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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1910, p. 6

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-You are now face to face with the greatest clothing opportunlity of the year, the time when we clear out our tali and wlnter isàtock in orderý to make readjYfosplgeaaes We don',t and we won't carry stock Irom season to season. It's a 1oslng. proposition from any and every standpolnt you> choose to take it. The prices on everythlng in the store wIll be reduced re- ga'dless of cost, value, or formfferseltng prices. Just think what this means to you 'Wabou~$5O.O.ot fnw es onable and high àrrade Clothlng, Shôes, and Furnishings at almQst your own price; an opportunity that no economical man. or woman ought to miss, as" it seldom. happens more than once in many years. Supply the wants of ail not only for thig 'f' wlnter but -for the next one as well." It positively means a great deal of money to you. 'I anid WII li.Coutrage for TEX BAY$ GnIy Overcoats 6ef Or 'a lot of good *',k î la e brown, ff~ ~ for men 's styl- .95 shvercoats'in ý bac, oxford a4du*k bine, ey bmof .Uni- ahioaibbg, positvely Worth fr a choice se- ,645wtion of mens' MMCgad Uto ~q UIuTat. acer oiti for legs than <~fbefr a splendid U~~1 ne of mens' I' overcoats, made cf lu al o icuna, faucy ohev. = = an eiss trlotiy hand tati- g.mns orth from $17.50 Wo 9 I~fo0r yu ~~'~) ~iceof ail our very best ~U4tallored overcoats Worth trou, lu25 t of0,mA. the very beit im- =,0tenserfis o f BsL. ,serge antiesgt- laetauto modes, one of tbe best barp.ins evor off ered. Yowig M en'sO'coats -5, orfyour choice lo ar ge line of Se75Ung Men 'S ovêeoats lu b . ý,bluelive anti fan- cy patterns, an l szes. fuly wrth from 9.00 to 112.00. Chliden'sOvercoMs Sf or your choice of a large lime of children 's over- cOts, pSliUvel)y Worth $4.00. Shirts Sfor men's heavy, 9 Cbine flannel over- breested, double front and back, large peari buttons, regular $1.76 values. each for a large 2 9 C lt of men's stiff 2oo an9Cgi Pi shirt, ail good clrn a l l Uses, a groit bargain. for men 's fine 39C neligee shirts, white and ail col- $g~AZsIuad, reguli, 75c values. -y article will be thereof. WAuKEaAN, ILLINOIS Men's Clothing ,9 for mens' good 3 suits ini fancy viots, fuUly Worth front $8.00 t 1.0 .5.9.for a large se- 5 lection'of men's well made suits lu daxk mixtures, splendid wool mater- oul% tveiy wortb $10.00 te $12.00. flffor men 's hand- 7,95sommely tailor- efail and win- ter netts, made ni, of fine wool suit- Ings in new popular patterns, Worth fram $13 to $14. EA~ for asplend-, 11 e 45id hune of ail wool wor- eesanti cassileres, l hssao' lstest cuti, black, bine and fancy pa- terns, wortb ni, to 2.0 v ~f or your i '.45choice of a neat line of me's exclusIvely tallored suite, In black, gray and neat popular patteras, trlctly ail wool materials, yen' bost of workmansbip; suite that usnally Bell at 125.00. Young ?fen's Suils 9 5for vonng men 's 3 o good serviceable suîts, a good se- leetion of patterns, ages 15 ta 20 years, fuiiy Worth tram $8.00 to $10.00. fo our choice 8.93foîail our best suits, a ges 14 to 20 years, black worsteds, blue serges sud fancy patterns, trlctiy iret ciass gareats, genuine bargains Worth $12 ta $15. Sweaters and Sweater Coats 1A~ f or your clîoice 14Jof a largelirne o f ren's sweat- ers, Worth, $250. for men's heavy 39 1 sweaters, worth 4 for boys heavy 8cgr ay sweater eoats, red or blue edged, Worth $100. ~ tfor men's heavv 102 3 white sweater Worh $.60 eotspositively SýPECIAI5Boys' and Children's Suits leu ss o m 1 95 FOR MENS' HEAVY FELT BOOTS AND I* RUBBERS, OBNTN WORTHL $3.00. IMNS' USPENDRRSPECIAL 9ca pair for mens' fine suspenders, a splendid as- i,9 sortlinent of heavy or liglit weights, worth u f~~ i9for your ehoiee of a bâtndgome line of mens' four- 3 MENS' EHÂNDKZREOHESPECIAL 3c each for your ehoice of mens' fast color Turkey red, indigo blpe or white handkerchiefs, good large sizes. MENS, HOSE SPECCIAL 6C APAIR FOR MENS'HIEAVY RIBBED WORK- 6CING SOX, GRAY MIXED. Regilar 10e ult Oca pair for niens' extra heavy or light wvool sox in ,20c gray or bine mixed, worth 35e a pair. MENS' GLOVE SPECIAL 2 2 c PAIR FOR M.%ENS'IUEAVY LINED MULE- S K1 N (TLOVES OR 'MITTENS. WORTH 35e. pair fo iislev aflether gloves, gaunt- 4 3 lets and inittens, hieavy fleece lined double stitched, fuliv worth 75e a pair. SFOR BOYS IIEAVY REEFER COATS, DOU- 1093 BLE BREASTED, HIGH STORM 95CFOR1CHJLDRENS' SUITS, SI1ES 3 TOI81 9 cONLY, W0I4TH UP' TOI $8.50. ___________________ __ 9cEACH FOR BOYS' DRESS PANTS KIIE PANTS SPECIAL EACII FOR BOYS' KNEE PAINTS IN PLAIN 3 9c AN KNCKERBOCKER STYLES, POSI- 39C TJVELY WORTHI 75c. =ENS' SWEATfl-SËEOIAL 39CEACH FOR MENS' GOOD MEAVY SWEAT- 39C ERS WORTH $1.00 39c SPECIAL IN 0 BACII FOR MENS' E WINTER CAPS, FUR LINED BAND. BE: AR 75e VALUJES. M 6C9 for boys nice suits, made i double breasted tw..pfece styles. lu bine, gray anti taney mixtures, suzes 8 to 16. 1 fr your choie le 9 (3selection of boys coats. bloomer trousers. wortb $350 Wo 2 8for boys fine 2*4 Rfits, worth $500. 45frboys tailored 3 .5 s.euits of the finr essailmera, voritedsidUtibinue serges. double breasted coats, bloomner troua- ers, positively vorth $6.00. Men's Working Clothes 75for men's heavy 2 o,7 'orduroy coats, reversible or blanket lineti, high corduroy coliars, double brealted styles, fuily worth $4.00. fr nen's sheep 2.69lined coats, ex- tr elmade. bigb grade corduroy col]ars. worth $4.00. 4 for men 's heavy sheep lined cor- duroy ,coats, double breasteti, high fur collar, wortlb $700. 95 for men 's heavy 1-09 dark bine chin- chilla pea Jack- ets ,ulster collar, double breasted, a spiendld storm coat, wortb '84.00. 9cfor a large lime of 3 9 extra good work- ipg shirts, cham- brays andi drille, blue, grays, black, etc, al sîzes. regular 76e values. Winter Und'rwear 3 g~ each for men's 39C e xt ra heavv Sfleece lined un- derwear, shirts or troousers, ail sizes, fully warth .75c. 9each for men's heavy ail wool 89C underwear, shirts and drawers, full sizes, posItlvely worth 11.60. ______________________________________ I 1 Men's Trousers 1 79ci for men's strong c o t to nade trousers, worth 12 5 for men 's fine trousers, black andl neat fancy pa&terns, vnrth $2.60. 1,095a pair for men's **~,good worsted trousers, neat =aters,74o weii fttlng gwrmeuts, < ~ ~ * par for a good è3el Ctou of 2 ' ýnen's fine wors- patterns, vorth ni, to $5.00. Great Values in Shoes for men, women, boys, misses andi children, unequailed values in good styllah serviceable shoes, lust note the following. 1.45 $2.50 value. a pair for men's fine shoes, bhî- cher cut, regular 1,93a pair for nen's I 'i~fine dress shoes, nmatie of gUn- metal caît anti sorm caît in lace or blucher eut, thîs seasoneB mont POP- ular lasts, worth $3.00. apair of men'S 2 4 fine dress shoes Iu patent kid, ter iast, wurtb up to $400. I A~a pair for boys 1 40 fine shoes for either dress or school wear, ail Sizea, fuily worth $2.25. 75a pair for boys 2.7 high top shoes, positively worth $3.50. l 59h a pair for men's .2~ he a vy one *buckle Over ahoes, regular $1,75 values. 3 ~ a, pair for a 1.4) large lime of ladies fine shoes, ail new styles, worth ni, to $8,50. fdund just as represented. If nQt satisfied we will cheerfully exchange the article-or refund the price Come early.. -Car tare refunded to ail outsof-town customers upon purcliases of $5 or over. FOR SALE- subdivioion, cars. pricel FOR SALE- Austin mnbd $5 down, $1 LÔTS FOR elu.dlmailf J.uOMM.O0 FOR ami Wrlgbt'adM 9.ou$50 te West of lgi "yr for tIi lADEN B OChiffo. FOR Rtf4l aru housse i FOR REN1 miles from beginung & buildings ft Weilli eade money mak caga. (izo Home lueux A BARGAI Ongles de, i 1 p.r Ce going rche wANTED- bave sorte J. E. MiE£ FOR REN' 1 Mlle eas soutbeamt 81ELV'ILLZ. FARM F0 TE%8BALL, FOR REN $2.00 up, KimbalilA1 MONEY farmne st 5 WAN TE C married U. State of ln thet Nelson F'rank T Joues, Su Wiard, 1 foreciose Publie by virtut tereti n saliti re A.Ilt V Spectal Court w) of Februt One or) day nt t) Court IH gan, COL Mluois, s bighest foiiow lut tate aiti and Stat The el ter of St quarter Section en (7) of the Eleven west se ilg su 65/100 cepttng tain rig Feulon M.3. H day of 3 tbe Rec Illinois, 241) ; t] quarter the nor west qi ail in 'T Range Princip rlgbt o) ot way by SMar ter or South *salitiTt ty ut 1 Dateý 1-14 State Inuth Chat Ftrank Truste No. 43 Publ by vir tered said Cý _____and WiII Continus for TEN DAYS OnIy m 1 - 1 ]

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