LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, F'RIDAY, JANUARY 9,1914. 1THE 8 T 0RE 0 p G 0 ()D T A 8TEl We are aiways glad to serve you wtth t hoe best tastlng edibles on the market. SERVE THEBE: Leg of Lamb mint sauce Telmo Peau celery Head Lettuce J. ELI TRIGS Phone 25 - Winter Footwear 0 HAiTi good old axiom, 0 T lai l ince of îrventjon is wortlî a p,îuîîd of 'tiirv. - was never mîore "q ~ pî uhetliai tOÏwi nte-r s l 'l'li bvt im<tlio< of 1 reventioîîi .< by * kt<-iîîiig ysitir fgê,îtwariii and< dry. * Ciîne",-your foot war witlî care-ézet that yotîr fret are'iatod itglit anid yîîu'l go 1Ul * 5.~,hroglithtt-<Idwtathier iii 'confoîrtaînd' * gooti bailli. * Wv areý showing a cottplete ineof * wiîîtter tjîtwear for ev'eîy inait under î.v- * m-rv 'owitimu.For the out '<oor mari we * have slîeeî<Iskiti shorts, feit rihoes. gerinan * socks and ovrtrshoes. Fîr fthe mant who is * out on Iv part of tie time we htave one- and * falur-bljukle artics and Iowv svers aud gait- e rs to go.witli them. And Imsides we4lhave * ti ual line of both work and drr<ss s tioies. J. B. Morse &Co. 0Everything for Men0 0 LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. Phone 14 IAre you thinkingo comingtotheCorn Show?j IL's wortb your whie-anîd blic însandi see us. Talk over yon.r Speùng Needs-Seedig, Fer- tilizer, Pence Posta, Tile, etc. LibrtvileLumber Company Lib P tetyld e Phone 47' Been LHeo 20 Years. ~îI oC/ber/uv/i/e Irn '-jFIRE WIIISTLE TO xxxx x. - U7 . To fisure pubication it he Indopon- dent. copy must be in the office n* latter thar, Tuesda, of oach week. Adv.r- lIsers, especially are aak.d 10 take particular notice 10 this effect. Henry Dotler le ou the- sîck flot Ibis week. Gourdon Anis;uftAutiof-is, was the guet of Hoîbart Swan Saterday. Atteend lhe (Corn Shouw. Jaeuary 12 tu 17 lirlumi ve A good show sed goosi speakers. E. Shiaw andi trîen,tmtamnager for Cl. F. G. fluane, wae a Chcago visitur Thei.' ct rt't .wîli met at lise humn' of1 Nirs.Lizze(i-ltino,Tueeay,Jan. 13, ai 2 :30o,'t, L Misusts .scteîiwae in Chicagos esTi ie tir. eee.-t thse day Witt, titi'rtî iii.l'sod, No.\si492 A. F.& Aý MIiieald1wrcctydstdufs isui n el i iuhg. 'lise 'I, E.Ladie' Mît wilt serve a 1hics-h n Ith, basaii-et ut the Town bal N"sv Ysar'e day îrisuglit tise arrivaI of a itIs- gKirl tîs glasiden theireotf uMtr. and Nîrs. W. I.L'Pester. Ttse Lilsrtyville public o--boul oîsened lit.siday alter htig clu'-d Isor twu weeks fsor thelicisday vacation.. Jacosi Poîmeelte ut Fort Wayne, led.. cpi-lt, ile.. orepart l)f tise week wilb Mr.. atnd I r. Fred Juicisblm. sir. ansi Mn. Gr.eo. ï Mtlinald ot lict~'.wcrc ttc gu-ste ut tise former'. parenit. l,'re tirer Sunday. t'rs 'tJatns-qiSmiths ha.s diss'ntnuucd lits 'drting pehusl at ttc Libertyvîlle .Aiditeriuus for the pri-sent. 1s5gUst, Wilig ut Fort Waynee, luit. s a tew Jaya outhtie paet week wltls ti.e asut. Mre. Fred Jmscibim. A mtrinv ut thse golden weddiug acci- ,s'rsar.v sof Mrratîdi Nrs. Ambrsse ilaugblî apiticre sic [jug- e ut liart two. I griesi Ioule. etarpen sawe, scissure, skates, andsIdo reîsairing sic turcitere, andi is1d jobs. A. P. Rauglit, Firot otreet. p 13 4 The M 'stis gsrkere will bave their installation ut offiufermeat Ibeir next ri-gular meeting, Jan. 13. Tisere cillilbe reIne-iet nt . tirs . W. M.Prideauz ot White Bear, Miiit, lusrmeriy, a residen tof Liberty v die, vPiÉlted Ivith Mr@. 'E. A. Bis§bop andi fansily festa'%ek. Tise variossu locale ufthtie Milk prso- de-rs Association Ibrongisout tise eisuuty auj busîsi meetings durlng tise morets ut Jarimury. Mn. andi lirs. Il. B. Eger entertaes twcuty-fsur iof tîein friede aàt theiri hume Tneedayeeu .tise Party making .P si. table t ntie Robeurt Wrighst bas nettîruesi tu tise Weluit i'sillewe ateur meeding tise holiday vacationi at tise hotme ut bis parente.,tMr. and Mn,. C. F. IRnlgtit. &~ s-irdparty andi danse a iii t5,given by tise yurtsg ladies ofthe St.Js'et' paris ouJainary ff), at N:30li p. m., at thEtTowts bai, Libeîrtys itle Heur>' Solomon shipped big touseisuis gousis to Chicago t<'iday where te aiti mate ise tutune tbouse, lias iug ietatsbed hiiîscîf in bîsieime in tisaI i-ty. A. K. Si-tinuebee retutiies tu Pte-3 lig.tPa.. 'Sàttirday ,eveuiug, aller sp4uding tise iiîttatm'wtth bis. parente, Mayor and Mri. IL. P.S'tseee 1-dwaas Kunke Monee, Ii , wisere tse is duing tise ptaistr nwurk ou tise ee- Stt~e hardi. Hs expecte to cumpiete ttse jsý4 bIl tise1latter part uoftis weet. Wm.. Wbeeler. -bhu nderwecutnau olîcration for aîipemditis Intehie MCAtleter hospirt, Waukegau, tWo veeste ago, iâ getng aloisg eisely. Mn. ansi Mo,. J. T. Rlobertson and daugisters Dorotisca andi Olive, eturnnd Sundày tnom a two wesets viit witb relatives andi fiedâ le Morocco, md. Tise Ladies' Aid societ ofuthtie Pnesby- teriaîî ciurcis efIl bolsi a bakery sale at the. gas office $iis week Satunday aflen- neon, Jan. 10, comnencing at 2:30O Jo. Boyd ot Ellendale. N. D., olellng N LOOKING BAOK AT 'WHAT WB HAVE, -bet, coimlzlg be. on accouaI of1MX",1 t-s 'aocomiplished dlàrlng thie^Pilât year, we ,are gbt'ilUflStbIpoed.tningrpr. m ilndful of the'PiA you, have played in our s ucma; and we are jglad to exp~elea our aepreciation. LIFE INSURANC. We hope we may continue to mernt your suapport and Ho là a good dlaioM wbo proridolor ithe. year t begbmucg we bespeak for yon that hi isudclde.'sI.otscl- SEE BUSY' &FREDERICKS A R Irs iiu Fridaj- cuon at exactly tçrelv,, o'clock l wlll he well for reaidents ot Liberty- 11ev. W. L. Wbîpple ssfisialed ut the ville tou loethse htcte" and etuif fumerai of Mr@. Berruoan ngleberry 0o nei a fr.mriîgt gig1 Secondatreet laet Fridiày at lil e.ii.' hueuren, tfor I. if i r olly taptiee and BccqMPBaidW the tanily tu thse rpnat hiun i ine wllel'hepons, Vernon eemeten, for letermetît. for ut thsthu h iewitew blow If tbere in any 'blo w" lu thse tirg The Milk Prodeene' Aseoctation perehed upon thse Macaroni factory. recelved tio c arluad. of distillers grain Thse whistle b»a been tisere quirel long for diotrlbutlon amon ts tf<iembers the enougis for everyoDe to have become tiret of the weeb. This elmise..e.'ued accuetouied tofile tosbfulneelun makluff siiment veceived hy tIhessrganization. any undue diîturbance, but one 1lnplace ofthe sermon utaiSt Lawrence'm eaugbty" man le goien 0r ry ru teaeb i-hures oeil Sunda o vi lg there a il ita eew trick. If bo suciensie thse tlie au addre&% by Mr. Franklin Ses",wbleîle will muet likely bec-une too ti'ld eretarv ofthet- frotiserbuodo; <~buisterous and have lu te tnned a fhttle, St. <diew. Ti i a 1, eoutpartieular and lu du Ibis tunmeig village tînstree iiitere&t tu men. Adam Tiru, who by the way knuws% eM"ething about fixing 'cm up. le l:.thcr Speilman. ltti, staugliter tif ordered by tise village hubard tu goualiai Nls and Mrw Il 'lin t'ts.lunu whO and prsecribe thee îuedîs'iee for thc weak re.nîdce n Milwaukee itas. sue, ahobsicthruat, ut thse Wbietle, bein il for asiU< ta eke with ,Ths. citîzons ofut liertyvitle witt coto iii sîbtranoum crouis 1, îîl itssproved Icuuree,.hase ts pay any attention ru andi gatemeg rapidl> .itcî (iuthtilre wa biee roi Tise leciion utisis i u , lipjeut twelvc o' 'lit uon, for> ou lnuw. a ne- tl, r.-gulan moutt î,,"î il stti,,sutnsccr idcratsie practiebeture Essnssst Wonkere Suias, m's, io' lac@1e o t ui i tis'.Just to lbe ln fine F'ridsy alterpoon, Ja,,!l at tIi.. borne alth thie innovation abuve mnentiunpd, ut litre. Trenner ounIlii î,.ss,î eet. A me wr.te thii notice lu arnatintr elînilar full sîtenhdance Ia de.irlil. lu the -f"reali'-tranke tthe whietle wil' JohnDalon f Cwaio, s a(,etýdgo thrsugls Friday noue, January 19, aI a osisItio t t'li ie J h ms ss("01- ep-îassty twclve o',ios'k, su pin this tu Mr Daeuo îr lnhal.'t Muturst uf' isur bas andi duel ruunarounîsituwa exts.rience wîth the eti-lîinz auîtomobile t rytng tu usI,&tethetire. himin iiChicago andi iicr,,ssîandi à au w exi.'rt ,naehsiet andsut,, rpairr. , t W . Whipple waë callesi ru Ivauboe un Mon)day ut tastas-s-tot Hprînne Schultz rphiuisisitSunday trini I1sfficiate ai the ftuccral utflDr.liaiton's Sirîsurie, Min a., wIivr-,' s.. eut lie-'.27, daugister V.irginia Maud, agcd three to et tend lthe feneral st hie brother-im . and aine mntho,wbo diesi ot law. lienry (inupe, a tfoi nier reeldent uof retlvr Ts1iti n va ae Lut. suuny.Wtsl.~iiitiîrrser Mn eoîeîljy iii on Sunday of tise week Stutte vs tited otber riýatit ceandi iienile 1.-for Iits îeia u htcî tIr. ains Mr@. E. A.l-is.lîp and (taugis tle ol.iained couutdeut cave the littis une. ter MIi-, Frances. r,'tisrii.'sl ast werk tiusn t"iankfort< led l-s, , Lsett tts-i i y tiers r@. tC 1)s sîîng. isetier of Ml isllvop, aciilas'ttheis lsý,c and ,ili, pend the %% iiit thteltCsil Su i,r Se-boots T A. Ssîiîeîiî .,f Rai.'tuî toppesi offi is.a 1,i' iliiîiii'.\-"V 'tear'm icssî.wts,'îîfie. wasni- i ii îg ram L u tirichl i ii. tIl- wa. s.uthte p i'ips-e seakcre ab l Lsst . Wlipple wiil speak Sueday ',e eitsg ostien itc' thé' L5ilsert yville i'.ct or iDry." 'riscarge asidismi-e ut tast Sunila> eveetîig altiioc Uiii<iinoudly asoti tit-si ty rlig sstm ithe ri 'cut ion rc.ssluuiisfIs Wîse ils l i %%biie ssIat tise - ii. il utsard P.I-I sii., lu ises outtres ial Çssigr-m , -tleu- t, i.-li1ur interel.e 555 t, ti i st(ilStatesý tii, deil ai sit u otiselie- $1 i).{(iiici-lt .nssue trois a tbre aceke trip broi bUitdiig o0"t tiese tale of ('alîfornia, ta, Tise 'ires Natiunal lBank tas@usade sisited many pointe ut intereeit tt orrang.-iiseîs. witb Ibis palier to prîtst a Amng tbem wae (eorgetown, bis b 5,-ne, (if wse. sbwing excllenîtienu plate,btu wtis'ui town te traveleel sketchses utfsýiis.ceâsfuj andi isanius Mca stage ruachb. Mr. Lawrence crm Dont lailtlu rcad thie. A differet une Chiscgo wile a vcry vonng boy et wcsk, aîîd *svery one snleresîiug previons lu tisis viil bad very 1 and inetrustiic tuuwledge outbiseariy bletor>- sunrouedings. mIel. 5 S.Y. eneeiî t ise-mtrien of aI icucAa, The annual M. W. A. nîass1îerade willl N. Y -,it scs'urtemar i e o t haca ýle feld ar tise Liberty ville Audiitorium Margerie siiiiQkas. I1 ieo isis islAceCampilNsil. 17 1 i M. W. A., plan-e Miss Spî.er, %vas fon many years ea reeiie,îtftir.- andiof Rocijut, ansi ou tFr-idsy evetgJanuany 9- A 1ber macy frisn-tc isisber mus.'is appii. costumer frons Chi-agss asti teomettise noms or tts tItter, tait eintise alternoon and evenîug ails a full tins0f coatunses. flapkes N E. Gan-rt ri'tînued Tneedày tsîsrn ni-tcesta will furteis tise mosi-. 'The îeg frssm Mono, Wl., whcre te weut repîtalion eetablialbed b> tise Woodmae Saturdn 'v to isaki' prliminary arrange- in pnesetting ententaiement featuresin mtent. for .s. ilibranches outheb..Mut ti.-past seseures ailtscio attend lista Produe'ers '-..'itin Irongisout [dans-ca goosi ime. Monree ouits tMr. Gatzertis) seuretary At a oeiial meeting sfthtie Amen-can es thOe Liliert> tilt., local. PStars ut Equtty a hi-h was iselli aI tiselr Rcs'vi' W i. reeeivesi wursl Tu-s- hall Tuesday eveeuîng uft tist weektise day(sl thise c',k ii st hbIs ages i îsîîtseninesutire of tise lssdge in consultation basi rcs',sced îa -s. re fait andi actt o a itis Sipreme President Spencley outhtt pav lier là sort s sit. He retunnei for Nosrth Ainseni-an I nion and Mn,.. Mary tise Firet Qirs iîomstenence i-aiel-st t.. Ctook, a sutîreme dcputy decidesi lu onde-r btsle1. I %Vi. Leoeman, .it uî sgregaitsansi fortu two distinct urdere Sui.crsntendeiitiu-, Thunsday evenîcg ofW itsai-t iitia,'.ondanec itis tise tîsim e eeins s ' Ibsard rsuaofs st i, by- huas ot I ontis IUson s'tureis. iut ils tise> are coi- a part. At tise îext itsctiîsg, Jan. 1 4tls, tie edec-tIsuof 1)îr. E. V. iiisulfe e-as nuelei t,. ssttî-rm ofthei,-two ordere a lit bcisels. Chti'asts. ttus ] ii frmieg bY tise 1A fn uch wsiIssas sers ,d sater tise meseting seriîoîn ii e- .Mr- .Sumi tis tathlir. hriuns sic alune tsi thc ns iesuoyale Tii, eider 1,fr. "i i h Ia@ teeli fisrtlices' tseisg. paet tisrs-co.. aed paosesi an as i.Aitaitbics tergi itt Saturday e.-suiîeTise body e-as tak>il TApalon attise issimeut Wr. ansi Mn, ru O)ttaw-a wais,( s \iaetuicInn.'rat wa i ltinhhume t M rn . e ad Mr@. fiseld,.tir. unîtI- Siths returneitTue-s. lutisutîurî iiu-re nsiNe î e-en. day înuruiis>.Abu ot ebran ges we treeont Tise ereusug aas plcasantly tire. Esil' eho soag sîîdile'rly spetîcinlu arissuigain" fee ut istst, tMrs, taten iti aitis 4p;,lisdicti@ at tIseJlisse,'Hiery I)hissstsut narrysng off tIse prize in ut AarneStatusis i wbere etceSidbeen 'rurrent s-rents" and Riobert Bond as sqtaytng. abotntîi.dnîgbt Tuesday ansi taving reepiied thelise st complimnts. was Wedns'.sst*s% i iken le an ambuliirsu',' Exacti>' tititise trsîte ut twelre '()Id to tte Jane N.(.X -ten bospîtal, Wauîe. Fathen 'fitieis'iprsoeated t., Dr. A. gau, ton an sepsessu son. lin. E. V'. SmithiH. ui.srci-ll and tise New Yeanby Master attedieg jilycIs :in and Aaron Staffoîrd. ggecre via . itumubile. Mien Hetee .1 usIlis"Ou, ufAustin, Chicago,1 wan marnied sii atunday, Dec. 27, luoa Mn. Pleiz of tiet place. Mme. Pleritz in the daugister ut Mn. and lin. C. A. Johnson and spiint the «reaten part of bar, ginîhoos i elth ter parentehèe, tise fkmnlY movln" luobClo aboùt five years ago. Hec snany Iiende bore wleb ber mueS joy andi happinos The. musical talent of our village wl rebdez a acresi Pnogrffl nezi Snday M 8.86 P... laIbe audlturfn, of the Miéoldia* Epmlcopal euhb.' #mwiIlb. glie11 ndertbe iii drbgon of MW .a6rie (bard dMimd . (.N. Durand, and tbey wýill ho a"emad by others wbo bave kindly offéred thefr services. The. progra. Promia.. *0bo a »ont excellont assand ltle hoped tbat euhb a progi»-m A.7 holem on ueoedng dates. Tii. publie wUl ho w.lcoîned aud a @lIssr offlog laken to be hie i.eniinu 0ofiii Proffla.. i1ubbie M.'<ormis'kappearesi leratdieg tise dejîartieg of 111 and tise coi-sng of 1914. Bountiful netrehnments een servesi and tise guests departed, wisiig une another îîru.lenity and Sappineassin tise neseyean. NOnIEm Thse nîntis lnatàlmeut cf speclal assena- mont No. 1,t, lii otb Ingtalimsent 01. aecial aam ou$mNo. 2. »nd the fourtb àn@t.llmenut o poolal semqanNo. 8. are Dow due&Ap4 p»r"laaimi office la Docker & Bond'@ ing etore.- R. B. Bond. VIllageColletor. 0-16-ti &W, John, wbh Ala. idow>iyou est Iw Ob botil.of DsewoAulpIe? Your f..t em11011woU5 ulia & hiuJitLINON Barker'e Aniloptie vitomcure. .For sub by F. B. Lonel Co. , uondoe'q fliuiong oup Coufor smis by a&U drugite..50onad$1.0 pa boi*Ie.- ' - ý . 1 51-tf Tr j S~ÏviÏng~ / ll~ent~8m t 'i juilge 'tise effiiency of ail iii lemint or niachine hy wbat it ses"iîtiplith..s when utîser full îlicad-way." As a savinge îlepoéistor you t'love fsrwanîl in a etnaigbr lutte. Every dollar vou de- <oeut. ds i te s prt. Every diollar of ixtterî't ads.ite as-- cusmulative power to the remt. Are you gatning mumentum inl 3 otr ascuntilation of capi- tal ? Iletter start lier., T( DAî'. Lake County National Bank.--, I LIBIERTYVILLE. ILL1 Cepital, Surplus and Undivided ,Profits, $5OOO IÇhikkens ylkff Be Fe& We Specialixe on Good, Clean Wbolesome Chicken Feed GLOBE SCRATCH FEED MEAT MASH OYSTER SHELLS CHARCOAL BEEF SCPS CHICKEI4 CHOWDER M.FALYA MEM.. Give tua Cati Our Price, are Abw'ays Right Ho'me Lumber Com of Libertyville. For Fire and, Life Insttranýt4 CH-ARLES D. PROCTOR' Agent For NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMp4NYý Michigan Mutual Life Insurançe Cmaay I.IBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI& iThe Meredith Flower & Vegeta-bl Co' .oneta .....................3.5e Violet@ ............................ .... ....Ï .................2àe Lily of thie Valley, pot@e....... 5e tu-V po ..................... .. ( hC ye. n umns..............0oe to. Canaio soz........... .... 7e-$ I Rou. ......... ........ t.............. 2 Rosiu.. ............................. .... 1-$21 Psony Plante .: ................ l Non-issus, doz........<O. ...... '6e R. ayacinthe,..........................N Sweet Peas .......i................ Q0 eranlume ........................-.. 1t Orders Taken at'Up-town Office or at Greenhouse,' JANUARY WHITE GOODS SALE Vnusual opportunities for the New Year boyers. Flaxons, linen finished, in plain, higured and checked styles' tu suit ail purpuses. WVe have these in several qualitie8 and they run from 32 to 36 juches wide. India Linonis, hest value ever, at these prices-Isie, 12*0. Berkley (Jambrie, widely used for underwear, etc., 30 juchet wide, par yard l0c. Englieh Longolotih, yard wide and good {nuality, soft Sa 10 yard pieces at $1.00. Special Values in Bedding- 8lie0 inch Shoots st fiScoaoh. 8ixoo inchishoots at-78c oach. Pill6w Cases ut fltoe éoh. The aboya goo" are %U made of "4Woarwell" .hoolgs fine quality of stroag, bleobohd, full width goode. Barganla l Table Linon and Napkins, white sud co& Bedipread, PiUew. w W.Carroll & SonsI. TII STORE PI-IOJ45 ma . OUTH e*- Shawb.wry Codeta". Mamb quart of Weri..; &dei juice <mle l.rmunaud or- age, <up m<lugr, 4 cupe wmter, etand two ouers, #train rlsru jelly t.av, put on Ice tili veery c'ld; serve in tail glasses wirh . lîveld b.rrie ie glass. A littI6. sbived ire mie> b., added. Baana Salad. Take' shî,rt. vérv flrr, banana., ;r-,'îvn cri p teof ;'ac flly lift<ot Pull, i e in -,w tii a large potatu <sit .iit.r son lt the putp and lay iallee, n plate,.,f ioe, 1il] chlîi; feut tfÀiukn mhe-llI iii,-r with i 1 2 1 . )ncay 1 .3