JANA Y 5oT§IO AUI~ 1vrv ndin.tinn 1QTha in w teM2 bll he Show ln ZMon CtyWiIIBe if v.ii flaroreal they are Sppelzlng as a Crut Succem . eli aseu .8, 17digeoott BbIlod Wfthea qeisol. OSJECT TC PREACHINQ. bt hllpob o re& ii à b" 1-t.af8ale- PePppecorua.butter. -PNhlng of Elder-IJuton Dis- ppppCr and sat and a iktie wbole gin.1 tflteuI-N~tgns ro lier.Prepare sud wasb he .rabblt lu City ta the North. '11W.l ginger and put thé. vhclsý except about twe ounces butter. hlto a .tew- Bloc Cty, Dec. 31.-Zion poultry Peu. 00v.' wlth voter. bring te the. t1h6 wblch la te be halai ln the adimin. bell; thon aimrnevery geutlyfSoneo $xtion building next week vwil ne boqr. taklngcam.the rire -doéfnt *Abt le a deisi sacosealieYear. 1ellck auj-buMRBerne.bsy lest, gin- 1» rerY fdue torde v haOn oR M ipopporeorna, adi butter. saUr ,hbltOn aeani t ousMacakSllk and semre utia alittie iu.iy epd 1n'*m *' - - jn'parvier and hi fof «fer ala. Cbem a . çua bt ami in fsb. o'm oIi.am. fo« thee a et Idian poli nui Of breuderumbo ,and thy.. Year. Parbey saddaeaong. dean, vomI 11%hibitora front outaide townua»~ and.allumer the. rabblt until the fleh j Nvdte c-oprate in maklug ZMon *vii lare the boue; toësien w tbl GUY poultry show one.-of the largest the bacon through pauinclnt »SChlue. Mdbeter V.beid la Zio OCity. TesDlndÉttogewt IIbiede bahoaiE wovvii be beid ln the. administra. herbe viti the beaten egga an prese tir building and VIII op«5jaS IIU5I or atone, jar. dorer vIttapaper SX ZION CITY NOTE& - and stearn until 'do"ê Peal B. Newcomer. bandrnateof, A Nie. Garne Pie. Mm band. van prsaented muonday Rablt Ple.-Take a Young rahbit, rit vti a gald, vatel. Overmeer hail a pou-_l bn fat,àa suali leDr mai li Pu'aenatlo. oio-à tait f poonfui each o W peclal Progrmi I.a b0ing arrang- thym. andi choppeai paraley, hait a pVut te fr the. ali-uluht Meetinag tOniglt of ,*,i stock . nomintgand put paste. ,of mlch taberbacle. sons fine mu- Oiso nda waab the. rabblt. wipe it on 41e viiib. rlr..d.,d sis apipe or- zios bon d à,, -le ha, a Çdean clotii andi fry allgbtl in a Uttie &o iii aoaît ln the. enter- iiipping. Mince the onlon. sUcee bacon t, ami eut Jute finger leaghhaUneLime' Oook embioro. don't lMe E4evr eMPie dlsb vlth pastrr. lay la rab. W Prescldi. IHp llbnowg Ourbit oMdtbacon ataItm*béy. Oprlug ' iln-akrvolee. o"à 4W*tpn làa a ltie smazoutés and harbe aise. hAiIDand ,bé au4lésige Pour la atock anal corer vIW" a tati ««fflfo.o; b'l-b.ha kb-~. p g& opami bkh *Tih.e ledweta voa 5lUys mlaeeo f Bahbt-Tïk. a ic. Ye t.r i, bovled Young rabbit. a halt pounet of bacon, a . al ,u4or eet on vlth hl4 largeouolon, a buech of thyms..nomn porale ied ari sbojls&t a rter of a, laapopula pot t!.. iin Pound ef muahooxuaand u.omolug.I IM »«. wThé lé«-lia Ieen Waelé 41»rabblt ln warnwtt.,vwu Oi or ot.oorg Idesi. a laileplece of mit te f t t rfl aae meisptare veil boo4sd dry7 each i pee«ona diloan t *aidY. cota: thonÎle «Coac am.ou . itii.1 aletfaiof Cuesta. bacouneupmail11and try IgbtIy. .44 the. sudNeOmosar ni onueut rerythi n d tr y meh Vise of rabblt lu the. bacon fat. Put ail jute thi.eanaerole and add rnushroorna. ibakhebrbae,,.aaoulut and a plat of bot va- W Is oocir0f be. tr.DO ring Ilt t thii tb hn nue. se i tw.".mjgb the hdat and allrner on hour. Teat gaq4~ fsiua hn Irabbitiotesese If It la qulte tender: ties unEonl e. @=o roherbe andi serve Ilu enroi. ve roiualt Do1 $aY, geolle74b. ail Mer Hua,.? photo. hrArcam PresoAfllas M"1,M uo .Y., Dc. 22.-Dr. (Cuaa lette la oneetofthe. 1ev vîikviom M4« Braneh. Coucha "sou! vidov." - éo sentae t, lk. Douaafgglie d»4E ýmon. ahe aId: "MmliaIhi. ag, vi strcuger thon the areraga m of th. tY. i never drearnedaint bis hort bail wsakeued eo an te canne lntat ieath. It la truiethat leooinulaln.d éi nottsfeeigquIte vol!lte anuit be. fore ho dios!, but b. emroi s lMra Ua ever Wbeu ho returned froS ibDa romofO 1dm H. emyli, Who Uand lu the. Tempxle.» Very Sida. Too. lon aYa Le thonghis la imeter lsd gam-trlck frer, bnt nov belleres t 4 b. airftsld v i lopimg co- Mimibtion. N&t In IBorne Pt&e -ne Word 'drink MW h.ou»i m lth.r a Ye « auanous, bMt nm. leur IL la Mei"i u L-~h f f r di1 Cafloy, , ppissj T~isD f Cook. Over tahuudyugtr teisai the' Chrâflota trq m ment: giro i m an~ W. Coukofthe VOluat e la ci A. -HotI Tus"eda veang for b a mRu si * A r glveu by the lO Ïs V jmtm Mdt *o0a thuei othero proei m ho &P Immonde meuc.Tbe' *au lacheet te capocit,. Tho ciudr« oon e oarrive.sI~ aI aoekbW te met good ssolrata. umâ, a.tii. llng or 1n* lu vglci p te chIldren Ioined, gi At' ç clOet theb.prograna tà ciilde vére E «te a rur o wIdOlite Cilsma.tree vanot hla v as brMlimmt. iscorated wvii Christmas oeffcle and vas llghtod D# occre0f cas Thea.i.effeet wuevey p1rotty vIn limeus w er. limbtqu u lite rone voue bol busté omus. TIgre voeu cuesau -ady for au t& me Ul>tono for, sBornathl, 4 0mwr.!tu rsnswr bye o be tepre n er '"sq Iitale e Oloba trou.Il t o he n *6porurjo tysr Woaredr.flyln uahq 1 otuolat gitoys a li uiriab W to-ve MM otfoitube oque, .te Oltu QO. Taten as a vIole ie 3affIr. van a comploe.suecom. Dur," tlie couroeof thie oealn Captla Coo gare a lIthO lecture là el«ulbwg&.- Me aald liat mne van se poorlmo old flot keep cluga and ho Impreupi upon the yu stea Iiat Vleanjue.a la Reg t=o Ica m f that liOce ID ee6 un * do 14q a m rument vi tgm J i'oor but ose 1 iniholp gua you mre, u ýIýt keee~ a op esieni OW deo maothlmg tr, 16*1ho MM Iflee kop biagfntue. .u1stiq lpItmot"re yrm;4b perle. fe S»ouahbulty, *VA the "ri Ie prWt Onlonr iSOle letaUadoe.uriecr.= Mmêet r asot or oasà eno Teg or iium in$ te Sver bDis vert mabe w bon liii qah lmdiaèapol%, Dem. ic-Toms Tow gart vos la a1l thé ilaIrjet contes. tio.eie «mfbwen*t evwDeM.- Ocrotic at-ge central commi4to. erel cic1-len d he le hI comploe.contra 0f the ggfty organalMstc Bernari Cenbly viiiho ele«ote st elhairCM suuabbtualy. arain Rifte éAlm- edf. Chicago. 10e&-B.lg.gls th* Joint tbnmo irates M. vOiM end Mrin peoiela ftmpoea ila lke inilausand lovia, te -4euilM ta.o natertvrouIslime Oeerr ýtdw ujlAM Ilulfafle andi Plllnbun.h, vi b.houq@6 Irrtd goas a lecause.Aassona8ai lanc. noter am Aiali. RgM ag aMe vii unsabof...he lia ontat, ççever» av du udaihUrg ha4 n~e Cyclecs 1 pbiu ut Ameneza7 M OCMM o&umcate» ~am . olha1. a lt;ta Vois" kVutOfuatpt, amd DtoolWu. née. 21-cwra bots la regardaiii fn notae .r.al caacof the thvust.mo b"fween the. Fadaoit oaI 01 bcagues. After lramos* iI nuas lut uylng i00 Fba'4» à for $26A" 00 tro elb. @f- amiusmlalg thie plogue% limonsy. he tradebuinai ebuàèti la mii ou lii t t lteS, sud iL boob"os!"Mf~ b. vas trrasn te làeeha uvar l Iulom - Md oa ioomeioe ma. abl»Mna « d»e Fqw" lImehreh lt leko. 0"o Sumiaymornim& PWMO et lia boarn c ie« a tbe onvie. bouma U lwie Oiallebusm *euWl .13e!thle noou ai a os ld o the affl a& iene ai la«» iithe dmn 011 teulb néot , FITFOR-M ~HAT wilI be a!gea moneysaver t Syou. Not in Cheap Clohe, we do, hot seiltat knd, buî; the best there i made at prices that will make you' buy. Hart S-chaffner A Mar Clothes neyer fail to please. Men's $5000o, $400,0 and $35,.OQ Over- coats f-at unhear of pfioes. Men'ks $.O-m.0anid $ Ç~ ver- coats at pices.that you will buy i.m. ens $QQ~ $18.0 Overcoats at. pricesy x iI batotiimedaMts Elegantu Suyukow them, h atShaff»,e, &Matc i'd tWat ways w are right in Teëxture, CO1ripgan & at redUciüsth t a e s ow that yo il ant to invest whether ët>, y'if" a suit or not. BO's CLêTH O#erc oats, Suits, and Reefers1 that wilI 'save you bigmroney anidido your boys a favor.. o