70-119 'rom ~~~'fZLa~ ? oR eN-ilGBO acrlie fi4l. f Bru ~~~~I.s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o w*VlI. l ol' lala atof er vl lnd _ b~tasoWb .ià -reps f or -h or on ~ ol Pna. ~aroe.AUia a 184 acestok aud fflre,1 IJ- dU fim SUo g, goofi boliie, FOU A~.t4Iptaccontabîog "*kou, belphor ms;o em a.read. Io ta tg.a.s Wd witb161P OW4 'A~OM a0d BrdDq .MM hplant. Tu tout for b~WwlàIt rom .mi pagià iea ee"or u effaes- ddr-06 BrçOkIl & fa'p bg#i "lit) ot iand other us 8rotoer, Owcom .Waucoub. Ili. &uIlas I modenily luprovod il .5t ~w egbuilW béà oin YfflmF- EN-iO cro ituatoe in Î;;t~thClY. .luquireot J. H. Me- 0 fberaoaîee.Inquf re Oo»M, i letyvîlle, . IIBoel6 5(rWbsi vllor Thom.. Ibus08~5 ~.1 j5-tnfG plee. c-15.ti FOR &ALE-b paisengr 2clne Sntk atooble,$200. Thio car b»as besu tlsroughilg verbaniled Lad le le FOR SALE OitREtIT-Muak9wilb @bop o, main etrpt or woud Itire gorit) Mac Addrftse Boai 6,(ray@lete Il. FOR SALE->. laie goodllarffi Or wag-In bores. MloilS Farci, -âk r -iret. II.C. B. shupe, Supt. 1 t FOR SAL- %7 rîiîn ,uoi 1,a way. Inquke of à ( Il Be-k t 3 FOR SALE- %bout 1:-54),uI..l l toril. band buskeit; a qualoty 01of h,-u,-e <0 fodder, eut hi-lire Ifost Aicoe-verni dosen ine ch-bue uî91-90Y Pulletd, 3 Whte wyandotte Cii.kerele. W. P. Bmec, I.ahboe. Ill. P-14-.2 1 'NFOR S.E-is Red .ek U,'ee * Georp 0f. Radke, Ara, lii Phono 981-Wl. p-4-8l FOR ALEPOUtat-s wo lue lm.I pvoved "otewth smail bouse, a barmain Cornor Broadwa ud anit enetbetreet. Jobs Met~a. Lt.rtç"îllt. Box 60U c- Il-tf eOzSL-BreedinoKstuck suit mgge ba S206W b.ee: Bueif%.ls>amkerl bWmn Write lortatcrmation. Aditres USe. V. Setier, a. 1, UAberv ilo. II e.15-t FONNU meE- ooWo d notbybai,, bald. mlet " hY in omt; gar Corn. ,aoe, Aia. DI, Phno IOOJ i Wi qUegds 0500, terme. Dmoed lpb* u.i-iorS o Je.e Boas, r *moo fo metvlce. Fred Berzing., LIbertYvIIIP. IL D. NO. 2 p-lE-4b F011 UENT-Uooe. uandt13 acres, of land. 15 mile woot of Ltwrt3 ville. lu- Wnre . il.Suyoe, Libet'tyville. p- 14-2 + MMICELÂOUS + AUCTIONEER-Ybar or experlence. 1 bave ralaeit and bought and sold live stock al my lite a"t know the value andt how t(i é divet a sale to get tl.,d best prices. For dates address P B. Joýhnson or Phone 111 M. Z4on Cii1. 111. Sept. 17 to Mcb. 1-d+ NOTICE-I a ii leau tur clost tir -51*h hbasai, for v ou Mt reavonable rate. LtuiKFIi & kIgtLe An, L ert v Ille. P. E9 Box (P). C-15 ti MONEY TO LOAIiI-On Improvi-d resUa 9@tao. J. S. istDLEY, Frat National Bank.c-,f +LOST and FOU»D + LOST-A grava tron&ý arts andt trait bar pin. Pteaee rturu sane to E. E. glewor ha s#tore. p 15 1 Hurveî hep, VISCity11.........21 Verasa Cmpbel, snom...........21c Wm. Hable. Mlvaukem ...........33a Lemas Knki.. sue t..............î2 CaeBouge, Waues"...-3. Uisa ,Waife. smre ..........380 W.. Hill.rad. Portage, . ...Il.3 JLuo«sBhandt., LMh. IDg.Wts. - .21 Abert Vokuen. mvake...8 à3clite lwiaegtl% om .-....... le nilaiba MeNisat. leuke... 1,ank B.ea*escaun............$2 Ciyde corten... We Aluto...1s Louie. Palmer, marne........... 19 Afli Verbbe N. Cricago ..... 2 1 wruicJeas ria. nu..----------- 1 11si 0 oei ---mo@@* Clarence Allen, Racine----------..1 eetmiSSJ anna Irunsoit. sane----------...19 ; 5hIid tmIJohn Krza. Waukagn ., -....24 Lake oent! 'tle & Triust Co. Mary Cînkar. samne--------------..23 AbetctofTitle- TtiesOnivaflteeOi ouIs Scbraedier, Racine .. ..33 bianonle Tmpl Rift. wautegllbi.l BogIe Spenkinan. sanie.......... 21 Huhert Holimnan. Wauosaw .........1 LtusJfrse. Julia Jenaen, Mlwauk'e..... 20 D.c.mber 26, 1913. John Connoily. Racine .... ....... 23 C. A.L Lngea tu Carnie E. Lýonges, Seletta Steeger. saine----------19 lot-I3, Block 3, Lake Bluff. W. D. $200. Adlore Hubert, Chicago ........ 21 U. 8a11»«sorand wté e tG. (o. lysMayean, 1Hammoitd----------.18 SIgbaa*, 1lot la vllage ni lIbertyvlite. Albert 0. Hein, Chcago---------..34 W. D. $1200. Eizlabeth Reininger, sane ....34 C.<. A. Nevoomit. Jr,. Lu Michael Jav- Jesse Hudson, Mlwaukee....41 ýi tf*lekanti vif, lot 38, Block 42, Waot-7- Carcle Barman. saine-----------..24 b J Prk ortht Chicago. Deoit $125. Fred Elsenmn, Eau Claire--...25 Anne Coyl: tu Anna soit John Laura K ::: - Apleon....... 2 Curie, W. 25 fot, lot 4, Bock 73, Richard Williams, Chicago .. -...45 Norhicao.W. D 1 are otoey an ....4 omw~ e, 19i. Douman Kling. Troy.Wts ......21 Uerte Treen and vif e 1 Frits Bahtr Iit Kltse, saine--------------..20 Ai ots 5 anti 6 Block 6, Wene Add, Oscar Hokans, Waukegan. ........ 21 HlighIand Park. W. 1. $2.000 Rems, 'Mons, saune--------------.20 Hie arrest folloved sÎeverai cbîckoe <emonce Puitie. Mlwaukee-....21 -osuher 2&. l9i. 'Della Zuba, sama----------------...19 F. IL Mie ait àvites teW. L Car- Rai-n Controdlmcp. - Milwaukee ..26 »Mu«, lobs 8. 8. 8 anti 8 CW$U1dn &AlAma Sheiteve, 7Frospont-.....26 àbli ý 8e " . luaBS. 13, Osait Twp. John t.aakeone, Waukegaa .... 41 .,q*o.Elale I%4e. Kenosha ..... 37 y& w. V iabn my Whte. Vet william Rogers, Peola ........S 81>fae lt 1. Mi. t, M<tKaYe 3d Mai Belley, same ....... i..3 A4di.,WaksWA.W. IX $L John Smmone, Chi'4go---------..2f uhi*, N UdY, EE* ie te1P . W. Mai Wllie, Lôts Angeles--------..2 Den i lt 1, »k nI& - MeKWB sAd red 5001, -MvUU tiko.;..... Wa~at ~ *,0.Mabel Velicq, m me------------...21 Ir. P. mawhlu "ud vite tu G. I-. John HoadeCk, North it llanke 61 Eta&eor, 30 foet ,IL U.hpat on Glea Rote Nennis nAploton .......... 3 1187lcai. e of 1POa*li &Venus, Marri Weston, Chitago---------_2 - Egiguan Park. 11. il $8,00. Aitelyn Knlppuber, gaine.....2 C. N. Rimballi*anti vin ]P-F.P. Jacob-Thom41eo. Millwaukee ..2 Hawkins, lot 7 andI N. 50 tait b10 8. jae, Beach, same,.............. il »» 8 Wrenae Adi., Hglssd Park, Howard éalyer, -Chcago ..........U W.>.8150.Jeunette Faitmiesm .............--I Serviue John.Mlwaukee -.....2 Mmre.Many Dvey, vldov o!the 'aie Hilda Kruegor, sait..----------2( i* jams Devey o! Lake Forest.d4& Daniel }Ievtt, oelgosit, Wls-...2 aM. eri Ether Dorecit. s ..........21 ~um i71 years. Site leaves three, rTe cl aevtctrahi e ldOreu, Mtbew J., MIsa Helen oIl, tra, Iflibo, oai, ia cf Ineftlmabil la~ile orust. lire.WIWam. -Wbfp e vêue tu lahse ay farinera. Auce.j t b e5iu. asivel ai Ivo !lsters in otior. bonefts 'tIs15. qng corn wvbîc n j'I A Forandot lires rtiters la has betninsalaa.s a reenl of li l oWà*.ana follove: Thoinas, Wli- long oothflnd un s oiap weaîi *W Pjk But. ileOmral Tues- r. PEWOe. hs ~a rama lime bes .9a. aM, bos St, 39a713 piurCit, deeiein tg ;11o:0n, oinglo tuIl 7e0L vet ant i a U mon. tg ih h en te COUNTY, TNJ)EPENDENT. FIN DAY. JANUARY 2, 1914. Fa opcsTliIRTY-SIX XM4AS CIIAPEL WAS ALL I J(rm $op~s nDINNERS 61lVEN BY READY; JUSTICE IS DN._E. GATZERT CAPTAIN J. W.COOKý CAUSE 0F AMIX UP Cheer le Carried Into Many! Milwauke.a Couple Rely on Ad- TRE OOST 01P ii Homes As Resiut of His vice of Justice Who Gets The daltyrnen localsit ln tiihe--to Visits eh Chrstmas. Them in a Bad Mess. known as te "Chcago disotrict" bave I tod atbakful for theeffort,% HE FOUND MANY IN NEE.'FORCED TO MARRY HERE. ma&1u:i Ihî ebsîf hy thoe1111k Piaf duesn, Asmoolaion itnritig 1918. mund Sy Whil eFudM1jCae l eoae o ee m-e16 certailuNare lIhe etîvy of Issîe e oud anyhaelAi ecorte fr ere- forbnai. praitucers wnio have no Who Deserved Charity, Oth- moyWe1Lcnel organisatNob itb hehct 1 ieman,! a ers Did Net Deserve IL. Found to Be Unusable. volel lu th Settlae 0f contreet pries. bile Ibmprie palit for 1018 muI thrii aile i akea alaatecme wsy ln udwauc ofo!previons years and irty-t ailsû akgnWueaDcm 9 cousequantaiîy shoulit show te farme, I ere made brigitler on Christmnas day 1 Sslurday evening at 6:30, 1ev. i are pernar e o profit t les the. as the remult o! Chitsmas dînners George MicGinnIs ualted Sterling An- writere opinion that tbot un@ proitucer1 furaieheit by Captini J. W. COOkL of dus Leonard and it lunetta F. Sammîs lu a thousanti eau, positivi-hi tate bh@ tite Volunteers o! America. lHc hait -of Mlwaukee, ln marrlage soit atter dair' inlai retora for the rear. t----------..thA nerem .., a--"- it -k.i ni Naturelly ho eao refer to bis' mouthlY canvassec Ie tiye'nrosY elatemeete anud can cornanUte the grues beforehanit. seleeting the familles retur;ua;Lt bow about bis net profit? whlch ho cansldered reaiiy deservîng Joot hbor muclàitlaLut invetujent. bis of charity. He found many places fs-oi value, hie iabo,. ehv?>4Md what if weecaiywsnee u hr any, le hi."..net return? This pha of whr(brt a nee u br dairying 1. being Madly îegfeet.-d n ibe faise iride irevented people tram se Cbfeagi. district, andt jut wlîy no. une ceptlng IL. Ou the otlipr hàrid lie cao stute. ht would tm"mus tht irst found many places where ipeople whot lblng 10 hi- conmiiler.-i tathe lrodurtioa .ei-e realiv uot deseri-tng of charîty uf any article la iiAtial coon, titi cost -eeakn o t o! ;roituciîîg and altsrtiîat letermigiedweeakigfoit the bush, forîe iitsiarket value. i, .-..iv -As a rule,-hocsaid. "the people usho arriveil ut.N-ut thie iuueee of dol-y- shout te loudest for charity are thoFe luirele ht-oite a rather bit unil-tuiiait wh, do fot deserve It neaii-y as much pnîîlîoiutio rom the shirt andt 'a îutt as thoine wltom sue havi- to sean-h Is.aiuinr ut leput ou a tricil.yttul- -- mercialfootint what a dîfftcult lime the couple had la gettne the knot lied p-ope-ny. ail because they dit flot aI tiret Investi- gale the exact statua -of the new \Vls-n consîn marriage iaw. Botit young people are teachers ln the normal school at Wilwaukee and for somo lIme il waa known they were ta be marrIed. Tbey planned halng the cereoay performeit ln Fond du Lac, the home o! the bride. Accordlngly. ail plans were madeteu1- ward that end. Plan Speclal Act. Thny lîth knew thore wae same- No-'eatîy 01w Dieu Inenggeet a tuiCeapaitniCook made bis sisitseoai-ly îling ni-w tuthe state about marrlage ta wbei-eby the enet of producirîseait aria-lb ChrIstma marin nsel order that the çnlans buit they talked te a justice of! n uniter bundredg of differetît conditions food mlght be recelved ln lime for the pence who, like many of the vise- 0 eau be atifsactoriilv arriveii ant in Dot dinner. This year moetitan any oth- a, res wbo fli that 'ludîclal position," u possible, but lit cao ,b" sand has bon informed them witit greut sagacty: c siggeeted bow each ndividual former oer year thte familles callcd for lte two When the tîme coules, yon voe'ît t con ruckly and cheeplyl finit ont the basketis whlcb vere alloted to the bas-e ta walt five days aftor gettlng hi co.t of1liroducinie a quarnt ni mutk or a needy homes. Those who were flot the ilcense apelaIl permission can ho 1 poun ofbuter at n&rhisilatkua.rable te catiliadt ther baskets delivei-- gianted so50 l atait ho marrici thetb pconit in.! otrft ne prluu d ln te Voluteers' wagon. haipugt h lcno It bs bon t uiy practIcal exper-' Eacb family received the foilosu ita Aecordingiy the couple deeidei tuteln muente thati the het wa! 1n wictush articles: - kecp secret their wedding date and al arrive at tbe actuaI cot oi prodilting1 1 lonnd of coffee. be marrled lte saine day te-y o tolît on your individual tarin tn bi the 26e worth of stigar. 1talned the liceose. Salurday wae de- n organlaîug of a o tesasoiation. j0us 3 oaco of bee!. ncîdeit as the day for te ceremony. d wbat is meant b, a '-tet' assition1 1 large chichea.n The two mothers of the groom andit v-î ý-p -ebseeil on xllitg ~ ~ ae -bride vont 10 te lttle chapel et ?bi@ locaiîy 1 cun of beases. Fond du Lac and docorated fi for theite Au aemsion im fîîrnedwi IaerhylI si% epeck potatoes. nmarriago cereooy. Tbey purchasetb guaraitteeitthat lbe membershlp ebaîl h. 6 louves of ta'&L flowers, plants, fernte.etc.. andit h. large enougb te permit the blrlng of a le rame of tite Nrer familles lts chapel presented an Iteal picture for tester. The number of rnemboem .ould quantity o! putain«e vas lncim.uod tu aquietlttle ceremony. vitit uit raeu- onot ho so hlothat one w» eacmot a peck and elgbt loavemof lread vene tives andt close fMOnde pruent.a .11 cover the tenrItory alfowiug a day a tot leeteStI o! six. The bisad. 30O vham huitbbot notifiai lu ho titeree momîh for sach mmuh,, aboujt wety- loayep of -il. vu sellaai dbY the Nortite a aternoan SaBWIliy. elx bus bru founi t teho lb. m0.t Bide libiY. AOiifag .111 ta$151uThe opinion -band* dave" by te mmiieetorynumber. 7%@be ctâtper Cook, ho fournihe b. catiltic Of te juds ethut a epeclal permit couii mmtW!ltamidouthe tomber of connu oor 1h10 70.1 a tItI. vorsestitaust ho. rnted te shlow thej ereoniyla la hies ber&)uad geterally roue front year b«causemmremon are ont of go on the day the licou»eWvas imea» .01.00 tu $150 perr ow par vear. lu employment. did Dot quitesoill yMr. Kipp. blonda felte for Ibise um tletetmer allume to n 'I fouad rnany places vhor. Peo- o! th. groom. He lneletedtatilsoin.-c aened ons day a mout wlîh eacb pie vere ual desservat of churty anit body higiior ln authority Ilhan a moi.s nimeh,, eighing tsud teutmg hie etf k vIrera I gave te dianers vth bai Juste ho asked aboutite rattortand iromt each andt every cow, weghlng and greco," ha sai. "Iengnoe of te» ftnully Ibis vas done Salurdsy more- enopullug 1therot of §sud per cow and pluces viten lb. huasbanit works for teg, Mn. Leonard degatlng Klpp to et thé end tef the year bas a prepareit'a fev dayesud ltat leafot yen Often, malte lnqulry. etaternent of the profit or lose renrned the farnlly lives %ligh' for a time vlth- Kipp returneit vit t tis alarmlngÉ hy eacb cow andt by the entire bord. lu ont thougit o! th future. They go andt astonlehiog message: '«A circuit other vorde thé ester at as ciirt or tu the movlng .pîcture shows. the vlfe ludge Informa me taISthe cenemany bookkeoper for the dasry. buye'citocolates and other luxurie. cannat taire place today even tbougit Perbaps the bet manner in wbicb b rTe minute titeir money ls gone they yau have the chapel ail reaity; live illutrate the point ie tu preeent tbe appeal te us fon ald. I vouldn't si ildsys must clapso betore the ceremony auormmary of te Lj'ndehoro Cow Tetiog a word if people vant tu attend shows v-an he performeit. Thus. the 1teense A.étociation as - gtven ln Extension' andt bq> candy If thoy cani afford il, vou have procured, la no goet! untIl Bulletin No. 2 o! the New Flamnpohire but thoy bave no rlght te do tiis andt fise days fram 00ow.' College. A ,îmiiar bummary in worked ntiten expect us te turnlsb tiel in î tb naiet un Ceremony. ont hy ait asoocàtions lfor île nienhera.n fond - Chapel or no chapel, decoratioas orj cont of kt-tptng a cow ontepi-ar: Captein Cook ait hIs wlfe have; no decoratiois-we'rc golng ta hoi Coml ofred ................. .......73 O aritlda. eiactIh rd La-o ............................ 388,beon in Waukegao for over ten e ase ridtda, elrd h rd Dlabrofr------..------.........-......7.18,ait durteg that lime havo don mncit soit groom ln unîson. Thon Ihey tels- Deory of .It.................... ....9.05 ngond. Natnui ytbcy arc botter se- phono County Cionk Heaico of Làke ieprcutoo . uu~.............quainteit wlth te condition o! the county and arranged tot get a license îBeitiing ...............................-40 peur titan ayone else. Captan Cook'. lIlinois later la the day. They Service o! bull-----------------........ 79necounto maçy Interestinse Ihinge taI caught the firet train ta Waukegan, Taxes anoi itereet----------------.....,45 5bappen vbea heo ies about iistibut- gaI te eceesary lîcense sait Mn. Me- foec tai unit voo.............. .... 2.17 lase the Christmas dinneg. moe leaClnnîs lied the knot afler wbicit they Veterinary service soit meiicines. .8 one famlly, as man and ithe vife. vho hurrileit back la Milwaukee vitore Toal, utosuo, sItetc itve heen eupplied with Christmas they are ta go la itoueekeeplng. R1e- T:awl, te aieo«Itoecn............-0 diuers for te tant five or six years. turnlog there laIe lanlte evening, - ach lime ho louves a Christmnas dia- toy liadt a dioner party for nome of Total cut..................$14773 non thte tusband and wîfe alwas kise titeir friends wbo liitdpianneitb I Creiit hie itand. Once, ho suys, the voman tend the service lnte ebalpol. How- Manure--------------------..........$500 bent eo loy after klssing bis hanit over, the decaratîans In the lîtle Caif-------------------------....... .... 3,00< that site thougitlsste vas going to kese Fond du Lac churcb vore ail removeit -- hie foot aiea, but site dldn't. 'bore ansd no advsotago thue was laken of Total eredit ................... .... 18.00 Net iat---------------..........$129 73 The above figures of the, Lynitehoro association arollperhaps es close te lb. ave:ao ot of keopiug a coU a year s eu b.c..ud ,xcepting le Cases aeere s localtot s asucation la la ac"va vont- Ing condition. Wllb milk seîing ut 3 cent@ s quart a cot mut proittce 4500 quarts per year toeen sow:a eaial profit over tbe Lyndebaro eosat figures. With mllk at 3%~ cents a quart a rturu of 4M0 quarte le neoeit, and it a4Icents about 8500 quarto. The average vieldt af milk in the liagtern Bluatesi le certaily waY uniter 2500 quarts. so the production le Somethere betteen 5 te 6%~ ceaie lu cot par quart. (As the table of coot quoteit la ftrompte eat te eauera production sand cont le given bore.) The Net Hamnpshire bulletin go@@ on t este that. 11t seen cii-ar Ibat a mature cot mueb produce frain 6000 to soo0,o:pnudso!fnuIt a pear, cdepending an lheprice obtalned o behevea profit. &hle," Surelp Ibere are more COWs produnîleu titan 6000 pounda a year thai over, [and sncb belog bbc case it vonlit sesintat the malter of delermin- hisses hie haod. Captain Cook le maklng arrange- ments for hie annuai Chtristmas tree entertalomnent for the 4chldnen vwtich vît hbel,! l te 0. A. R. hall n011 Tuesday nlght. He puys the program this year wyUl be about the saine as ln other bars. For the poorer hildrea there vili ho teys ln addition te, the apples, oranges, nts, popcorn, etc., taI vîll ho given to aIl. log tbe cosol of producing mllk ltu tb à locaity leas@Importantse detenmfni,ng the pries 10 ho receiveit. The conclusion arrls'ed at by mogt stuitents of lte preasot dairy problem iA tbat lu mosI canes dairnes are being elther mun at an actuai loge or are eîmply âriving the manure as a retuiro io< thpir keep. sond aliowîing, tbe dairyman lttle botter than etarvstlon waffl. for hie 9lashur and the lahur aifbIs famly. ' 11f sc behoreally tbe ease It seem bîgb -tima that Lake couhty fuetilute a test rassociation lborebY taklng on@e more tforward step in te meàrcb of dairy advamn(ent. < law foi- making thtir chîlitrens voit- ding scene a prctly one. Instead tlhey vere more Iban conlenteiltuts stand le the parlar of the Bapliat pareanage andt, wllh nobody prcsenl but vit- ussges, bave te ceremani prformot on te same day lhey onlgnally planneit. Many Guete Dsppointêd. Here Is wbal a dlePatch tramn Fond du La.c says: Fond Du Lac, Wls., Dec. 27-Ouests who came 10 tis cti froin Mivaukee soit Terra Haute, lad., te, attend the -weddlag o!fMlles Minette Florence Sammîs, kindergarteti teacher la the trating department aofte Mlvaukee Normai school andt Prof. Sterling An- drus Leonard of te Englit ieparî- ment aI tbe same Institution aI the Baptîst citurcit vere dîsappolated. Thore tas no weddlog I l titIscy. The wedititosewas e iela InWauke- gan lbe yaung coupie vîilgo an e trie! trip and itvll relurntte Mlwa kee t0 reaume thelr tulies ase mein bers o! the Milwaukee Normal faculty vitea scitool opens afler the halitay vacation. CANNOT DEPENIDON - ABILITY; TEACIIERS TO BE MORALLY FIT State Supt. of Schools Points Out the Neoessity of Care in Getting Teachers.- State Supernnendent Francis G. Blair in hie montitly latter ta sebool authorities issaued frratbis office to- day sets up thte fact titat touChers and preacbcrs muet posses moral fibre hefore or in preference to theîn acbolantlc abllty. He admîts that ln no othor profeu.lons or traites le thîs true. Maietbter addresscd ta parents and Scliool offIcers follows: Wlîen one wisbes hIe watch fixeit. he goes to the mopt ekîliful watch- snrntit he cao finit. Does he inquire about the moral and religlous charac- ter- of the smtb? He may, but the mnai11 consideration la is akîlI. hie ,u trknianshtp Hîs moral character rn;In or nîay Itot affect hîssekîfli 0f îoalilof u, ulelect as surgeon a --lai itadiil toùad" - nerved, t-iean- iiiit. YNo doit we wouid teed bot i-if wfo ki-\w lie mas. ci eanmor- i iii> Buitlti- agatil, our firti-tcoit skiliful oertiton Vu'e would certain- 1,t be n Pernd tcullar If we ln- legted that our carpenters, black- tnithsanad ttlunthers should furnlsh us certifflcate of gooti mor-ai charac- Blut li seTle(tlttK oui- teacbers and or prPacitirs it ls different. The quallty of th.ir ssork itepends seo vi- tuliy upo thlie quality of their char- cicpr that lt la Impossible tuo think oe apart trom the other. Who of us care to sit under the preschhing of a mlifaer. however éloquent and ;onvlnclng. untess we know or belleve bhat his sermon lu an expression of hil lite? Does any parent maire mere eili ln teachlog the main conulder- ition ln the selection of a toacher for is children? Knowledge and skili we Insist the teacher muet bave, but wo Inelst that site muet have character auBo. Mere knowledge, and okîli may be arqulred ln a few months' or years' attendance upon a training achool or normal aclinol. but character le a vonY Iifferent tilng, and cornes about ln a. Dope soa one repli that the qual- ity of the fact 2 plus 2 equals 4 can- Dot be aifecteit one way or another bý the moral character Of the e who teaches It? Wel. If al Iteachers ffluld be, reduced te sncb ahptUact formai Processsau tiat chili might sasfly becomo a more Important con- sideration ia the %election of a teacit- or titan charanter. But «MTery ls teaehing act brtun e mtsaChe aMd tae pupil togethor la a pOCulury intimate relation. la tisi.ClIO a- tact of minde, of Persaaalitlee. Of Ch-o adore. vwhtt b. teacher leacounts for mare titan vitlse hep Wof hovledge and skilL. Scitol offlcers and parente muet contiue te demunti thut th* ILDOWl- *dg* ad siil of ltetesoit-tmet ha renoraed by moral Charste. PUBLIC DRAINAC E LETTINCI. Notice le herebi given lta t e drainage commtIssonere o! Dranag District Number One le Wauconiu Townshtip, L.akce Couti. 111101.cie.vl! receive eeaied bide until thte iour Of openîng tesaoie. for the furîsing o! material. ait doing of vork asefol- lows, to-wit:L To furaîsb F. O. B. W%%uconda 1111- unis, No. 2 quality ititiied! sait glaxcit bell and! socket sevor pipe In 2 or 2% foot lengts., or No. 1 i vllnled drain t11e o! lîlte leegtes, or No. 1 bard- burneitsitale drain tile, or alter tile eqttally as good tlntite folloviase amauntes ait ezes* 4846 foot of 24 Incht 111e 513 foot o! 18 Inci t 11e. 3460 foot o! 12 Incaebto. Biditers are requostei tet subit samples or itotalleit itscription o! pipea nr tlo itchit they propose te, fumleit Sepurate bide wîli alun te recelveit for ail vonk te h onslecnneellon witi lte layîag o! sald it 1e. bacit f111- lase, etc. Bi1de vîli aira hbe reccîveit for tho dîseginse of apProximulolY 1935 lîneel foot of open ditcit. reqaîrnas the ne- 1moval of approxlmatl 400 cublo yards of eanth. Plans and! specîfications for ail of ltae above cau bo seen unit procurait ifroin Arthtur B. Powers. at Waaconit eIllinois, ait tram Martin C. Docker, at- .Nontt Cicago, Illinois. 1 AI bide muet ho secoatpaieitby rcertiflitd check or cash equai te 10 par cent o! amounl of bldase guaran- toc o! gond fait of! hid. 1Tite commlissîonors reeerve lte riseht ta rojeet ani or ail bide. aSait bide -tîll be openeit snd public- a l deelaroi t as meeting o! the com- B mîselounescf sait district, to be'heid n on lte 151h day o! iaeuary. A. D., a 1914, ut lte hour of threeo1oclock p. n mn., at iteTbornas Fiser barn lu sait i- district. Dateit thls 24th day o! Decomlber, tA. D.; 1913. HENWRDM DAVAIS, ROBEET DOWUL, ROBERTmlsinRJs. ARTHURS. PO ers. MARTIN C. DECKER Attorney for District. Wkly Dec. l6-ia. 2. DYMOND t AUSTI Lon.Insuranct, Reil Estate a"d Hom se Rting. Office in Kaiaer Block. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLDY AtIorney-at-Law Money to Loan on Good Approved Redl Estate. Office in Triggs OLdldIng. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL It MORRS ATTO5ETy-A?-Law Libertyville - *lIgn<i Lace B.lldfor , , Res. Phoe 152R. Ofile Pumi, 13 MAiTIN C- DECKE Office Opp. 151h St. Elctri t Stio 'bffie Phone 8484 Res. Phone 18609 N801T5 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFMIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, flbertyvhllle, IllInols sa~5 8 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, n 007105 OVUU l.VRCLL'@ 1>5110 toua. noue-from 1 to83sudntu 8 Sp. m Ubertyvlle. IllInoloi. DR. 0. F. BUTrERFIELD. VETERINAIIY SÇRGEON. &mMrANI 8-rATe VgUu*upAms. lbortyoifle. UnN Telephole 14E-M et Better p.e=z~tm .7 texpeiC . 0? b on eo ofi rJ. M. Graves > AUCTIONEER. 144 Ebawood A". Wm.&quW. Mmi 3«.. - belote gkf e dt* DR. !L V. sut"; GENERA%. PRACTICE , a »au. oiML. 2 t a abopt mtoes. o gq Nypusa ine. 8PECIAL ATPUNmTO W" VUS ". DM L L TÂV-iOS ou ep"t *SSano Ledusase »0S 9eÎ., D . pAgofl H , DL PL I C. GV5LAIS 0001?? S*5SM. DL DIL gal oa ae 1s46oM.Md 1ol Phconsi4m .4 lo Offie aRE%$sq Ave.Phie1SIj- . XPERIENO 215 MaSsa. et. wheg 9.12.J. 14P IL. FAiM SAM A' Otet My terus alo,. olane, l'vu uIl fort cuai0v- MY My -7.~ Il lýl