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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Feb 1910, p. 6

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LÂKE r~f ù~D~IZ FR1~& C IS NB X SB R. sît of l huois, Cotnty o ake m. Report of the Condition R!D Y P O.DEPI )[seMrtCh n. arper nd Frd Bliîrltuw IRST NATIONAL BANK cRs I nis i jessiîn. l'iltian AI. je-onit. The toiiawing letter lias heiiu eent ut Franîis M. Portor, Williain B Porter, of Libertyville. ta postinsters of towns and oi tie@sj Mrliaiit flotteîr. Ruth Lucitia <aiff At the c.lose of businégs Monday, tramwhic rual diissy rîîîîa v -Board. lBatti. Marchand. Allirt Januars 31, 1910. frmwih ua ilieyrtte tr:Siýearm. i<la,s-i. SQTT. J ' STTCk.Resaurces. In vie. of tihe oxtent to Ma'ieîh tlTSaioîî,tMîsV. Neotiie Kelsc. ,Ne-hi adIleunteh-T88sai4 practice of placing tuiîse .coins l tTITxS rrv, htesrlaII. Kittridg.-.Hati, A. (a t8Bnd tsr.î'ilue 4 O by rural patrons hum grown iund the 1lianier. Mary' vA. Kîîî\. '.llio A. Cls-, '. PsIaînn CnLI Bons 8ni800 <a rîîs 'l. KnoxMary %lanny, Niatla îiidsýi.tieetc....t28aa90 15e ,dslay lu the dsliv.ry anid (olhioiiT of i (J.;hia lùîîîi laa ui- r'. aiie amnail 0 mail and the hardahip iniposed ou rural p Hîîîiîi. larilia Ioolet , àarvI_ Dueasfilai BLaeo t -Bs 10 carriers incident thereto, yuu are in- Iloreitan. John C l-ioio. John Ttivlias 1115 StilcIldres, lerîs .iret,, 2Mr tarxned that, e0lanîiising Felî 15, Be-In rîîTty, N. NI).l. bo ibjiSîisither ~hilei88... 16 50 î.uî EY ituelt, Gertrude Ituel l orter Fratona1;.apr urrswnickisea"d rrX~~ ural letter carriers wiii iiui e flucl l IorvE, Sîbuoley and unknowTe ent.... .....fT iu. ..........is... 9"eS esbquitdcolect lbuse soins lruîlii the juwnesaout'the luiiowing ilescrihed ceai f sascis noRte Il Batik. t ruaýlboe.satate, î-unmencing at the northlwsst leai-tenderts .. ....(la Où109w6 45 Pâton shubuld enelose cin iIlcorner of section Ili, township 45 - P Uaa fein 'nd ltIetSTseas fl5 la nr I a8 f h Tid 1 per 558t0fmcruuistion) 315l)00 eUVeiape, wrap theni seeurely 'Il sa Principal Mieridian in Lake Count... Totl111-M.764.08 p"sceof paper, or depo8it ttîerîia a Illinois, iec at:5rda hnesiihLabillties. eain.hoîuing receptacle, su the'v rlbîe tilt alors o! Second or t)rue Lake, thent-.-Capitalstoack Wp..1 a ... *.... euaiy and quickty taken front boxe-s aîd arerlv alîîng shosetof lktacou oat insSae-laa liied. ll1.2,%0 00 caries wllbecsqird o tltauh rin Tf setiothence nîirth tIc i ofîi 'Uniill-i1dal iritsii-aa sxilmaa salolti carir wllb rqurd onitîuaironstiespaid ... - 1.0AS", nad wbere cn-ompani.d tithti mtIfor Ila taaîr yTNo.4614 i,,aIdends out,'id 75O00t dlepatch. attacli te requiite stamilo. Satisactor *y atidavit having lissa fit.flaT Indiaiividus] î13,1.414.57 ii-Ii eîfi' ia ii-d-ednt.tîueiniand serticatei aofTepi.....5W 73 Thiasbould be prumptly annTîane d 1Fn hi8o Lîothttiae A e8011 iatîs Taai- 1574 t-o the<rural patrons tlirough o tatever, MarrlianTî. Allart Stevesel tiuseî.- Sî'liff ilts ii lofilîsc ...tiy TILake. s. i sYU MaYePo. wîthoîîît Ntîo KelI'ic, \teil Ferr-i Mari A î(;i-s iMte ah.îîîsnoued expense tu the Departeat, and pinîîare Kniox, SamueltNi.Knox anàîl iai-h aâe td oeIe i. thc bat the hoe NIani eaul liit iith- UIs liii n.this sali Ilsiieldàr at iberty to givee di ifiritTat loi l nJ Snn,(e.daiutof hT.teCIf.latiieandr.i - i ilat 1îrîîo-,. annut h.o .arvEsd i. oi l ..-.-tAttt j GILC.esi bodied herein te von ar raIpape.r.. forî'i- u-ior an vîîfiti-m and ,,taI lel ta-r BEN H. MILLER publication if tiîsio Issirs lte iT55o i -sii'ice aor 1a.lttfix- J, L.TAY L>R, Resapeeîfullv addrmee otf the iuefendants John C Bloom I89 St As LRiiNtl. cie-r.-r S b-iifl1 -d 1-1rto to r 8,8 ie tig Signed P. IE tîRA GIN, Ir 'îa niî aowasl 0sout h, filîiwing tth <ay.IIFebra&ry. liü. des. ri ed realestate. ct)mmencirg at the FLORA A. STAPLES Nootary ubaic.i Fourtb Assistant Postataster tisacral. nortbwaest corner of section 19, tu- ____________ hip 15 nortb. Range Il esait or the Heirs of "Silent" Smith Unit. to Ben- Thîrd Principal lieridian lit Lake Cîiaaty, Ilinois, thentceet 2.5 ioda. efit Eastern School. LET DRUMMERS th-nre sutb tu @bore of Second or Aîiptbio e-Hvn ou CATàOE YMALof lake r west fine of ffl-ion, t.-nye yesterday aunounfed that Gleorge G. not oplace of hegiaaing. cau be' aa-rtained souftlat proceesl cann.t Ie ason ot New York, and WIlliam S. Waukegan Man Says Traveling Mensesrred upon theru or any of theiu. Mason of Evanston. heira ot the late Are isfanchsed and emad "No lice is there h ereby givsu to niulttmilîionaire «'Stîsat Smith, bail Jrustieforanchom.l an ndsid above named defedants tÉtat the Justce ar her. sve name cmplainants heretialore unted tI a gittofo $250.000 to the ilel their bllitof .'oiplaint in fi~d Couti-,scientific achool uf Taie University,. on ',hie Chancery @ide thera-ot and that a Io be used ta building a laboratocv uf The election iaws a-si-s made betors suimoils theretîpon isstîed out of said mecbs.icai engineering. the railruads. tourt agzainst the abo,.e nanied deleine- T No lleeçr frpaw hattrvëlngants returnabie on the tiit daY uf the The gito is made ou the board ut Nu ne lecforsawtha trvelngtenril outhe sCircuit Courtof Lake Couat, trustees oft he Sheffieldl Sclentille Men ut aoil kinds would Le di@franc<îisd tu be fied at the Court aiunes in) aaid by the neoesity of keepinz 'on the e).«" Lake Caunty on Lh it -stfoînda.'y tii Therefore give the traveling inu a )tarch A. t). 1910 as is Lie law rc-qaîred asis and which suit ie atiil pending. chance 1.0 Vite Liv maiMo that tbcy rau Lsa-îs 0. Bilao ai. ('tsI-k I Y U A > keeptbeir vote@. EL L.LCLliK,CmianatsSIîlîc"tor IF Y U A E N This is the nea- idea adv-anced tîy Waakccan. IM.. Febcnarv 3.:9. l. Edward Anîerst <Ott, Waukegan author-04 and letmier snd presideut of the ____________1 International Lyceuni Bureau. and 1-T means of&a nuvel putai card 'ampiaizna, [ont drue cli.' Stîîiîaih. lîr otiloI1Iîî And desîre eir.her t-o buy or ti ths idea ia»Leing given national proiou the Heart o)r Kidne ' s.Tlîat teois ît Itl h ek jrt htare r 1-c T,UIC a . ecesfe lusti italîxî' itil-seeoLLa. î. 1. Tt ________________Lioliug nur-os witti Il, SbChas.-R--A.t - tTll.ad se- iîîw cam ~Tgîtl ita l 23Wsigo t Get vour valentine po@stWa. ~,Wît Iast1 2iîT.tî~~. 2 ahogo t CAROLL& SON. le eacb ro-01loidhY LL DEALER.- i I I Growtb of tib in I1905===-45 Students In 1 908-z' el57 Students in 190=1O===Over 200 The success of the Wau= kegan Conservatory of Music lies in the lact that it stands for the highest in art. The resuit of the "Best Ieaching" is shown in the Conservator y, Smaj graduates. Poor and Cheap Teaching wili lwhysi Rumin he Taste [or Good MUjSIC. Wbat is a GIood Piano teaclbtr?. lTe gîîrîl t.Or I i ii h aITi- a il-r 1i kii I ed gc Cof tir.' <TilIT, IrTT l rt IIlîI liI tIl,î r-Iirr' 1r1 tthe- çiaiîfîrie e. u I TT'i T riilitivI 'c. n i....T.. , 1) l ) uItiTa lie i a TletI'r r î)ft 1 tîTlT r Irr,Ir : tit I If i ta trîer t')d ITîi'lTtt-iti<nd1,i1 , f' liiî ' I<- c IT,ý lu n u t alto 1.l ITn<,LUtai I Tltin rî fie t - l t 15T IîI IIT<T Il r,,TI l h i- r tîT tî , lwttT-tilI ImTl ;111.1irl I ill-T Inl 'Ilia lit hiT- 'l,..... ti - lt-t natI'rTî1i, TT ll. I I l 1 r l ' ... Irrî l 'a - Tr a tiiri,s.-IgIl IilTT Ihîî r 1'~tîi a < the ael,,Ilîi -hI .Iîi r'IIl r TI N nuî , T i f 1I I t'le t i 1, aIl > l-lu T 1 T'I lI - 1, r itiislr.-rsIil] 1ý.TTe TIIT..Ii T1TT11, lpin tia ti i I iI , îail -, lt I <I 'iî r dii plini- alri Ir, Ietiig Ti . ý ' . r'f tîi- 1111 i. ne wîli thsîîii' 01, , In.t l*r',., ' ! lîr ' t OTrl wil beaniaaýtr,trîrot,î,. O,- TT The leia hsr c, i lI,-i-, T - i, îTci tT ficatious te gieattl lTadîi rti I-l Trtlr'-r, i must ha expeuted. HARRIETT SNIOER-LAUGHLIN. i suces, that c Piano sohoal whlch willl rovide a sultable Site for the Iaboratory. The bulid. Ing wvllI be devoted ta experliental1 wnrk and iclîl be ltnown as the Masani Laboratory utfluechanical Engineer- ing. Both ofthie doîtora were members of the clansa ut 188 Inthe scientific achool. W'lIliam S. Masun a-as nt ai bis home ln Evansion ast evenin. H-e ai ready bas given a puîblic playgrourîd ln that lty. Repprt of the Condition of the [AKE COONINI0N[MN At lbety Ille.lu te ta 1faI llinois. ntth01e ciose aibusns.Jauary .taie Lotussud ieca3t3.1.444 05 Oreri-ata. esuai sli îisiird ' 194 PO riuma 5Bns1.666 Bonds, asauiles, et,.' 00B tia h ouae. furnitt Ir lrinttue-se191o w Das fioui State aud Prirsi tsei.ali tankers. TrustCototi an sd S. stag. is.ks 9425 Due ifrn ateoveliresK,'nst-li '58,411 5M Cisee suad attie Ossh te 18. 756 9M Notes.aofatse NainiaTl 3-1t 19100(5 Fraetional raper caretir aitkel sAndeta. 140 90 tl.sitiMoney Reýe n iii iisit i i.cs.I-tender notes i u1 II 101 ltsdemption iunli Wit usre-oar Tti ercent oa ...... 1t100 00 Tota......W.0816151 cspital stock Dpail iu i8 3 *.100 811.plustfond....'li~t radlýdd iprofits, lmes.saeas, andl t18555 nalli '68127 18 Ncane l BanSnotes ott.ndiag 19.100 00 IndIsldusI detiosits subisset ", cheliZ!4,4971 78 tisoioli crtiýticeSofaideisiait 28083S Total . ' 58161f Siste oailtiinis. C.ofIILake. se i. (i1F Wrigiht'. Osabler uoiftesiassml tiaik,'Io aoieMnIv saestaIte uleht' s 81.-ai btruc lotte bexI aimf ' oy oielise An C. P WRIOHT Cualier lireet Attest: "go A WRIGHT, CHARLES a.L(2ALLOWAY. PAUL MAI*ICFFIN.lireir Suls-tielid nd -M to list.. aistiti led d.v ai Februsrr1 ina)thi FLORA A- STPLES. Ntarv Pautîr THE81E MAY WED Bertha. Kersttng, Wbitenberg, Wis. .22 Mary Zerbis .................... *.51 Alex James Glendary. Chicago ..221 Edward Lelioy Coienian, Chicago .26 They were divoroed tram es.ch other Eminia Johnson .................. 19 Ellen Elizabeth Risiey ........... 22 seven years ago, but canciualed ta Frank Lange, Mftwaukee......60 [Luther E. Emnerson, Racine.. .. 37 make upi and be remarried hare. The Sophie Sauer .. .................. 60 Ida H. Nehrîng.................... 27 emoywsprredton. 'Walter A. A. Nelson, Wadaworth..23! Bth had been dlvorced on charges ; eoyWR efceda ne Gertrude OHare................ 19 uto mnpsuppart. Vincant Jurokis ................. 35 Theadare Trudeau, Na. Mflwaukee.2 5amert ZeriPkRdg.... 60!An Kakatvitz .................. 21 1 T/wCup that Contains Vigor & Vim Wbath.« t b. meruing, a 0-ealght, whatmvr you ha?. te eat-YOU eahauld always have TH-E NEW HOT FRUIT TABLE BEVERAGE Cafte. three times. a day in tee muzh for your nerve-tea III probably warse, and cocoa ad choclat. are tae rlch fer t-ho atomach. *But ]Bonano wili gi vo yeu vigor and vlm. It vMi put htrengt-h lite your nevesand yeur vhole uyutem. You can digest t more .aally t-ban anything elfe, and you v-Il!novrer tire of t Bonano la a staple, juat m geod beefsteak and ptate., are. Bonano contains roui uength givln.g nourlsbment in the moat palatable aid digest- ible tarin. It la made enly fram fully matured bmnanas, barvested and drlod ln the trepics, t-hen roat-ed, graiulated and blended under our own speclal proces. Ih contains ne ailaltera- t-Ion or flavorlng vbatever-At la t-he purest- af pure foods, tram the tree te thbe lips. But best et ail Bonano vill give yau u(cIear eye, calm norves, resy cheekm, aid a feeting t "«go."1 It makes rad blood, au active brain and vfgorous muscles. ----------------- ----- Bonano wiii delight the cblldrea. Itvin give INTERNATIONAL ~t-hem nourlahment aid pleaure. They viii like ft bot- BANANA F0OOD COMPANY, ter th"aicoffe., because t-he chill normW almeli-e CHICAGO. ILLINOI& .tinctlvely prof ers that vhlch la good for the uygum Pies., mud me semple ci BONANO Get a cai frein your grocer today-a 25 cent mi and Booklet. vii make 15 cups-aid serve t-for breakfast morrov. Num__________ Or Iin lathbe enclosed coupon and ve'U snd yen a free simple and a booklet telilng yeu about Bonano. - --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- F or Sale by J. E. TRIGOS E. E. ELLSWORTH WM. WALROND International Banana Food Co.. Chicago, Ill. Sound JIrguncu: Yrom the Wauke1an Enser~Ioryof fbSC Wankegau co:serua;ory of. Prepares is Pu lils ior Ceachers and 1151 oai boeIteeid umueEuceo of Mu the Waukegan Conservatory 0 ofMsic ts now a thoroughly est-ablished achool of muski earnirmg is beyond any 0 doubt. Thse thoroughness of *t Cuse0 and thse adiearance to the hi.giset stand- 0 0 ard of musi- education has placed it0 nmong the best in thse country. 0 0 Rate of Tuition in This Schoot Coni- 0 pared With That in Larger Cities f» and Wh!I the Dilierence. -O The rate of tuition in the Waukegan -:- Conservatory of Music is Ifi') hlessth ian *- tliat of the schools of Chicago or amy gr - other large city. When you hsave -' ConsidCrCd the following i il iil bueasy - to see where thse diffCrenCe. R. R. LAUGHLIN. Presideni HARRIETT SNIOER-LAUGHLIN' FRANK P. MANDY, Hungariai. Vîo 111<51 uCh large rnt in amage City The* e. Drecor of Vocal Depariereeni Piarlist,,OTe-tir Piano Depariment Dîrector ut Violifi Dsparti.îst uhlretaniasmlcty Te ment of ONE roomn or studio in Chicago NIll, Artists of Wide Reputatiori. Man!J of their pupils are meeting with great for music teachîîtg will Cost as iluCh as .s, both as teachers and artists. the rent of five rooms for sucs purpose 0I in Wauegan. The Waukegan Conservatorgj of Music offers evergj advantarige to students inWukgm :anbe ffeed.ADVERTISING-The advertising of a 0O music SCisool in Chicago is a great item STU IESof expense, the rates being extremely isgh. () Vocal, Violin, Orqan, l1armongj, Ilistorg, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Cornet, DIVISION QE PROFIT-The manage- 0 Laughlin Kindergarten Sypstem. 0_ _________________from their-teaChers one-third toi' one-haif r~ ~ - - '~~- "xx - -tise money paid for lessons. k There are many other expenses con- 0 nected with schools in largel cities that ~~might be mentioneci but this is sufficent to show that- it is muCis more expensive 0 to study in Chicago and that it is neces- sary to charge higiser priCes-not that 0 tise instruction is worth more, but [that ail these large expenses can be rmet. Who lis it that must pay this ex-0 pense? 0 Somne of Mr. Mândy's Violin Pupila Parlh MUS whare Rîadilare lCh.ld Interior of Pariah Hause IS Il NOT THE STUDENT? O 'ce wwcwiw~sptpqp ip~q~eeeemmoememm lýVERSTED IN Real Estate trade farmn property for same Worack Wankegan 111. i. O O O O O O O e O O O i O O O O O O O O O o * O O o O O O O O .0 O O O O O O o e O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O i FOR Si out d iv le car.. P FOR SI Austinl $5 dua AMsIN. LOTS 1 sub-divL J. Gawîd FOR 8 FARMS coanty 1 lu villas FOR R &bout 5 wmnt of hay foi 14ADDEN Chicago edeea FOR Cq FOR RI utilem Ir la-inni', lîaildine< Weil ai inOlisy Home, i FARM T E 555 t% FOR RI 4 ouDais FOR S FOR R FOR P $2 <iI Kimb& Tei. 27 FOR R hou*eki and col p -' FOR R je14 p.-' State Ili lh Fi ankt Jtis.. t,. i rJ i r TCII, a.,t t TTI Fol t;.; lSI (1111 ].IlTiTI. t ,11 l l o tîîI î J , TOIT0I. the RS, ail ln le orflI ojn tr dan of 'sat vvviî

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