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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jan 1910, p. 8

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDÉNT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1910 Avoit8ICK 'A GOOD BLUFFER Neoyftemm lar.I.nterview That >He Nea Wt Yet but Wiil Ordar Inqulry folie, isbkmce Place Undar Fie. and If MdtChrfe are Truc WhIl Take MeSS èëbie Action la Hlstcay of 0«9 hw'pu'.aisy amblag <anise WM ta coiluon viii salaces.1I lest à» «5wo them and al cmlbe expectoal *lf i. à@ royemual Ecilon «Bro- tbla sa amgabling den n et. cs- vlitIWU kdr «Jlona. chargeal by Suit'.. ou et Ighiand P"rk1 ma revOme thêl ienm". «I VIEMoMstand for gambilnggae ta saiGnaandam niready ta taire action VISa lila habontiat thc games do la tIsS wvrdasaliUrdajrMayor 8uoiu$tg~elbis positie. pialnlyfoi- &*Who un MtSEnsora saitfor SlOwe *aBs Mby XMm..caSultisla the fti -ort spinst Rabonoft Bu- thff r !Wsuatom stree ln the 1Buck ra. 1%c0ma&"es stand la ImportaLntsas aieiaions lnthe i.papers lied las tse Sut are ta the. effeett uat Mm. Smtii bbmd wvas "muIcteal" of $100 lnaa poker gMme Intowvilci be vas lursal -fterbeùlng pliea l v drinks ln tihe UoNname place Decenuher 1&- Thun the. viole mater l.ailegeal ta hae taiz.placelnth ie Buck administra- tio. sud thse Mayor caulal not doalge. WiiI Order lnqulry. «I mia» order an lnqulry by Chiii.!o! Police CaaaIIY into the character of tic »Olnion place," be deciareal. He * la not yet orderea IL. Hovever, bIs MMMoei.îtiat be viii revoke Il- Censés -hme gaibUing ganinesare bWuai la salons in cousidereal drastlc. R In now pointea ont. hovever, thal -lisse thIni vestigation ia under'vay »W lt May Dot notiting. VWst Fi-oe Quayle. 18 adu that Jstta fevdays «o Useuinry QuaYl r et la"e Ceussy Mmi Orbe Lasaus Pma escMayor a liii la wu& e déma" el a b. M tmubbiha& g Mi ens LI Mme el' O bas bella 1111118:MQM4a M M « batbat st Lb bev. 1ât lbis " uub meau Vbu I- set me ve s suý 00-k Uc.. TIMY Duit u"et 'Ilbw "0.vhsNimMby 8s.ge - IL Wunlimitation oser le Sharpiy Cali. eiftrIL. The trial ci John Okia on a charge «f iavlng sabsi Chailes Komenl IM@ay moe'ning ai lic pouicestation lxve lthe chu' anal siates attorney'& Clnce a materlal ilhivici la gel mter thi. Suimasaloon, andl as a ne- suit aiacet mon.saiconkeepen, Aug- l hling of lie Bhermnan .-lious., vas cal1e.It theiamaterwviht ui-ter cveIOPm.nté faclng hlm according la omeftoollu'. Oka&atvas basma aven la lie grand u17 tu. ticmn of $1000 for tise ai- loged stabh n i vici Koneri-s amu p V"s Naet.d 551hse ortgee. AU ltthe lavtneaseeeagread liaI at- 1er Vlsing tivoe Lsi paces iameil as Vu eIt ibeUlcrmaa Hous, viensliey Iqer Les'ida't 111." A salacu kasp- et vb o tl M Interprehai- auggeaiad sémr ba Iai hwvus"Imitation is.cr.» bu btPolio. Ciat Coaoly promphlu' MW1eW bSrpl'i-crsasdei klins, anal BOOM beper Dlmllng vas aest for. 'Yb 'I.asbIisg aDi-au' us ut an avl- tisse MW thlaicObacarise aarevenc. goï *bovlng Ok"saePulsion tram *0 omenuor the et ai tih su1em55 ia-.Hoveven, it sarveal La byle tte 11<11 a mas orf teting bsWMMIMlal regard ta thc Sunsisu 50 bM MdSnnay. bos. figting la ObOld«a lie cause of lie viole M.Oreculiomae ce«i of Uvins Iw Ne tineUagMas for a Menti Sut lIurl 0 Uksiy t. b--Tremi «c plle m WTlilngm Happening Si.Wmuloeg n aRegard te mova- Vbabegai tock a livelier anal mare viat ia4es.intatise cnet o!riings lt$W Mmring vnia lemineal lie ~~~Whlen a!813 non», '.à" *pae à s umber c« 'OÏ "~g uY laChicaga trust and accordine ta, a message tram Washington "land the peo- pie ta biame behinal the bars" Il they can. 2-Butter tool a sensational i drap of six cent* ln local stores foliowing the bneaking of Elgin's grip on, the market. 3.-Merchants ganeraliy are worried andl uncertain about tihe cogt ot living Inqulry that la spreading aIl over the country. 4-Waukegan la net yet ln- voived wit th National AMtI Food Trust Association andl la not yat aignIlng petilions tearctt eut ment for thirty day. John Wbaiess o! Wankegan in lhe oaiy man ta b. selecteal on te federai grand Jury of lventy-tvo wiiicii viii lnquire Into he beef trust George Webb of Antiocii la on the. ventre of forty-five but w» nelt ael.cted. Sonsationai Price Drop. Grocers and handiera o butter generaliy vere ajasea at the, drop of six cents in butter yegterslay at Egin anal mode litoteprlces bere accord' iugly titi. mornlag the tali being train 42 cents tae3U cents a pouud. Eau reomain at 34 cents a dOsen- Tiere la sloa general drop la mueat price. thecounetry over. Movement HaosUncertain. Despita reporta of aU kinda itla1 not certain vietier or not citisens are circulatIng petitbions ta eut ont ment for tiirty deys anal loin the National Anti Fbod Trust Association of tire. miLlion me-niers. One move- ment la reparteal viere, soin. young man in clrcuaitn.g a petition ta bave the people bey titeir grocerles in Ciii- cago but visai "lee" thie cuoteviien prices à"- about thee sne remains tta e n. Itle9sal thsI butchers bave lad off ail extramen anal lady cashiers andl are trying ta meet eut raies vitb eut rates. WAUKEGAN BARBER BAS A SAD fIRE Mysterous Inside FI e. Oestrayse premisos on South Park Avenue Noar TeenUs Street-Fîramen Ot to Scène n e oofFsita-Neighbors te Marcheant Who. Rented Building Take Gonds Away ta Thir Homes te iteep fer lm. The covhlncd groeory analbarber ab" oaf JaeepiiWaiairasksnon nm&t Pau* avasusam Tmab at secaI lrm mmismb er UMes, Ua meraiag a@i burel tthé me punna tow hase The mystsertua lestome ft tc esse in tInt Wâhhtekaasla ai ta b.omiss- taq. NeWgbaors cdaim liai he le! t for Chies..>Bund.au'and tulaaa «M a VwLst Whm b. returfis ho. viiSisa l rmetaibuilding burned l s isalhs tock ocsttered among ielgbors via are iaking cars of It. Fire Was Fierce. Hov lie ire garteal ta a mystanu'. lb la belleveal tu bave alarleal inside tie gncsry store. Wlsben tue fine de- pertinent got tise alarni nean lires t iad ta mal. lie long i-un la Tenth atreet anal vien lu arrivea lie i-o!f bai failen la on the building. Tii. departent madie a bard tva anda bai! boura' fagiLthle out signaieondu- lag near six or slx-thhrtu'. but uitIle about lie building vas saveal. Tii. building vas train. anal hesides lise groceru' anal barber siiopa bad ie- dental s-oma, liaI Waltkunas occuPleal. The, bulding tisaI burueil beloageal ta Ohlaleu Tueblis. Waiteknamla generaiiy on aàasWhilte.He caUMa nolt.olocaical lits moralng of afier-- noan andl t la believeal liaI be bas net yet relurneal. Wife Sîck IlnsChicago. Wbllen vit, la ic inluCcmgo a»d ho vent lis la »eeber bMiy merna- ing. tienls aMW. He basDenetrstsr- e6 sadalales nae kisov fet lia lace. vitec basbeen sfrk for alcut thsi'a u'.ara and bba Ies. telg oa f lie tinte.fi-tends aorlise man cm- ual expiain ils long ab»eee. Rua Devis bu'En"*&asCar- Winaleld Fennel saddaagbier bai a venu' nsrrav escape frins deaiS Satu-dzy atlemioon vien lieu' vere i-un dova bu' an exppa car aI lie golf groanda crosmlas of lie siectrie line. On, of hlm bermswvukillee lnt the coliliaonal boanda afrieud via vas riiag lome vl ut v ers thim vitualoeali lic baxroa!th. bob sisda"sudhe frisai vas inJureal, hie ladk belng vresscbed. The Isigter ba* a mesî foi-luisat escape aa a s u havis rotran le sa anal lanileallaa iav wbouL. Bbe la reportaI flot tu haye been Injaredal a aIl heyoni lie cevene sialini op. Mn. Feunel. vho i-sodes aboutfIve anda hait mles aorthvesl 0of Waukegan, vasonaitila ay honte vbeu alruck bu' lie speeding express car. Wbea lie approsceel lie croslng b, coulal net see or hear anu' car apprcscblng anal bur-iled ta getl rronsmthe tracka. Tii. bluff on vici lihe bud occupteai bu lie Wankegan Country' club stands preventeal a vlev of lie tracle n thie noti and lte car vas upon tli enth. fore lieu'cauldlgel cul of lie vay. MURDERER O!F E. P. Accorditg 1te te engineers p Mn of iiaving a curving road tiie grade viii MUMIORD IS rRr-E b. OnlY 8 Per cent. This amail, as wiii be seen by the tact tiat tii. Wasb- Man Who la Now Freed et Age of ington streel billlias a grade of 10 Sevsnty-Elght andl Ater Thirty. Per cent. Eight Yser@ of Panai Servitude, Salal WiliiNet Do Much Building. te Have Admitteal ai Time of and As a starter lhe city wiii net do After Trial Thai HO w.. Respon-.m.c building on tiie road. Tii, main Bible for Two Other Deatha. tiiig la te acquire land by purchase 'and condemnation that wiii make il possible for the cily ln &fier years Aftten hirty-eigiit years l lie s.-l ven it bhs money to put lanlthe rigiit consin state prison at Waupun. Thurs- n 0farslortevttrrty day Richard Kunke vas releaseal b y tepoetwl pnt r n the Wisconsin board cf Pardons and tii. prol.t ulopn Wtrlfc n brethe th ai offredomforthe It le probable tisat front the present fIst time. rs end of Gilielte avenue te tiie lake a The. tact i. o! particular intereS izty-slx fot slnip viii be acquired. ta Waukegan because Kunke vas con- but of tlii the city viii use oniy eight VvltdlnU AUavUu.a UUunty o theLuSAUAr en ofrE. P. Muinford, wio vwu the fa- lier of I. F. Mumford of Waukegan. stop-fstiier of Attorney William F. Wei"a. Deapite lie tact tiat Kunke vas commnitteal to Waupun Decemben 17, 1872, just recentiy vas the finit tinte be bas ever appesleal for clemency. Tiere vas no opposition ta hie par- don, aithough eI tie tinte of bis con- viction b. adusittea tise muraler. He i. salal ta bave made a moal prisoner, Relatives vill taire care of the oid man of peat seventyelgit. via assenas bis Ignorance of lise murder nov. Admittsd Othor Crimes. it la salal bers nov tt at stthe Uime of bis triai anda alai-ards Kunke admitted hiavlng killeal a pealer on lie fart next lie Mumford tarin anal betore thie a girl la lie obl country. Aller lhe trial h. eaiso sala 10 bave admitted lie Mumford murder. The vorst featur. 0of the. crime vas liat he had been taken ln as a farm banal by lie Mumtords viien dova anal ouI anal nepald them tan blond. Story of Crime. Tii. crime for vhicii Kunke vas sent ta prison for lite vas recalieal some lime azo viien b. made an appli- cation for a pardon. On the ntorning of Mtay 14. 1872, Eiijah P. Mumnford. a fariner veli InovaW nmanu' of the ploneers of Kano"&tacounly. vas tounal demi t. bcdaIjt hehome ln th. lava of Picasant Prahiie.He sal beaun sImd koven ithe issal vti an axe vbule aaleep. One hondreal dol- larwu vaslsing andl Rua.e re th. deai ins»'@ vatci andl chajis vhe.ar- regte& A t ev day. Iter Kuale, via bail I.. ia nthe. ieistsisau'iaratet lum. tard fsmnmtheai e h ouilmms vus mfai 6084 vm ams«te& .Ti*W vs»c. c! ofthenotable irlalala Kou- 0@"1e5 co &d tu'a onliueifor Umm 1w.. RuaI. va. ictad bu' Lhe laie L. W. WebotLemg analrotlie *rat ta lie ast maintaineal liaI he vas Ila ncent of lie murder. Myron A. Baker vas district atorney aI lie tinte anal lie evialence agalnst Kunke vas Iargely circunsstantiai. Kunke, thi-ougi bis attorney, madl. a hai'd fleit la secune a nev trIai, but aller he bildbeen sentencea he pentliy bore lis prisaon hie viliaul maling any furlter efforts ta gei a nev trial or bave lie cas. taken up bu' the state board o! pardoans, Kunke vas not vldeiy Inov lin K- 'Lanka Caunly aIlieelime af lie mur- der ana lnlutact i. bai beeu onlu' lires monlis. Moat e! tiselime ho bailvonkedau a a tarn banal, a portion orthtie tuas bavlng bimsen agon .the Mumiord tara, fan vilciho vas ired au, a tarinband bu' F. E. Momtord et lie lime. WAUKEGAI4 PLANS ALAKE D»r. On, of th mat Importantî lie'. mente the ciu' evar consideneal vam s- igliate athelisboard of local lmprov, Meut& Fnlisu'niaIt. Il laelthe propositionLaIGiflat. avenue. b.sxtended ta thec lale over tie route of the north idesIalsver and liaI fron thei lake snd cf lie avenue nons a lakeoe.rond b. exiau4ed. Hearino Ile F*ruery- The date oi lie public bearlug la net for Feiruaru' 3. Wbile aIl of lie City' officiais sesuta be a bit fearful as ta vitetiter lie proposition yul go uireugb ta lie end or fot due ta t.eftcthlai corporation propertu' la assffecel, ail agi-stisat lbey are willllng ta do thod share. lElght per cent Orade. Cty Enle.,T Tacker bas derlaca a plan ton a Csssvlng i-onildaylie bluff la continuation of Gliette ave- nue. Ifthierendlvusbuilt donlthe siop e .grade vauMilb. 15 psent. on tea teet for a vagon track rosi! la permit of a teai traveling up anal dova. Tii. lake ahane part af lie land illi mereiy be acqaîreal anal pro- babiy nolilg be done vilhiti for nmne lima. il may b. a year before any. lig beyoad acQulnlng the. landalli be done. Witt Opon; Lake te lise People. Besidas givt.g lte people one more direct route la ise ate anal openlng vbat 1a venu' posbly the site o! a fu- ture great Induatriai centen on lie flals, lie propocealroal viii aforal lie people a lake sbore drive fron thle norti endl of Wankegan barbon ta Devey -avenue anal lie ile of lie pro posed nev park. The menite of lie drive viilho lthe lake breezes anal lie extensive beach openeit. The landl oven viiicii lie ro" lvi go on lie lake front le belng adalea 10 conslantiy anal la hounal 10 net lie cîtu' Muet]Inlataler years front accre- lions, The main tracts affectedam r ovoed by lie Elgin, Joliet & Eýastern. lie Corn Produets Company' anal tie Anterican Steel & Wire Companyý Tiiere are olier extensive privai.. cw' ners. Hov fan lie corporation fight against tie project viii go la oct knovu. Wili Have Commiasionems Tii. main ing, lie city beileves. le 10 gel the pnoject ta lie countu' court. afier vhlcb commissioners viii tale hald o! il andl aee il lirougii fartiser as regards lie purchase anal condent- nation of landl. That North Sida Sower. Tii. north id li ever belng about tYusi teest ont of the vay legallu lad davis, due tuamn errai- ar a previaus ad. miilirastian, lun lnfg tic Imprave- ment outi, I la eulireiy probable tisaI lia Mliette avenue extsssaiassvli quletiu' anal farcver correct tliii iefie. leMcu'bu' lncluiling lie actuai sever site la Iun slxtu'oix test a! viatis. Deoideslie argument tisat the laIe road vîli mal. valuabie lactony sitea accessible, ia the furtiier an, not ta be couateal lie least by an2y means, liaI for lie fre1time la many a lon year lie Peopl ie vli. vl ttheacquisi- tion O! tii. lakteiront igit of vay, bave lie healliful possession of thie laie. beach liaI ouglit ta beiong la thein as a Pleasane groail. CARO O0F THANKS<. We siesîne la tiai aur relatives anal filous for thoir kindness anal asistance la liesasil bereaveenta of our tielove aubanal anal falier; aiso for th lBonl tribut. MRS. VWM. DOYLE anal Famliy. CharitySaeliFer Cony. tXhe hbrt all gvon At the Bal- tsi- C AmnOry Tiuraday Biobt ton lie isasfllo! ltheLaIs County Tubes-ula. Obs In.titute vas lie largest anallt.e «Mat suscestui boli frantILa Sanclal An4 aL social stanalpot ofa!a«Y'dance ever alven lan'Ittukegan, FuUly tire. huinsild couples aliendeal. Muci croiiladues. W the efforts ar generai ChWrai-anRobent M. lagalle ad lias. viaO assisteil hlm worked out lie de- talil Plans ton the dance ýwbIch r e- siiteil lanusaklrsg th. occasion lie moal aucCeseal affain ai the kind even hold la lie cty. The prahlmlnaru dancing began ai 9: 20 anal lie grand marci vas atarI- ed pramptiy ai ona. 'clock, elgitu'- e1lisI Coples belag ln lins. The grand marci vas led bu' Fred L Xuira>' anal daugiter, Mir. Rabert ML Inils. Neit ln lin. ver, Cap- tain anal Ms-. William J. Roee. The ci-ava began toarairive at about 9:15 anal lie majonltu' vers thera bu'9:10. The langeaI iepremnlatloa o! Wau- kegmn socleiy people Vers present wiich bave ever galieneal togelier ai one lime aI a dancing party. Tiey ail teh results* Doctars, lav. yens, inercianta anal polltican4. B. vis. andal aveile-it pays. Oui- vanu cluan Ila avinner. attempted to defraud tie state oul o! tie tnansfer tai on $1,263,481. Tii, comptrolien has also etartedal ai Inquinu' to final out viiy the. estate o! 'Silent" Smith bas neyer been settleal up, deapite lthe tact liat be allea ai- mcml lire. years ago. As a reait o! tacts recent.ly learneal by lie state comprolers ofice Sar' rogata Thtomas vIii t. akeal lits mornt.g la sign an order dinecting the executara o! boli the Smithtestaten to show cause viy lie property vhici gmsed la "Bilent" Smili anal Bir George Alexander Cooper of! Englanl.' ie cousin, siotilalnet t. revalue undes-thliavs of tlis 51510 charge They Smode Fis. IAdvite. Il la chargeal lia "Silent" Smit andI Cooper mail. fais afdavits emi visea lie eatate of George SmIithvas being settleal. liat Ibese decelveal lie court as la tie Irise value or lie pro- Perty anal husalalovea tIhe 1,263,481 la go untaxeal. The men viso viii b'. talien t thie court by the comptrolier 10 expiain theIn actions are William Grant Ma- son o! Evanaton, Ili.; George Grant Magon o! Tuxedo Park. Ill.; George Simpson Eddy of No. 1 West Thinîleli street, anal Herman S L.eroy o! No. 28 Seventi avenue. Tiey are executors anal heirs under lie viii ar "Sulent"1 Smith. Sir George Cooper anal Peter Gealdes o! No. 328 Ciinton avenue. Brooklyn, yl aiso b, citefi tu expiain as executors of tie wtll or George Simith, uni-i. o! 'The Bilent Broker" Wisised ta Avolal Tax? It ls Intîmatea lntahlbecomplittof the sale compînolier liaI lthe deiay la settllag up lie esaae of lb. young- or Smihvas actuateal by a deaire on the part o! lhe executors anal hi a avold alpying Ithe Iransfer tex. William B. Honuhiover bas been ne- taineal by lie execular anal hoire. He said last nigait laI James Heary' Smih analbils co-ezecuton. Sir George A Cooper, actea lnl perfect good failb vien liey mail. 1h. affidavts lie atate bua atacked as taise. He salI liat Smithhanal Cooper belleveal liey vere acting vithin lhe iav o! the 'te anal lie tact liaI complications bave arlsen la due soieIy to cîrcunt- stances lbezeculars coulal not fore- sea. Wau to &hors ln Commîsolone. The proceedings begun by the state coasptroiler are lie resuit o! a suit began llihe supreme court by an ex- ecuton of the estale a! George Sitht, via allegeal he vas deprîveal oi com- missions ggsegalng mare tisa $400,. 000. Il appears liaI vien George fSmi died heo ma.de hi* aepbev, Jantes Hen- ru' Smith, Btr George A. Cooper anal Benjamin Netlelan Oakeaiiotuis ex- ecu lors. Il la sel fori la the cont- plaint liaI an agreeental as mjile bu' lie execulars liat Oaîea 011t shoula lvtidnv, but voulal b. palal one-third of lie commissions Just as If h. iiad acted. He saIi liaI aiter lie eshate vas setîled. up bei-e, Cooper anal Jantes Henry' Smithi retisseal 1pay bhlbisa share o! lie commissions, anal le brougit suit to reenver liem n thle supreme court Cooper and Smith ans- vereal the suit, settlng iorli that the vwilI oi George Smithi as probatea lnl fui of lie fliialezînact o! belia donna. A physîclan vthb aides vagedau a ail nlgbt figiit for her lite anal Ibis mon- Ing sh. la pronounceal l11, but out of danger ana lliibe able la b. about lns tva or tire edays. Chapter of MIX Ups. The accident thaI befel lie aurs sa lie resul t a ciapten of mix ups. Seizeal of a cold thiat made. Il baril for ber Wo breathe lie nurs refencal la a doto r, He ld iber, It la allegea ta talre len dropsaofthle tincture o! beila donna every titre. boma Tiere vas noue of lie dtln theli howptal supliesgo e ie icdailuor- der vas taiepiameal ta a local drugget thc nurea.auflathe.druaglai vba amunt ofthlie fOutllext'act voula b. equivalent W ten minimal or drape of belae donna tincture Tii. irugglsl, ItlI.aflegieal. ld ber liaI on. drachm or the. equivalent o! a teaspoonful voulal t. igit Teck 150@4; Poiteneal. Nans MNanisa 100k lie dose liat ah. vas tnId'ta take, Itlal aliegeal, anal scon aten, near 12, the symptomts of polsonlng hecante so apparent bhat see herseif noticeal hemn. A docter vas aummoneal analthe, batîle vas vageal against lie acci- dentîIly taken poison. Advetisag pays-andl paves lhe vay 10 hetterthbIaga. Try aur vant COluMInL Aokeal If lie fighi starteal over bis holding o! four aces tiree tintes Idi succession.,lie repleal: "Neyer helal Ilreeas.nlumyIlite- at leasI. viien 1 needeal lient" Accordlng t thle staruld bu' lie police anal lie oliser tenants, Ford. Kenuing anal Haszard vere up ail nigil playlng poker. Ford b"i icn holding wlnniug banals igit along anal Juml befone lie cUnsaxbe hail siavi four acoln succeson. Ks.uing sa' the police, lien mai ha iaoi. oulal "emaout lie hous-If Fard bai tour aces magain liai agit. Tien. thc po- lice stas'y maa, Kenning dailt te cards and wvisa lie b.tting vas over Ford bad tour aces. AtItli.point the. trouble startmd- Kenning la reporteal ta bave amai.a iunge at Ford, via doalge an d rfel under li, table, wviii.Mra. Fard came ta lie rescue af ber buabonal. Il vas aI lhis point ltat lHaard, via la an elderiy man andl vbo salal las niait be vas "mest a peacemaker.- gaItla lie fracas. Tiien came thie free-fon-aliBfgbt. il began la the. lubrary anal contInueal an througi lb. fiat, lcavlng dîspiaceal fur- nîture. uctures anal bric-a-brae lnalit wake. Somebody openealthic hall door anal tic four contesnant. rolleal sud ld down tthrne.lihts o! ateps 10 the pavement wlierc tiheliosililties were rnrewed. flS VOUR ROOF 0. K?: We can meet yonr requiremente no matter how large or ornail they rnay b.. The Prepared Roofin we seli to our customers by the rol la the best on the mm ket, and cornes complete with nala and cernent ready to lay, at the right pricea. Powell RoofingCompanyj 1 17 S. o...... St- WAUKEGAN T.hbo. 37 Morses. for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farm, on. and one-half mile north of Wanêlouda, Illinois, ha. conotantly on hand andl for sale, at loweat market prie., a stock of auIl case@ of hors., aultabie for thé road and ail fana Swork: expres sand draft, useful and serviembie. from 1100 to 1600 poumn. Price. $80 to $200.00. No pluge. Corne 1 Mountaîn Meadow sud se. the horus. vork on the farm. AIl acclimate-I andl avolal rfsk of slckkss. Ail guarantéed on deiivery an represstoa. Telephoue M Waueond COL f: J. ERR OICIALS ARE AliTER "6SILEN4T" SMITHI KEIRS When "S11 t"Ja s Henry Smiths dil ll"1New JVaorie city end t remnemberealhieisrelatives laInaln about Millburn, In thia county, with above hait a million ot many millions, ih was believeal ihat sen- salons la regard ta hlm had been exhausteal. Howover, another gremier sen- sation ha* devalopcd after him dealh la Nam Yarie city enal when Miiiburn, whers not a cheoker has been pisycal for Imenly-flve yeas mithout a relative or friandl ef lSin"n il, hears t illii&gain b. astounde. The laIe James Henry Smith, au Well as hl# unole, George Snmih, more producta of 1h. vlinlty about j Millbum andlmhen th*e fermer aled h. rememboeealhlm Lake county folie. Tise main beneflo- i&ry mas Me. Victor Rosbachs, tormerly of Wmuksgan, nom of Evangton. Tise latsit anal probablu'thlhat sen- sation la vhat bas heen a reai cause celebre ln Lake couatu' in lie begin- nlng o! legal action againal lie estate bu' lie state o! New York on charges liaI lie ezecutora avalded oves- a mllion ti-anafes tex, andal laI ile tire. years bave elapsedal ine lie deali o! "Bilent" iSmih lh. estate la s1111 unssttled. Lale countu' beneficlarles o! the es- tale bave electeai William G. Mason o! Evanston, on. o! tIse benellclanles, 10 represent tient. Wisat le at f"Dtom of Action. Stahe Compîrohier Clark Wllllams o! Nev York city. lias begun proceedlng ln thie surrogate'. court ta have the estetes o! George Smith, lie Chicago mîiionatre, analhile nepbew, James Henry' Smi, Inova lu Walstreet as "Silent' Smithi, reappralseal on thie ai- iegei grounal liai. lie executors have London undeïr the lave of Raglanal, EX-WAUKEGANITE REAL. SPORT. viiere no executor'. commissions are- e.iioiyd. Oaesiott then dug up the Resui Wu@ More Than Other players records la the. surogates court and Couid Stand and Fight SUarted t* founal, he silegeal, ltat despite the tact Wag9. tapm Ont End of Flot to the that the wiii vas probatea lnt a landl Other-Participanta Arrest.d on a viiere the. ezecutore coula-not charge Caii tram Police and Mlx Up la commissions, Cooper ani the younger Aired nt Police 'Station. Smith hsd vorked a deception on lhe- court hy lnduciag it to deduct commis- Apartment No. 3 of lhe taahionable, ulons for ezecutors amounting to i. Ford flats, 3626 Grand boulevard, Ciii- 203,421. cago, vas raided, Monday a. m., say tii. court Threw out th. Ciaim.. Examiner this norning, atter a free- The case vas carri.d ta tii. court for-ail fight over a poker game. Wal- of appeaa, viere Oakesiiott lost. The, ter 0. Ford, president of the Ford court iieid tialtih. agreement among Manufacturlng Company; bis vite, tiie tiiree executors vas againat publiceviio vas Mrn. Stella Taie Durphy; policy andl therefor, coulal fot b. Arthur M. Kenning of 2327 West Jack- countenanceal by the lava l in att. son boulevard, wiioae Danie ppears la Tii. iltlgation, hovever, as actea ite dratoa tueCopaeiny of the tii. attention of tii. oMfclals1 In theIneatol gCmpyndhu stat coptrlle's olic, ad tey . Hazzard, a contractor's agent, 2324 West Jackson holevard, vere taken to have heen vorklng on th. case ever the Stnon avnue station. mince. In an alidavit Daniel Seymour, Tii. Ford. are former Wauk.ganles a lawyer iDlii.h comptrollen's office, olal residenîs say. sets forth ltat vien the. estate of Mns. Ford vas alloweal to go trou., George Smithi vas settleal up bere.,lte but the tbree men vers helal on property la te ti5ate Was ippraiseal et chargea o! diaarderiy conduct andl $42,099,066, Oving to lb. aMfdavita gsmbig. it took four detective. la of L3r George A. Cooper snd "Bilent" iock up lhe men. vho becani. invoiveal Smith, iSeymour aleoges, lb. court va. ina fiht; vera fiendly garce of lnduceal to deduct fron t ti valuation carda. Kenning and Haszard, thé go- liabilties, debte andl comisialons lice vers told, drove Ford andl Ida vite ainountlng to '13522.6 Then lnt tii. street. Pictures vert, smaah- Thea Cooper and tiie younger Smith ed, the. piano tunneal aven, botti.. andl ver, cia.rged vitii a transfer ta of gliasses flev ln every direction andl ai- 1,018,291 eacii, andl ths vas pald ta most every ollier tenant in the. builal- the state vithout proteat. lng tunne<i in a riot eall for the po- lice. NURSE TAKES OVIER Ford, woýo wan ied Monday af- DOSE Ols POISON about the trouble. over the telephone - lie sald: Dodtur Praacriblng Ton Drops cf, Tine -I vus. out anresteal It wont do turc of Seiia Donne andl Hospltai me any good to gay any more. Dont Net Having any of This Drug, Nurse you think you miglit be mistaken; Aaked Druggist What Wouid bu the couldn't it be some otiier Ford?" Equivalent In Fiuid Extraci and When told liat the police blotter Took Dose-Resuit, Peril. gave the. name of tiie prIgoner as - "Walter O. Ford. 3526 Grand avenue. Niary McNamara, assistant iiead vice presîdent Ford Mlanufacturing nurse at tiie Jane MeAlisten liospital, (1o0"'ien y,.'le salal: was accldentaily poinosenal Friday Well, that's remankable. Dont viien on the aliegedal avîce of a drug- you thînk the police mîglit ho mistak- glat se took one drachm or teaspoon- en?"' LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN f. 'f Vo(l- "OLI REL in One- Cotant C et ifr F ac t Abuli ,fl m i . r, if [liii, il' Il, 'r fi 'If, * r

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