserveil bis ngtte r ieedt aegvt nier Ves. ,eing statemeutuntil liter. NIr. ber ubît rail ride, itliooked a s if li' 'tr. Poîme-tant It a faut titat Mns taI the aluneits tangieu.l. itectatorqIt lhnniii net long hefore this af-air ly Oiulued et 3:1i. nokeil for ini next to asit ber abat O c t) ii ntail lbtildinug lhavitof tus *aby msy Save Womsl'. uoireil eyes tise somen wiîo s'ere ln hornetand,. opening the door. ituileit lira. Kate Wagner,. oas of the six tbe party litai, but bie did net. i ou aud Mur. Dunnili out? aendanta todai admittel that tbere "iarn a nersous srent Niy nervet, Anewer-She dil not (Ir. Dady ot- aa strong raeas'b wy ame bas the have been shatterel ever in ce that aicutssaîeli u h ,tur.montbas-tild baby lu ber arma. uîgt." said ilirs. Rchardson. M ir. I ecid nwrIbfr h beto bat baby lagtus ha ber deeuse. Tbe l'opie enuluavoreul ta matielit appear liagtiasiereiiefr he oieci )ab wheb a* reqisaly nteruP- tat ebail gîined bi ealbh because Subsequent questions by Mr. Popeý bd proceediga ln the court rooni, Isabe huidtalcen an iiesb. for, tbe worn- eraontteueedngait- xpctad taeb.otemeana of cearing aîmltted ahi' weighs t58 poundqin etatu"- f h oe nowmaaetrilatmore leail on theywomen Ibis yonhg motter tram the charge nsatiemoeianntîy hehandliing 'trs. tRichardsont roughty and of bavîng alded ln ridings ir. Rict însmiteî bier general beailitlbail been rlding lier on the rail, titat ttiey accu-i tidmon on the rail. s'aise sînce that tune. mulateil tin pans, euc., and marched lu eemae that titra. Wagner dims 'tirs, Richardlson reciteil the details to the pace mauing a big dun: that te baby lu. question ws born Julit af that memnorale nighi. She said tbey hen auttedi er ta join them and our laysalmier the ratl-riding occur- sie and ber busbanil sere stting on qhe il s oontani' anti, vitlitlier rance. She therefore pointe ont thai tbe porcb ln front of their store wben in tie tircie. they Justt alkeil u. and il s'ouid net bave been probable that a crawl o! women aiiroabedu that dean maiing a noise andl "having a' %ho s'as taking part ln ucb an affaîr '%Ira, Peter Stîdfetdt and a persan s'ba u.eaaant tinte," 'Irsa. Richarnt ei nigt. wsmmakaî, rumbedi ito iheleail and sneerlngly repleil that aucit certainly llowever, whille e@ moas m tua rabbiag ber by tbe arma, titilit ber w'as not the. came. cuitaÀ. lira. Richardsoni daulbe h ta offithe poroit aud the otter wvomen Sluter on Stand. béte il tact. M. lciardaon al-o lefendants beil stâore a rail be._ 'irs. Anna Geger, ber iter. tee- éules h. mytug ho as' ber toeinti twaau ber limÏsaon whlcb tbey irlei tiied ta seeing tueehnsises on Mro. lu the 'gardon ome dais atter the ta give ber a ride. Itbardsos's body; ien netuew, W'm. rai-r1in: afar. heyclim he Wss Mast.d Persan Krepet? E, Re'iis. Jr.,. gave simiiav testimonY. baby deuse im trumpeil up and tUt The mamiel person, 'irs. Richard- W'. .J Smith, editor ef the 'ti'aulue- Ou. jwllrbc beinte aane IL t son iilmitted, abslie d net recognize gin Daiiy Sun anmd Laite (ounts' Inde- morng vas asingel i edtactbisbut bail beard t s'as Elsuard Krepet. pendent, wst1time asi su iinesTues'1 tleig a ltdaisersIf theifara-outlthe seventb detenilanl sho a-as neyer day. The tte inisiied v tut bim andi phereie hlauy agaîat Iem. ite darresteil even thongh be s'as indicteil court aijounnediaiet sxi M Ithe di- sith the s'omsu. It uas neioteil helfense ta cross exantitît' tutu \Vednct ropiied that lu voulil prejuilice bim wore a sunhounet aniliong suappen day ntorn ng. for them.tebdbi dtiy h ..pp, anwstlter. The O.eondiflta-'Nirs, Richardson tltIhos' the s'om- lite .htat Iboki iare the ttigt ie t lire. Peter StadIldt. the muet trik- en carried ber about llfty feet on the il-ove teo o'o, J.tvti't Otind tooliil, lus membar of lhe lefenlanta' party. rai, baws absgot off a coopte oftimes Piettire ortite' îuîten tatid istat tri'yi s'eu-s a slit skit and late center taIdbas' they repiacel her on the rait. salitlto iitri aloul lite tf-air uof te cf ittraclian. 11sf bsani la the This kept up fon atout a iaif bour, , 5th. village biacitsmiib, Ste la the vulman mbe said. ifteî 'hlct abe managed te He salitdinsui)tttnce' 'ht't lie ucvent s'bo. after the ahfiSi, s'as crediteil breatk aay ail rumhbhart loto the u t' oio, takirîg wiitî iîuîa pi htiiti,'a s'ltb basina heen chasan a captalu store sudil ter te bermoontmiove It.liberu thut a cnowdi of s'oînt'î uti oft the 'Party. Sbe sid that Mtra. Stuifett. ihen ereil about Iini andllhe taiked uoit rrîm lire. Jacki Raymuondl, 'irs, An Stail' she graithedi er. saId: "You're the of te rait-rîdinti affair; tIat tue t- ilt fudt tad'trs (Chris Sable are ait aid one s'e'ne ootîng tor.' taiited freeiy, 'tUrs. Peter Stiidtt'idt vomen ail Iberefore titeir 1resence She toil of bruises ta bier itotb ai-ms actinîg ntostty as spoitesni'aut, tu as defeulnstg l a tture. Ttîey are ail tabier legs s'hlch ste saiil sere they tolt of bauing helul a mseetinîg af! anyviiere fron '0 taeS80 years o! age. rauseil by the rail whlcb titi- ismen sunimen the tprvens Suîitîs' stlin lir&. WNaner andluis, Peler Stîl- tiseil, Sbe sail abe aboweilthese tuey chiose 'Mtrs. iitdfelt andtuu tt iutu' fedt are satinti oînen. %tirs. Wlaitan imuises ta relatives liter. sonan as caiitains for l1 :It tiirioftu la perhaiis 5S. The state introduceil Its lst e.\.ite t 'th. Tiiet uectirtu'tt) i t îîuîin ut' The sevenlî defeoilmnt, Edisaril hibit nte shape af a caliro il-s. s'e'ondl catutintir tIw iiu' tititntt iti' Krepel. the oniy mate charged i"tb su'ichiee s're that nlgt mands'hicb it. scnt tii the Rttltiatit(i"tty, glul trioina s'benMrm. tJohnItihard5afl s'assOTnewtat terin. Site salil t s'as 'ttrs. Rivririlson and u vtîtli'rhît'v tut s'as alilgeil taeihave licotu ridîsu on a tornbu- the v-amen aba îîseultue rail. raiu. adthytl iii o i 1e rail, lus net lu cout, a-.buIng eludeil an 'irs. Sttidfeldt sail that Mrs, M'al, u u te ttthi itî ittt' roi-etgo tir, ton tandlMrs, Raymond tolil lier that if stoniuln the vitlage' usiitti'e u"t, ,tirs. Ricardlson s'eans lber isedding site ever returned ta town they wotîliltion orfelle, ('lara ti1)o. deîs'tr rinlg ou the Pi-per fluger sud lit 1lee, ise tai- and femiberaon ber, oit part liu the ralI-ridinlu'- tsItur; Uthtl botîceabie thig tbat site rarries ber NursRichar-dson sail thttMre, Sa- Clara s'as totlu ufitu t!lii tit itsiiii bal lu a poitionotathirngs bis mails a simili- remarti about te tryingt e aid lier emuiiits'u'n,'ti lii .flaiuiy visible by te prospective tar sud aldeil that 'this oîtgtt ta bave urilson. thev s'ulîît retui her tu- juraIs. The tbouigbt tg tbat site teen boa. six s'eeks before. saine usas;'that ibu'eu'uîîîî'ît utu l i books te Impress on tibeir minIs ubil ContinunO Ms. irRichardlson saldu uuey bad pircuceîi a liait iof tan and w You Can Buy Your Fait and Winter Garments Here M LessThaniElsewhere We make a specialty of ready- to-wear >i ubOnly Which is amnple reason w hy MO ou ldO do your buyng here as we are iii a position to, offer you better values than aIny Stol-es. 12.00 Coats 7.48 a lare vrty offared a thîs pie, inciidng b - c , stkachinchilla% and mixture]s îiflaiir. darutured and black. showitîz the iiew effecî's of the senSOti. orna- nuliîed ii a plcasr.g wav- wuhclcl'n, but.ins àin b -id. ail ~X '.S1 îaue fur r fo--v i. uiu .1 I Ii' iI -I ags bail ea the laoi wa cl tre al tite bl WC cui W loi tb e Do la fa t' A !tiI. t Mtii(Li l li, b'i L i uI l.")Iiti ' l,'s. I lfi 'u tiîu"'t lu'-tgu-. al 1ui t "t1uî'ui[l .11- 'ru, h tii. 2.98 e.00 .5.00 79c tAi- 'ti utr, c 'jaï1 lcr :ats arc fuî cngîed oIst 98 of chslýli thulls, astiand bovucleand hninxiof Saieliý new and popular kimonà 12.98 slîceve.ý, Ral 1I8.oU va lutes atonly.... I"'t îui,~:. s '.'wu liavtc -uccived over 200 woolen dret- ;' ; i't ccirg" of chitrs an'd the ney$es de- sig os. t-tkt uri ît cd v' il'î a valiiey, of Slks, braids anzi u-.r it-ts !.i arn oniatS color conibinations. Tî%cs-- uc.n>szC" %ere bc,.ught ttciup b 50 10.00~, l r uhis siIe t011'i' . . .. . CIidr dvi.ss vfdvcsses ini bitie, browriorrcccl Prettily trurriuncd " i braid, vei'vet and buttons, 29 u 1 yrs. extra value ai . . . . . .2 9 i0 ,j)'uctu tylc'tai 2.98. The nuakandtwo ouler g .u i 'Cs u e ofthtlnî featured by uwat'ly. btu;. l, ii î tL i..with on wihout storni col- lai*, Wýl'ttc, c trdiaî niavy ai- grey. They have sold tegulariiy and readily at 5,00, for this sale 2.9 wte offer xctvou vurs ,r . . .. . . . . ..2 9 dainilv1 0 .0 0 tat,............. ....... .98C lu, 1.00 ( i r i ", i li ", ii 1 12...... i't... i 42c .... . ...79c r t l. ui' ii3iiC t i lt-uit' 'i ul tii "i it'u r J '~î~î".i - A- Iili l Ii 1.i ' , tl'Iii i l«U i'. ttlui, ii ti i 'î1t 'i Party dresses i'n da;iruy su k5 anîd latces, hui!) olow neck, dainty éf[cts in6.98 calai-s, speciai ai ..... ..69 STATE FINISHES. '11-1 17c

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