FRIAY.DECEMBER 5, 1913. ~.----.> Il . boa. 6 *w l lova t' uoI ymisanie, hovever ~ti Tansgl6&dasegi.enby lias . Msd M. W. W&@vab snccss lu I 4MM7 vaj. Amomng licesprentvs . ralsul. à, lev souples rou hese atided th. 4e»meas tLe @VM& rmuksislvlng es Ail rport m suiopital e»Ring. ' Jus. Ainauo uounSd. thas b. vii bo hie sRenami evTsars bilou lburs veniaxj"J. 1. Dsspte isebai vesiber. ti. mueons are at von on besade «oAunert'7109g W gsi tb. building ineumsd belonmeov "ie. Wille e lilisa or (iraidlae. le doing Sb@ vonk. W'aller Mller end iamilij bave been alpsudlug ils pas: ves i viiirelatives lu Beeetiy Niia Lob ves compeleia vailfrom lbrjvllletu Round [aie, bavlqg aisssd hlé train lu CIego ou'sg tu tii. lut thas ils trai bave ebaugsd selsdoie fatlloi. Mike uqai bs soms bler.lRe smje it look bse met tva boure. W.dding belle viii noom ring ont lu Iledailke. Listen! Annouinceclets vil follov. Owfeg ta iseilt las lb. elortre 4lht e ve sout oi commision Sundj aigbt, tbe uoelng Picnreebûv vau poetpqued onil, Monds,. Mir. and Unr. Il. . Gleue * Peut Thanisvgiw tb relatives lu Chiàago. JIecmber lth tii eedith haver suidVegtaie Co.., oft Uerly ville, viii ais su nteri'iinent lu tbe< apera bouse. Admision Ire-. 'Mes.L. Luby and Mlre. Ueu. hiaplug vho ar. in st. Marys bospital in Mlvsukee, are- reported gettiug &long a. V. Ceveland ils vsll kuowu piarmueisi v itb the DraceD. ug C. took charge cd the tore bers Monday us Mies Vmsy wv*uls lid 10Wauiegsu au *ue.: busines.d Mi. sud Mn. Jas Davis ileted thei na,asiatian al, NouthCilcago éundebyL ms lthegueste 0a!Brry Groier. vho le1 ~01 the lis mmltesar as estation.. Mies Agnes W agne oft tile plueandu Mir. AryPetoe ouaifisny, vere mauiedinlumaage eltWédusda moraing ai 9.00 ooceiby Fatbsn Sp- aSsiseaiet. Peins hiebe. Tbey viii rmk a e Mlury. Their man rieude vlebhem a longbhappy jouney ulrougb Ums Clara Mosty of Elin, speut Tiaakpgiviuff vib ber uà"o Mme.#as.1 Kirvan. A. J,. Uymuoud spet lust Sstarday lre.Jack Frost openi seft vesi at Fox Lake. Mm. Wm. Hronîmue vlsited vitb ber motier, lire. Dunulli, Imet veçi. Me. Henry Bobnp oQIElgin, @peut Tiaakeegiiia iib ber mother. Mmrs .Sari Caafaer@esvus a Waacouda visitor UMiseClans Raiug, so MartinuStofi vers Cilcag traders on lait Weduesday. Peter Wengari la on.te ib li et. le. imeau uSel, aaloMissLydia EneseI ai Wankegaa, vlisd ai . .. **mil'@ lait vesi. MiraaadlinsJoin Waltau, also Wu. »Ol.nsud aIullj, eut Th-kmieg witl 1ir. sud Mm re nry Krner at TIsewvusno cereh Sundai onu s ouga cI0 ie th er . Servicesenexi *$»y s a2-80 P. muet the MX. E. cbapsi. lias Rlparisan euesoue et bor Man- day 01 ils vsek. A goodly &aae of our poplace vue lu *&*tegnu ibatday. AUCTION *ALE. TbeunddagDed Uv@il e t public anelion o.nltaspromiss e imile vesi a1 Eset,~mlles nortivwesi t aïf allD lsm daDec. 9, camuaaclg ai I p. a.sisrmlug Impleuesteansdbouse- lire. Teresa engh, Pnnp. Vu. PetersAuciionee.\ p- SUD3TM 8TA" NOTICK ý gytm ensd sportemen are hereby ;solffd nop to tr~epaae orebhootaon 9 Ipremise, aii4 penaty pi l. D>anei Jralhbsrger, Prairie Viev, DL r~~rffE *"~1 p. a. Las, Our guisidepotmaent,] vas given aseurpriseIaatTuesday ~ seing bu boor*fbis bbida. Ca sud munic ers minduled li; aies dA. snob vas serye& msd ai a l bot & ais psrgadfor 11.1v hommag tut paemdlugt useri eveal »auai vlalalug the. 'vlctns"as bunrsimore bWrtdaM mi lIaiat &U Wisst ulighi ,belp te oeiste iS sscon&. IM n Utlsitlmejer spetat kè ak. 0114 *m ious Saqg sis tahie4tbhai*ÛLiebrkIm doit ý eto, 0111 NoUsespeci TIsakuil ng IAater nuiry ais 5a yinfto in W&swoalJi o. mkag*dtng day. The dansel'1'ssftureiaWY evening by rathev Paier W»sWOUX aiided fer eèa ff16 l hi Ohb#& DWrk" "Mt suuai Tban g yulk bi mstge IGieu Viev. IF. G. Lue"e sd Page 101 vent :0 R«ooal Thursday erepnusto a shov. Unr. AihUuh of Chicago bàs been IsSuEg ber daugitter, Mmra.Leiloy fleituuyerith el veel. lmaslaura aud tva Lux voe bous fa* Tiaukagvlug. Uies NaheDelt»Uueyerspent sevona1 "aYs la Rogers Park snd Chcsgo tbo V&Mai eek. B. V. ILu aud imll p set Tiawks- g[int iug i bis nepiev, W. L. Taylor, of Waakegau. The frieuds of LRoy AIcock are gia to hear ho la gettlng aloug as vWals e au b.expeed. b(ra. Lyon Vincent sud Infant daughien, bava. rtrnod ta uleir home il u ones. )4fs Dbra Porter bas gone ta Cor- 'nos ta @pend the veel ih ber sa- ter, lira. Lj'nuVincent. We undeetaad alt, te dog, Bonnes., A itheParisI lIuse, ha a great "Propeusity" for liven in cause- quences f vblcb ho got cue. FORT HL Gerge Bcuv. Il oMAii i Waukegau ou huauwieitooi.dav and Tuiday. Mr aud Mo, A .J.Itrpwer @peut Tbaisuivir.g uith da5ghitr, '%ire. 4eteuxn snd lauilv, at Avon Cen- Tb. tile sou of lMr. and Mre@5.rt Dowell bas u en on the ii ljst. MIr, sud Mre. L. V Luet aud anlY @peut Thankimatirus atil Mr. sud l Ms. Barry Lusi at (lru>sIui.e. Mir. sud Ma. A. J. Briver spent t ri- dey lu W&iuagaa OBu lnndasy toven sud eveiugj DS. l lite Lsdiee'Aid eocieiY ni Fort Hlli viii give s social sud supper ait ths Roaund Lake opera bouse. Bupper % il b. oeersd l in te baseme ut roa 5 nu biiir. a ,cloci. lu tbd aternoun s good Vcil timne viii ho onjoyed. Everybody cordi- aly iuviled. ou Frlds.y venlua, Dec. 12, lb. Fort Ril ecbool viii givo su oli style epéil- dowu ut %beaechool boume. Everybodj lai.ted 10 attend. On S edesdsj, Nov. 26, ocurred the marriage of Wu. Ssner sud MisesBattis staucili ai the paneoage si six o'cl ock lu the eîeaing, lue cremony heing pet- forins4 by 1ev. E. M. limbacb. Tlsp itarted imrnedialoly ater the ceremunuy for Mlaukeeshy auto, Vber@ lb.Y re- usined asfev de, thence to Wsukeg"n for a short vilit witb the grnnr's sisier, lire. Wm. RIomers, hefore glolug tn Long Croie. vlsre tb.y expect ta reside for a wbile. Bain parties are Weili novu. as tbey vers boru sud reared lu Ibis vitem- ity. The groom la the souni V. haner. an euterprielug inerchani ni L o n g Grave, and ils bride le the du3kgbtr ni Mir. sud lire. Win. Stancli0,oiPraiie Vev. Their many fionde jqin lu vleb- log tb.v) a happ aud prooperona hIle. Mir. a&Md-lre. J. Fredrick open& ovor Tbauisglahincaago. Benard Ulici sud frlsnd of Ciesga epenlaut amda a$ bous. MmMrs dm SBo sud lire. Bd Wagner spet a bsv days lut veet s anie- Adam lehm sud bullp sttended ils fonnsi f Mm Zikumer ai- Long Grave let Medaedap. 1 Mrnsd lire.Jas Onerria oi Liberty- ville, upent Tbsukiging day at F.rt Bd Wmagu made a business trip tu Chicago oas dsj lut vebi. Born, to, Mr. sud lies.Jus Tuas. a sou, Frldap. Nov. 22. IUtile Dot biad sked a lot of Que&~ tiane, and lier fater 'vasgrovlug bu- patient- y ln& a apreteqted: "()ho Dot, 1 csut sasvrhait jaur qu@W tilos." 'Il inov y«e eet, aie» roplled; "bt 1i wautt. fi.u, bat pou aaee. N4OTiCE TO QOp8ýtIE.T, OîïMietsTanfera lu ost t«- en tMdiesLucp Boules of Waccona. le aselaiag b iltir Louu a.1evdajirt lb.OI esaralln . rtie Icha Waipoha, cier ThemMOgvl>g. Haroid Clevelsud speaiTbanillng vit hbisonucle, C. M. Clvelandai ROUD Laks. Jol uMorse atsnded the. stock sbcv ai Chcaga tue vwesi. Servions e e sbsdas f» Si, Andreves Mision o. Tbauksgvimn ngbl Mdise Louis Ionisavieisl Wb moiber ut Wauouds everal dîýmlut vesi. Ueo. Smith la e be 0W ansd srouA41 alter b.lng coufini so long vitb s broien leg. Fns6E Wlukie sud famly bave zuoved ioto the h orne vlach tbey reenlly purcbaud aif red Kuebier. Mdiss Agtba Tholuson ai Libonijvllle. t00k fparinluthb musical rcital lait WedSudsp eveng playiug s viallu solo. Frank Wlukle irspped a fine MInI: reeeuUly vbaee sule proltabiy vortb Don' t let suotbev vinter go by viib- u't a Vieirolla u our bome. Wby not buy motber one for 1mai? Von cmn buy betre s cbap mai jplace sud wvs eill giliiffl s good liborail ime 10 pay for il. The. Rexail Store, Drue Drng C~O. Byron miilof Plai4elphia,epns 'è- -ays vi.- bisparent. recutly. Tihe musical rocital ai ils Congg tionaichuich bmausgflîiug ove vus very veil atteoded. The pupils aIll.did remrablyWvii aud Mmre. huer le 10 b. counatuisted ou ber good wvon. Mir. sudlMre.Win. Euhi returued from .a weekle visit 10 ludisuspolis Thaukm- mi ving morninfi. A. R. Hus.on s".t Thaukogivlug-ltb frieudo i tWiunetka. Tbe baud bad thoir Onrt bisou Wed- nseday oveuîug. Why out a iodai foi Xrnas. See out. aoertmeut. Thé Rexali sturc, Druce DrwgCo. Cioment Wbitrnors rotnrned 10 Uraye- iaie Friday broan au oxtended trIp abroad. haviug gono aIlommer. Mnch 0 ie istue vus peut vili relatives tra~iung about Eugisud. Altboulth ho .4aves quit.extmiceiely ia Europe sud danced tbh e mltango vilb lb. Italieu Igtinlu tslp. Bincehle departare frorn Grsysiais b. bas grovn u tob. sbig husky kfoovand support.esanOustacha. Monte Allen sud Mari Neville, vho are attending tls Illinoia University' @peut Thankeglving at boue. Miss Beuie ilaqedale af ChIcago. la a gueet ai tb. C. Allen bouse. Mir. sud lire. F. C Wlbnr entqtrtained Chas. Wiibor, Evert Wlhbar sud iady fiand, lMr. sud lMms.Floyd Wilbund u lamily, 1fr. sud lire.Trige tisson s&W vil, sud lire. Mac Leesa&H nf Wsukegau, nier Tbsukslviu.. nd lire, Flojd Wilbur and bsmily remaiuiug ovor uni Buuday. Lenikrd sud Evert Roni, vbn an àatteuding echool out of towu spen IThsnkaglviug and the vek-end wiil pareut@. 1 The ladies oi the Cougrogatioual churci 1ywl bavesa Chritmus hazaar sud Nov -Eugisud su.pper ou TnoedaY, Dec. Supper brcam 5 tu 7. linm Chas. Folon sud lin. iurîbent steicoudthlb.Grand opera TuesY eveisig. C. M. Cleveland sud iBbsrman Davis of Round Laie,irasavteal business bers Woduesdaj. Mr. sud Mes. m. Sage sud son L"ei and tem daugIxtian sd ber husbaud, C. Sebreci, et Wedsdsj fon Cailonula ta gpeud ils vinier. Win. Maco rausacled- busiessa l ebleaga Wednssdsp. lits. Ch@arotie Lies peut Wodneeday lhe Essieu Star beld tbili snnal ecilos of oilleero tacte'Tusdai' eveing eud tie Iclavwlug voe.locisd: Aura Sbaler, W. M.; Riglsad Godirey, W. P.; Lions. Battenehail. A. à#.; Mnile MiacMillau, Sec.; Clan Lavean, Trosas.; Mnlade Turner, Coud.; Ale. Sîrsug, A. Coud. arwald Aine, s former Graylais boy vWi taie pari luth* plat "Tbe Grand Old Fiaeg" eu iM akegan, Dac. 10, If sud 12, ai tbs lsaici. - Msreiti FIover. ad Vegishis Co., Witt airea Ores isoving pictuno enter- taiumest a eile M"orkeresbail, Grai. luk,. 5..157.vsng, Die. 6tb, ai 8 f M. "'eeIon a Illuvltsd tu caine MU4ulsssoàop"sisby partits. Viev" grewtwa mo re4ntr utl mlualeg bla a s 0f o».of Libsrty. tbereor. w.e uable to go iniq de-' t" all ulemtt OnTussiairv*O«4Ur. asu dMes. B. beng itht6b" asuivrsary af their mari.. carde vs,.s boutureon ofits pren,sUasai 'l 0:80o'cinck rsiresb. menti e vr<lirvsL'ý ÀA umber of band- sous gafis vs,. prsssued :0lMr. snd Mm IfMeDoncid. , Treptov & Tajio, undertakere, bad charge of tbe e mrl arrangement. af lira. AuDr Zema., !Who pumaea sa ai Diamond lake Maàdsy. D. L. Thomeof aiFrankfort, Imd., s broiber of John 2. Thorupoon, bave rnov.d.ito ibe iatter's repideucoe outb Of sovu. Mies Roeteami.rl &pont Tias- glviug ber@ viiah otparent@. Jus. Usliau e«utvalned a number oi tinnda over Tbi~agving. Miss Jui adduimeasroturuod to Cbl- esgo ater speudag nomee lirne bore vtib Wer parents. Miss Marie KalijWho le teacbsug oecool ab Everest, speni s fev daje tii. A vreeauaof i o.? reidouts enter- talned finde aud relatives nier Thanks- Rglig. Hrmau Loesu ad Misa Auna Audeon of Waaksgau, vers rnarrled lu týéougreg&aIuioureh, Wsukegsu. Thnraday morifg. Bey. Mertene ing. Af ter s short veddiua trip tbey viii bo a$ bous onu ilsLoâman larm. Their rnuy trio"@e exioud cougratu- lations. SCari Beusendi, ahibliy resPeeted roi- dent of tbis vk4lclid st a hie home Taeeay juorulug. lb. remaine vers taken to 'Chicugo.' bis former borne. vI'hre fanerai servicesa"ud urlaitook placeat Coueordlaceniry. Relsaves a wif. sud ivo sono Gorgs*ad Carl, Jr, sud two brothers. 0OER . COLLINS 9 Lm ECOUM TTVREN Rouit Dallas Coan, for iaffy veare i reeldeni ai Laie conoty, dldst ai be hme lu St. Cloud, Flonida, 0iL21,1918, ob drapey, iudirectly ils *MI of a fail May 12, 1912, vhicb n«umlsiltu paraly- s@e. Hiebad beon an iavalltrliu the date of tbe accident op toilhe lime a1bis liMr. Caivin was born ear Ami Arbor, Michigan, April 9. 1845.sud came 10 Laie cnuty vllh bis parsukvhsn ho vus a yauug hoy, Ho enilelsi Aag. 4, 1862, in the 72od Illinois rsglinsat pnd vu discbarged Aug. 7, 1865. Ocinon r15,1866,. loemarrisd Francce@ Caroliue Pelton ai Bsrr!"tou. 01 thils unlon fOve eblidren. Leuv '.,-tCoud. Florids; May A., nov Mrý Frank Grahsam, Harrison, Aniausas; Bila J.,ý nov lire. L. M. Parker, Ubldin,Kmaua; Mary A., vho died ai bour nihu ai ago sud au infant dsnghier vbo dled ou day of hirtb, vere bon. titrre J. M. Vovien ai Libentypilleloie s @etser ofi ibe deceased. Tram Lake c ounty Mr. Colvin vent ta Oberiu. Kansas, v bore hio lived for a gocal many yean sand vus bigbij eeud.Ou. ai ihe bout trlhus eovor pWaidedadisuo le iram the peu of L. N. Parier, uaaegr-editor ai ils Obernnimes' Who ia au actounut aIbie dssih mye: '*14 i e vthle despesiuo W W*Peu thèse ame. Falisr Coale b s muoh mare ibau a lohr-lnl ta the vrit.r. Wbea ths opportuslU eabordsd vs vers almout cousaatuhlillâmhe, on ihe elgess. ia lie cOMic,, l IR e b orne. Dualy vssougbi quelpliasse epsuj. For ivsuty jeane 01 SeGotialon usir a anlaunderetaudlug anoqe Or s cross Word epoisu." About tilirea sre ago Mn. Colvia maaied frain Oberilu. Es, to St. Cloud, 0Floride, wvborebeo vu may Qu Mont ei bis love ion lhe boy@sinu jus, lie pisce Weiug esiabllned M Msunid saldiere tavu sud coiguY. Re vos sleeied the Orsi major fhtCity, nova clip nI 8000.Thai b.ovas lovsd sud repecied bp tihae oldlders le evldemd bp the trp ute pald hlm. bp ibe oî bt l ie afid Mo e deatb.' -T-lhe Conrad-lrtiw n U asumi a aed ioa lae t i fer, vwile h caued it ato bmtshe ncnuaiii for A Sirconiioni lda MOI otI ls*th, acinue va& on Ofl Dber uis«. bB at 1%Q lim 816 dism N«Cake 2>',/a; The Ladis' Aid eaclety supper at the Potier boe oq Wednsedsa' vue ervsd by Moedamue Potter, Kerr. Hendriek Mid Darsme. ,I A Tom Thuuab veddlng villi W gins "burcb on Tueeday evecng, Dme iith. Tbe. ehilen are traiued by, a coa- petemi mctor..ud vse au amure sa wbo atiMn a pb"sdt evenlng by th* Uitile fok@. * Jae. AvwelaMd vibe sn9entiing a frlnd from Chicago lom, fewdays. Abert PodevseO, wbo bhs beeu living on tb. T. D.. seto. fam ia maintthie vssk ta the Cibbfbrin. Mir. snd lMrm A. M. Doogies etertalu sd tbsir sMms sudfamilles Tbauksglîng. Misse, Katberyn sud Psarl Leonard sud John Lsonard af Chicago. spebt Thau@sgvinigwva'ibsir paret.. The. urebtieci of thi nov bank bn'idion 'Ws ont tram (Chicago Mondy :0 lu opect th wi. -k The building will soon ho ready foroccupancy. Tho Roal ?ioibbora vili boid tboir anunai bbflr lin ber bal Weduesas evenluji, Dec. 17. Articles saitabis for Chrstmas ait" vii W an ouie"sund sopper viii W servod. Corne sud @psnd s pimes voning. Erneet Shepard la laid up tbis veel, the resait of as bu vbile ai vork. Idr. and lire. Max Dejlis dopu1tsd Tneedsy uoruing fnoraleusiegan, Miel. Mr. Dejlisafariner borne. The Commercia Club dauce given lai thesnniv bal vus a suceesw lu evsrv v-jy. about alxip4ve couple s lI@ng palrý inay belngfImm tbanrroadiagitovue even s fjr as Mlwaukee, vblcb speas veil ior thie musie, gond faon sund good limes SIvwaje enjopod Saiheilsubnt>danses. The uoxt dance viii ho beid Novr ear's ecm, sud evreraiprises sud uoveltles are lu store for those vbo atteud. -BornonouMondai. Dec. 1, b lMr. sud lira F. Meyen, a 10 IL. daughter. We fi tend congratulations. MIes bues PolinI ofbicago. spent lturday sud Suuda vlithber moiberi Mn. sud lins. Jn. Boumer euterbnisnd b.e Murnie famnilies Thauiegiviug day from Rnsseeifand Wsniegau. A. H. Stevart @peut Tbankegiving wtb hie cbildreu ai Lily Laie. A. 'K. Binluasd iamlly epeut Thanis- glving iith Mr. sud lir@. Clsrene lon- ner si Eranatan. lire. Emmas Strsng aud Jeuie Ana nad Mr. aud titre. Vieton Otrang @penl, T!bsuiviug vltb lr. aud lMre. Ralph iiughes of Laie Bluff. The boliovlug familles held a reunon at theomouf Mr. and lie C. E. Doen- msa: Mr. ahif&)ro. J. C. Dusau sud cbldnsrn of Wsuiegsu, lin. 9. L. Webs. ter oI Highland Pari, Idr. sud lire. 1. B. Doumau sud bsinily of Wllustie. lire. sud Mis Milirod Cutter of ZDon City sud Jee Demau of Lincolu, III., Mir. Dien- maus a ater. Wm. Mimaslie, sou sud ismily. arrivai from North Boud, Nebrusia, ibis veei bor a ieit. lir. sud lins. Ernest White moved 10 their uev home st Lihoniyvilie the puos voek. .John Joue ded ai hie borne lu this viciuity nf pueumnis Juudav nixht. Duriai Tuesdsy ai Warren cornetery. HICKORY lira. Peter Stewart of Uuruee .1. lb. 1guosi oi bor daagbier, M"r. 8. Arnos. 1 Mr. sud lire. O. Holloubeck outertaiu- Di. Puleu sud fsmily aud Mr. sud lire. Austin Savage sud dsughior Ireneon Tbauusgiving.1 Wfison King sud vifs. D. B. Webb and vile viesidsti. A. Edvsrds' lu Waut- keganlust veelt, and alsotooi Du lhe land shov la Chicago uedep. Miss Joie is n a ofRebron leaveiiigg ber eistsr, lirs. A. T. Savue. G. 4. Uwanvaddson Rap epeni the vesi eni st ils tarn. The cbureh le bWlng repaplea iis vesi, J. Trspnon of Rumeil doiag sh voui. There wîll W the usuel eticeSo c next Snday. TAYLOR GROVE The echaal ebldren bai vacatonu Tbanisgflvlng day ad Fldsp. El. A. Mhesa de a trip to a Wsneý» Wodueeday ou business. lieus licCann bas eturued ta bis home moei linpoved. iL ginotar vap iii.. Uo. Lewin bas ou ils eîick %&ae a lUid, lt. UkielO'lti lin. sud Ers. Chus. Cushanars speut a "bOnttIn, Tisnuiglilat te ait ster@ panent'. MW.' lilIEvsrsi Lyll id aldanglie r e eiltar.viltip~gber parente, Mr. sud Kra. Young. i4giir aiThe. voil digotre hane omploed uler v- 1'on Mt ie C. a. Levin larm.e, i id MoXIl b.' pshlle m bot dep. hmia pueq t. TIe vIlb. a î parieSrt D UsiSi -SIX REASONS 'WAE'VE been wonderiug forýsome tin. jest vhat to, »Y1 yo tday in tbino&d. You mmueo e so ner. »d feae ia our effort@, to malie OUTR bauk YOUR beii-t" vnvybï plike yon cau find for the pnrpose--aod al for a proi"IsMeàsuu Dy belptig jon make good, vo beip ourseives. go50 vs a *oi" lihs etreto tll us wliy people ebouidesacs ud bush. fieKJiEWrw ba vuesFAILURE. HERE'S HIS ANSWER.' o.r hua ti.,ss. h gwmesy-.baeklne -a&Otg .gess p pouiuy. il bas,. yerse mese L ie saud mIAsmes h Ma"em lsy.te se Weha. uiness 1 e sss h Imuneis a hump, esudehi eou &ge. k p"tete ail dy sad Imae fdcmer üwdâd6s You know oto" rmwsna-opu m ia »BacomÉ toi in tu poumsaiv., careful&no r.pklypoug m A STATE BANK Li)keV3§4 Do You Wnt'Coùý$ We Have New Milkers end Spriages sforSaé of al1 sizes and ages -for sale at ail times. 11 you want to have an Aconsale sM as, about the Auctoer Col. E. L. Downes Soo Phone 29>-R-2. Nk odthIlw -Ari nov glvlng the people of Liberipîtllis sd itlty lie oppovi of bnying eut loyers ai viiolesul rtas, sui or a.MW v laj~vl ROM% è heet isese, Scme .SETPa. RO FIe tm,-7.doa. NA5CUI.puatwIl¶l I CARNATIONS. - 31.dels. LILY CF 11kVAIJA, oo VIOS. 1.mde F« the SBey or buieoter fNoihina viii gtireiii. youngfoiie more good e"sfu nn banàsBrovule Canm. Auj ebild liai hue nuessi dmskudsrgs ton steg eau ra.diij"tieets vih & grovuls. En isup bas b-amaie simple,.asj. A~le a feesd lms ofpotunitlse for ibe uîaklng of bou ictureethMalviiapPeal to ths CAMRAS peubdel 130 Iruc DrujCo lKgauem.b Ca W ussd viii ltier WSu gaaollussugilnqpover. Ihv1" l for i@lsieverkopp e4l or 1% borna power, eup«iAl bar ibis parilcmandmesf imwekL WW b. psassi to dmsmmatist parteumadnu ib. qm WM-J àIma85m, RoRDEriffNJ)1T Round La Aloi. Lue. vba nsod ta wvak b l3radley's grocqni. came ta Waukemmu train Bufrala Mbnaday ta cal ou aid lt tind. e lti Tnesday aternoan for Chicago ta tàke a train ta Buffalo.Dr. N. While aunate tram the Notwest- ern deoai te the Laie Shore, he vas robbêsd'ofhils Purge, coutainnt goco 1e3aiho but 75 cents lat, »0 vaabhai ta tue NortivostOt er Dol. pgchaei5 ticket foi ~ tbm he ti e li --I CaRpital $25,OOOO, fart, Ina, -Mi» 1 IL WMMýInON_ ti 1 ---Mm