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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jan 1910, p. 6

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* 0.0 = Mehodlt bretbren tcf subtantiat orti and adjoining loti 1 and 2, îterdoctrine of Pr@eeG race engt .1 Rel !sate Transfers biot 4, Kirk & Powell's Add., Wau- the illntral ingom! al -------- kegan: ri. c. rd. $20.00. 'K~dIJJTiéAdJ J Y V L FII * ** stance, the Bible, aller telling un of ~OIUfhS< Working Womans Home As'n tef thecomieton r ie huri 01W Lake onnty Titie & Trust Co. W. H. Cotte, lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, espoused tef the Lord and atter Ler Alstracts of T ile. Titles (iuaranteed block 3,Lake Bluff; w. dl. $600000. ~E COST 0F maiTigeor union wth triai ntempllits TH OS F Second Comlng, as *the Bride, tire Nasonie Tml ig Waukegan, Ill. R. S, Corser te P. A. & T. B. Hud- Sen yLamb's Wife." tells tinit rhin "the Loins J. GuRiEE, Sey. soif, 101A acres ln S. W.5,14 Sec. 27, CA LSCHUR HSii n h Bride shall say (;Orn Eleanor S. Chapman and huaband to .d 10.0 and whL EDERATIO willl miyole idy RUSS" FEDERATION Of thewater of ilfe freely" (Itevelntlon Mare T. Stickney, undivldcd one-third TEEMYWD CONGREGATIO1N_.)S*S3%alied lnsS.sW. quarte0 section 33, M'i.THserEChiagoW22;Froni TO Ai, G TINAITS " yes , we.ld ruouyte Shields township, W.D. $10. Amie Muller, 21. PRESBY ERIAN keep fie Aposte's commanîd, 'iltudy C. 1-. Smith and 'sife et al to Frank Rudolphl J. H-ug, Hlarvey, r- Clara PR SB T RIN t how thysefapoe 11 Savage, lot 2 and part lot 1, Smrit i . Doinke, 23. sesub. ln section 11, West Atloch town- E .Mrh.Cucg.4,Ju METHODISTS workman tint needeth neît to be' ahE. .DD.* $60. >Chihnagou40;uhJose- ro 0 0 oc> -ashanied. rlghtly dlvidlng the word or Hip .' ., ou0e and silo to R P..a5. 0 F.Roue ad wfe OIR F.and George W. tlîyîle,2-: G>ertrude C. ~okfu N Y anar 6.Tday Evideîîtiy tiere wlll be few people Truth" (ilITlmotlîy Il. 151. We falled Julia M. Rouge, Int-rest li tract Of Thielsi, 18. Broly.N.YJau 1.Tte tins dîrîde tte Trulli and to note Lanîd in sectioni 9, anîd sietion 30, 11h- Alexanrder Peter.ron 34: Fiv.ira bVan a sertes of Christian Mass bieet. ln these highly Intelligent Christian ticeiportioni applicable 110w and th1e ertyville township and in section 25, Carlson,. ;>3. jugs, whWch are to continue during bodies rcady te insist. tes our fore- otier Portion applicable during tire Fremunt township, W VD. $10. aucesie uuda a uen in fathrs did. tiat tbis elcîient o! faith Millennni. Tbaiik tod. ove are ont Henry Scbollng and wîîîî-to W. H. Kores Kozleocar. orl Chicago...22 toursucessie Siidy aferno laessntil tesalvation.Feow of usyet coo nid t er.We surely have C.Stege, tract oflandi N.E. quar- Kaîle 011er ......... 2 tbe largest udtrimof Brooklyn, would agree withb rotier John Calvin, been thoronghly slcketied ho ontu il- ter section 12, Noewport tow.nship, W. Otto Terbuet, North -Milwaukee ..24 the Âcademy of Music, marier theanus- the geat arciitect of tljis crocO, that taken Interpretations of the pasî, D. $800. 'It;bel Miler..... ................ 19 pieu of "Peopica 1'ulpt Association." fellow-Christlans rejecîlag tuhs doc- wîîch made nonsense of boîl ireî,doc- IMartin De Tanie Rldgewood Park CHAG IES TOWD The torde for thse day was.s- trine sbouid be burned at tic stalie, trines-Election aîîd Free Grace-nu subdivision, Hilghland lPark, 48 lots, Kunîl Myors. Barrîxîgion........26 "&Wa$ContWgreatil8t8. preslstifc- as Brocher Calvin decided Lu respect worse tban tfis. defamed and oiliied subivisionl. jam a«agiMehoddtsnmuet stirrcrrder inte OBrother Servetus. No, tînnk GOo ur o H eavenly Father, thc God of ail ,J. A. Rabesnd 'sif to City of Eo a Robertson,sattle..... .........25 t». dUretg 01 Crrck ednatto." We have otgruwn some of tihenr- Grace." Highland Park, norti 33 feet lot 1, Pastor C. T. Rumssetc Brooklyn rowness which go terribly fettered latheti light 011W shinlng ove lay sec Hamiltonis addition toeIHighland Park. Auction Sale. Tabernacle dellv" e i addresa. Tic morne of our bretheru duriig ftic darli tint tic tenus of thc Divîie election Q. C. D., $1.00. Having doeided te (luit tar>inir, i will uspalousansd e ntAditoriumwas ages. of tic Churci are In eoer.v sense of tihe .W ehr 0NKJisn o dIS >iica>tcnrntcIihr crt>wded no th.au a vefo eeting Few any longer believe thiît tiiere wordwthoot partialiy, excopt as re- 11 .d ere diint ibn aî,0) îienrhato wth anotier spaer was deemed ad- are "Infants lu bell net a span long," gardsa cîr>cter ainti falthfulness. 4 - ,Ld eresadto eGibn aioeiienrhato visible. On tie platfonni bebind the becaure non-eleet. Even where tic Ttrnse now calîed w-i tie henceuily »Waukegan . D., $1. Rondout and on- toile n>ci'h îof Creamer'y speaker were severai hundred men, lu' doctrine of Election la atEl bllndly calting to bc o! 'tic dcclt" are lndeed Jtulia A. Dodge to Wtt> ieske, lots o iwukulod o i'da- 'u cluluga nmbe ofmînstes. ic eld !e hae te tmerty e aateinvited tef eternal leson uhe spirit 9 and 10 block 2, Applebets sui, Bar- , conmeniing at one oiLP. un., the audience as a wiole was a ery in- their bellet tint any innocent lInfant plane, tcf he lkeue tir.11e angels, but iliîgtoi, W. D., $1.200.floigdarie rpryt i teifgent one. Tiec Honorable J. F. was predestlnated to everlastilng ter-more exaited. whlle tie opportunities 'ryE GdistoCrlF1tr ud hing ecw rai. e 0rtîri tnd Ruthserford, Attorney-at-Law, tatro, turc. But Brother CalIns conten- tef be granted to the oord ln general ie 0arsI otea ure e-1diighrf,1 pr,1Cetu duced Pastor BusseIL .wio sad:- tion eXpressed lu tie Westminster duriuîg tic Millennnim wili t>e Inferlor. tion Mi, Ela towshiabpW. D., $800. mr.12vas l.111.Sîrlhre 1 taire for my text the Word of tic ConfessiIn tait there are nu innocent earthiy. resttutionary-yet grand iAcs mrL Ibm t. 01,Srrlbre L.ord tirougi tic Propiet, "Say ye lnfata-tmat the conIdenotion Of l11, 191. tBnt tuis difference of re- ClaaC. Berger and hushband tb W. Syears. wt.. 10004, tii-kkia, :ryears, flot. A Con!cderacy, tcf ail tieni tc Original Sin was toelotrnal torture and 'sarn la counteriauci-d by the se- &,Senierak, lot 1in narit-ti.thquarts-r wt., I it1ravy work ucaun. "9and e) .Wiom tuis people ahaîl say, A COn- tint Adama schildrpui. 'boi u iui"atid verer trials and lesiings of uhose noov seettoulit0,Grant tt>On D_ Yeat~- s .wt , 274, i;)i Iivil) tii i.k federacY; neither fear ye their fear, s3hapen 1n lnlquity" were therefître net caîîed te be of the elsct. Tie îîîust 82.00lie, 2 turklo-il :1 i>lo, 10 forbe frad" istaio-ti 1) inoent bu g>tlt bru 11(er jicwalk by falîfi and nult112 sight. T'e bev Maria fiberlin t 1aoquI, tii-.Oie-ic ,toRtîniiii»liv lINin hailura i6toîn. r-lver The desiraileies or onenesa lu tie sentence o! etrual torment and sal munttlai-e n1) tir cross andi folio '8l'ié,1111t1, hall oint ii ii21, St-st ltîin tarni.>c>>k1 i>reia.teue -The lmpropriety of sectrianism or dliin tic Churci of Christ. l[ledw' Tiey ttust c>unit dr ir i e> uFit ilear A. Il.Thîcle and i 'sc-t»In r, 1) tir-w ,. rinetl,-o -i t 1iîttrtî , -Vision la 00w generaliy conceded, al-tmny say tlîat tuis theorli o. t>- " uit e Ieiu. ibut n illingly sacrltice ilicirwl1n I>iI',lk one,1,'t wthougi tWenty yeirrs ago mauiy de.older thauî Calvin, for did t iot. Au' eartiiy- iii erst ha t t ey lita bs-iar- !,r. i ot>K, No cor', oaltit o ýi I ir .. lk i~>0etIere 1ended tic divlded condition o! die gustine fdrst deiaro tie daniger of i'ln ticipalors ..iti thoir Itedeeiner iia glit ,m Wotds, lHighlandi Park, Q Ci1)>1irver l arrîo, a,,t, it (),o>, jI tnt. trip 'Churci as bcbg ictlpfui. Tbey point- fauta tcfeternai torture iaud ti(- neces' ry '. onor and iînrortality. and iutS 9 wî,i it ii>ler'Terni. -Il cal, AU i Orn -ed tefour Lord's 'sorls, 1 amn abc Vine sity o! uder beiîîg brouglit Iiito tie great 'son cf lie Milr'iîiiuno thel W. F.tttiflitsr andî,i ' ie 1 tearv o ten n (,,iise I) >oithiotnn, v'il b- sudye re ic ranhes evry îractiChurci o! Christ by baptism n luorde .bisiz If ticeoorld o! mankin it.. Illi lfier. lot 1:i, OakîInot»iit tlî giî,î rn gr.rl tiîîi>-rtebearing ln me tiat bearet nt fruit my Fa- tefescape eternai torture? Anid 1 l a me ~nitalnmoral, social and iîhysical Park. , 4ca i-r.nt ineret ipr >anntua. A;i ther, tic Husbanodman, aket away. tic force o! tiis teaciing stili uisnil11eSt uplit.GeoI, lir oOs d. mc>ast->,i. r»b.' seti t Ir ir-to- ,-tn ~zu evry rani ~istbeaetif1,1!amongst toti Protestants and Catiti Caîtuot w-e ail, Congregationiailats. 5 rod soutiioest quarter oouiteý.o nt isiî tr %,t. t,î , , ha rtlietr tatIt ay rin fothlies, as evidcnced iy their leur te re(Sbt tertaîts snd Meliodists. aîîd al mDore fruIt (John xv, 1-5). They cdaim-hv ac nan icub ptie-rai<Iliethrs o(If ods peoplenunile as oeqlne etot2.Ciat'-îtit L-~ rira îrîi.e ad tint tic denomitntions wcrc tie Some, ln extreme cases, even piiti'lady upon lbis Sriptural hypoisis? <~S b=anhes. The evident teachlng of "baptisa iln utero?" Are w-e not satisiied with tice ternus of Fred S, Erskine aîîd 'sife lto 'illiaiti thse Mater bore la thtis apeople are DoctrinniIy Mtindlam In, indireetIi fhila eection-hart ts-y are sthciently W-gtErtkitîo loch-,sentir id>.of> A Travelling Sales-an Teâlte 0hlm Il u anIndividuel seseopposed tcf Civinismin nevory sentie strinigeuitte10 eclude ail exceptI tetWashintgton street. near Sheridtan roadit IL F lirre 017 luii Ave . letria. I11 afld Slt as parties, sects or denomina- of thé word. i-ossly Methodisis Wut> aaintly? flearkn e the Altosties dee- WaRh-egait W O - D_812,. ,it- : "Iîbaveîmemn t,î fol,îîrrir tim* an htte r el ih have legs. tefconcede tian Caivinistg aain'wihw neg reoil .H frh eAlo ykzltm ihkdiytobe osrye ~oD5 au tin thy ae deIt ltibecanse, atîougî inutr.esloym day, tic msundenoSti: lHe anYS O!ftiOd.o eleC lot t' antipart lot Il Mtrîîh, s 5>1>1 ttin-e1 i ouhliiun-'curry îty urips ---guo4dnt ay ufotthse indviduel standpolnt as one doctrine of Free Grave watt cotibntted i *In Winm he did foreknow lie -ilse o l 13,Nrh-icg, wd.'fFe -et Paul enunciated tic same great on eveny band. If is uow the taclt faitn1>did predetlnate te be c,,normedti 8te leristi n l il ' Kde trutis( Corlitlsaus xl. 13), declaring o! ticeoast mjorily o! Clîristn tithe image o!bils Son.' In ut hem wordas. lilln t haeeeri>'rrss-itrlv rleivcd. and tisat tisa Lord lJeans la lie Head of tic Tic doctrine that Bod md true when our Henoeîîly Fatiier forekiew s- C.H ILewin et aI to NSt N. 1Mw»>i. slis-ftily recernrnOthie,î tsail"- Cisueci, wbkl iis Body, and tha tatcd and lirrevocsbly !reordatncd the and predeterruired tcf gauher an elect 81) acres in S. E. Iý 'Sec. 2o, 'Ç'c-ixrt Fd>lo Kidtw ietîlls are hti'rlintt antd asts. insanbc>' iasmay mm-eternal torture of mur race exceptt Churci as lie Bride o! Christ. lie aiso Twp.; q. c. ri. $1.00. ailtiseptit- andti or111restitr' ersîFti snd » h u mar i f51 b rlody tiy emed. andfui or the Elect 'sas 100 horrible predelormined htmin oe coulti bie Cathierine X\V. Lutt-r acutiinanilstrengai. boscubirteuleased. softiceCiorc. a oe t a stand. No tic btetho<iat dec members o! It unlesuhey rttîîned to, Wm.Jenkinson. strip of land -' - t ag eme seanepartcuta e o! tc Bodytrimeof Divine Love for al and Fre.tiroughillti and ohedience la tieFANi.'oEIL "f at. r n artcula osutetBodticGrece as respecta saivntioîu bas ap Scicfol c! Christ chiaster-lkdtiess> ni et(laïtaser&Ue dbe u ret hepealed more and more to tic growoiuut Jesum-b"artIlîkenesst i u i ecen s L«d s telrHea. Ttre ar ai teIntelligence o! mankînit. Neverthelest nearly as possible. an obedience of! the b. no eonnected wthtiru.Head. and we cunnot do oticrovise lionl couceti flesi te bils Law. jtko _1theah oher tht heuonetht it wilI niatter little te the thit> Snreiy nuoîele wili claim tint suiv -. lo a u jo e es. alrejlce wîîîan t, îen sanda of m illons w il i al e"ortiodox' but ealtie fdock ins ever attained tO! cause tic>' ail have fellowsiip in lie wîeîer tiey shali sufer eterna) mer Ideas r rpi~g the non -eet sprEcIW'CA'XINS one.sprt o! tic Head. Hence tic agonies as o resuit of Divine ioo'eesl would r'urrsigri the mjority o! otun F..suAIstSingepi- odoerresir cscanot n>'10tieinn, nn tc ess tu îoreordainlng tîdîn auffernugp famies. neigibors. Irleuids and ail u.se1als1alIbea., -nton. baod,for tver>fontiembe la neeayotf a ed teuf"trusîsin. P--ul -. .sfr ev ty-me e ncmayt heir beneit tic snpposed ado ntages iow differently 'se ses lu Goda Worul, I criertd on h-intrrTarn- tb.vpre.perlty o teBoyas aw o fe.o!Flree Brece arranged fon tiem bl thait tiheîclct dnsa Inselected 1lu1Pno-' "Tesruie bareithry.of*OJ A" »mthe joint supporte and strcngti- Divine Love. vance. that Iu Godas due tume. with brseooes d-r pastoe, oua tisa 1mb and la JoLned tieretosinonseact ee b>'al.Wetc.. no tndidualiy d'g The. Moe.Excellent Way. thse Redeemen. itLuuay hes r ess .ihe ofrrn [errot spanit. people are unlted te mach utther lu Our suggestionlataht noov.trintié turc 'iti firntafopportoiy to -eturu perli'cl. tuq u !uo grace and troUs and love. lapping ime o! this Gospel Age oitb te baiuan perfection ln a laradice re- sos, Mado rom cacftm sole ai mmubecouffeed Uat Citrci lie oncumlng MilennIilAge. as thé gained-restored during tic Millenni lhree ply >000. Rua ah1 -b.],o.irade lrurnthea: errte, POOM14on or contedéracy te in manly arm eIectrlc tght caste lie candie of uni. Tis>pupslîî tire Sertp-i> ai icit se rcmhte se repct uiien.Idfern tig m tic liant into tic siadow. an the cdean lunes includes those ocho have gî>îîe 5atr ,rknru err tbe (hiumWh' onenesa ilustrated hy our er figit 110W shiung froîn tie pages , down to the prlson-houseoerut eati rlti.go and rear étL, 1jr8S parable of Use vine, and tic o! God's Word casta brio the sirdos, lto SOerl. Into 1ides. botil tic cvii!Ciase--lorhr5 umnail lie doctrines o!fi ot.hge.'ad ticgooti Ail shah uLaeit iîow, 9Ir-ua frereeMc Âpoulle'aillustration o! tichue ri( thuaors ofec9.O boy e-ertieless mince a rederation relicvlng us o! the boribieuitne from the least tef0tire hretest, liai [rond upon bro- rce ai cîtic nearest possible a5- wiici once bDccoudedour heurts and "Jeans Christ. by lie grîice utt Grud. i..«dTt r -3N4 im-kl rnt pogtg espiritual enjolued Untionu.lres and made us fourbui o! oun <Cne tnstid deatit fonrciery nmari.- Tlîeie o now hatthehedertaig tioc 155e-,Shali Or...ith 5,' ted lit in proper tint we and ail Ciristians ator es aiu al -pooerfui. but merci shah kno 1itfendeni lo iriun5o.ron<dno O E i evoeywbare a.iould coquire carefulIy legs soveneign.In thilablesseti ligi' 'sas nut shied in valn ut»iwoili seu>re eorur NOTE.5 Co>TU 0 tieca n i aafpIcdIn the 00W sbiniîîg IroniGotis Book have wr -te caci unmeiir o! Adauits rice, lt-t .11 îrcio. ýdî I.tr .ý Paderallon movement. As thicpro-10 ai o iiiiiir>iîî e termal le. but unu ol>lurtimity t> :tu Eimt-lnI Fntl mIo eiipenr>i meten, nIndheld, Magnatc uqse: f e nntid n or tinetrnl lf-cthr n heli-zx n-1iop. esi- rit.oc.'ooeirFive Lamnpa and Gaz Tan] gram shiows. tlit serles o! meetings u elI i a it i Oil Vr an-enlI!-tiie litci'OOtcnPlele setlr ofioh, .an d wili cousider Impantiali>' tic cot o! thet uic dotrinîe of Electioiu and tiré ly plireîdnniitg Itis .tgc or on tict-er.p.,, outl Peedsttion 1ticth crceds o! tic mont doctrine o! Free Grace tire boti truc eatily plane turing the Nlllieniuin.1 prminent denominations. Firt lu tic boti Biblical, but hiai one belongat 1 address you. dean Iriejits. niot IroTy oneuF r as gr lIaI toda>' we cousider thc sacrifices tieCchnibi ts Gospel Age andl the a ectanlan ttaipoici. ,nlt rou> a TyTneu Fu asne of Oongregationalistp. Presbyterianlsmn other tueuiankiiîd!lu geuera lnivthe Fedcnntili staudpoint; yen. more than Or Detachable Tonneau (1) As te churci goverument vcry BoIve oUrtpuobleuii aitt give us doc eiet be doctriuiaily. sas el us ont-~.. 2 sud t onm iswl l ie dequir. omrnlnilon itile . îi ofta tus t isa 1wadl. roi ticage poent lhbte 's-ho ay of tie !cdcruting dcnomýntiens.ftienl base ri poui tiie ignorittg o! doc and 'siti caci other. Have wover not. la w jTjl B u iy -Donomnatlonal lîbetiles as respects Iine? WVeecau ail aaseîît to tuis. ticie-1t tus beautifui electlon o!fticeiBible, thc forma o! worsiip and oetiode o! gcfv. fore let us examine theftu . bas for tic gandeaf o! ail hopes. tic tad-veryIooieeien. TieFedenationpro- vine election acconllîîg tcf a Divine o!fCoti and joint-hiîrs oiti Jesusý pesciiefi>' tire regulatlon o! homne purpese foreordaled-bnt unt such au 1Christ Our Lrd?" Cauî 'e 's-st niore sud orelgn mission wonk and a gencmal lection as Brother Calvin outliined. tiutîslrr orselvc-s? Anti dues I W T H O U T i watcis-are over tic Interets o! tice God foreordiiinedl the selectioti o! a ntot ance the gtory o! tuis îrize te ________________ taderated systems aloug tiec unes O! Ciurci, predestluatling tie numben bave lie lprospect o! cou>quering tic poiltlal Influence. Tic expectation las o iwoould cunsttute its mernbesiip world for Jesus and fon the Foithen t is an innovation in automobiles. tint thse polticai power o! the Federa- aud the characlen o! ecatiune whîî during tic Milienilluicu.In lleti outy No other manufacturer has ever atten tion wi1l have eotsideruble tef doeoti wouId be acceptable ns n monier tic way in ovici It ever cani be conqueretisliga hspieadtepy eto mouijuzo! icgtulaticfn favorable teothe forcondained tests c! tic worlilnpss o! -Gode ivay? eln athiprcndhe ay n OaL lied6rtion, and Iter on. unfuvonable tiese members sud the glorlous ne- la it not for Ibis Riugdum liat Our ning engine or an easier-riding car. te tis amaller denominatious fnt asso- wnrd tint shouid be lIîeirs sund a grent Redeemen lauglît us hoaî>msy, 'Tiy -I ste nyCr.Esalse eiatedlunUse Federatinin. work whirhth iey thalDec rit Ileged te Kliugdoni come; tiy 'sIil ho donc cru tith OnyC roEsalhe 1 (2) lit le along doctrinal fines liaitich do for matil.luid-llmltedIy înw. fuIly e53th as It 1la<done ln heaven. S" 1» It A ride in it will be a revelation to you- sacrticf.ing in tic tatenest o! Fedieration dur'igtih,- lennînto. Acustonicd te nt Ion tus KWtgdom tinit ho taugit will lie cilfi demandcd. theelectIon o! !eliow-ctizs'us ttire u s lu 'suit, saylig. "Fear nut, ilelits flexiblity, the power of the engine, ther Doctrinal>' Congregatlcuallssud Prcsdeucy.,,10 Congres. etc., oviene foc k; Itisyonr.Fatien's iood pliasure ail are of the character that you would exp, Preityteranus are one, heuce wc tony tic>' oili ive lie opportuulty fuor' tc gîte you t h Kingdom" (Luire xii. Some idea of the attitude of botha consister lictr sacrifices o! doctrine lu ilesetag the non-clecf. ove sioniti[have 3)?, ah ' o fr itis Kîngdoni tint tks Inteste o! Fedlerullon as tic cansicd tbitis aemètiongit to tie Di- tic world oaits ? 'Un t hlm evcny a HaYnesala $2000 can be gathered from1 mrin. Tic>' loti accept tise West- vine elcciOI)Onfo!tic Churci. Wéo siould kuee shahl bow and every tangua con- output of 1910 cars wihin thiriy days aftero lunler Conisalon o! Falth is oits t have dtaccrned tintthe le cc Churci. fcss." "Tic kuowledge o! tic Lord from six thousand interested parties have" Oavftatie foundatitn-tint Go& .be- tic "'Secd o! Abrahamo" (Gatatians li. shah i i tic wiolc carti." 'Ail shah fyucneple uigacro foreslise foundation o! tie worid, fore- 29),, la speclaly lntended usete tic know hito froto tic ieast toeftheegreat-I o cntmlebuigaarfro ordaued wiatsoever commes ai;clannal o! Divine blessing ta "il tic est." 'And It shahl come te pass flint cate either with us or our local agent withct tis. e1p- ds .-ntd n-1cl#saut>'familles o! tic cati" (Ckest x 1Uever>' saut wblch wIlIInot icar tint Professional Cards DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practice Office over Luce & Company's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION C.IVEN TO DISEAS'ES OF e w- THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. GOLDING DENTIST bure Sto 12 a.m.-1 to 5 çl.m. J. EliTriggs Building witb Dr. . L . Taylor Piîî,ye 11) Item.l'holie 101)2 Libertyvllle. Illinois DR, E H. SMITH.L DENTIST. OVR LARR COUNTY irATIIINAL BAIM. BOUR&.-m te Aa a. nM. and 1 tuo 5 P. M. ÜAILY. Wm. LAYCOCK Cd. rýOÏ;uôlt;.CPaul FreightIDeMoi3 I Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A SPECIALTY Engines Overliauled. A Fu Une of 'Sundriee. TireaIRe- paired. W hen in Trouble TELE PiON E Libertyville Exchange 661 or 1262 DR. 1. L TAYLOR, LESLIE P, IIANNA, Atty. lor Ad.,fnttator. OPY!CE OVER J. EL!. TRIOGO BLUIS. 1 Adjudication Notice. aocaax:-'7 t»ý 10 a. ni. 2 tu 4 sud 6 t1 O>,î î ees.eletI!treS. 8 p. ni. Pulic r  ix erge,ýRi tIe et.âte fJeoi)- Rermden 's onBroadway. oppoétlte Park.-Stensty -tt i Laiteare rIt. cltiat.odtrei LIOeet3 Vile. .1111110à». tbhe Iod ne IeCre o in Wla kea. rie. f5110 her. and wtrer.1ail er-n.bavlne MARTIN C.:DECKER . zh. sud-..t, -e . t-tifldd eqretdell to Pes,'t th, -- rli Courtofe l)ti!î-r'Opp. 1lMîlî St. Eletrir Station -ry S t. 9W Ail"o 533- Pon 1t ies. fine 36i03 N>~Tllllli.A IL LINI S W. H.STUDER "iR' V tR DR, O. F, BUTTERFIELD. VETERINAI-Y SURGtEON. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT L.AW. likrnt. ville. iliiotîta -Hng t38 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, OF'1t'UOVEI LOVELLa oaECUG TORIE uocas-h'oim 1 to It and fi 10 8p. nm. lAbertyvillc. Illinlof A, K. STEARNS b 'r W YkE 2181 Washington Stri-et Waukcgn Phone 2761 juîllîjq, ghso arc lau> zrurns, au ise tf.FInItiiuli i-ctl)ii ttutrrruurl Fttl.-ý o lb-t>'- v anoi I>îr nnît >1>15stolse luugs c- h îtt itr--r -tir'rilt.î nr'rt li Trc' t>hulnit. l rnîtirriigsantd is lu av1- >rIIoi-skrtitr I 115K Illý.tO IL ADJUDICATION NOTICE. tek» Notice r.. ,herehir given int tie> Sitîsci lu(-r A.Irîiulistrator o! tic t-.siat> i liHarris K Dracken deccased >. if ait-tqii>th, C 11ftts Cu't 0ofiLake t o.t t a P-miii tieni-ot hte bhaiod- -u t iilt- 'iiîîrt Ilwiu se lIn Vi'ukegan, tir s>îild (oumît ,o-n>îîthe tlnst inondia> o! Iarci utexi. iit0, ciouî and oviere il] îr-rsoîîs iaving cilaîns against sald Estati- are o ottfled and mnqucsted te îînîscnt the sanie f0 sald Court fier zkdlud Inntioni. HIERBERT BRACKEN. Admfitato,'. Waiîhegan. 11. Jn 5. 19M0 164 RAYYEU HODELleS 3 lRu. 7-) 5kt . 3 1.7tt. r LbriaaI- -,pMah -d 1-or. 6-d o'.- rielerirmth. bott- f.0g ------ (A tk a e. cri pruffl ot 7 == lb. lrm is..r lrrhratodgie.a M.efr ,rcImrdero414 --Irh ke d.- t-1e TeeS CapsIle I sS., rmelrr'rrp'ol.lr.rri i',r EMS, FÂCT. Veto. ,. Ii lhr.-eLr-O Equlpped w1th Top, Speedo- an o, Robe Rail and Foot Rail. wlet r 2.,0l l.. reb, 9 sk, Jack, TooIs, Horn, Etc. r'CI [>()()Flve Passenger Touring Car or 000 Runabout with Rumble Seat. this Model 19 [<nown Qpality 'ANCY PRICE ripted to give so much of real tone in a car thousand dollars more cannot buy a nicer-run- Reputation Selling at a Moderate Price. a-especially if you have owned other cars. resiliency of the springs, the upholstering- îect only in cars carrying a mmch fancier price. automobile dealers and the public respecting the fact that dealers bought up our entire our first public announcement, and inquiries Ïbeen received. rai worth. we recommend that you communi-I rut delay. ,tomobile Co,. an, II., Agent for Lake Co.

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