I&K OIflT fl4PMDMfT. RIDÂY, DECEMBEB 9,913. a Pham 8.Wi QMa:. Brainard mie" a trip ta U = * as eooIîr ttendeul the > utie momdouce le going W' i O wIlOgingecea Jan. 14t, 1914, t,araîtai evsaloç. 'Iim Roelng, Wbo le acandoctar on the. Nible canira, vieteul relatif.abers lW*da. ' GiNe. uSrd White, Who recntlî 48Ienî anopertlAoqfor opiiendictie kle 0g ai veilimaloam ho ex pocteul. MUNs Crne Vagt of Vankegan. vieiteul b" dela otives hers over Bandai. B~Hne atiner bai reul dfrani a tlp ta Tozai. vber ho vai the guéstni &m on McClntock aid 9. 1. Vincelette. lléfchr Beouliaujour Claritntai anopplua dln't 1.11 Wta nspet tho diapay at 4*Bralnand'a". c-1t IAs. W. A. Roelng mode a shopping udp ta Wegkegn Vnluay. la a ruent lntsrvtsv Viili y. E. Fesulrson, eapritendent ai Armor'e §jbagise brs,Ir. IPenslnon-id lie .Weextro"sy ulseronusof iriag ahi tho hom be b, o ond get. inai corne. lt" Mesvd. Tb@ "Incognito" Club vili rua an boarmai dancing parti la tbe opera bouie boe.st n a soy dote, f tiprantle l» b tbe danc of tho seasan. As tii. Waodman .sstlng lait Thora tew algbt Clint Eendées W"aeleteul cirk *Jle5jed Wgm. Rang. IP&ui Aveny of Lske Vile, vas a h"uilacller hrs Mondai. à Cbcrp Sne bapp..r viii hoe ervedl la ilbeOpera noas. for Amanas daue New Ym *Nle Ati "irainardsa" the larget and nioei auile hoiday aîoek ever eihibiteu lnl Mesen M aeredith andl BrriofLibert,. ,4la gave an illutrated entertaianni t M» Round Lake bal lat veek Wed- sodai. Tb@ lecture va» in the. interst dg *0 XModihliFlover & Vegtahie Vo, S bs e ldee aboya ver ai the green- bomnad tii. planta grava thone, as *elhas tho genéral efeti of veirtation «Mn us boinsen«àUIbolaodasoe. EIZi~RZURICH Dm'ai mêe md»Sce ltorday negt8 givea y hebbas baileln.1 For aul klndao! f ni Chrismas gif te1 Mgo t Frank Brothoe. IiiN»svWdepoa h earyeompleteul aid1 » wllAbe a credit W ib" village. The mo bt egbout $1000 ail af vbich ha., 'b" ralasul hysohsrptim a nul tva *mmw given by the iouag ladilea oi tho vUhoga TTieuke ta tbe joute ladies andc aiglfthsl dontora. Ti. L. Pr.hn vilhogbul W ta nmeaveail thoe sub- merptilôna eb eh esetupalul. Wm. Bernian of Cblcago, vielteul vlth Penny Brandin« and famdy Batardoy oadanday. M. A. Fleke atiendeul ibe aupervisorai st met iWaukegan lat vsek. Tb@eucarpetra have commenSd w ork on ibsTons building on Rohontean Ave. F BmBeonke ai PrèslUn, ta finiait tii. espenter vark an the un Young P&MDee e the lake. Jobn aid Rami Hein aifiibieaga, ver. ffl Baturdai la thde lterest af tbe nov but Eaogb tock bai been euh- aieàrbd iMevtoenike ihe haik a fact. Aulopletai vante ta sobacrhe fon Mr. an l Mnc . iinidWhte or Wanke. gali, vere lilibuna vieiaors the., vase week. Mir. asu ire. Warren anselil, son ti1 Win. Marmoile. retorned tu ibeir haine la Northi Beoé. Neb * ride.î #a. A. W. %oBrd and J. 8. ibann"n attmend tii. Hickory charcb Baoday aternoon. ie. FloreneAadsnon and lber friand, Mise fiav of Lake Foreat, suent 8ooàsy wltb Mr. @andMi..W. B. Itevari. Mroeuftis. Eenat 4tlo epent lina. day witlt hir parents ai Autdocb. Mr. aid Mie. L J. glocut u dtva chilren ai Brstol, Wle . speni Wednei day vith Mire. loeo.m'a fathsr, Peter MiesClora Foots reterne umeni.fnorn lova Frdai. Mr. au Mr A. K. Bain sud Dorotby spent Sunda iwtib Mr. and. Mn. W,. %,wlu tiaBtGrayalaka. Dr. aid Mm. Acion of kenoshe. Wl., apent Sendai wlth M. sud lMrm E. A. Matin. Mr. and Mn. W. J. White h"asn lion- day ai Templeton. Wl... 'ith lire. Lod Whte' grandparnts, vbo cele- bratedi b@îr ixtietti veudingsaniver. sar,.11 Thoesviii ho a Chisimaietertaf a- met mi be cburch Tuoiday evoing. Tbe eestkone clama gae a parti Priulay erenlintBt thomoni o lr. and Mdrs.Vitar l trang. Tirti.ive ver preseat and a very pleoaa&enl.ving vas ffPeut. On morning lait wSek. Mise Aihota Dooper bad a raiber excitinit tinie. Whiie on ber way ta the talit station tho bonmusgat frghtened ai a pile aitompi on the. roaide, aid thinkinu oabe coulul managl e in emtter by bhoir asBtbteir beadmae h.hnrped out and got theni hy tbe bridies, but 1iwm îuipedand kuocked lier down and tartsd to rua, une wbeei paseiîigovrn i.r ankie. itune oue eSuirlhi the bore., aund jueteaci ai takinit thé, tuilm i tu ti n she drov bact borne iuck v tahave haul au boae@ broken. lira. Meyer@ andUl msetideeken vers Milwaukee visitons lamt Tueiday. A uumaben froni boe.attendeul tii.,ard parti et Fenion'. lest Ttàeday erening. Chai. Drawh.lrn andl Earie Lui attend- ed tbe dauce et Rumeil, Friay eveunitg. lins. . Rif. Pontan, Irba bas been qolie airk the ontasivsk la nncb lnproved. Tho card parfy sjlven.b>athor Faley ni the neeldence af Dosais ESoarden vas a suies, bath soclaly andl ianell. Ali vho attendeul *port bavna onjaisul o vypiont ezvenlug. A fine luach vas serveul vhich i ofane aduleulcon- sderahle tt ieselluiment aifail. Um Dora Porter expeets ta make ber home la Zion C'ti for ths-vinter. Mr. &nMlMn@. Woalsiaof aiOeva, Ill., oirs spenuling t tii. vs ai r faim lu 1% adsvorth. Ed Cuniininvasw»a Chbaga vieltor on Monday. Mr. and Mn. WiI Taylan ai Waoke. ma, @spot Sndai ai tho home of E. V. Lui. Wadowartb Camp M. W. i. Na. 4175 beid their election aif ofilcen Batordai evenint, Bsud the folia.viug affiner. vers ielected for the ensainit year: Counel, Thomas Btrang; Advinor, J. B. Loi; Bonker, E. V. Lai; Clerk. Frank fibea; Escort, LeRai Dletn.eier; Watcbrn, Frank Clark; gentry, Oui Deitnieyer; Maiager, Thom&@e Btrang.. Issu SBhields la improvinit the tiios this e ie then iy puttlng neosinglea on his barn. equu e$bansmMai appli ta any of jMn. J. Somma ha. been spendinit the mbocisaisemuoilathevillage. pasi ve.k vth relativae.la Chîcago Tbbe bating plans Anuuthe w ahool vaseompieSti us eek aMd ve espeet1 to çio tsebuilding dhdimoisul&boat Nv Te«-1st t bli t ui.eeboalvii ho mev prénome pontp for the village gàqpi« stton boa aiveul ad vill ho hs»l ibis vsk. W. " ibs i ihave apwné a fi@ proôcýtion svillage. ami>O laigenth"O ume = Ocloos cf Chlcago, vislteul vlîh l1ioute over Bndai. si acher baul lie islartune ta MM fro aocaffalul vbile vanklag si the diq*spt lait Fidoy racsving a fOsýW"d le. We vlb bu a apeedi MW eo. a.Bradki sud dangliter ai @ptiuont a ev dfylait& veek *iewqr« .ot Lobs Zurich sud ,*".Prshîand Mlle Ella Feduleler lie t».Mistie Workors dance si Mn@. M. Patte ottendeul the fonerai af ber uitile grandebiUl a% Lakes Zuleh lait Wedne.da3'. Mis AnaS Sebvermnir.taraed limt ee.k Bter apendnsagleurv veskela Chiaga. Mn*. W. Relake hmbasoue entetaning siltsn froniMilvankie the putleur days. TS es. Rnoiesinul Minute Flier. ai Palatins, collaion Mnltveo aid frinalsbore lu aBunuly.' Mns. W. Dusbke entertalud erul nsster, Mn. Bd Haugli ans day lait veek. The. GlImer sebool vil! give o Tues pragvain Priai attennoon. Mise Rai- %Ide basau agela vyennicespragnant. P. C. Sciornachor tianaeisu buesines st Brrington one dey lait *esk. Mise. PhIlaLots nreul froni MU- vookéesibis ve.k Bter bavlng vlited ber ulster, Mr.Rtter et liai place. miss Emma Kilpofa1.Lo:e Fornt, calleul on ber ntotbat Sund&yý ,~1 mt ed a s e.t sotber09 Vu wy .lems "44 ufbi F. J. PRIJOE.Phone Il Ordece Taken for Job~ Work. AdvemisiIPÎrate@ on Application. Mes. Win. Tiiommon spent the week- Mdu vith Mmr. Mary Thoni13so t L lbertvlllo. , Twelve front the Bt. Andrew'O iaaou Btndeul theordination service ot th Ot. Luke's churcb, Evanton lat SandaY where lier. White the pastor 0f the Mision wae ordaineul. Mmr. Ray couison sud deugbter of Wigcoain, @pont a fsw days viiting ber brotberin]aw. Dr. CoonBoulnd ife. Mir. and Mlra. Chu. Feulnaaddaugbter lefit Banday evenlag for Burlagton to attend the fanerai aoflMr. licCanna, whO dieul very aaddenly iaat week vltb bearl, fallure ln New York. The fanerai ws heid st Barington, Mir. licCannas borne, lat Mondai. Don't wajt until Chriatmaa week to order your Victrola. The onkY waY ta be sure of gtting one thin jear je ta, corne ia now andl pick out the une Y0 want. Priea froin $15 ta $25. Deeli or instaliment plan. Drace Drug Co. Our laundri >aaket wilileMa e n Wednedaîneit wssk. Drani Drng Go. Panl Avery of Lake Villa. transact0d buine.. boe. onday marnlflg. Mir. and Mm. Chai. Fenion entertaineul friende front Montpelier, Ohia, lat Priday andl Saturday. Order jour cutflto wers for X 0&@ at the Rezali Stoe. Droce DroitCO. Jeu. Longabangh andl vilse drove ta Waakegan Tauai niorninit. Mera. Ernest Clark au Ire. Foibrick of Autiach, transacteul bnlneee here Mon- day. W. wiii have brick icecrparu for Xme. Pince our ordere early. DaterDrug Vo. li. McCula and son @pont Sunday and MondayinlaChicago. Our merchaute bave a fiue dipiay ai Xaa goods vbhich eau be bougit at the lire, lien Peterkortvisited relatîe t Round Lake Tasadai. There As some taik of tartinit a gcirls basket hait tean.' lira. maria Dykes ai Round Lake, nisiteul Mn. Ed eSmbot, Tuesula. Fay Braidotetter and lady fnleiid oai Lllueego. ver. ganâte ai the fornter'a parant sBaiordai aid Bondai. BASKET BALL f3rayulake basket ball teont van their fint gante lait Batardai evenlag fron the Meenry teoin, scenilta 27. Ih was thoefiiretgantstbei boul played in tbslr Devbhalsatbs place vas nsv the home soue t. vel ai the vlitlng tena w bich ave thentDona avantaits on elthen aide. Uraisiake tonthlat % besu ahi. ta pracilce tagether, bot ullu tomne vsry gond teant vork. Tie nslghbanlnig teont played a nie dean, oRame andl vas make op ai gentlsmenli ioang mon vho wer. goad lams. Mncb excitentent vas erasisulintho tirai ai lest ballvhen Book ihrev bis kes oui and the Rames vas tappeul for a short tinte. Roveven it va no long andl Book vas beek lathe game the eanwoid reliable star player. Tbir uns. up vas aui laya: Grayaiake Meilenni uRgs .............. RF............. Page Batcblaoa,tlbaksL F ......a... nter Book...........C............ tderson mana ............... 0 ............. Miaxwell, Wlnkle ... L ................. Mnr. Miller vas referee ion Orayalake "meanad hie qnick and just decieAoa andl the fait gonis van the appiause ai the anudiene vhpot good spirit lu the 15Cm. Alter the gae.the management gave a social daincevhich vas vsrY mach enjoyeit y hi.&btout 200 ve la oiteu#oce, asarli $50 wvan the nesilpi aid aiter ail supenes a er. paAd tien vas atil a balance ai about 510 la the tnaiur.r wvicJela overy gond ahovlne for the finit gaine. Meurs. Spriager andl Fenion are ta ho cou- gratulatul an ubeir soceesin tie Managemient. Sai7t gante la vlth Rich- mond Saturulai evenlag. Tb*. ahoole oas preparini for a Christ. mas entsrtalncntt. Tbsraswviii h o a ristmas tras nt the chanci. The cbildrsn vili have a short pragram tse Banday belon Christntas. J. R. Coris and Allen DAman areai- tsndin court Mn@. dasord andlson Ira lef t Tueeday fon Alexico, N. Y. The Yaungt Poo le' 1clb vas mou aet- toeadstairni Peyia. Ail reporta fine lime. Agnalt many attoens tho concert at NOantb rwi.. 1* vasexcellent. fi. T. Sivsrla laid op *'lth blond pal, L, 4 t9let thie finedrivîni banse opuosibl&d on reWa The onl>r thlag th Indopendant ho@ tes"Iil laSPACE. t ilaà known fot that a nefwspasr makes nothlng off It.s ubecrlp- tiens th.evo-It muet dopend. on th.s"le etf111PACE. Many sorruppnd«etawekly ..nd InItem@s pgtalning te affaire viiere premouhl 'viii realîze.' profite aaa* reultof the. suver tilsi thsn oeiumue furnish. Sucb5 tem@neshoan sd muet b. pold for If Me are l lè The rafts aail-ieCents par lino. id ftut subis notices wvii ilb oeitted aue. taton lt made tiibt thay are tba pald for. Any affaîr ultoro admission le charbed or proette mako a profit fnom t. lg, lu the ist of thingg for WhlIe notices muet b. pald fbr4-TF. Mise Dora Laica af Kenoeha. le viIt. lIg frieads bersi Eugeue Ravktna and fnrily, bave t , kasru that t' ey à re on the gain. JO@. Riaear. an olel reldent. Who bhm heen rnakiug iibonihumeitti F. B. VauPatten, and vhiq i.ef93 years old, hsd tbe miefortane ta fait dowu a long flighî ai @"IreIn onday,, eueaiing several baul eute andl bruise. Dr. P. 8. Mdornîl of Chicago, bai rnteul tho offices atq'd hiDr. Readii. andl vill ope a dental parlor. M. andl lira. Neul Bte* ver,.Chicago pameegeri Modai. Mrs B. Nahor osu dangliter Hlelen, ver. in Chcagoa Ilniloi. lira. C. t,. Povise.UMis Mabel Turner andl lire. lP.«. Chian yirited iu Ciago the lirai of the ve.k., r t eceived a tek«grom callit hlm ta laperior, Wle.. vhore Mr@. Biafford vas taken yen IIivhlle vitiait lier brother, à. Hancock. idns. SpoSord ba.Stisen la pour heaitb fan somstline. Weareglad talearo that lire. Win Runîard la Dow on tbegain. Jaes e Mveys Devwoaie On uortb Mala Street i@ earlmrveadsfor o.ýupancy. Sunday morning aoot 4:30a a. ti.e tire 1*11 aronsed montoaiOur eitizene. Thbe isavag hanse an Soath Main sîneet iccupied hy Ueo. Bàeoifaid faaily, ivas fouoditabe aire. 'UblnsO go a gond âtant hofore It viWlscovered. lirs. Bacon, vbo vas bhue.alons vlth hon aiall dangtis, vaa.uvàkened h the .raking ai tirnii nad I>nnd the ropf and attie afire. liter a bqmrd flght tho iawer part of the b*W vlýàè blaved. Bath %4n. Bacon andl M d avage have insuanoce. HIGKORY lils Eva Webvent ta the Cty Tues. day ta sipenui the bolilulys vith ber nimce.Mn. Ranirt Evardh. M. and lira. -. C. Holleubeck andut Mmr. T. Rulvarda a 1i oacrana, veut ta WauikefgagBandai toame tb.lr aunut. Mn. Mary Webb, wvholas ylavs ab pnaeent vnlting. Mns. Jas. Taylor e ia sit olul fienila la Rickan i ue eek. MAisJouie Man retarneul ta ber borne Mnday, Bter epending a wesk vlth ber loere. lira. A. Savage. Mir. andl Air. Robert Bitmoans of Eogle River, Wio., vialteul relatives the lattsr part i 1the eek. M. and Mlra. B. Edwarda visitu Tharadai andl Frlday n Wankegau. Next Bondai 11ev. Stîx rude vili give a Cbnltmae germon. The Christmas eeclues yl ho given by th.e eooi Tuesday evenlng, Dec. 23. Au intereeting pragran illhi hogivon. Evenjone luviied ta coims. grn.Jeunie Pickles andl dauahtpr Edth bave retarneul lonmChicaga. haviag eesa gone fonrveeka. lir. and lins. Les $&va"s af Antiocb, apeni Batandu i vth thonts folk». -OBMTURY., In lovAin entbraaesofiJoie Evai basa. vwho led airbtils boue neor Miliboro, Ill., Nov. 30, 1918. Dora lan Raclas, Wa Js Jip181854.tvu 5'tie oldStson 01 be lat* @118sasd Usbtb joaes.. Re leave. a sorrowli g ie bot no cildnen, ans brother a"d 1*0 uWtes,i heulule tva hall broiber. ta monis i Folul tbe bandes gently o'sr the.cai peacful brdast, The eorrovwof ioved ans., dltorh not bis rut, Bs bora ie crase rnsekly vithout a sigb Whoean&uecalleul le va. neadi ta dis. Uprlght asud tro., vas theIlle e hoilveul, Nov ihe spirt go. hack ta the master that gtveu, Baffeing andl pain shalforment hlm u And luveul anes. yul meut 70ou nthat hoatilfai shore.. Father, motber and bthrqfire have goce on belone To meet you, dean brtiS,, on the .esostli #or's, Tho Baovera they mattsr over tii grave le &telnte oflovs!im on hasvo gave. ~ejosour ,yo sl <Cake villa The Bandai4echool viii holul exercia., ln the charcb on Christmas ele andl there vilii ehoeticannal tre. for the lstl folk&. Mmr. John Nadr, lire. O. C. Mattheva, Mmr. P. T. ERoLmllinand lir@. A. KapPle were la Burilagton lait veek, dolngr ther Chritmas shopping. Mr. »ul Mn. R. P. Mller vîsiteul their no0@1and oul gbters la Wanksiçan a fmw dais ithe firat of the week. Lyna Mrris, vifs andl daughter @peut Bunda" vith hie brother Roi'@ laini4g here. The district anperintendont preacbed a plndld sermon to an appreciative congregation Sanday. Tihe Royal Neighbbrs made aprons for the batgar i the.home of Mr*. Fred ijamlma lait veek Tuesdal. 0. W. Lehman andl vife apent Sator. day at Pdapie Lane fan. ,A e are gLaul t report that the state road for Lake counnu will ho hut from 0Urand avenue sait tu Lake Villa and perbape on ta Pistakes Bai, ta connect witb the tAcflenry road. Tb@ Lake Villa frienda of Oea. Brent viii ho aarry to hiar af hie.serionsIllneei la a Chicago baspital, followving an op- eratian for appendicitia. complicaieu by an attack of poenxnonla. D. R. Manar drave bis Ford to the county seat laât veek. A new entagfe la belng huit on tige Bon Lin@ rgt.ofvay soath oi the de. pot for the accommodation of the sec- tionforeman. Coa. Bimpaonedent laioteT. Mr. andl lra. Chas. Keller ver. shop- ping ln ChiicaoMonday. F. M. Hamil anad PanA Avery maole a husinees trip ta Chcago Monday. Mnr. and Mlir. Fred H linland Idra. JolanNadn @peut Tuesayinlathe city and took in o play in the. eveniniw. GAGE' LIE J i ai. sage Who recsntiî loft for Calit-1 oral& calieul on Fred Van Zoodth's f athor Wbo reides in linDiego, Cal. Miss Mari Anan @peut ithe latter part of the vssk vîtb fienuls la Chcago. Barasi Nevaller baisreue&tu hie hontêla Zio. City. - --- ý.ý Ed lqarril h ao vahuohie boslait veek . Thîs makienthe second ans viii- lu a short tinte. lira. E. B. Faulkner vas a Mdilvauk es viatar Wedmael. Doolittie attsnuled tbe box social at Tailor Grave Wednssulai nigbt. Mir. aid lMra.Gonyo vers bains..vis- tara la Chicago Tuau iaid Wednedai Glardner Faulkner vho bai apent eev- oral montbs ln the voit, bas niarneul ta bis home hemi Oar Critmas pragran i viii ho elulai tbe Chirh Wednosday evoning, Dec. 24. Everyoné e eonis. Mmra E. Lanurm aid son Isove this week ta apenul the hlidaîs lu Cincinati. Our New Holiday Stock If yon are asekîug vhere yau oaa buy the beet aud oheapest this sea- son yaýu vîli get your ansver by iookiag tbrougb ont langer -3uperiar 1 i n e o f attractions and compare qualities and pnices with othere. We liet ouiy a few spectaltie. Toilet and Manicuresese$1.00 ta $6.00 Shaving Sets and Mimrons S.50 ta Hat, Hair and Miitary Brashes $.50 ta $3.25 Parses, Hanul Baga, Bill Books sud othen Leathen good Thermas Botules, p inas sud quarts Iridescent Giiaweare 80o and 240 Stationry-Diiact fromut atern Mille ouly the lateet styles 980 tai $ 1.00 Fontain Peu, guarantefil SL OU< ta $5.00 Boaka -Popular Copyright 890 Ciaoisica tUa Gantes 10o ta 250 Candy the. beat inade Cigare ail branda W. have Volland's Lino of Cal- cudars, Poat Carda, Xmae Carde and Bool lete Thve Att atstOiia Eve ttacn uas adCmrs s0tman Kda@0nd.00ru Vi.00tor $c8 osa.000 t Vito 80.00s 1600t Wve bays a yeny large lins ai Epnttî, uoefal, inexPendAne gif te. 'boit vbat jon vaut" sla ur velecme ta Chnltmas Bayera. Came aid ho Pl.aed.' DnteflCO. ?~Robnua a Christmas Banks for the C hildren- In order ta heip the bidren acquire the savinga bàbit-.- 'habit that wiii help thent in later life-we viii sopply a nickel. pisted CHRISTAS SAVINGS BANK paeked ia a neat Holl7 Bic,; Wo suyoae opening o envinga account. Yen .nay begla wlh0»" dollar or mort. The Youngater Who Finda a Batik Book In Hia Stocking On Christmae Morning ghowing that an accoont Iàw beau op«bWiê, in bis namse by soute thongbtful relative or f riend, wiii ul pride in it and it wiii begin ta teach Iin hov to ave hie potialo and boy rapidly they viii grow juto dollar@ if pot in out of ou banks, vbich nannot be opened except at the bank. Get One today for Your Boy or Girl or Sen&- a Dollar, to Op»en au Account andl w. will Mail Banik capital $25,000.00 .Lake Vila, Illia The Meredith Fiow'er & Vegetable CO. S115tà.......................a e violets .................................... ........*............. 250 Lily af ihe Vlley, pots- ... 8 10,71W Pote....................... 60t, Cbryeanthemnms ............. 50e Io78 (,ariblo so"................75e-81.00 - Ra .............................. Rais...... ............... 1......... $142 Peoî Plants ............. .... Nabrissa. do6eR.,ainl ...............4eR alnb ........... .110s ...................... e Grman tiu ..................... I ilolli Wraths, 115c ta 81-00 Orders Taken at Up-town OUfi.. or at Greenhou. BATTERSHALL'S STORE. NEWSý We are btter prepareê than ever to frniait the people of Lake Cnty ith Chrita Don% oujyombhTo T -w Euelmosa Toi Dl FuWv4% ura am o. ail ImisTOY sa" hundret e 1 et 0a"i e.<mt TOTS IiMg F Imported Fmrech and Qerinan China., Japanes Hand Painted Chutàa1 Cut GIam, Jewelry and Silverware, Fine Lln.. enfl n damasia, istamped and embr'd'r'd Do not delay; tiome st once. W. onamerate a few apecial items beiow. GROCERIE W. off«etbig eaviags -msur Gr«eay Degetuami <old Medai Fiaur .I..... 20 8 Ibo. ilolîsu Oate ............ 25e 4 ensu@Se..Co............. 25 8 large caa@Tomiate@....25 Kellogg'@ Cornuakes........7 2 pkgs. Veit1aat F ...... 5 Baker'@ Premilon Choc., lb...80e RIchelleu or OrioaismBdlRani.. De Thonipsanâ Besules. 90O oateu l Mlk . ............ .250 4 Ibo. XXXXI P'vd'r'd Sug,.25 10 Ibo. Buekvhoi Flaur... 84 Fancy Poli Cr'nt Cbsea, Ibl...8 8 Ibo. RoaitedCaUse........ a 8 Ibo. Balk Stamr....... . 27 os. Glon ar anof loin.Jý 4 ot. CapmtaasV&BIloExIO Keromsa.00, 5 gim. ts..4 CANDY, NMT IEtc. Pesant Miae.es Brittle ...loe iti. WrappMdCam . l........ 88 Ii.' hiMIbet rdge ............ 15b. Divped t r,0 Chocolats Ormae.......14 lb. Stiek Cadi ........... .....Sel. 1 Cr'm aid Mosae Taiy..19e lb. EBo iPamote ....... 1. 1 6 Paioy Orne........15 dos. à)aiem snmt Butter ...... Br-oken Mlxau Candi. vmrý tuai rade, lb ...... ............... Cboim e nrop Mixed idt,lb..................... ........ Baesi'aGermai Bsu.t (uocolse mlb......... . ....................OS Faacî Laîenr aisns la bossa, lb .............i........................11 a cons Rint Appla Boiter ..................... . ........... B au. Batuli onarci Onepe Jois.... ....... ................... HOUSE FURNISHINS i3iai Water Tomblers, dos ... 150 Large Cohld'eit Lanterne. .... Ss 4 Cahl B'st L'nt'n globea.....25e 2-qt. «Jalnm B'v Pan... mu, ta.tve-pippe Dampen ......5 B-t 6 Galbae Cupe andl lancerg.. lesly decoroted ........... 86.pise Imparteil CilasTsm et..... ............... 48 (bauine star eut ses Water Jng and 6 star eut Tumbles W. GLOVES and MITIENS Wèoffer oassiessssnslire Mma.of1Seaiple Limil GI ad tte et 2M paet toff iLs rsguler prk.e 81.25 utttens, 90e. $1.00 Mittena. 75e. TeMW e Mena.faulned Undrasud ld Mittona, . .8 FD.Battershal ',-" Me 1 Ilf - -1 . 1