is a wonderful food-medi- cine for A ages of man- kind. It Nwïll niakec the delicate,sicklv ,b.ibNstrongi and well-will give tIke pale, anemîc girl1 rosv cheeks and rich, rCd blooti. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over- worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. Fou "ALu HT ÂLL DDMGETS a D. - o e e -À tSis a. foc 0 50.U m mk B-a.d ffl'a. B& WWT £OWM .4mo P1 &.ýNew Ye.k Mr,. andlire- Arthur Clark gave a enebre Party lasi- Tuesdai, about sixti were prepest. Tm'elre tables were played. The party m'as gîrcu in B. YVounge haill Ail report a fiue time. <imu Anderson. of Lake Forest, tran- aacted business bere lait Wedw-eda v Mirs. Wnî. Tbom gare a dinner party toa a ew fiende lhat Wed ü,sdav Florence Russe-li bu-Le ber ankie ast Teseday while eoasîlng at ithe Hfca day orbovil She he gstiing along raîcelyv The Ladies Aid Sýxicittv met in the cbuzv-h Thuryeda.y. inner m'as set- by i-be loloming ladies M rr'. AK. Bain. Mises Njvien Banner and Mlr,-. E.' Cannon. A number aifi-be' vonng people at tend- .41 a Party at the home ri4 MesesClara adi4 hile ason lest Tuesdav evening Progresive gaines were plaied ani a Tmeiamant evening Mpent A- W. Safford traneaeted business in Chberao Tueday. j Mrs. John Neahaus let ithe bo8pita in Qilcago hast Sai-urday and is letting alOagnlcelY. She is stayiug ssi-b ber dangbter until she ie able i-o retorD hoe Oscr Neihaus wao a delegate ta thbe lm shippers convention liauda. Mm. Safford bas been very siet but at pennt riting la better. Mm. W. B. Stewart gare a dinuer parti lasi Frlday. Mm. Mar-ha Smtb a.nd chiltiren, ai (Ihicago, ane visiting ber brai-ber, Davidi T<sngihl yek. Mpm. K B. Towner celebrai-sd her elghtY-tourtls biri-hday, Fs.. Mr@. H. B. Tewer gare a dinner ta a tew ai ber aId fiends at t-he hanm, ai lre. Rater. ArthurNelson, of Mllîruru, andi Mies; GertrudeOSHai-e, î,l (inrare. mere married Manday, Fei, 7. They m'il mats their home on itbe tire. l.ena Winters larsn near Raser rai-. ta gratulatione extendt Thers srill he a Faruters Insiitiire e tl, at i- ilturu, Tuesday. Icý,I.,1 % riî prograus bas heen arraii.Tbcrc n ii he au ail day and evcning -seloîl. The ladiesofai Mliburu will ser% c tiioner in the s chureb dining roiant iî,od speakers have been secnred.Eeîoinece The irien)de f id issTest.i, andi I-S Cunningham gave tlicîiî a r.irl.-ise larty Teseday erening 'i i-is s,,k b~ elare they more tW their noea lî, in o Oarren. The Ladies' Aid S 'rivtsattilfiteýntus if Mir. and Mr5. 0. A. Nelerîri i-,iid,-rei,. thern a surprise Tuesday evei-na it i. and î l-irà. Nelson will leai e Aari h i t fur their new home at Lî,oîî Lai.- Miss Mabel Banner le!- lîst.îTburmday to viglit er fiend, Mises Hiheu'aitîrd at Wbeai-on cohlege, Whbeatoni. 1il. The Bev. Dr. Sbepard will preach at the Diamood Lake M. E.i-burt bi at 2.30i Sunday aliernoon. Feb 13. There will be a Valeotîne golal at thbe home 01 Mre.Hannab Barbîý, ilondar, Feh. 14. * The Diamonti Laks Ladie' Aid Society wlDl meet with Mes. Fred T..,,r, Sr., Fsb. 17. Mir@. Tom'ner wili iurnisb dinner. Evsrybody camne. Prac(eede rof the dinuer will go toward painting- the Dairymen, for good resuits, "se Inter- mtianal Sugar Feei. ROMîE Lusîtîga Pa aivOfwmi-n, beati pains, for any pains toppedt u 20 minutes sure, n i-b Dr. SBoxopts Plut Pain Tabletet Sci- full formul on 25c. box. Soiti by ALL DEALERS Notice i-o Fionnt Tex Payrs. 1 vil b.oahti-be 1vauhos Sior- svsry Botura. dûring itbe ionih ai Jannary 039 F.WMUary. P. J. WAGNsER. Tai Onilstor.p-17-6 - L ~ n>i t, ~ PZB1RIJARY' u, 1910 IWAUCONDA DEPARTMENT Ml. E. MAIMAN, Correpondent and Agent t lp tri AMita lrn-ci- tîrîliti clent qatuirday tues i-a pisce a beti quitblock or recelte 1't Uni 1-'Unda.V ot 1lierolîte lier- nDo supper. Weil titin sill wî,rk bard for M Duutwrof ur oun Iýp1eattnd-sucb a repas- as tiiey kness wou!ti bean t'tl~~~~~~~~ tednsuMreiMota. itheirei tisai-bousesacb ssorking ho ,l he ziný a MHpny, ontay. w in tht lirite; ans for swibiness, anai-her M 'ti ati ir.itbi.Jueooibiaga.- bor gooti sewing. Mri. Radelseecnred one. epeni- a 1cm'daye tiîe eektbiihMri. anti bor nimbîs Rongers anti Dr. Hugh for beet Mrs. C. L.Piatt anti ianiîly. worls. The promiest ressarti for alilSat miscelila Ceary t.pent Sai-urtiayandti t Isupper m'as abuntance andi delicions M Sunday ai- bouie. ta wbich ail titi ample justice. Prof. Bati lire R. R. Kimbei-ly anti îaugbter, Kent ln bis ossu ispr-esis-esauner for9 Rai-b, ai Chicago, risiteti mitb irientis madie a fwtesiimly r-marks anti pr-- anti relati re. ber- fiai-niday and Sunday. sented] i-e happy couple ssih i-h eut at Mis Myrtie Meyer anti Laytou Meysr glass tombiers ln behali of i-boss pr-sent ai-8 wsri-be gueste ai1i-bei- par-nie faiu-rta wbicb bath bosi- anti botese reettoui- Mh day andi Sunday. cd dti eeling. Jenle Gr-su in a happy 'e5d, Misé Auna Sick was teuder-ti a sur- masrvetoe teps eet et e prie prtyMonay venng y anumeryeare iargely in adjective foru wblcb pribsrpari-ynday an eningaby anmer brougbt langbter Ir.. ail. Tbe. ail M ba brailtrede n sjyal ts wsdeparteti wishini- hem i-vice seveuteen ep« bat byailpt'eSn-.mare ysars where vs ail hope i-î be w Febrnary 2nd provedt eth -e @seen- lnvlte.u eacb Vear. Chic teeni-h anniversary aiflMr. anti lr@. mou Jabn's iarrisd fles andi tbey Invltedth .e We have a large aosanimeni- oi i-e i-ai Thîmbîs lub, ibeir huebandtotgether meli knwu fede i-bai çroduces ti-b -est Jc wsi-h a iew fiend@tos a rlebrahe ssi-hth .m mu. Wby leeticheai trasby tip thens. Tbe aBair vasreveretdinlu rati-,feeti wbeu yen eau gsi-thi-bs bsi-. Ai tliey madetiei-e men work by ahliging 1LnEaRsvVILLE Li--sinîsCO. 20-11 LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER Nes Vera lieteait etertainW îu8 n. Tonne and B. Halle meut to Hannah Patwb aifRussell ra undWakegan last wmeek wbere AMr. Hotte Sunday. bogbt a work horse. Our te-achema at6en ach, &-er ur miii te again clo&ed, IL. Cooper meeting atHEighland P arks tFiy hing l ttown. The next meeting of heLad ie' me lsPomers, our sehool teacher, m'as Socîety Witt be Witt) Nirs Jh.NcClre. cld ta her home tn Barringwan on lire Appleyard entertaimed tel tas as Quoi- ofi-be serio.s iline@e ai ber meeting. ber. _Mi.s Lyon, af Barringion, te Pleni-y of Oil eala ej -,,-,L takîng her place. Lt iHES Co. ) t W.. Eîchutn Jr., le ai- home nnrsing The Rer. Mrr. Handiey, of aukega i@ inred leg." will prea uer- next unnday mornîng at il o'elock. It lae -ethi-bannlversary oi the cburch. àire H. Sponenberg vieii-ed triende ln Wadewortiî last week. The Young Ladies' Bble Clame wiii give q6 Valentine Social at itbe eburch, Sai-urday evening, Feb. 12. LZCIZ Notice. 1 will be at tise Rockefeller iîrug Store. Wsdneeday, Fi-h. 16, ta collent taxes. C. P. Fiseîa, Tax Colletor, Lihertys-ilie township. ti 20 ti The Rockefeller itemns mere not ail pnblished lasi- week as we bad su ntîcili correepoudenre, mencre famced ta Irai-e saine iof t out. trv Baisi lIair anîd lie vourrlwî judge n lai- ite ledîng salue ru The pr i-ie(s)%îsvl.MiTýîitVILILi t D iilCO. 21) it Our creamery le runniug ull capaci-y, about fourt-ieu si-o are employeti. JoaeepbSpunnertile t a-hi@ borne bers ou -b the etsiie aofi-be faire, Tueeday mOrnlug at il o'clock of cancer of the stasach. Obtuary ni-il weet. Chas. Seip anti C. Nrtimeyerwbo bave been rîsiting relatives ber- i-hi-pasi- i-bree veeke bars returnedt tiheur base lu Minneota. Er-ti Bueaciig wili m'aik for Hi-ni-y F. Bergboru the susuiag year ,îs- mencing Idai-ch isi-. The installaiin a!au r ni-w mialeter, J. J. Tillersan toat place lasi- Sandai. Pasi-or Wlkene. ut! Barring-an, m'as pr-si-ut. The Modemn Woodin w iii gîve a ii-adntiuasîiuorade in Bickueshall nei- n;ai-ni-day ei-siali- . Evi-myboty invîted. LZZECRAZZ] si.rioirmltiai-I ut diiilicr.u- RUSSELL J. 1).îMuri-ay andivile m n i-me.oakegan Ars. G. A.Siver el-cnt titi-tirai -nft istirreSatîrilav. iseet sstii-tber -iltrren nAlaiin -t u îliiiîiilXîilri-l.tts a-ali- ml rL . M. it(i iii t-n e p,îît ,ru 1, btr- st 'tiOnilay W antiias ire 'ti itOlier s imîtet in (hicago last Mini-le Iîirti s iti nilîy ssi-h lui-r n cik.> ptaren ts. er-lia Faulikner îc sîti-iding alfea-daiýs /i i li-y tst %55 ccIi ittulai Franki Crai-us tr-iaudtifue aient 8Ohm Jolia leýForicîs.o!fV. 5uk,-i-tn, epIt-dîîy nta i îrîEda'arui sunday wsii-luber brother.lien,. hi-Forrte ('lai-les Heaningis uturingi ntî lita ni-v andt %vie. bousse near i-be Catholti- clîni-cl Mme E.j 'itîi-t ~a-îi- rtîa~ i-h- Jai-nt e anîkuer is viitiig Dill anti Sai-urday ta Kenosîta Faulknei-r o Van-ca The echolrl -lildI-n lail a vai-aiion Fnidayi-ei- teai hcr.Aite lPat(-li attend- edth -e teathi-rs lecitini-.i WARREN StelLa Paluneritîn has returneti i-rn The Warren Cemeterv Associaiin vili ber viet- in Hasint, lad, me-it wi-h lire. Bati-le Fenion Wednee- Airs. T. DB Neveu le8sitii very fiaurli - day, Fei-rnary 16. Thei- omit sili be The %i adessortb yaung people gare sswing for i-be Lake Bluff Orpbanlage. i-her play '*The Coi-nec Bruj Si-are- nfiai-ah Faulkni-r le quitesiocK. i-be hall ta a full hanse fiai-niday nigbt. Ara. French ssbo receutly untierweni- Clara Ellinger anti Matile Eriiart, of anuiperaiia, le nat gaining. Wankegan, @peti-bhesotit!ihi- meet G. P. Roîse i qaite el-t, anti is unuur with lire. E. P. Sv-r. . . . Msore peole are x KlFO e Resety en-n year. ut ls tonsidereti the mouet effectiveItemietiy for ail kitiney anti blatider troubîe; liai- medîcai sîience con devise. Foli-y Kidney Reinedi- vrirente irreguiarlties, buds up i-be sytes, ont r-stores bei- ritaiiy. Fsov B. Las FLL. Noicesof Dissolution. Pulic notice le lirely given i-baii-be Brin ai Young & Lynui liIrom. lias been dîseaireti, Bi-ayne A. 't aung r-turing tram the pai-hnereliip.andti i-bs ienebi sslli bE Coniinuel iY i-be reuaiaiug pari-ni-i-, Geo rge F. Lynch anti John W. Lync-hunoter ti-b rinnDase uoutLynch Bi-tî. Bateti Jannuary 291, 11)10. liEn ÂX E A. Xi O 01oin;taE F. Lv Ha, 20-3t JOHN~ W. Lytcs.' ei-ti tra -ia-ent. Ntire. Ano Fullsi-lee anai-leraifi-he i-ek anee. Mire. Mani-er, wbo m'as vlitiug ber sonl1). R. Aanzer, vas caileti home by i-hi- ilinee aifber daugbi-er. Tber- sii be a Valentine social ai- the bosa!fMr. anti Ais, Widdlcombe Mon- day erening, February 14, for the bene- fi-aif the Gages Laite S. S. Git roui-r ai-ni-e postais ai- W. W. CÂuittll. '&Sos. le eacb. c-20-1 That on the stage i-be rillian alm'ays1 sutakes" a cigarette, In lite be le ire- queuîlY Puling avay ai- a coi-n Cob pipe. Thai li-ile thlngs are the thinge i-bat tel-eaBys a iitie one about ire yeare ait, for instance. DEERFED 7.P. Htben1 taking an extensive lp througb itbse outh. MrN. Smielrer visii-ed sii- ber maibe-, s. L. P. Todd turing i-be week. W'. W. Clark speni-Suntiay lu Deerfielti. Mise Beatrce Ihatly spent fiai-niday ti Sunday at bouta in Wilmot. Wle. iss Marie Bleirnclîl m'as a Deerfielti i-tor Sunday. Mise Olive Jents risi-ed lu Waukegan iti-day andi Sunday. Mise Annie Antes le8luI-bte Wanksgan iltarlum. She le taking i-reatmen-e ýstomacb trouble. A large noînher o! Deerlielti peopls ended a carti par-yanddtansce gîven bSt. Patrickts hall lu Erereli-. Mre. Miarshall, of Monton (irove, aiteti vu-b Fred Bectinan andi iamiiy verai days turing ti-be es. Mise liadlegalloway andi Mrs. Beechas )nt lionday Ibulwsaukee. Woodman Totid anti Louis Smelzer, of. icago, viii take an extensive tise. eni-hai-rip throngb the southeru si-ai-s tkIng bu New Orleans liret. John Wootimas le taking a business ip tbraogh Flonida, (isargia andi àbama. WEST FREMONT. Mise Anna Rommelis epndîng a wet ah ber home bore. Mies Louis. lMeyer @Dent Snnday with ber parente boe. Frank Dietier, who bas hi-en working in McHenry le spetiîllng a weet at hume. Will Alkoier and wlle, Mary Altoter anti Helen Tetampe vîeited Iriends and relatives at Palatine, Suuday. A îtîg1it cad ofilçtr 3 suDig jlie -tir prised Jas Baner, Satumday evening. Blanche Gardiner spet Sunday at home. Mr. and lire, Will Lîthuan and Fi-eddie Nordme.yor calleti on relatives in Barrington Monday. Qui-e a niuinber frott hreali-ended the tîtaMquerade at Wauuouda Frîday ci-en- log anti ail repîort a gîtat tinte. PALATINE Bai-n to Mr. and Mire. Bartels a pon.r We are sorry ta reliait Airs. MWallace Potisam suBi-ced a stroke ai paralysie Suuday. Rer mseur is wl-h ber. Aire. Vanforu epent Snnday in Erane- ton and Chicago. Wm. J. Flher-. itf New' York City, epent Suuday sii-h bis motiier, brothers andi sisters lu Palatine over Snnday. John Umbenstock bas recover-ti itou a sever- ati-ack of pluersy and le able ta he around again. The man ' friendeolo Emil Theuruan are pleased ta bear he le counaleoiug tram bis illues M r. Zîmmcr had i-be sisortune to flu lu inront aifi-be postaffice recsntly anti bas -bei-n confined ta ber bcd. lire. Agnes Cooley ber neice le with ber. Tbe oficere and teachere aifitbe Sun. DeW garagl lu the course of erection ah present. Anotberyear a fine residence wlll be built there wblch wlli add great- lY to the environs of Barrington. John A. Dawson bas sigtpd oltract with Nir. Vanflagen as mîanager of bis Iarm. r-IVNO Herbert Chamberlain, of Chcaio, s'as a gueet at the hante ut bie brother, Jlilue, Sunday. lir. Fred Beach spent last week witb Mir. and Mrs. Willard Beaeh. Through the kludnessa o Mr. Doiph the scbaol enjoyed a fine sleigb ride last wsek Tbureday. Mira. Robert Richardson and daughter are epending a few dayo with Oray8lake relatives. The (lise Club met at the home of J.Hecketoweller lant week. Charles Fooket waa a Palatine visitor recently. William Ruebker attended tue mllk shIppers meeting9 lu Chicago Monday. There will be a Valentine social at the home of Mise Emma Radke, Atonday evsnlng, Feb. l4th. Reireshinenta 15e. Llarence Ritta took a seegb Joad of hie young triends tu (IraYelake, lionday nislt. Tbey spent the eveninir at th@ home ut hie lather, L. Rtta and ail report a fine tise. IAuction Sales AUCTION SALE. The underslg-ned will seli at public auction on the farm known as Dr. Fe.brney farm one utile east of MiI burn, three and oui- balftiles south- west of Wadsssorth We dnesday Feh, l6thb The foliowing discrlhed proper- ty to-wlt. 30-llead of Cattile--lo,2o choire miik cons. Io hîad or Noug stock hlgh hrcd LDurhanmand iloisteln9 . 10 COWe früFb.W soute a1hcals ta I)v tllclr aide ntbcr ocar eprirîgers. 6-Head of Horses-i;, t black andi one ha 'v horse cOrmlng 4 M(ars In sprlug, welght 2800 lo. t grcy mare comlng 5 si-ara linslîrltig, sclglt lIait lbs, 2 mares comlng 31 vears In sprlng, bay and, wlll utake flue drivini- team, 1 grev horse cointlîg 2 ceama old In sprlng. 30 bead of mcd Jersey hog-. about hait of theut are brood se)wg Parm Macbnery-i McCorutock grain binder, 1 stubhle plow, 1 corn Plow, 1 two horse barrow, 1 steel roi- ler, 1. feed grînder. soute bay, crn In sbock and 1 set of farmn harncas. Usual terme of sale. O. A. NELSON, Prop. GEO. VOGEL, Auctinneer. JOHN THAIN, Clemk. Auction Sale. The undemsigned ii sii sdi ut 1public anction on thbe C. S. Tiwnsend farm,:1 miles West of Round L.akîe rîca.-the Brick day echool epeni- Fiiday evenîng n tii Si-lîiul.SaturilaY Feu . 11110, lime.Veai-on. më-ailng ai-t ti, o', liii-k p tutii.t- ar r, ilu.- iallutwîag dem-itt.i i-roli et n 23 bluit AMisAima 'tente retarneti Wetiuied av uf liývsttck. 2 lîrî-uinoure-., huIt-!ii -tir irout a m'esei-tit witib frnnde uin-.lgua.uîtîneiIs-aeril lairrt.* Mies Annie Quei-nl, o arik Rîige anti ing 4 i-i-e, iiras drît tug lin-se, I1) ire Mai-y Qu.iuti-t, iii Palatilne, si-a-at Sun-aIr! I rnole tît ivii- lîrmoni9t-. 1t) ii ilit day ati-heir boretin luQui-ninCoi-ni-rs. beal I tms. ttiiît. r e.tir2g.r. 2 yeatr nl bttîýrn, Si 1-dis-e luîuuc., >, BARRINGTtrON - 1 lîtîir, 400 biun , lit.- mrIIt. liIm.ýi it 1 uin -ui-, 411) bu .it. -. S,>ttau iîsie)lutîs 'tir8s Netie lisrita, a! Chic-ago, v isitetid iia' iaut- iiuîueîîîr n %, i-lu lier îîuutlur andti aunt. Airs Kîai 2 1)11j rlurri at- i '.Iiii ri t'ii-u. 7 lut, i-, i Jultsoiaîî torri me. Harroser i-t-si i-ai ir rg-e.-. 2 il u i l111,- i t. i luig. daye. 1i1rope-a littgý, t i uuurî.u-i titizrii1 ,t luar C.ltsrriuivci, a lî)rnîýr-r"etittri-ukstîgini, ilia_ ratck, iud.l.. l.i1-- ofii i-l uis i îîîîuîîîty troîped tii-ad un i-le , laie blie iiu. utre lu i n-rt. i ih-le Hrsi-iii- nCIlu. go an Febl. 4tlt lle borsepi- îiltlre-, 1i tpiîig t,îutlîi ilturit iaurueu lAira I ta CIinreli il tbe ibid t,rr, 1 ajilltct lAis' , rrî lur-- u- and tli t-iîiti-t., od.iiasti..t-.t-,ias i 1.t., ... . . . k DR. IEDW. V. SMITHI General Practice Boursg IIta 12. 2to4 anti 7 tii 4 put Office 05cr Ivsch liras. Store SPECIAI, ATTENTIoN (.IVF.N TO ~~\ IiSRASES 0F THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Why does Great Bririan buy its oarzeal of us? Ceriainiy i serms liki- c.ii-vs g coals tii Newcastle tii ipiak AI i-hrt.- lig almi-aio Scîtilartd ai...1 te-t eii - Star tite-Qutaker Oasacoumlait ii hundred s toithousatîts if t .1i-t f Qtker-(Data ta Girat lirittiai-ind Ttie reast iv simple; ilt il c Ett ilsî antd Scot,îî at c ir tttr~ raicu rainurai in î,iantititc. ai îi u l, j regitlanity tuai- has mail t- iîtil, mi si ruggerd îhysîcaily,,îîîa i' mi- rtally rif ail peipir, t le Antîti-.,. lias9 ben cati ug iat-al iandltri i n6 .01 the tise ta -iiplvi- the itetl-i , - rautiacature ta li ii-fglit i-ut t1ii . di-siralile torii-iin thia. Hum'w il lie lias îciri-laiii 13e seen aut aglatitc aItOiic ix i 1 teailinîr tri bruntai ihi-tifi1îoftii$usileatii. h9 6I.I.ou e-ir iiitir i îî m'iliîut a rival; us îiacked irn c7"l Thebod wa brugh bee fr briat 1c pakages, ant iniilai-ge size faîi y Tu bîl ws îrngi-bi- lii li-ai 2 ui-sligl.-il,îree i..î . iîru.s packagez aI 25c,-n ai- Wauki-ganu lasve nuavetita Huer. Isti-am', iSi-aiy 2&Clark îrr-îîî, ani1 ti-r Colradoi. Ars. Miller m'as a tiaughter lîîîîîeclîlds teinitume. i tliii, C.W o of i-le lai-i-Ci Il. Coînsi-ock t i tî place-. iM. Tas' e-N i-t, piiiý., lvt- 'ii ilR tiiTutN, Mr. anti Mme Wm. Lawsoiu.utCIiicagt, c ii-i-, Vofît 't u vi rii-ir W 5 i1O U GIa s m'bî madetieirr houte bers fororne10e yeams nemir e ii-îîrg si-biti im fieuti-is Auciion Sale.$ 30 -À.S IO E weiegea mbc bi atute.Ietidlng to (luit laruning, 1 i-h se i J. C. Piaggc loft for Leliars, lava, pubîlic auciooani-hi- John Hori-obi-ger sshere he le ta attend a meeting ai the tarut, oui- mile southm'e.i- of Erereti- anti board of trumei-c ftai-ho Western Union ire mils@ nattb afI Bcei-feld andfur tit- collge f wichho o atrutes mie@ egtof akeForet. tefoiiam'îng The Lincoln oîemorial services are ta articles. Fei). 23,110 , ai- 1 iiclîîck, p. be beit aI the G. A, R. bail on Fibs 2tb s; 1 black horse, m't., 1350,1),Ii-i-y by i-be Grand Army Posi- andtih-e horse, sst., 1300. 1 cruw coutîng hi-i-h in Womane tt.-iei Carpe. The pragras Mai-ch, 'iyi-arling hitere, i yearling wiil raior-eceai-2 p. m. ant i vii be buil, 50 eblekeme, 1, 3 inch tii-c wagon. friee. Ther- ssill be recitatiaus, speeches 1 top buggy, ncarly ni-w, 1 open suri-iy, anti sangs. The chiltiren are invitéi 1 runabout, 1 pair bals eleighs. i1(iciries partirnlariy toataitend. bay loader, 1, 12 fi-. turing hay rack, 20l The liens Club vill gîte a banquei gai. vinegar, i nevbai-iel cbui-n, 1ils1 Feb. 22nçl. tio clebraîs Washingtiont$ bmy rack. 1,5 ii.trlrlgmower, 1, l ne- THE LARGESI MAKER AND RETAILEI biri-btay. Thé- liait le 100 plates. licou beas plov,l 1 setw -mabîretregs0OF MENCS FINE SHOES IN TH1E WORLI. Thase i-bat i-mh toi secnre places ehoniti "li s cultivai-or, 1 uew ssbeeilarrow, 11UPERtOR TO OTHER MAKE8." bl ave w- oW. L. Deagla moitas.for th. ni- tieay luneending acceptance asni-bs i new gild siane, 1, 411 gai. sielding pmsil oai an md lys Ond Suy ame, i-a, plat-es are raplily filling. kettie, 1 set ai double haruese. 1 eingsle superieeleatl ost.erligitgemdohs Instyle. c ftiorl ud dueblty." W. 0.JONES. M.adMsJ.C. Dotgear-thebapp harnees, 2 bars,, collare, 2 psu-s fred 1ie Homard Ae.. Utisa. N. Y. Mi-.antiAir. ~pnnd abygirl lieibge, 1 ncw caddie, 1 pair of i-iree liaiseI- f i coulat tksyosu iateMylarge fac. par-ni-s ofan SipUn aygil r. oies aitBrocikton as " show yen J. C. Itaigesx moi-ber, lire, james vblpple trees. 20 i-une mixeti hay lu si-aîk how carefnily W. L. Douglas sboes ais Yaruali, of llsseo, Wie.,.le viiting ber 200 lin.i-arn lucri-u, 200 sbîurks coi-o, Imde., yen vould veau. wby thsy hold ior a em'veeýke. 1 kitchen table, 1 eaai beater, 1 coîîk tlissr ssps fit bott-er, voar longeir, andi stov, 4 oz.glas frit jrs. a ve "0cf gvratervains tsai ny otise malta AIlre, LeesBldwiiin anti Mise Clara aetovi-. 4 don, glass Luni- iarleM onu s on ather articlee to, nuIcrotis ta et nntuetom. akeo 5Snbsussma, le0:rt5Wt m ttb W.1DL gth Badge, ai Etigerton, ilinu., niees Of station. Terme. ail otilsîeoa!tun fcMiselca. J. C. Badge, wers visituirs ai-fbis hase dollars anti under, cash, antiav-r i-en an U - iasi- sseek. gooti ban table note beariug 16 pet cen]t M. B. Coîby Mercantile Co. 5ev-ralimipi-oresents or- being matie, inter-si-. NICE SCflIKOEOEi, pi-op. OU i-bs Bai-an iarm West Of tossu. À JACOB SCasoviXOEL, mUCtioneer. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. SENtI. MILLER, Solicior Si-ai-e of Illinois, Coonty ofi Lake, se. Circuit Court oi Lalie (autitylarî'h Terra A. h. 19110. Lester B. Morse Vs. "tînkuasu beirs or teii-ises iifiWiliamttîîlienyWheeier, de-eascîl." "iîiktit,wiîlîhoirs tir des tsies ai WIiltîtu VI hlîsltr, leeatd 'n-. krîawît iciairw r oime.esi-f itiautliy W'iii-1*, ieoae'. ali ti 'nilkîîw o aa'ners aiftir poreelîlsititeresteil lî)itbe eal estate tisseribedti u tlîeilli tiCoin- plaiut-.' Ini Claîîtery No. 4q110. SatisitarY ttiarli- i-lat i- e i- 1en. tiant, '-uîkîîewri lîsrs or devîsteeai Wiliaui i-iory Wheeller, deceaset, "un- knam'îî Iere tir deittseofaiWilliam Whoeeer, ietesaet,"'unkuavru lelrs or cloiesses o ai înthy Wieelor, dereaseti" anti "unkiltissuowusrs aior persane intereeteti lini-be real esi-ate descrihed lu i-be Bill ai Cas plaint" cannai- buond andti tai- n oudiligent lnîîulry their plafl0mi odnce zannot be asei-aineti, havlng i-tanille inluti-e office aifi-be Clsrt o! siaIt court Notice ilei-breoýe hersby giyen ta i-be eaiti abave nasetianti tnt nossudeisuti. dtei-bat i-bs abore namet Coin. plaint beretalare lied hie Billai Cons. plaint lu sal<j Court oni-be Ccir side ther-of, andt -ai-a entamons i-boe- upan lasâedaoutaifsald Couri- agatnsi- i-bs above nameti tisientiante,resi-urnable an thbe lirai- day ai the tersaifi-be Circuit Court ai Lake Connty. ta be bel t i-the Court flouse lu Waukgan lunsa&iLais County on i-bsIlAMontiay ai March A. 1). 19)10, as Io by law requiroti anti wblcb suit Is etili poudhing. Ltwm0 . Baoexm'as, Corkt. Waiktgaa. Ili. , Ilrar 1, 1910. BEN, H. MILLEH. Complainante SOlIR-Ior. S19-4 Si-ai-eaf Illinois, Connty o! Lakte, me. Circuit Court o! Lake Couni-y, Mai-eh Ters, A. D. 1910. John L. Redtiiug vs. Hngb Basiter- liield, Ernesi- W. Baekerfield. Isabella Baskerfield, Helen Basiterlielti farrow, soute tnies imowu asanti cllet Helen Basiterfielti Barri-ll anti James Bai-mass ln (thancemy. No. 4591. Satlisfactory affidavlit.i-bat i-be de-- fendant. Hugh Baekerielt, cannai- hi founti 50 that pi-aces cauuot hi- sers cr ripounl1i, hesing bhien led luI-bte offiue ofi-ie Cierk o! sait lotrt. Notice le therefore hereby gisen ta i-hi- saiti i-hbBaekemfieid, tii-endant ;as oforesali. thai the abovî- naîneti Compflaluant beirtre lied i bs Bil of CoairiaintIn-lu ald Court, ouni-be Chou- cry irlilte hreof, anti that a somutmi-ns tiriwi Ou 1suil oito tiof sai!l'ait r tîg.îiust titi-abat,. tatileIl iereudaut-mr rntînt tble i-littit,,firai- dat o! tht' týritiio!i loit- Ircuit Conurt tif I.asl c C01i ct r. to hi- ýbeciiai-tte Courir-t ouse lu Wttukegau ti i3 aliI.ak C- uîrî, ou the F'i-st tionîtay of Siarrb. A 1), 19t0, as la hi- iam'requlr('d. uuaind hlcl sald asoit la tliiheindi iii i.EWIS i-i.iIRO<'KWAY, ('ierk. Wauîitgan,Illinois, Jauuarv ilth, W ýC. VPTON, Coutilainants Salictior. 17-1 MAN~UFACTURERt OF Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Work of Every DescrIption Correspondence solicited 12 6 Genesee St Waukegan if S ick Do't rLak aen@ nle kpunaY! And I W tlru SS w es 1 me 1h18. No u oe d ru keven ono singlePennye. sik1Jiot lin miat Ibis mamiaste tS uftsilog siet IrM 1- a é as. ealttwhiye e , an hy.t c f r te o o u l d n n Tinhy5ke man Chaice. ,hat-e'i W/îhyesrraajsef "' ""o sttkrdare e i J=ck ajufes 1 dobsj fthta' remaarku bic offier Y 1 m an& ti ys- Chi i,. MsLety Dr .e Fo eni' .00. Sopinedldneshave t.Abed r b dti il ranien.a I aed aeti-imieet a nia iv tiatii tiesiglsa is tais e lu nir eia Butt wirilsimert orica re t esit 11d s s aretre a nu ltsthi- tetter I :X) de l tî t . o i-Ie yamr niUsbe oue atIstmM e Imali i-bai tUp .5 iiave& ae nts Ihastiilet ho osnitrnttîm d b, 1-i 70-pIsI ie My-bpt i an te bo ok dv. -td . . ok. M111e= :p 0w memi .,be t 1a hd a - b.t e s touis and-11 ut t hoM eusans h5 mp15. 4 Ail e atffl r p rn l ai et Bee rso o i se heMketem.eband KIZan tatas haec sdau esr..Hs a te e A wesiimi1r12 Inth ReO-umds aua sur.. Pseh tsvoe u ote sere. N sm m net-te o thy e o 8 mii WIiélm" à1hahS 18-4dTat 1 .On hhwemioa iNo. 4 oeWeemm U. à o e mKe. No. 4 On Ehm. BEE RUSSELL lumber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My prices are rigbt and grade@ gzood. Wbeher yau boyor not get my figures. PREPARED WHITEWASH: F. S. HIEAD. Prop. GI Gi CFhildren Especlally nlght coughs. Na- ture needs a littie help to quiet the Irritationi, control the la- fiammationi check the.progress of the disease. Our advlce 1l8 -give the chlldren Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is bis advicc also. He knows best. Domas he ays. W. basish .shs If Yeu thini constipation la or trilng consequence, Justtsoit yourdoctor. He yull disabuse you of that notion ln short ordor. "Correct it, at once 1"', re viii &*y. Then ask hlm about Ayer's Pilla. A mlld liver pili, ai, vegetable. - a." ba t" J.5 CAy-sa...U. atm S* Oroh Fouiema te a uaraot.eof a saes 1 e" that wIn ..'yorchiema alsuhssithy a"d sn'bstha . 1ice a-dScltàfi y ,iIt;.e mSm Cîck St-n1- -. *tl- km, .-ks J.t'Ch-kFem.. tm--Cetb..-,g a.d p5. â ý5.rVocd HOME LUMBER COMPANY lbertyvil l. flL F. BAIRSTOW Men 2-* i Aulc8 AUTI Th e co 1: a8i% beo, i rve Tal e<1550 g I o I i-ri-r tet I2t le 1 luM une 'îIl Ai pI ai-lieaa- coiîn it, tît ri i anstr ii Kîuluey, mn e lii